tellwolves · 1 month
@freekzout as funke said: i’m very good with fires.
a place of one's own.
of course funke does that stupid mini-flamethrower trick with the nearest lighter and a fart. so unbelievably juvenile. aren't they almost thirty?
greta stares at him like she wishes he were dead. "you're disgusting. oh, my god. oh, my god." she covers her nose and mouth, leaving her eyes and brows to hold all the expressiveness. "what fucking—crawled up in you and died? i mean, you usually reek, but—"
cue the gagging.
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fangmother · 1 month
@freekzout bravely questions: take a look at me. what am i? (funke)
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Rainer is still coughing from a bong rip when he answers: "I don't know, man. Gay?"
Not the most mature response, sure, but he figures it's a safe enough guess. Funke doesn't seem like the type to ask leading questions for entrapment, but he figures he can never be too careful. The man is prone to bouts of philosophy.
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withbeasts · 1 month
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Make it fun make it funke y @freekzout
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guttersniper · 2 months
@freekzout as funke said: i'm not gonna do this if you're not gonna take it seriously.
the holdovers.
mutt exhales a briefly held breath, cheeks deflating. his hands turn into loose fists within his jacket pockets, and he keeps them shoved in there when he begins walking anew. real slow like, wondering if funke associated an unhurried stroll with taking this seriously.
he doesn't know how to start explaining to him he hasn't grown up with all the things everyone else has. many of these titles are unfamiliar to him.
"yay or nay?" he holds up a tape for the long goodbye.
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vitalphenomena · 2 months
@freekzout // funke asked for: before bed kiss. 
You know how there’s that one person at a sleepover or in a bunk bed type situation who always has to voice their late night thoughts, always needs to make conversation just when you’re about to doze off? 
Well, Funke and Beck are both that person. 
“Do you think all birds are pregnant,” Beck wonders, “Or do you think that—” 
But Ruth has just slammed the door on them both, stunning the two chatty lovers into silence. She’ll be forced to sleep on the couch once more. Can’t stand the heat (or the stink), get out of the undersized bedroom, I suppose. 
Beck giggles, as much as one of his stature with his deep of a voice can giggle, and Funke smothers him in kisses to attempt to silence him. (They don’t want to upset Sweet Ruthie!) 
The kissing tickles, and Beck giggles more, and then they’re making out, and then…
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bucketkicked · 3 months
i feel like the floor of a taxi cab. (ruth Irene)
“Well, you certainly were almost run over by one.”
Ah, the good ol’ city. Never change. Irene remains cool and collected, her hands shoved into her pant pockets almost a bit too casually for someone who saved someone else from what may have been a fatal accident. She wouldn’t be disclosing that information, as it often caused distress, and in Ruth’s condition… she didn’t need more of that. Despite her stance, she looks over at the other woman in concern—not that her expression would show it, but it was the thought that counted, right?
“We ought to get you looked over properly. I’m no doctor myself, but I’d say being about 30 seconds away from a potential concussion isn’t healthy.” She briefly checks her watch, clicking her tongue in displeasure as she notes a crack in the face of it. She could get that patched up later, but for now…
“Up you get, then. Do you think you can walk? I’ll support you. Even if you don’t want to see a physician, I do believe it’s best we get you somewhere safer than a curb.”
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soulmissed · 3 months
@freekzout: “solid name. sounds like a warrior.” (funke)
memes, accepting
a purple platypus chills on auggie’s head. private paradox. that was the name christened upon his beanie babied sidekick. “ private paradox is a warrior. he annihilates his enemies with his bill. ”
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the boy imparts this fantastical information in a stoic tone. (a child’s imagination knows no bounds.) he grabs a handful of dry cereal.
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miidnighters · 4 months
@freekzout | bc we were talking about it
She'd slipped a do you want to go on a date with me? note in the pocket of his jacket, with a time and place detailed at the bottom in her neat handwriting. The time being Friday evening, and the place being the rooftop. Their rooftop. It's warming up, so she's wearing something a little nicer - a strappy black dress, paired with her customary boots. Useful, since she'd made several trips to haul up a basket of food and other supplies. Now, Callisto toys with the blanket she'd set out while she waits for him to arrive.
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tellwolves · 1 month
@freekzout as ruth said: what a fuss this is. so unnecessary.
harold and maude.
toby wants to say they're just trying to help. having once been a youth that found anywhere but the old family home a nicer place to stay, he understands. finn is better suited to community outreatch, but he isn't the one making up for a stint in jail and a recently expired visa.
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he holds his hands up after folding the last t-shirt in his given pile. alright, it says, up to you. "—but, if you want," he begins, low and soft, "you can look at the women and girls' clothes in the next room. or, you know," his shoulders move in a somewhat shrug, "the men's is right over there. s'all just clothes, i think."
he should remedy that. "s'your body." that's better.
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butnobodyhome · 4 months
send ✨ if you like my writing and feel free to tell me why !! the rpc is in serious need of some positivity.
I love you viv
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withbeasts · 2 months
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" you don't have to stand at the door like that. " andrew tosses him a drink, banking on the fact that he can catch it. " you've been here enough. "
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vitalphenomena · 3 months
@freekzout // ruth asked: do i have to answer? 
“I mean, no.” Burns shrugs.
They’re in the Poughkeepsie house, which is rare, for them, considering how much time Burns spends in the city. But Ruth has a day off, and Burns is sick of smelling farts, so out of town they went.
It’s kind of crazy that Burns has a friend. It’s kind of crazy that Ruth Byrne was willing to, essentially, come to a playdate with him. 
He kicks his legs up in the air, trying to see if his feet can reach the ceiling. They cannot. He is of below average height, lying down on the couch. 
“If you wanna be all secretive and mysterious, that’s your right as a red-blooded American. I just thought we could tell each other stories. If I had crushes, I’d tell you mine in a heartbeat. That’s all!” 
He sighs wistfully.
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bloodykneestm · 4 months
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handicappedbuenchico · 5 months
when a door closes, a window opens… or something like that. (from funke!)
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"Uhm...I'm pretty sure that's not how the saying goes." Carlos turned to look at Funke, his dark brows pinching upwards. "The saying goes 'when a door closes, another opens.' Unless you said that originally and I misheard you." Carlos took out one of his hearing aids, the one in his right ear, checking if the small device worked properly still out of sheer habit.
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soulmissed · 4 months
he has the same body language as the people in headache advertisements. (hands boxed round temples, eyes anchored shut.)
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and, after his display: “ sent you a psychic hug. did ya get it? ”
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miidnighters · 4 months
🥺 for vitalphenomena!! it's early and i'm not checking if i spelled it right ufdgvhd
@vitalphenomena | Send a 🥺 and I will write one thing I like about you/your writing/your blog!
Lye and worldbuilding go hand in hand for me. Worldbuilding and like. Character realisation. Things like Coeus and the fallout from that and the Glass cult and all the Second Gen characters not to mention all the other super-interesting characters in the roster I honestly cannot get enough.
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