ravenclaw-has-claws · 4 years
two worlds crashing
(( OOC: I’m on vacation and I don’t have any makeup or anything, but I wanted something to post, so here we are, reusing old gifs and trying to make them into a franken-thread (?). This was... fun. Difficult af, but fun. 
Fun fact: i did change the captions of one gif, but only one. If this doesn’t make sense, it’s because of that. I might remake it once i have my “suplies” (?) if I’m not happy with how it turns out lol. Because of this and because I tried to make it as coherent as I could, there are a few more written lines than I would prefer ))
London, 1979.
It’s a quiet day in a quite street near Diagon Alley.
In a bench on the side of the street there is a couple sitting, each with one book sitting on their laps. Their concentration is broken by the sound of loud steps on the cobblestones.
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Lily: Shit.
The two women walking towards them are Walburga and Narcissa Black. They both look at the couple with distaste, and they —Remus Lupin and Lily Evans —match their glares with their own.
There is a moment where none of them move or say anything. And then, Walburga Black huffs and turns to her niece.
Walburga: Look who we have here.
The two women share another mocking look.
Narcissa: I thought they would be cowering inside a closet.
The redhaired woman stands up in a jump. Only a second later, her companion follows her and grabs her arm. She hasn’t made a move towards the two women, but he knows her enough to know it’s a possibility.
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They stay in silence for a few moments. The tension in the air even crackles. Both couples are look at the other intensely. They are tense, the four of them ready to grab their wands if needed.
Lily: I’ve heard that you’re going to get married to Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa… Couldn’t you find a more boring suitor?
Narcissa rolls her eyes, but doesn’t bite. She takes one look at the stablishment her and her aunt were going to, a small italian-like bar with the sweetest wine in town. She doesn’t want to waste her time with these muggles.
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The woman manages to make that sound like a threat, but Evans is not deterred. 
Lily: And you didn’t think of inviting us?
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Lily: Well. I can’t say I’m to sad, right Remus?
Remus: *He nods tersely* Right.
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 Narcissa: It’s not as personal as wanting you dead… You are just… well, worthless.
Lily: Well. That explains me.
She turns her eyes to the elder Black and smiles in mocking friendliness.
Lily: But not even your own kids. I’m not sure what makes them not… invitable.
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Lily: Right. And the other one is dead.
Walburga Black jumps into an offensive stand immediately. She doesn’t hesitate to raise her wand and point it towards the muggle who dared talk like that to someone like the Black matriarch.
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It is Remus Lupin who fires the first spell. It doesn’t hit either of the women, but it distracts them enough that he can grab Lily’s hand and disapparates them somewhere safer.
Once the couple disapparate, Narcissa doesn’t give it a thought before walking towards the bar. She doesn’t have to look back to know that her aunt is following her, still muttering under her breath.
Narcissa sits in her chair, takes one look at the wine glass set on the table by a very silent waiter and doesn’t hesitate to take a sip. Just by looking at her fuming aunt she knows it’s going to be a long afternoon.
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Once the two couples are separated again, Lily stops walking and lets out a deep sigh. She turns to her companion and rolls her eyes.
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Lily: Sirius’ mother is... scarier than I thought she would be.
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Remus: But yeah, she’s intimidating.
Lily links her arm with his.
Lily: You did more than enough, Rem. Now. Let’s go buy some books. That will make us feel better.
(pls don’t hate me for this mess)
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