Demon Hunter and Witch (FrUK)
A little ficlet based on an RP that @gohe1090 and I had a while ago. ^v^; A medieval AU where Francis is a Demon Hunter and Alice is a demon witch, please enjoy~
The townspeople called her a witch which wasn’t true. At least not completely. She certainly lived like one and dressed like one. Her wide brimmed hat and flowing sleeves and mostly dark clothing certainly gave the impression. She sold potions and magical trinkets at her stall in town as well. Certainly it makes sense why they called her a witch. In a way it is fitting, witches are said to have made deals with demons in exchange for power. However in Alice’s case, she is the demon. A demon who hides her horns and tail with her hat and long skirts. She doesn’t want to scare away potential customers after all. She sets up her stall in the town square, displaying her latest potions and enchanted trinkets. For the most part, Alice wanted to live peacefully among the humans and being considered a witch by them was convenient. Her talents are easily explained away and they get medicines and good luck charms in exchange for coins. It’s an agreeable arrangement. 
Occasionally, Alice would receive a particular customer. The sort of people would ask for exliers of eternal life, potions that change lead to gold. The sort of people who keep asking for things and horde them to themselves. These people Alice has qualms about slowly increasing the price, until she gets them to promise their souls. The souls of the greedy are used to increase her powers. She does have one such customer, who keeps on demanding she make more of her lead to gold mixtures. Perhaps he’ll be next if he keeps up this path. He does seem desperate to keep adding to his fortune.  
“Well hello there~” a French accented voice breaks her out thoughts. A man was leaning on against the wooden stall. His fair wavy hair tied back into a low ponytail with a bow. He wore simple but neat cotton clothing with light leather armor and wore a flowing cloak with a pretty silver floral brooch. He pushes his bangs from his face. He was certainly handsome and Alice finds herself briefly speechless. 
“Oh, is there something here that caught your
 fancy?” She says finally finding her voice, tilting her wide brimmed hat to hide the blush blooming on her face. 
“Well I’ve just been browsing around, talking to the locals” He picks up a trinket and looks it over, and glaces at her. “You happen to hear about a little troublemaker around here that’s been making ‘deals’ with passerbys in the area?” There is an air of causality in his voice but he does seem to be watching her carefully. 
“Oh? I-I haven’t heard anything about that” she says with a fake smile trying to hide her growing nervousness. “Is there some kind of scam going on?” She looks him over trying to sense his intent, but his pretty face is very distracting. No, don't focus on that!
He reaches over and cups her chin so that they make eye contact. Alice can’t help but notice how blue his eyes are. 
“No~ It’s more like there’s someone causing trouble for the poor people and I’m here to help them” He smiles warmly. “You sure you haven’t seen anything suspicious in any way? A shifty eyed fellow? A person out of the ordinary? Possibly a...” He leans in closer to her face “.. demon~?” 
Alice feels her heart jump wildly as her face flushes a much deeper crimson realizing how close his face is to hers. She freezes, her heart about to leap out of her chest. But his questions about the demon brings her up guard once more. She pulls away crossing her arms. “I have heard nothing of the sort, besides I only heard of trouble being brought down on the extremely greedy..” She said with a slight huff. She feels slightly insulted, she has standards. She would never want to bring harm on innocent people. 
     “Oh is that so? And where are you hearing this sort of thing from?” The man asks with a laugh as he backs off a little. He’s amused by her reaction, still maintaining his friendly manner. Alice isn’t sure whether he suspects anything. 
“Oh, erm, I heard plenty of gossip and rumors in the market” she says hurriedly.  Oh god why does he have such a nice laugh. She tugs on the brim of her hat trying to cover up her face and glances to the side. She lets out an annoyed huff, certain that her cheeks from annoyance, not at all getting flustered by the pretty man before her.  She hears a laugh and the Frenchman pokes her nose, returning her attention to him. 
“So, how much?” He holds up a necklace with a stone pendant, one of the many trinkets she had on display.
She squeaks in surprise, pulled out of her thoughts. She clears her throat before answering. 
“Oh that. That will be 20 silver, it’s a good luck charm” She tries to keep a causal tone but oh god it feels like the blush is going to be permanent on her face!
“Ha ha You’re adorable you know” He laughs as he reaches into his leather pouch he has on his side. He pulls and counts the needed silver and takes her hand. “Thank you for the trinket and the conservation” He adds before he kisses her hand and places the silver into it. “Au revoir ma chou~” He smiles and gives her wink and wave before walking off into the crowd in the town square. Alice finds herself even more flustered. She tries to not think about the compliment and the hand kiss as she manages to return a smile and a wave. She promptly face palms trying to get her emotions in check. Stop acting like a loon over him. You know he’s looking for a demon. 
But it’s too late, she’s already an embarrassed mess. She busies herself with putting away the coins into her lockbox on the bottom shelf of her stall. Alice tries her best to put the thoughts of the charming man away but they still linger.
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>v>; Angel and Demon + FrUK is something I find myself always playing with~ I feel really happy with how this turned out~
((I made the background more pastel because I ended up not liking the darker background =v=))
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askaladyandeyebrows · 8 years
Could we see more of Francis and Alice please
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Marianne: A tender moment between these two~
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artblogofalma · 9 years
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In deviantart http://almaanderson9.deviantart.com/art/Ma-Ange-551300727
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gohe1090 · 9 years
nyo!England with C4 and France with C5?
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Okay so from now on if anyone asks for two people I will only do one =0= The only reason I went and did this though was because I know Circus loves these two as well~ =v=
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fuckyeahfrukheteroaph · 10 years
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himbogimli · 11 years
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¿Celebran la navidad? y se es así ¿Cómo lo hacen? :'D
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     Arthur-Es una cena navideña regularmente, aunque ella no me deja cocinar a mi
Francoise-Oui, y luego de la cena hacemos otras cosas hon hon hon
Arthur- o///O Francoise!
Fran y Alice-Nos gusta ver la luna, si no se puede cualquier cosa, mientras estemos juntos.
Feliz navidad!
——— (English)——
Do you celebrate Christmas? and so, what do they do? : ‘D
Arthur-Christmas dinner is a regular, but she will not let me cook
Francoise-Oui dinner and then do other things hon,hon,hon
Arthur- o///O Francoise!
 Francis y Alice We like to see the moon, if not anything we can, while we are together.
 (User: Merry Christmas!! :’Du)
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I had to draw Francis with his new hairstyle and I had to turn it into FrUK~
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Some FrUK all dressed up~ I found an unfinished sketch and finished and polished it and I’m happy with the result~
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askaladyandeyebrows · 10 years
Fem!England x France,pleeeaaaase ~! (*3*)
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almaschmetterling999 · 12 years
need more porn France / FEM! UK
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artblogofalma · 9 years
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 2p France based in Himaruya draws  but... : /
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gohe1090 · 11 years
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For my bestie. France x fem!England, one of her favorite forms of her OTP, FrUK.
I actually drew this in her sketchbook, but I thought it came out pretty nice so I took a pic of it to post it here =v=
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hetaliacouplenyotalia · 12 years
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Whisper of Love by ~seillua
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Some Fancy dresses FrUK~
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