happyhavnts · 4 years
( event starter for @frankdallowaypiper​. )
Kieran initially believed he was doing a good deed when he invited the other to his mansion the moment the snowfall began, but he was starting to feel a lingering sense of regret as the hours dragged on. He was fairly sure that it wasn’t safe to go outside and it wouldn’t be for a while. He had been listening to the other complain for a few minutes, rubbing his temples in agitation. He was starting to believe that letting the other freeze to death outside would have been more tolerable than this. He found himself interjecting in the middle of the boy’s rant, “Do you ever shut up? I don’t mean to sound rude, I’m just wondering.” He dragged his hand down the side of his face, annoyance more than visible on his face. Surely his father would have scolded him if he had overheard his statement. 
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scatteredgossip · 4 years
if you could put one person in this town encased in bubble wrap, who would it be and why?
there’s several of you around here that are fucking hot messes who need to be locked away from the whole town, bubble wrap doesn’t cut it. but, i would have to go with frank on this one. i’m convinced that if something bad happens, it will happen to him one way or another. failynn is a definite honorable mention, but she’s dangerous because of choice. if she was more poised and composed then no one would have to worry about becoming a walking burnt french fry while in her presence. kind of makes you question if she’s as friendly as she comes off. yikes !
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@frankdallowaypiper / @failynnarendelle !
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scatteredstorieshq · 5 years
Frank is at frankdallowaypiper!
Be sure to follow Frank here ! 
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happyhavnts · 4 years
( closed starter for @frankdallowaypiper / ‘ want me to stay? ’ )
Want me to stay? A soft sigh fell from Willow’s lips before she pulled her legs up into her chest, arms wrapping around them. She wasn’t the type to be openly clingy when it came to her friends but ever since Frank had gone temporarily missing, she couldn’t help but feel worried about the boy. She pursed her lips before finally speaking up, “You wouldn’t mind?” She locked eyes with Frank, a sad smile appearing on her lips. “I don’t want to force you to stay, but I also want to spend more time with you.” She wet her lips. “I know I might not have shown it initially, but you scared the shit out of me when you disappeared. Your sister and Brian freaking out really worried me.”
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happyhavnts · 5 years
( closed event starter for @frankdallowaypiper. )
A look of surprise etched itself across Eden’s features the moment she caught sight of a face that she hadn’t expected to see here at the event. At first, she thought she was imagining things, but a second look proved that she wasn’t. Before long she decided to approach the other when his friends were no longer around, a bright smile appearing on her lips as she stood in front of her brother. “Wow, are my eyes playing tricks on me or are you really here? This is probably the last place on earth that I expected to find you.” She teased, a chuckle leaving her. “Who do I have to thank for dragging you here?” 
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happyhavnts · 5 years
( closed event starter for @frankdallowaypiper. )
Wanting to disappear for a little while, Kieran had made himself barely visible to others. He was lurking about and watching everyone from afar. A certain partygoer sparked his interest and he essentially floated over to the other. Once he was in a useful distance, he made himself solid and visible once more. A smile worked its way onto his lips as he examined the other over, “You look almost as miserable as I feel right now. I feel as if we could have a competition for who hates this event more. Although that begs the question, why are you here?”
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happyhavnts · 4 years
ANON ASKED: Eden, what do you plan to do about Frank ?
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“i feel like i should focus on finding out if there’s something wrong in the first place before consulting my spellbook. but if kal ended up doing something to frank, i’ll have to find a spell to help both frank and another to get some sort of revenge.” / @frankdallowaypiper​
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happyhavnts · 4 years
ANON ASKED: Eden, do you think Frank’s acting weird ?
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“that’s a stupid question. of course, he is. first, he doesn’t answer my text messages back. now he’s suddenly buddies with kal? something is fishy but i’m not sure how this all happened, but i’m determined to find out.” / @frankdallowaypiper​
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happyhavnts · 5 years
Eden, do you wish your brother was more extroverted?
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“That’s hard… I don’t want to change anything about Frank, even that. But, I do wish he’d get out just a little bit more. Maybe I would wish he had a little bit more energy instead because that’s not really a personality trait.” / @frankdallowaypiper
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scatteredstorieshq · 4 years
Due to not posting for five days or more, please unfollow the following blogs:
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