doverstar · 1 month
hello Doverstar! I first sent you an ask here around two months ago, and I said then that I didn't usually comment on the stuff I liked- I wanted to let you know and thank you because you helped me a lot with kickstarting a change in that mindset with your reply then. Whatever made me hesitant to show my appreciation to people for their creations online before, I'm not sure, but lately I've found I don't really hesitate to do so anymore, and I think that's a great change :]
So, thank you :D
That is a great change! Look at you, being all thoughtful and excellent and stuff. You're so good at feedback, I'm glad to hear other people get to enjoy hearing your thoughts!
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I need to be more like that!
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doverstar · 1 month
hello! about the fanfic writer asks — I'm curious about number 10! and also 18 about the Doctor or anything Doctor Who related :D 🤲
10. If you could banish a single trope to live at the bottom of the ocean, never to be seen again by any human eyes (or at least your own), which trope would that be?
*lights the Only One Bed trope on fire like rotisserie*
18. Share a headcanon relating to Doctor Who!
I HAVE SO MANY. But I’ll just give a lil one! It is my personal belief that Rose Tyler wanted real genuine love, not adventure in the great wide somewhere, and that she found it. I guess that counts as a headcanon? I have tons about the Doctor, about other characters, about the show in general, but I’ll just leave this one here for now! Maybe I’ll get more opportunities to share later, or else post really long text posts later. Thank you SO much, I love Asks!
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