#france v iceland
ellimist · 2 years
Don’t get me wrong, the United States should be dissolved as a state, but it’s borders are SO pleasing to the eye. The only other state that could compare would be like. China maybe. The pleasant bulge of the western coast matches exactly with China’s south eastern curve. But like even China has some ugly borders with India/Bhutan/Nepal and the US just has this beautiful line with Canada +the Great Lakes and like Maine. And the border with Mexico is just like straight lines until you get to the little silly sine wave that texas has. And even Florida’s little peninsula just adds some character.
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fanficfish · 4 months
explaining characters in hetalia badly: family member archtype edition
an incomplete list for funsies
just imagine they're all at a big family reunion lol
Germany: The closeted cousin who still hasn't figured it out.
Prussia: The cool older cousin who's jacked up on the remnants of the energy drinks he chugged during finals week trying to study for his med school exams. Probably specialized in kids medicine, but he's too jittery to confirm.
Italy V: The cousin who's a cousin because someone married someone a couple months ago and has no idea about all the ettiquette rules ye and what not to discuss in front of Great Aunt Sarah.
China: Great Aunt Sarah
Italy R: The cousin who's just hit his highschool years, and has decided MHA and Valorant is his whole personality.
England: The one manning the grill.
France: The one actually manning the grill.
America: The guy who's young enough to be your older brother but old enough that he's a dad. Don't worry, he's cool- he won't make you babysit, but he's gonna show up with those kids in biker jackets and they'll do a fun dance to entertain everyone halfway through dinner.
Russia: The uncle that apparently is a war vet. Definitely saw things he shouldn't have seen and you don't leave your kids with him. Tells the wildest stories over dinner though.
Canada: The cousin who you forget exists because he's actually normal. Actuality has probably spiked something.
Japan: The one hiding in a room playing video games. He might share if you ask nicely.
Lithuania: Someone's spouse. Not sure whose, but he made a nice caserole.
Sweden: That one distant relative who you almost forgot to invite.
Finland: The guy who showed up and you're not sure where he came from, but he's kinda fun so no one questions it.
Norway: The one who was forced to tag along with the rest of the family.
Iceland: The one who pretends he doesn't want to be there but he'd show up even if he wasn't invited because the food is kinda good.
Denmark: The one bringing the alcohol and manning the bar you didn't kow you had.
Latvia: The one trying to sneak underage drinks.
Estonia: The one pretending to be a normal person with his "honor student" and "full ride scholarship next year" but is secretly helping Latvia sneak a drink.
Spain: The uncle who's been married ten times.
Switzerland: The one who only showed up because he was begged to. Either ends up in the corner watching the game or in the middle of the table retelling some grand tale.
Liechtenstein: The one bringing all the delicious deserts and a fruit tray and forced Switzerland to socialize.
Austria: The one insisting on putting on the radio the moment the "go ahead" for the food is said. Might have even called up everyone to remind them to bring their instruments.
Hungary: The one who gets everyone dancing the moment Austria whips out the fiddle tunes.
Seychelles: The one who innocently suggested a board game after the dance-off winds down.
Hong Kong: The cousin who sticks around long enough to say hello to the aunts and uncles and grandparents and get some food before hiding in the room with Japan.
Belarus: The cousin who's a movie-cutter highschool "popular girl" and spends the whole time on her phone texting her boyfriend.
Ukraine: The aunt that break up the board game fights and bans it from future events.
Luxenberg: You don't know what he does for a living, but he brings cool stuff for everyone.
Netherlands: The globetrotting uncle who you're pretty sure knows everyone and everything.
Belgium: The cool aunt who's single and living life.
Phillipines and Thailand: The fresh-out-of-collegers cousin who keeps taking photos of everything.
Malaysia: The fresh-out-of-colleger cousin also taking photos but only aesthetic ones.
Taiwan: The aunt that starts making smoothies unprompted.
Monaco: The cousin who brings a book to read in the corenr.
Cameron: The uncle you don't want to get into an argument about sports with. Switzerland does not head this warning.
Greece: The uncle who drove all day and night to get here with a full car, and is now knocked out on the couch.
Turkey: The funny wine grandpa.
Cyprus: The college dropout who now works at a seven-eleven.
Egypt: The cousin who's studying history and is pretty average except you have photographic evidence that he sat next to a pond and talked to ducks for half an hour and was very serious about it.
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national theatre/donmar warehouse henry v is free for the next few days, so let’s react:
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-starting off strong with this quote
-chorus immediately wins my heart
-also i want her outfit
-weird choice to just change words here and there but okay i guess
-i do miss the double meaning of “ciphers” (they replaced it with “actors”)
-chorus is apparently doubling boy
-her little wink at the audience omg
-“sweet caroline party remix” LMAO
-starting off with a scene from 1 henry iv (i think) with bardolph (who is also a woman) instead of poins?
-okay but this sweet caroline remix low key SLAPS
-“boy!” “GIRL!”
-quickly is FINE
-henry iv hal plot speedrun
-okay but that is NOT how hal found out about his dad’s death. he was there!
-love the singers
-poor hal 😭
-funeral crashers!
-also yeah that was NOT how that rejection happened
-also why are you only going to do like five lines of that speech if you’re going to do it. you can spare a couple extra minutes
-this is now the second english history production i’ve seen with the opening of monteverdi’s vespers to the blessed virgin
-the throne is a blue plastic chair lol
-does not feature clip art unfortunately but STILL. OH MY GOD.
-henry is STRUGGLING
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-i just need to share exeter’s face
-everyone groaning when the powerpoint continues lmao
-montjoy is also FINE
-gratuitous word changes continue
-everyone starts awkwardly laughing at the tennis balls
-montjoy’s calm side eye at “but this lies all within the will of God” omg
-great tennis balls speech
-oh so that’s where that line went
-chorus/kid is part of a training montage. isn’t the kid supposed to be like 12???
-nym is just Sad (nym is also played by the same actor as montjoy)
-what do y’all have against iceland
-pistol kisses his (arm) guns on “i am armed” lol
-kiddo yells at bardolph in mandarin
-“little body with a mighty heart” yeah that’s you chorus <3
-cambridge and scroop are played as women but still referred to with masculine titles
-british friends: is that a thing now? i’ve noticed it a couple other times too
-also bye bye henry/scroop homoeroticism i guess
-cambridge and scroop are also both very pretty (and i want cambridge’s sweater)
-henry cannot remember grey’s name for the life of him lolol
-cambridge screams “you are destroying this country!” and then tries to attack henry…and then immediately asks for mercy
-weird cut here but okay i guess
-this speech breaks my heart every time
-nym very awkwardly gives quickly a thumbs up before leaving
-okay but why are pistol and quickly low key adorable
-oh honey someone give her a hug please
-off to france!
-ooh they’re doing this scene in french!
-ooh katherine is here! and she’s fighting with her brother! she is politically savvy!
-the dauphin awkwardly greeting exeter in english lolol
-the king is just looking at the dauphin like “what the FUCK did you do”
-the dauphin took that euphemism and ran with it
-the dauphin going “bye bye” omg
okay i’ve got my own play to get ready for so that’s it for now but rest later, i hope!
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                              2ps are known to lust for blood and power.
Below lies are those that have allowed themselves to be made know, though not without a PRICE.
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           Ancient Egypt 
           Ancient Greece
           Ancient Persia
           Czech Republic
           Holy Roman Empire 
           Hong Kong 
           S. Korea
           New Zealand 
           Niko Niko Republic 
           None at this time
           Principality of Wy 
           None at this time
           Republic of Kuglemugle
           Turkish Republic of Cyprus 
           None at this time
           None at this time
           None at this time
                                            Return to Masterlist
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lewisinho · 6 months
top 5 favourite countries you’ve visited🫶🏼
ty! 🫶 v hard question 😅 but this is prolly my top 5 which fluctuates depending on vibes:
1. iceland (just sublime)
2. norway (fjords, nature, architecture…just beautiful)
3. singapore (fell in love and want to go back so bad!!!)
4. portugal (i have this very vivid memory of walking along the ocean coast in cascais at sunset and it’s stuck with me, beautiful country)
5. france (bit of a sentimental pick, but i’ve travelled there quite a bit, specifically lyon and côte d’azur and it’s always so nice…also the food!!)
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cat-with-a-tie · 2 years
Nordic country names in kanji ( 国名漢字表記)
A list of the kanji most commonly used as ‘names’ for the five Nordic countries, their most common pronunciations (both on’yomi and kun’yomi), and their most prevalent meanings.
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ataru; hinoto
Most common kanji transliteration (full name): 丁抹
n. a young man; a man in his prime
n. a physical labourer
n. the fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems; lit. ‘younger brother of fire’ (hinoto).
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kaoru; koubashii; kaori
Most common kanji transliteration (full name): 芬蘭*
*Literally translates to something like ‘fragrant orchid’. How adorable is that!
adj. fragrant
v. to emit fragrance
n. a good name; an honourable reputation
adj. plentiful
adj. flourishing, chaotic, jumbled.
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hi; koori; kooru
Most common kanji transliteration (full name): 氷州 (lit. ice-state, ice-land)
n. ice
v. to freeze; to congeal
adj. cold, pure, or clear as ice
adj. frozen
adj. an adjective describing pale skin; fair.
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ubena-u (as a verb stem)
Most common kanji transliteration (full name): 諾威
v. to concede
v. to respond (to a demand/wish)
v. to obey
interj., (dated) in conversation, a word denoting agreement and/or compliance; ‘aye’, ‘yes’, ‘alright’.
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fumi; nori
Most common kanji transliteration (full name): 瑞典
n. a book; a document
n. an unchanging law, paradigm, or standard
n. a reliable principle; a habitus
adj. refined, graceful.
BE WARNED: These kanji were NOT chosen to represent these countries because of their semantic content. They were chosen for their pronunciation. Kanji country names are (with very few exceptions; see the entry on Iceland) purely phonetic transcriptions except the characters happen to also have semantic meaning, because kanji. More on that under the cut.
That being said, I am a hetalia fan in the year of our lord 2022 and where would I be without some completely baseless extrapolation masquerading as legitimate research?
The semantic content of these kanji really struck me as oddly fitting for both the actual nations and their hetalia personifications, but again, like I said – baseless extrapolating. Leave me alone in my blissful delusion.
On a brighter note, Isn’t the amount of connotations that can be encompassed by a single kanji character simply wonderful?
Although in the past century katakana has become the widespread standard for writing foreign country names, kanji characters are still used in certain (often relatively formal) situations, and the association between nation names and certain kanji remain strong to this day. In particular, compounds such as 「日英(nichi-ei)同盟」 (the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, with 日 for Japan and 英 for Britain) or 「普仏(fu-futsu)戦争」 (the Franco-Prussian War, with 普 for Prussia and 仏 for France) are pretty much always written in kanji and read with kun’yomi pronunciation*, unless the countries in question are relatively obscure enough that the average Japanese person would not be expected to recognise their names in kanji.
Another context in which kanji abbreviations are used more frequently than the corresponding katakana transcriptions is, you guessed it, the Japanese hetalia fandom. This is done partly in order to save space, but mostly it’s to avoid accidentally traumatising poor innocent people on the look out for nation-related stuff that is not anthropomorphic porn.
Kanji names, like katakana ones, are usually transliterations; however, in some cases the translation might be literal (e.g. Iceland is written as 氷州, lit. ‘ice state’). Since a lot of kanji share similar pronunciations, the choice of a particular character for a nation’s name reflects not only phonetic features but also, to a limited extent, how that nation is perceived by the Japanese people.
As a show of diplomatic courtesy, kanji with ‘bad’ connotations are generally avoided. There are even historical records of foreign delegates getting offended by the transliteration of their nation’s name and demanding a different set of characters. The Japanese wikipedia page contains more information on kanji transliteration in general as well as a full list of nation names in kanji.
*For comparison, the katakana transcriptions for Britain, Prussian, and France read respectively igirisu, puroisen, and furansu. Britain is a slightly more complicated case, but oh well we’re not getting into that here.
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
barreling into ur inbox at mach 5
hey corks <3 got any recommendations of like. the Bad songs of Eurovision 2023 that were sung in english and like. did not do the country it came from justice at all
(also if you somehow have a number of how many songs were sung in english versus native languages in 2023 lmk. don't worry if u don't tho)
thank u ily
I'll separate them by langs and add which sucked in parentheses mwah
Switzerland (sucked)
Sweden (just a copy of the artist's previous winning song)
Poland (sucked)
San Marino
UK (sucked)
Mixed languages:
Czechia (only ones to not have english-native, but english-czech-ukrainian-bulgarian mix which i thought was v good)
Native languages:
Moldavia (Moldova?)
It's kinda pathetic. I can't remember any of the songs, but San Marino usually sucks bc they tend to send the most american radio pop ever.😔
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awideplace · 8 months
Posting this as it is akin to the Ask I received last night on here
Eugenics is a social movement that supports the supposed improvement of the human population via selective breeding and other means. It was originally developed by Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, and based upon Darwin’s theory of evolution. The word eugenics literally means “good birth” and comes from a Greek word meaning “well-born, of good stock, of noble race.” The goal of eugenics is to make the world (or at least a country) a better place by guiding the course of human reproduction and “purifying” the gene pool.
Eugenicists advocate genetic screening, birth control, segregation, transhumanism, euthanasia, compulsory sterilization, forced pregnancies, and abortion. Eugenics was practiced openly in the early decades of the 20th century in many countries, including the United States. Several state laws were passed allowing for the forced sterilization of institutionalized people. Such a law in Virginia survived a court challenge, with Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., writing in the decision, “It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind” (Buck v. Bell, Supreme Court, 274 U.S. 200, decided May 2, 1927). After WWII, eugenics by that name fell into disfavor when the extent of Nazi atrocities became known.
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider, was also a proponent of eugenics. Sanger railed against the “reckless breeding” of the “unfit.” In her book Woman and the New Race, she wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it” (Chapter V, “The Wickedness of Creating Large Families,” 1920). She desired “to breed a race of human thoroughbreds” and would rather a society “produce a thousand thoroughbreds than a million runts” (Radio WFAB Syracuse, February 29, 1924, transcripted in “The Meaning of Radio Birth Control,” April 1924, p. 111).
The Bible does not specifically mention eugenics, but the idea behind eugenics—that man can better himself by ridding the world of “undesirable” people—is definitely not biblical. And the methods promoted by eugenicists, including abortion, euthanasia, and racial segregation, are wicked practices. God told mankind to “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28; 9:1, 7). No exception to that command is given in Scripture, and there is certainly no racial modification to that command suggested anywhere in the Bible. For social engineers to usurp God’s authority over life and death in order to create a self-defined “master race” is evil. Biblically, there is only one race—the human race—with everyone having descended from Adam and Eve. Racial discrimination and ethnic superiority go against God’s very nature: “God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right” (Acts 10:34–35).
English theologian G. K. Chesterton wrote in his 1922 book Eugenics and Other Evils, “There is no reason in Eugenics, but there is plenty of motive. Its supporters are highly vague about its theory, but they will be painfully practical about its practice” (from Chapter VIII, “A Summary of a False Theory”). Since that practice involves abortion and euthanasia, eugenics is simply murder.
Eugenics is not commonly called by that name today, but the underlying philosophy is still evident in medical genetics. Today’s genetic screening and fetal gene manipulation are vestiges of eugenics. When a possible genetic defect is diagnosed in an unborn child, some couples choose to abort the baby. Unborn children with Down syndrome are one example: in the United States, an estimated 67 percent of the unborn diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted; in France, 77 percent; in Denmark, 98 percent; and in Iceland nearly 100 percent (“‘What kind of society do you want to live in?’: Inside the country where Down syndrome is disappearing,” cbsnews.com/news/down-syndrome-iceland, accessed 6/22/20). It’s eugenics by a different name, as people continue to attempt to identify and eliminate genetic material they consider “unfit” or undesirable.
Eugenics is a meritless and immoral social engineering experiment. It is a slippery slope in which Chesterton’s scientific madmen abrogate the authority of God and seek to create their own utopia on Earth. Centuries ago, Job lamented the evil of his day: “When daylight is gone, the murderer rises up, kills the poor and needy, and in the night steals forth like a thief” (Job 24:14). This is the role of eugenicist: killing the poor and needy and those he deems “unworthy,” preventing a “poor quality of life” (in his estimation) by taking life, denying men’s liberty, and playing God.
One day as Jesus and His disciples were walking in Jerusalem, His disciples asked about a man born blind. They wanted to know “who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (John 9:2). Jesus replied, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, . . . but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him” (verse 3). Who are we to decide who does or does not display the works of God?
In direct contrast to eugenics, the Bible tells us to defend the weak and disadvantaged: “Uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. . . . Rescue the weak and the needy” (Psalm 82:4); “Blessed are those who have regard for the weak” (Psalm 41:1; see also Matthew 25:35–36; Acts 20:35). Killing the disadvantaged, culling those whom the more fortunate determine to be “unfit” for life, or weeding out the weak is ungodly to the core.
Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/eugenics-Bible.html
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smileylover99 · 1 year
Tagged by @weprovideleverage
thank you for the tag :)
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to get to know better.
a - age: 23
b - birthplace: The North of the Netherlands
c - current time: 21:03
d - drink you last had: water as well, most times it is
e - easiest person/people to talk to: my sister
f - favorite song: god idk it's always changing imma go with the free life by Turbowolf
g - grossest memory: i've mostly blocked it out but there was this one campsite in France and when we arrived the sanitary building closest to us were nice and clean, but then for like the week we stayed there they never cleaned it 🙃
h - horror yes or horror no: no mostly, but occationally (I have also listened to tma)
i - in love?: not so far, and probably not ever
j - jealous of people?: rarely
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again?: save yourself the effort, I would like to be friends at first sight tho
m - middle name: no thank you
n - number of siblings: said sister from question e
o - one wish: long term probably like happiness, short tem a bigger appartment
p - person you called last: I had like a communication training and a week later we had to physically call an actor to do like a final practice convo before the real deal
q - question you are always asked: people don't really ask me questions?? the best i can think of is like what do you do? are you still studying? from like relatives and my parents neighbours
r - reason to smile: it's the weekend
s - song you sang last: Durch den Monsun by Tokio Hotel dkjlajdkl
t - time you woke up: at 8:00
u - underwear colour: black and white dots
v - vacation destination: I have a couple of places. I really want to see the northern light so like iceland or northern Norway for that one. I also wanna go back to Hong Kong because my last trip got cut quite abruptly. Also I want to see Tokyo.
w - worst habit: probably like scaring myself out of things ill enjoy
x - x-rays: oh shit it's good you mentioned the teeth thing cause ive gotten many a pictures of my teeth done, never broken a bone tho
y - your favorite food: I love spätzle, which i should make more often
z - zodiac sign: Leo, which is like the super social butterfly, i consider my self more a social moth, very energetic at random times and sit completely still for the rest
People who I want to get to know better: @itwoodbeprefect @ghost-faeries @pomato-queendom @localsealboy @pablothefrog (Only if you want to, of course.)
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Sunday 9th April, Easter Sunday.
Happy Easter, everybody! 🐣
After a breakfast of boiled eggs and soldiers 😃 we went to the office to pay.
When we came to France in 2017 we gave up our berth at Brixham marina. There was no guarantee that we would get it back in 2 years time. This time we have kept it on as we are away for just 3 months. However, still being bertholders it means we can take part in Passeports Escales. This is a scheme where, if you sign out of your own marina, you can get up to 5 nights per year (a maximum of 2 nights per visit) completely FREE of charge in 160 marinas between Belgium & Morocco, and there’s loads in Brittany. St.Helier was free and the first 2 here will be free too. Nice.
After breakfast we went for a walk around the headland to Solidor.
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The walk was a bit of a climb at first but it soon became a nice flat walk way. Wild and rather quiet, you can see a superb panorama of the sea, Dinard, and also Saint-Malo.
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There were some heavy fortifications up here.
The Battle of Saint-Malo was fought between Allied and German forces to control the French coastal town of Saint-Malo during World War II. The battle formed part of the Allied breakout across France and took place between 4 August and 2 September 1944. United States Army units, with the support of Free French and British forces, successfully assaulted the town and defeated its German defenders. The German garrison on a nearby island continued to resist until 2 September.
Saint-Malo was one of the French towns designated as a fortress under the German Atlantic Wall program, and its pre-war defenses were expanded considerably before the Allied landings in Normandy during June 1944. There were several gun emplacements on our walk, and boy, did they take a battering!
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You can see the next one in the distance. Each one heavily pock-marked. Unfortunately, when the Germans withdrew they destroyed so much of the infrastructure that it was impossible for the Allies to use the port.
Our walk took us the Solidor Tower which is a strengthened keep with three linked towers, located in the estuary of the river Rance.
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It was built between 1369 and 1382 by John V, Duke of Brittany to control access to the Rance at a time when the city of Saint-Malo did not recognize his authority. Over the centuries the tower lost its military interest and became a jail. It is now a museum celebrating Breton sailors exploring Cape Horn.
You can just make out the hydro-electric barrage in the background.
We ventured towards Solidor.
In the small park "Jardin" there is a beautiful sculpture. This is could be easily overlooked as the color of the sculpture doesn't particularly stand out from its surroundings.
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It pays homage to Commander Charcot (who it seems was a bit of a ‘Flashheart’ character) and the crew of the Pourquoi-Pas, which disappeared at sea on September 16, 1936. It is a gift from the Republic of Iceland.
Jean-Baptiste Charcot, often called Commander Charcot was born on July 15, 1867 in Neuilly-sur-Seine and died September 16, 1936 at sea (30 miles northwest of Reykjavik), was a doctor, French polar explorer and a French naval officer.
A sportsman, he was French rugby union champion in 1896 and was also a double silver medalist in sailing at the 1900 Summer Olympics.
We continued a few steps into Solidor and took refreshment at one of the very busy hostelries sitting outside in the warm sun looking over the bay. How very pleasant. 😎
We walked back to the boat to prepare our late Easter Sunday lunch of crab and shell-on prawns that we had bought in St.Helier. All washed down with a bottle of rosé. Lovely.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 6.22
217 BC – Battle of Raphia: Ptolemy IV Philopator of Egypt defeats Antiochus III the Great of the Seleucid kingdom. 168 BC – Battle of Pydna: Romans under Lucius Aemilius Paullus defeat Macedonian King Perseus who surrenders after the battle, ending the Third Macedonian War. 813 – Battle of Versinikia: The Bulgars led by Krum defeat the Byzantine army near Edirne. Emperor Michael I is forced to abdicate in favor of Leo V the Armenian. 910 – The Hungarians defeat the East Frankish army near the Rednitz River, killing its leader Gebhard, Duke of Lotharingia (Lorraine). 1527 – Fatahillah expels Portuguese forces from Sunda Kelapa, now regarded as the foundation of Jakarta. 1593 – Battle of Sisak: Allied Christian troops defeat the Ottomans. 1633 – The Holy Office in Rome forces Galileo Galilei to recant his view that the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the Universe in the form he presented it in, after heated controversy. 1774 – The British pass the Quebec Act, setting out rules of governance for the colony of Quebec in British North America. 1783 – A poisonous cloud caused by the eruption of the Laki volcano in Iceland reaches Le Havre in France. 1807 – In the Chesapeake–Leopard affair, the British warship HMS Leopard attacks and boards the American frigate USS Chesapeake. 1813 – War of 1812: After learning of American plans for a surprise attack on Beaver Dams in Ontario, Laura Secord sets out on a thirty kilometres (19 mi) journey on foot to warn Lieutenant James FitzGibbon. 1839 – Cherokee leaders Major Ridge, John Ridge, and Elias Boudinot are assassinated for signing the Treaty of New Echota, which had resulted in the Trail of Tears. 1870 – The United States Department of Justice is created by the U.S. Congress. 1893 – The Royal Navy battleship HMS Camperdown accidentally rams the British Mediterranean Fleet flagship HMS Victoria which sinks taking 358 crew with her, including the fleet's commander, Vice-Admiral Sir George Tryon. 1897 – British colonial officers Charles Walter Rand and Lt. Charles Egerton Ayerst are assassinated in Pune, Maharashtra, India by the Chapekar brothers and Mahadeo Vinayak Ranade, who are later caught and hanged. 1898 – Spanish–American War: In a chaotic operation, 6,000 men of the U.S. Fifth Army Corps begins landing at Daiquirí, Cuba, about 16 miles (26 km) east of Santiago de Cuba. Lt. Gen. Arsenio Linares y Pombo of the Spanish Army outnumbers them two-to-one, but does not oppose the landings. 1907 – The London Underground's Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Railway opens. 1911 – George V and Mary of Teck are crowned King and Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 1911 – Mexican Revolution: Government forces bring an end to the Magonista rebellion of 1911 in the Second Battle of Tijuana. 1918 – The Hammond Circus Train Wreck kills 86 and injures 127 near Hammond, Indiana. 1940 – World War II: France is forced to sign the Second Compiègne armistice with Germany, in the same railroad car in which the Germans signed the Armistice in 1918. 1941 – World War II: Nazi Germany invades the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa. 1942 – World War II: Erwin Rommel is promoted to Field Marshal after the Axis capture of Tobruk. 1942 – The Pledge of Allegiance is formally adopted by US Congress. 1944 – World War II: Opening day of the Soviet Union's Operation Bagration against the Army Group Centre. 1944 – U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs into law the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, commonly known as the G.I. Bill. 1945 – World War II: The Battle of Okinawa comes to an end. 1948 – The ship HMT Empire Windrush brought the first group of 802 West Indian immigrants to Tilbury, marking the start of modern immigration to the United Kingdom. 1948 – King George VI formally gives up the title "Emperor of India", half a year after Britain actually gave up its rule of India. 1962 – Air France Flight 117 crashes on approach to Pointe-à-Pitre International Airport in Guadeloupe, killing 112 people. 1965 – The Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea is signed. 1966 – Vietnamese Buddhist activist leader Thích Trí Quang was arrested as the military junta of Nguyen Cao Ky crushed the Buddhist Uprising. 1969 – The Cuyahoga River catches fire in Cleveland, Ohio, drawing national attention to water pollution, and spurring the passing of the Clean Water Act and the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. 1978 – Charon, the first of Pluto's satellites to be discovered, was first seen at the United States Naval Observatory by James W. Christy. 1979 – Former Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe was acquitted of conspiracy to murder Norman Scott, who had accused Thorpe of having a relationship with him. 1984 – Virgin Atlantic launches with its first flight from London to Newark. 1986 – The famous Hand of God goal, scored by Diego Maradona in the quarter-finals of the 1986 FIFA World Cup match between Argentina and England, ignites controversy. This was later followed by the Goal of the Century. Argentina wins 2–1 and later goes on to win the World Cup. 1990 – Cold War: Checkpoint Charlie is dismantled in Berlin. 2000 – Wuhan Airlines Flight 343 is struck by lightning and crashes into Wuhan's Hanyang District, killing 49 people. 2002 – An earthquake measuring 6.5 Mw strikes a region of northwestern Iran killing at least 261 people and injuring 1,300 others and eventually causing widespread public anger due to the slow official response. 2009 – A Washington D.C Metro train traveling southbound near Fort Totten station collides into another train waiting to enter the station. Nine people are killed in the collision (eight passengers and the train operator) and at least 80 others are injured. 2012 – Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo is removed from office by impeachment and succeeded by Federico Franco. 2012 – A Turkish Air Force McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II fighter plane is shot down by the Syrian Armed Forces, killing both of the plane's pilots and worsening already-strained relations between Turkey and Syria. 2015 – The Afghan National Assembly building is attacked by gunmen after a suicide bombing. All six of the gunmen are killed and 18 people are injured. 2022 – An earthquake occurs in eastern Afghanistan resulting in over 1,000 deaths.
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myatlantispoets · 1 year
ok so thoughts on this year's entries, in no specific order
-moldova once again showing us how it's done with folk pop
-italy coming in with a beautiful ballad IN ITALIAN (take notes everyone else)...bless. i don't even know what he's singing abt and that's okay! that's how esc works
-ukraine...the guy is cute and the message is ok but it's not giving, i'm sorry
-switzerland has a song abt not wanting to take part in wars...the joke writes itself
-the denmark guy looks like the love child of timothe chalawhatever and noah centineo. the song is boring :((
-austria...they understood the assignment. it's unhinged and nonsensical, there's no context whatsoever. same energy as the banana wolf song from norway last year
-armenia girls has such a pretty voice but the song is mid. if she'd sung it in armenian, it might've been a serve
-slovenia has rly good vibes and the music video is rly fun
-portugal KNOWS WHAT'S UP. the beat is good, we've got some latin pop vibes going, they're actually singing in portuguese (which is a rly pretty language imo)
-croatia GETS IT. idk what's going on but i'm here for the ride! also the music video is unhinged
-I LOVE THE SAXOPHONE IN MALTA'S ENTRY. the rest is sort of underwhelming tho, idk how to feel abt it
-poland....okay. are they trying to write the next summer hit
-australia darling, you're already on thin ice, and this is just. you can do better. i'm falling asleep
-everyone's talking abt serbia's entry but like. it's not clicking for me. i feel like they're trying to recreate the vibes of last year's (amazing) entry with the serbian lyrics and the cryptic message but it's not giving!! that being said, the line "i just want to sleep" is a mood and it can turn into a good meme at the very least
-czechia baby...you were so close. the chorus is a spiritual experience but the verses are clumsy and idk what to make of it. i like the message, tho, and it's def better than a lot of other entries
-i hate saying this but france is actually better than i expected. she has a good voice and the melody is kind of a vibe.
-ok spain kinda went off? it sounds so good, even tho i don't understand the lyrics, and the music video has this haunted aesthetic that i'm digging. i hope they keep the candles for the live version
-ok georgia...the chorus is great but everything else is mid
-lithuania giving us this year's depression song. that's it that's all i've got
-norway's entry actually deserves the hype. it's a vibe
-ok cyprus is kind of good, as far as esc love ballads go. he's putting his whole pussy into it
-ok albania is actually singing in albanian, love that for her! it's a very balkan song (affectionate), it kind of reminds me of like. balkan soap opera soundtracks (more specifically turkish and romanian cuz that's what i'm used to lol)
-ok belgium's entry is rly gay, is that a drag queen in the music video? bless their souls. the chorus is v upbeat, it's giving 90's music...yeah i'm down
-OMG GERMANY JDJSJHCWH. blood and glitter???? they're embracing the hardcore vibes lol. the guy's voice could cut through diamond. they get it!
-ireland i want to like you but i'm afraid the song is just.ok.
-ok the san marino guys are fun! i love the live guitars
-finland is so cursed yghg
-greece is ok.
-won't even bother with israel <333
-sweden, latvia, estonia and iceland being boring, nothing to see here. what's going on with the baltic and nordic countries? are u guys ok?
-and last but not least...romania. idk what we did here. the song is a bop and i can tell that the guy is trying his best but the coreography feels like a rip off of last year's entry. he can never have what wrs did, tho. wrs actually served cunt and objectified himself, as well as the dancers! this guy just stands there while the girls are carrying the show. maybe next year we can get our shit together :(((
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idiotlittleme · 1 year
Saw this and thought it was a cool idea so--
My favorite lyrics of each each song
"Diçka mrena frymën ma nal' s'di çka bohet, bohet po du me e nal'"
"Something inside me takes my breath away don't know what's going on but I want to make it stop"
"Ու դու ինձնից հեռու Լքված ես հեռու, հեռու ես դու Երազումս ես ու դու էինք լուռ Մոլորվում էինք հեռու - հեռու հեռվում"
"You're so far away from me, left alone, far, far away, you and I, silent in my dream, we're lost, far, far away"
"Have you ever been alone too much? Have you ever prayed for human touch? Have you ever lost a little part of you to find a little something new?
"Oh, mio padre, there's a ghost in my body"
"Oh, my father, there's a ghost in my body"
"I want to buy a land a thousand miles away from the city I've never even chosen, I think the reason why is all because of people who treat you like a fool and make you wonder for the reason"
"Remember when they told us "you're not good enough"? Then you came into my life and you changed my world for good, you told me to love myself a bit harder than yesterday"
"Mama, mama, mama, me she idem igrat', mama idem u rat"
"Mommy, mommy, mommy, I'm going to play, Mom, I'm going to war"
"An all-time low but I'll get by, and over you I'll find the highest high, you did your best to do your worst"
"Moje sestra do kouta nepůjde ani tebe poslouchat nebude moje sestra v srdci je divoká, copy zaplést, nikdy si nenechá"
"My sister won't stand in the corner nor will she listen listen to you, my sister, wild at heart, will never let you tie her down"
"Now I remember, I used to tell you my deepest fears, when fighting, you used 'em just to force some tears"
"I remember all the things that I went through, all the lies and blurry lines and city lights I knew, now I'm strong enough to see what lays inside, and I can feel it all"
"Rankka viikko ja paljon pitkii päiviä takan, Mielenkiintona piña colada ja rata, Ilta on vielä nuori ja aikaa kumota, Tää jäinen ulkokuori on aika tuhota"
"This exhausting week and the many long days are behind, there's only bar and piña colada on my mind, there is some time for a few, the night is still youngish, the icy shell is something I have to demolish"
"Dans mon jardin d'enfer poussent des fleurs que j'arrose de mes rêves, de mes pleurs, on a beau être sur le toit du monde, ‎‏on ne peut toucher le ciel du doigt"
"In my hell garden the plants are watered with the dreams and tears, even at the top of the highest mountain you still can't touch the sky"
"My soul's like a fortress, I feel I'm progressed, words getting worthless, love is wordless"
"Keep your head up in the clouds, with two feet on the ground, life's too fast so make it count"
"Life and I hate my feelings, I'm overwhelmed and heated, can't say what I'm longing for, another day to break my spirit, insane and I can tell who's winning"
"I'm ready to let you go, won't hold you back no more, go on spread your wings and fly away"
"We take out first breath, and then we exhale, then give it all we got, until we fail"
"You can call me queen, אין לי דאווין"
"You can call me queen, I'm not trying to impress"
"Siamo i soli svegli in tutto l'universo, e non conosco ancora bene il tuo deserto, forse è in un posto del mio cuore dove il sole è sempre spento, dove a volte ti perdo"
"We're the only ones awake in the whole universe, and I still don't know your desert well, maybe it's somewhere in my heart, where the sun never shines, where sometimes I lose you"
"Aijā, aijā, saldā miegā"
"Lull, lull, in sweet sleep"
"Čiūto tūto"
"It's too loud"
"The tention I'm getting, the faces I drew on, I can't focus, should've known this"
"I-am promis miresei mele Nuntă sub un cer cu stele, I-am dat în a șaptea seară, I-am dat în a șaptea ѕeară, Un inel cu piatră rară"
"I promised my bride a wedding under a starry sky, I gave her on the seventh evening, I gave her on the seventh evening, a ring with a precious stone"
"Between falling in running I've been trying to get on my feet in time, I've never been good at crying, always wanted to be the tough type"
"Combatteremo sempre bensì amore e fede la gente rapì, Il nostro motto sarà così: veni vidi vici"
"We will always fight, but love and faith kidnapped by people, our motto will be like this: I came; I saw; I conquered"
"Tell me, now, was it worth it? Playin' me dirty? But now who's laughing, baby?
"Sinto-me tonta, cada dia pior, já não sei de coisas que sabia de cor, as pulsações subiram quase pra mil, estou louca, completamente senil"
"I feel dizzy, every day worse, I don't know things that I used to know, my pulse is racing like mad, I feel crazy, totally senile"
"Oricât scriu, cu-oricât skill, pe-orice stil, cât de fin, ea mă bagă-ntr-un film de mă simt iar copil, Mă învârt gen vinyl, Că eu vreau să joc în filmul ei, yeah"
"How much I write, with any skill, with any style, however smooth, she brings me into a movie, I feel like a child, I spin around like vinyl, 'cause I want to act in her movie"
San Marino
"You have, you have snake eyes, and I get, I get butterflies"
"Ноћ је, бесконачни сати На рамену ђаволи Желим само вечно спати Тако да их победим"
"Night, infinate hours, devils on my shoulders, I just want to sleep forever, to beat them that way"
"Igra sovraštva je za vas, hvala lepa, ne računajte na nas"
"The game of hatred is your thing, thank you, don't count on us"
"Mi niño, cuando me muera, que me entierren en la luna, y to'as las noches te vea, to'as las noches menos una"
"My child, when I die, may they bury me in the moon, so that I'll see you every night, every night but one"
"I don't wanna go, but baby we both know, this is not our time, it's time to say goodbye"
"When we were boys, we played pretend, army tanks and army men, hide and seek"
"Незважаючи на біль Я продовжую свій бій, Світ палає А ти - дій"
"Despite the pain I continue to fight, the world is on fire and you act"
United Kingdom
"When you said you were leaving to work on your mental health, you didn't mention the cheating, you kept that one to yourself"
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visaonline09 · 26 days
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jubaer01 · 3 months
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Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name : James Charleton  Gibsons
Description : Která osoba by měla požádat o USA Visa Online. Pokud jste občanem země, která má s USA pakt o zrušení vízového programu, a také NEMÁTE žádné návštěvní vízum do USA, pak máte nárok. Vaše cesta trvá méně než tři měsíce. Váš záměr navštívit Ameriku je pro podnikání nebo rekreaci. Musíte požádat o nové povolení nebo vízum do USA pro jednoho jednotlivce nebo skupinu osob. JAKÁ dokumentace je potřeba k žádosti o vízum USA online Platný pas(y) z programu bezvízového styku. Vaše země by měla být na seznamu zemí s bezvízovým stykem, k získání US Visa Online potřebujete legitimní e-mailovou adresu. Návštěvník nouzové kontaktní místo smartphone a e-mail. Když vyplníte a vložíte formulář a zaplatíte poplatek za zpracování, získáte číslo žádosti ESTA, které lze sledovat online pro žádost o vízum do USA. Každé povolené individuální vízum do USA má platnost 2 roky a umožňuje vícenásobné návštěvy SPOJENÝCH STÁTŮ AMERICKÝCH. Pokud platnost vašeho pasu vyprší za méně než dva roky, vaše USA Visa Online bude platné pouze do data vypršení platnosti pasu. USA Visa Online je povoleno v mnoha zemích, mezi některé z nich patří Izrael, Portugalsko, Německo, Lotyšsko, Nizozemsko, Řecko, Lichtenštejnsko, Švédsko, Andorra, Finsko, Francie, Irsko, Brunej, Chorvatsko, Švýcarsko, Itálie, Estonsko, Austrálie, Korea , Jih, Japonsko, Island, Španělsko, Belgie, Litva, Norsko, Maďarsko, Slovensko, Dánsko, Lucembursko, Tchaj-wan, Slovinsko, Rakousko, Polsko, Spojené království, San Marino, Nový Zéland, Singapur, Chile, Monako, Česká republika, Malta . Pokud je účelem cesty cestovní ruch nebo podnikání, pak  Which person should apply for USA Visa Online. If You are a citizen of a country which has a pact with USA for Waiver of Visa Program, and you also DO NOT have any Visits Visa to USA then you are eligible. Your journey is for less than three months. Your intention to visit America is for business or recreation. You need to apply for a new authorization or USA Visa for one individual or a group of person. WHAT documentation is needed to apply USA Visa Online A Valid passport(s) from a Visa Waiver Program. Your country should be in the List of Visa Waiver Countries, you need a legitimate e mail address to get US Visa Online. Visitor emergency point of contact smartphone and email. When you complete and put up the form and pay the processing charge, you will get an ESTA application number that can be tracked online for US Visa Application. Each permitted individual US Visa Only is for 2 years validity and allows multiple visits to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. If your passport expires in less than two years then your USA Visa Online will be valid only till the passport expiration date. Many countries are allowed USA Visa Online, some of them include, Israel, Portugal, Germany, Latvia, Netherlands, Greece, Liechtenstein, Sweden, Andorra, Finland, France, Ireland, Brunei, Croatia, Switzerland, Italy, Estonia, Australia, Korea, South, Japan, Iceland, Spain, Belgium, Lithuania, Norway, Hungary, Slovakia, Denmark, Luxembourg, Taiwan, Slovenia, Austria, Poland, United Kingdom, San Marino, New Zealand, Singapore, Chile, Monaco, Czech Republic, Malta. If the purpose of the trip is Tourism or Business then.  
Keywords : Urgentní americké vízum, turistické americké vízum, americké obchodní vízum, rychlé americké vízum, obchodní vízum pro Ameriku, americké vízum pro občany Izraele, americké vízum pro občany Portugalska, americké vízum pro občany Německa, americké vízum pro občany Lotyšska, americké vízum pro Nizozemsko Občané , americká víza pro občany Řecka , americká víza pro občany Lichtenštejnska , americká víza pro občany Švédska , americká víza pro občany Andorry , americká víza pro občany Finska , americká víza pro občany Francie , americká víza pro občany Irska , americká víza pro občany Bruneje , Americká víza pro občany Chorvatska, americká víza pro občany Švýcarska, americká víza pro občany Itálie, americká víza pro občany Estonska, americká víza pro občany Austrálie, americká víza pro Koreu, jižní občany, americká víza pro občany Japonska, americká víza pro občany Islandu, Americká víza pro občany Španělska , americká víza pro občany Belgie , americká víza pro občany Litvy , americká víza pro občany Norska , americká víza pro občany Maďarska , americká víza pro občany Slovenska , americká víza pro občany Dánska , americká víza pro občany Lucemburska , americká víza pro občany Tchaj-wanu, americké vízum pro občany Slovinska, americké vízum pro občany Rakouska, americké vízum pro občany Polska, americké vízum pro občany Spojeného království, americké vízum pro občany San Marina, americké vízum pro občany Nového Zélandu, americké vízum pro občany Singapuru, americké Vízum pro občany Chile , americké vízum pro občany Monaka , americké vízum pro občany České republiky , americké vízum pro občany Malty Urgent America Visa, Tourist American Visa, America Business Visa, Fast Track American Visa, Business Visa for America, American Visa for Israel Citizens , American Visa for Portugal Citizens , American Visa for Germany Citizens , American Visa for Latvia Citizens , American Visa for Netherlands Citizens , American Visa for Greece Citizens , American Visa for Liechtenstein Citizens , American Visa for Sweden Citizens , American Visa for Andorra Citizens , American Visa for Finland Citizens.
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