#free massons
awesomecooperlove · 1 year
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taylor-titmouse · 8 months
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The Masson Circle Collection (18+)
Even killers can fall in love. Set against a backdrop of early 70s Europe, The Masson Circle is a collection of illustrated queer romance novellas between assassins, thieves, and the criminal mastermind at the middle of them all. Originally released between 2020 and 2021, these three stories have been remastered with revised text, 30 brand new illustrations, and an exclusive bonus story. This collection is roughly 69k words.
All three stories contain some violence, references to alcohol, and explicit sexual content and images. They are intended for adult audiences only. Comes in DRM-free PDF and EPUB formats, and includes an image gallery ZIP containing all book illustrations, plus all the sketchbook content included in the original releases.
Retired assassin Ezra Platt loves his wife, Tessa, more than anything else in the world. For the first time in six years, the two are both in town for their anniversary, which means it has to be made special. What do you get the woman who is your everything, especially when she's an assassin herself? Perhaps the answer lies in Ezra's memories of meeting her...
18.2k words. Features fem dom, face sitting, and pegging.
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The Duplessis is hosting its biannual masked bacchanal, and art forger and thief Leonard Lacroix has been hired to empty its safe. Infiltrating the classy gentlemen's club is easy, but when he runs into an old flame, getting out with all he wants is not. 
17.4k words. Features gay sex in a private office. Contains the use of a homophobic slur.
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French couturier Mathieu Masson is a man with one foot in the underworld, the one to call for anything from a killing to a Caravaggio. But when a new client demands what he can't give, he has only his bodyguard, Jean Martin, to lean on. 
16k words. Features a trans male lead and tender lovemaking. Contains some queerphobia, and references to child sex abuse in a character's past.
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This collection also includes Narcissus, Dianthus, and Sweet Bay, each an extra short story connected to their corresponding book, from the perspective of the love interest. Narcissus explores Tessa's memory of her and Ezra's first night together. Dianthus recalls the time Lionel and Leonard fooled around in a professor's office in college. Sweet Bay takes place just before Laurels' epilogue, as Jean and Mathieu settle into their partnership and open up about themselves. Sweet Bay contains discussion of child sex abuse in a character's past.
Read it today!
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endlich-allein · 1 year
I KNOW that you are a specifically Till acc, but do you have any facts on his bandmates? (If not That’s okay love your blog)
Hi ! Thanks for the ask, I tried to gather all the facts I could think of but I probably forgot quite a few (feel free to add to this list if you feel like it !) :
— Richard did a lot of odd jobs when he was young (shoe salesman, cook, etc.) but the job that made the biggest impression on him was as a cleaner for an old lady who had stuffed her poodles. She made him run a feather duster over her poodles ;
— Richard bought his first album in Hungary for 200 marks. It was the album Plastic Surgery Disaster by Dead Kennedys ;
— Rammstein and Depeche Mode got into a tomato fight in the backstage at the 2001 MTV Europe Music Awards.
— Richard bought his first guitar at the age of 16 in Czechoslovakia, not because he knew how to play, but to sell it back in Germany. On the road, he (and some friends) stopped at a campsite and a girl insisted he play, so he strummed the strings. And it was because girls liked guitarists that he became one himself ;
— Paul said that every time Till went to Leipzig, he went to his grandmother's and ate pasta ;
— Paul thinks he might have been a psychic or psychiatrist, Schneider thinks he might have been a computer scientist and Ollie a masson ;
— Paul thinks that if the band were stranded on a desert island, they'd eat Till first, but they'd have to wait until he fell asleep because he probably wouldn't let them. And the worst thing is that Till agrees with it because, when asked the same question, he replied that the group would eat him first because he has more meat than the others...;
— Flake and Paul, along with Feeling B and others, turned Till's house upside down, smashed tables, turned up the music and cooked fried eggs with honey because they couldn't get their hands on the butter ;
— Paul says that if he had to invent an object, it would be a plate that keeps the heat in, because according to him, the dishes are always too hot, so he waits and then they quickly become too cold ;
— Richard and Flake, during the recording of Reise Reise, got into a verbal joust : Richard said that Flake's wife "sang like a cuckoo", and Flake informed Richard that nobody cared about his children's talents ;
— Richard grabbed Till's collar and slammed him against a wall because Till made a joke about Richard's unconditional love of Donald Duck movies. Till repeated this in an interview (with Richard and Ollie) in 2006, to which Richard replied: "Idiot ! I’m a fan of Italian realism from the early 60′s. Alberto Sordi, Fellini... I’m not a snob but unlike these gloomy guys I know cinema well." ;
— Flake told Paul he couldn't be racist because he didn't like anybody ;
— Schneider and Till have gardening competitions, but Till is jealous because Schneider always has the most beautiful orchids ;
— Till sent a huge box of candy with the note "Enjoy the fucking candy" to Chris Martin (Coldplay) to thank him for helping him with a sore neck. Since then, they've been friends, and Chris dedicated a Coldplay song to Till and his children during a concert ;
— Schneider's mother was angry with him because of the Mutter song, but he didn't understand why, he just told her that he didn't write the lyrics ;
— Ollie accidentally hit Till on the head with his bass, Till had to leave the stage and be bandaged, he ended the concert with a huge bandage ;
— Ollie once stole something. It only happened once. It was a little wooden boat, and when he got home he felt so guilty that he confessed the whole thing to his mother ;
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louisupdates · 11 months
The Habit He Can’t Break, 2/4
IQ 123 | Gordon Masson | 9.11.2023
“In Santiago, for instance, we’d sold out two full arenas of 13,000 cap, but then the government declared that for mass gatherings the number needed to be limited to 10,000 people.”
Rather than let fans down, Move added a third day, which again ended up selling out. “I remember being on a night plane from Miami, while Matt Vines was flying in from Dallas, and we were both using the aircraft wi-fi to negotiate via text for that third show. It was an interesting way to confirm putting the third date on sale, just three days before the actual show!”
He adds, “We’re taking a big bet on this tour when it comes to the number of cities and the capacities of the venues, but we’re hoping for the best, and we’ve gone out strong. We feel that the artist is in a good moment and that the latest album has just created more interest, so we’re looking forward to when he arrives in May.”
Further north, Ocesa will promote three dates in Mexico, including a stadium show at the F1 circuit, Autódromo Hermanos, Rodríguez, deepening Tomlinson’s footprint in that crucial North American market.
Meanwhile, in Tomlinson’s homeland, Jack Dowling at SJM is promoting seven UK dates in November at arenas in Sheffield, Manchester, Glasgow, Brighton, Cardiff, London, and Birmingham, which will round out the European leg of the tour.
“SJM has done every show Louis has been involved with, including all the One Direction arena and stadium shows” notes Dowling, adding that on the first tour, the London show was originally penciled in as a Roundhouse, then two Roundhouse shows, before finally being upgraded to Wembley Arena. 
“This time, The O2 arena show in London will be sold out, while all the others have passed the expectations of where we wanted to be on this tour. In fact, when the UK dates were announced, it ranked as the fourth most engaged tour on social media in SJM’s history – his fans are just nuts.”
But Dowling also reports that the fanbase for Tomlinson is expanding. “The demographics are pulling not just from pop, but also from indie rock now.”
Dowling adds, “Louis really looks after his fans. On the last tour, they did a deal with Greggs to give free food to the people waiting in line, as some of them camped out for days in advance.”
Out of My System
Ensuring his fans are looked after properly is the number one priority in Tomlinson’s live career.
Noting that Tomlinson’s audience comprises mainly young women and girls, Rowland reveals that, at the artist’s insistence, a safety team has been added to the tour to ensure everyone that attends his shows is looked after. “They manage all the safety within the shows for the fans,” she explains. “They came in for the Wembley show last year and have been with us ever since - they’ve been beneficial to the running of the tour. 
“When he played in South America, some of his fans were camping outside for a month. So we have a responsibility to look after them. Coming to a show should be a safe place, it’s where they find joy, and we have a responsibility to protect that.”
Manager Vines comments, “One issue that we came up against almost all last year was crushing and fans passing out. We adopted a system where we could communicate with fans, who could hold up a mobile phone with a flashing red-and-white sign if they were in trouble but then we’d see them all popping up.
“I don’t know whether some of that was a hangover of the pandemic where fans just weren’t used to being in venues. But we experienced a number of situations where hydration and temperatures in venues became an issue. I know Billie Eilish went through similar issues.”
With Tomlinson determined to meet a duty of care toward his fans, Vines says that the team now sends a “considerable advance package” to promoters ahead of their tour dates. “Our safety team goes into venues in the morning, and basically ensures that a number of different things are in place – making sure that water is given to the fans, where the water comes from, and at what points in the show it happens.”
And on the crushing phenomena, he reports, “We’ve worked out how many fans it’s safe to have without a secondary barrier. So we instruct promoters to have certain barriers in place to relieve the pressure and avoid crushing.”
He adds, “I get detailed incident reports after each show, which lets myself and my management team know exactly what happened, and so far on this tour, we haven’t had any issues with crushing or hydration, which is fantastic.”
Production manager Craig Sherwood is impressed by the way the tour has pivoted to protect the ‘Louies.’ “The welfare officers are vital for the young girls were aged from, I guess, 14 upwards. They can get dehydrated and malnourished pretty quickly if they are camping out for days, so it’s important that we look out for their well-being,” says Sherwood. 
Citing the extremes that the Louies will put themselves through in an effort to secure themselves prime positions at the front of the stage, Sherwood recalls, “The first show on our US tour was in February, and it was freezing, but we found out that girls had been camping out on the pavement for five days. It’s crazy, as we know these young girls are coming from all over the world to see Louis.”
However, Tomlinson’s connection with those fans is evident in the level of merchandise sales at each show. “It’s a huge part of our business, says Vines. “In America, we averaged about $36 a head, and it’s not much shy of that in Europe – we set a few national records in terms of spend per head. But we spend a lot of time on merch plans, and we do venue-specific drops and give it a lot of care and attention, as it’s a really important element of Louis’ business.”
1/4, 3/4, 4/4
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deathlessathanasia · 1 year
“The sanctuary of Eileithyia at Amnissos, known from numerous later literary sources, is the sole case of a sanctuary that is considered to have been identified in excavation and is attested by the Knossian tablets. The frequent reference to Amnissos in the administrative records of the early LM IIIA:2 period is perhaps due to the particular importance of the coastal site as one of the two harbors of Knossos (Davaras and Masson 1983, 383–384; Schäfer 1991, 111–112). The first line of the leaf-shaped tablet Gg(3) 705 from the West Wing of the palace of Knossos records the dispatch of an amphora of honey to Amnissos for e-re-u-ti-ja. This name is transcribed into alphabetic Greek as Eleuthia/Ἐλευθίᾱ, and she has been identified as the goddess of childbirth Eileithyia, known from Homer and many other ancient authors and scholars (Ventris and Chadwick 1956, 310; Aura Jorro and Adrados 1985, 244). . . . Concerning the etymology of the early type Eleuthia, various interpretations have been proposed, the most probable reducing it to an Indo-European root meaning “free of weight,” and possibly referring to the goddess’s role as midwife (Ruipérez and Melena 1996, 187). According to another viewpoint, it derives from the root eleuth- of the verbal type eleusomai (to come, to arrive), while arguments that the name is of pre-Hellenic provenance have also been formulated (Frisk 1960, 456; Schäfer, ed., 1992, 84).
The reference in Homer’s Odyssey (19.188–190) to the cave where the goddess was worshipped at Amnissos echoes the fame of the cult practiced there at least during the Late Minoan period. The initial association of the cave found at Amnissos by I. Hazzidakis in 1885 with Eileithyia was based on this particular passage in Homer (Marinatos 1929, 95). The excavations conducted subsequently by S. Marinatos between 1929 and 1938 confirmed the use of the cave from Neolithic into Late Minoan times, as well as during the Geometric, Hellenistic, and early Roman Imperial periods (Marinatos 1929, 97, 99, 103; 1930; Betancourt and Marinatos 2000). During historical times “mogostokos” Eileithyia, that is, the goddess who brought the pangs of childbirth, was worshipped all over Greece and was identified by various variations of her name in the local dialects: Eleuthyia in Crete, Eleuthia or Eleusia in Laconia, and Eleuthie in Ionia (Frisk 1960, 455). She was particularly popular, however, in many cities of Crete, including Lato, Inatos, Aptera, and Amnissos (Nosch 2009, 27). Although it has been maintained that during the first millennium b.c. a fusing of Eileithyia with Artemis took place (Antoniou 1980, 228–229), it is noteworthy that both deities are recorded independently in the Linear B tablets from Knossos and from Pylos, respectively. The question of the continuity of worship in the Amnissos Cave remains open (Schäfer, ed., 1992, 84); nevertheless, the reference in the Knossian documents to the sanctuary of the goddess advocates the origin of the late cult of Eileithyia from an earlier Minoan goddess of childbirth (Nilsson 1949, 30; Willetts 1962, 168–172).
The brief text incised on the Knossian tablet Gg(3) 705 by Scribe 140, from the Chamber of the Jewel Fresco (Olivier 1967, 85) provides a pretext for certain hypotheses relating to the nature of worship at the site. Honey played an important role in cult, as indicated by the large number of Knossian tablets recording this item. The quantity of honey offered is stated in tablet Gg(3) 705 by the logogram *209VAS, denoting a fixed unit, the precise capacity of which is not known (Ruipérez and Melena 1996, 187). Nonetheless, the attribution of a corresponding quantity “to all the gods” (pa-si te-o-i), in the second line of the tablet, allows us to assume that Eileithyia was the principal deity of Amnissos. Recorded in the third line also is an amphora of honey, which is offered to another deity, whose name is only preserved fragmentarily. Proposed is the restoration of the dative case e-ne-si-da-jo-ne of the possible name of a male divinity, Ένεσιδάhων (Enesidahon; Aura Jorro and Adrados 1985, 219), who is associated with Amnissos in tablet KN M 719 by the same scribe, from the same space. According to some researchers, this is an epithet qualifying Poseidon (Jorro and Adrados 1985, 219). . . .
Tablets KN Od(2) 714.b and Od(2) 715.a, by the specialist Scribe 103 from the Chamber of the Jewel Fresco (Olivier 1967, 44–50, 131–132), concern one other aspect of the economics of worship. Eileithyia receives from the Knossian bureaucrats one intact unit of wool, which is equivalent to 30 kilos of the product, while in tablet Od(2) 716.a she perhaps receives an additional four units of wool. The destination of these offerings is not stated, but it is perhaps related to craft-industrial activity, since the names a-*65-na and ta-wa-ko-to, recorded in these registers, are of persons in a weaving workshop (Enegren 2008, 98, 173). By analogy with the sources of historical times (Soph. OC, 461–493) regarding the dedication of offerings to the gods, it has been proposed that the wool was perhaps intended for the adornment with garlands of the amphorae of honey (Weilhartner 2005, 45).7.”
 - Georgia Flouda, The Goddess Eileithyia in the Knossian Linear B Tablets
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f0xd13-blog · 10 months
So now let me explain you why this sort of shit happens... you alwayß had egyptian culture, you've just destroyed our land multiple times... the reason why the gypsies never got expelled from europe is becauae contrary to what those masson people are trying to comvince you all, jewish people was never framed of witchery as it was impossible to deny their association with european orthodox christianity,that doesn't mean they wasn't persecutedd at some poiimt or they wouldn't be expelled but funny enough the most persecuted religion was christianity itself!! Gypsies and black people was always more egyptian than all of you but my spirituality you can kind of notice that it got seperated from christianity on purpose like if they was he aristicrats therefore more christian than REAL AND PAGAN christianity (hindu and islamic chistianity the origin of it)... i'll make a bridge now for the subjects of drugs because it got everyhing to do with it; xamanism for example invented by asian and black people was highly perscuted even if comming from christians! Now drug usage is a method! You need to do the method propally and not everyone is taught to do it properly so then you have madonnas masonnas that go crazy because her only goal in life is to question shit that shouldn't be questioned on the pretense of being less free because of it
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iraempirecom · 11 months
Gainesville Coins Legit
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Gainesville Coins Legit- Introduction
Gainesville Coins Legit-Gainesville Coins has its headquarters in Lutz, Florida, and has been in business since January 2000. Given that the three contact names are similar, it seems that the company is mostly operated by members of the same family.   
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Gainesville Coins claims that due to their substantial inventory, they have been able to sell the majority of their goods for wholesale costs. Compared to those supplied by smaller dealers, these costs are far more reasonable. For the majority of their products, they use what is known as tiered pricing, which entitles you to easy discounts if you purchase larger quantities. Anyone purchasing from or selling to them must meet a minimum order requirement.    Gainesville Coins is a member of the American Numismatic Association (ANA), Industrial Council for Tangible Assets (ICTA), the Certified Coin Exchange (CCE0 and Coin Net. The company is also a government-authorized distributor for several Mints across the globe. These include Royal Mint (UK), U.S. Mint, Royal Australia Mint, Monnaie de Paris (France), and the Pert Mint (Australia). For detailed information read Gainesville Coins Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of www.gainesvillecoins.com.
Gainesville Coins - Products and Services Offered
Gainesville Coins offer a wide variety of gold and silver products to its customers across the country.
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They include the following: Gold Bullion There are three major types of gold bullion offered by the company. They include Gold bars: The conventional way of buying gold bullion is in the form of coins. Bars cannot be used as legal tender. Their value is determined by their actual gold weight (AGW). It is much easier to buy gold bars online through Gainesville Coins.  Gold coins:  Gold coins are often considered the safest way to buy gold. The coins are fully backed in faith and credit by the government that offered them.  Pre-1933 gold coins: Most gold coins were made by countries around the world before 1933. Private gold was outlawed in the United States in 1933 by President Franklin Roosevelt. Silver Bullion Coins People normally purchase silver rounds for different reasons. You can decide to buy them for artistic purposes or hold them and sell them later at a higher price. The company sales silver bars and silver rounds from trusted brands including the following: - Mercury Dime Design Silver Rounds - Silver Buffalo Rounds - Morgan Dollar Design - Masson Mint Heritage Silver Rounds - Peace Dollar Design Silver Rounds  - Walking Liberty Design Silver Rounds
Gainesville Coins Legit- Storage and Shipping Costs
You will find a lot of dealers advertising free shipping cost offers. But the truth is that most dealers include the so-called free shipping cost into the price of precious metals and premiums.
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At Gainesville Coins, we give you a simple way of determining how much your shipping fee will be before placing an order. All you need to do is add all the items you would like to purchase to your shopping cart and type your shipping code into the shipping calculator. 
Gainesville Coins Legitimacy
Just like any other investment firm, Gainesville Coins has its own merits and demerits. It is up to you to look at both the pros and cons and make an informed decision. 
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Gainesville Coins has a huge selection of gold, silver, and platinum products. They are a fantastic companion if you are a collector. The business sells a variety of historic coins.  Gainesville Coins is well recognized for its gold, silver, and platinum coins that are IRA-eligible. But the company doesn't currently sell items containing palladium. Most of the products are frequently marked as "out of stock" by the company. In some cases, clients lament the excessive commission charges.  A key player in the precious metals industry is Gainesville Coins. It has a solid reputation and has been in operation for more than 20 years. Customers can choose from a sizable inventory at the business. The main office of renowned precious metals trader Gainesville Coins is in Lutz, Florida. The business boasts a sizable collection of various gold and silver assets. Additionally, it asserts that it has some of the finest pricing on the market for its goods. They sell them at wholesale pricing and have a huge inventory, which is responsible for this. Some clients, however, report that the business frequently lists the majority of the products as "out of stock".  Gainesville Coins is a respectable business, however, we do not suggest working with them.  They are not a fraud, but unlike other businesses, we have written about on this website, they are not the ideal option for IRAs or gold investments. Let's look at some of the reviews
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People highlight the pros and cons of Gainesville coins as there are pros and cons with every company.
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Yelp At the time of our most recent check Gainesville had a 2 out of 5 stars rating on Yelp, based on 22 reviews. These reviews were varied and customer ratings ranged from a minimum of 1 out of 5 to a maximum of 5 out of 5.
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BBB Gainesville Coins have been accredited with the BBB since November 2006 and they have been awarded an A+ rating which on a scale ranging from A+ to F is the highest achievable.
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At the time of our most recent check, there had been 104 complaints closed with the BBB in the previous 3 years and 87 closed in the previous 12 months.
Gainesville Coins Legit: Summary
Gainesville Coins is a serious player in the precious metals industry and have a good reputation. They have a large inventory to choose from and a good online shop. They are members of our connected to several precious metals-related authoritative bodies and they clearly put an emphasis on offering good customer service and on maintaining their reputation and profile. Particularly with regards to precious metals IRAs, we would prefer it if they offered flat as opposed to scaled storage fees because their comparatively higher storage cost could potentially offset their competitive prices. Opening a precious metals IRA is a major decision. That's why I suggest checking out our top gold IRA providers list. There, you can find the best precious metals dealer in your state and choose accordingly. Also, the list will help you understand what the industry's best has to offer. Also, it helps with what you might miss out on. Find the best Gold IRA company in your state Read the full article
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taylor-titmouse · 20 days
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I'm Taylor Titmouse, I write and illustrate queer erotica featuring freaks and monsters. I also draw a lot of porn that I can't post here, so those will be posted as crops with links to my various uncensored locations.
You can find my illustrated novellas and artbooks on Itchio. I've published a Lot of them. If you don't know where to start, I recommend the Dragon Double Feature series or Roger Crenshaw, or Spring with the Unicorns--that one's free!
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Some of my latest releases, try The Long Road if you like gender-based worldbuilding!
You can find the most complete collection of my uncensored art on Patreon and Subscribestar (both are equally served.) I post high resolution art regularly, and everything is neatly organized going back to 2022 (that's longer than I've been posting here!) $5 patrons get access to over 180 exclusive illustrations, and can vote in monthly polls from suggestions made by the $10 tier--who can also commission me at any time with a 10% discount!
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Just .05% of the exclusives you unlock by subscribing!
You can also follow me on Twitter, Cohost, or Bluesky, where I post my art uncensored. Below the cut is a list of story tags, which will link you to art and posts about those stories, and provides some context to what they're about. Thanks for checking out my work!
TT Art: my art tag TT Talks Drawing: my tag for talking about the art-making process TT Talks Writing: my tag for talking about the writing process TT Testimonials: my tag for asks reviewing how good my books are :^)
Story Tags Barnyard Bound: F/M, human/furry, bondage, breeding kink, Harvest Moon also for some reason Brilliant Ryder: M/F, aliens and medical play (The Xenosexuality Conference) Chique: NB/Various, fantasy monsters, elves, nudism, catch/fuck (The Sunken City, The Wild Woods) The Dragon Double Feature: M/F, M/M, M/M/F, dragon/human, oni/human, plus size. Fantasy princess/dragon CNC, Edo era Japan (The Dragon Double Feature, The Dragon Double Feature 2) Eternella 7: M/M/M, Gundam-inspired space opera erotica. (Eternella 7 Parts 1-3) House Gerhardt: F/F/M, vampires, trans women, femdom, male humiliation, 1800s. House of the Risen King: M/F, old god, exhibitionism/nudism, sex cult. (House of the Risen King) Knight of Thorns: M/F, giant faceless knight/petite princess forced marriage Laurestine: Trans unicorns, monsters, bondage/stuck in situations, catch/fuck (Spring with the Unicorns) The Leylic Sea: M/M, historical fantasy, pirates, university wizards (The Captain of the Tybaltine, The Boy from Karkutt) The Long Road: Goblins, bandits, a princess and a knight. Gangbangs, rope bondage, CNC (The Long Road) Lover Rescue: F/F/Genderfluid, magical girls, monsters, plus size, cam girling The Masson Circle: M/M, M/F, 1970s crime romance, multiple ships, femdom, trans male character (The Masson Circle) Max and Mortis: M/F, exhibitionism, naturalism, photography, nudism Monsterfuck Mountain: Fantasy monsters, WIP erotic CYOA (You're A Mage on Monsterfuck Mountain) The Night Guest: M/F, young man/older woman, oni/human (The Night Guest) Objects of Affection: M/F, F/F, robot girls and people being weird about them The Sleeping Garden: M/Agender, alien, science Starbuster: M/M, a WIP novel-length superhero romance Roger Crenshaw: Trans M/M, monsters, occultism, early 1900s (The Vampires of New Haven, The Wolves of the West, The Shadow in the Shelves, The Dogs at Duskfall) Romick: M/F/Various, evil wizard/obedient doll, magical sex, experimentation kink, dungeon bondage (The Tenebrous Tower)
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f1 · 1 year
Leclerc says Le Mans is a box I want to tick after Ferrari victory | RaceFans Round-up
In the round-up: Charles Leclerc says he wants to take part in the Le Mans 24 Hours one day after Ferrari won the event for the first time in 58 years. In brief Leclerc hopes to tackle Le Mans “one day” Speaking yesterday after Ferrari claimed its first outright victory at La Sarthe since 1965, Leclerc said he “would love to” take part in the race himself one day. “It’s an incredible event,” he told Eurosport. “For sure one day in my life I want to tick that box. When it will be I don’t know. I’m just extremely proud of what Ferrari has done today. It’s been crazy.” Former F1 driver Antonio Giovinazzi shared victory in the race with Alessandro Pier Guidi and James Calado. Ferrari’s second car finished fifth. “It feels absolutely amazing,” said Leclerc. “Having a Ferrari winning it’s incredible after a return after so many years, it’s a very special edition. Unlucky for the second Ferrari as we had a small impact with a small rock on one radiator so that made us lose a lot of time.” Hartley defends Hirakawa over costly crash Toyota hypercar driver Brendon Hartley backed team mate Ryo Hirakawa after his potentially race-losing crash at Arnage late in the race. The number eight Toyota was chasing the race-winning Ferrari at the time. Having been 16 seconds off the lead before Hirakawa’s error, the car dropped to more than three minutes adrift. The leading Ferrari beat them to victory by 81 seconds. “I knew if we just tried to put them under some kind of pressure, they had the pace advantage, but we did everything,” Hartley said after the race. “We threw everything at them. “We put Ryo in, we said, ‘look, full risk, maximum attack – we want to win the race’. He had a little accident, it happens. It could happen to any of us, and it happened to many guys out there the last 24 hours. So full support for Ryo as well. The goal was to go maximum attack and that’s what we did.” Boya takes clean sweep at Monza MP Motorsport driver Mari Boya won the second of two races in the Eurocup-3 at Monza to complete a clean sweep of the weekend and take his third successive win in his participation in the series. Boya fell to third at the start but climbed back to pass Esteban Masson in the closing laps to win. The victory moves Boya up to second in the series championship, four points behind Masson. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free Happy birthday! Happy birthday to Zimkazimka and Deb Trom! On this day in motorsport 30 years ago today Jacques Villeneuve won the Formula Atlantic race supporting the Canadian Grand Prix via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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rabchunter · 1 year
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Woodspring Masonic Lodge 8791 who meet in the Yatton Temple here in the Province of Somerset.
Recently held a wonderful Sunday Lunch, I had the greatest honour to attend.
The WM WBro GH and his team put on a fantastic afternoon for a packed house, there was a magician who kept us all entertained, the free bingo was alot of fun, we all chucked donations into a charity pot and raised some much needed funds for a local charity for SEN kids.
The Food and wine was awesome, the company exemplary a jolly fine Sunday lunch enjoyed by all.
WOW MASSONICALLY still a practicing active mason, a founder member of the lodge and his wife were the guests of honour as they celebrated 71 years of Marriage, outstanding, there was a masonic widow celebrating her 72 birthday too.
A truly wonderful day spent with wonderful people who just happened to be Freemasons and their Wives, Partners, Family and Friends.
Always an awesome time to be had at Woodspring Lodge.
If you would like to know more about becoming a Freemason click on the website link below 👇 www.somersetfreemasons.org
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aloezzz · 1 year
Michael Bauer
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Michael Bauer is a German artist who is based in New York City and makes animalistic and free form compositions. I found him looking through the Contemporary Art Daily website where there were so many artists to choose from. I found his art very mesmerizing and again full of color which is what I am attracted to and I think is a signature of his work . His use of color, lines, and techniques really make each piece unique yet one can tell that it’s his work. I see pop art, cubist and surrealist inspiration in his art. I got reminded of work by Max Ernst and Andre Masson who have similar fun with shapes and colors that just make you confused but enthralled looking at their work. I especially like the pink painting as I just keeping seeing more details and makes my brain look for shapes and in general make sense of what it is. His pieces that are less colorful are still full of mystery and I would love to see his paintings in person.
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petnews2day · 1 year
Bright future for award-winning Inverness craft brewers Dog Falls Brewing Co
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/7ho67
Bright future for award-winning Inverness craft brewers Dog Falls Brewing Co
Click here to sign up to our free newsletters! Bob Masson, Dog Falls Brewing Company. Picture: James Mackenzie. “It’s kind of insane when you look back at the journey that we have been on, it’s a little bit hard to put it into words,” said Robert “Bob” Masson as he showed us around Dog […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/7ho67 #DogNews
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christianmasson · 2 years
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White Nature Beauty ❄️ In the depths of winter's frosty embrace, The beauty of nature takes center stage, As white snowflakes fall with delicate grace, And the world is draped in a pristine white lace. The trees stand tall, their branches bare, Yet their starkness holds a unique flair, For against the snow, they create a striking contrast, A sight that leaves one's heart awestruck and steadfast. The animals too, are a sight to behold, As they navigate the snow, both young and old, Their coats are thick, to shield them from the cold, Yet they exude a warmth that never grows old. The winter landscape is a sight to see, A masterpiece created by a force so free, A reminder that beauty exists in all that be, And that we should cherish it with humility. So let us embrace the white winter's beauty, And allow it to fill us with its serenity, For in its essence, we find a sense of duty, To protect and preserve nature's legacy. Christian Masson ~ Iswara (at Sainte-Anne-des-Lacs, Quebec) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp289mKrrbO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iraempirecom · 11 months
Is Gainesville Coins Reputable?
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Is Gainesville Coins reputable- Introduction
Is Gainesville Coins reputable- Gainesville Coins was founded in January 2000 and has its corporate headquarters in Lutz, Florida. The similarity of the three contact names suggests that the company is primarily run by family members.   
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Gainesville Coins asserts that because of their vast inventory, they have been able to sell the majority of their products at a discount. These prices are significantly less expensive than those provided by smaller sellers. Tiered pricing, which entitles you to simple discounts if you buy more amounts, is what they use for the majority of their products. They have a minimum order requirement for everyone who wants to buy from them or sell to them.    Gainesville Coins is a member of the American Numismatic Association (ANA), the Certified Coin Exchange (CCE), the Industrial Council for Tangible Assets (ICTA), and Coin Net. The business is a government-approved distributor for a number of Mints around the world. These include the Royal Mint (UK), the U.S. Mint, the Pert Mint (Australia), the Royal Australia Mint, and Monnaie de Paris (France).
Storage Options available
Gainesville claims that because of its large inventory, they are able to offer wholesale prices which are more competitive than those of smaller dealers. Also, they offer tiered pricing on many of their products which means that you can benefit from discounts if you purchase larger amounts. They have no minimum order requirements when you are either buying from them or selling to them. They offer their own storage option to their customers. For this, they charge annual scaled fees. These can work out quite costly when compared with the flat fees which are offered by some of their competitors. For detailed information read Gainesville Coins Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of www.gainesvillecoins.com.
Gainesville Coins - Products and Services Offered
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Gainesville Coins offer a wide variety of gold and silver products to its customers across the country. They include the following: Gold Bullion There are three major types of gold bullion offered by the company. They include Gold bars: The conventional way of buying gold bullion is in the form of coins. Bars cannot be used as legal tender. Their value is determined by their actual gold weight (AGW). It is much easier to buy gold bars online through Gainesville Coins.  Gold coins:  Gold coins are often considered the safest way to buy gold. The coins are fully backed in faith and credit by the government that offered them.  Pre-1933 gold coins: Most gold coins were made by countries around the world before 1933. Private gold was outlawed in the United States in 1933 by President Franklin Roosevelt. Silver Bullion Coins People normally purchase silver rounds for different reasons. You can decide to buy them for artistic purposes or hold them and sell them later at a higher price. The company sales silver bars and silver rounds from trusted brands including the following: - Mercury Dime Design Silver Rounds - Silver Buffalo Rounds - Morgan Dollar Design - Masson Mint Heritage Silver Rounds - Peace Dollar Design Silver Rounds  - Walking Liberty Design Silver Rounds
Gainesville Coins Legit- Storage and Shipping Costs
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You will find a lot of dealers advertising free shipping cost offers. But the truth is that most dealers include the so-called free shipping cost into the price of precious metals and premiums. At Gainesville Coins, we give you a simple way of determining how much your shipping fee will be before placing an order. All you need to do is add all the items you would like to purchase to your shopping cart and type your shipping code into the shipping calculator. 
Is Gainesville Coins reputable?
Gainesville Coins, like any other investment company, has advantages and disadvantages. You must weigh the advantages and disadvantages to arrive at a wise option. 
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A wide variety of gold, silver, and platinum goods are available from Gainesville Coins. If you are a collector, they make great friends. The company offers a selection of ancient coins for sale.  Gainesville Coins is well known for producing IRA-eligible gold, silver, and platinum coins. However, the company doesn't currently market anything made of palladium. The company routinely marks the majority of the products as "out of stock". Customers occasionally complain about the high commission fees.  Gainesville Coins is a prominent player in the precious metals sector. It has been in business for more than 20 years and has a good reputation. The company has a huge selection that customers can choose from. Gainesville Coins, is a well-known precious metals merchant, with its main headquarters in Lutz, Florida. The company owns a sizable assortment of different gold and silver holdings. Additionally, it claims to offer some of the best prices for its products on the market. They are in charge of this by selling them at wholesale prices and maintaining a sizable inventory. However, several customers claim that the company routinely lists the vast majority of the products as being "out of stock".  Gainesville Coins is a trustworthy company, however, we do not advise doing business with them.  They are not a scam, but they are not the best choice for IRAs or gold investments, unlike other companies we have written about on this website.
Is Gainesville Coins Reputable? - What Do Their Customers Say:
Yelp At the time of our most recent check Gainesville had a 2 out of 5 stars rating on Yelp, based on 22 reviews. These reviews were varied and customer ratings ranged from a minimum of 1 out of 5 to a maximum of 5 out of 5.
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BBB Gainesville Coins have been accredited with the BBB since November 2006 and they have been awarded an A+ rating which on a scale ranging from A+ to F is the highest achievable.
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At the time of our most recent check, there had been 104 complaints closed with the BBB in the previous 3 years and 87 closed in the previous 12 months. Sitebazaar GainesvilleCoins has a rating of 4 stars from 76 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with GainesvilleCoins most frequently mention customer service. GainesvilleCoins ranks 8th among Coins sites. Trustpilot
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On Trustpilot, Gainesville Coins have received 2.9 stars out of 5.
Is Gainesville Coins Reputable? : Summary
Gainesville Coins is a reputable company and a prominent player in the precious metals sector. They have a good online store and a wide selection of stock. Gainesville Coins clearly place a priority on providing excellent customer service as well as on keeping its reputation and profile. They are members of our connected to various reputable groups pertaining to precious metals. We would prefer it if they offered flat storage rates rather than scaled storage fees, especially for precious metals IRAs since their theoretically lower prices could be partially offset by their relatively higher storage costs. Opening a precious metals IRA is a major decision. That's why I suggest checking out our top gold IRA providers list. There, you can find the best precious metals dealer in your state and choose accordingly. Also, the list will help you understand what the industry's best has to offer. Also, it helps with what you might miss out on. Find the best Gold IRA company in your state Read the full article
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sandrateitge · 2 years
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GOSSIP GOSSIP GOSSIP Act 7: Damp Footnotes
26 & 27 November 2022 Kunstbrücke am Wildenbruch
Through Silvia Federici's essay "On the Meaning of Gossip,” we now know that the word gossip originally stood for a close friend, not idle talk. Based on Federici's definition Damp Footnotes evolved out of the idea that one can remember, or at least picture, a good friend's toes.
At Kunstbrücke Wildenbruch, a former public toilet under a bridge, small groups will be led through 22-minute long performances –the length of a Friends episode–, exploring how friends infect, affect, and shape one another through the porous intimacy of friendship. This work is an ode to the way friends can bring us back to earth and ground us in the moment, allowing for at least short episodes of non-quantifiable coexistence and fluid streams of consciousness, free from the incessant ramblings of our "rational" minds.
Damp Footnotes materializes through and with friends; writer Victoria Camblin creates a text for the space, while Jessica Gadani, Leah Katz, and Rosalind Masson embody and create the work through performance.
Damp Footnotes is the last of five parts of the series The Devil's Radio, funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds and co-conceived by Anja Lückenkemper and Sandra Teitge. This event has been additionally supported by Senate Department for Culture and Europe and Fund for Exhibition Fees for Visual Artists.
Documentation: Victoria Tomaschko
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
November 8: Cabinet of Curiosities 1x02
Today’s Cabinet of Curiosities, Graveyard Rats, was rather a disappointment. I don’t think it was bad or poorly made or even ineffective horror, but it was not for me. It was not the sort of thing I like. It did not give me that pleasant-scared feeling that horror-to-my-taste provides, where I am scared, yes, but in a somehow enjoyable way. To me, good horror is about being frightened in a safe and controlled way. It is Not disgust, anxiety, sadness, pity. It’s a type of precise fear.
This story to me made me feel sometimes sad, sometimes grossed out, sometimes honestly kinda bored, and yeah sometimes scared but in anxious way. I’m not sure to describe. In a way, I was too scared, too much of the real emotion, which is in fact not pleasant.
I found Masson to be pitiful, in a pathetic sense (pathetic in a pitiful sense?) and thus very hard to watch. The rats were mostly just rats, which is fine, neither very gross nor very scary. I do not like enclosed spaces either and so the claustrophobic aspect made me feel uncomfortable. The scenes where he prays, especially when he prays as he thinks he is nearing the light, made me feel incredibly sad.
In many ways, this also felt too similar thematically to the first episode. Maybe that was on purpose since they were released together and they’re all pairs in a way. In both, a pathetic, desperate man lets his greed lead him to a gross, scary place, where he thoughtlessly frees an Eldritch Horror while trying to carry off riches, and then he is soundly punished. And of the two, I thought Lot 36 was much better.
I read a summary of the short story on which it was based first, but like, not very well, and I had the idea that the narrative was quite different than it was. I saw the phrase “abnormally large rats” and thought this was going to be, like, a weird fiction type AU where the grave robber is beset by very large rats, like 3-4 foot long rats, and also this is a normal thing to have rats this size. So like a contrast of the scummy dirtiness of grave robbing with the sci fi aspect of large animals, all kinda Roadside Picnic-y, and with the horror, and the climax of the horror, really built around the size of the Final Rat.
A couple things I did like: the way they shot the rats pulling the body down the tunnel, where all we see is the feet being dragged along; the concept that long-standing dark magic that is literally underground has bred huge, mean, greedy rats, as in, those rats are... perhaps not rats at all?
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