#french candelabra is from fluer city who knew hehehe
kandlewick · 4 months
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Exploring Fluer City with your classmates was certainly an experience of a lifetime. While everyone seemed fine with studying and experiencing everything the city had to offer, you stood back and watched the others with Luc by your side. As a resident of Fluer City himself, he became just as good, if not a better, guide then Rollo had been. 
“Hey, actually, now that we’re here…” Luc abruptly stopped in the middle of your walk and smiled, pulling you back with him with a gentle touch on your shoulder as the others continued walking down the street, unaware that you both were not following. “I’ve got an idea, Prefect.”
You turned to look up at him, “Oh? And what would that be?”
Now seemingly encouraged by your willingness to hear him out, Luc took the reins and guided you along in the opposite direction, his hand firm on the small of your back. “Rollo is taking you to see all the boring parts of the festival, typical of someone like him but I know where the real parties are.”
“We’re not going to get in trouble are we?” Even as you said those words, he continued guiding you down the narrow backstreets, the sound of your heels hitting the concrete bouncing amongst the brick. Luc was quick to laugh, waving away your worries with his gloved hand. 
“Hardly! We’re not doing anything illegal, Prefect, so don’t worry your pretty little head. It’s just that there are several other traditions that Rollo finds… ah, what's the word he used the last time I was here… Brazen? Odious?” He giggled.
It wasn’t long until you began to understand what he meant. In a hidden recess, far from the eyes of the city, laid a group of townsfolk, dressed in the traditional clothes of Fluer City, dancing and drinking and being merry. Their tankards struck each other in mirth as they drank their liquid gold, voices uproariously singing a new song. 
“Ándo bírto zhas! Thai mol piyas!”
The dancing townsfolk were quick to notice and usher you both into the mob. Luc kept you close, an arm wrapped around your waist as the strings and tambourines of the song began picking up into a full swing. You felt like your feet were barely touching the ground as everything blended together.
Amáre love das … Thai mol piyas …
“Do you know how to dance, Prefect?” You felt Luc lean over and speak in your ear, his blonde hair falling down your shoulder in long waves while his hands intertwined with your own, pulling you close. You were quick to shake your head. “No?? I mean, there was the VDC but I was more the manager then anything e-”
Luc threw his head back and laughed, “Even better!”
Before you knew it, you were swept into the third year’s arms and thrown further into the dance. The world became a dizzy mess of colors and sounds as you twirled among the sea of people, their voices becoming almost hypnotic as you twirled in his arms.
With the taste of the wine… Hold me close while we're dancing…
Luc’s hand on the small of your back tightened as he swiftly took charge. You could tell by how easy he swayed and dodged the others in their passionate embraces that he knew what he was doing. Feeling safer than you did before, you could feel yourself relaxing in his arms.He nodded his head as he felt you begin stepping with the rhythm. “Good job, Prefect. There’s no need to be scared, I got you.”
And so you both danced, hand in hand. There was no rhyme or reason to your steps and the sheer absurdity of it all meant you didn’t have to worry about being proper or correct. As Luc guided you by the hip, you could feel your body naturally move and follow. It felt right. It felt good. It felt…
“Third year Flambe, Prefect. I have been looking everywhere for you.”
The ease of your dance was quickly shattered as Rollo made his way to you through the crowd of bodies. His scowl might have been hidden behind his handkerchief but even Luc could feel the irritation rolling off of him like waves in a storm. Reluctantly, your dance partner slowly withdrew from your embrace, his eyes narrowed like a barely flickering candle. 
“Flambe, while I know you are … intimately aware of the seedy underbelly of our great city, to make the poor Prefect a witness to this vile, depraved display… I cannot allow this to stand.” Rollo gave you an almost apologetic look as you locked eyes but no matter what he said, his disgust with the situation was evident on his face.
“You have my sincerest apologies that you had to see something like this,” he sniffed, lowering his handkerchief, “The others have noticed your absence and have begun to worry. Let us depart from this place swiftly.”
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