#frank biella
Le Mans Miniatures / Spark Model LMS009 Audi R10 TDI #1 'Frank Biella - Emanuele Pirro - Marco Werner' winner Le Mans 2007, 1/24th scale resin model car.
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Crooked Timber's Ministry for the Future Seminar
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Kim Stanley Robinson's 2020 novel "The Ministry for the Future," is a fierce imaginative work. Robinson doesn't just depict a future beyond the climate emergency and capitalism itself, he depicts the specific, wrenching transition that takes us there.
As I wrote in my review, the (variously attributed) maxim "It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism," isn't quite right. Imagining postcapitalism is an easy lift, but imagining the path to that world is *very* hard.
Robinson didn't leap into this project - he's been working up to it for literally decades, at least since the publication of the "Three California" books, which include one of the most uplifting novels I've ever read, PACIFIC EDGE:
Meanwhile, his 2312/Aurora/New York 2140/Red Moon novels constitute a kind of rangefinding exercise, starting 300 years the future and then walking his projection backwards to find a plausible route to get there.
But all these brilliant novels really seem to be warmup exercises for the main event, The Ministry for the Future, which depicts the intermeshed systems of economics, politics, geoengineering, streetfighting and tragedy that might rescue us from dying in our own waste-gases.
It's urgent, frightening and hopeful, raising as many questions as it answers.
These questions are now taken up in one of Crooked Timber's "seminars": a series of interdisciplinary essays about the book, culminating in the author's response.
The first of these essays comes from Maria Farrell: "What is Ours is Only Ours to Give," about the digital technology at the core of TMFTF, namely blockchain and independent social media. Farrell is characteristically incisive on these elements.
Her thoughts here tie back to her notion of the "prodigal tech bro," and how we should treat the tech industry's claims of genius with skepticism - even when those claims are cloaked in confessions of being an EVIL genius.
The next essay is Oliver Morton's, digging into the solar geoengineering in TMFTF, and the "sustained contradiction" such an effort might produce - relieving the urgency of addressing carbon production and accumulating new policy debt in the process.
Morton's a very good choice for this role: his 2016 book on geoengineering, "The Planet Remade," remains one of the best technological, economic and political overviews of the subject:
Next is Jessica Green's "Can the World’s Bankers Really Save the Climate?" which drills into Robinson's fictional carbon markets, where central bankers are pressed into service to save the planet in an unjust (but rapid and necessary) compromise.
Green's an expert on climate and finance, so she's as good at spotting the cards that Robinson palms here as Farrell is with tech. Green credits Robinson with identifying the "true sources" of climate obstruction, but thinks he's missed the mark on how to deal with them.
Next is the Roosevelt Institute's Todd Tucker with "Ministry for Your Future Soul": praise for KSR's depiction of the scientific process, scientists, policy wonks, and the progress of policy. Tucker calls Robinson a "Gramscian science fictionologist."
Robinson's "dynamic imagination...makes the book valuable to policy nerds" because "fiction can inform planning," specifically through that exercise of starting with the outcome we want and then working backwards to imagine the steps we need to get there.
This "backcasting" method has many and varied adherents. It's the method that Anonymous used to create its notorious ops, as documented in Biella Coleman's 2014 book on the ensemble:
But it's also the method that Amazon uses for new product decisions: starting by writing the press-release announcement and then working backwards to sell the org on developing the product to go with the press-release:
Next is Belle Waring's "Sudden Tempest of Ultimate Summer," which goes straight for the political violence in TMFTF, and KSR's seeming discomfort with this violence, coupled with his evident belief in its necessity.
As Waring points out, alongside all the nonviolent tactics Robinson depicts, there is a lot of (mostly offstage) violence - and when that violence is onstage Robinson pivots away from it, subjecting the Davos hostages to Powerpoint presentations instead of a firing squad.
Waring also grapples with the intimate, gendered role that violence plays in the book - the relationship between heroine Mary Murphy and the traumatized antihero Frank May, who holds her hostage, and whom Murphy subsequently dedicates herself to.
The next installment - Half the Earth? - comes from John Quiggin, a trained agricultural economist who delves into Robinson's depiction of a successful "Half Earth" transition in which humans surrender half our planet to other animals.
Quiggin is pretty bullish on the possibility of this happening, noting that we have more than enough food as things stand and that human fertility is already below the replacement level everywhere except Africa, where it's still trending down.
For Quiggin, vacating half the Earth is do-able: "We are, suddenly and surprisingly, at a point in history when radical change seems not just possible but likely."
Next is Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò, whose "What’s In Our Way?" - a frank look at how KSR depicts north/south politics, and the realism behind a scenario in which mass death in India leads to little change, while the erasure of LA sets change in motion.
Táíwò calls this "equal parts fatalism, pragmatism, and optimism," and while he acknowledges its realpolitik, he also calls upon us to imagine something better - led by the global south, rather than the "elite of the elites."
There are three more responses to come: from Henry Farrell, Suresh Naidu and Robinson himself - a contribution I'm eagerly awaiting. Based on my own experience with the CT seminar on my novel Walkaway, this will be an intense project for him.
For all that the seminar raises serious questions about whether TMFTF can be a roadmap (as opposed to an inspiration) for a transition to a better, sustainable future, the book remains an awesome, towering accomplishment, a beacon and a delight.
What's more, Robinson has walked back his early 2020 idea that TMFTF would be his last novel for an indefinite period while he worked on nonfic (about the Sierras and conservation). He says he's back to writing novels, which is *outstanding* news.
I read TMFTF as I was writing THE LOST CAUSE, my post-GND climate novel about truth and reconciliation with white nationalist militias and plutocrat wreckers.
You can read the prologue here:
That book is now done, and reading TMFTF and thinking about its boldness, its brilliance and its flaws made me reconsider my own story. Imagining the end of capitalism remains the hard problem of our future, and Robinson has done sterling work on that problem.
The Crooked Timber seminarians are carrying on the work Robinson started in TMFTF, shoring up its weak spots and calling attention to its sturdy frame. Taken together, the CT essays and Robinson's novel are a heady tonic for a world in transition.
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todayclassical · 7 years
April 22 in Music History
1658 Birth of Italian composer Giuseppe Torelli in Verona.
1723 J. S. Bach becomes music director and cantor at St. Thomas church in Leipzig. Was their third choice.
1749 FP of J. P. Rameau's opera-ballet Naïs in Paris.
1757 Birth of composer Alessandro Rolla.
1776 Death of German composer Johann Adolf Scheibe.
1776 Death of castrato and composer Filippo Finazzi near Hamburg.
1818 Birth of German critic, composer Ferdinand Gumbert in Berlin. 
1850 Birth of French-American soprano Fides Devries in New Orleans, LA. 
1860 Birth of tenor Alex Ritter von Bandrowski in Lubackzov, Galatia. 
1868 Birth of Spanish composer José Vianna da Motta. 
1872 Birth of German bass Rudolf Moest in Karlsruhe. 
1874 FP of Thomas' "Gille et Gillotin" in Paris.
1875 Birth of Swedish soprano Ida Ekman. 
1875 FP of Offenbach's "Les Hannetons" in Paris.
1876 FP in US America of Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet Fantasy-Overture. New York Philharmonic, Leopold Damrosch conducting.
1880 Birth of German baritone Guido Schutzendorf.
1884 Birth of German tenor Carl Clewing in Schwerin.  1885 FP of Antonin Dvorák's Symphony No. 7. Royal Philharmonic conducted by the composer, in London.
1890 FP of Cowen's "Thorgrim" in London.
1892 Death of French composer Eduard Lalo in Paris, age 69. 1899 Birth of English baritone Martyn Green.  1903 Birth of Italian bass Eraldo Coda in Biella.
1906 Birth of English composer, writer and Delius scholar, Eric Fenby.
1909 Death of German singing teacher Julius Hey. 
1912 Birth of English contralto Kathleen Ferrier in High Walton. 
1912 FP of Paul Dukas' ballet La Péri in Paris.
1912 FP of De Lara's "Naïl" in Paris.
1912 FP of Mary Moore's "Narcissa, or the Cost of Empire" in Seattle.
1916 Birth of American violinist Yehudi Menuhin in NYC.
1919 Birth of Latvian composer Talivaldis Kenins.
1921 FP of the Koussevitzky Concerts organized and conducted by Russian conductor and music patron Serge Koussevitzky in Paris.
1922 Final performance by Geraldine Farrar at the MET in NYC in Leoncavallo's 'Zaza. 1924 Birth of Austrian bass-baritone Franz Mazura in Salzburg. 
1925 Death of tenor Bela Kornyei. 
1925 Death of French composer André Caplet age 46, in Paris. 
1926 Birth of American composer Robert Hall Leweis in Portland, ME. 
1926 Birth of Hungarian tenor Lajos Pasztor in Budapest.
1926 Birth of French bass Xavier Depraz. 
1926 FP of Gurlitt's "Wozzeck" in Bremen.
1927 FP of Roger Sessions' Symphony No. 1 in e. Boston Symphony with Serge Koussevitzky conducting.
1932 Birth of American composer Michael Colgrass in Chicago. 1935 Birth of Italian contralto and mezzo-soprano Fiorenza Cossotto.
1935 Birth of American bass Richard Best in Chicago. 
1938 FP of Leo Sowerby's Organ Concerto. Boston Symphony, Serge Koussevitzky conducting.
1939 FP of Gian Carlo Menotti's opera The Old Man and the Thief an NBC radio broadcast in NYC.
1941 Birth of Russian mezzo-soprano Galina Borisova in Moscow. 
1942 FP of Farkas' "The Magic Cupboard" in Budapest.
1944 FP of Harry Partch's Eight Hitchhiker Inscriptions from a Highway Railing. Carnegie Hall, NYC.
1944 Birth of American conductor, pianist, and musicologist Joshua Rifkin. 1947 Death of French tenor Charles Friant. 
1948 FP of Morton Gould's Fall River Legend. American Ballet Theater in NYC. 1953 Death of baritone Max Davison. 
1956 Birth of Finnish conductor Jukka-Pekka Sarasate.
1960 Birth of Australian soprano Cheryl Barker in Sydney. 
1961 FP of Alberto Ginastera's Piano Concerto No. 1, in Washington, D.C.
1966 Birth of Chinese-Canadian composer Melissa Hui in Hong Kong. 
1967 Birth of American composer Brian Nelson in Madison, WI.
1967 FP of Alan Hovhannes' "The Travelers" in Los Altos Hills, CA.
1969 FP of Peter Maxwell Davies' Eight Songs for a Mad King in London.
1978 Death of Mexican bass-baritone Friedrich Ginrod.
1989 FP of Leonard Bernstein's Arias and Barcarolles. Louise Edeiken, Joyce Castle, John Brandstetter, and Mordechai Kaston. Bernstein and Michael Tilson Thomas at the piano, at Equitable Center Auditorium in NYC.
1999 FP of George Harbison's Four Psalms. Vocalists Lisa Saffer, Lorraine Hunt, Frank Kelley, and James Maddalena and the Chicago Symphony and Chorus, Christoph Eschenbach conducting.
2001 Death of American composer, pianist, and author Robert Starer.
2001 Final performance of the Philharmonia Hungarica in Düsseldorf.
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enricocassi · 6 years
Per la Diciassettesima edizione della Stagione Musicale Concerti e Colline Venerdì 14 Settembre si esibirà il Trio Calliope.
Musica tra parole e immagini.
Il  Programma
Michael Nyman (1944)
Film suite trascrizione del compositore Francesco di Fiore per il Trio Calliope
Chasing sheep is best left to shepherds (dal film “The Draughtsman’s Contract”)
Time lapse (dal film “A zed and two noughts”)
If (dal film “The diary of Anne Frank”)
Here to there -The promise (dal film “The Piano”)
George Gershwin (1898 – 1937)
They cant’t take that away from me
Oh, Lady be good
Embraceable you
I got rhythm
It ain’t necessarily so Bess, you is my woman now
Let’s call the whole thing off
Jerry Goldsmith (1929 – 2004)
Katia (1990, “The Russia house” arr. di Luigi Giachino)
Nino Rota (1911 – 1979)
The Godfather Suite (1972, “Il Padrino” arr. di Luigi Giachino)
Ennio Morricone (1928)
Gabriel’s Oboe (1986, “The mission”, arr. di Luigi Giachino)
C’era una volta il West (1968, dal film omonimo arr. di Luigi Giachino)
Gli interpreti
Cristina Monti pianoforte
Gian Marco Solarolo oboe
Alfredo Peretti corno
L’ensemble Calliope nasce come trio strumentale con l’intento di valorizzare il repertorio originale per oboe, corno e pianoforte del periodo romantico.
Grazie alla collaborazione con compositori contemporanei, il trio allarga poi i suoi orizzonti, includendo nei propri programmi pregevoli trascrizioni di significativi autori del Novecento.
Dopo i relativi diplomi presso i Conservatori di Milano e di Torino, gli strumentisti del Trio Calliope hanno frequentato corsi di perfezionamento ai Wienermeisterkurs, al Conservatorio Reale di Musica di Bruxelles, a Fiesole, all’Accademia Perosi di Biella e presso il Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana di Lugano.
I componenti dell’ensemble, docenti presso Conservatori di musica e Licei musicali statali, da anni svolgono intensa attività artistica in tutta Italia e all’estero.
Hanno collaborato anche con prestigiose formazioni orchestrali quali l’Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala, la Filarmonica della Scala, l’Orchestra del Teatro “La Fenice”, l’Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano “G. Verdi”, l’Orchestra Sinfonica della RAI, I Pomeriggi di Milano, l’Orchestra Stabile di Bergamo e di Como, Milano Classica, Musica Rara, l’Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana, il Tactus Ensemble, l’ Ottetto Classico di Milano.
Il CD del trio Calliope “Un soffio di Romanticismo”, dedicato a musiche di Mendelssohn e Reinecke, è stato recensito da RadioClassica e da Radio 3 nella trasmissione Primo Movimento.
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