#frankie: why did u spank me :(((((((((((((
telltalebatman · 6 months
a very fun thing about frankie and mac's sex life is that frankie explicitly asks mac to be mean and sadistic, and after he does, she tearfully asks "d-do you really think i talk too much?? :(((((" even though SHE was the one who pestered HIM for a week to act like he's had enough for her talking
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mrs-march-ahs · 4 years
thinking about the evans and pet names they would call u💆🏼‍♀️
Pet Names the Evans Call You
Slight mentions of smut
Definitely done before, but I wanted to do it anyway! I’ve been planning to do a Kai Week? I’ve written some pieces and I hope to write 7 completed pieces before I do anything, but does that sound fun? Like a new Kai Fic everyday for a week? Feel free to send me suggestions, but please don’t expect them all to be done, having a tough time writing anything of quality recently.
Hence this-
Enjoy! :)
-Classics, Babe and Baby -He’d say Bae but ironically, until he’d start using it for real -He’d call you Sweetheart or Princess if he wanted you to call him Daddy
You’d call him- -Tate (he wouldn’t like that one) -Tatey (getting better) -Daddy (perfect) -Baby boy, he’d melt in your arms and would demand cuddles every time you called him that -If you sat and played with his hair he would want to be called every cute thing in the world, Sugar, Baby, Boo
-Sugar but more like suga’ -Honey -Honey bunch -Pumpkin -Miss Walka’ -Buttercup -Combine as many nicknames as possible if he wanted something from you -Honey bunch sugar plum muffin top
You’d call him- -Kitty -Kitten -Softie -Boo -Cutie -Handsome
Post-Death Kyle
­-The first letter of your name, like K (kay), T, (tee), D (dee) -Even if it doesn’t quite work like S (es) or dubbu for W -To get your attention he’d say ‘hey’ a lot, and eventually you didn’t like it so he started saying babe or bae if it’s easier for him to say You’d call him- -At first, only Kyle so he re-learns his name -Eventually Ky -Jokingly, Caveman and Frankie like Frankenstein -Bunny -Cuddles
-Darling -Mrs Darling -Missy -Miss your surname when you’re in trouble -Sugar -Bonnie -Doll -Cutie or Cutie pie -Muffin -Any sort of sweet pastry or sugary sweet that he’d claim you taste like -Sherbet, Honey, Cocoa, Sugar plum, Cherry, Sugar Cookie, etc - - “Lemme taste that lemon and cherry heaven”
You’d call him- -Handsome -Sexy (he’d blush every time) -Darling and Mr Darling -Jimbo -Big boy -If you called him sunshine the redness on his cheeks wouldn’t die down for three days so you saved that one for special occasions
James March­
­-Unpopular opinion, I know this is crazy but hear me out… “darling” -Dearest, My Love, Angel and Mouse -He’d focus more on the adjectives or the way he said things rather than the actual words - “My sweet innocent angel, who hurt you?” - “Why is my precious lady crying?” - “You look incredible today, my love” - “That is not a big ask! I would be delighted to do anything for my Queen”
You’d call him- -Sir (gets him hard) -Mr March (turns him on) -Daddy (dick goes whoosh) -James (when he’s in trouble) -Jimmy (only when there’s nobody around, or if you want a spanking later) -Call him baby or baby boy when you’re cuddling him -If you called HIM your sweet angel he would NOT be having it because he is a BIG and TOUGH MAN and he is not a TINY angel like you say he is -Would totally blush though -His absolutely favourite would be Beloved - - “Darling I asked you to put your clothes away in the wardrobe a week ago please would you just-” - “Okay shit, yes murder daddy” -… -… - “What did you just call me?”
-I joined the fandom when I was still on season 5 and I read fanfictions about Kai and y’all actually made me think that he says Little Lamb to his girlfriend in the show and I thought it was the cutest thing- -But we just made it up lol -Little Lamb, Angel, Gorgeous -No more no less, nicknames that signify purity or calm because that’s what you represented and meant to him -He’d mostly call you by your name so it was very special when he called you by other names -If you were naughty he’d call you a Spoilt Brat or his Slave -My Personal Cumdump, My Slut, My Bitch, my my my my all mine
You’d call him- -He would be okay with Kai, but certainly prefer Divine Ruler -He’d ask you to call him Senator to see how it sounded and it stuck -If you particularly wanted to make him happy you’d call him Future Mr President -In bed, Divine Ruler or Master -You’d mostly call him names that he approved of because if you called him something like Baby or Handsome he’d tell you to grow up - “Good morning sweetheart” - “Y/N, we’re not teenagers, don’t call me that” - “Yes, Divine Ruler” - “Now that…”
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Sin & Scandal by Carol Storm
Available at: https://books2read.com/u/mglQ56
Two tales of lawless passion and flaming desire by Carol Storm!
Crystal and Gold
Country girl meets Big City Cop. Innocence plus discipline equals red hot passion!
Matt Gold was hunting for a killer when he met Crystal May Snow, a fearless, blue-eyed beauty from the West Virginia hills. Innocent and fiery, tender and defiant, Crystal May is different from any woman he’s ever met before. With a mob war brewing, Matt is determined to keep her safe and make her a lady! But can he tame his crystal-pure golden girl without losing his heart?
Diamonds and Moonlight
A privileged miss. A mobster’s passion. They’ll risk it all for diamonds and moonlight!
Katie Sullivan is through with love. Her first husband died in the final days of World War II, and now the refined, aristocratic Boston beauty is in mourning. But Frankie “Diamonds” Donatello is a ruthless Miami gangster who doesn’t care about the rules of polite society. He seduces Katie with dishonorable intentions and introduces her to passion and absolute submission! But when Frankie’s passion for power puts Katie’s privileged life in danger, can the gambler without a heart take the biggest gamble of all?
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"As you know, Agent Gold, this is an old-fashioned boarding school." Madame Madeline sounded grand yet not quite truthful, like she was reading from an official press release. "We believe in strict discipline and corporal punishment. Public humiliation is a powerful deterrent as well."
"You mean you spank your girls in public?" Matthew Gold came on all innocent, like this was news to him. But Crystal May could see the all too knowing way he checked out her behind.
"We never force any girl to take her punishment in public, unless she chooses," Madame said silkily. "But some girls accept it for the good of the school. Isn't that right, Crystal May?"
"Yes, ma'am." Crystal May blushed, but her big blue eyes were innocent as she looked the handsome FBI agent right in the eye. "I've only been here four weeks, Agent, but I've already learned a heap — that is, a considerable amount. I've learned better grammar, diction, and vocabulary, and I've also improved my table manners and my posture." She paused, letting her long lashes screen her eyes as she gazed modestly downwards. "I've never been spanked once since I've been here. But I'd be happy to let you all spank me here and now, if Madame Madeline thinks it's appropriate."
"I think that's a splendid idea!" Madame's laughter was like icy silver wind chimes, but her hand was warm and reassuring on Crystal May's shoulder. "Since you're still new, my child, we needn't drag you in front of the entire school. Let's go back up to my office, Agent Gold. You may do whatever you like with Crystal May, within the limits of safety and propriety."
"Of course." The tough, seasoned FBI agent had played this game plenty of times. But the sexy blonde projected an air of innocence and mystery that intrigued him. Where did she come from? Why was she here? She was different from the big city runaways Madeline Charles usually served up. Matt Gold wanted to help the soft-spoken country girl. But he also wanted to teach her a lesson. He wanted to hear Crystal May whimper for mercy with her bare ass quivering under his hand.
#bookstagram #bookcollection #romancebooks #CarolStorm @blushingbooks
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