#fr tho this is sooo kind and i teared up a little
nolanhollogay · 1 year
hello! just wanted to say - i have left the oc community for a long time bc for a while it felt like a very uncomfortable and unsafe space. the drama and personal attacks absolutely flooded my dash and i didnt find joy in creating anymore. literally some of the only parts of the community i enjoyed at the end were mutuals like you and mara!! when i saw your challenge i felt like there might be a small way to enjoy creating w some friends again. and i had a blast making gif sets and edits!! not to mention how creative and original every prompt was ugh i just loved it. it made me want to engage and create again. anyway just wanted to let you know how positively this whole challenge influenced me. love ya, keep being iconic, and fuck the haters fr 💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕 (btw saying no offense does not make you sound like any less of an asshole lmao) - katie aka @kendelias
THIS IS SO SWEET im kissing ur little face
im glad my silly little challenge could bring u some joy 🥺🥺🥺 and im sorry the oc community couldn't be what u needed, but I'm happy i could help bring u back in at least a little, especially bcuz ur one of my favorite creators
sending u allll the kissies
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iho6hi2 · 2 months
4,25,28 n 30!!
Pheww had to think for a bit thanks for giving me something to yap about :D
4. Did you prefer Ares or Orion?
- Sooo both of them were kind of like... meh in a sense, but Orion was more entertaining and had way more plot than Ares (tho Ares had more budget and the animation was better imo). In Orion, I disliked how they had like so many characters jammed in together because the writers obviously had no idea what to do with so many people 💀 like its okay not to include the OG cast nobody would've been mad if you excluded them or smth. However, one good thing Orion did was show how severe everything is and how prevalent the antagonists were (THEY ACTUALLY SERVED A ROLE), which Ares lacks.
25. Do you like the adult versions of the OG cast — would you imagine them to be different?
- ONG WHEN I SAW MY GOATS AS ADULTS I HAD TO SHED A TEAR FR. I love them so much I could watch a whole show with just them as adults and speaking of that, the only thing I wish we could've had was seeing them play in their separate leagues. Its been mentioned several times on several occasions that most of the main members from the OG cast played in different leagues and I wish we could have seen them at their prime and have them play against each other in something like an FFI
28. Do you have any OC's? If yes — explain a little about them:
- So my OC slash Devil's Advocate y/n's name is Hideyoshi (last name) Toshiaki (first name), they are 17, born on 1st of January, blasian and they have taken on the role of something like an anti-hero/antagonist even though they are not necessarily evil or whatever, but simply do what they think fits a situation best and try to find entertainment in everything. I imagine them to be around 5'11 (180.34cm) and their voice actresses to be Grey DeLisle and Sawashiro Miyuki :33
Tumblr media
30. Do you have any ina11 opinions that are controversial?
- OKAYY SO you might be a little confused and lost since you haven't watched ie (let alone Orion), but I believe it should have been Ichihoshi Mitsuru who lived and not Hikaru... IM SORRY BUTTT theres so much more that could have been done if Mitsuru was the brother who lived instead of Hikaru and I will die on this hill. It might sound crazy, but I genuinely think the idea of Mitsuru having to make up for everything he's done and come to terms with the reality of his situation would have added so much more flavor to Orion
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lqfiles · 3 months
im a little late but i went out to distract myself and just had the time rn to read the new update!!
but not jaemin and renjun bonding over fruit cats 😭 i knew it. they’re gonna become like this 🤞🏼 and share custody over the cats
also the new account? 😭 FamilyGirl1739262? LMAOOO idk i love that even though it’s completely random
ALSO THE WAY haechan is just like “hey sweetheart” and y/n just completely dismisses it (bro ngl me too like pls call me that more heh) and idkkk i just love seeing that he notices the difference between her usual responses and her dry responses. he wants her so bad 🤭🤞🏼
the “im all ears baby” made me giggle
he’s so desperate for her attention i love it!!
also, thanks for the update. i didn’t know how i was gonna handle the update and commenting but, i know bella (who was always napping) would’ve wanted me to read it and she’s somewhere napping and watching me frfr
you’re so talented! and thank you again for your kind words 🤍
so proud of you FOR EVERYTHING
- 🫧
(it’s been 3 days since bella passed but, even tho it intensely hurts, im learning to cope with it little by little. it took a lot of sobs and tears and a lot of guilt to wash away, and even though i shed a bit of tears smelling her plushies (they smell like her stinky breath heh) im doing better. your update made me smile and im happy to have good memories here bc of her and you)
(idk what to give small updates about now, but i hope everyone has a good day! it’s been getting hot, too, so i hope everyone is doing well during this heat and staying hydrated 🤍)
(you’re so cool and very cool and so so cool <3)
i hope you’ve been feeling well lately and if you need anyone to talk to you, you know you can message me <3 i feel like i should tell you to take time off social media but if it really made you feel better than that would make me even happier, i’m sure bella would’ve loved the new updates too and probably bitten your finger, we will always love her and never forget her :(( i hope you’re mourning at your own pace, don’t think you have to get over it quick!!! take as long as you need to move on, you don’t even need to move on!! i just hope you’re in the right headspace and will feel better soon, people like that driver deserve the worst type of hell and don’t worry god has karma planned for him bae <3
its the start of the renmin e2bffs arc, idk if i’ve said this before but this smau is fr just all my fave dynamics in one writing e.g jaemark, renmin, renyang, renhyuck (kinda).. maybe i can even squeeze markmin into it :P
it might be random but i characterised y/n as a character that LOVES family guy (which is why she got peter griffin as her pfp for both accounts) i was also gonna make haechan like family guy, and they’re gonna bond over uit 😆 HIM NOTICING HWE SOEECH PATTERNS LIKE OOOUUU YOU LIKE HER SOOO BAD AND YOU WANT HER ATTENTION SOOOO BAD it’s becoming embarrassing @ haechan 🤦🏽‍♀️
you’re so lovely i love you and hope you’re having the best days coming up, i’ll always root for you ^^!!! stay hydrated too and eat well!!
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kangseluigi · 6 years
Unpopular opinions post bc I wanna
I hate B* B*rnh*m. I just…didn’t actively like him at first, bordering on dislike but everyone loooooveeeeddddd him so I watched his netflix special and the first half was meh, didn’t laugh but ok I guess, then he kept making awful bigotted jokes and I hate him OH WELL
I don’t like  qu**r eye. tbh I only know 4 of them guys, and:
I know nothing about K…what’s his name? Y’all don’t even talk about him lbr 
but I know Tan, he seems…okay?
But I don’t trust the cooking guy very much
and least of all I trust the guy everyone is obsessed with with the long hair, he looks like a mix of r*pist ass J*red L*to and J*mes Fr*nco and they both can go to hell so maybe it’s projection but I also know that like 98% of the time my hatred is justified so I’ll hold on to this he has something buried prove me wrong
I like One day at a Time but not more. I don’t think it’s particularly funny tbh and one of the few shows that try so hard to focus on doing everything right and being progressive, which is a good thing, that they kind of…forget how to write jokes? the jokes are few and very niche, and some are funny, but not hilarious? Still a good show tho, just wish it’d make me laugh a little more, but also, I guess individual taste + tumblr’s “THIS IS THE BEST AND PERFECT” pandering raises expectations into the impossible which brings me to:
I…really don’t think b99 is remotely funny. And I attribute that largely to not having picked it up when only 1 person was watching it because when the big tumblr rush for it came it did the usual “this is perfect, it has [number of PoC] actors, [number of gay characters], AND tackles [2 social issues it mentioned briefly in 3 seasons]. IT’S SO GOOD AND PROGRESSIVE and hilarious and soooo aware, every character is GOLD and every.single.episode addresses an issue in society but TOTALLY FUNNY it’s amazing!!” which…is not true, ever, for any show, but also doesn’t tell me much about the show itself. Like I’m gonna see a diverse cast if you show me a pic or two, but that doesn’t tell me anything about the quality itself. But after every post like that you think it’s gonna be sooo good, while it’s just…a show. It’s funny, it doesn’t tackle things as much as they said, it doesn’t have you laughing tears every 5 sentences, and yknow what? if you had just said that I would totally have liked it, but once my expectations are too high, it can only let me down. Y’all gotta stop exaggerating shows and let people find their own way in. Also, I’ll never love a show tumblr guilt trips me into.
I loathe the Office. Maybe because I only saw bits and pieces, but all I have ever seen is people being awful to each other, bullying a dude for no reason, and that dude killing a woman’s cat. All just gross people being terrible, which…may just be the american way but wow shit no
Y*ri on ice sucks ass. Started out boring, had only 1 twist you could hope for and that got spoiled for me by a lil bitch so all in all hate, deep, deep hate.
But like people can like what they like I just…wish I never had to hear about them again, especially at the rate I have to on here crol
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delusionaliisms · 7 years
that meme :)
♛ fill in the blanks | fluff otp edition accepting.  //  xander  &  bailey.
Q01. who’s more likely to find who wearing their clothes?
well obviously bailey is more often found wearing xander’s clothes bc xander is a fucking giant and would never fit into bailey’s clothes tbh.
Q02. who enunciates hand holding?
i think that they both do? like at least for xander, it’s an instinct to reach out for bailey’s hand when they’re out in public together (or alternatively, xander likes to have his hand on the small of her back too, kind of like leading her that way ya know)
Q03. who likes having their hair washed by who?
they both love having their hairs washed by one another !! and i feel like whenever they’re showering together, they do just that and it’s lowkey funny bc xander has to crouch down so that she’ll reach up to his hair LMAO
Q04. who likes to slow dance?
i’m gonna say bailey bc xander is this ~big bad super tough mob boss~ who absolutely does not like slow dancing but does it for his boo anyway.
Q05. muse who’s more likely to fall asleep with their head in the others lap?
i feel like they both do that bc honestly who doesn’t?? i think that if one of them has had a rough day, they just come and lay their head on the other one’s lap and then the other one just starts stroking their hair and they just end up falling asleep like that tbh.
Q06. muse that does all the cuddling in a blanket fort?
probably bailey or both? she’s much smaller than him so i feel like she’d have more room to wiggle around and about and switch positions, whereas xander can barely move in the blanket fort without it coming crashing down atop of them lmao
Q07. who hogs most of the covers at night?
bailey !!! i feel like she does this all the time (tho don’t quote me on that) and it just drives xander nuts but bc he’s completely and utterly whipped for her, he just lets her hog them but he always tries to wiggle in underneath the covers with her ://
Q08. muse who nuzzles into the others shoulder to get them to give them a head rub?
probably xander tbh when he’s feeling real needy and wants some lovin’ and affection. either he just nuzzles his head into her shoulder or he just straight up grabs her hand and brings it to his head / hair lmao.
Q09. how do they share a desert? two forks or one?
i think it varies but the outcome is always the same. two forks or one, xander always lets bailey have most of the dessert and he’s just sat there giving her the heart eyes tbh. and like if they have just one fork, he’s probably feeding her too just to go that extra mile and be a little more ~romantic~ (or annoying bc i can also see him feeding her but purposely messing up and getting it all over her face tbh)
Q10. who gets jealous more easily?
ok well i don’t know how jealous bailey is or how easily she gets jealous but i feel like this one goes out to xander tbh. he’s thE MOST jealous and the most possessive person ever like it’s beyond ridiculous how easily he gets jealous. especially when it’s for nothing tbh
Q11. who gets angered more easily?
again, xander. this boy has some serious anger issues that he needs to work on bc he gets angered sooo easily it’s ridiculous. it’s super easy to push his buttons & honestly when he explodes (like really, really explodes when he’s hella fucking angry), the hell is loose tbh
Q12. how do they go to sleep at night?:
probably half naked and cuddling tbh. they probably fall asleep every night all cuddled and tangled up in each other or if not completely wrapped up around each other, they’re at least touching somehow because xander needs to be touching her to know she’s still there. like he’d have his arm thrown over her middle or he’d just have like his hand touching her back or just rly simple little things like that?
Q13. who gets the most shoulder rubs?
xander i think?? idk i just feel like she’d try and give him some shoulder rubs after a hard / rough day at work bc idk it’s a cUTE THOUGHT TO HAVE OKAY
Q14. what are there arguments/fights like? how often do they fight?
they probably don’t fight or argue that often? but when they do, the arguments are probably really silly and kind of lighthearted about what are they going to eat for dinner / who chooses the movie / about her hogging the blankets etc. but when they fight, it’s more often than not about xander’s line of work i think?
Q15. who is more likely to throw things in fights?
xander for sure :// he doesn’t need to be even that angry to like throw a glass at a wall or anything that’s within his grasp. but he’d never ever aim at her because even though he’s aggressive / impulsive / hotheaded and problematic af, he’s not That Guy™
Q16. how do they make it up to each other/apologize after an argument?
he buys her something as an apology tbh. his dad did that to his mum when he was young and i think that kind of just?? got stuck with him like buy her a flower bouquet and a lil somethin’ somethin’ or some pretty lingerie or jewelry and you’re Good To Go ! but then he always pairs that up with a proper apology tbh.
Q17. do they have nicknames for each other?
xander has like a hundred nicknames for her tbh. kitten and angel are his favorites but then there are others like sweetheart, honey, princess, darling etc  &  on the other hand, she calls him daddy or like.. xan?? idk what other nicknames she has for him lmao
Q18. caring for each other while ill, how does the other muse go about it?
xander turns into this …. complete mama bear when she’s sick ok.. like he’s the type to stay home from ~work~ and just cuddle her, make her some soup and just generally make sure she has everything she needs / wants bc he’s completely wrapped around her fingers tbh.
Q19. who’s more likely to be patching the others wound?
bailey’s always patching xander up tbh. he gets hurt a lot in his line of work and even though he’s always super dismissive about his wounds / cuts / bruises and shit, he appreciates her trying to clean and patch him up? it’s just very sweet.
Q20. muse that says ‘i told you so’, after they come home from the beach and other muse is burnt to a crisp while whining how bad it hurts for not listening and putting on sunblock after the other muse repeatedly told them they’d get burnt?
iiii dont really know?? because xander doesn’t burn very easily, he just tans but idk about bailey so?? I DONT KNOW??? help??
Q21. your otp has a newborn baby, who gets up in the middle of the night when he/she cries?
what a concept…… xander and bailey with a newborn baby…. ok ok but uhhh i think xander would be the one to get up in the middle of the night because he doesn’t really sleep much anyway, being an insomniac and all, so he probably gets up and lets bailey sleep tbh.
Q22. your muse’s of the otp reaction to finding the others crying about something? and how do they make them feel better?
he’d get sO worried and he’s be all !!!! ready to fight someone who’d made his lil kitten cry. and he’d do everything he could to make her feel better? like cuddling her, drying her tears and just comforting her in general?? he’d go into a protective mode real fast tbh.
Q23. what would they be like as parents?
bailey seems like she’d be the soft parent?? whereas xander would be the overprotective one like he’s the type who’s ready to fight anyone who even ?? LOOKS WRONG at his kid. but he’s the silly, fun dad who’s always cracking jokes but then he’s also very protective and caring even tho he’s shit at showing how much he CARES.
Q24. what would they have been like as childhood sweethearts?
probably really sweet and soft and sO CUTE??? bc she would’ve been tHE EXACT KIND OF PERSON AND VIBE he’d have needed back when he was a teenager like he rly could’ve used someone as bright and lovely as bailey in his life.
Q25. who enunciates taking a bath together?
that kind of depends on the situation so i think they both do?
Q26. who likes who playing with their hair?
BOTH !!!! they’re both suckers for the other playing with their hair. xander especially loves it?? he’s a real softie for having her play with his hair / stroke it / braid it and just?? touch it??
Q27. the place they mostly likely accidentally fall asleep together?
imma assume this has to be something other than the obvious bed, so i’m just gonna go with… the couch?? lmao that’s so lame but like?? fr tho
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