#fr theo tortellini
grimbunnies · 2 years
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Fr. Theo: "Good girl, Daisy. I'm home now."
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grimbunnies · 2 years
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Father Theo hoped as he grew older he'd grow wiser. Instead, he worries he's making the same old mistakes…
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grimbunnies · 2 years
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Fr. Theo: Your whole life spent becoming wise in search of peace, and you repeat the same mistakes. This time it may be enough to ruin you, too... But there will always be a pleasure in being wanted, and that's something I never found in this vocation, anymore than I found what I needed to feel at ease and fulfilled.
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Judith: "Mind if I join you, Father?"
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Fr. Theo: "Thank you for visiting with me. I enjoyed the chess game, and your company. It brightened my spirits after a... challenging day."
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grimbunnies · 2 years
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Fr. Theo: "You shouldn't be here, Briana. You shouldn't disobey your father."
Briana: "I don't care what my father thinks. He can hardly look at me. You listen to me, and care about me. You should see our daughter. She's so like you. I know we cannot be together openly, but do not turn your back on us. I still love you. I am still faithful to you alone."
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Fr. Theo: "I still long for you, too..."
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grimbunnies · 2 years
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Fr. Theo: "Mrs. Fusilli! Welcome. Would you like to come in?"
Katrina: "No, no. I only came to check on you. I heard that Mr. Linguine handled the dispute between you quite poorly."
Fr. Theo: "Sims may become so overcome with emotion that they can no longer recall the will of the Watcher and turn to violence or another sin for relief of the mental affliction. Perceived slights against one's family can rapidly trigger such a reaction. I blame myself, in part, for not being more careful with my words to guide Hector through this troubled time."
Katrina: "A very generous perspective..."
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Fr. Theo: "It means a great deal that you think so, Mrs. Fusilli. You are a prominent member within the congregation, and your support pleases the Watcher."
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Katrina: "You're very talented with words, especially flattery. Perhaps you might apply the same cleverness to disguising your vices?"
Fr. Theo: "Excuse me?"
Katrina: "Appearances mean everything, Father. I do not care what you choose to do in the privacy of your home. I care when it becomes public and reflects upon the entire congregation. They gossip about such scandals all the way in Rodeburg. Get a vasectomy. Pursue a sim closer to your age who cannot produce children. Either way, I... encourage you to come up with a solution. I'm quite fond of you, Father. I would hate to see you leave this town."
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grimbunnies · 2 years
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Briana: I miss you everyday, Mamma. I’ll bring fresh flowers tomorrow.
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Fr. Theo: “Briana! I’m so glad you made it. You missed the service, but I am happy to see you here for our private instruction.”
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Briana: “I would never miss it.”
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Briana: “I do need to use the restroom before we begin.”
Fr. Theo: “Of course.”
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Briana: “Theo?”
Fr. Theo: “I could not wait any longer to hold you and kiss you again, my dove.”
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grimbunnies · 2 years
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Camilla: "You remember I offered to cook for you? Well, I know you didn't ask, but I made you a meal. It's enough food for a few dinners, I hope. It should let you rest that wrist."
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Fr. Theo: "Thank you, Camilla."
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grimbunnies · 2 years
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Fr. Theo: "Camilla! I am pleased to see you. I worried you might not attend today. Seeing your face in the pews warms my heart."
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Camilla: "I would never miss your sermon, Father Theo. I am so disappointed in Hector! I tried to talk to him, to convince him to apologize, but he's irate. I hope he did not hurt you."
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Fr. Theo: "Oh, well, my wrist hasn't felt quite right for days, but I couldn't be certain that's not just age."
Camilla: "You poor thing. If you need any help with meals, let me know. It can be difficult to cook with a bad wrist."
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Fr. Theo: "You are wonderful, Camilla. Thank you."
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grimbunnies · 2 years
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Fr. Theo: A fine woman...
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grimbunnies · 2 years
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grimbunnies · 2 years
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Fr. Theo: "Oh! My darling."
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Fr. Theo: "I have neglected you today, haven't I? How is my girl?"
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grimbunnies · 2 years
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On her day off, Judith wants to go fishing. She takes a long bus ride to Europa to visit a nice fishing spot.
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Judith: “Do you and your family live around here?”
Fr. Theo: “I do, but I haven’t any family. I’m a Jacoban priest. I’ve made vows. You could say I’m married to the Watcher.”
Judith: “Then the Watcher’s the lucky one...”
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Judith: “I’m so sorry... That was... completely inappropriate...”
Fr. Theo: “Nonsense, my dear. I take it as a compliment, in the spirit it was meant.”
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grimbunnies · 3 years
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Daisy’s growing older, but she’s still nimble and loves to play with Theo. She adores all the attention.
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grimbunnies · 3 years
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Theo: “Mrs. Fusilli?”
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Katrina: “Oh, Father, my faith is being tested. I’m so glad you’re here.”
Theo: “Let us go inside. We can read scripture together.”
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Theo: “Mrs. Fusilli?”
Katrina: “Be quite.”
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grimbunnies · 3 years
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Camilla: “Thank you for coming. I know it was last minute.”
Florence: “I was happy to be here to witness. Congratulations, Camilla.”
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Grace: “Congratulations, Mrs. F—Actually, I guess you’re now Mrs. Linguine.”
Camilla: “Yes, I am.”
Grace: “I don’t want to make this moment about me, but I do have to request that you don’t mention my date to my papà. I haven’t told him about... you know...”
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Camilla: “I won’t say a word... I’m not one to meddle in other sims’ business, but I must suggest that you do tell him. Soon. I don’t think he’ll be upset whatsoever. The Jacoban faith does not discourage such relationships.”
Grace: “I—”
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Camilla: “And besides, you can still give your papà grandchildren thanks to Dr. Curious’ formula! What a brilliant scientist!”
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grimbunnies · 4 years
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Time for mischief!
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