#found this rotting in my docs and i was like….. okay let me cook
docockbrainrot · 3 years
i think i want you (to leave)
Summary: We’re all running from something. Sometimes, metaphorically. Sometimes, literally. Literally running, from the very strangely hypnotizing supervillain that seems hellbent on ruining every bit of your life he can get all eight of his limbs on.
Pairing: Doc Ock X Reader/ Otto Octavius X Reader
Content: Slow Burn, NSFW eventually, 18+
AO3 link here.
Previous Chapter
Chapter 5
anathema// former vandal
The next several days are an uneventful blur. You barely leave your apartment, except for brief dog walks and grabbing food from the bodega across the street.
It’s 9 pm on Saturday and you’re fresh out of the shower, tucked away in a very fuzzy robe, lounging on the couch and watching YouTube on your television. You almost miss the subtle taptaptaptap sound coming from your window, you're so engrossed in the cooking show you’ve been binging. Gotta fill the void somehow, right?
You can’t see anything outside from where you’re sitting. The lights are on and make it impossible to peer through the reflections on the glass. Maybe it’s a bird. Or a branch is caught on the fire escape. Either way, you certainly can’t be assed to check it out and you take another sip of your chamomile tea- you’ve been trying everything under the sun, just about short of literally snorting lines of melatonin, to try to sleep better at night. Nothing’s been working. But you have been making a very valiant effort.
A few moments go by and you forget all about the window disturbance until,
It’s jarring. It’s loud. Above all else, it’s annoying. Chekov spares you a look, like you’re the one making a racket. Effectively exasperated, you make an effort to set, not slam, down your mug, feeling decidedly not Calm and Relaxed as the tea promised. Suppose it’s not miracle shit though, is it? You would not be a good candidate for a horror movie because you fearlessly storm over to the window and throw it open (it wasn’t locked in the first place; you’re quite terrible at remembering to). You stick your head out and glower at whatever irritating mischief is happening out here, ready to rip the fire escape off the side of the brick building.
You’re greeted by something cold and hard (and indubiously metal, judging by how it felt against your sternum) shoving you back into your apartment, sending you sprawling unceremoniously to the hardwood floor. A string of profanities ready to leave your tongue, you sit up and adjust your robe in an attempt to preserve a modicum of your modesty. The rant dies in your throat as red eyed claws grip the threshold of your pre-war window and it’s almost comical the way He maneuvers himself in, far too large to be making these sorts of entrances. Standing up to his full height before you while you’re still sitting dumbfounded on the floor reminds you of just how impressively built he is. You manage to pick your jaw up, but your ass remains firmly planted on the wood.
“Uh… you could have just used the buzzer, dude. I have a front door, you know,” you sputter out, brain blitzing in pretty much every way possible. Your thoughts are racing and eventually they settle on the most important thing you can think to ask in that moment: “... Why aren’t you wearing a shirt.” You can't help the way your eyes are drawn to his broad chest, gaze lingering on the vast scarring that spills out from the metal contraption clamped around his midsection.
Otto very graciously closes the window behind himself. Or at least his little robot accomplices do it for him. You still aren’t sure what’s going on with that- the whole AI thing. Not even a blip on your radar of concerns at this point. “Didn’t want anyone to see me come in. Your building has a camera on the front, facing the street.”
“That’s why you’re shirtless?” You ask dumbly. Interesting method of camouflage. “What? No- what? It doesn’t matter- listen to me. I need you to do something for me. A small favor.”
He doesn’t seem to notice the compromised position he put you in. Typical. Gathering up your broken pride, you get up and tighten the tie of your robe a bit. It isn’t until then that he has the decency to look a smidge embarrassed and you hope you didn't just give him a free show on your way to getting to your feet. “You literally just broke into my apartment and now you’re asking for a favor? We barely know each other!”
“Less complicated when there's nothing personal involved yet, plus- you let me in,” he corrects you. You wish he would stop doing that. You wish he would stop meeting with you like this, under weird and mysterious circumstances. Even though it's only been like twice. You're already over it.
“You threw me across the room!”
Otto does not apologize and you did not sincerely expect him to. The look on his face reads more like the cat that got the canary than regretful. You feel as though you’ve come to recognize that expression on his face and you also feel as though you don’t much like the fact that you’ve enough encounters with this man that you can recognize a damn thing about him. “What… could you possibly need me to do for you? I am not robbing a bank.” You just want to get that out into the open as soon as possible.
“I don’t need your help robbing a bank,” he snorts as if the idea is preposterous and you take a moment to feel insulted. Wow. Okay. You could totally rob a bank if you wanted to. Deciding to not comment on your wounded ego, you let him get to the point. Otto pulls something out of his inner coat pocket. It's some kind of rolled up paper and you think at first maybe it's a newspaper or magazine. He unfurls it onto the coffee table and holds it open with two metal claws on either side so it doesn't ravel itself back up.
You realize it's a blueprint. "This is… Oscorp," you point out stupidly, brow furrowing in confusion. There's levels to what's happening here. Layers upon layers, melding together with rot and decay and you can all but smell it. But there's something missing, something that would tie all of the wackjob shit that's been happening to you and around you together. It feels like when you have a very particular thought and then walking into another room makes it dissolve from your head. You're trying to grasp for it, to fit the puzzle pieces together, but it's just out of reach.
"Yes. It is. I have a small task I need you to do," Otto starts off, metal phalanges pushing his glasses up onto the top of his head as he looks over at you. For the first time, you can see his eyes in the light. The warm amber feels like a mockery- you have seen his cruelty in action.
"Where did you get this?"
"Does it matter?" Of course he'd say that.
Your fingertips brush against the metaphorical wayward chain link. It's right there. You just have to grab it and pull it back to you, like the anchor of a ship before it can set sail.
He's talking. You aren't listening. He's tracing a finger over the schematics. You don't see it. Realization washes over you in a heart-dropping tsunami. The voicemail you got from Oscorp plays like a broken record in your mind. 'Hello, Y/N. We're calling in regards to your employment status here at Oscorp. Unfortunately, due to a breach of security, we are having to make staffing cuts and are going to have to let you go. We appreciate your time and effort and wish you the best of luck in your next endeavor.' It didn't make sense at the time. A lot of things didn't. You replay the scene of poor David, desperately pleading for his life at the hands of the man hunched over here, just in your living room. You mentally re-run it over and over like bad 80s sitcoms on late night television.
"Lab Coat Guy…"
You don't realize you whispered it out loud until Otto goes silent.
You slowly look at him and take a single step backwards, shaking your head. The company embroidered on David's lab coat hadn't been clear to you in the moment- but it's crystal in hindsight. Oscorp. "You got me fired." Your tone is flat, until anger flashes through you, like a streak of lightning through a dark, moonless sky, illuminating all of things that didn’t make sense before.
"It doesn't matter. What I need you to do-" He's so nonchalant, so blasé that it only stokes the embers of frustration until there's a roaring blaze burning beneath your skin. It's all about him, what he needs, what he wants. He has the nerve, the audacity, to keep traipsing into your life, kicking you while you're down and then ask for favors? You want to say all of that to him but unfortunately for you, you're an angry crier. Your outburst of bravery at him the last time you saw each other had surprised even you- but now there's so much more emotion roiling around inside you.
"No. No, no. Fuck you. You got me fired! I can't- I can't not have a job, I have to pay rent! You could get me arrested for just talking to you!" Oscorp had you canned to tie up any potential loose ends before anymore Davids could slip through the cracks. You think about how scared the poor dude must have been, threatened into stealing blueprints from the biggest corporation in the city, for one of the most infamous criminals. You don't know how they found out you were even remotely involved and you don't want to know.
Tears are streaming down your cheeks and once the floodgates have opened you're very familiar with how long it's going to take to close them again. After all you've been bottling this up since you found out, too disappointed to even tell any of your friends or family.
Otto appears taken aback, to say the least. He even looks like he's at a loss for words; that's a first. You know he could kill you where you stand in the blink of an eye, but in that moment you don’t even care. You’ve been trying so hard for so long to get on your feet, to do things for yourself and get away from the past. You moved across the country, you left everything behind, you got a damn dog. It seems like every time you manage to take a step forward in life, you’re knocked flat on your ass, apparently literally sometimes. It isn’t fair. Things don’t come easily to you, you’ve always had to work for them. You aren’t wealthy, you aren’t a supergenius, you’re just… you. The job at Oscorp was good money and you really felt like you were getting your shit together for a while.
“They’re not who you think they are,” he says finally, so calmly, with such carefulness about his words, that you sniffle pathetically and look up at him. He doesn’t look nearly as pleased with himself as you thought he might. And here you’ve been, under the impression that he gets off on hurting people. “Oscorp. I’m not… I’m not just doing this for me. You have to understand that.”
The schematics are furled up and tucked away. You make the mistake of meeting his eyes. Maybe it’s just the tears that blur your vision, but you swear you see a softness there before they’re hidden away again by his glasses.
He lingers at the window.
“I hope you’ll reconsider.” And then he was making his exit, even taking care to gently close the window on the way out. But he raps on the glass with his knuckles from where he stands on the fire escape and you know the look of confusion on your tear-streaked face speaks for itself. Otto points to the latches on the window. ‘Lock it.’ He mouths before he’s gone, presumably to wreak havoc and harass other unsuspecting young women that don’t want anything to do with him.
You thought everything had come together- but the more sense you make of it, the less you seem sure of the bigger picture. You aren't even sure exactly what he wanted you to do.
You’re left with an endless bounty of questions, and not enough answers to satisfy any of them.
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vegetacide · 5 years
Whump●tober - Ransom
Veg-notables:  Second last Whumptober post ::wailssssss:::
TY to @gumnut-logic cause she continues to feed my muse and deal with me :)
Obligatory whumptober stuff: @whumptober2019 @la-vie-en-whump
Blanket warning:  bit of swearing… actually a bit of swearing has been in all of my posts but I keep forgetting to warm ppl… oops.  I work in the construction industry so a bit of swearing is my S.O.P
Characters:  Almost the whole gang and an honorable mention
Whumptober - TaG’verse
Previous post can be found HERE
27 Ransom
"Thank fuck" Virgil whispered to himself as he stepped onto the gangway and carefully took the stairs from Tracy Two down to the hanger floor.  
"Home sweet home huh, Virg?" Gordon grinned tossing arm around his shoulder and unobtrusively leading him toward the lift up to the villa.
"You have no idea."
"Oh I have a few ideas." He chuckled companionably as they made their way across the vast space. "Though you may want to re-admit yourself once you remember that hospital food is so much better than Grandma's cooking… less gut rotting too."
"And here I was just getting used to having a stomach lining again.."
There was a bark of laughter and Gordon and thumping him once on the back. "Holy shit. Scott you hear that? Virg told a joke."
"Will wonders never cease." Came the reply from some behind them as Scott exited the family plan with John hot on his heels.
Kayo appeared as if out of nowhere the other side of Virgil.  Silent as ever and Gordon sucked in a breath.
“Damn, Kayo. A little warning would be nice. Friggen quiet as a cat maybe we should put some bells on you.”
She just rolled her eyes and slipped a guiding hand into the crook of Virgil’s arm.  “I got this, go give Alan a hand with the bags.”
“Sure thing, Spookio.”  He turned back,  “Oh, and we could but the bells on a bright pink little choker.  You would look great in pink..”
“Not likely” She muttered and shooed Gordon away. “Such a brat.”
“He’s just blowing off steam in the only other way he knows how besides the pool.”  Virgil shrugged.  He really couldn’t blame him for the need with TI security and the GDF on high alert due to what happened to Scott.  
Virgil also suspected that his younger brother was feeling a bit responsible for whatever small part he seemed to have played in things, though he wouldn’t confirm or deny anything. Virgil didn’t bother voicing this as he suspected he was purposefully being left in the dark for one reason or another.
Another thing for Virgil to ponder.  It’s not like he had anything else to do besides physio and the painful neuro-therapy he was being subjected to daily. It was also really starting to make him wonder if the Doctor that had been assigned to him was a secret sadist. Pushing him the way she was with a smile on her face despite his grunts of obvious discomfort.
Kayo seemed to like her though so there was that one positive working for her. That and the fact that there had been some improvement the last few days in his recovery. If it had been otherwise Virgil would have protested the torture rather loudly.
Turning his head to brushed a kiss over the crown of her head in appreciation for everything and continued the long walk across the hanger.      
Kayo shifted at his side and he got the impression that she was looking at him “How you doing, Big Guy?”
“Happy to be home..looking forward to being anywhere but that blasted hospital.”
She bumped shoulders with him playfully, “Me too”  and lifted his hand to brush her lips over his knuckles.
There was still a lot to contend with still but things seemed to be finally heading in the right direction and Virgil took solace in that.  
Canting his head he listened to the echoes of sound off the high stone ceiling, the hum of the machinery that sat idle and waiting for action,  the shuffle of Scott and John as they brought up the rear.  And the distinctive cadence and timbre of the Terrible Two as they starting pitching insults at one another.  
God, he’d missed home. The sounds, the smells, the familiar settings and hopefully one day soon, the sights.
Reaching up, he pushed the nearly total blackout sunshades back up his nose as a twinge of pain flared through his skull.  The overhead lighting was bright and it was like bolts of agonizing electricity to his overly sensitive, visual hindered ocular senses, a wonderful side effect of his condition and the neuro-therapy that was rewiring his brain and optic nerves.   Yippee skippee.
“Headache again?”  Kayo’s voice was soft as they rounded the corner to the elevator bay.  Pitched for his ears and his ears only, she knew he wouldn’t want to alert the others to his discomfort.  
He couldn’t hide it from her. She knew him too well, was too finely tuned to the subtle nuances of his facial expression to be able to disguise with anything but the truth so he nodded slightly and her hand rubbed up his back.  “Let’s get you up to bed. You can take a couple of the tablets the Doc proscribed and zone out for a bit.”
She wasn’t going to get a protest from him and when he said nothing he could feel her attention zero in on him. Singularly focused. The worry palpable in the tightness of her grip on his arm.
“Bad one?”
He gave a shrug. “I’ve had worse but..this one has potential.”  
He heard the ding of the elevator, caught the blurry glare of twin metal panels opening, the flash of the interior lighting that had him grunting..
She led him in and he settled back against the wall as they waited for John and Scott to catch up.  
The huff of discomforted had his head turning, ever the worrier himself when a brother was down and out  “You doing okay there Scott?”  
His brother was a mass of bruises or so he had been told though contrary to his physical state he attitude was surprising light as of late,  floating up above Five for some reason  It had been an up-lifting change from the sense of distress that had been hanging over them and the contrast seemed to make things a bit more bearable.
It wasn’t until the mood had shifted to the more positive that Virgil realized just how much it had been weighing on him, pulling him down and making it hard for him to breathe.  With that thought in mind,  he pulled in a greedy lung full and savoured the salt tang.
“I’m doing.”  Came the laboured reply but there was an air of the jovial to it “Bloody ribs. Remind me next time I get the brilliant idea to take on a group of thugs to use something other than my torso for a punching bag.  A concussion is more then another to deal with, the rest of this is just bullshit.”
Virgil smiled and couldn’t resist. “Well with how hard your head is it’s really no surprise they went for your soft underbelly.”
“Ouch, is that a jab at my fitness level dear brother?”
“No, just an observation.”
“If you had used what was in your head your torso wouldn’t have been a ‘punching bag’ in the first place.” Came the very logical assessment from John. The first thing he had said since they’d set out for home from the mainland.
“Ya but what would be the fun of that?”  
Fighting words if ever Virgil had heard them and he cleared his throat to dispel the growing tension.  
It had been a topic of argument destined to be stuck on repeat since Gordon and John had located Scott in a dead end alley surrounded by three very unconscious masked goons. An argument they’d all had a part in, one that had finally had Grandma seeing red and losing her ever loving marbles all over the lot of them.
Reprimanded within an inch of their lives, they’d all gone off to lick their wounds but the issue remained.  One of their own,  their commander and chief had taken off to parts unknown. His subcutaneous tracker rendered useless by a very sophisticated jammer so they had no way of finding out where he had ventured off to.  
His assailant had been well prepared,  well trained but the one thing they hadn’t taken into consideration was how wily Scott could be when enticed.  They hadn’t counted on him being able to defend himself with as much gusto as he had even with alcohol and drugs in his system.  
Or that he’d beefed up his training since his stint in the military. He was a veteran that had seen active combat on multiple fronts, both in the air and out.  Kept up his training physically and mentally and had the added benefit of a trained MI6 agent and Covert Ops specialist re-upping his skill set.  So of course the guy could defend himself against three very determined individuals who had wanted to take him alive for whatever reason.
The GDF had been livid, the local law enforcement baffled and Grandma had gone on the warpath.  So here they all were, back on the island where security could be assured.  
Might have been A.M.A but when Sally Tracy put her foot down,  there was nothing that could move it...even stubborn brothers that should know better.
Sighing as Scott and John started snipping at each other like teenagers Virgil braced for another onslaught of ‘what ifs’ and ‘should haves’ warfare.  
Luckily for them,  the elevator doors opened up.  Unfortunately it was on the lounge level and Grandma was standing front and center, her foot tapping in annoyance.
She’d returned to the island earlier with Allan and Brains to sort the medbay out and resupply the kitchen.  It had been a while since they had all been home together and the food pantry had needed to restock badly.  With two iR operatives down for the count eating while off island was going to be limited to supply runs as operations were temporarily suspended.
The GDF was just going to have to put on their big person pants and handle things on their own for a bit.
There had been one concession to their early release from Auckland Memorial  and that the addition of a new member their island home for the interim of Virgil’s convalescences. One Doctor Emaline Harris was expected on their island paradise in the next few days to continue his treatments so prepping in advance for her arrival was of the utmost importance.
“Boys, please don’t tell me there is a need for a repeat of earlier because I am not in the mood and I am liable to ground you all like the children you seem to be impersonating.”  The all seeing eye of Grandma knew all.  
Virgil resisted the urge to chuckle and bit down on his lower lip to hold it in. Last thing he wanted to do was have Grandma focusing in on him. He would rather slink off to his rooms with Kayo under his arm and hide until the Dread Doctor arrived with her torture device of pain.
Luck as usual, was not on his side. “Virgil, honey. How you holding up?”  
“Fine, Grandma.”
“You look tired.”  And this is where the great Smother Hen characteristic originated…
“Been a long day.”  
“I am sure it has dear.  I heard from that lovely Doc Harris that this morning’s therapy was quite the grueling ordeal.”
Kayo gave his hand a squeeze in supported as their Grandmother stepped into the elevator to ride it up to the living quarters.  
“I’ve made some soup.  I’ll bring you up some once you and Scott have settled.”
The thanks was said in stereo as Scott and himself replied in unison. The excitement behind their words was ‘epic; and Kayo tittered at his side.  
A hand brushed his cheek and he caught the lavender fresh scent of his Grandmother’s lotion.  “You’re hurting.”  She stated.  
If it wasn’t for the fact that his eyes felt like there were about to fall out of his head, Virgil would have rolled them.  Scott was over and on him before his Grandmother had even finished pronouncing the “T.”
Even injured as he was, Scott could be a right pain in the ass.  
It took some doing but Virgil finally made it to his room,  he’d only had to submit to a quick med scan from a portable scanner for it to happen and Scott standing over him as he dutifully popped back a couple of the hospital’s prescribed pain pills to do it.
Feeling loogy as the drug started to kick in, he leaned back against the door as Kayo order the automated blackout blinds down and the in suite lighting to low before taking his hand and tugging him towards the bed.
He shucked his sun shades and tossed them in the general direction of the night stand not really caring if they reached their intended destination or not.
It had been a long, long day of medical appointments,  treatments,  travel and family bickering and his bed was calling his exhausted and still recovering body home.  
“Whoa.  Not yet, Big Guy.”  Kayo said as she placed a hand on his shoulder effectively stopping his desired belly flop into his mound of pillows and the oh so soft duvet that was beckoning him.  
“Sleep..” He mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I know but first the bathroom and then some fresh, comfortable clothing.  After that you can crawl in and hibernate for the next few days. No poking, no podding,  just sleep” She commanded and turned him towards the loo.  
“You promise?”  He felt like a child as she turned him to the bathroom and pushed him through the door.
She tugged at the hem of his shirt, pulled it up and over his head before sneaking in to sweep a kiss over his lips.  “I promise, even if I have to guard the door to do it.”  
“God, I love you.”  
Her movements stilled, her hands stopping on the draw string of his jogging pants.  
It took him a moment to realize what he’d just let slip.   He’d never said those words to her before.  True they had been dancing around it for months but with their busy lives and the limited time they actually got to themselves they just hadn’t gotten around to saying it.  
“What did you say?”  Her voice was quiet in the stillness of the bathroom and he could make out the fast pace of her  breath as she stood in front of him.  The quick hitching it as it fanned over the taut muscles of his chest.
He opened his mouth a few times,  closed it while he gather his wits enough to respond.
The words had tipped so easily off his tongue and it shocked him that he hadn’t made the time or found a way to say them earlier.  
Taking both of her soft, capable hands in his,  he brushed his thumb over the knuckles and he strained to make out the beautiful, fine boned features of her face.
Seeing no defined edges, just a blurred outline, he dropped his head and let go of her hands. “Nothing, never mind...”  He turned towards the direction of the shower, fumbled as he tried to find the handle for the glass enclosure, stubbed his toe the edge of the vanity.  Cursing a blue streak he parked his ass on the toilet and the next thing he knew she was in his arms.
Hands on his face she forced him to look at her.  Impaired vision or not, didn't seem to matter to her at the moment.
“Don’t you dare.”  She spat, anger and frustration bearing down on him. “Don’t you dare brush that off like its nothing".
Her grip eased off.   "Say it to me again." She demanded.  
"No hesitation, just say it". It was implored, the lilt of her voice filled with emotion he couldn't see in her eyes.  "I don't care if you can't see me.  I don't care if you can never see me again.. no matter what happens after today.. I love you, you big idiot.  Now say it before I break your jaw and you have to eat through a straw."
He couldn't help the chuckle at her threat, knowing she was fully capable of following through with it if she so wished.
"Well now, threats of bodily harm aren't going to get you far.".
"You wanna bet." She grinned, looping her arms around his neck and settling in closer to him, her body pressed in tight where she knelt between his knees.
Her tone grew serious again. "No matter what," she repeated again, dropping a tender kiss on his lips.  "I want you to know that.  Nothing could change the way I feel, nothing  So don't hide from me. There's no need to be the altruistic hero here, it's not what either of us want."
He leaned in chasing her lips, finding them without sight and sighing when he struck gold.  The kiss was slow and gentle. A lazy sensual meeting that left them both panting.  "No, it's definitely not what we want."
"Good." She booped him in the nose and pushed up to her feet.  "Now that we have that settled, shower and bed for you because there is no way I will be able to pick your muscle-bound ass off the floor if you decide to flake out right here."
Deciding the likelihood of that was fairly high, he grunted up to his feet and finished divesting himself of clothing.  
Showered, changed, snuggled into bed and blissfully numbed out for the time being Virgil sleepily smiled as Kayo crawled in after him.
"I love you."
Sight or no sight, she would stay by his side and if that was a sacrifice she could contend with, a price she was more than willing to pay, who was he to argue?
Pulling her in close, he whispered the words she wanted to hear in her ear again and drifted off to sleep.
Epilogue - A week later
Rolling over in bed, Kayo stretched out pleasantly achy muscles and blinked up at the sun lit ceiling.  The dabbled early morning light shifting across it as the ocean breeze blowing in from the window made the thin gossamer under curtains dance.
A curious look settled over her features as she pondered what was different.  It took her a second to compute with her sleep addled mind but when it registered she pulled herself from the tangle of sheets, slipped into one of Virgil’s t-shirts and wandered over to the open doors.  
There was sunlight in their room.   A room that for the last few weeks since they had returned, had been shielded against the intrusion for fear of causing a spike of pain to drill through Virgil’s head..  Black-out curtains fully open with the acception of the light, whipsy sheers that sat underneath.
Stepping up the the open glass sliding partitions, she leaned a shoulder against the frame and gave her head a shake of amazement at what she was greeted by.
Virgil was leaning perched at the railing, a cup of coffee at his resting elbows and face turned towards the awe inspiring site of the rising morning sun. Its light playing of the waves far below and flickering through the overhang of nearby palms to flicker playfully across his skin.  
Skin that glowed healthily, and warmly with colour and vibrancy. All  of the six foot tall, buck ass nude, a hundred and eighty odd pound of it.
Saddling over to him, she picked pinched his mug of the railing and took a sip, her eyes raking over every inch of him.
He turned,  brows arched as she stole his morning fuel and she returned the look though her gaze had a hard time staying put on his face with everything all out and the wind and such.
“Hey,  are we turning the island into a nudist colony or is this just for my benefit?”  She wiggled her brows suggestively and he smiled, skimming a finger across her cheek.  
“God, your beautiful.”  He whispered, her loose hair brushing over his knuckles as it was caught up in the gentle, salty breeze.
Her smile blossomed across at the unexpected compliment and she was about to reciprocate when her mouth dropped open in shock.
His expression alight with excitement she stepped up to him and  pushed up on her toes and stared into his warm brown eyes. The answering happiness she say in their depth had her gasping in elation and she jumped up into his arms crushing his lips to hers. The actions saying so much more than words ever could
His arms pulling her in close, the last few remaining tendrils of tension brought on by weeks of worry finally leaving with the morning fog.  
Kissing the tip of her nose, he turned back to watch the spectacular display of light and colour as the sun reached ever higher into the sky.   Pushing back the darkness and revealing a world that wasn’t so scary after all, especially with her and his brothers at his side.  
It seemed that he’d paid the ransom on his sight in full and the world had once more been returned to him in all its splendor.  
The Master List of prompts can be found HERE
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years
Roleplay Server Log #153
“Lost Silver’s Eevee Evolves, LH speaks”
[TLOT] Sits up a bit disoriented, remembering he's still in a cat shape before shifting back.
[Lie] Gasps awake and is still shaking, CP is quick to pull her closer to him-
[Doc] Is everyone okay? Did you fix it?!
[TLOT] Her memory of Offender surfaced.
[Doc] Frowns darkly. - That bastard...
[Smile] Stretches and sniffs around-
[CP] Holds his wife and is whispering soothing things to her, he's in full protection mode-
[TLOT] Lie beat him up Doc.
[Doc] Good for you Lie!
[Lie] - I...  I don't ever want to sleep again...
[Deer] Is gathering some blankets and trying t find some herbal tea she knows she stored down here at some point-
[TLOT] Well, you don't actually have to sleep if you don't want too. But you probably should.
[Lie] - I just...  I couldn't remember it whenever I woke up, and with her voice there as well...
[Doc] Wait... she was there and tried to speak to you when it happened? Or was she just the one that triggered the memory?
[Lie] - I don't know, but I could hear her voice
[CP] - I don't actually think she was there...
[Doc] I thought she was always near the Slenders, even if she doesn't posess them directly.
[CP] - You mean when she was little?  I have no idea...  But I must say you were...  cute as a child...
[TLOT] Seconded. Though you look even nicer as a brine.
[Lie] - I barely remember what I looked like back then...
[TLOT] Focuses for a moment and projects an image of the little girl to everyone in the room.
[Doc] Awwww
[Lie] - TLOT!
[TLOT] What? You said you couldn't remember.
[Lie] - I said barely!  I do still have some!
[TLOT] Tiny knowing grin-
[CP] Nuzzles into Lie, hearing her hearts pounding loudly as Deer approaches with the blankets and tea-
[Lie] Accepts them- Thank you Deer
[TLOT] Spawns several steaks for Smile and holds them out. - You did good. Thank you.
[Smile] Eagerly takes the steaks-
[Grinny] Shakily manages to come down the stairs-
[LH] Is bounding along and keeps going back to check on Grinny -
[Grinny] Hisses at LH as he approaches Smile.  Smile sniffs him and then lays down, letting Grinny crawl on top of him-
[LH] Approaches Smile warily. - Mew?
[Smiles] Grows menacingly at LH, he would start chasing LH, but won't move because of Grinny-
[LH] Poofs up and hides behind Doc.
[Doc] Hello Grinny. I'm glad you're up and around at least.
[Grinny] - Fuck you
[Doc] Lie, you remember Grinny.
[Lie] Is finally calming down-  Yeah, what happened to his fur?
[Doc] The Insanity possession was masking a lethal dose of radiation poisoning. Flux and Deerheart cleaned it out of his system, but his fur still fell out. Poor kitty. Steve made him the little sweater.
[Lie] - I can see that...  How long were we asleep?
[Doc] Not long at all.
[Lie] - So then Steve's probably still busy with Stevie
[TLOT] Is quiet for a second- Yep. They found a cache of redstone. They're okay.
[CP] - Good- Realizes he said that aloud
[Lie] Sighs and leans against CP- TLOT, do you mind if I used your hot tub?  I feel like I could really use it...
[CP] - Why not just use the lava pool?
[TLOT] Go ahead. Use whatever one you like. Take your time too.
[Lie] - Thank you- She stands and starts making her way towards TLOT's room
[CP] Moves to follow her-
[LH] Scampers after Lie -
[TLOT] Cp... maybe you should give her a minute to herself....
[CP] - But...
[TLOT] She has a lot on her mind, and my room is a pretty safe place to be.
[Doc] Whispers- unless you're Steve.
[CP] Growls a little-
[TLOT] Hey!
[Grinny] Stretches out on Smile-
[liu] -come into the room- hello?
[Doc] Oh hey Liu. Did you see Jeff? He went storming out of here a little while ago
[Smile] Perks up and his tail starts thumping against the ground-
[liu] I didn't see jeff but I saw in chat he came in I was looking for him and smile I made them rooms in my house if they wanted to visit.
[Doc] I think Smile wants to stay with Grinny for now, but you're welcome to hang out here.
[Grinny] Annoyed, swats Smile's head, the thumps from his tail are vibrating his body in an uncomfortable way-
[liu] -sits next to smile and scratches his head-
[Smile] Tail still wagging-
[liu] -gives smile a steak-
[CP] Just starts pacing-
-There's giggling from up in the vine room-
[Lie] Has slipped into the heated tub and is gently feeling the only remaining lotus blossom-
[Smile] Tears off a small amount and tosses it onto his back for Grinny-
[liu] -also puts a cooked fish on smiles back for grinny-
[Grinny] Bites Liu-
[LH] Paces around beside the tub for a minute and then sits there placidly looking at her - meow.
[liu] OW!
[Lie] Holds out some fingers for LH to rub against-
[Doc] Hears the chuckling upstairs but is loathe to leave CP alone.
[LH] Puuuuurrrrrr
[Grinny] Growls-
[Doc] Oh Liu! Let me see that.
-The lab door can be heard opening and closing and Sally skips down with an apple.  EJ is following her-
[liu] -holds his hand out it is bleeding only a little bit- I don't know what I did wrong to upset smile's friend cat.
[Doc] rubs a bit of potion on the little scratch - He just doesn't like people.
[Sally] Gasps- SMILE!  GRINNY!- Runs over and hugs them
[TLOT] Sally, and hello Ej.
[liu] -waves at both of them- hello.
[EJ] Flips them both off-
[Doc] Give Ej a respectful nod. - Hello Sally. What do you think of my little castle?
[Sally] - It's funny!- She has Grinny hanging limply in her arms
[liu] -pets smile again-
[Doc] I guess there is someone else Grinny likes after all.
[CP] - Nope, more like we'd rather still be alive then let any harm come to Sally
[EJ] - Why is Grinny wearing an ugly sweater and hairless?
[Doc] He had radiation poisoning underneath his Insanity possession. It's gone now but he'll need a little time to regrow his fur. Steve made him the sweater so he wouldn't get cold.
[EJ] Face palms- Oh for fucks sake
[Doc] Time moves weirdly here, I don't think it will take long to come back.
[EJ] - Eh, whatever, not my problem
[Doc] Nope, it isn't. I'll take care of him.
[EJ] - Good, cause I'm pretty sure you're on the war path with Slender anyways
[Doc] I've known that from the start. I'm kinda glad he doesn't remember me working on him while he was out of his head...
[EJ] - You what?
[Doc] I did some battle damage repairs on him, that's why I left with Splender. He's a real bitch to stitch up while he's thrashing around.
[EJ] - No shit, that's why his brothers usually tend to that
[Doc] Eh, I managed. And how many people can say they actually hugged Slender? It's good to be a dragon sometimes.
[EJ] - You are damned lucky he doesn't remember
[Doc] Especially since I got stupid drunk afterwards. It was kind of a wild night.
[CP] Still pacing, leaving a heated trail behind him-
[EJ] - I don't want to know
[Doc] That's probably for the best.
[TLOT] Didn't you have something for Ej Doc?
[Doc] Yeah... I do. Steve borrowed my computer. He made you a present.
[EJ] - A present?  Fuck that, I don't want it
[Doc] It's rather nasty and I think you'll be quite pleased with it actually. It's a special cookbook.
[EJ] - You mean for my diet which you messed up?
[CP] His trail is starting to turn into full on lava now-
[Doc] It's not messed up. It was abnormal and now it's fixed. Surely you can't look at your gross rotting organs that I took out and think that was healthy?
[TLOT] Walks behind Cp and keeps the lava cleaned up.
[EJ] - Hey, they were still functioning
[CP] - The fuck are you doing?
[TLOT] Just tidying up, pay me no mind.
[Doc] Let me guess, you were fine?
[EJ] - Shut it
[Sally] Puts Grinny back on Smile and starts eating her apple-
[Doc] Just look at it please. - holds out the small book-
[EJ] Takes the book and glances through it-
-Inside the book each page is a recipe containing at least one animal organ, blood or some other rarely eaten part, chorizo, oxtail stew, blood pudding, steak and kidney pie, haggis, goose liver pate, fried chicken livers and gizzards, boudain, tripe, blood sausage and scrapple -
[EJ] - Is this your way of trying to make up for ruining my digestive tract?  Pathetic
[Doc] It wasn't me. Steve saw how upset I was and decided to help. The only reason he's not delivering it himself is that he's terrified of you and he's currently mining down below with Cp's little brother.
[EJ] -...  So there are two humans alone downstairs?
[CP] - EJ I will murder you myself if you do anything to Stevie
[TLOT] Darkly - Steve is the mate of a Herobrine, he is NEVER truly alone.
[EJ] Scowls under his mask-
[Doc] Oh, while you're here Smile, I have something fun for you too. It's pretty cool. You want it?
[Smile] Perks up, his trail still thumping hard on the floor much to Grinny's annoyance-
[Doc] gets out a copy of the code they used on Grinny and smears it across hir palm before patting the big dogs head. - There you go boy, speak! Just say anything.
[Smile] Barks- Do I did good speak!?
[Doc] Very good. You're a very helpful doggie. Lie should be able to sleep better now.
[Smile] - Good, she's pretty and smells nice and has lots of cats to chase and other dogs to maul!
[liu] are you excited for the room I made for you smile?
[Smile] Tilts head curiously- What room?
[liu] I made you a bed room for when you visit in my new house.
[Doc] Okay... don't maul her dogs. She'll cry and her plants will probably bite you. Best to leave the cats alone too. There's plenty of wild pigs, chickens and cows around to bother, and no one cares if you eat them.
[Smile] To Doc- Okay!- To Liu- But I always sleep with Jeff!
[liu] I made jeff a bedroom as well
[Smile] - Okay!
[Grinny] - Smile, stop that infuriating thumping!
[Smile] - Grinny! I have to scratch!
[Grinny] - Too bad! I'm not moving
[Smile] - But my butt itches!
[TLOT] Reaches over and scratches the dog-
[Grinny] Swats at TLOT-
[TLOT] Swats back and pokes Grinny in the nose-
[Grinny] Tries to bite TLOT-
[TLOT] Is still sitting on the bed slightly above them and gives Grinny a perfect view as he morphs back into his massive golden cat form.
[Griny] Hisses and growls- Leave us be!
[TLOT] He just wanted his rump scratched. You're the one being snotty.
[Grinny] Because it disturbs my resting
[TLOT} Then have a little respect for your fluffy pillow.
[Grinny] - He's fine- Settles down some more
[TLOT] Saunters down near Smile and gives him a head pat with one big paw.- Good boy
[Smile] - I'm a good boy?  But I haven't killed or scared anything?
[TLOT] You've putting up with your friends crap. That makes you a damn good dog.
[Smile] - Really!?
[TLOT} cocks his head curiously,-well yes! In fact, generally speaking killing and scaring aren't considered good at all. I mean unless you're protecting someone else or yourself from danger.
[Smile] Suddenly stands up, dislodging Grinny who yowls as he falls to the floor- But they're so much fun!  And it's what we do!  And it's fun!
[TLOT] But it's not fun for the person you're hurting or scaring.
[Smile] - But that's the point!  And then Jeff usually stabs them!  Or let's me rip out their throats!
[Grinny] Huffily walks around trying to find a spot to curl up-
[TLOT] But that's not considered being good. Just obedient.
[Doc] Sits down on the bed and picks Grinny up.
[Smile] - But it also makes me a good dog!  And I get rewarded!
[Grinny] Struggles- Put me down you imbecilic quack!
[TLOT] It's what Jeff considers good, but that's just his opinion.
[Doc] Puts the cat next to hir on the bed. - chill out.
[Grinny] - Then leave me be!
[Smile] - Jeff is owner, Jeff is always right
[Doc] flips the blanket over Grinny except for his head. - Shush.
[Grinny] - I hate you so much...
[CP] Is still pacing-
[TLOT] But all I'm saying is that his opinion is different from most.
[Smile] - Not those of the manor
[liu] -whispers- he thought I wasn't real but I am
[Doc] Pats Grinny's head.
[Grinny] Tries to bite Doc-
[TLOT] Liu is right, Jeff isn't infallible. And what someones family teaches may easily be at odds from what everyone else believes. Morality is subjective, but when you take someones life out there, someone who meant you no harm. It is wrong. You're stealing something that doesn't belong to you. And they go away, from everything they've ever loved, and never come back again.
[Doc] Easily evades Grinnys bite and starts fussing around in their inventory instead.
[Smile] - Just as what has happened to many of us...  Parts of us taken by humans, never to be returned
[TLOT] But you can't hurt everyone in a crowd because one of them hurt you.
[Smile] - Yes you can
[TLOT] Okay, pardon, you CAN, but you shouldn't.
[Smile] - Yes you should
[TLOT] Okay lets say you lead a reign of terror, and you make everyone afraid of big dogs like you. And then they see normal dogs that aren't doing anything wrong at all, and assume they're murderers just like you. And then they hurt and kill all those innocent dogs because you made them scared. Is that fair?
[Smile] - But they don't...  I am one who causes mass panic...  My abilities...  Act like a chain letter, I tell them to spread the word
[TLOT] You didn't answer my question. Do you think that's fair?
[Smile] - Why should I care?  They already irrationally fear some types of dogs, it doesn't change much
[TLOT] Because it's your type of thinking that's destroying my kind. The NOTCHs believe that all Herobrine's are bad because some of them kill players. Cp's family was ripped apart because someone thought all creatures like him should be deleted.
[CP] - And they brought us one of our strongest members, a new addition to our family
[TLOT] Broken in spirit and full of hatred. He was happy and the NOTCH took it away from him.
[Smile] - What family?  He never really mentioned one...
[TLOT] He was afraid you creepypastas would kill them.
[Smile] - Eh, I don't care
[TLOT] Is sticking his whiskers out, he's obviously annoyed. He goes over to the base of the stairs and starts washing his face.
[Doc] It's okay TLOT, you tried. I of all people know how hard it is. You can't make someone care.
[CP] Is starting to leave lava behind him again-
[Doc] Gets up to tidy it up behind him and then watches him pace for a few minutes before getting in his way.
[CP] Growls- What?
[Doc] Nothing at all. - Xe darts forward and gives him a tremendous hug, pressing his arms to his sides and making a spirited attempt to pick him slightly off the floor before letting go and stepping out of his way again.
[CP] Lashes out at DOc- FUCKER!
[Doc] Ducks, xe's used to this-
[CP] Keeps pacing-
[Doc] Quietly- it's going to be okay Cp. She just needs to collect her thoughts. What are you so worried about anyway?
[CP] - You didn't see how terrified she was, even when she was my victim she never showed such terror
[Doc] She was a child CP, with no idea what she was seeing beyond someone else in mortal terror. Children have empathy, they see bad things happen and imagine themselves as the victims. She had every right to be afraid. Offender scares me too. His sheer predatory callousness is like a slime I just want to burn off my skin.
[CP] - Really?  Because you seemed to get along just fine with him when drunk
[Doc] Being drunk makes me less scared.
[CP] - I just...  Never mind...
[Doc] What? I don't have a tolerance like you, and I did drink two full bottles of whiskey.
-There's a tiny flutter in the vines above and one of the white flitters perches there silently fanning it's wings. -
[CP] - I just need to make certain she's okay...  I don't like the thought of her being scared anymore...
[Doc] Is really hoping Ej heard what CP just said. - That's love. You don't just want her as a possession, you want her to be safe and happy too.
[EJ] Scoffs-
[Deer] - I'd think you'd be used to it by now CP
[TLOT] Has shifted back and is sitting on the bottom step with his cloak pooled around him. - I understand. If you're not used to feeling that way, it's like being hit with a ton of netherbricks.
[CP] - Shut it!  How the fuck did we even get on this subject again?
[TLOT] You're pacing a lava trail worrying about your mate, how can we not talk about it?
[CP] - It's not my fault I run so hot
[EJ] - Do we need to get a hose?
[TLOT] No, it's okay, I'll take care of it. - Gets up and flips the lava back to stone.
[Doc] No one is blaming you Cp. It's just a stone floor, easily fixed. And we all run a bit hot.
[CP] Growls a little-
[Doc] Oh stop it. We're your friends. We care if you're upset. And we want Lie to be safe just as much as you do.
[CP] - I'd rather she have not had to go through that!
[TLOT] Well obviously. There are several things I wish had never happened. But you can't go back and change the past.
[CP] - Are we sure about that?
[Doc] Yes. And if she hadn't seen that, she might not be your mate today.
[CP] Scowls- Would it be better that way?  She may have never become my victim if that hadn't happened potentially...
[TLOT] Probably not, and what you did was horrible. But without her, and potentially us, you would still be out there hurting others just as badly.
[Doc] Lie loves Minecraft, and it's not such a bad existence.
[CP] Is slowly sinking into a block of lava since he stopped pacing while talking-  I just don't know what to do...
[TLOT] Takes him by the shoulders and lifts him up back onto the floor. While Doc throws a stone block in the spot. - You're thinking too hard Cp. Just stop for a minute.
[CP] - I can't
[TLOT] Just gives him a wry grin and stops for a sec. - Haha... Good one kiddo.
[CP] - The fuck did you just say?
[TLOT] Your little brother got first blood on a spider that was sneaking up on him and Steve.
[CP] - I see...  There's the barest hint of a smile on his face
[TLOT] Steve says he's all elated because he found some lapis high on a wall and got it without any help. It was just a four block nerd pole, but that's high for a little kid.
[TLOT] Because Steve is two blocks high and can reach up to three blocks and is perfectly capable of standing under him and catching him if he falls.
[CP] Growls a little- He's barely strong enough to use the iron pick, it could have thrown him off balance and made him fall into a more dangerous situation!
[TLOT] It's a tight, dry cave Cp, it's okay. Steve won't let him get hurt. They know what they're doing. Steve's mine like fish swim.
[CP] Frustrated noises-
[EJ] Is finding it very weird to be seeing CP acting like this-
[Doc] Here, I'll make you feel better- Makes some weird chittering noises and there's a squeak upstairs as the lab door is triggered. The Galvantula scurries down the steps and buzzes at Doc. - Can you go watch over Steve and Stevie? They're in a tunnel down the shaft by the shulker pen.
[Glavantula] Buuzop! - Skitters in that direction.
[CP] - How is that supposed to be helping?
[Doc] It can guard their backs. The jolt it gives off now is nearly as strong as my lighting blast as a dragon.
[CP] Grumbles-
[Sally] - EJ, I'm still hungry!
[Doc] I'd say you could send your Honedge but you kinda need it. Where's the Shuppet? You could tell it to guard Stevie.
[CP] - The hell should I know
[TLOT] I've got plently of basic food I can drag from creative Sally. What sounds good? roast chicken? Pork chops? I've got a loaded baked potato and even cookies.
[Doc] Fixes on the Honedge - can you call other Pokemon?
[Sally] - Cookies!
[EJ] - Real food first Sally
[Honedge] Gives a thumbs up with it's sash-
[TLOT] Spawns some food for her and a pile of cookies.
[Doc] Excellent, thank you.
[Sally] Immediately goes for the cookies-
[EJ] - Sally!
[Shuppet] Phases through the far wall and floats down near the sword making odd noises.
[Doc] It's technically yours Cp. Ask it to watch over Stevie.
[Honedge] Vibrates at Shuppet-
[CP] Grumbles- Oi, go watch Stevie
[Shuppet] Brushes the hem of it's little cloak on the sash of the Honedge and flies off the same way as the Galvantula went.
[Doc] That was perfect. Well done.
[CP] Shut it
[Doc] Do you feel better now at least?
[CP] - No
[TLOT] Should I tell them to stop and come back up?
[CP] - Ugh, I don't know!
[TLOT] Does a little skim on Cp's mind to see if he needs anything.
[CP] Worry is the greatest thing in his mind right now, he wants to be down with Lie to make sure she's okay mostly-
[TLOT] Touches Lies mind gently. - Are you okay Lie? Cp's very worried about you. Like, in a nice, loving way.
[Lie] - Yeah...  I think so...  Just still a little shaky...
[TLOT] Do you need to be alone a bit more?
[Lie] - I'm already not entirely alone, LH is down here with me
[TLOT] accidently aloud- Yeah, he's a good cat. That doesn't surprise me.
[CP] - You better not be referring to me
[TLOT] Chuckles - No. Lie is fine, she's still in the tub and LH is hanging out with her.
[CP] Sighs a little before starting up pacing again-
[TLOT] Looks unfocused for a moment. - You should have told the Shuppet to watch over Stevie when you first brought it here. Steve say that Stevie thinks it's the coolest thing ever.
[CP] - Oh joy...
[Doc] Pokemon do make really good bodyguards...
[CP] Growls a little-
[Espurr] Comes toddling in from Silver's room-
[Doc] Speaking of.... Hey Espurr.
[Espurr] Makes  happy face as it says it's name at Doc-
[Doc] Kneels down - I think I have some cooked fish left - pats around and offers him one- There you go. Where's Silver?
[Silver] - Dieno wait!
[Dieno] Rushes headfirst into a wall without it's helmet-
[Doc] Ouch, I guess that answers my question. - Xe gets up and sprays the Deino with a spritz of regular potion.
[Silver] Comes in with Dieno's helmet- Dieno!
[Doc] He's raring to go isn't he? Seems healthier then he was too.
[Silver] - I was just giving him a bath and he decided to run off...
[Doc] Scrubs the Deino under his chin- well that was naughty Deino, running away from your bath. Shame on you.
[Silver] - Of course he waited till I had his helmet off...
[EJ] - Silver?
[Doc] Laughs- Like a little kid.
[Silver] - Oh!  Uh... Um.. EJ...
[Doc] Is tryign not to grin.
[EJ] - Who'd you kill?
[Doc] No one. A friend of ours got his colors back with sheer love and determination.
[EJ] - That doesn't seem possible...
[Doc] -shrugs- He's not the only person she's healed with her hugs either. She's a very special Alex.
[EJ] - Whatever...
[TLOT] You know... now that you mention it Doc.... that crap coming out of Ej's eyes looks an awful look like the black weeping nastiness that GK had from the holy water corruption.
[Sally] Sneakily reaches for a cookie-
[EJ] - The what?
[Doc] GK can possess people, and he was forcibly ejected from a victim because the victim was made to drink holy water. The corruption stayed in his body, burning him from the inside out and weeping from his eyes and the corners of his mouth. He was incredibly ill. I think a lesser brine might have died.
[EJ] - I doubt it's the same as mine
[TLOT] You never know. You could talk to him about it. If you see a big red dragon that looks like he's part pig, flag him down. He's easily swayed to cooperation if you have alcohol too.
[EJ] - I doubt what he has to say will be of any interest to me- A bit of the black substance drips onto the ground
[TLOT] Suit yourself.
[Doc] Silver, guess what? My Joltick evolved! He's freaking huge now.
[Silver] - Wow, congrats- Silver now feels a little bit bad since none of his pokemon have ever evolved
[Doc] What's the matter Silver? I thought you'd think it was neat.
[Silver] - Oh, uh, it's nothing really...- Very quietly to himself- I guess I'm just not a good enough trainer...
[TLOT] A what Silver? I thought the evolving was just an experience thing? And I didn't think you'd be able to battle much with your housemates.
[Eevee] Bounds up, making inquisitive noises towards Silver-
[Doc] That's a good point. Which pokemon did you get first Silver?
[Silver] Turns reds with embarrassment- Oh...   Um, uh...  You see, experience isn't always the defining factor of an evolution.  Pokemon can force evolve themselves if they feel it's necessary...  Oh, and, uh, Eevee
[Doc] Then I guess we could just ask, you said they understand people- kneels down beside Eevee- You know, if you wanted to evolve you could. I think it would make Silver pretty happy.
[Eevee] Happily says it's name and jumps around-
[TLOT] Maybe they couldn't evolve because they were all sick and rotting before?
[Silver] - I...  I don't know...
[TLOT] what does Eevee turn into anyway?
[Silver] - A number of things, they don't evolve normally.  The can evolve into one of several element pokemon like flareon, jolteon, leafeon, or umbreon.  Most require a stone though...
[Doc] Hmmm. What do you think Eevee? You've got quite an audience here. I know I'd love to see it. And it sounds like you've got lots of options to pick from.
[Eevee] Runs over to Silver and stands on it's hind legs, his front paws on Silver's legs as it says it's name and paws at Silver-
{Doc] What are they saying? Do they need a stone for the one they want?
[Silver] - They're just saying they love me...
[TLOT] That's a good place to start. Do they want you to pick?
[Silver] Crouches down- It's up to you Eevee...  If you can...
[TLOT] Takes a surreptitious picture.
[Eevee] Makes a very happy sound before beginning to glow-
[TLOT] Decides to project what's happening to Lie and Steve.
[liu] -is watching with amazement-
[Eevee] It's legs elongate and it loses it's fluffy collar and tail and long ribbons wrap around it's neck as a bow appears on it's head.  It's now pink and white-
[TLOT] That's so cute!
[Sylveon] - Sylveon!
[Doc] Whoah! Are the ribbons appendages?
[Sylveon] Wraps an appendage around Silver's arm-
[Silver] - Yes they are
[liu] it's adorable
[Doc] See? I knew you were a good trainer.
[Silver] - Hey Sylveon
[Grinny] Barfs on the bed-
[Doc] Oh come on!
[Sylveon] - Syl!  Sylveon!
[TLOT] You said they were elemental? Is this one love based?
[Silver] - Sylveon is a fairy type, they can only evolve if they have a deep bond with their trainer and love them greatly
[Doc] Dawwwwww.
[EJ] Would roll his eyes if he had any-
[Espurr] Initiates play with Sylveon-
[Sally] - It's so cute!
[Deer] - It is adorable looking, especially with how it has that ribbon around your arm Silver
[Doc] Reminds me of Stevie holding Markus's hand everywhere they go.
[Silver] - Yeah, Sylveon's do that
[Doc] Oh, Silver. You remember how you gave me those pokemon codes to stabilize them? I used them on Grinny and Smile. And then Jeff stormed in having a shit fit earlier because Smile apparently learned tackle.
[Silver] - Oh...  Oh dear...  That could be bad...
[Doc] Just because he's so big? It's a basic strong move right?
[Silver] - Yeah, but it can get stronger with training...
[Doc] Well he's already formidable. And he's got a new trick as well. Hey Smile wanna say hi to your buddy Silver? You haven't seen him in a while, right?
[Smile] - SILVER!- Goes to barrel into Silver when Sylveon intervenes, blasting Smile back with Fairy Wind
[Doc] Gets in the way and catches the dog before he can slam against the stairs. Xe's smushed for a moment and makes a loud noise as all the air goes out of hir. - fuck!
[Smile] Wiggles upright again and his tail briefly beats in Doc's face as he wags it-
[Doc] OoF! - spitting out a bit of hair-
[Smile] Runs around the room-
[Doc] Wheezing - well anyway. Him and Grinny can talk now.
[Silver] Tilts head in confusion- They always could...
[EJ] - At least to us pastas...
[Doc] They can talk to anyone now.
[EJ] - Oh lovely...
[Doc] Though Grinny is mostly just cussing at me.
[EJ] - As he does with everyone
[Doc] Oh, that actually makes me feel a bit better about it. Thanks.
[EJ] - Wasn't my intention
[Doc] Tough. - So how's the Deino doing? I can't wait to see what it'll turn into.
-There's a squishy sound on the steps - goo?
[Silver] - Okay for now
[CP] Is still pacing-
[Doc] Oh hey Goomy, wanna join the party?
[Goomy] Cooing.
[Doc] This one has been training without me I think. They keep going out in the rain to fight mobs at night. I keep getting up to the garden being full of mob loot and this one all exhausted.
[EJ] - Idiot little slug
[Goomy] Blows a raspberry at Ej-
[EJ] Flips it off before turning to Sally- Come on Sally, ready to head back to Splender's?
[Silver] - Actually it's a dragon...
[Doc] It is?
[Silver] Nods-
[Goomy] GOo!
[Doc] You little dickens- Scoops up the Goomy. - Is that why you wanted to come with me?
[Goomy] Coos
[Silver] - They're supposed to be leveled up in the rain...
[Doc] Oh that's perfect. Yeah you and me are going to do some training together. Silver if you don't mind, I'd love to see you put the Deino through his paces anyway.
[Silver] Grabs Deino and puts it's helmet on- How so?
[Doc] What kind of moves can he learn? I don't even know what type he is, he looks part plant.
[Silver] - Plant and dragon moves
[Doc] This thing around his head does look like a blossom that's not open yet too.
[Silver] - Well I think I'll go give him his bath now, come on Espurr, Sylveon
[Doc] Hey Silver, - comes over with the Goomy in hir arms. - Thank you for the advice. I can't wait to see what these two become.
[Silver] - Oh, uh, your welcome
[CP] Is now pacing through more lava-
[Doc] And let Strangled know he's not a prisoner, okay? He's been hiding in your room for quite some time.
[Silver] - Oh, I know
[Goomy] Coos happily at Silver
[Silver] Goes back to his room-
[TLOT] Goes back to flipping the lava blocks back to stone.
[Doc] Makes a smug face at Ej.
[EJ] Collects Sally and leaves-
[TLOT] Palms another cookie to Sally as she passes.
[Sally] Smiles at TLOT and waves good bye-
[TLOT] Hehe, Cute kid.
[CP] Is just getting more wound up-
[Doc] Turns back to watch him. - Cp... you're just making yourself more upset.
[CP] - Well what am I supposed to do!?
[Doc] Right now there's not much you can do. Would you like some tea? Deerheart did bring some down earlier.
[CP] - I'll be fine
[Doc] Oh, I know something that will help one problem at least. - Xe whispers to TLOT for a minute and he grins hugely-
[CP] - I don't like that look...
[TLOT] Whips up something behind his back and force equipts a pair of iron enchanted boots on Cp.
[CP] Stumbles a bit- The fuck are you doing!?
[Doc] They're frost walker boots. At least it'll keep the floor solid and your hot foot cool.
[CP] Scowls but does continue pacing, ending up in a cloud of steam-
[TLOT] Leans back on the stairs. - That feels nice. Instant sauna.
[CP] - I hate both of you
[Doc] Love you anyway Cp.
[TLOT] Likewise.
[CP] Growls a bit-
[Grinny] Slinks about the room-
[Lie] Pet's LH, her nerves finally almost completely calm-
[LH] Is purrring loudly, and bumps himself against her head, then jumps because now he's a little damp.
[Lie] - Silly kitty
[LH] Shakes his little head, and bumps her again - PUUUUUUUUUUULOVEYOUUUUURRRR
[Lie] Yelps a little- Doooooc?
[LH] Innocent look.
[CP] Perks at Lie's voice-
[Doc] calls out- Lie? Do you want company or are you coming back up?
[Lie] - um...  Your cat just talked...
[TLOT] Jumps because he just got yelled at. - What? Huh?
[Doc] Lie... Are you okay?
[Lie] - Yeah, just a bit weirded out...
[LH] Is jumping after a stray touchie that's buzzing over the bed.
[Lie] Steps out of the tub and finds a towel to dry herself off with-
[LH] Catches the bug only to let it go again.
[Lie] Pulls her clothes on and grabs LH and carries him upstairs-
[LH] Is wiggling-
[Lie] - Doc, how does your cat know how to talk?
[Doc] He doesn't, at least not that I know of. I mean he's glitched a little but he's still just a simple cat.
[Lie] - No, I just heard him say "love you"...
[CP] - He's said things to me too...  But TLOT didn't believe me...
[TLOT] Can you blame me? You were really stressed at the time.
[Doc] I'm not sure what to say Lie, are you sure you didn't just doze off in the tub a bit?
[Lie] - Doc...  I don't think I can sleep after what I just went through
[Doc] Good point... well.. I don't know. At least it was something good right? He didn't threaten to eat your eyeballs or something.
[CP] Is a bit smug over the fact that he was right-
[LH] Mew? -wiggles more-
[Lie] Puts LH down and scoots closer to CP- Why are we steaming now?
[LH] Gets interested in his own tail and starts chasing it in tight circles.
[TLOT] He was pacing hot holes in the floor
[CP] Kicks the boots off and pulls Lie close to him- Mine
[Doc] Lets a little laugh slip out at the abruptness of his display
[CP] Flips Doc off-
[TLOT] Happy now?
[Doc] Is watching the cat as he falls over from dizzyness
[CP] Just nuzzles into Lie-
[Lie] - Hey, how's Stevie doing?
[TLOT] Having fun, getting sweaty and covered in rock dust. The natural state of Steve's everywhere.
[Lie] - At least he's having fun...
[LH] Prances back over to Grinny - Meep?
[Grinny] Growls at LH-
[LH] Is trying to get Grinny to play with him-
[Grinny] Tail is drooped and he really doesn't have much energy-
[Doc] Notices- Do you want some more food Grinny? I saw you threw up.
[CP] - Oh, and TLOT, you've heard LH talk
[Grinny] - No, I'm fine...
[TLOT] I have?
[CP] - When you put the fucking sub titles on me, that please?  That was from the cat, not me
[Doc] Are sure? I have some nice warm chicken - offers a piece of roast meat.
[Grinny] Just flops down-
[TLOT] Then I should turn them back on you, you rat.
[CP] - Oh fuck no
[TLOT] Narrows his eyes at Cp. He's just faintly annoyed.
[CP] - Your opportunity is long gone TLOT
[Doc] Sighs and makes a bit of statick before glitching the food directly into Grinnys stomach.
[Grinny] Turns and attacks Doc's hand-
[TLOT] I'm not going to do anything now. But I'll remember that.
[Doc] Just ignores his little scratches. They aren't strong enough to pierce hir gloves.
[Grinny] Flumps in defeat-
[Doc] gently- It doesn't hurt to take kindness from me Grinny. I don't expect anything in return.
[Grinny] - Shut up
[Doc] Kisses a finger and boops it gently on his little nose.
[Lie] - TLOT, can you make sure Stevie gets home?
[TLOT] what you mean, doesn't get lost? They're just in a tunnel a few levels below us. If you go to the ladder by the shulker cage and yell down they might even hear you.
[Lie] - I mean my house, I kinda just want to be there now...
[TLOT] oh, do you want us to babysit for a bit? Or bring him straight over when they're done?
[Lie] - I wouldn't mind either, I know we already have baby dragons running around...
[TLOT] Okay we'll entertain him for a while and he can sleep here. I'll bring him back over in the morning. Alright?
[Lie] - Thank you
[CP] Perks a little and whispers to Lie- Sex?
[TLOT] Huge smile- quietly mentally to Cp- Get some brother brine.
[CP] Glares at TLOT-
[Lie] Shakes her head a little- Really CP?
[CP] - Oh come on, Stevie won't be there...
[TLOT] Pulls out a fat bottle of golden liquid and holds it out with a grin-
[Lie] - Why!?
[TLOT] Its good for... calming nerves.
[Lie] Uncertain noises-
[Smile] Bumps into TLOT-
[TLOT] Fumbles the bottle and barely manages to catch it in time.
[Lie] Sighs- Thanks TLOT- She takes the bottle and puts it in her inventory
[TLOT] You guys have fun.
[CP] Picks Lie up and starts walking out of the lab-
[Doc] Sit's down on the clean bed and cradles Grinny.
[LH] Hops up as well and starts cleaning the other cats left ear.
[Grinny] - Go away!
[LH] Cleans the other ear instead.
[Grinny] Hisses-
[LH] Gives Grinny a little lick on the cheek and snuggles up next to him and Doc.
[Smile] Lays on top of Doc's feet-
[Deer] Giggles at the sight- Aren't I supposed to be the one that animals like?
[Doc] I'm not nearly as good as you are.
[Goomy] Bumps up against one of Deerheart's hooves.
[Deer] Picks up Goomy and joins them on the bed, giving Doc a kiss on the cheek- Either way, I love you
[Doc] Just melts with happiness. - I love you too. - happy little hum.
[TLOT] Starts fiddling with some pixels and lays back on the steps. There's a bit of indrawn breath and he starts to laugh.
[Deer] - TLOT?  What is it?
[TLOT] Focuses a little of his energies and raises one hand straight up.  A tiny scrap of white flutters down from the ceiling and lands on his fingers. - One of the honesty flitters was hanging out in the vines above us.
[Deer] Giggles- Well that would explain CP's honesty earlier
[TLOT] I thought he was being more forthcoming then usual.
[Deer] - How's Stevie doing?  Have they found good loot?
[TLOT] Closes his eyes- Looks like it, lapis, a little redstone, some gold, a whole lot of coal. And it looks like Stevie found some of the weird bone blocks.
[Deer] - Good for him
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