geoxis · 4 years
How To Sell Products Online - Successful eCommerce Strategy
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One pioneering question that baffled every entrepreneur is, How to Sell Online. There are numerous articles that are written around this topic. Few specifically on How to Sell Products Online. Yet, only a handful of business entities are able to master the e-Commerce strategies and increase their topline. Other Easy way is that, You do not need to worry eCommerce Website, Digital Marketing, SEO, Social Media Marketing and traffic on website etc. Geoxis is providing a Plateform where you can sell your products. All your headache is handle by Geoxis Team. Register your self as a Vendor and Start selling Now. For more infromation Visit Geoxis Marketplace. Create an e-Commerce Store and Start Selling online. The core component of any e-Commerce strategy is people. That's why most businesses claims about having a written draft, on how individual marketing channels will help add value to the people. Once your marketing team master this realm, then it gets easier to sell products online. Convenience and Time - Why it Matters Simplicity and speed. People want instant solutions in a simplified manner. Nobody wants to go through a troublesome experience to muster an ideal solution. The extreme competition has forced digital entities to create modular yet comprehensive products. The higher you optimize the buyer’s journey, greater the impact on your balance sheet. Try to answer these, What made digital commerce one of the ideal channels among people? Why forced the legacy processes to slip down? How modern marketing strategies become the driving force in the virtual world? What solution does Amazon, Zomato, Netflix, etc offer when compared to traditional business models? Well, all these giants were able to add value to people’s time. All these companies are focused to add convenience to your daily life and save a considerable amount of time. Lending you an extra hand to chase your daily errands. Does My Virtual Identity Matters The landscape of modern business is highly influenced by the virtual identity a business owns. You may find it quite interesting how brands interact with people in the virtual world. A study conducted, found that on an average a person spends around 2.6 hours online. Significant number for a marketer. A wise man always prefers to set up his shop near a congregation. Where he is sure that people move around and he will end up with a sale. The virtual identity gives you an added advantage to reach a great no: of audience. Which no other medium was able to offer. The virtual world gives an opportunity for startups and established brands to compete on the same platform (almost under the same rules and regulation). How you present your business and connect with your audience through multiple online channels can make or break your business. The Personality of your Website/ e-Commerce Store Matters Your website/ eCommerce store acts as the core touch point for your customers. Your website is your virtual identity. That's where you refer your customers to. An elegant design with a simplified user interface accentuates the visitor to interact with the business. When was the last time you went to a crappy website and decided to make a purchase? A mere glance, that's all it took you to hit the small button at the right-hand corner. If you want to sell online then you need to have a strong platform. One main reason for high cart abandon is that at some point along the buyer’s journey the customer felt sceptical about the website. The marketplace is getting crammed with alternates and substitute products. If not you, your competitor will be happy to cater the needs. You may have incentivised the person to visit your website, don’t give them a chance to bounce. Your e-Commerce strategy should be designed to give the best possible customer experience. What e-Commerce Strategy is the Best eCommerce Strategy It’s a complex question to answer. I do recommend a holistic strategy. There are umpteen online marketing strategies that you can use to sell your products online. How you plan and execute those strategies depends on you. Scout for any activity that aids to a sale. Even the smallest option like adding a WhatsApp channel to the product page can boost sales. The option gives the visitor an opportunity to interact with a person, clarify their doubts and then proceed. Commercialising and optimizing your digital entity is the most sagacious pursuit to sell products online.
Identify, Study, and Explore the Market
To sell products online you need to understand the market that you are targeting. At times you will be gauged upon the industry knowledge you have. Every market has its own characteristics and unique features. If you are planning to sell sustainable clothing, then you need to understand what does it take to weave sustainable clothes and what kind of people prefer to buy it. Unless and until you get yourself familiarized with the driving forces of the market, selling online remains a puzzle. Industry Knowledge in Marketing We live in a data-driven world where information can be the key differentiator. Knowledge is power because it equips you with information that can be used for your advantage. Gathering the latest information about the industry gives to a competitive edge in understanding the market pulse. Prepare yourself to answer these questions What trends are more preferred among people?How customers are reacting to the recent policy change?Who are my competitors? what are their key differentiators and their marketing strategies? What are the latest trends and how it is going to impact my business? Once you get in-depth insights into these details you will be able to frame a well-customised e-Commerce strategy for your target niche. List Your products on Marketplaces Marketplaces are a great resource that you need to look into. As a startup entrepreneur, you don’t have the luxury to ignore an opportunity that helps you sell. Online marketplaces are platforms where you can list your product and sell online. Wondering why online marketplaces are important. It’s the brand presence that matters. Amazon is an online marketplace. Almost everybody is familiar with the brand. In most cases, people trust the brand so much that they ignore all the competitor offerings and dive straight to the platform and place the order. Note:- With marketplaces trying to capitalize the market with their own private label brands, it looks a bit hard to get shortlisted as an authorised seller on most platforms. Advantages a startup could get by listing their products on online marketplaces As a startup, your entity is not familiar to people. Getting listed on these platforms will help create some traction in the virtual world.Marketing channels like SEO will take time to evolve into a well-established source and build a solid customer base. In the short period, you can rely on marketplaces to drive sales.Platforms like Amazon is a source to get genuine reviews. A stack of positive reviews on these platforms can help root trust among people.Almost all marketplaces are professionally managed and operate around the clock. As a startup, you will get an opportunity to learn more about managing a virtual entity. Invite Dropshippers and Affiliates To Sell Products Online Hope you guys are familiar with the terms drop shipping and affiliate programs. These two commercial models help you club a bunch of freelancers to promote your business. The idea behind these two business models remains the same. You incentivise a person based on the sale he/ she was able to make. Create opportunities for people to work from home With digital transformation and increasing job opportunities, there are a lot of people who prefer to be their own boss and work from home. Why not give them an opportunity to commercialise your business model. Start an affiliate program for your business, take enquiries from drop shippers. Note that every opportunity takes you one step closer to a target segment. A brief about drop shipping and how to refine your e-Commerce Strategy In drop-shipping, you don’t own or manage the inventory. You simply own an online store were you list the products that a wholesaler/ retailer/ manufacturer has. Through drop-shipping, you enter into a mutual agreement with certain drop-shippers. In an unadorned form - Your virtual store will get an online order and the drop shipper should fulfil the order placement. Drop-shipping is a win-win strategy, wherein the dealer/ manufacturer was able to make a sale, and in the process you will earn a percentage as a commission. How you Present your Products Plays an Important Role in Conversion Like I mentioned, How you design your website/ eCommerce store matters. Decide what kind of content should go to the page. Whether its a gif, image, video, etc. The best strategy is to place the customer at the centre and try to answer all his concerns when deciding to buy a product. Let's take an example; Consider that you are selling pre-owned luxury bags online. The first and foremost concern that comes to your mind is the condition of the product. What does a lightly used product mean, Under what slab does it fall, etc? The second concern will be, how to verify that the products are original and not a first copy? Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and try to address this scenario. Don’t you think adding a certification from an authority will help convince the visitor. Few other optimizations that you can use are; Talk to your customers in the native language. If your online visitors are showing interest towards products that fall into a specific category Say the aviation category. Don’t you think that these people are interested in that special category. Why not draft your messages/ description with a milieu to their interest.Instead of a plain image try tagging few images that give a context to the product you sell. Make people visualize using the product or how it looks in the real life.If you are selling variants of the same products, then its better if you list multiple images of it.Use high-resolution images and makes sure to follow the same dimensions all along. Consistency matters.If you are planning to display videos on the product page make sure that it's well edited and neatly displayed.Try to list complementary products in the same page. Social Media - Use it, Opportunity Knocks Social media marketing is a buzzword which has already gained significant interest among businesses around the world. For few, its a channel to boost their brand visibility, a segment claims that their social channels are the money churners, a category still plans to master the art of social selling, another segment claims that they find the learning curve to be too steep. Regardless of what, according to SocialMediaExaminer 97% of marketers are still participating in social media. The biggest mistake that a brand makes with social media is that they still use the channel as a broadcast media. Marketers and entrepreneurs need to know the fact that it is a channel meant to add value to people who engage in it. The platform has way surpassed the ambiguity of a broadcast channel, rather it's a dedicated channel to interact and engage with people. How Social Media Can Help You Create loyal followersIncrease Brand RecognitionAdditional channel to sell moreDrive inbound traffic to your websiteSocial signals to your SEO Personalised Emails with a Definite Intend Emails are widely used by marketers to reach out to customers with exciting offers and promotions. Stats published on CampaignMonitor.com clearly shows the importance of emails. The channel gives you the best ROI, $38 for every $1 spent. Email marketing can used by business entities of all nature. The increasing demand and technological outburst have led to questionable marketing strategies. As a marketer, you need to understand that hitting your prospects inbox with spammy emails is a facetious effort. When you draft an email you need to consider multiple factors How the receiver will react to it?To whom you are sending? What time seems to be the best time to get a high CTR?What should be the subject line?How to draft email content, etc. An email blast is not the right solution at times. Segregate your database and then customize the email such that it gets a higher vitality to convince the reader. In every email, you need to reflect the fact that you care for your customer. If you are sending a welcome email, be cordial, express your genuine bliss for having the customer on the platform, encourage their effort in reaching out to your business with an offer. The higher you refine your emails, personalise it, and tag a purpose, lesser the chance for it to be flagged as a spam. To sell products online you need to come up with an email strategy that entices the prospects to engage with your virtual entity. Parting Note:- Ecommerce strategies are as good as how you execute it and iterate it to meet the demand of your market segment. In an overcrowded marketplace, to sell products online you need to come up with innovative marketing ideas. Read the full article
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