#freaking thumpers. scare the crap out of me
we-cool-beans · 10 months
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buckgasms · 2 days
How have I made bunny and Clyde so freaking adoreable in my brain 😭 I don't care how violent they'd be to protect their babies because I love them and I get it... please do headcannons on their family life I'd kill for this family. I won't give you more kids cuz I don't wanna overload on the children lol but if you wanna add more and need ideas just drop a post and I'll be straight on it... I love this almost as much as I love the normal horny crazy shenanigans
I mean same. This morning I was like, nah they wouldn't really have kids and now I'm like *slams desk* give them all the kids!!!
And babe you can send me messages about whatever you want at any time 🩷
Ok lemme think....
I was imagining some older kids too like 15-17 year olds who are a bit less impressionable that the little ones but they still absolutely love being with Bunny and Bucky.
I love the idea that any time they mention a special interest or hobby they find all the kit they need to pursue it in their room the next day.
I think the only real rule there is in the house is to look after each other. You and Bucky want to make your kids happy and keep them safe, anything else can be sorted out with cash (or secret violence lol).
I imagine the day starts with a good breakfast and a reminder of all the stuff that has to be done that day.
I feel Bucky sits reading a paper and sipping on a coffee, greeting his various kids, asking them about their homework, checking to make sure there aren't any issues. Baby bunny will often sit with him, sipping on a glass of water like it's vodka, reading the comic section that he put aside for her (screaming) as she tucks into her cereal.
Bunny is in full chaos mode, fussing over everyone, doing hair and making sure teeth are brushed. One of the teenage girls comes downstairs in an emotional panic because the boy she's seeing hasn't texted her all morning.
Both you and Bucky frown because boys but you also take her to one side and craft the perfect message and explain how to make him suffer all day for his foolishness.
Both you and Bucky keep his name stored away in your head for later, just in case.
Bucky is semi-retired at this point so when all the kids are at school the days are spent with you, which is just divine. I could say more but you should know them well enough by now to know what happens when they are alone 😉
Evenings are filled with nice little routines that are only visible if you really look for them. But for kids who need structure it means the world.
Dinner is eaten together. You try and cook in the early days and it's kind of a disaster so Bucky suggests you hire a cook who can cater for the needs of everyone without any fuss. It feels a little like failure but when Little Rabbit scoffs down a broccoli based dish without complaint, you decide it's a good idea.
Unless the kids have an after school club you will all cuddle up and watch TV or movies together. Because Thumper is a scaredy cat you end up watching a lot of competition shows because they are low risk and suitable for everyone.
The older kids might hang out in their room, but they kinda enjoy the chaos of sitting with you guys and the little ones watching crap on tv.
You get the update on the boy from school (he came crawling back immediately), Bucky discusses sports with the eldest and the little ones are discussing which Disney princess would be the best at beating up Superman.
You feel very happy in these moments
Little Rabbit insists on two bedtime stories, one from each of you. Thumper needs you to tell him happy things before bed, with 10 kisses and Bucky tells him that no one will ever get to him because he's the toughest guy on the planet. He also plugs in a night light so he doesn't get scared.
You give Baby Bunny a kiss and a cuddle goodnight and wait by the door as she and Bucky discuss her plans for world domination until she falls asleep mid-sentence.
The teenagers insist they don't need to be tucked in, but they pretend that they are accepting kisses and cuddles from you for your benefit. You don't care, as long as they go to bed knowing they are loved.
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The McCall Twin
Chapter 4: 
"So you had serial killer slash sexy dreams with Allison; too much info, brother." I added a little common sense to the word brother. I mean seriously too much information. I never want to know about my brother's sex life, even if it's just a dream.
Scott rolled his eyes.
"What Sky really meant to say was- you killed her," Stiles told twin.
Scott shrugged. "I don't know. I just woke up. I was sweating like crazy and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I've woken up like that before."
"Really? I have," Stiles commented. "It usually ends a little differently."
I grinned, "Dreaming about me again, Stiles, pumpkin?"
Stiles snorted. "Hell yeah."
Scott scrunched up his nose and said, "Gross. One," He turned to Stiles slightly, "Never give me that much detail of you in bed again. And two," He turned so he was facing both of us, "Never joke around like that when I'm around. I don't need to imagine my baby sister and best friend doing things."
"Oh, like what you and Allison did in your dream last night?" I asked grinning as twin turned pink. "You know before you went all Animal Planet on her."
Scott groaned. "You will never let me live this down."
"You bet your ass I won't." I smirk smugly, slightly turning to him. "Also, you just told us about your dream."
"Let me take a guess here though," Stiles started, but Scott interrupted, "No, I already know. You think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow. Like I'm going to lose control and rip her throat out."
"Ain't that a pretty picture," I sang.
Scott gave me a look, but I just smiled innocently.
"No, of course not," Stiles disagreed then saw the looks Scott and I gave him. "Yeah, that's totally it. Hey come on, it's going to be fine, alright? Personally I think you're handling this pretty freaking amazingly and Sky would agree, right?" He turned to me.
"I think it just hasn't sunk in yet. He'll crack and try to kill the whole town soon." Then you know what that equals... a mad Derek. And we all know a mad Derek is an even sexier Derek.
Stiles whacked the back of my head and continued, "Don't listen to Skylar. We all know she's in need of mental help."
"Yeah, you're right there with me, Stilinski," I said sticking my tongue out at him.
"Regardless Scott, you are doing awesome. You know, it's not like there's a 'Lycanthropy for Beginners' class you can take."
"Nice. Did you make that up right now?"
"Yeah, good right?"
"Permission to borrow?"
"Still not saying touché."
"Still not granting permission."
"Well played, Stilinski well played."
Scott gave both of us a look before saying, "Not a class, but maybe a teacher?"
My Sexy senses are tingling!
Stiles had the same train of thought. "Who? Derek?" He exclaimed then slapped the back of Scott's head. "Did you forget the part where we got him tossed in jail?"
"Ah," I sang, "I was against it."
Stiles rolled his eyes. He seems to do that a lot, or maybe it's when I'm around...? Nah.
"Yeah, I know but chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus. It felt so real."
"How real?" Stiles and I asked simultaneously.
"Like it actually happened."
I nodded contemplating what twin said when I felt something strike the back of my head. I spun to Stiles, fuming. "Why'd you do that?"
"Oh, you know why," He said giving me a pointed look. Sexy senses going off again.
Then as the boys on my sides opened the door, I felt my jaw drop. There, in the school parking lot, with cops all around it was a school bus practically mangled and bloody. The emergency exit was almost torn from the hinges. There was blood marks all over it along with inside the bus. This was the bus from twin's so-called dream.
"I think it did," said Stiles to Scott.
And I couldn't help but shout out, "This is like Final Destination and Nightmare on Elm Street shizznit!" I felt something smack the back of my head again.
...You know I think Stiles just likes to feel my luscious, soft hair.
"Scott, Stiles," I panted trying to jog after them. "Would you two slow your freakishly long legs down? Come on, I'm only 5'4! Stiles, you know I can't run!" Maybe if Derek was dangling in front of me. Naked. God, help me. "Well, not in these shoes!"
Stiles ignored me as he told Scott. "She's probably fine."
"She's not answering my texts," Scott said frantically.
"Did you ever think that maybe it's because she hates texting you?" I asked. "I mean you are very boring to text and I hate texting boring people."
"Not helping, Sky," Scott exclaimed still on his phone.
"Wait," Stiles said, "Is that why you never text me back?"
"Wha? No..." I chuckled nervously. "You know nothing!"
"Guys," shouted Scott. "Paranoid, emotional werewolf freaking out right now."
"Twin, you made a funny."
"Sorry," Not.
"You know it could just be a coincidence. A serious, amazing coincidence." Stiles said to Scott.
"Just help me find her, ok?" So we helped my worrywart of a twin.
We walked around for a while. Scott was practically running, Stiles was trying to keep pace, and I, not running, walked nonchalantly until you know Scott decided to take out a locker. No seriously. This possessed wolf punched the locker and it almost fell off. Wish I could do that to Derek's clothes...
"Scott," I called, but he didn't turn. I suddenly saw someone walking this way and I sighed. "Oh hey, Allison."
She caught sight of me and grinned, "Hey Skylar."
Scott, hearing me say her name, ran into her. Literally.
"Oh," cried Allison. "You scared the hell out of me."
"Better get used to it if you wanna date Jake the dog here," I muttered almost inaudible, but Scott heard. He glared at me and I winked. "Well! I'm off. You crazy kids don't be late." I started walking away to find Stiles. He would be the first form the police to know what happened with the buses from his dad's stuff. Just hopefully we don't get caught...again.
As I was walking, I heard the intercom go on.
Attention students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our buses, but while the police work to determine what happened classes will," Please say no class, "proceed as scheduled." Damn. "Thank you." Screw you.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find Stiles and since the last bell already rang, I walked to class slowly. Why not ditch right? Well, I believe that ditching is wrong- Ha! Couldn't even think that with a straight face. No, it's just if my mom finds out, she'll kill me. Also, I value my grades too much. Hell, I don't even like getting a B.
Classes were a blur until Chemistry. As I got in the classroom, I sat next to Mark, my partner, and looked at Stiles, who was to my left. Everybody was already working and Mr. Harris wasn't paying any attention, so it was the perfect time to talk. I mean I'm ahead 2 weeks, so I don't really care.
"Hey, I looked for you all morning," I said to him.
"Come to confess your undying love?"
"I don't see Derek."
"Nice," He remarked. "What's up?"
"You're going to snoop in your dad's files about the bus, right?" I asked.
He nodded, "Duh."
"Count me in," I said.
"Oh sweetheart, you had no choice in the matter anyway."
"I am not saying touché."
"Damn you."
Mr. Harris quieted us down. As soon as he looked away, Stiles, Scott and I began talking about the bus possibilities.
"Maybe it was my blood on the door." Scott said to us.
I gasped quietly, "Twin, you're going emo on me."
He glared, but the smile on his lips threw him off.
"Could have been animal blood," said Stiles. "You know maybe you caught a rabbit or something."
"Oh no, Thumper," I whisper-shouted.
Scott's lips twitched slightly. "And did what?"
"Ate it," I had to bit my lip from laughing at Stiles.
"Raw?" Derek can eat me raw. Maybe Stiles is right... I do need mental help.
"No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven." I snorted silently. "I don't know. You're the one that can't remember anything."
"Mr. Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper you might want to pull the headphones out every once in a while," Mr. Harris said loudly.
"Wha," Stiles started, but Mr. Harris stopped him, "I think you and both McCalls would benefit from a better distance, yes?"
"No," I said turning his and the class' attention to me, "I work awesome with Mark here." I nudged my partner.
"Ms. McCall, if you work so well there then how come you don't even know your partner's name." His name is Mark! "I think I'll relieve Zack of you. Move." Wow, I was way off.
"Sorry, Zack. You just look like a Mark," He smiles and nodded.
"Yeah, I'm sorry too. I'm losing the best partner I've ever had," I smile and held my fist which he bumped with his. "I'll still help. No worries."
Stiles, twin and I moved to three desks completely out each other's hearing ranges. I sat down next to some other dude. I think his name was Josh Thomas.
"Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be a little too much," Mr. Harris said sarcastically.
I raised my hand.
"Ms. McCall, need help remembering Mr. Lewis' name?" Oh...I don't even wanna know his first name.
The class chuckled, but I continued, "I feel pain in my chest." From being away from Derek.
"Do you now?"
"Yes," I nodded. "It's the anxiety kicking in, sir."
Chuckles sounded across the room.
He rolled his eyes. Unprofessional! "Get to work, McCall."
I saluted him which, in turn caused him to roll his eyes again. I turned to the book and groaned. I hate Chemistry! Save me!
Then the heavens answered my calls as the chick -I was sure her name was Krista, but with my bad name memory or more like I don't give a shit, who knows- sitting next to Scott exclaimed, "Hey, I think they found something."
Chairs scraped the floor as the entire class, including me, ran to the window. I pushed my way near the glass because let's face it these people are giants compared to me and I couldn't see crap. I mean there is like one chick in this class who is shorter. Ha midget.
As I reached the window, I saw an ambulance parked there. But that wasn't the only thing- I saw some cops pushing a gurney, but that's not the thing that made my stomach drop. It was the person on it.
"That's not a rabbit," Scott whispered as I said at the same time, "That's not Thumper."
Suddenly, the guy laying on the gurney jumped up screaming. The class jumped and some girls cried out. I just did what I always do when I get scared; I instinctively grabbed Scott's hand tightly. He complied. Then we both began moving backwards when Stiles came up to us.
"This is good, this is good. He got up. He's not dead. Dead guys can't do that." I couldn't help the tiny chuckle that came out.
Scott squeezed my hand before saying, "Stiles, I did that."
Hell hath no fury like a werewolf scorned.
"I'll just take cheese fries and a blueberry muffin."
The lunch lady grabbed what I asked and then I paid and thanked her. After I paid for my food and began walking to where Stiles and Scott were sitting.
"Something happened last night, but I don't know what," I heard Scott say as I sat down.
"We'll figure it out, Scotty," I said grabbing a corndog.
"Wow, Skye, muffin?" Stiles asked.
"Leave me and my muffin alone," I said patting the beautiful creature.
Stiles rolled his eyes, "With pleasure." Then he turned to Scott. "What makes you so sure that Derek even has all the answers?"
Uh, because he is sexy.
"Because during the full moon he wasn't changed. He was in total control." Ooh, that sounds hot. He can control me all the time. "While I was running around in the middle of the night attacking some totally innocent guy." And ain't that just downer?
"You don't know that," Stiles and I said in unison.
"I don't not know that," Twin countered.
"That is some major grammar error."
"Really, Sky?"
"Just saying..."
Scott sighed, "I can't go out with Allison. I'll have to cancel." No twin!
"No, you're not cancelling. You just can't cancel your entire life," Stiles amended.
"Yeah listen to him. He's actually making sense for once in his life."
"I choose not to acknowledge that comment."
"You just did."
"...Damn it." He turned to twin. "We'll figure it out."
I smiled proudly before biting into my muffin. I wonder how Derek can help. Or if there's a cure. My thoughts were cut as a tray appeared in front of me. I looked up and saw the one thing that made me lose my appetite. Lydia. I'm kidding. I love Lydia.
"Figure what out," said the ginger haired girl.
Stiles looked completely shocked that 'the water to his Adderall' was sitting here with us. Ha, that's a good one! I can't tell Stiles though because he'll try to steal it. Hmm, then they'd both be stealers.
"Oh-uh-um," Stiles and twin muttered before twin got out, "Homework."
"Yeah right Skye?" Stiles nudged me. I looked up and nodded.
"Sky, you're funny," Stiles laughed nervously before turning to me, whispering, "Why is she sitting with us?"
Swallowing, I whispered, "No clue, but she's sitting here willingly. Get at that, Stilinski."
Stiles grinned at me then turned to Lydia, who was looking at us. "H-Hi."
"Smooth, Casanova," I whispered, chuckling.
Then all of a sudden people started sitting with us. Some chick sat next to Stiles and Danny sat next to me. I had no clue who the other people were. The only ones I knew were Lydia, Danny, and Allison and Jackson, who just joined us.
"Get up," Jackson told the guy sitting at the end of the table.
"How come you never ask Danny to get up?"
Danny piped in, "'Cause I never stare at his girlfriend's coin slot."
I sniggered and nudged Danny, "Good one." Then I caught the guy that was moving looking down my shirt. "Hey! Don't stare at my coin slot!"
Scott growled lowly at the dude and we all turned to him. Scott glared at the dude, but caught everyone staring at him. He cleared his throat and said, "I just got over being sick."
I stifled a laugh and winked at twin.
"So I hear that they're saying it's some type of animal that did it. Probably a cougar," Danny said biting into his apple.
Jackson said, "I heard mountain lion."
"I heard it was some hormonal teenager," I muttered.
Suddenly, Stiles yelped.
Everybody turned to him and he said, "Oh, um, stomach problems."
I snickered at him until I felt something jab at my shin. "Ow, bastard-bitch!"
Now it was my turn to get looks.
"What? I cut my finger." I said nursing my perfectly fine finger. All the while, I was glaring at Scott, who seemed entranced with his tray.
"Bastard-bitch?" Allison smiled at me.
I nodded, "Oh yeah. I have a very colorful vocabulary."
"Well, I like it," Lydia said looking at me.
Lydia waved at me and turned to Jackson. "Anyway, a cougar is a mountain lion. Isn't it?"
"Who cares?" Jackson, being the kindhearted guy, said, "The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's going to die anyway."
"Well aren't you a sweetheart," I smiled falsely. He just glared at me. I smiled sweetly to my jackass of a best friend.
"Actually they just found out who it is. Check it out." Stiles showed us the video on his phone. "Skylar, stop touching the screen."
"Well, I can't see it! Move your Shrek fingers! Ow! There is no need for violence, Stilinski."
"Ow! If there's no need for violence then why did you hit me?"
"You misunderstood. I meant there's no need for violence towards me. Not to you."
"You're a retard."
"Takes one to know one."
"Children, children, please," Allison smiled.
The sheriff's department won't speculate on details of the incident, but confirmed the victim, Garrison Myers, did survive the attack. Myers was taken to the local hospital, where he remains in critical condition.
"I know this guy," Scott and I said after seeing the picture of the man.
"You do?" Allison asked.
Scott nodded, "Yeah, when Skylar and I used to take the bus -back when we lived with our dad- he was the driver." Oh yeah. He's such a sweetheart. He always gave me candy.
"Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please?" Lydia butted in. "Like...Oh, where are we going tomorrow night?" She turned to Allison.
Allison looked confused as was everybody at the table.
Lydia sighed at the incompetence. "You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?"
"Um," Allison said slowly. "We were thinking of what we were going to do." Why does everything sound so wrong to me?
"Well, I am not sitting at home again watching lacrosse videos," That's what she does on her free time? My time is better! Thinking of Sexy while eating pizza with triple chocolate mocha coffee frappe while watching Netflix ...Oh yeah. "So if the six of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun." Six?
Allison looked even more confused. "Six of us?"
Lydia sighed, frustrated. "Yes, six. You and Scott. Me and Jackson. Skylar and..." She trailed off as she looked at Stiles.
"S-Stiles," He stuttered. Aw, he's so whipped.
"Yes, Skylar and Stiles," She finished.
Wait did she just say Skylar and Stiles? "Me and Stiles? Huh? Wha?"
"Well, you two are dating, aren't you?" Lydia asked as she picked up her spoon.
"No!" Stiles and I practically shouted at her. Why does everyone think we are dating? Mom. Now Lydia. Who's next? Oh, I hope Derek doesn't hear about this. He needs to know I am waiting for him.
Lydia raised an eyebrow at us.
I decided to explain. "We're not dating. Never have, never will. I'm single. S-i-n-g-l-e. Besides, I'm busy tomorrow. Can't go out."
Stiles nodded frantically. "Yeah, I have to...help my dad. Yeah, that sounds good. I have to help my dad. No good for me."
Lydia just shrugged at us and turned to Jackson. As she looked away, I spun to face twin to see how he was handling this. I mean he thought it was an actual date. Just the two of them.
"Hanging out? Like the four of us?" Scott said. "Do you wanna hang out like us and them?"
"Yeah, I guess. Sounds fun." Allison nodded.
The look on twin's face was so horrible. Mine couldn't have been better. I threw my hands up in the air and Stiles rubbed his face exasperatedly.
"You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork," Jackson held up his fork to his face before Lydia pulled it away.
"Can I do it?" I asked him.
Jackson just glared at me whilst Stiles snorted into his water.
Suddenly, Lydia gasped, "How about bowling?" She turned to Jackson quickly. "You love to bowl!"
"Yeah with actual competition." Let me get Sexy up in hurr! He'll whoop your ass! ...Derek has an awesome ass. Oh fuck.
"How do you know we're not actual competition?" Allison said playfully. "You can bowl, right?" She asked Scott. He couldn't bowl of his life depended on it.
"Sort of." I restrained the snort that almost came out.
"Is it 'sort of' or yes?" Jackson asked sitting forward.
"Yes," Scott said exasperatedly. "In fact, I'm a great bowler."
"No, you-," A hand covered my mouth. Stiles. I ripped his hand of my mouth and slightly twisted it and gripped his damn wrist. Hard.
His mouth opens and tries to get my grip to loosen. -----------------------
"You're a terrible bowler!" Stiles exclaimed to twin.
"I know! I'm such an idiot," Scott said.
I piped up, "Well let's not dwell on the obvious."
Scott glared at me.
"Come on twin, why would you say that? You suck hairy nuts at bowling."
"Gosh, your metaphors are oh-so warming," Stiles noted, sarcasm dripping from his mouth.
I just stuck my tongue out at him.
"God, it was like watching a car wreck," Yeah, a car wreck times 1,000,000,000. "First, it turned into a group date thing and then out of nowhere comes that phrase."
"'Hanging out'," Scott said just as bothered. You would think the phrase was a death sentence! I would love to hang out with Derek. Preferably naked.
"You don't hang out with hot girls. Ok, it's like death."
"Stiles, should I plan your funeral? I mean you hang out with me like all the time." I smiled innocently.
He rolled his eyes, but praised. "Nice. Anyways Scott, once it's hanging out, you might as well be her gay best friend. You and Danny can start hanging out."
Scott groaned. "How is this happening?"
"Well, it all started when My dearest best friend Lydia-," Scott cut me off, "I didn't mean literal, Sky."
"Ugh, I either killed a guy or I didn't."
"Wow, isn't that something you hear every day in a school hallway," I commented sarcastically.
"I don't think Danny likes me very much." Oh Stiles, you off-topic fool.
That reminds me. "Why does everyone assume Stiles and I are dating? I don't even like him, no offense."
"I asked Allison on a date and now we're hanging out."
"Am I not attractive to gay guys?"
"Do we do couple-ish things? Smacking the back of the head isn't romantic, is it?"
"I make first line and the team captain wants to destroy me. And now," Scott looked at his phone, "I'm going to be late for work." He began walking away. "Catch a ride with Stiles, Sky!" I should've took my car.
"Wait twin, you didn't answer me! Why does everyone think Stiles and I are together?" He ignored me as well as Stiles. "Wait Scott, you didn't- Am I attractive to gay guys? You didn't answer my question."
I sighed, "What an ass-munch."
"I usually try not to agree with you for the sake of my mentality, but oh how you are right."
"And I usually wouldn't dignify you with an answer about attractiveness, but you should really ask Danny. I may be a chick, but we have completely different minds when it comes to gay men."
"And I appreciate that. So," He held out the crook of his arm, "to the Jeep?"
I accepted his arm and shouted, "To the Jeep!" ------------------------
"Whoa, whoa, so twin you went to see Derek?" Without me...No fair!
After school, I ended up staying with Stiles and just kicking his ass in Black Ops until twin called. Turns out after work the slimy twin went to see Derek to ask him for help. It's not fair! I'm the one who told him to say yes to Derek and he finally agrees, but doesn't take me with. That's bullshit!
"Yeah, he told me to come here and go inside the bus. He said I would remember that way."
I don't what bothers me more. That fact that my brother could've hurt some man or that Scott saw Derek without me. Ah, who the hell am I kidding? We all know what bothers me the most and it ain't my old bus driver. Condolences to you Garrison.
Stiles parked the Jeep and we all jumped out. Mm, I'm getting deja-vu. Where have we done this before?
Stiles and I started walking towards the fence when Scott called out, "Wait just me. Someone needs to keep watch."
"Well, I've been told I'm a horrible look-out, so guess that means you, Stiles," I said patting his back. "Tough luck, homey."
"No, no, no, if anyone is going it's me. Not this mental patient."
"Oh, I think shumeone's still upset that he got his ass kicked at Black Ops earlier."
"Psh, I let you win."
"Is that what they're calling it nowadays?"
"Touché- crap! I said it before you did."
"Ha, how does it feel to lose two -gonna be three- times in a row in one day?"
"How does it feel...Oh, I'll get you back!"
"We shall see."
"Guys," Scott exclaimed. "You both are staying here."
"Ok, why is it starting to feel like you're Batman, I'm Robin, and Skylar's Batgirl?" If anything I'm Wolfgirl...or even Derekgirl. "I don't want to be Robin all the time! And I am positive Skylar does not want to be Batgirl."
"Hell no! You better recognize, twin!" Mm, Stiles and I seem to be agreeing more lately.
"Nobody is Batman, Robin, or Batgirl any of the time," Scott told us.
Stiles' shoulders fell. "Not even some of the time?"
"You lie!" I have the best lines ever.
"Just stay here," Scott said sternly.
"Oh my God," Stiles and I shouted before storming to the Jeep.
Stiles and I climbed into the car; both of us were fuming until I broke the silence, "That was a really cool exit."
"Definitely," Stiles agreed. "We were so Batman right there."
"Hell yeah, homey."
"Um Sky?"
"You see those lights?"
I looked up and sure enough I saw flashing lights coming this way. "Time for us to be Batman again. Stiles love, honk it!"
I'm telling you- Best lines ever.
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missielynne · 6 years
Re-Watching Disney: A Journey, Part One
It started one Friday Night. I had gotten “The Incredibles 2 off of Netflix and decided to make a double feature by re-watching the Incredibles as well. I got myself a nice dinner (including cheesecake) and had the time of my life. Then I did this for a few more weeks picking random movies until I decided I would watch every animated one (both hand drawn and computer animated) in order. Here is what I’ve accomplished so far. (not ranty, just doing basic thoughts).
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Snow White: I was actually pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this. The witch scared the crap out of me as a child so I’ve stayed away from it for years but it truly is a beautiful film, and while very basic in terms of a lot of characterization, was very engaging. (Although holy crap, when the queen as hag laughed about burying Snow White alive, that raised an eyebrow.) Any Wicked Queen scene is my favorite, I think, but the final “happy ending” shot is beautiful and satisfying and yes...the Dwarfs amused me.
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Pinocchio: Not as much of a fave as Snow White as there’s no characters in this one that I truly latch on to, but it’s exciting enough and I love that Pinocchio actually does learn a lesson and consequences and all that. The Pleasure Island Donkey scene gives me the shivers and the stuff with Monstro gives enough excitement that when you get to Pinocchio being a real boy and the final “When You Wish Upon a Star,” you can take a relieved breath. At least I did, so props for that.
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I have loved this movie since I was a child (Pastoral Symphony, Night on Bald Mountain, and Dance of the Hours are particular faves, and The Rite of Spring never fails to bring me to shock and shivers with the T-Rex and Stego fight. Only issue with this one is how visual it is.I made the mistake of having my phone with me and had to try really hard not to just get sucked in by the music and miss all that was on my screen (which is kind of a bad habit of mine. But still,). Very happy to re-watch this.
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I liked this one more than I thought I would. It was colorful and engaging and an underdog story that truly made you root for the underdog and hate every other freaking character at that darn circus. Timothy was literally my favorite character, and Mrs. Jumbo is the best mom. (And the pink elephants don’t freak me out how they used to but I don’t rush to watch that scene. Also, I think some animation for that was ripped off the do the Heffalumps and Woozles in Winnie the Pooh.)
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Couldn’t even finish this one, though it’s one of the shorter ones, although it’s a very beautifully animated film. Granted it’s more of a character study and so there wouldn’t be tons of big action but still. Something was missing. I found Thumper irritating and that weird tonal shift between the tension building up to the mother’s death (and the death itself) and the cheerful introduction of spring and everyone being all twitterpatted in the next scene like there hadn’t been a BIG death the scene before really threw me. The scenes with Man and the effect he has on those in the forest is clearly (at least for me,) the most engaging part of the film and while I understand why they made the film choices they do re why Man wasn’t shown, making that a more concrete part of the narrative (Kind of like Ahab and Moby Dick but this time we actually want Moby Dick to win) would have given things a lot more punch, I think.)
Okay, that’s part one. This week: The Three Cabelleros, another film I’ve loved since I was a child so can’t wait! Also, some movies I won’t be able to get a hold of, so those will naturally be skipped but I will try and do as many as possible. If you want to come along on this crazy journey, I hope you enjoy!
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