#foxy scratchcraft
savebatsartedition · 7 months
Asked my sisters to give me some scratchcrafters, and this is who they came up with!
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savebatswingaus · 8 months
Scratchcraft Oneshot - Saltyy wing fic
Foxy deals with leaving the season 2 world for the next. ...oh and Saltyy is there too I guess.   (Doesn't make a whole lot of sense if you don't know this fandom or at least watch Scratchcraft.)
Just a short little oneshot I wrote as a goodbye to season two. (And because my 39 pages of over the summer social studies work is much more difficult than I expected it to be.)
Fic below the cut or in the link in the title. :)
Foxy sighed and laid down their head. They felt tired, and had no way to fight it. (Besides sleeping of course, but who honestly wants to do that?) They felt their tail flick against the familiar orange blankets on their bed, they tried to ignore it at first, but it soon grew into some sort of pattern. Some familiar beat that they wished they knew the words too. It was a nice background for lyrics (that, they reminded themselves, didn’t exist) but it wasn’t a nice background noise for sleeping. 
They sat up, fox-like ears twitching as they physically held their tail down. It just didn’t want to stay still! Which was fine most of the time, but when they were trying to relax and fall asleep, they would have expected their brain to have stopped the movements of all their body parts. 
They sat that way for a while, blankets ruffled around their (slightly shaking) body as they held their tail. It’s fur was fluffed up, and they could feel the hair on their head and ears also puffing up with it. Foxy hissed slightly and pushed their hands further into the fluffy appendage, they felt their claws extend out of their fingers but only cared when pricking pain formed in their tail.
Instantly, their ears snapped back and they jerked their hands away, yowling at a volume that most definitely disturbed the villagers left in the area. As it was, a blush was already forming on their face from the fact that they had just accidentally stabbed their own tail, they didn’t need other people to be worried about them. 
Foxy groaned and sat up, ears slightly less flattened now, but still definitely turned back. Their tail was still fluffed up, and the sight of a few hairs caught under their nails was enough to make them chuckle softly. 
Swinging their legs over the side of their bed, they stared thoughtfully at the orange and black hairs. The sight of them stuck under the nails reminded them of how lucky they were to have retractable claws. Sure, there was no real reason they were so happy to have the strange nails, but wasn’t it good enough that they found them cool? The way that when not retracted, they looked close enough to a regular human’s nails (if not a bit sharp) but when out, their true power became known.
They stood fully and stretched, their arms above their head as far as they could go, and felt their tail bristle out fully before relaxing back behind them. The feeling of the fur sinking back into place was familiar and welcome, especially with the (now dull) pain locked beneath it. 
Foxy yawned as they let their arms flop down by their sides, their formerly gritted teeth happy to be apart from each other once more. Well, at least now that they felt awake, they didn’t have to struggle to fall asleep anymore, right? ...they hoped that was the case.
Sighing, they made their way to the door, tail brushing gently against the floor as their two pet foxes wound around their legs. Normally such behavior would only be expected of cats, they mused, opening the door, but I guess being ‘sort of’ a fox helps them feel more comfortable.  
They stepped outside the house into the night and took a long sniff of the air. It smelled crisp and fresh, with the exception of the smoke rising from the nearby campfires. But, as they made their way to sit next to one, they supposed that it fit the scene. A village in a spruce forest, surrounded by darkness and monsters, but able to keep all that away because of the crackling flames that comforted it. (That and the torches placed haphazardly around. Campfires only did so much.)
Foxy shook out their shoulders and wrapped their tail around their knees as they watched the fire. First it blew right, the left, and then right again… but it somehow never left the ring of wood placed lovingly around it. They blinked, their eyes beginning to burn with the heat caused by being near a fire. But even with that discomfort, it beat laying, unsleeping, in a bed that would seem to let them sleep. Briefly, they wondered how long they would get to stay here. Them and their group of friends did leave for new land the next day.
They leaned back and groaned. If they were leaving tomorrow morning, they should definitely be getting a good night's rest, but with how uncomfortable they had been in their bed, they supposed it was going to be a less than perfect start of the journey. 
Foxy turned their gaze up to the heavens, eyes still shining slightly with the tears caused by staring directly into a fire. Up above, past the whispering branches of trees and friendly billowing smoke, they saw them. The stars. They were so beautiful, shining with the brightness of a thousand far away suns. If only it were safe to take the flames away from the ground below, letting monsters run rampant in the village, that way, they could see the stars in their true glory. 
They reached a hand up, claws reflecting orange light from the nearby campfire as they twitched towards the stars. Of course, if it were dark in the village, they could see just fine, but the few villagers that still lived here would not be a fan of it. (Especially since none of them were very good at fighting close range, Foxy included. They would pick a firework over a sword any day.)
They felt themself begin to slip off the log below them, eyes growing heavy and tiredness finally began to take hold of them. Just a quick little nap below the stars wouldn’t hurt anything… right? They knew this was not strictly true, monsters might not be able to sneak up quite as well in the light, but it didn’t mean they would stay away from a sleeping fox hybrid. 
Did they really care though? It wasn’t as if this world had some sort of stitching in it, letting lives be just one. They yawned tiredly and laid down in the grass next to the log. That was the second thing they were glad to have here. The lack of ticks. Sure, some bugs still walked the ground, but ticks didn’t exist here. And, as they closed their eyes, they hoped that whatever the next land they came to was, it gave that same courtesy. 
- -  -     -               -                            -
They blinked, eyes opening peacefully to the blue sky above. It appeared that monsters had not gotten them in the night. Maybe sleeping so close to a fire, and basically under a log, had something to do with it. Foxy turned their gaze to the campfire, not at all surprised to see it still burning merrily along. It was quite like it really. Ever since Storm had become a god, which was, admittedly, not that long ago, campfires had refused to go out even underwater. (They had always kept up in the rain before, maybe the ocean was the next logical step?) At first, they had wondered why that was the first thing he had done with his newfound powers, but had quickly concluded that maybe fire was just a thing that would look cool underwater.
They sat up, head narrowly missing the log that they had slept next to. (As it was, one of their ears brushed it.) Noticing two foxes curled up under a nearby tree, they paused. These were their pets, and they might never be seeing them again. It was only fair to disappear and mysteriously as they had appeared. Sure it hadn’t really been that mysterious, but they still guessed that departing in silence was a kind thing. 
Struggling to their feet, Foxy stood. They glanced up to the sky, which white clouds drifted lazy across. With a spark of sadness they realised that this was a nice day, it’s a shame that we’ll all have to leave soon. They thought to themself, holding their tail manually as they stepped away from the fire, there was no need to look like a fool as they left their sleeping place. 
“Hey Foxy!” 
Foxy jumped and whirled around, not exactly happy to hear the sounds of their pets waking up, or happy to see the person who caused that. (It wasn’t that they weren’t happy to see him, it’s just that this friend being all the way out here meant that it was going to be time to leave soon.)
“Hi Saltyy,” they sighed, their voice sounding slightly high-pitched compared to the other’s. It was kind of like a fox’s voice, slightly yippy, but all the more expressive because of that. 
“Did you see my landing?” Saltyy boasted, his chest puffed out with pride. Ever since his wings had been strong enough to lift off, he had not shut up about his flying. It was fair, Foxy supposed, nodding and picking up a torch absentmindedly. When Foxy had first figured out that other people didn’t have retractable nails, they had been quite excited to show their friends. (Even though they had all seen it before.)
“Was it a good landing?” Asked Saltyy, now looking slightly worried at he folded his wings behind him. 
At this question, Foxy nodded and smiled, choosing to speak only after the pleasant motions were taken care of, “It was a very good landing! I’m just a bit busy saying goodbye to my foxes,” 
“Oh,” They would almost hear the slight deflating of their friend. He hadn’t thought of that. (Which was fine, because Foxy hadn’t really been planning on doing so until that moment.)
They leaned down to the foxes curling around their legs, picking up one and rubbing their nose to it’s. The pet wagged its tail slightly and Foxy felt their own shift from side to side slightly. They hugged the pet to their chest and whispered something into its ear, a goodbye that they didn’t want anyone to hear because of how soppy it was, and set it down. After waiting for Saltyy to stop giggling to himself, likely because they had wagged their tail, they repeated the process for the other fox. 
They wiped away a tear, and, tail sagging to the ground, gestured for the foxes to go. The two animals stared up at them, looking slightly confused, but they spoke. “Come on, be free now,” they whispered, a sad smile forcing its way across their face, “It’s what you were meant to be,” 
The foxes looked at each other, and then back at Foxy. The animals made eye contact with them for a moment, before yipping joyfully and bounding off into the woods. Foxy smiled as they watched them, orange eyes blurring as tears threatened to fall. 
But, before they could, a noisy, but altogether very nice, voice piped up behind them. “That was really sweet of you,” it said. Foxy turned to see Saltyy standing just a bit closer to them than he had been before. It would have been sort of weird if it wasn’t for the very genuine tone in his former statement.
“Thank you,” they smiled, tail going into a bit more of a natural position as they felt themself relax, “It was the right thing to do,” 
Hope you enjoyed! >^-^< Leave a comment and/or kudos if you feel like it. (I like to beg for validation. /hj)
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savebatsfromscratch · 3 years
Scratchcraft designs part one:
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Please don't steal my art!
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savebatsartedition · 7 months
Foxlife37! (And the Cod god, remember that??)
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savebatsfromscratch · 3 years
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Foxy from Scratchcraft. </3
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