#fr anytime this happens i just hear in my head ‘who’s a good boy !’ in that dog voice everyone has
sincerelymarner · 9 months
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ot winners get head pats | jets @ blackhawks 12/27
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Just in for my tune up (Bleach)
Just in for my tune up
Ichigo yawned loudly as he woke up in his crib. one would think that sense being labeled a helpless diaper fag slave that would mean Ichigo would get to sleep in once and awhile but one would be wrong.
Instead as the head slave he was his 'honor' to go and wake the other slaves up so he could then crawl in bed with master Renji before the new captain would have to get up for work.
Knowing that if they dragged their feet they'd cost Ichigo his much desired cuddles, some of the slaves like Toshiro tried to take their time.
A trip head first into a diaper pail did wonders to motivate the troops though and while all of the slaves where young men and boys, and they were all clad in nothing but bunny slippers and diapers, it was clear who reported to who.
As such Ichigo trusted the rest of the morning over to his lackeys and with a stern look on his face waddled back to masters bedroom, his stalking off ruined somewhat as just before he left the room a loud bubbly fart rang out from his bottom and Ichigo was heard cursing and swearing, and if one was brave enough to peek, cow boy waddling up the stairs as the back of his white diaper deformed and turned brown.
One diaper change latter (One did NOT just cuddle with the Master while smelling like sewage unless he requested it as such!)
And Ichigo was cuddling into Master Renji and mewing happily, wishing the stupid clock would break so he could enjoy this for just a bit longer.
Sadly the wants of a cock caged and hollow tube plugged diaper fag doesn't mean much in the living world, and even less here in the spirit realm.
For most diaper fags like himself the state that they were treated like would of horrified them. Ichigo on the flip side had shed tears of joy and had gotten himself outed so fast some barely recall the brief hour of adulthood he'd had before finding out how he'd be treated.
Renji smirked as he opened his eyes, the alarm hadn't gone off yet but he'd been faking his sleep so that Ichigo could get in lots of cuddles with him before he'd have to give the cute little slave the bad news.
Despite promising Ichigo that if he went for the permanent plug and cage treatment that he'd be there at every adjustment, as twice a year the cage was made smaller and the plug bigger, He'd been there for all of them but today when he was due for his last one..
"Morning cutie pie. I take it the boys are all hard at work?" Renji asked, pulling Ichigo in for a kiss and patting the slave's padded bottom. "Oh, still clean?"
Renji of course knew the boy had changed, but loved to semi torment poor Ichigo so he had made sure to add a note of disappointment to his tone.
"Ah! No! wait sir! I was good and woke up soaked and TOTALLY loaded my diapers after getting everyone ta work! I just didn't wanna stink up your bed! Please don't be upset with me!" Ichigo whimpered.
'dear god, like sandblasting a soup cracker.' Renji chuckled mentally.
"I suppose I'll let it go this time, but only because I have some bad news for you." Renji said, laying on his side now in his black silk PJ's.
Ichigo had turned on his side to face Renji, but copied his pose.
"W-what is it? do we have to get rid of one of the slaves again sir? they're getting along so well together!" Ichigo whined.
"Oh No, I don't need to give more slaves to anther captain. it's just..you know that I care for you a far deal more then I should since your just a diaper fag slave right?" Renji started.
"And don't think I don't love every second of it." Ichigo coo'ed.
"But..well..There was a last second meeting called for today at 10 am." Renji said slowly.
"But..At 955 i got in for my final adjustment..how can you be in two places at the same...time..Oh." Ichigo said, trailing off then glaring at Renji. "But you promised!"
"Ichigo.." Renji sighed, moving to pull him in for a hug.
"I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!" the slave yelled and pushed away at Renji.
Ichigo got up and huffed, grabbing a pillow and about to hit Renji with it but a look from him had Ichigo dropping the pillow and wetting himself.
"Little man, need I remind you I literally own you, so if I can't keep a promise from time to time, I'm sorry, but your just a stupid diaper fag anyways!" Renji snapped.
As soon as he said it Renji regretted it, if he had slapped Ichigo across the face he doubted the boy could of looked so stunned or hurt. he went to say something else but Ichigo slid out of bed and bowed.
"Of course Master. I'm sorry Master. I'll leave you to get dressed..Master." he said and walked out.
"..I think it would of been easier to pay the 10,000 dollar fine for missing the meeting. this isn't going away anytime soon." Renji groaned and flopped back into bed.
"Somebody should of warned me about this side of being a master."
Getting dressed Renji made his way downstairs and was greeted by each of his slaves except two.
Ichigo who was trying to finish his morning meal as fast as possible and clearly still sore at Renji, and Toshiro.
the former captain had been forced into diaper fag slavery when he was discovered dressed like a darling baby girl in the public square. he maintained that he had been drinking and didn't know what had happened but of course no one believed him.
the irony was they really should of because it was Renji himself who's set the captain up for his great downfall and had taken delight in making sure Toshiro was the prissiest of the prissy sissies he had.
Toshiro had figured it out within days but since he had no legal standing anymore there was nothing he could do about it and thus while making sure to clean and cook well enough to be allowed to stay (Bad slaves being sent to auction) he kept to himself for the most part and ignored Renji as much as possible.
'Great, this goes on with Ichigo for too much longer and I'll have a pair of ice queens.' Renji glumly thought, sipping his coffee.
"Alright everyone listen up." Renji said after he finished breakfast. "I'm going to be at a meeting till at least 2pm. Ichigo will be out getting his final adjustment done but that's no excuse for you all to slack off. Toshiro, I'm putting you in charge till Ichigo gets back. Questions, comments, concerns?" Renji asked.
"Wait, you're putting little miss frost in charge?" whined a long haired red head.
"That is what I just said. Oh and before you go to argue, keep in mind the stables need to be mucked out today. what you say next could make the difference between getting to use a shovel and wheelbarrow and a sand shovel and bucket."
"..Have a good day sir."
"Smart boy!"
With Ichigo still in just his diapers and some sneakers, he was in his car seat as Renji drove the sulking boy to the adjusters office, even though Ichigo had fussed and whined he wanted to just walk.
Looking in the rear view mirror, Renji could see Ichigo was sulking big time and after taping his figures on the steering wheel for a few minutes, spoke up.
"Ichigo about this morning.." He started to say, but Ichigo cut him off.
"oh, there's nothing to say sorry about Master. You made it clear what you really thought about me Master. I'm sorry for being a inconvenience Master." Ichigo said in a respectful voice and tone, but there was venom in it.
"Look I'm trying to say sorry here, can you cut back on the brat mode for 5 freaking minutes?" Renji asked.
"Of course ..Master." Ichigo said and smirked and despite himself, Renji smirked too.
"Look you know I care about you more then a master is suppose to for his diaper fag, right?" Renji asked.
"I mean..Yeah i know..I've seen you get teased 'bout it." Ichigo said, looking down and kicking his legs softly.
"But I keep doing it, because I do care about you. even if there wasn't the diaper fag slave law I'd of likely still kept you around in thick diapers and waiting on me, and I know you'd of enjoyed every last second of it." Renji chuckled.
"ehehehe really? so so..you like my stinky diapers?" Ichigo asked, peaking up.
"well I like you so I suppose I'll put up with your stinky bum too~" Renji said and looked back and winked.
"ehehehee yayyy!" Ichigo coo'ed and cheered and clapped his hands.
"So, are we good?" Renji asked, pulling in front of the adjustment office.
"Uh-huh! Sorry for being a butt before." Ichigo said as Renji let him out of his car seat.
one big hug to daddy later and being told he'd have to walk home, and Ichigo waved bye bye and headed inside as Renji scrambled to get to the meeting on time.
Ichigo was well know and so breezed though the reception area and was in a office, waiting on his adjuster of the day while face down, ass up on a exam table, reading a comic book he'd snagged from the reception area while he waited.
"huh, and hear I thought you didn't know HOW to read..or do you just enjoy all the pretty pictures?" asked a voice that Ichigo instantly recognized.
a look over his shoulder confirmed, the ex captain of Master daddy's squad after being involved in some sort of disgrace, Byakuya.
He wasn't in his normal fancy robes or the like, and instead wore a light green nurses suit and cap and had a cart in front of him loaded with everything he would need.
"Oh great, when did this place start hiring asshole." Ichigo said.
"Careful now, you're just a slave, I can-"
"Get yourself in shit if Renji finds out you tried to send me to a detention center. you got zero threats to make so let's get this over with." Ichigo said, having never been the guys biggest fan.
"..Cocky brat." Byakuya huffed and pushed the cart in the rest of the way and closed the door.
"At least when i fell from grace it wasn't something as shameful as this.. does your family even-" Byakuya started to ask and Ichigo cut him off.
"Master took me last Christmas to see them, they got me lots of baby toys." he said looking almost bored.
"Well..I bet your old fr-" The brunette started, determined to get Ichigo blushing and ashamed.
"All know, and those who can't handle it I don't bother to try and see. Oh and my ex girlfriend knows, rumors of it are around my old school.. Yes i bounce in my shitty diapers and suck lots of dick.. Oh, what other questions did you have to try and torment me with?" Ichigo asked, listing things off on his fingers then giving a impish grin to Byakuya.
"...I really hate you." Byakuya growled and pulled on some rubber gloves.
"Awwww, me too sweetie, me too." Ichigo chuckled and blew a kiss at Byakuya.
Byakuya was fuming as he went to work, yanking down Ichigo's slightly wet diaper and examining the lock on the fag's 2 inch wonder and the size of the tubing in him, then smirked.
'Somebody fucked up~ this is the third biggest size in and on him, not second..So when I put him in first..Ohhh hehehe, you're gonna regret pissing me off..' Byakuya thought with a evil mental chuckle.
"So, Ichigo, I've heard you bragging up how despite being a lowly diaper fag slave.. you're still rather strong and can handle pain." Byakuya said, starting to put on the solvent for the special glue that was used to hold the tube in place even when Ichigo wasn't diapered.
"heh, you know it. Ain't an ass whupping I can't take and then just say 'please daddy, may I have more?'" Ichigo said with a note of pride in his voice.
"Bullshit. I bet you just sob and whine the whole time and Renji just goes easy on your because your such a disgrace." The Ex captain taunted.
"Fuck and You." Ichigo huffed. "I can take anything without crying, unless tears are what Master daddy wants to see so NYAH!" with with that the orange haired big baby blew a raspberry at Byakuya.
"heh, you sure about that? how about a friendly little wager?"
"I'd Hardly call you a friend..but what ya got in mind?" Ichigo asked.
"I won't use the numbing meds so you'll feel everything as I do the final adjustment. if you end up crying from the pain of it, I get a blowjob from your legendarily talented mouth." Byakuya said.
the solvent had worked it's magic and Byakuya was gently tugging the large hollow plug out of the boys gaping ass.
"A-Ahhh.. And..and what if I win?" Ichigo challenged back. "I can't exactly get head from you when I'm gonna be locked up forever."
"heh, if you can hold your tears in, I'll let you spank me silly." Byakuya said, confident in the fact Ichigo would be bawling soon.
"heh, not good enough. I get to spank you THEN diaper you." Ichigo said, giggling like crazy even as his once tight hole now a massive cave of a asshole twitched and throbbed.
"I uh.." Byakuya hesitated at that. it wasn't again, like he thought Ichigo had a snow ball's chance in hell of actually beating him, but the mental image of him sobbing and sucking his thumb while this diaper fag slave pampered him brought a big blush to his cheeks, and a tent to his pants,.
"If your too chicken that's ok, you can add the numbing cream." Ichigo chuckled and made a few clucking noises before going to go back to his comic book.
"nggg deal!" Byakuya said, huffing and angry.
between the why boner and his honor being insulted he wasn't going to stand for it anymore.
"heh Ok, but no take backies~" Ichigo purred and looked over his shoulder winking.
for a second, Byakuya had the sinking feeling that rather then Ichigo walking into his trap..he'd just walked into Ichigo's.
Ichigo smirked, it was just SO easy with some guys to turn their ego against them. even daddy could be played like that if Ichigo wanted to keep it up all the time. but the big baby found it was easier and more fun to wear down on a daddy over the long term and get them wrapped around your little finger then going with short term trickery.
Buttt every now and there there was a guy who just needed to be tricked into pampers and clearly this was the case here.
Ichigo felt kinda, funny without his plug in him. while with the first one it had been horribly invasive now it was a soothing comfort though out the day and he was missing it big time.
It was also weird as he sat up and spread his legs, having the cock cage removed, without it on the air in the room seemed almost chilly to Ichigo's once might cock.
when he'd started all of this he'd had a 8 inch rod of fuck meat but now with careful training he had all of two inches, and it couldn't even get hard anymore though he could still cum.
"Ready for your final cage? the locking WILL be permanent so if you wanted to tug on your little worm a few times before it goes on, I'll let you." Byakuya said smirking.
Ichigo raised a eyebrow at that, such kindness wasn't like Byakuya, so they had to be a trick here. Still, it wasn't like he was ever gonna get a shot at this again and he nodded, reach down with a finger and thumb.
and then wince and drew his hand away FAST as the sensations were way too much for Ichigo and he was gasping and panting.
"H-Holy shit.. that was..was.."
"Yeah, normally your weenie is coated in numbing cream, but not this time and it hasn't felt your touch in QUITE some time~" Byakuya laughed then went on. "Even if I did give you permission to jerk off, you wouldn't be able to enjoy it, you'd over load."
"So..so by taking your bet.." Ichigo whimpered and glared.
"You lost out on your ONE right as a diaper fag, one last wank before permanent chastity. I know, ain't I a stinker?"
"...I'm gonna enjoy making you waddle around in massive diapers." Ichigo huffed.
"Huh? hey the deal was-" Byakuya started to say but got cut off.
"that i could diaper you. not put one diaper on, or two, just i diaper you, which implies as I see fit." Ichigo said and smirked even as his dicklet bounced and throbbed.
"..Oh shit." Byakuya whimpered, for the first time super worried.
being in massive diapers and around this place? if he was seen he'd be on the slave block before supper.
Threat made Ichigo made use of a ice cube to get his dickie to shrink down and relax, though he was rocking back and forth and blowing air out in hisses as he did so. Still, he kept from crying which was the important thing.
the cage looked WAY smaller then Ichigo would of expected but he laid on his back and covered his face with a pillow as Byakuya went to put it on, so he wouldn't have to watch.
"ah ah ah, no cheating and hiding your tears." Byakuya scolded and tugged the pillow away. "If you don't wanna watch just close your eyes."
Ichigo huffed but shut his eyes tight and whimpered as Byakuya started to force the 1/4 a inch cage onto Ichigo's soft member, Making Ichigo yelp and cry out but his eyes stayed dry the whole time and then with a click the lock was sealed, and Ichigo's cock would NEVER be freed again.
Of course while all the other cages had had a cleaning Kido inside of them to make sure he didn't get crotch rot, this one had a much stronger version since the only way to remove it now would be to well, castrate Ichigo.
"I'm Impressed, dry eyes still!" Byakuya chuckled and gave a mock clap. "Of course I didn't expect you to really break down sobbing just from having your useless nub that was once fuck meat caged. it'll be when THIS goes in." and he paused and held up the LARGE hollow plug for Ichigo to get a good look at it.
The shear size of it would put Renji to shame and Ichigo almost wondered if Renji's cock might of fit in the tubing as he reached out and ran a hand over it.
"Jesus titty fucking Christ! That's the last size?! what happened to a gradual build up!?" He whimpered, gulping hard.
"heh, Yup, and you're gonna look SO cute trying to adjust to it with my cock down your throat. now assume the position and get ready to bawl." Byakuya chuckled, taking the plug back and lubing it up.
"U-Uh Byakuya.. Let's say I go ahead and concede defeat now..and Promise to still blow you..can..can you give me the numbing med before putting that in?" Ichigo mewed, slowly moving back to face down ass up.
the fear and worry in his voice is what did it, and Byakuya while he wanted to make the brat suffer, was just too damn nice in his old age.
"Finnne. but this better be one HELL of a fucking blow job!" Byakuya grumbled, making it sound like he had all the problems in the world.
"Oh that's one thing that was never in doubt. I'm the best cock sucker there is." Ichigo said with a note of pride in his voice. "Master daddy Has entered me in competitions and everything! I-"
"Blew them all away, to pardon the pun?" Byakuya asked and snorted at his own bad pun.
"Man, and I thought my diapers stunk.."
with the numbing gel applied and a injection to further dull Ichigo's ass (they weren't worried about destroying any bowel control for well, obvious reasons) Byakuya placed a firm had on Ichigo's lower back to help keep his still and then gently pressed the tip of the monster sized anal invader to Ichigo's boi cunt.
"Fast and hard or slow an easy?" Byakuya asked, planning on doing the reverse of what ever the big baby fag wanted.
"ah..ah..fuckkkk~" Ichigo mewed, just the tip was in him and despite the drugs he could feel it and he was starting to leak cock drool despite the cage. "S-Slow and easy please." he moaned, wanting to draw this out and enjoy it.
Byakuya smirked, and like he had planed, went with fast and hard and rammed the plug in all at once, making Ichigo cried out 'GOO GOO GAGA!' as he shot out a load from his caged dicklet then collapsed on the examination bed, eyes glazed over and tongue hanging out.. Little chibi sissy baby Toshiro's dancing around his head from his POV.
"..I think I broke him." Byakuya said with a sweat drop, then shrugged and started to get to work making sure the plug would stay in for the rest of Ichigo's life, with how long one's soul could last in the soul society was going to be a long, long, time.
The process of making it permanent was done in steps that Ichigo likely hadn't of even noticed, the very same lube that had helped the beast slid in had also doubled as a adhesive once some Kido was channeled though it. adding onto that Byakuya was squirting in extra adhesive around the edges after tugging the beast back out a little, then pushed the monster back in and activated his Kido.
With the orange haired faggot locked and plugged for life, Byakuya rolling him over on his back and while Ichigo was still recovering from his orgasm, got him thickly diapered in 6 terrycloth diapers and a pair of plastic pants that Renji had dropped off at the center when he'd made this appointment.
"ah..ah ba what?" Ichigo coo'ed, blinking rapid and sitting up, wiggling his fat diapered bottom.
"welcome back to the land of the living. I was worried I was gonna have to send you home by taxi and drop by for my BJ later." Byakuya said with a sneer.
"ah shit..I did agree to that didn't I?" Ichigo whined.
"Yup yup~ so get down on your knees and make it snappy, I got anther diaper fag to seal in like 10 minutes." Byakuya said and then fished out his 6 inch dong and stroked it a few times.
"heh, If I'm right about you, that's 8 minutes and 40 seconds more then I'll need. You like like a quick shot." Ichigo said, but he was a fag of his word and got on his knees, shuddering softly as the plug shifting and pressed on him.
the feeling made Ichigo let out a soft moan and lean into Byakuya's crotch and then eagerly take the semi impressive member into his mouth.
Of course Ichigo was used to Renji and others thick and longer cocks but considering just how worked up he was still this was just what the doctor ordered and if he shut his eyes and blocked it out, he could pretend it was someone he didn't think was a total fucktard.
"Oh F-Fuck!" Byakuya gasped, ruining the illusion and griping onto Ichigo's head. "Y-Your mouth..it's fucking amazing!" The ex Captain squealed, little stars in his eyes.
'heh, yup, and your never getting anther BJ from me again unless Renji approves it..and he hates you more then I do.' Ichigo chuckled mentally, knowing he was forever ruining head for the fucktard.
using his triple swirl touage lashing move, Ichigo brought Byakuya to a orgasm in under a minute and swallowed the brunettes rather weak load with ease and pulled off.
"Man, don't jerk off so often if your gonna be feeding cock suckers, we prefer a thick and creamy load." Ichigo scolded.
"I...I'll keep that in mind.." Byakuya moaned softly, falling onto his ass, pants still down and his now soft 4 inch cock still leaking out left over jizz as Ichigo got up and smirked.
"Thanks for the snack, and try and get yourself together, you don't wanna be caught like this and end up pampered right?" Ichigo asked and then laughed as Byakuya's cock twitched and shot out a second weak and small load. "Then again.." was all he said and then left.
Feeling super happy with himself even if he was walking a little funny, trying to get used the the plug, Ichigo started to make his way home whistling softly and waving at people.
he was of course well know as Captain Renji's diaper fag slave and as such people should of known that messing with him was a bad idea but even in a well run place like the soul society there was a couple of bad egg's.
Case and point two hoods were currently in a Ally and scanning the crowd looking for a good target to kidnap and ransom.
they were both in blue jeans and dirty beat up stained white top, and had shoulder length black hair and were almost identical save for the fact one had a beard while the other was clean shaven.
"So, what cha think, any good targets?" beard asked.
"Nah, Just a bunch of normal folk..the rich ain't out shopping t'day..Waittt..Hold the phone.." non beard said, and took out a specialized mini scope and focused it on Ichigo, who had stopped and was talking to a street vendor selling fruits. "This one has promise.. according to the scans he belongs to a high ranking captain."
"Wait, Ichigo? man, even I know who he belongs too..you sure you wanna risk getting on the bad side of Renji?"
"he's a well known softy, he always favors paying ransom's and not hurting the kidnappers because it encourages them not to hurt the hostage.All we'll have to worry about is changing diapers." non beard said and handed over the scope to beard.
"Ngggh.. not reading much for a spirit energy..I suppose this cou-" beard was cut off as while he was scanning Ichigo, he turned and looked right at them despite the crowd being in the way and then seemed to vanish.
Suddenly there was a force on the back of both of the would be kidnappers heads and they found themselves on the ground and being kept there by one hand each.
"You know, it's rude to stare AND talk about people behind their backs right?" Ichigo asked, smirking.
"H-How did you?" Beard asked, struggling.
"You didn't have a reading even close to suggesting you can do this!" non beard yelped.
"Oh that.. Master daddy got me a special device that let's me hid my spirit energy so I can take out would be kidnappers like you. Plus it helps me not only be the bestest cock sucking diaper fag slave ever, but a damn good body guard." Ichigo chuckled, Placing a knee on each of their back's after turning around, facing their butts. "Now, I'm not gonna turn you in to the cops because they'll just beat you or worse, but you gotta understand I can't just let you two off without some form of punishment right?"
"W-What are you gonna do to use?" No beard asked, twisting his head and seeing the massive diaper butt closer then he'd like by his head.
"Please don't sit on our heads!" Beard pleaded.
"..Oh I didn't even think of That! I'm just gonna yank your undies up so hard you're gonna be tasting them for a month."
"..That's..better?" No beard said.
"I'm glad you agree, but your consent isn't really a deciding factor here." Ichigo said and then grabbed a waist band in either hand.
the screams that came out of the ally were only matched by the site second later as the two would be kidnappers ran out with the back of their undies over their foreheads.
The rest of the walk home after that was uneventful, though Ichigo had to laugh when he got back home.
Toshiro had apparently let his minor role of power in the absence of Renji or Ichigo go to his head as he was lounging on a sofa and sipping from a glass of ice cold grape juice that was being held by a slave while anther one was fanning him with a big leaf and a third was holding up a book for him and turning the pages for him as he gave the signal.
"Are we having fun?" Ichigo asked, snicking slightly.
the effect was instant with Toshiro sitting up and blushing and looking at the other slave's and glaring.
"I told you baka's to warn me when Ichigo was coming back!" he growled.
"And YOU know better then to lord your position like this. " Ichigo said. "They're not the ones who are in deep doo doo Toshiro, you are."
"I..I am?" Toshiro squeaked, the back of his pretty pink diapers balloon out and drooping as he paled.
"...Nah I'm just fucking with ya. everyone let's it go to their head the first time. Do it again though and I WILL tell Renji. and don't even THINK about trying to punish the others. Now finish up your pooping, then go and help finish mucking out the stables."
"..Yes sir." Toshiro grumbled.
The rest of the afternoon passed without incident, and while Ichigo was worried when Master wasn't home by dusk,he knew how long these things could take.
Stepping up he made sure al the slaves got their daily baths in and were in clean clothes, and got a belly full of food before sending them to their quarters for the night to just relax and have fun while he waited on Master daddy.
as the hours went by Ichigo got the feeling Renji had been roped into going out to the bar after with the other captain's and knew Renji couldn't turn down the offer without getting more teasing about how he preferred the company of cute boys who crapped their pants over adults, so he didn't fault Renji for going, but he vowed to himself he'd stay up as late as needed to make sure to greet his loving master daddy when he got home.
So naturally he was conked out and asleep on the couch by 10 pm.
Renji yawned as he made his way into his house. it was 1 in the morning and he had to admit, once he'd gotten the others to shut the fuck up about his boi's he'd actually had some fun with them. He hadn't had as much to drink as the others since these days he tended to get hung over rather easy and he hated how scared and worried his slaves got when he was sick.
Making his way into the living room he was greeted by a familiar smell and looked over to see Ichigo asleep on the couch with his thumb in his mouth and a small blanket covering his chest and a shit swelled diaper around his hips.
'Heh, must of tried to stay up for me..Maybe I should of called home.' Renji thought with a smile.
Despite what Ichigo might think, Renji didn't actually mind the smell of a stinky diaper (he'd hardly of filled his mansion with a bunch of diaper pooping fag's if he had) and so he came over and gently scooped up Ichigo in his arms, cradling the little stinker to his chest and headed for the bedroom.
"Ngggh..Hiii daddy.." Ichigo said, half waking up and coo'ing softly.
"Hey stinker. having a good sleep?"
"Uh-huh." Ichigo said and nodded his head.
"well thats good. you can just go back to sleep sweetie. Daddies gonna tuck us into his bed."
"Oh..Otay." Ichigo coo'ed and just snuggled into Renji's chest, closing his cute eyes and drifting back off.
Yeah, being a captain and owning so many slaves could be a head ache at times, but there wasn't one thing about any of this that Renji would ever change.
The end
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wakandascrystal · 5 years
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Erik x Black Reader
Summary: Erik finds an old picture of you and an Ex. He recognises him and tells you about the man that saved his life in Afghanistan . 
A/N - Warning⚠, I’m going to make this as emotional as i can. please ignore any errors
🌹🎀🎈 🌹🎀🎈🩱🍑❤🌸💕 🩱🍑 🌹🎀🎈🩱🍑❤🌸💕 🌹🎀🎈🩱🍑❤🌸💕
“Are you on your way here?“ You mother asked over the phone.
“Yes, we are. We might take a pit stop and buy something, do you want anything from the shop?“ You asked polity.
“Yes, get me some milk and cookies. The ones I like. The ones they dip in chocolate.“
“Okay, Ma. No problem. We’ll be there in 20 minutes okay?“ “Yeah yeah. Is my beautiful son in law coming or are you coming with Jade“
“Ma you are on speaker!!“ You were tempted to just hang up but you knew she would kill you. Erik was of no help. He just grinned foolishly.
“Yes. The son in law is driving.“ You slurred
“Hello, Mrs Johnson.“ Erik’s deep voice filled the car
“Erik? What did I tell you about calling me, Mrs Johnson? Call me Mom.“ the was a pause
“Alright, Mrs Johnson.“
“I’m nothing going to tell you twice now. Come on Im your mama.“ Your mom pushed.
You could see Eri wasn’t ready to do that. He had nothing against your mother. He actually liked her but Erik was still working on the emotions he had with his own mother. Even though he lost her along time again the issue was still sensitive and sore.
“Okay, Mrs Johnson we are about to enter the highway so we will see you. Bye“ You hung up and sat back in the leather seat.
“I’m sorry about that?“
“Nah it’s cool.“
You didn’t believe him.
“I’m sure she didn’t mean to make you uncom- ”
“I said let’s drop it Y/N“ His voice was stern and hostile. You saw how his hands tightened on the wheel, the muscles under his skin expanding with the pressure. He was tense. You feared that your mother might have triggered him. You quickly put on some music to calm him down. You put on your favourite lo-fi playlist. You knew it would calm him down and it did. 
Driving 130km/hr you rest your hand on his thigh. You wanted him to slow down, doing this was much better than telling him to slow down. Gently moving your fingers on his inner thigh he slowed down. 
It was raining and Erik had no business speeding on the highway. 
He was driving to your moms. He had agreed to help your mom clear out your old room and the attic. She lived in the countryside, the other side of the state but with Erik’s mustang and driving skills, he could get you there in no time. 
“I’m sorry for snapping at you.“ He took your hand and kissed it. 
“Don’t be, I understand.“ 
You pulled your hand from his placing it on his thigh again. This was the best part. When you were comfortable enough to talk and be okay with him. It took a long time to understand him, the way he showed himself and the parts he didnt want to show. It took some time to understand that Erik was more than just some nigga from Oakland. He was different.He loved differently and you were ready to be with him no matter what. 
“It’s a good thing you didn’t take out your braids yesterday.“ You didn’t hear him until he nudged your shoulder.
“Yes?“ You pulled out of your train of thought.
“What are you thinking about there.“
“Nothing. I’m just sleepy.“
“You should have slept earlier. 11 o'clock is too late.“
“I had work Erik…but if somebody didn’t wake me up for some action in the middle of my sweet slumber then I would have had my eight hours.“ you folded your arms across your chest.
He was smiling again. 
“What did I tell you about sleeping naked.“
“Erik I always sleep naked cause cloths tighten and roll up on me when I move ….they make me feel uncomfortable. “
“Okay ..but you could have stopped me at any time though…“
“…Fuck you right“ You laughed a bit as he pulled into a petrol station thinking about last night’s events.
 You offered to go buy all the things you need for the weekend but he didn’t want you getting wet. So you told him what yall needed and he left. After a couple of hours, you were very close to your Mother’s house and Erik pulled into her driveway.
“My favourite people!“ She closed the space between her and Erik with a welcoming hug. His head fit in her collarbone. She really liked him. 
Disappearing into your old room, you left them behind in the kitchen. 
Your room looked the same. Nothing was changed or moved. The double bed with all your TLC, Destiny’s Child, Aaliyah, Ashanti and most importantly the Tupuk poster were still up.
You could tell your mom still came in and cleaned once in a while. There is no way your white bedding would still look so fresh and clean after 2 years and no dust. Yes, she did. You looked under your bed to find a box. It was filled with your all memories. Old letters and bracelets. Erik hugged you from behind as you looked at through the objects. You kissed him and sat on the bed.
“Look at this stuff. She still kept it.“ Erik started to look through with you.
“Your mom said we will start cleaning up tomorrow cause your tired and its late .“ You agreed while you read your high school report cards.
“I Was getting B’s and C’s like it was nobody’s business.“ you smile
Erik was interested in all the objects in the box. He wanted to know you better and when an opportunity showed itself he would grab it with both hands.
“You used to play…what the hell is this.”
You looked over him to the picture of you holding a bat.
“Oh, first-team badminton… it’s like Tennies..a bit .”
You let out a high pitch scream.
“Damn Y/N what the hell.”
“I’m sorry but look. I remember buying this lucky packet thing and finding this ring in it. Then I saw a shooting star and wished a handsome, intelligent nigga would marry me.”
“Did it work.” “Yes, it did.” You gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back pulling things from the box. A few minutes went by and you notice how Erik went quite. He was holding the stack of photographs that didn’t make into your photo album.
“What’s got my baby’s attention.”
He carried on staring at the old photographs, you lean up against him again to see what picture had his attention. It was an old picture of your ex-boyfriend giving you a kiss on the cheek. You rolled your eyes.
“Oh come one E. You know your girl was fire back then. I …was bringing all the boys in the yard.” He stayed very serious, focusing on the picture of your Ex planting a kiss on your cheek.
“What was his name?” He asked
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous…You married me ..You won nigga" You giggled
“‘I know….but I think I know him.” Your eyebrows shot up
“`From where?… His name is Flex..”
“What…what’s wrong?”
“Was his surname O’Brien..”
“Yeah, I think so…It’s been so long though. After graduating I don’t know where he even ended up.“
He didn’t move, just staring at the picture.
“You alright?“ He worried you. His whole aura had changed.
“I know him…He served with me.“ The sorrow and pain in his voice made you pay full attention to him. 
If he did know Flex he must have done something terrible for him to be so emotional all of a sudden. But flex was not like that. You remembered him to be soft and kind. Sure he likes to cause tribble but none that could hurt anyone.
You placed the diary you held and sat next to him. taking his hand.
“You want to talk about it.“ 
“Nah. It’s late you should get some sleep.“
“You sure? I would much rather hear you vent.“ He smiled 
“Let’s get ready for bed.“ He left you to grab your luggage from the car. By the time he got back from the car, Your dad had arrived. He loved Erik.
‘The son I never had’ he always says. You found them in the kitchen talking about the upcoming game. He seemed much happier then he did before. He could cheer up anyone, to be honest. 
“So you came to help your mother with moving?“
“Yes, Sir. Me and Y/N can handle it don’t worry yourself.“ 
“What do you mean me, Erik? I only came for emotional support“ You played along with your husband.
“Nah we are going to put all them pilates and squats into good use tomorrow. Remember to leave with your back.“ Both your father and husband laughed holding onto each other.
“Daddy!!“ they both looked at you. It made you smile that Erik would respond to that even if your real father was present. You fixed your face and pouted to get him on your side.
“Dad. Erik is bullying me.“ 
Adorable Erik though
“I’m sorry sunshine. I was lucky that Erik was free to help. You know since my back kicked in I can’t do anything.“
“-except eat my pies and cooking” Your mom came into the kitchen holding a basket of laundry.
“You got that right.” shocking her head and called you over.
“Y/N why don’t you make the table. I’ll be back to dish up the food for dinner.”
You agreed and did as told, after dinner. You all got ready for bed. For the first time, you didn’t get weird looks from your mom and dad when it was time for sleeping arrangements. Before the wedding, Erik was just some nigga trying to take advantage of their only baby but after the wedding, Erik was the beautiful, nigga angel who was sent to protect their only child from the world. It was strange, and the funny part was Erik didn’t change he was the same chilled guy. But your parents didn’t want you sharing a bed with him. The Christian side of them just couldn’t let that happen. You wondered if they ever figured out that you would just pull him from that uncomfortable, couch around midnight to sleep with you in your bed and end up fucking. It would be weird if they did.
“Before you get up and leave. I would just like to say something..don’t be shy. Do what needs to be done” You knew exactly where this was going.
“Mom please.” You begged
“I need to say this Y/N…Erik I would like to have some grandchildren.”
Erik spat out his wine. It was too funny. It seems like he had not gotten used to how open your mom was. You helped clean him up and left before she said more embarrassing things.
You started getting ready for bed. Brushing your teeth in your silky pj’s. Erik was already in bed. He looked beautiful. He only had his bottoms on, hair all the way back in 3 cornrows. He could see that you were checking him out. Even though he was scrolling through his emails.
“You want to take a picture, Love?“ You giggled. His favourite sound in the world.
“I already have a ton of them, but the real deal looks much better.“ You climber in bed with just his bed lamp on. 
“You don’t say. Are you not cold?“ 
“No. You?“
“No?“ He gave you a kiss and laid down on his back so did you. He turned the lap off and in the silence, you asked.
“Do you think we should fuck so we can have kids ?“ Your voice was little
“What the hell“ Erik let out a laugh, his whole body shook.
“You being pressured by your mom baby?“
“No. I’m in no rush..like at all but we’ve never really spoken about it, Erik.“
“I want to have kids with you, but when the time is right. We still working on us right now. 3 years of marriage that is not a long time. I’m planning on being with you for the longest, like your mom and pops. 57 years.“
“I want to be with you for longer than that.“ You sounded corny and cheesy saying that. Erik smiled thinking you were. But you were his cheesy and corny girlfriend.
“Period…But I do want kids…I want to show them Wakanda and shit. I would love that. “ He said it confidently leaving no room for you to doubt him. ”Plus we live in a great area. They got a good school. You know his ass is practically going to live in that outreach centre. “
“What makes you think it’s going to be a boy?“ you smacked his chest.
“…what ..it could be a girl…or better twins.“
You gasped. “Like Beyonce,” you whisper dramatically. 
You laid on your side so you can see his profile. The small light that comes from the parted curtains helped you see that his eyes were closed. You left for the bath. In the dead of night is when you insecurities seemed to be the most active.
They questioned why Erik liked you, why he married you and if you were worthy to even carry his children. They told you that there were much better girls out there. Who were more attractive. Who could make him much happier than you could ever? At night, when everyone was asleep. The mirror was your worst enemy but somehow the Wakanden gem on your ring fingers reassure you that you were right where you belong.
“Are you asleep?“ you whispered to Erik when you came back from the bathroom. He didn’t answer but he pulled you close to his body. Your head laid on his chest and your arm on his stomach.
after a few minutes of silence, he spoke.
“I was drafted with Felix.“
You didn’t say anything still trying to process the fact that your high school ex-boyfriend somehow knew Erik.
“You still listening..?“ You nodded your head against his chest still in shock.
“We didn’t train together but he was put into the team that left….long story short…i served with your Ex In Afghanistan.’‘ He gave a silent laugh. You felt his body shake.
“What are the odds.“ He said
“-It was crazy. I came in there. Young kid, trying to prove to everyone that am the shit. I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. He was…how do I put it…he lost his shit every time a gun went off. I guess he was there to prove he was the shit too.“
Yep, that’s definitely him. You remembered him to be funny and witty and non-violent. You wondered what made him join the military.
“His bed was next to mine. He Latino so he was super chilled and super talkative. Won’t lie he annoyed me at first but we ending up being …kinda close.“
“Omg, this that is so adorable….. I should invite him over and have like a reunion some time. I’m sure I can find him on facebook or something..“
His head shot down at you with an unreadable expression. You thought you might have offended him, maybe he thought the idea was stupid.
“Chill E. We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.“
“You don’t know don’t you?“ His voice was hollow and soft.
“Know what?“
“On one of the last days….we were coming back in 3 days. We had to patrol around the wrecked city. We had done this many times. The locals just went about their way…but that day Felix just ….he told me like 10 times he wasn’t feeling it…He knew something was off the second we left the base. And he was right. In the middle of the city, we were ambushed. ..Young kid from Oakland…I thought I was going to die. “ He gave a weak smile
“The base got word of what was happening and they sent help. We lost so many good soldiers but Felix and I made it out, as we ran out……all I’m thinking is I can’t wait to go home….but from a distance window Felix sees a sniper and jumpers in front of me when he heard the shoot….I’ve heard stories of what a Lapua Magnum bullet can do to a human body…seeing it in real life was something else..I didn’t have time to hold him ..close his eyes. He saved my life. But bet… after a few seconds I got the shoot. There was no way I wouldn’t avenge his death….right here. “
He raised his right arm and pointed to one scare on his arm… That scar was for the shoot. Erik had told you what the scars were for and it clicked. You felt heartbroken and angry for so many reasons but you couldn’t tell Erik immediately because he was still speaking. In all honesty, your brain stopped taking in information when you figured out Felix died. Your eyes water and a throbbing pain soaked up your heart. He was a good guy. He didn’t deserve that. You thought about his mother and his sister. They must have lost it when they found out. But that could have been your morning a death if Felix didn’t do anything..if he didn’t jump in Erik’s way. Maybe with how the universe works and timelines, you would never even have met Erik; that was a dark thought you just didn’t want to dwell on for too long. 
Erik saw your face. The light passes him and lands on your downcasted face. You looked distressed but he doesn’t regret telling you this. Your eyes are glossy with tears that are about to fall. You stop trying to fight the boiling emotions in your chest. They are hot and they sting and they want out. You push yourself into Erik and let out a cry. On his chest, your head laid visibly shaking.
He had never seen you cry like this in the past. 6 years of knowing you and not once. It wasn’t like the crying or sobbing you did when you watched romantic anime or kdramas or when he surprises you(cause you’re easy to please). This cry was deep and dark. It reminded him of pain and devastation. He wrapped his arms around you so your parents would hear. He hated your reaction. It also showed him how empathic of a person you were. 
“Can we go…” Your voice rough and small. “- Can we go see his grave?”
Erik’s face pulled up in confusion and you saw.
“Erik! He was my friend. I know …it sounds like we were was just dating and fucking…He was my actual friends and I’m so angry and hurt…I thought he was in Austria with his father. That’s what he always told me..that when he graduated he would move there…”
You wiped your tears that had wet half your face.
“-…i ..I also want to thank him…He also saved you..” You laced your fingers with his. Yours were tiny against his. “I want to thank him for that.”
Erik didn’t push. He simply agreed. He wanted to make you happy. So anything you wanted was a comrade. 
You stayed in that position, his hand over your waist and your head just by his chest, He heard your body try to recover. The rain had picked up, hitting and creating a calming noise. you fell asleep in his arms grateful and depressed. 
You thought about how hard destiny has been fighting to make sure Erik ended up with you. You thought about all the fights, his past, your past, the shit that went down in Wakanda, the girls and boy the nasty ass girl that wanted him. He was meant to be there. you were meant to be there. And the thought of that and the low humming of the rain sent you to sleep.
🌹🎀 🌹🎀🎈🩱🍑❤ 🌹🎀🎈🩱🍑❤🌸💕 🌹🎀🎈🩱🍑❤🌸💕 🌸💕 🎈🩱🍑
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shuakkinda-blog · 7 years
Jihoon crushing on you !! // scenario
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A bullet-point scenario featuring Jihoon/Woozi !!
Request for scenarios and reactions on my page if you want :)
- ok but have you seen the lyrics this boy writes for his songs???
- he’s got love sickness written all over svt’s name with his compositions
- and although some of the songs he has written depict active pursuits for a girl that the guy wants,
- Jihoon isn’t the type to go after someone like that
- you know why?
- ok that was bad I’m sorry
- what I mean is that Jihoon doesn’t want to go out looking for his soulmate in every corner and alley
- neither would he want to get a girl to like him by changing himself a whole lot
- he’s one to support the natural bloom of love
- simply put
- Jihoon just wants a girl who really understands him and can accept him for who he is <3  
- alrighty, scenario time !!
- as an intern at pledis, you’ve been given the opportunity to work with many of the company’s artists
- including seventeen ofc
- and you found getting to know the members pretty easy, as most of them are approachable
- when I say most, I mean everyone but Jihoon lol
- you’d see him around, but you guys would never engage in a conversation longer than an exchange of hellos
- some of the other svt members would tease Jihoon by telling you that he isn’t too good with people since he’s always locked away in his studio producing music
- but you’re not convinced
- well, you know he does spend most of his hours in the studio, but you don’t think he’s bad at socializing
- fr though, how else would he have tolerated living with 12 other boys for the past few years???
- this would make you curious about Jihoon
- “I’m sure you’re more than what people say about you...” you’d constantly think to yourself whenever he walks by
- little did you know that Jihoon is wondering about you too
- something about you was familiar to him
- he’s not sure if it’s your relatively calm nature or the way you look
- but he wants to figure what it is about you that’s so different yet so... natural???
- he’d often hear other members talking about you when you aren’t around
- they like to mention how amazing your taste in music is and how comforting/supportive you are when they feel down or stressed
- the beagle line, booseoksoon, would obviously be the biggest chatterboxes
- their conversations about you might as well be fights over you
- “hey guys, y/n likes this song I was practicing my vocals with today,” Soonyoung smiles widely and tries hard not to squeal
- “hmm, is that so,” Seokmin say, pretending to be unbothered
- “yeah, and she says she wants to hear me sing more often.”
- “I don’t know about you guys but I was dancing in the practice room the other day when y/n walked in and said I’m pretty good. She wants me to teach her a few dances sometime,” Seokmin grins in pride
- “WHAT THE HELL? THAT’S MY JOB,” Soonyoung would yell
- “oH weLL,” Seungkwan clears his throat. “yesterday I was cracking jokes all over the place for her and she was practically dying of laughter.”
- “I’m the jokester around here,” Seokmin points to himself. “What are you talking about?”
- “HEY MAN, do you remember who she laughed at the most when we showed her that clip of us on that variety show?” Soonyoung would ask
- “Me,” all three of them answer in unison
- “BACK OFF ALL OF YOU,” Seungkwan says in response. “We all know that comic relief in this group is my responsibility.” the three then engage in an argument
- “Oh my God, we get it. You all like her,” Jihoon says before retreating back to his studio. He’s had enough of this conversation
- before hearing all these “fights” over you
- he would’ve considered initiating dialogue between you and him
- but because Jihoon’s already pretty convinced the three of them are crushing on you already
- he decides to not get involved and leaves you to them
- besides, he doesn’t think a girl that those three would crush on would be his type
- W R O N G
- one day, you’d be hanging out with beagle line, who has been dying to hear more of your music playlists
- you’ve given them a few song recommendations before, but ofc they wanted moRE
- so your playlist session pretty much turns into a karaoke/dance party in the practice room with three of the loudest boys in pledis
- after all of the fun, the boys make a playlist on their laptop with all the songs you just played for them
- so when you can’t hang out with them, they could just play those songs and think of you awww
- however, the laptop they saved the playlist on just so happens to be one of the laptops the entire group shares
- one of these users is none other than the great Lee Jihoon
- he takes the laptop to his studio one day and magically finds the playlist left on pause from the last time booseoksoon listened to it altogether and cried over you lmao
- and recognizing a few songs on the list, he decides to give it a listen
- he has no idea whose playlist it is
- but he falls in love with it
- it just happens to be the perfect mix of old songs from his predebut days and more modern songs from today
- you defined his music taste perfectly with this very playlist
- so he begins to use it more frequently
- one day, he was blasting the playlist in the practice room when all of a sudden:
- “ah, I’m not surprised... booseoksoon is blasting my playlist once agai-”
- you stop your tracks upon spotting no one else but Jihoon with the laptop, playing your playlist
- Jihoon freezes and lets what you just said sink in
- “Oh, uh... this is your playlist?” he asks anxiously
- “Yeah, it- it is,” you stutter. “Seungkwan, Seokmin, and Soonyoung asked me for it, so they saved it onto that... laptop.”
- “well, it’s... pretty good,” Jihoon compliments awkwardly
- “oh really? I- um, thank you??” a nervous laughter comes out of you
- “yeah, uh, I’m sorry if I’m not supposed to be listening to it. I want to respect your priv-”
- “no no, please. If you like it, feel free to use it whenever,” you wave your hands in defense
- Jihoon stifles a tiny laugh. “okay thank you, y/n.”
- “anytime, Jihoon,” you smile kindly. “This is actually the playlist I use when I work on my assignments. Do you mind if I uh... work here while you play it?” You clarify your point by holding up the unfinished files you have to work on for your internship
- “yeah, of course,” Jihoon keeps his cool. “I was just gonna.. uh...”
- “If you’re working on something privately here, I can leave you alone. It’s no big deal,” you say. The last thing you want to do is bother him
- “Ah no, I was just gonna work on my dancing, that’s all,” he manages to answer without stuttering. Jihoon was honestly ready to break out in nervous laughter, but he held it back. “You can stay, don’t worry.”
- you thank Jihoon and settle into a chair and table to get started on work
- it takes you a little while to realize that Jihoon is actually dancing to songs on your playlist
- you decide to give him a compliment, because goddamn this boy is really good
- “I didn’t think that song was all that danceable, but you managed to make it work.”
- Jihoon smiles. “Oh thanks. A lot of the songs on your playlist are dance songs though. That’s what I like about it.”
- “to be honest, I expected you to be more of a composer than a dancer, but it looks like you can do both pretty well,” you smile
- “oh really,” he accepts the compliment shyly. “I spend more time composing, but dancing definitely relieves a lot of stress for me.”
- “... how about you? What do you like to do?” he asks
- he isn’t sure if he asked that out of a need to beat out the awkward aura or if he was genuinely curious about you
- but he’s glad he did because it definitely brought up a pretty interesting conversation between you and him
- and BAM you’re finally friends with Jihoon !!
- I’m not tryna to exaggerate buuuut
- becoming friends with this genius is absolutely life-changing
- your old, awkward hellos in the hallways turn into full-on conversations and it’s amazinG
- and he has so much knowledge about music and dancing and entertainment and he just loves sharing all of that with you
- hearing and seeing how passionate he is about what he does as an artist is the best part about being a good friend of his
- (he wouldn’t share any of this kind of stuff with people he isn’t close to)
- his hardworking nature is also super inspiring
- but oftentimes, you’ll find him stressing a little too much about his work
- although he does take breaks from time to time, there are days when all he wants to do is work nonstop
- and as a caring friend, you do your best to help Jihoon out in these stressful times
- “c’mon dude, just take a short break to have dinner with the members. You can always come back to composing a little later,” you’d nag him
- “no, I’m fine, really,” he replies, eyes still glued to his composition displayed on the computer screen. “I’m not feeling dinner right now.”
- “that’s what you said at lunchtime when I checked on you,” you complain. “I know you keep snacks in here, but the members probably haven’t seen you since this morning. And real meals will help you recharge better than any of these tiny snacks.”
- “y/n this is due in two days, I can’t just-”
- “Jihoon,” you get his full attention at the mention of his name. “I get it. Due dates are due dates. But you need to think: is working straight and only having half of your energy in writing this song really worth it? Or do you think it’s better to take breaks and make a with a song with all of your energy put into it?”
- you sigh. “It’s all up to you. I’m just giving you suggestions here.”
- although you’re still concerned about your friend, you decide it’s best to leave the composer alone for now. You head over to the practice room to join the other members eat dinner. The guys greet you with a warm welcome
- you also inform the boys that you invited Jihoon over for dinner with them if he wanted to come
- but a few moments after your arrival
- Jihoon steps into the practice room as well
- “HOLY SHIT, JIHOON’S ALIVE?” Soonyoung screams
- the rest of the members rush on over to Jihoon to engulf him in a gigantic group hug
- “was I really out for that long?” the composer laughs
- “UHHM YEAH, JIHOON,” Seungkwan exclaims. “I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen your face in two days.”
- “Seriously,” Seungcheol smiles and ruffles Jihoon’s hair. “It’s about time you took a legitimate break.”
- Seungcheol would then walk over to you. You were admiring the adorable group bonding from afar:
- “Damn, y/n, how did you do it?” he pats your shoulder
- you shrug your shoulder and laugh it off
- because you honestly don’t know how you got Jihoon to get out of his studio
- and now he’s eating a complete dinner???
- the members were very impressed by you
- what kind of potion or sorcery did you use to resurrect Jihoon??1?///?
- a potion for love if you know what I mean ;);)
- nah but really
- if Jihoon is able to do the unlikely because of you
- there must be something special about you that Jihoon likes
- when he gets back to his studio after a refreshing dinner time with you and his members
- Jihoon will just sit there and think
- and everything will lead back to you
- your convincing arguments
- your understanding
- your careful nature with him
- your kindness
- your awfully bright smile
- and all of your conversations that got him so excited
- aw shit don’t tell me I like y/n
- he liKES YOU OMF
- the mere thought of himself liking a girl after a long time just sahdlfjdgshskhagaAHHH
- he definitely wasn’t ready for this
- after he realizes he’s got a pretty huge crush on you, Jihoon will most likely change the way he acts around you in a few ways:
- 1. he’ll be 10x more nervous whenever you come over to hang out
- you’ll ask him a simple question like “hey, Jihoon, how are you today?”
- and he’ll have to stutter around when replying:
- “uhhh... go-good I guess?”
- 2. before his crush, he could easily slip you a little compliment here and there. But when he’s crushing, Jihoon would keep all these compliments to himself 
- this is because he’d constantly overthink his compliments
- he doesn’t wanna sound too desperate or flirty. He’ll do anything to make his crush on you not obvious
- so whenever Jihoon would want to compliment you, he’d probably just smile really cutely and say the compliment in his head
- 3. Jihoon would want to be the one to invite you over to hang out, because he needs time to think out your conversations
- the last thing he wants is an awkward time with you
- he’d like everything to flow perfectly so he can feel a little less tense around you
- and whenever you accidentally bump into Jihoon around the company building, oh boy
- he wouldn’t know what to say in these encounters, so you’d have to be the one to start off the conversation
- overall, this guy is just a nervous wreck around you
- and he can’t exactly tell people he’s feeling this attacked every time he sees you because
- Jihoon wouldn’t tell anyone about his crush
- okay maybe Seungcheol, but only if he asks Jihoon about you and doesn’t stop until his dongsaeng admits that he likes you:
- “Jihoon, come on. I know you. Just admit it already.”
- “For the last time, Seungcheol, I don’t like y/n like that,” Jihoon would huff. The two are prepping for bed in their shared dorm room
- “Mmm,” the leader thinks for a moment and then grins. “I’m not buying it.”
- Jihoon is irritated. “You’ve asked me so many times already and I’ve always said no. Why can’t you believe me?”
- Seungcheol inhales deeply before looking at Jihoon squarely in the face. “Look, she’s the only person who can successfully pull you out of the studio to rest or do anything other than work.”
- “Even I can’t do that, and I’ve known you for years now.”
- Jihoon stares at his hyung before covering his face with a hand
- “Jeez, is it that obvious?”
- At the sound of Jihoon’s response, Seungcheol grins, rises to his feet, and starts an awkward but cute happy dance
- “Okay okay, I get it, Cheol. You win,” Jihoon smiles in embarrassment
- with this new information, Seungcheol would be one to make fun of Jihoon a lot when you’re around
- like you could simply pass by and say hi to Jihoon, and Seungcheol would punch him on the shoulder cutely while squealing
- and it’ll become so frequent to the point that the other members would pick up on it too
- and when booseoksoon finds out, Jihoon is in for another headache
- “whOA, I didn’t know Jihoon likes y/n,” Soonyoung would tease
- “I don’t???” Jihoon lies
- “but every single time y/n comes by, Seungcheol automatically smiles and giggles at you specifically,” Seungkwan would justify
- “then maybe Seungcheol likes her,” Jihoon retaliates
- “naw dude, he isn’t like that,” Seokmin replies. “The leader is just making your crush too obvious.”
- Jihoon won’t know how to come back at that comment
- “... whatever,” he sighs in defeat
- “AEYYYYY-” the trio squeals but Jihoon cuts them:
- “I’m out. Go be loud and dumb somewhere else.”
- “WELCOME TO THE CLUB, JIHOON,” the trio shouts
- and since the three beagles hang out with you a lot too
- they’re bound to spill the beans within the first few days of knowing:
- you’d be hanging out with the three of them like usual when the boys suddenly decide to pull out your playlist for another mini practice room party
- the first song that Jihoon danced to on your playlist comes up and you can’t help but mention him out of nowhere
- “guys, did I ever tell you that Jihoon listens to my playlist?”
- “oOhHoH, Jihoon,” Soonyoung wiggles his eyebrows at the other boys
- “uh yeah?? He found it on the laptop we saved it on, and I caught him listening to it. Strange huh,” you smile off to the side at the thought of that day
- “mMhHm, very strange indeed,” Seokmin looks at Seungkwan and Soonyoung and gives them a suspicious look similar to Soonyoung’s
- “yo wtf? What’s going on with all of you?” you’d ask
- “OH NOTHING NOTHING,” Seungkwan would giggle
- you’re not convinced
- “you guys are hiding something. Spill it.”
- the boys would hold their breaths and keep quiet, until...
- “JIHOON LIKES YOU,” Seungkwan would burst and then immediately cover his mouth in regret
- “WhAaAaT??1? ‘JIHOON LIKES FOOD?’ PFF ISN’T THAT ALREADY OBVIOUS?? HAHAHAHHEHAHHA NiCe oNe, Bo0 ” seoksoon scream in an attempt to cover up the accident
- meanwhile, the fact sinks in and you break out into a huge smile. A pink blush spreads across your face, and the boys notice
- “WHOA WAIT,” Seungkwan finally breaks. “YOU LIKE HIM TOO?”
- “... maybe.”
- “are you gonna confess to him?” they all ask
- “hmmm... I don’t know, should I?” *GEULSE JAL MOLLA*
- m e a n w h i l e 
- the mere thought of confessing to you is terrifying to Jihoon
- it would take him a lot of line-rehearsing and sleepless nights before he could tell you how he feels
- but that would take a century
- a lot of times, he’ll come close to having enough guts for it
- but then he’d back out, thinking that the conversation could wait a little longer
- so if anything, you’d have to be the one to ask him if he likes you
- “hey Jihoon, can I ask you something?” you twiddle your fingers atop Jihoon’s desk. The two of you are hanging out in his studio like you usually do
- “yeah, what’s up?”
- he’s busy. Only half of his attention is on the conversation
- “do you... like me?”
- Jihoon freezes. Instead of looking directly at you, he stares at your fidgeting hands
- “who told you that?”
- “I can’t say because you’ll-”
- “who told you that?” he repeats himself
- “I can only tell you who if you promise not to kill that person.”
- Jihoon thinks for a moment. “Fine, just tell me who.”
- you can’t help but laugh as you respond
- “Seungkwan.”
- Jihoon immediately gets up from his seat and starts heading for the studio door
- “OH MY GOD WAIT, JIHOON,” you can’t stop laughing, but you follow him to the door and grab his wrist
- he stops again, and an electric feeling rushes through his body upon sensing your touch
- “Jihoon, you promised me you wouldn’t kill him. Now keep your promise.”
-  He puffs out a breath before turning to you. “I’m sorry y/n, but Seungkwan needs to learn his less-”
- “I like you too,” you interrupt his sentence
- his entire body stills, and it’s as if time decided to take a moment to pause at this very moment
- “if anything, we should be thanking Seungkwan for spitting it all out because, if it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have known we both like each other.”
- Jihoon thinks, and a smile slowly forms on his lips
- “can I punch him in the face at least?”
- “alright, but I’ll need something else in return then,” he takes a hold of you with one hand on your arm
- “like what?”
- he finally looks you in the eye 
- you notice his face blushing pink
- “nevermind, I really want to beat him up.”
- “JIHOO-”
- he quickly pecks you on the cheek before leaving the studio to start his manhunt for Seungkwan
- as he runs away from your chasing, he smiles to himself
- Jihoon, you got the girl of your dreams. And it was simple...
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terraclae · 7 years
Inked Hands
Arodan finally pays a visit to Kassa after the siege.
Lore pings: @yuushanoah-fr @cityofinoue
'Ah, Danny, came to see me?'
Arodan inhaled sharply upon hearing Kassa's voice down the end of the hall. Atlas' hand on his back ushered him forward gently however and he proceeded, calling out down the hall. 'It's not for my personal enjoyment Kassa. Are you having fun over there?'
'I wouldn't know Dan, we could share our experiences on being locked up in cells.' Arodan arrived at their cell and he could see besides Kassa being locked within the cell that there also had been heavy looking restraints put on their hands that looked like they weren't coming off anytime soon. 'I'd admit, this is my first time I've been captured. Have any pointers?'
'Buckle up and bite the bullet.' Arodan grunted. He watched Kassa walk towards the bars and casually lean against them. 'So, are you planning to tell me what exactly your motives are and if you pose a danger to us or do you plan to stay here?'
'Ooh, look at you being all scary and authoritative, you and Atlas make the cutest duo.' Kassa chirped, tilting their head jovially. They didn't look as amused as they sounded however. 'What do you want me to start on, our general disagreement or something more specific like almost breaking your spine?'
'Let's start on how, Kassa.' He knew Atlas flinched behind him and discretely Arodan brushed over Atlas' hand to soothe him. He knew Atlas wanted to be around out of safety reasons but the both of them had half expected Kassa to be unabashedly blunt. 'How and why?'
'Well, I don't have any sad backstory to share with you all, but it went a little like...' Kassa held up one of their hands and turned it around. '... It was something as simple as a handshake. One handshake, and immediately that what threatened us was at my mercy.' They looked at Arodan intently now. 'I met with someone disillusioned with their life, Shade afflicted and troubled. Their particular talent was to pass on the Shade in a manageable form that suited its host.'
Atlas shot Arodan a worried look and this time Arodan found his hand closing around Atlas' on instinct. 'What does that mean? Is this person a danger to us on the long run?' Arodan shook his head. 'Are you a danger to us?'
'Well, if any of you tried to understand the things I do to protect you, you'd be blown away darling.' Kassa said, looking actively annoyed now. 'I mean you no harm. This skill, to repeat myself, only works on those already afflicted, like you, me, Sachi… My playing field isn't very big.'
'Then what is your goal?' Arodan asked. 'You threatened to hurt me and didn't stop Sachairi from killing Paramo soldiers yet you claim to care for this place?'
'I do care. I care for Paramo, with all my being.' Kassa said, with a sullen finality that shut Arodan up for a moment. 'This is my way of doing it. I have to protect us, by all means possible. The Shade is our biggest threat, and it has never brought us any good, so if I have to use it to destroy it, so be it. I will make sure I'll be as dead as the lot of them once all Shade is purged from the people I love.'
‘Then why keep it hidden if your goal sounds noble?’
‘Have you seen me?’ Kassa answered. They shook against their restraints as emphasis. ‘Ooh, yeah, I’ll just march up to the king and show him my icky inky hands and tell him it’s the Shade, anything the Shade clings to isn’t trustworthy, Danny.’
‘Fine.’ Arodan snapped. 'So, you don’t trust me, and you don’t trust Sachairi, is that right?’
‘I regret to say that yes, you’re right.’ Kassa’s gaze drifted off guiltily then. ‘But…’
‘But what?’
‘I’m highly cautious of you. More so of myself. But I don’t hate or dislike you in the very least Danny.’ They met his eye again with an uncertain glance. ‘In fact, I’m quite fond of you. You’re a good egg Dan.’
‘O… Okay?’ Arodan was taken aback by the sudden declaration and frankly confused. He looked back to see Atlas shared a similar look of befuddlement. ‘So what am I supposed to do with that? That doesn’t change that I’m still pretty mad.’
‘What I’m getting at is that if you value yourself to stay relatively unharmed that you keep your distance from Sachairi.’ Kassa responded. They continued before Arodan could get a word in. ‘You’re salvageable. He is not. That boy ain’t right, Dan.’
‘I don’t trust him. He attacked Paramo after all.’ Arodan pinched his nose, an annoyed grunt leaving him as if he had heard this a thousand times before. ‘But he also wasn’t in control of himself as far as I understand. Of course he needs to be held responsible for that, but he isn’t-‘
‘Arodan, you don’t understand.’ Kassa snapped. ‘I know Sachi. What awakened that evening in the crypt isn’t Sachi, even if Carmen is so adamant it's him and tells Balam to give him a chance.’
‘What do you mean?’ Atlas stepped forward and spoke this time. He looked visibly uneasy by being in Kassa’s presence and what they were telling him. ‘He acts like him-‘
'Ask yourself, what's changed?'
Atlas looked like he had a response ready then immediately seemed to sink into deep thought. He rubbed the back of his head, to the front, then his nose and suddenly it came to him. 'His voice.'
'Finally catching on?'
'Okay, fine, yeah, he has been talking weirdly lately.' Atlas looked and spoke in a hesitant manner. 'Aren't you his friend? I already don't like him very much, you don't need to tell me this to make me distrust him even more.'
'It's exactly because of that that I know something isn't right.' Kassa said. 'There's more to this, it's not just his voice. It's small mannerisms, quirks, most of all?' Kassa shook their restraints. 'His Shade has to be sentient, because it knows how it can hide in it's host. It is why I call him unsalvageable, and that is not something I say without thought.' They narrowed their eyes. 'You're neutralised but he never was.'
'Okay, then what do you propose we do, what even was your plan with him?' Arodan stepped forward until he was right at the bars. 'You were so goddamn lyrical about the Shade when I asked you, is this what you really think of it?'
'Short answer, yes.' Kassa stepped back in response to Arodan coming up to the bars. 'Long answer, it fascinates me, horrifies me, angers me. A person can have conflicting feelings on something as strange as this.' They held their head high as they spoke. 'What I planned with Sachi was to wake him and have him destroy Lux Laterna's forces, now that I had a means to aid him and to keep his focus. Then I could purge the Shade from him and he would be healed from his affliction.'
'I thought after that things could be alright, that Paramo would be safe. Look at us now.' Kassa continued. 'We're stuck on a promoted piece of driftwood with someone- no something wearing the skin of a friend. So what I propose we do is that we find a way to contain Sachairi again and get reinforcements.'
'Kassa, that sounds impossible.' Atlas said, being the first to speak after a long pause on everyone's behalf. 'How do we know we can trust you?'
'Fair enough, maybe you can't. But I wasn't the one who once attacked the city we love in a frenzy.' Kassa shook their head and sat down on the floor of the cell. 'Any plans then Atlas? I don't hear you thinking.'
'Okay, listen… And this is about to sound very stupid-' Arodan said, waving his hands in mild frustration. He had had it with Kassa but oddly he wasn't as mad with them at that moment. 'But let me talk to him. Let me converse with the Shade in him.'
'That's going to kill you Dan, if Kassa is telling the truth.' Atlas said, quickly and with a distinct break in his voice. 'If we don't know if it's dangerous then I can't let you do that.'
'I'm gonna have to agree with Atlas darling, it sounds dangerous and stupid.' Kassa chimed in, leaning their head against the bars. 'What if he eats you?'
'Eats me- Okay, I'm done talking to you.' Arodan exclaimed. A harsh and drawn out breath left him loudly and he found himself pinching his nose yet again. 'I'm known to do stupid things. But I also know where my limit is okay, I'm not going to endanger myself.' He looked up at Atlas. 'I can't do that to you guys, I have to help out however I can.' He managed to smile a little, the movement feeling foreign to his jaw. 'So please, let me help.' A tense silence followed and Atlas worried the buttons on his coat. He exchanged frantic looks with Kassa who didn't seem too impressed by the declaration.
They had been first to speak. 'Then do it Danny. Just don't get yourself hurt.' Kassa focused elsewhere with a guilty stare. 'If you want to do it so bad, do it safely.'
'I don't agree with this.' Atlas whispered. He walked forward and pulled Arodan in for a hug. 'But go, try it. Too much has happened lately so figure out if we're not all in danger.'
The hug was tight enough to squeeze the air right out of Arodan and he had trouble hugging back this way. Yet, he tried and assuredly pat his back. 'Don't worry, it's nothing big. And you know I'll come back to you at the end of the day.'
'Hmhm.' Atlas managed to murmur only a few things and then pulled back, looking over Kassa. He stood in the small hall looking far too tired to be functioning. When he collected himself he turned around and walked off. 'I'm going to check on Balam, ask him what he really thinks about this.'
'Atlas?' Arodan called after Atlas. Atlas looked around briefly, and Arodan could see he was at least smiling. He knew better than to question Atlas further when he was feeling the way he did. Maybe he needed some space at that moment.
'Well, you two are starting out well.'
'Was that sarcasm?' Arodan threw a look over his shoulder at Kassa who still sat in the same place. 'Because I don't need your commentary.'
'No, it wasn't sarcasm. I just can see you two love each other despite the hard times.' Kassa met Arodan's eye and tilted their head. 'Danny?'
'Yes, what is it?' He wasn't quite ready for whatever new revelation he expected from Kassa. 'Spit it out.'
'Sorry. I'm sorry.' Kassa said, clearly and with a ring to it. The words seemed to call in yet another silence which became just a little too awkward for Arodan. He turned around without another word but found himself leaving.
'I'll be back later.' Arodan said. What he now intended to do was to set some things right.
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jayankles · 8 years
Learn the Hard Way (AU)
Pairing: Teacher!Dean x Teacher!Reader
Word Count: 1606
Warnings: Smut [again :)], Oral (FR), Fingering, Penetration, idk
A/N - This is my entry for @dancingalone21 - The Queen of AU’s - Lau’s AU Funny Quote Challenge. I chose the quote: ‘You know who wears sunglasses inside? Blind people and douchebags’ - it is in bold and italicalised.
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'Alright guys, I think it's my time to hit the hay.' 
Sam had got up from his lounger and crossed over to you, kissing your temple and patting his brother of the shoulder. As soon as Sam slid the motel door closed, you breathed out a sigh of relief, 'God, I thought he would never leave!' You took a quick glance around the pool area and saw that it was empty; just you and Dean. 
Rising from your seat, you kicked off your flip flops and untied the fabric at your neck, the one that was holding up your sundress, leaving you in just your swimsuit. 'Are you going to join me for a swim, Professor Winchester?' You asked in a sultry tone. Diving into the pool, you waited for him to join you. Decisively, Dean made his decision, quickly ridding himself of his top and his own flip flops, keeping on his swim shorts before cannonballing into the pool. A wave of the chlorine filled water rushed over your head. He rose to the surface like Ariel from the little mermaid and swam to you, God he was such a dork. 'Sup, Professor Y/L/N.' 'I think we're wearing too much.' Arms wound around his neck, you pulled him close to peck his lips, you knew when you pulled back that it wasn't enough to satisfy the hunger that was growing deep in the pit of your stomach. So you dove back in, attaching your lips to his, his hand coming up to cup the back of your head, pushing you impossibly closer to him. His tongue desperately laved against your lips, your bottom one, his favourite, as he tugged at it, and bit harshly almost drawing blood. Moans and groans filled the air as Dean continued to torturously kiss you, hungrily but slow. You wanted more. You needed more. Your hands traveled down his chest, shuffling your body back for your hand to continue its journey down his torso. Fingers tracing his waistband, your hand finally dove into his shorts, easily finding his length. Pumping it in your hand, you smiled against Dean's lips as he thrusted his hips closer to your hand. The passion in his kiss never dissipated as he moved across your jaw. His hands moved from your the back of your head to pull at the string of your bikini top, once it was discarded from your body it was thrown into the side of the pool, his hands then returned, settling on your waist, pushing you to the edge. Releasing his cock, you pushed his swim shorts down his thighs, the water making the task more difficult than necessary. Once Dean kicked them off, you carelessly threw them behind you so you could admire his perfect body concealed and distorted by the water. 'Like what you see, sweetheart?' 'Always, but don't be so cocky.' 'Now why would I do that?' 'Because you're an ass.' He feigned hurt, covering his heart and scrunching up his face. He swivelled to look behind him. 'I think I got a pretty nice ass, if I do say so myself.' Rolling your eyes, you playfully punched his shoulder, 'you're so weird! But it's very squeezable too.' You said, pinching his backside. 'Oh, that felt good. You're making me all tingly.' His lips attached to your neck as his hand trekked to your bikini bottoms, removing the flimsy fabric from your body and tossing it to join the rest of your forgotten clothes. His fingers made their way back down your stomach, he stopped at your clit, alternating between rubbing quick circles and slow ones; they had you bucking into his fingers and whimpering either way. When he thought you were stimulated enough, his thumb replaced his fingers on your clit. Dean's fingers traced your slit before he penetrated your entrance. A groan ripping through your throat as he easily filled you to the hilt. Your hips gyrated, fucking yourself on his fingers, burying them deeper in your slick pussy. Your back arched as his digits attacked you at a relentless pace. The pad of forefinger and middle finger stroking against the sweet spot inside of you, Dean flicked his thumb against the bundle of nerves, simultaneously adding the perfect amount of pressure as he continued the action. The coil in your lower abdomen tightened ready to snap, just needing a little more encouragement. 'God, baby girl, I can feel you clenching around my fingers. You're so fucking tight, I love it. Come for me, baby.' He whispered as he bit the shell of your ear, his lips now ghosting over your jaw as you spasmed around his fingers and you climaxed on demand. A cry tearing though your throat as you released. Your head fell forward, finding its way to his shoulder 'So fucking hot, but I gotta taste that pretty little pussy. Sit up there,' he gestured to the ledge of the pool and you obliged, spreading your legs so you could accommodate him. Dean pushed your body backwards lightly so that you were resting on your elbows, looking down at him, watching him go down on you. He didn't waste anytime, just dove straight into you, he scraped his teeth over your clit, you jumped at the attention it got. His fingers parted your pussy lips, coating them in your arousal, he quickly buried his tongue in you, prodding your hole before he shook his head horizontally, his nose bumping over you clit, stimulating you even further as you were still not over the first one. Your orgasm unexpectedly ripped through you, still convulsing as his tongue worked you through as he milked your orgasm from you, greedily drinking down your juices that flowed over his chin. 'Think you can go one more time, baby?' He said wiping away your slick from his stubbled chin. You jumped into the water again, taking matters into your own hands. Lining him up with your entrance, you sunk down on his cock, taking in his full length until he bottomed out. 'Definitely one more, as long as your deep inside me.' The last three words accentuated with a darker tone, you just wanted him to fuck you senseless. With him still inside you, he swam over to the built in steps of the pool, sitting you at the top, his knees resting on the step below; a perfect angle for the tip of his dick to brush against your g-spot. Dean pumped his hips in and out, he started slow, to let you adjust to his huge size. Once you gave him the okay, he pushed in faster and harder, he sweet sting occurring as he stretched your walls. His balls slapped against your ass as he continued his punishing pace. 'Dean...I'm close.' Feeling his balls tighten you knew he was close too. 'Let go. Come for me, baby.' And you did, your body spiralled out of control. White clouded your vision as you climaxed for the third time, he followed you just after, emptying his load inside of you, coating your inner walls. Dean fell on top of you kissing your neck, finally landing on your lips. 'Well, we can tick that off our bucket list.' 'Dude, it wasn't even in there.' 'I know but we can add it then tick it off, aren't we ambitious?' Dean slipped out of you as you spoke again, 'we gotta run back to our rooms, you up for some more public nudity. We carry our clothes but we can't get caught, if we do, well we'll figure something out.' You kissed him once more before getting and picking up your clothes. 'Race ya?' 'You are on, Princess. You could have a head start and I'd still win!'
You woke up, starting to regret last night. Not the sex, the sex was great. It was just what happens after. Yours and Dean's rooms were separate due to a mix up on the hotels end, you had told Dean that he could bunk with his brother and you wanted a room all you yourself, a woman has got to have some space right? You looked in the mirror and instantly regretted it, you looked like absolute shit. You grabbed a pair of your dark shades and put them over your face, being mindful of where they were placed. Chucking on a sundress, you picked up your phone and called Dean. 'What's up?' 'Where are you?' 'We were just going to get some breakfast, wanna come?' 'Yeah, I'll meet you down there okay? 'Are you okay?' You could hear the concern in his voice. You swallowed the lump in your throat, and gathered your room key and purse. 'Aces. I'll be down in a minute.' You hung up and shut the door, making your way to meet the boys. You should have expected this. As soon as you stepped out of that elevator, and Dean set his eyes on you, you should have known. 'Why are you wearing sunglasses inside? You know who wears sunglasses inside? Blind people and douchebags.' Dean ranted. You quirked an eyebrow, 'you done? 'Cause this mother fucker hurts!' You yanked off the shades and presented the brown and yellow splotches that your eye now sported. He held your face in his hands, gently twisting your head from side to side so he could examine the damage done. 'How'd this happen?' 'Let's just say that it is not a good idea to run with wet feet on a slippery floor.' He chuckled at your misfortune. 'Guess sometimes you have to find out the hard way.'
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Dean Tags: @thorne93 @becaamm @you-know-whodoesthat-crazypeople @jotink78 @love-kittykat21 @jensen-jarpad @hymnofthevalkyries @marvelbase001 @kurosaki224-new-blog @supernatural-jackles @cyrilconnelly @purgatoan @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @iwantthedean @goody2shoessmut @ruprecht0420 @mrswhozeewhatsis @feelmyroarrrr @redlipstickandplaid @mogaruke @anotherhunter @sometimes-iwritee @caplanbuckybarnes @pureawesomeness001 @mizzezm @jpadjackles @jesspfly @1amluke @skybinx-blog @aubzylynn @balthazars-muse @deansbaekaz2y5 @plaidstiel-wormstache @lilasiannerd @thewayward-winchester
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