u1tr4cheese · 1 year
Saw the French Strokes and the Sheffield Strokes in March, and will see the OG Strokes in July.
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constantlistener · 7 years
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Diabologum - # 3 (Ce n’est pas perdu pour tout le monde..) I have a colleague from Toulouse with whom I share similar tastes in music, especially when it comes to guitar-driven stuff. I know very little about French music, so I asked him for a sample of his favorites and Diabologum’s # 3 topped the long list of albums he shared with me on Spotify. It could be because he’s biased (Diabologum is also from Toulouse) or it could be because this record is a force of nature from start to finish. That is, if you like experimental, noisy, indie rock mixed with a bit of spoken word, electronica, and sampling. But it’s melodic and atmospheric through and through. Like a post-rock, post hardcore trip hop. Or something. Or maybe not. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what you could expect using my very limited vocabulary of music criticism. But maybe if you listen to “De la neige en été”, “La maman et la putain”, “Dernier étage” and “Il faut”, you’d understand the scope of this 21-year-old record. And perhaps you’d agree with me that unlike a lot of mid-90s rock (at the end of the day, Diabologum is a rock band), this doesn’t sound dated in music’s current landscape.
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