#frau ziegler
korrektheiten · 11 days
Mediale Scharia gegen Andersdenkende
Manova: »Vor zwei Tagen wurde ein Gegen-rechts-Musikvideo unter dem Titel „Nicht mit uns“ veröffentlicht, an dem Dieter Hallervorden auf Bitten der Münchner Organisatoren tatkräftig beteiligt war. Auf Intervention von Charlotte Knobloch von der dortigen Jüdischen Kultusgemeinde wurde Deutschlands populärster Schauspieler nachträglich aus dem Clip herausgeschnitten. Frau Knobloch begründete dies mit angeblichem rechten Antisemitismus in Hallervordens Gedicht „Gaza Gaza“, das unter anderem für ein Schweigen der Waffen, die Zwei-Staaten-Lösung und die Freilassung der Geiseln eintritt. Dafür hatte der Künstler vom früheren UN-Sonderbotschafter Professor Jean Ziegler, auch im Namen von António Guterres, großen Dank zugesprochen bekommen. http://dlvr.it/T7BS27 «
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Sehen Mein Lotta-Leben – Alles Tschaka mit Alpaka (2022) Stream Deutsch Online Kostenlos
Sehen Sie sich den Mein Lotta-Leben – Alles Tschaka mit Alpaka (2022) ganzer film stream auf Deutscher and Mein Lotta-Leben – Alles Tschaka mit Alpaka(2022) stream deutsch online kostenlos HD ohne anmeldung.
Mein Lotta-Leben – Alles Tschaka mit Alpaka (2022) Stream auf Deutsch kostenlos Ultra-HD 1080p:
Hier können Sie Mein Lotta-Leben – Alles Tschaka mit Alpaka ganzer film kostenlos und legal online schauen: Bekannte Kino-Filme und TV-Serien bekommen Sie per Stream legal, gratis und ohne Anmeldung direkt im Browser.
Mein Lotta-Leben – Alles Tschaka mit Alpaka (2022) Ganzer Film Deutsch: Kinostart, Besetzung & Kritik
Zweiter Film über die Schülerin Lotta und ihre Freund*innen. Dieses Mal führt sie ihre Klassenfahrt nach Amrum.
Nach dem ersten Kinoerfolg im Jahr 2019 folgt nun der zweite Film über Lotta und ihre Freund*innen. Dieses Mal steht alles unter dem Motto: „Mein Lotta-Leben: Alles Tschakka mit Alpaka“.
Lotta Petermann (Meggy Hussong) freut sich schon riesig auf die bevorstehende Klassenfahrt auf die Insel Amrum. Ohne ihre Eltern will sie mit ihren besten Freund*innen Cheyenne (Yola Streese) und Paul (Levi Kazmaier) Abenteuer und Spaß erleben. Doch ihre Mutter Sabine (Laura Tonke) hat andere Pläne. Ihr grummeliger Papa Rainer (Oliver Mommsen) soll als Begleitperson mitreisen.
Der neue französische Mitschüler Rémi (Timothy Scannell) hat ausgerechnet an Lotta einen Narren gefressen und droht die tollen Pläne der Wilden Kaninchen, so der Spitzname von Lottas Freundeskreis, zunichtezumachen.
Auf die Klasse warten in Amrum jedoch einige Überraschungen. Ein mysteriöses Rätsel soll gelöst werden und Klassenlehrerin Frau Kackert (Sarah Hostettler) ist eher mies gelaunt, statt froh dabei. Um dem Geheimnis dennoch auf die Spur zu kommen, müssen sich die Wilden Kaninchen vielleicht sogar mit ihren Rival*innen der (G)Lämmer-Girls um die eingebildete Anführerin Berenike (Laila Ziegler) und den Rockern verbünden.
Kinostart für "Mein Lotta-Leben – Alles Tschaka mit Alpaka"
Die Dreharbeiten fanden im Sommer 2021 sowohl in Köln und Umgebung als auch auf Amrum statt. Der Kinostart für „Mein Lotta-Leben: Alles Tschakka mit Alpaka“ ist am 18. August 2022.
Besetzung Von Mein Lotta-Leben – Alles Tschaka mit Alpaka (2022)
Bereits seit 2012 begeistert die „Mein Lotta-Leben“-Buchreihe von Alice Pantermüller die jungen Leser*innen. Bis 2021 sind insgesamt 18 Romane aus der Reihe im Handel erschienen.
Mit „Mein Lotta-Leben – Alles Tschakka mit Alpaka“ erscheint der zweite Film für die große Kinoleinwand. Die Besetzung ziert erneut dieselben Gesichter, die schon in Teil eins „Mein Lotta-Leben: Da tanzt ja der Flamingo“ mit von der Partie waren. Allen voran die Kinderdarsteller*innen um Meggy Hussong als Lotta, Yola Streese als ihre beste Freundin Cheyenne und Levi Kazmaier als Paul. Auch die Erwachsenen rund um Oliver Mommsen („Tatort: Bremen“) und Laura Tonke („Caveman“) sind wieder mit dabei.
Lotta freut sich so auf ihre Klassenfahrt nach Amrum, zusammen mit Cheyenne und Paul, ihren besten Freunden. Doch als ausgerechnet ihr Papa als Begleitperson mit auf Reisen kommt und der neue französische Austauschschüler Remis sich in sie verknallt, vergeht Lotta komplett die Lust auf alles. Wie gut, dass auf Amrum ein rätselhaftes Geheimnis rund um ein verschwundenes Mädchen darauf wartet, aufgedeckt zu werden. Für Lottas Bande, die „Wilden Kaninchen“ doch gar kein Problem, oder? Pfiffige Dialoge und die erneut frisch und fröhlich agierenden jungen Hauptdarsteller:innen machen auch die zweite Verfilmung der erfolgreichen Kinderbuchvorlage zu einem Kino-Vergnügen für die ganze Familie.
Mein Lotta-Leben – Alles Tschaka mit Alpaka ganzer film deutsch kostenlos anschauen: Aktuelle Film-Hits legal online
Hier können Sie Mein Lotta-Leben – Alles Tschaka mit Alpaka ganzer film kostenlos und legal online schauen: Bekannte Kino-Filme und TV-Serien bekommen Sie per Stream legal, gratis und ohne Anmeldung direkt im Browser.
Mein Lotta-Leben – Alles Tschaka mit Alpaka ganzer film deutsch kostenlos und legal streamen
Mein Lotta-Leben – Alles Tschaka mit Alpaka ganzer film können Sie auch kostenlos und legal online sehen. Bei den Online-Filme-Anbietern Pelisplus-online.club/de finden Sie bekannte TV-Serien, Klassiker und Kinofilme kostenlos im Stream, den Sie legal und ohne Anmeldung direkt im Browser ansehen können.
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Auch englische Originalfassungen sind vertreten. In den meisten Fällen handelt es sich um Streifen, die schon ein paar Jahre auf dem Buckel haben.
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coronaplusminus · 2 years
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mrmicwhy · 5 years
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enjoypaitings · 3 years
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Richard Ziegler (German, 1891-1992) - Frau im Negligé
picture resolution 1000 × 1409
More by #richard ziegler enjoypaitings
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dodgefred · 3 years
everything said about moritz in the play (francis j ziegler translation)
Martha: He has a beautiful brow, but his friend has a soulful look.
Thea: Moritz Stiefel?——He's a stupid!
Martha: I've always gotten along well with him.
Thea: He disgraces anybody who is with him. At Rilow's party he offered me some bon-bons. Only think, Wendla, they were soft and warm. Isn't that——? He said he had kept them too long in his trouser's pocket.
Melchior: Can any of you say where Moritz Stiefel is keeping himself?
George: It may go hard with him!——Oh, it may go hard with him!
Otto: He'll keep on until he gets caught dead to rights.
Laemmermeier: Lord knows, I wouldn't want to be in his skin at this moment!
Robert: The long and the short of it is, Moritz Stiefel has broken into the Board Room.
Melchior: Into the Board Room——?
Otto: Into the Board Room. Right after the Latin lesson.
George: He was the last. He hung back intentionally.
Laemmermeier: As I turned the corner of the corridor, I saw him open the door.
Melchior: The devil take——
Laemmermeier: If only the devil doesn't take him.
George: Perhaps the Rector didn't take the key.
Robert: Or Moritz Stiefel carries a skeleton key.
Otto: That may be possible.
Laemmermeier: If he has luck, he'll only be kept in.
Robert: Besides getting a demerit mark in his report!
Otto: If this doesn't result in his being kicked out.
Hans Rilow: There he is!
Melchior: White as a handkerchief.
Robert: Then you can't have read correctly. Counting in the dunce's stool, we, with you and Ernest, make sixty-one, and the upper class-room cannot accommodate more than sixty.
Robert: Boaster!
George: Coward!
Otto: I'd like to see you shoot yourself!
George: Do you believe his nonsense?
Frau Gabor: You shouldn't do such things, Herr Stiefel. You ought to take care of yourself. Think of your health. Don't set your school above your health. Take plenty of walks in the fresh air. At your age, that is more important than a correct use of middle high German.
Moritz: Better and better.——I am not fit. Another may be able to climb to the top. I pull the door to behind me and step into the open.——I don't care enough about it to let myself be turned back.
I haven't succeeded in forcing my way. How shall I force my way now!——I have no contract with God. Let them make out of the thing what they will. I have been forced.——I do not hold my parents answerable. At the same time, the worst must fall upon them. They were old enough to know what they were doing. I was a weakling when I came into the world——or else I would have been wise enough to become another being. Why should I be forced to pay for the fact that the others were here already!
I must have fallen on my head——If anybody makes me a present of a mad dog I'll give him back a mad dog. And if he won't take back his mad dog, then I am human and——
I must have fallen on my head!
Man is born by chance and should not, after mature consideration——It is to shoot oneself dead!
The weather at least has shown itself considerate. The whole day it looked like rain and yet it has held off.——A rare peace rules in nature. Nowhere anything dazzling, exciting. Heaven and earth are like a transparent fabric. And everything seems so happy. The landscape is as sweet as the melody of a lullaby.——“Sleep, little prince, sleep on,” as Fräulein Snandulia sang. It's a shame she holds her elbows so awkwardly!——I danced for the last time at the Cäcilienfest. Snandulia only dances with good matches.——Her silk dress was cut low in front and in the back. In the back, down to her girdle and in the front down——unconscionably low.——She couldn't have worn a chemise.———That might be something able to affect me yet.——More than half curiosity.——It must be a wonderful 
sensation——a feeling as if one were being carried through the rapids——I should never tell anybody that I was experiencing something untried before——I would act as if I had done it all.—There is something shameful in growing up to be a man without having learned the chief function of masculinity.——You come from Egypt, honorable sir, and have not seen the pyramids?!
I will not cry again to-day. I will not think of my burial again.——Melchior will lay a wreath on my coffin. Pastor Kahlbauch will console my parents. Rector Sonnenstich will cite examples from history.——It is possible that I shall not have a tombstone. I had wanted a snow-white marble urn on a pedestal of black syenite.——Thank God, I shall not miss them. Monuments are for the living, not for the dead.
I should need a whole year to say farewell to everything in my thoughts. I will not cry again. I am so happy to be able to look back without bitterness. How many beautiful evenings I have passed with Melchior!——under the osiers; at the forester's house; on the highway where the five lindens stand; on the Schlossberg, among the restful ruins of the Runenburg.——When the hour comes, I will think with all my might of whipped cream. Whipped cream doesn't stay firm. It falls and leaves a pleasant after-taste.——I had thought men were infinitely worse. I haven't found one who didn't want to do his best. Many have suffered with me on my own account.
I wander to the altar like the ancient Etrurian youth whose dying rattle bought his brothers' prosperity for the coming year.——I experience bit by bit the mysterious awe of liberation. I sob with sorrow over my lot.——Life has turned its cold shoulder to me. I see earnest, friendly glances luring me there in the distance, the headless queen, the headless queen—compassion awaiting me with open arms——Your commands concern minors; I carry my free ticket in myself. If the shell sinks, the butterfly flits from it; the delusion no longer holds.——You should drive no mad bargain with the swindle! The mists close in; life is bitter on the tongue.
Ilse: You are right. Ah, how time passes when one earns money!——Do you remember how we used to play robbers?——Wendla Bergmann and you and I and the others, when you used to come out in the evening and drink warm goat's milk at our house?——What is Wendla doing? I haven't seen her since the flood——What is Melchi Gabor doing?——Does he seem as deep thinking as ever?——We used to stand opposite each other during singing.
Melchior: Farewell, Moritz. Take my heartfelt thanks for appearing before me again. How many former bright days have we lived together during the fourteen years! I promise you, Moritz, come what may, whether during the coming years I become ten times another, whether I prosper or fail, I shall never forget you——
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mysticalhearth · 3 years
astland - Chicago - 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jeanne T. Arrigo, Lawrence E. DiStasi, Christine Mary Dunford, Doug Hara, Derek Hasenstab, Erik Hellman, Malcolm Ruhl, Michael Barrow Smith, Scott Stangland, Tiffany Topol, Claire Wellin, Monica West, Lillian Cummings, Doug Pawlik Elegies: A Song Cycle - Off Broadway - April 17, 2003 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Betty Buckley, Carolee Carmello, Christian Borle, Keith Byron Kirk, Michael Rupert Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - February 15, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Annemieke van Dam (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Martin Markert (u/s Kronprinz Rudolf), Betty Vermeulen (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Jens Czernitzky (Rudolf als Kind), Elissa Huber (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: filmed by 2 cameras Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - March 4, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Alice Macura (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Oliver Arno (Kronprinz Rudolf), Betty Vermeulen (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Jonathan Späth (Rudolf als Kind), Angela Hunkeler (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: Last show of the tour in Essen. Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - March 4, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Alice Macura (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Oliver Arno (Kronprinz Rudolf), Betty Vermeulen (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Jonathan Späth (Rudolf als Kind), Angela Hunkeler (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: Last show of the tour in Essen. Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - February, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Annemieke van Dam (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Fredrik Andersson (Kronprinz Rudolf) Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - February, 2012 (3) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Annemieke van Dam (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Martin Markert (Kronprinz Rudolf), Betty Vermeulen (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Jens Czernitzky (Rudolf als Kind), Elissa Huber (Herzogin Ludovika) Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary Vienna Revival - March 22, 2013 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Annemieke van Dam (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Franziskus Hartenstein (Franz Joseph), Anton Zetterholm (Kronprinz Rudolf), Daniela Ziegler (Sophie), Christian Peter Hauser (Max in Bayern), Aeneas Hollweg (Rudolf als Kind), Carin Filipčić (Herzogin Ludovika), Carin Filipčić (Frau Wolf) NOTES: Pretty good shoot of the Vienna run. Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary Vienna Revival - June 29, 2013 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Janneke Ivankova-van Duijnhoven (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Jörn-Felix Alt (u/s Franz Joseph), Gernot Romic (u/s Kronprinz Rudolf), Daniela Ziegler (Sophie), Christian Peter Hauser (Max in Bayern), Aeneas Hollweg (Rudolf als Kind), Carin Filipčić (Herzogin Ludovika), Carin Filipčić (Frau Wolf) Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary Vienna Revival - June 8-9, 2013 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Janneke Ivankova-van Duijnhoven (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Franziskus Hartenstein (Franz Joseph), Lukas Perman (Kronprinz Rudolf), Dagmar Hellberg (Sophie), Christian Peter Hauser (Max in Bayern), Carin Filipčić (Herzogin Ludovika), Carin Filipčić (Frau Wolf) Elisabeth - Elisabeth In Concert - Apeldoorn - June 15, 2017 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Stanley Burleson (Der Tod), Wim van den Driessche (Luigi Lucheni), Jeroen Phaff (Franz Joseph), Addo Kruizinga (Kronprinz Rudolf), Doris Baaten (Sophie) Elisabeth - Essen - January 13, 2002 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Uwe Kröger (Der Tod), Carsten Lepper (Luigi Lucheni), Michael Shawn Lewis (Franz Joseph), Jesper Tydèn (Kronprinz Rudolf), Gabriele Ramm (Sophie), Claus Dam (Max in Bayern), Annika Bruhns (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: Single cam proshot of Pia Douwes's last show. Audio not from soundboard. Includes three bows and an encore performance. Elisabeth - Scheveningen - October 19, 1999 (Preview) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: NFT CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Stanley Burleson (Der Tod), Wim van den Driessche (Luigi Lucheni), Jeroen Phaff (Franz Joseph), Addo Kruizinga (Kronprinz Rudolf), Doris Baaten (Sophie), Nico Schaap (Max in Bayern) NOTES: Multi-cam proshot Elisabeth - Scheveningen - June 2, 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Marleen van der Loo (u/s Elisabeth), Stanley Burleson (Der Tod), Antonie Kamerling (alt Luigi Lucheni), Jeroen Phaff (Franz Joseph), Addo Kruizinga (Kronprinz Rudolf), Willemijn Verkaik Elisabeth - Shanghai - December 20, 2014 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Marle Martens (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Maximilian Mann (Franz Joseph), Thomas Hohler (Kronprinz Rudolf), Angelika Wedekind (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern) Elisabeth - Third European Tour - March 7, 2015 (Matinee) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Roberta Valentini (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Michael Souschek (alt Luigi Lucheni), Maximilian Mann (Franz Joseph), Fredrik Andersson (alt Kronprinz Rudolf), Angelika Wedekind (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Paul Elias Marxer (Rudolf als Kind), Caroline Sommer (Herzogin Ludovika) Elisabeth - Thun - 2006 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Willemijn Verkaik (Elisabeth), Christoph Goetten (Der Tod), Sergio-Maurice Vaglio (Luigi Lucheni), Jan-Martin Machler (Franz Joseph), Nico Gaik (Kronprinz Rudolf), Manuela Floryan (Sophie) NOTES: ProShot of the show mixed with lots of backstage stuff Elisabeth - Vienna - August 25, 1992 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Uwe Kröger (Der Tod), Ethan Freeman (Luigi Lucheni), Viktor Gernot (Franz Joseph), Andreas Bieber (Kronprinz Rudolf), Else Ludwig (Sophie) NOTES: Proshot of the dress-rehearsal. Multicam proshot. Elisabeth - Vienna - August 29, 1992 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Uwe Kröger (Der Tod), Ethan Freeman (Luigi Lucheni), Viktor Gernot (Franz Joseph), Andreas Bieber (Kronprinz Rudolf), Else Ludwig (Sophie), Wolfgang Pampel (Max in Bayern), Christa Wettstein (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: Proshot of a dress rehearsal Elisabeth - Vienna - December 26, 1992 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Uwe Kröger (Der Tod), Ethan Freeman (Luigi Lucheni), Viktor Gernot (Franz Joseph), Andreas Bieber (Kronprinz Rudolf), Else Ludwig (Sophie) NOTES: Single-cam proshot. Emilia - West End - May 29, 2019 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Nadia Albina (Lady Katherine Howard), Nadia Albina (Desdemonda), Nadia Albina (River Woman), Anna Andersen (Lady Mary Sidney), Anna Andersen (Margaret Johnson), Anna Andersen (Hester), Jackie Clune (Lord Thomas Howard), Jackie Clune (Eve), Jackie Clune (Lady Helena), Saffron Commber (Emilia 1), Lauren Drennan (Ensemble), Jenni Maitland (Countess of Kent), Jenni Maitland (Mary), Jenni Maitland (Bob), Carolyn Pickles (Lord Henry Carey), Carolyn Pickles (Judith), Carolyn Pickles (Priest), Sarah Seggari (Lady Corelia), Sarah Seggari (Flora), Sophie Stone (Lady Margaret Clifford), Sophie Stone (Midwife), Sophie Stone (Man 1), Charity Wakefield (William Shakespear), Charity Wakefield (Man 2), Amanda Wilkin (Alphonso Lanier), Amanda Wilkin (Emilia in Othello), Tankia Yearwood (Lady Anne Clifford), Tankia Yearwood (Lord Collins), Tankia Yearwood (Dave) NOTES: Two-camera archive footage from the show filmed in May, 2019. Streamable from November 10 to November 24, 2020. 3 Versions Available : Without Subtitles With Subtitles Audio Described Emojiland - Off-Broadway - February, 2020 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Laura Schein (Smize), George Abud (Nerd Face), Jacob Dickey (Sunny), Lucas Steele (Skull), Taylor Iman Jones (t/r Princess), Natalie Weiss (Construction Worker), Felicia Boswell (Police Officer), Heather Makalani (Kissy Face / Information Desk Woman), Ann Harada (Pile of Poo), Max Crumm (Man in Business Suit Levitating), Dwelvan David (Guardsman), Jordan Fife Hunt (Man Dancing) NOTES: Well filmed from back of the house. A little shaky at times. Heads in the bottom of the frame, but they don't really interfere with the action onstage. Endgame - The Old Vic - 2020 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  TS (SD) CAST: Daniel Radcliffe (Clov/A), Alan Cumming (Hamm/B), Karl Johnson (Nagg), Jane Horrocks (Nell) Escape to Margaritaville - Broadway - May, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alison Luff (Rachel), Andre Ward (Jamal/Ted), Don Sparks (J.D.), Eric Petersen (Brick), Ian Michael Stuart (Chadd), Lisa Howard (Tammy), Mike Millan (Jesús), Paul Alexander Nolan (Tully), Rema Webb (Marley) Eugenius! - Off-West End Revival - 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Rob Houchen (Eugene), Laura Baldwin (Janey), Daniel Buckley (Feris), Neil McDermott (Evil Lord Hector), Alex Bourne (Lex Hogan), Scott Paige (Theo), Emily Tierney (Carrie/Super Hot Lady), Simon Thomas (Gerhard/Tough Man), Christopher Ragland (Eugene's Dad/Lord Tough Man), Alison Arnopp (Space Diva/Mrs Truthstretcher), Tom Senior (Stock Jock/Laurence/Flock of Eagles Singer), Mark Hamill (Voice of Kevin the Robot), Alex Tranter, Amy West, Ben Darcy, Dillon Scott-Lewis, Lauren Concannon, Sasha Wareham, Titus Rowe NOTES: Archive footage that was released on their Facebook during theatre closures to help raise money for Acting for Others. Ripped from the Facebook video so some quality loss but not too much. Everybody's Talking About Jamie - West End - August 21, 2019 (Matinee) (wheredidtherockgo's master) FORMAT:  AVI (HD) CAST: Layton Williams (Jamie New), Rebecca McKinnis (Margaret New), Sabrina Sandhu (Pritti Pasha), Bill Ward (Hugo Battersby), Sejal Keshwala (Ray), Rita Simons (Miss Hedge), Luke Baker (Dean Paxton), Alex Anstey (Laika Virgin), James Gillan (Tray Sophisticay), Momar Diagne (Sandra Bollock), Marlon G Day (Jamie's Dad), Emily Kenwright (Vicki), Marvin Charles (Mickey), Luke Latchman (Sayid), Courtney Bowman (Fatimah) NOTES: If you can hear me breathe pretty heavily it’s because I’m trying not to cry. The finale is very shaky because I was clapping and the sound it a little bit distorted because I was holding the camera in my mouth (yes. In my mouth). Includes full audio, which was recorded separately. 16.05 GB in total. Everybody's Talking About Jamie - West End - December, 2019 (Highlights) (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Luke Latchman (alt Jamie New), Melissa Jacques (Margaret New), Sabrina Sandhu (Pritti Pasha), Phil Nichol (Hugo Battersby), Sejal Keshwala (Ray), Preeya Kalidas (Miss Hedge), Luke Baker (Dean Paxton), Alex Anstey (Laika Virgin), James Gillan (Tray Sophisticay), Momar Diagne (u/s Sandra Bollock), Marlon G Day (Jamie's Dad), Zahra Jones (Becca), Harriet Payne (Bex), Biancha Szynal (s/w Vicki), Alexander Archer (Mickey), Marvyn Charles (s/w Sayid), Adam Taylor (s/w Cy), Daniel Davids (Levi), Tilly La Belle Yengo (Fatimah) NOTES: All of act 2 and 30 mins of act 1 highlights. Act 1 shot around very obstructive heads and about a quarter of the stage is completely blocked, but watchable. Act 2 is much better and only Beautiful is majorly obstructed. Everybody's Talking About Jamie - West End - July 5, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: John McCrea (Jamie New), Josie Walker (Margaret New), Lucie Shorthouse (Pritti Pasha), Phil Nichol (Hugo Battersby), Shobna Gulati (Ray), Tamsin Carroll (Miss Hedge), Luke Baker (Dean Paxton), Alex Anstey (Laika Virgin), James Gillan (Tray Sophisticay), Daniel Jacob (Sandra Bollock), Ken Christiansen (Jamie's Dad), Lauran Rae (Becca), Harriet Payne (Bex), Kirstie Skivington (Vicki), Ryan Hughes (Mickey), Jordan Cunningham (Sayid), Shiv Rabheru (Cy), Courtney Bowman (Fatimah) Everyman - National Theatre - July 16, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  Other video (see notes) CAST: Chiwetel Ejiofor (Everyman), Philip Martin Brown (Father), Paul Bullion (Sound), Adam Burton (Passion/Goods), Michelle Butterly (Sister), Sharon D Clarke (Mother), Dermot Crowley (Death), Kate Duchêne (God/Good Deeds), Amy Griffiths (Vanity/Goods), Nick Holder (Strength), Nicholas Karimi (Smell), Joshua Lacey (Sensuality/Goods), Penny Layden (Knowledge), Coral Messam (Conscience), Nadine Cox (Touch), Itxaso Moreno (Taste), Ira Mandela Siobhan (Sight), Kiribati Stamell (Discretion), Clemmie Sveaas (Insecurity/Goods) Evil Dead: The Musical - First National Tour - September 13, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrew Di Rosa (Jake), Callie Johnson (Annie/Shelly), Creg Sclavi (Scott), David Sajewich (Ash), Demi Zaino (Cheryl), Julie Baird (Linda), Ryan McBride (Ed/Moose) NOTES: Excellent HD capture with no obstructions of the 2014 National Tour. Campy slasher musical based on the 1981 movie. A Evil Dead: The Musical - Off-Broadway - February 17, 2007 (Closing Night) (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Brandon Wardell (Scott), Daryll Winslow (Jake), Jenna Coker (Cheryl), Jennifer Byrne (Linda), Renee Klapmeyer (Annie/Shelly), Ryan Ward (Ash), Tom Walker (Ed/Moose) NOTES: Single cam proshot of the closing night performance. Includes Broadway Beat appearance and press reel. Evita - 20th Anniversary US Tour - June 12, 1999 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Natalie Toro (Eva Perón), Raúl Esparza (Che), Raymond Jaramillo McLeod (Perón), Tom Flynn (Magaldi), Angela Covington (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Nicely filmed from the balcony. Some generational loss. Evita - First Broadway Revival - March 14, 2012 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Elena Roger (Eva Perón), Maya Jade Frank (Young Eva), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Max von Essen (Magaldi), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Great Capture of the due Broadway transfer from London. Elena is a great Evita, the addition of Michael, Ricky and Max are excellent. A lavish and well executed Evita that was due for a date with Broadway. A Evita - First Broadway Revival - July 28, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christina DeCicco (alt Eva Perón), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Alternate Eva. Christina vocally commands the score and thrilling to watch. She really should have had the role full time! Beautiful production and stunning Eva. A Evita - First Broadway Revival - July 28, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christina DeCicco (alt Eva Perón), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Alternate Eva. Christina vocally commands the score and thrilling to watch. She really should have had the role full time! Beautiful production and stunning Eva. A Evita - First Broadway Revival - August 13, 2012 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christina DeCicco (t/r Eva Perón), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Max von Essen (Magaldi), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress), Ashley Amber, Bradley Dean, Colin Cunliffe, Eric L Christian, George Lee Andrews, Kristine Covillo, Margot de La Barre NOTES: Very nice video; a couple of short blackouts towards the beginning of the show but otherwise well filmed with good close-ups and sound. Evita - First Broadway Revival - August 15, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jessica Lea Patty (alt Eva Perón), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Max von Essen (Magaldi), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of Jessica in the role of Eva with a fresh take on the character. She brings a great element to Eva, since she is normally in an ensemble track, her dancing flourishes with perfection! A Evita - Nashville, Tennessee - September 13, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Eden Espinosa (Eva Perón), Ben Crawford (Che), Anthony Crivello (Perón), René Millán (Magaldi), Mia Rose Lynn (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new production by Studio Tenn & TPAC. This was a huge show with a very large cast. Some terrific staging moments and of course Eden did a fantastic job as Eva, beautiful production! A Evita - Netherlands - May 22, 1996 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Eva Perón), Bill van Dijk (Che), Jeroen Phaff (Perón), Frans Limburg (Magaldi), Marleen van der Loo (Perón's Mistress) Evita - Netherlands (2008) - 2008 (Highlights) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Marjolein Teepen (alt Eva Perón), Stanley Burleson (Che), Roberto de Groot (Perón), Paul Walthaus (Magaldi), Loes Worm (u/s Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Highlights: in total 1h 28min Evita - Regent's Park Open Air Theatre - September, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Samantha Pauly (Eva Perón), Trent Saunders (Che), Ektor Rivera (Perón), Adam Pearce (Magaldi), Frances Mayli McCann (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: A Stellar Video of this Cast, slightly washed out with zero obstructions and plenty of wides and zooms. Released in 4 MTS Files with a cast list - 13.55 GB Evita - Second National Tour - September, 1982 (Highlights) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Valerie Perri (Eva Perón), John Herrera (Che), Robert Dalton (Perón), Peter Marinos (Magaldi), Cynthia Simpson (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Valerie Perri (Eva Peron), John Herrera (Che), Robert Alton (Juan Peron), Peter Marinos (Magaldi), Cynthia Simpson (Peron's Mistress). Professionally Shot footage of tech run of tour's opening at The Shubert in Chicago. Starts with "Eva, Beware Of The City" and goes through end of "Waltz For Eva And Che". Does not contain all numbers, but does have most. A- This is a single camera video recording with occasional zooms that is a little over an hour of Hal Prince directing the second national tour of Evita during a final dress rehearsal. It is fascinating to hear Prince give direction while watching the show and a great piece of theatre history. Evita - Seventh National Tour - September 22, 2013 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Caroline Bowman (Eva Perón), Josh Young (Che), Sean MacLaughlin (Perón), Christopher Johnstone (Magaldi), Krystina Alabado (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions. Josh and Caroline do a great job as Che and Eva. A solid tour, great performances and production value! A+ Evita - Seventh National Tour - December 14, 2013 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Caroline Bowman (Eva Perón), John Riddle (u/s Che), Sean MacLaughlin (Perón), Christopher Johnstone (Magaldi), Krystina Alabado (Perón's Mistress)
Evita - Sixth National Tour - August 7, 2005 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Kathy Voytko (Eva Perón), Bradley Dean (Che), Philip Hernandez (Perón), Gabriel Burrafato (Magaldi), Kate Manning (Perón's Mistress) Evita - Village Players, Toledo Ohio - 1991 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Hunter Foster (Che), Sutton Foster (Perón's Mistress)
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anjaniedringhaus · 4 years
Drehstart für Film über Fotografin Anja Niedringhaus
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© photo: obs/ZDF/Ishka Michocka | text: ZDF
Anja Niedringhaus war eine international hoch anerkannte deutsche Fotojournalistin. 2014 starb sie durch einen Anschlag in Afghanistan. In Halle an der Saale finden gerade die Dreharbeiten zu dem ZDF-Film mit dem Arbeitstitel "Die Bilderkriegerin" statt, der sich mit Spiel- und Dokumentarteilen ihrem Leben und Schaffen widmet. Das Drehbuch stammt von Yury Winterberg. Unter der Regie von Roman Kuhn verkörpert Antje Traue die "Bilderkriegerin" Anja Niedringhaus. In weiteren Rollen spielen neben anderen Dulcie Smart, Michele Cuciuffo und Franziska Hartmann. Regie bei den Dokumentarteilen führt Sonya Winterberg. 
Die 26-jährige Anja Niedringhaus sitzt in einer Transall-Maschine der UNO auf dem Weg nach Sarajewo. In Jugoslawien hat gerade der Krieg begonnen. Hartnäckig hatte Niedringhaus zuvor ihren Chef bearbeitet, um als Fotografin für die European Pressphoto Agency aus dem Kriegsgebiet mitten in Europa zu berichten. Vor Ort ist es bitterkalt, es gibt keinen Strom, kaum Nahrung, und jeder ist ständig in Lebensgefahr. Der spanische Fotograf Sergio nimmt sie unter seine Fittiche und bringt ihr die Regeln des Überlebens in einem Kriegsgebiet bei. Niedringhaus berichtet mit Unterbrechungen fast drei Jahre lang von dem Schauplatz. Trotz des allgegenwärtigen Leids behält sie ihre positive Ausstrahlung.
Aus der zunächst unerfahrenen jungen Frau wird eine der besten Fotojournalistinnen ihrer Generation. Sie riskiert bei ihren Einsätzen vom Kosovo bis Afghanistan viel, wird während ihrer Arbeit oft angegriffen und mehrfach verletzt. 2001 wechselt sie zur renommiertesten Bildagentur der Welt, Associated Press (AP). Anja Niedringhaus ist ehrgeizig. Ihre Fotos landen auf den Titelseiten der großen internationalen Zeitungen. Afghanistan mit seinen atemberaubenden Landschaften und faszinierenden Menschen beeindruckt sie nachhaltig. In Kabul trifft sie die AP-Chefkorrespondentin Kathy Gannon. Beide Frauen bilden schnell ein unzertrennliches Team, bis es während der Präsidentschaftswahlen 2014 zu dem Anschlag auf beide im Südosten Afghanistans kommt. Anja Niedringhaus ist sofort tot, Kathy Gannon überlebt schwer verletzt.
"Die Bilderkriegerin" ist eine ZDF-Koproduktion mit Ziegler Film und der Avanga Filmproduktion mit Unterstützung des Deutschen Filmförderfonds und der Mitteldeutschen Medienförderung. Produzenten sind Hartmut Köhler und Tina Illgen. Die Redaktion liegt bei Stefan Brauburger und Carl-Ludwig Paeschke, die Leitung hat Prof. Peter Arens. Die Dreharbeiten dauern voraussichtlich bis 2. November 2020; ein Sendetermin steht noch nicht fest.
Link zur Pressemitteilung: ZDF Presse und Information
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dr-engel · 4 years
@leftaremybcnes​ liked.
❝Are you one of my new colleges, Herr Doktor?❞   
Oops, she’s kinda calling EVERYONE she runs into who seems to a doctor Herr or Frau Doktor. Force of habit. Angela realizes this as soon as the words leave her mouth. She doesn’t want to assume but the likelihood of him being understand German? That’s what happens when you grow up in the German-speaking parts of Switzerland.  
And the funny thing? She wasn’t even speaking Swiss German. She was speaking German, the standard, there. Imagine if she had spoken Swiss German to the other. If German is hard to understand...
Eh, nevermind. Angela shakes her head, clearing her thoughts. The blonde woman gives the other doctor a smile that reaches up to her eye. When wasn’t this woman smiling, to be honest? It seemed to be her natural state.
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❝...ah, I apologize for my mother tongue. Force of habit on my part, really. My name is Doctor Angela Ziegler. And you are?❞
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chemicalconnection · 5 years
Alex will call her doctor by their correct title and last name, only rarely their nicknames. Medic is Dr. Ludwig and Mercy Dr. Ziegler and no amount of "you can call me by my nickname/first name" will change that.
Medic started out calling Alex Frau Kovacs but quickly resorted to leaving the "Frau" and just called her Kovacs. You will find him standing in the ICU yelling her name on the top of his lungs if there is an emergency.
Mercy just calls her Alex after Alex told her it's okay to do that.
Both of them call her dad Mr Kovacs though because... He kind of intimidates both of them
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umbral1s · 5 years
Thanks @swingxilly for tagging me! @thebittervampire tagged me in a similar tag a while ago, so I just add the questions in the tag under a line. @swingxilly if you want to do the other questions, I tag you.
Nickname: Ellie, Eurydike, probably others I can’t remember right now Zodiac: Sagittarius  Height: 182cm Amount of sleep: Around 6 to 8 hours Last movie I saw: A Star is born (and it was so sad! I was not prepared for that) Last thing I googled: American Horror Story Staffel 8 DVD Release Date (it’s september btw, which is a way too long wait!) Favourite musician: Faun, Florence + the Machine, Janelle Monáe, Hozier, Caro Emerald Song stuck in my head: Diamonds are a Girl’s best Friend by Marilyn Monroe (I love it so much) Do I get asks: nope Blogs following: 368 What I’m wearing: black skirt, black blouse and black tights. You’ll notice a pattern here Dream trip: Hmmm, I’d like to see London someday. I would be in West End as often as possible Dream job: art historian, writing about queer art history and also writing some fictional books (or perhaps mortician, if that won’t work out) Favourite food: I once made salmon and spinach in puff pastry and it was soooo good, so I’m gonna say that Languages: German, English, some French (I still can read it to a certain degree, but not much else) and a teeny tiny bit of Italian  Play any instruments: I used to play keyboard and guitar as a child, but I can’t play them anymore Favourite songs: Diamonds are a Girl’s best Friend by Marilyn Monroe, Arsonist’s Lullaby by Hozier, Broken Crown by Mumford & Sons, Frau Erde by Faun, Draußen ist Freiheit from Tanz der Vampire. And a lot of other songs too Random fact: I’m into celtic music currently and listen a lot of it by Adrian von Ziegler. It’s so good and perfect for drawing and writing
time: 17:08 last song i listened to:  Beren and Lúthien by Karliene other blogs: there is one and some know about it, but I’m not active on it at the time why did i choose my username: sapphic madame should be obvious. Umbralis because it means autumn in elvish (I think?) in DA. I love autumn and umbralis sounds very pretty lucky numbers: 3 relationship status: single, but I got lovely friends and an annoying cat favourite colours: black, purple, red (especially bourdeaux) and white three books: Frankenstein, The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Song of Achilles (also The Name of the Wind. I’m excited about the show and movie :D) three tv shows: Black Sails, The Alienist and Game of Thrones books I’m reading now: Dracul by  Dacre Stoker and J. D. Barker how many blankets do you sleep in: Only one, except when it’s really cold I’ll add one more anything I want: a cottage in the woods would be lovely <3 + Describe yourself as aesthetic things: tall tired creature with black clothes and red-brown hair, hoarding dried roses and surrounded by scented candles
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pulquedeguayaba · 2 years
So Lalo meeting up with Frau Ziegler could take him to the other workers, Kai?, And find out what's going on?
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coronaplusminus · 2 years
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gekroent · 6 years
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Happy Valentine's Day! Send your loved ones some healing... Or this card. Doctor's order! Frau Doktor Ziegler schickt euch allen Heilung 💞💉💊
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enjoypaitings · 3 years
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Richard Ziegler (German, 1891-1992) - Frau im roten Kleid mit Kette
picture resolution 1000 × 1470
More by #richard ziegler enjoypaitings
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HOHER BESUCH AUS KÖLN Liebe Sylvia Fresmann, danke fürs Kommen und den regen Austausch! Die leitende #Dentalhygienikerin (und eine der bekanntesten Dentalhygienikerinnen in #Deutschland überhaupt mit großer #Expertise in der professionellen #Mundhygiene), #Praxisberaterin und #Trainerin der goDentis-Akademie sorgt immer wieder für frischen Wind und serviceorientierte Angebote. So profitieren Patienten und unsere Praxis gleichermaßen! Sylvia Fresmann traf gestern auf KU64-Inhaber und #Zahnarzt Dr. Stephan Ziegler, #Praxismanagerin Steffi Busse und #Prophylaxeassistentin Dana Melzer. Auf bald! Mehr Infos über Frau Fresmann: https://fresmann-simply-more.de/ Mehr über den #Prophylaxe #Club von #goDentis: https://www.godentis.de/zahnaerzte/ihre-godentis/team/ Und was macht die KU64-Prophylaxe so modern und effizient? https://potsdam.ku64.de/prophylaxe-potsdam/ Fotos: Tabea Lenz #fraufresmann #sylviafresmann #hoherbesuch #zfa #potsdam #beiku64 #ku64 #service #godentisclub #dkv #privatpatient #privatversichert #zahnzusatzversicherung #zahnarztpraxis #zahnarztpotsdam #ärztehaus #palaisritz (hier: KU64-Zahnarzt-Potsdam) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEWMto3lZbp/?igshid=qypt165zwc0
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