tushar69 · 2 years
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kjhysgy · 2 years
Mergers Acquisition, Distribution, Franchise Business is growing on a high-scale in India and people looking for great Business Opportunities are actually Investing their time and money in it.
Investors who are running a successful Franchise Business have experienced an upwards growth in their Business and in their overall capital.
We at Sell Mergers, are on a mission to find Great Business Buying and Selling Deals for the people who are looking for some Business Opportunities in India.
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franchise114 · 3 years
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여성들의 프랜차이징 웨비나 – 여기서 보실 수 있습니다, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TqBUr16o28 프랜차이즈 비즈니스모델의 기초를 이해하고 어성기업가들을에게 힘을 실어 주어서 프랜차이징에서의 역할을 스스로 찾아내고 프랜차이징에서 계속해서 튀어나오는 위험요소(비즈니스를 수행할 때 발생하는, 하지만 견딜만한, 견뎌야만 하는 것들)을 다루면서 자신감을 누적시키기, 여성들의 비즈니스성장과 확장을 목적으로 하는 프랜차이즈 전략을 수립하기, 마치 수학공식처럼. Women in Franchising Webinar - View-in-Demand Video Understand the foundation of a franchise business model. Realize the role of franchising in empowering female entrepreneurs. Build their confidence in franchising as a sustainable risk-tolerant means of doing business. Consider formulating a franchise strategy for their business growth and expansion. https://lnkd.in/eAS55t7 https://lnkd.in/dFgBjz7 [email protected] #thefranchisetrainer #Women_in_Franchising_Initiative #diversityinfranchising #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #familybusiness #franchise #franchisebusiness #franchisedevelopment #franchisee #franchiseinfo #franchiseinterview #franchisemarketing #franchisenews #franchiserecruitment #franchiseresale #franchisewatch #franchising #franchising_for_DWBC #microbusinesses #sme #smefinance #smefunding #startups #womenbusinessowners #womenempowerment2021 #womenentrepreneurs #womenexecutives #WomeninFranchising Women Owned Business 여성의 비즈니스 오너가 법적으로 51% 이상의 지분을 소유하거나, 또는 매일매일의 회사운영에서 많은 부분을 지배.통제하는 경우에: 법적으로의 지배구조와 비즈니스운영의 통제.지배를 살펴볼 목적으로, 어딘가의(누군가의) 나라의 政府들은 특정한 프로그램을 제공해서 여성 비즈니스 오너들을 북돋워 주고 권한을 부여한다. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNQq87_pWl5/?igshid=xd6pxy0rrnsx
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tushar69 · 2 years
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