#fredericka bernkastel
coolstuffiseverywhere · 8 months
I have a kinda batshit insane theory that might make sense?
So, I like Tohya and Ikuko’s existence, but Ikuko always felt off to me. We don’t have enough to really grab onto to start building much of a character from her writing unlike Tohya, despite her writing more of it. I know Sayo=Ikuko is a common theory, and I think it works by the logic I’m about to suggest. This is another alternative that I find interesting though.
Ikuko is Rika. Hear me out. Tohya isn’t Battler, in other words, he isn’t the detective. The closest we have to a detective of the future is Ange, who can still see magic. Meaning we don’t actually get an objective viewpoint of the future ever.
This works based more off Featherine, but let me explain how it works in reality: Sometime after breaking the loops, Hanyuu leaves, etc(ignore Gou I’ll get to that) she decides to leave Hinamizawa, setting up a remote place to live with some servants. As heir to the furude family, she has the funds. This doesn’t actually have to be 1986, as finding Tohya and bringing him back immediately aren’t necessarily true and are also a little lucky. My guess would be she finds Tohya while on the way to look for an estate, brings him to the hospital, and they later live together. Together, they lie about her age upon finding him, as she often uses makeup to appear older(and by the time Ange or anyone meets them she’s old enough for it to not matter), to feel more her age after the loops.
Now, my actual reasoning: Featherine on the meta level always seemed weirdly divorced from Hanyuu. I can see some connections of course, it’s all the parts of Hanyuu that got buried in Matsuribayashi. But I never really could get what all their lines about master/servant meant, considering some lines Lambda said and some implications that don’t seem true in Higurashi. Thus, I suggest: Featherine is a mix of their author persona and a witch for Rika to deal with Hanyuu leaving despite being there for her entire life.
This explains Featherine being more of a recorder(although you could also read this as Ikuko’s influence, recording both Ange’s thoughts and Tohya’s story) and watcher then a writer despite also writing. It explains what Bernkastel means by “you taught me”, as she’d be quite literally talking to a manifestation of Hanyuu and Rika, the second of which presumably making Bernkastel as a way to deal with the looping and her trauma, as well as to personify her depression. Hanyuu ofc did teach actual Rika, but Featherine was always not actually Hanyuu, and a lot of the commentary was always more about Featherine anyway. The broken horn thing may make more sense as well: it’s a combination or the Hanyuu inspiration and talking about Rika’s loops.
It also explains the higurashi as a book references: they probably did also write those, Sayo might of read them!
In this scenario, Lambda would be written to be her way of dealing with Takano and her not really getting consequences, as well as her separated friendship with Satoko. Which, on that note:
Gou! I think this would be Ikuko and Satoko, but mostly Satoko, writing it! For the same reasons as the show. And I think it works better as an actual book. She’s trying to use loop’s mechanics more to understand Rika’s experience better, and also they’re both trying to process their friendship ending. I think in this scenario either Rika left before they started high school, or they just went through all of Saint Lucia’s without a loop. Regardless, I think Satoko tried to go to Rika’s school, which was likely fancier. This was just their way of trying to see how that’d actually go for them, and better process that their past relationship was unhealthy.
I think she may of also helped write some of the Lamba parts of Umineko, but that’s mostly conjecture.
This was a bit of a mess, and I’m sure more contradictions and evidence is around, but I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else suggest that some of the last book’s non-Ange future scenes are fantasy scenes. So I hope that at least helps.
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randomavatarfan · 4 years
Satokowashi-hen Ep6
And after all that, can you believe in this?
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Umineko charas in Hogwarts Houses
Battler, Ange
Jessica, Maria, Hideyoshi, Shannon, Lamdadelta
George, Natsuhi, Kanon, Yasu
Beatrice, Kinzo, Krauss, Eva, Rudolph, Rosa, Kyrie, Bernkastel, Erika
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kisekimajo · 2 years
kisekimajo     -    a roleplay blog for Fredericka Bernkastel of the When they Cry series.    a written study of cruelty,   cats,    miracles,    alternate realities,    magic,    witches,    terrorized by Frost
largely based upon Umineko When they Cry,    currently reading Higurashi When they Cry. if you like cruel witches in gold see Beatrice at @herepitaph
rules under the cut
although Bernkastel is 1000 years old I will not be writing smut. it’s canon that she only has eyes for Lambdadelta so shipping will most likely not be open with her.
triggers will be tagged accordingly as trigger tw for simplicity.
this blog is mutuals only. non mutuals may ask questions/headcanon questions only.
if you are not sending in a meme then reblog from the source. I only allow memes reblogged from me if you are sending one in.
icons are from here and here
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