definesanity · 3 months
Do Prisoners In The Cave/See The Light Of Day?
Sophia had no idea as to what her number is. But if she could warrant a guess, she would guess... it would be 17; One is Thinking, and Seven is Order.
Regulus is a... strange one. From an Irrational to a Fraction, she acts very much on the boarder of the both of them.
45: That is what 37 had deduced her Soul Number to be. Four is Power, and Five is Passion. Additionally, it is fitting, given that there is a type of gramophone record classified by its rotational speed of 45 revolutions per minute; and to add on to that, there is a song known as Stars on 45 by the band of the same name from 1981, and given that Regulus' Afflatus is that of Star...
Even still, Regulus makes sure to remind 37 that, just because she's now a Fraction, you should get to know her beyond her Number. Now, of course, Sophia and 37 lead very different lives and culture than Regulus. Still... all thought of it as a cultural exchange.
The first thing that happened was Regulus making 37 ponder for a long time with a question: 'What would happen if, one day, Sophia learnt that she had an Irrational Number?'
It made both the red-head girl and the blue-haired girl stop and think. Would their relationship be altered, as easily as that?
Sophia didn't want to admit it, but... 37 was one for following their culture. Pray tell, she can't even remember what her name was before 37; unlike 6, who once went by the name of Atticus, or 210, who once was called Hypatius.
Likewise, Sophia feels like the guilt would... definitely pick at her. And cause her to, surprise-surprise, be Irrational.
After a long 15 minutes of pure and utmost silence, Regulus spoke up. "You both are friends, right? I don't claim to be an expert of your traditions, but would learning your Number automatically make everyone think different of you?" she shook her head. "I don't think so."
37 hummed, blue eyes still lost in contemplation. "When 210 became 210, he became predictable; when 6 became 6, he became perfectly imperfect." she paused, looking at Sophia. "If Sophia was to become an Irrational Number... then, I suppose she would have more opinions on things."
Sophia's eyebrows shot up in shock. "You... wouldn't mind?"
"It's just as Regulus had said: We have known each other since we were children, Sophia; it wouldn't automatically change our relationship." she smiled, and it reached her eyes.
Sophia's smile didn't reach her own, however.
Still... it's comforting. In a way.
Sophia was losing her mind.
It had started as she was sitting in the Suitcase of Miss Vertin with 37, herself on a chair and the latter on a couch. Regulus (or, 45, as 37 now referred to her as. Regulus did not mind, or at least, did not speak out against it) was to join them later, alongside 6.
Looking over, she saw 37 sitting on the couch, and soon shifted to place her feet over it, laying her body across it.
When Sophia saw 37 place her feet on the left armrest, she realised she was staring at them for... longer than needed. Why? They were simply feet.
Yet, that was just it; the way 37 sat and gently moved her toes, sometimes one at a time, and then in a circular motion. The delicate skin glowed under the sun, and her nails almost reflected the sun, too.
37 noticed her staring. She tilted her head, blue eyes ethereal in the light. "Is there something wrong, Sophia?"
Her voice was kind, and much more innocent than Sophia's thoughts. Granted, neither of them were truly 'innocent', but in the comparison, it was 37 who was less likely for these types of thoughts.
"Your... feet." Sophia started slowly, trying to recover. "They're very... symmetrical?"
37 looked at her feet. Then, her face broke out into a wide smile. "You are correct, Sophia! I had never noticed before! Curious...!"
Sophia put her head in her hands. And thought:
'Why. Why 37. Why are you adorable...?'
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definesanity · 4 months
The Sea & The Stars
Regulus didn't hate 37. Not really.
It takes a lot for someone to hate someone or something, and in this case, Regulus just found 37... mildly annoying, is all.
I mean, can you blame her? She broke a few rules, ended up in prison, become a genius for a short while and ended up okay...ish.
37 just made it more annoying due to her being only obsessed with numbers. Not that Regulus can blame her, though; back when she was little, she loved maths. But of course, people got jealous of little old Regulus, which resulted in her being... well, bullied, in a way. The only thing that kept her going was when the insults changed. You can only hear the same insult so many times before it starts to grow stale, after all.
Regulus was brought out of her musing by a knock on her room's door. Clearing her throat, she called, "Who is it?"
"Miss Regulus! I must speak with you immediately!" speak of the devil, and they will appear, for 37's voice was unmistakable. And, strangely... oddly excited? Oh, yikes.
"Er--" Regulus cleared her throat, adjusting her goggles. "C-Come in?"
37 entered the room, nearly skipping moreso, and placed her hands on Regulus' shoulders, a happy smile on her face. "You are no longer an irrational number!"
"...Say what now?"
"A Fraction, Regulus, a Fraction!" 37 continued, jumping for a joy the pirate has still not understood yet. "When you solved that problem in the cave, your number had, somehow, changed!"
The smile then was quickly replaced by a look of thoughtfulness. "Or... perhaps, I merely did not perceive you correctly the first time...?"
"...What, you mean, that problem I solved in the cave with the planets and the such?" Regulus asked, and her goggles nearly fell off with the force of the blue-haired girl's hands glasping her cheeks.
"You preformed a marvel of mathematics, Regulus!" 37 praised aggressively, and Regulus was now getting a little bit scared. "To think I viewed you through such a clouded lens...!"
"Well, uh, not that I don't enjoy the praise..." Regulus said, trying to move 37's hands away, "...But, c'mon, can you really change your opinion of me so fast--?"
"I can, and I have!" 37 kept her hands on the pirate's shoulders, near enough shaking the poor girl into the next decade. While she wouldn't mind to see some new rock bands, or hear some new rock music, for that matter, she'd rather not, cheers.
Although, given how literal stars appeared in the girl's eyes... Regulus braced herself for impact, something that the RMS Titanic failed to do. She thinks. She can't remember.
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