onlyfreds · 3 years
Miss Americana and Her London Boy | F.W.
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Title: Miss Americana and Her London Boy (x American!reader, Muggle!Au)
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: Y/N goes on a vacation in London to find experience, adventure and memories. But after she meets Fred Weasley, a London Boy. She heads home with not only the experience and the memories, but also love.
It all started in a café in London.
You had gone on a vacation in London to do a little sightseeing and also to cross another thing off your bucket list.
You entered the café that my friend had recommended to you, ordering a peppermint mocha.
On your way out, you accidentally bumped into someone, the coffee only missing you by the skin of your teeth.
“Oh Merlin, I am so sorry.” The man who bumped into you suddenly apologized, his British accent ringing clearly through his voice.
You looked up to get a better look at him, his ginger hair was windswept as if he had just gotten back from the beach. His eyes sparkling in the sunlight. A small, apologetic smile on his lips.
“No, it’s fine.” You said, “I was the one who was looking where I was going."
He smiled, shaking his head, “Nonsense love. I almost spilled my coffee on you.”
You laughed, “If we keep on going on like this, we’ll never finish. So, let’s just call it quits."
He chuckled, “Whatever you say love.” He then offered his free hand, “I’m Fred by the way. Fred Weasley.”
You smiled, taking his hand and shaking it slightly, “I’m Y/N, Y/N L/N.”
“American?” He asked, as the two of you walked down the avenue together.
You chuckled, “The accent gave it away, didn’t it?”
Fred took a sip of his coffee as he replied with a small laugh, “A little bit.”
“So, where do you live in the States?” He asked.
“New York.” You simply stated.
He smiled, running a hand through his hair, “It must be a blast. Living in the Big Apple.”
You laughed, placing my free hand in the pocket of my jeans, “Most of the time. I did come here to have a vacation.”
“So, how long are you staying in London for.” He asked.
You shrugged, “About a month.”
“A month?” He asked in disbelief, “You’re staying here, on a vacation, for a month?”
You laughed, “Why not? I have been dreaming of this vacation ever since I was five. So, I decided to just make the most of it.”
Fred shrugged, a small smile adorning his handsome features, “That makes sense.”
You stopped at the beach where you were supposed to meet your friend. You turned to Fred, “Well, I better go now. It’s been nice having a little chat with you.”
“My pleasure.” He said, taking out a pen and a piece of paper from his pocket as he scribbled something down on it.
“Here’s my number.” He explained as he handed you the piece of paper, “Just in case you want somebody to show you around or you just need someone to talk to. Give me a call and I’ll be there in a jiffy.”
You smiled, gently taking the piece of paper from him, “Thanks Fred. I’ll see you around?”
He took your free hand, raising it up to his lips as he kissed along your knuckles, “You’ll surely will.” He said with a small wink before walking away.
“Who was that?” Your friend, Claudeth, asked as you walked towards her.
You gave her a look of confusion, “Who’s who?”
She rolled her eyes at you, “The cute guy you who was talking to you just now.”
You felt a blush rise up to my cheeks as you avoided her gaze, “Oh, that was Fred.”
“Oooh.” She teased, nudging your shoulder, “Somebody’s got a crush.”
You jokingly pushed her away, “I don’t have a crush on him!”
“Yeah, right.” She said, “If you don’t have a crush on him, then why are you blushing?”
You felt myself get redder, “Okay, I may find him a bit cute." Your eyes widened as you realized what just said, "Not helping Claudeth!”
Claudeth looped her arm around yours as the two of you walked through the beach, “Come on, tell me more.” She encouraged.
You rolled your eyes, “Well, we bumped into each other outside the coffee shop you recommended me. We chatted on the way here and he gave me his number.”
“What?!” She looked at you with wide eyes, before starting to shake you vigorously, “That’s a sign! He’s obviously your soulmate!”
You laughed at her antics, “Does him giving me his number already make him my soulmate? Seriously Claudeth, give me a break.”
“According to your story, you and Fred just met today. And after a few minutes of chatting with him, he already gave you his number. Just trust me and my matchmaking skills Y/N.” She said.
You rolled my eyes at her for the umpteenth time, “Whatever.”
You leaned back against the headboard of yout bed, scrolling through your social media, a bit bored. Claudeth was out with her boyfriend so, you texted the person you couldn't stop thinking about.
<Hey Fred! It's Y/N.
Not even a minute has passed before you received a reply.
>Hey love! What's up?
You smiled to myself as you typed out my reply.
<Well, remember your offer about showing me around London?
>Of course sweetheart! Why?
<I was wondering if you were still up for the it.
You smiled giddily as you read his reply.
>I sure am! Text me your address and I'll be there in twenty minutes.
You quickly typed out my address as you hopped out of bed to change.
You were still deciding whether a denim jacket would go with jeans you were wearing when your best friend suddenly called.
"Hello my soul sister!" You greeted, resting your phone on your shoulder as you pressed your ear against it, going through the rest of the clothes you packed.
"What's got you in a cheery mood today?" Claudeth asked, sligthly amused.
You hummed, "I think it's the fact that Fred is coming over in fifteen minutes. And tell me honestly, does a denim jacket go with jeans."
She laughed, "Yes, denim jackets do go with jeans. And in return, you have to give me some tea about your little 'date'."
You rolled my eyes as you put on the jacket, looking at yourself in the mirror, "It's not a date Claudeth. He's just showing me around."
"Yeah, yeah, then you'll be calling me tomorrow at his apartment..."
"Claudeth!" You chastised my best friend.
Her laugh could be heard as her boyfriend playfully scolded her, "You didn't have to be so mean."
After she had recovered from her laughing fit she said, "What? I'm just saying."
You heard a quick knock on the door, "I'll talk to you later. He's here."
"Go get your man soul sister!" Claudeth cheered on before you dropped the call.
You glanced at your image one more, fixing your hair a bit before grabbing your shoulder bag and opening the door. Being met with the sight of Fred, a cute smile on his face, his hair windswept just like the day you two met.
"Thank you so much for coming on such short notice." You said, closing the hotel door behind you.
He seemed in a daze, as if distracted by something as he just looked at you, his eyes glazed over.
"Are you okay Fred?" You asked.
He snapped out of his trance, blushing slightly at the fact that he got caught, "Nothing, you just look absolutely stunning." He said, adding a small wink at the end.
You felt my cheeks heat up as you looked down at your feet, avoiding his gaze, "Thanks."
"Where exactly as you taking me?" You asked as both of you walked down the avenue.
He smiled, "You'll see."
You playfully raised a brow at him, "How do I know that you're not some part of gang or something and is actually kidnapping me?"
His laughter rang through the air, "Then, I wouldn't be walking with you out in the open. I wouldn't even give you my number in the first place, the fbi and the police can track that."
You chuckled, "Smart. Very smart."
After a few more hours, we arrived at a park.
Fred stretched his arms out dramatically, "Behold, one of the best parks in London."
You laughed at his antics, "I'm relieved. With all the secrecy I thought you were taking me to see the Queen."
"If you want too, I can arrange that." He joked as we laughed.
"So, are you up for an adventure?" He asked.
You scoffed, "Have you forgotten who you're talking to? I'm a New Yorker, I'm always up for an adventure."
He chuckled, handing me a helmet as we walked towards the bikes, "Well come on then, we wouldn't want Miss Americana to get bored do we?"
You rolled my eyes playfully as he gave you a teasing smile.
The two of you sat by the curb as Fred handed you a bottle of water.
"Thanks." You said, taking a small sip, "How much?"
He smiled, shaking his head, "No need. It's on me."
We went on a few more rounds before nightfall came, Fred then escorted you back to your hotel.
"Thank you." You said as we reached your room, "For coming quickly on such short notice. And for the little adventure as well."
He smiled, "It's my pleasure Y/N. And I'd happily do it again. So, are you up for another adventure tomorrow?"
You bit your bottom lip, looking down at your feet to keep the blush from rising up to your cheeks, "Sure, why not?"
He placed his hands in his pockets, "See you tomorrow then. G'night Y/N."
"G'night Fred." You said, as you entered your room, closed the door and leaned against it. Closing your eyes as you committed his dreamy smile to memory.
"No! No! You can't tell me that it's not a date!" Claudeth said dramatically.
You giggled, "Why not?"
"Because," she elongated the last sylablle to emphasize, "You have been 'hanging out' with him for literally the past two weeks. So, you can't tell me that it's not a date."
You rolled your eyes at her, "Just because Seth asked you to be his girlfriend after a week of seeing each other, doesn't mean my future boyfriend has to do the same."
You ducked as she chucked a pillow at you, "Hey, hey, that makes it obvious that Seth is my soulmate. And I am sure that Fred is yours."
You then heard a knock on the door, "That's Fred, I gotta go now!" You said, heading to the door.
"That's what I'm talking about." Claudeth muttered to herself as you opened the door.
"Hi Fred!" You greeted as he gave you a smile.
"Hey love." He said, before turning to my best friend, "As usual, I'll be stealing your friend for a little while. Hope you don't mind."
Claudeth nodded as she gave him a smile, "Go ahead, don't let me stop you. You can even take her home if you want."
"Claudeth!" You scolded.
She gave an apologetic but teasing smile, "It was a joke. Now, run along you two."
You gave her a death glare before closing the door behind yourself.
"I'm so sorry about her." You apologized as you and Fred entered the elevator, heading down to the lobby, "She can be a bit of a crackhead at times."
Fred chuckled, "Don't worry about it. I might actually take up her offer and bring you home."
"You've got to be kidding me!" You said, playfully hitting him on the shoulder.
"I'm kidding." He said, accompanied with a small laugh.
When we walked out of the hotel and kept on walking until we stopped in front of a black scooter.
Fred handed me a helmet, "Well Miss Americana, what do you think?"
You stared at him in awe, "I didn't know you had a scooter."
He chuckled, "Prepared to be surprised then."
He put on a helmet before climbing on the scooter, holding out his hand, "I thought you were a New Yorker." He teased, "What's taking you so long?"
You playfully rolled my eyes as you strapped on the helmet, "There's something called 'patience' London boy." You retorted as you climbed on behind him.
"Hold on." He said, before starting to drive through the bustling streets as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
After a few hours, you stopped at some park.
"Where are you taking me?" You asked as he pulled you through the trees.
He shot you a wink, "You'll see love. And I'm sure you'll love it."
We walked into a clearing that looked like something out of a fairytale.
Trees surrounded the clearing, a small footbridge led to a nearby lake that glistening under the light of the sun.
You smiled, "It's beautiful Freddie."
He chuckled, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear, "I knew you'd like it."
"How did you find this place?" You asked, sitting by the edge of the footbridge.
He sat by the space next to you, "My twin and I found it while my family was hanging out at the park. Wandered a bit too far from the group and ended up here."
"A twin?" You asked, "I didn't know you had a twin."
Fred laughed, "Not just a twin. I have four more brothers and one sister."
"Wow." You grinned, "That is a lot."
"Only child problems Miss Americana?" He teased.
You laughed, "Unfortunately for you, I'm not an only child. I happen to have a younger sister, her name is Ahnica."
He tsked, "Cute. But not as stunning as Y/N."
"You always know what to say, don't you?" You said, trying to keep the blush from rising up to my cheeks.
"It's all part of my charm, isn't it?" He said with a small wink.
"Cheeky, that's for sure."
When nightfall arrived, it also started to rain.
"We're too far from your place." Fred said as we drove through highway, soaking wet from the rain, "Do you want to stay at my flat at least until the rain stops."
"Sure. Whatever works." You said.
We went up to his flat after he parked his motorbike.
As soon as you walked through his door, he immediately threw a towel around me, fussing over me.
As if he wasn't soaking wet as well.
"Fred." You said in an attempt to calm him down, "Stop fussing over me. You're also soaking wet. I can handle myself."
He shook his head, droplets of water flying all over the place, "You might get sick. You might catch a flu or something."
You rolled your eyes at him, grabbing a towel and putting it around him and drying his hair, "You keep on worrying about me getting sick when you're just equally soaked as me."
He chuckled, "Easy there Miss Americana. You don't have to lecture me."
You scoffed, "Not only cheeky. But, stubborn too."
"You love it anyway." He teased.
"Whatever." You said, trying to hide the small smile that was growing on your lips as I sat down on the couch.
Fred headed to the kitchen, coming back holding two mugs of hot chocolate.
"Here." He said with a small smile as he handed you a mug, sitting down beside you.
"Thanks." You muttered, looking up at him, offering him a small smile.
We talked with each other just like we did during the day we met, the feeling of tranquility and peace feeling the atmosphere.
"It stopped raining." Fred pointed out after a little while.
"Oh." You said, trying my best not to sound disappointed, "Well, I better be going now."
"Wait." He said, desperately glancing at his watch, "It's too dangerous to go out alone this late at night. You could stay the night if you want, but if you don't, I can always escort you home."
You bit your lip, "I appreciate the offer Fred. I really do. But, you've already done so much for me. I can't ask you to do anything more."
He chuckled, shaking his head as he stood up, "I insist love. It's absolutely no problem."
"Fred, seriously, I can't. That would be asking for too much." You tried to reason.
But he wasn't backing down, "I insist. You've only got two choices, it's either you stay the night or I'm taking you home."
You sighed, "Fine. But, I'm taking the couch. No buts, no ifs."
He chuckled, "Whatever you say Miss Americana."
"Do you ever stop being so cheeky London boy?" You asked with a small smile.
He grinned, "Never."
You went into the bathroom to change into the oversized shirt and shorts Fred had let me borrowed.
When you had finished, you saw Fred sitting on the balcony.
You chuckled quietly, opening the slide door and stepping outside.
"That's pretty dangerous." You said, "You could lose your balance and fall 50, 60 feet? You'd be lucky to still be alive at that rate."
He smiled, "Aren't you a New Yorker? You should be used to the chaos."
You climbed over the balcony and sat beside him, "Just because I'm a New Yorker doesn't mean that I do things that will put my life at risk."
He looked at you, "Well, you're doing the same thing right now."
"I guess that you have that affect on me then." You said, looking at him.
"I can't believe that you're already leaving tomorrow." Fred suddenly said, causing you to look up from your coffee, since he decided that both of you should spend your last day at the place where you met.
You chuckled, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear, "Time really flies when you're having fun."
You looked at the ginger in front of me. Something about him was... off today. He was quieter than usual.
"Hey," you said as your thumb rubbed small circles at the back of his hand, "are you okay? You seem a bit quieter than usual."
He bit his lip as he looked at you, "No, I'm absolutely fine sweetheart."
You gave him a skeptical look, "I can see it in your eyes, there's something bothering you."
Fred sighed, "It's just been something that I've been thinking about for the past week."
You licked my lips, terribly concerned, "Then tell me, maybe I could help you with it."
He interlocked our hands together, "Will you promise that whatever happens with what I tell you, it won't affect our friendship at all?"
You nodded, "Of course it wouldn't."
Fred took a deep breath, as if preparing himself for the worse, "Spending the past month with you has been the highlight of my entire year. I will honestly tell you that I've been dreading the day that you would have to go back to New York. I have been dreading the day you'll leave and possibly not come back."
You gulped, "Freddie, you're scaring me."
"If I don't tell you this, then it would be my biggest what if. I love you Y/N. More than a friend, more than anything else that I've loved before. It's perfectly fine if you don't feel the same and turn down my offer. But, Y/N L/N, will you be my girlfriend?" He said with a hopeful glint in his eyes.
You smiled as you nodded, "Yes Fred. I will be your girlfriend!"
He grinned, standing up and pulling you into a passionate kiss.
"Thank goodness!" He said as we pulled apart, "You've just made me the happiest man alive."
You giggled, "Well then, that makes me the happiest person to ever walk the planet."
"But, how about the distance?" You asked, "New York isn't on the other side of London."
He licked his lips, "Well, that's what technology is for, isn't it?"
You laughed, "You are a smart cookie."
The time flew by, before you knew it, Fred was taking you back to the hotel for the last time.
"Got everything packed?" Fred asked as he rested a hand on your suitcase.
You looked around the room, already feeling a bit nostalgic for the place that had served as your home for the past month.
You nodded, "Yeah, everything's complete."
We walked out of the room, climbing into the cab that brought you to the airport.
We were silent for the most of the journey. Fred holding on tightly to your hand as much as possible.
When we arrived at the airport, Fred stayed by your side during everything, check-in, immigration and now the moment you dreaded the most.
"So, this is it." You shrug, trying to keep the tears at bay, "I have to go."
Fred sniffed, obviously trying hard not to cry, "I know. But, I don't want you to go."
You gave him a small smile, "I don't want to leave yet too, baby. It's not like I have a choice. Besides, that's what technology is for."
He pulled you into his chest, hugging you tightly, "Yeah, but it's not the same as having you here with me." He said, now openly crying.
"Hey, hey." You said, my tears now dripping down my cheeks, "Don't cry. Just call and text me anytime. Don't think about the timezones. Okay? I don't care if you call or text me at 3 am. I will answer."
Fred sniffed, wiping the tears from you cheeks, "Okay. But, I'll be seeing you in two months."
You chuckled, "Two months? I'll try and get a ticket."
My boyfriend gave a small smile, shaking his head, "I meant me. I'll be visiting you in New York in two months."
"Really?" You said in awe.
He nodded, "Yeah. Now before you protest, I already bought a ticket."
You flung my arms around his neck, "You're the best boyfriend ever!"
"You're the one who brings out the best in me." He whispered.
"Passengers of flight 2B5567 please head to the boarding gate immediately." Someone said over the intercom.
Fred and you pulled apart, profusely wiping the remaining tears from our eyes.
"This is it." You said again.
He nodded, "The 'it' we can't avoid no matter what we do."
He pulled you into a passionate kiss, one where we poured all of your love into it. For one final time.
You grabbed my luggage, heading towards the gate when you suddenly didn't care about missing your flight.
Your let go of your luggage, running into Fred's arms as you threw your arms around him, pulling him in for another kiss.
"Last reminder, all passengers of flight 2B5567 please head to the boarding gate immediately." The intercom sounded again.
"Sweetheart, I love you and all, but you're going to miss your flight." Fred said.
You nodded, taking off my bracelet, it was the one you were wearing the day you met Fred.
You handed it to your boyfriend, seeing his expression falter a little, "I can't take that princess."
You gave him a reassuring smile, "You can and you will. Whenever you miss me, just hold this and think that I'm holding your hand."
He sniffed as he took it, "I love you." He said, his voice cracking a little.
"I love you too." You said.
"Go to the gate." He urged, "The plane won't wait for you."
You nodded, giving him one last smile before heading back to your luggage and going to the gate.
"'Till we meet again, Miss Americana." He said with a small smile, his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
You waved goodbye, "Till our next adventure, my London boy." You said before showing the attendant my ticket and heading into the plane.
@lumosandnoxwriting ​ @wand3ringr0s3 ​ @famdomhideout ​ @nova-darling @gaycatlord-stuff ​​  @pandaxnienke ​​ @escapingrealitybyreading (If you are crossed out, that means I can’t tag you)
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