#frakk terror of cats
that's right babyy, i have now gotten into amazing digital circus stuff!
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made this redraw with the aim of making the show look like an old hungarian cartoon (with pomni in the hand-drawn '70s style of a kockásfülü nyúl/the check-eared rabbit and ragatha in the paper cutout style of frakk, a macskák réme/frakk, terror of cats). really happy with how it turned out!
og pic:
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yeah, i am now assigning the country to this character. counterintuitive considering the setting of the show but work with me here
now for a complete stylistic 180':
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also the gators!!! the gaters!!! so cool... max and chad i think (gummigoo is cool too but these two could use more attention imo)
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and here's some of the collected sketches it took to get to this point - not all of them because some were just too scrappy lol
anyway, wanna do more fandom art!!! i have a huge text file full of ideas...
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hunsa-jars · 8 months
This could be us
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If you cared
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lauras-happy-place · 3 years
That’s so interesting!!! Can you post more pictures or anything of those cartoons? Such a culture shock! It’s so weird how you guys get all the american cartoons AND your own ones! You had double the fun! I’ve never seen those
//Edit: I didn't know it was gonna be reblogged so many times (20 atm, but that's 20 times more than I expected), so I'll add and fix sum stuff...now there are too many versions of this reblogged that has all my typos//
The following ones are mostly from my country :) I watched these so many times as a kid! I’ll give you a brief description too:
This is an animated movie called
About a fox cub whose parents were killed by hunters, and he has to learn to live on his own. He’ll get under his uncle’s care.
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The next movie is called
Cat city
/in my language it’s a pun: instead of mouse trap it’s called “cat-trap” so idk why they translated this way…
It’s about two societies: cats’ and mice’s. The mice are constantly harassed by the cats, so they build a machine to tame the cats. It's a political comedy. (Also, we don't talk about the sequel...what sequel!?)
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The next movie is my favourite, called
Vili the Willow
I found this translation online, but he’s a sparrow so idk. When I wrote this I thought it meant sparrow lol…
Anyway: It’s about a brat boy who mistreats birds and so a lady visits him to ask the boy to stop harassing the sparrows. He doesn’t listen to her, but she turns out to be a witch, thus she turns the boy into a sparrow for a day to teach him a lesson, but when she goes back to retransform him, She can't find him anywhere. He got chased by his own cat and then he got lost in the city. He has to find his way back, makes new sparrow friends and learns valuable lessons along the way. (This isn't from my country per say, but it's very popular here.)
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These one are cartoons:
Frakk, the terror of the cats
Misleading title tbh. The cats are the ones who always play trick on the vizsla to get him in trouble. The black cat is the mastermind, the white one is a little slow and is easily manipulated. (She's my fave. Her name translates to Shy or Modest, but with a diminutive suffix to make it cute.)
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Pumukli (this is German but I wanna talk about it)
This is in Roger Rabbit style. It’s about a little elf who can only be visible by those whose hearts are pure. He finds himself in Master Deer’s woodworker workshop. Pumukli likes to get into trouble, and they go through adventures together. In later episodes I think the master dies, so he lands with another person, I’m not sure….
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Diving spider - Wonderspider
Diving bell spider….but it sounds rhythmic like this, just like in Hungarian. Fun fact: As a kid I shipped them before knowing that shipping existed. (Both guys btw, so I was an early ally lol)
This was a movie, but then they made it into a series later on. It’s about well….uhm. So basically a spider who makes oxygen bubbles to breath underwater, built himself a palace and is very kind to others. It’s a simple story. He befriends the land spider, who’s always grumpy and helps others.
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A Nagy ho-ho-ho horgász
Idk how to translate this….The Great F-f-f- fisherman…but it’s actually a line he says in the cartoon. Like Santa: ho ho ho
About a clumsy fisherman who only fishes for sport, then releases the fish. His pal is the worm/ bait. The fish trick him all the time so he never catches any. He finds funny and clever ways to try and catch them, but he always loses in the end.
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Pompom's tales
It’s my favourite cartoon! The main characters are that ball of hair called Pompom and the girl. She wears him as a hat and they help their friends like my favourite character: the big blue bird who lives for chocolate. (Chocolate Arthur) The girl’s name is Picúr (itty-bitty) and as a reoccurring ending Pompom always waits for her in front of her school until it's time for her to go home.
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Mézga family
Also my favourite one and also most famous one in the country.
One day the boy (on the right) invents a radio (he’s a young genius) that can make calls to the future to the 30th century. They reach MZ/X (that’s the future-guy’s name), who’s their future relative. He has an invention that can teleport things back to the past. The father (one with glasses) asks this relative for futuristic stuff that makes life easier, but they always mess up or misuse the things, therefore getting themselves into trouble.
The ginger girl and the mom (in the purple dress) don’t know about the radio. There are a grumpy neighbour for comedy relief too. Also, there’s a spin-off series where they go around the world. There they don’t mention the future, they’re just very unlucky and clumsy.
There’s an other spin-off where the little boy travels space during nighttime and discovers weird planets . He was a fan favourite. Also the dog talks in that one.
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I could’ve put other cartoons here, but I’m getting tired, so
We also have folklore tales called….well Folklore Takes
They’re about…folklore tales
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