gainerstories · 5 years
Freshman Fatties: Table of Contents
Dorm room pairings are always a gamble, but Benjamin, a slim business major, and Andy, the school’s beefy star quarterback, form an unlikely kinship. As Andy’s weight skyrockets due to stress, cheap food, and boozing, his eating habits begin to rub off on Benjamin. Packing on the freshman fifteen is one thing, but can the boys’ navigate the consequences of their expanding waistlines?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 
Chapter 8
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gainerstories · 5 years
Freshman Fatties: Chapter 1
Benjamin’s parents dropped him off at his new dorm room and helped him unpack. At only 18 this was Benjamin’s first time living on his own and he felt a mixture of anxiety and excitement. He hugged his parents goodbye and continued to set up his room, pondering what his roommate, Andy, would be like. He was most nervous about being housed with a homophobe, even though he noted on the application that he needed an LGBT friendly roommate. When Andy finally walked through the door with only a couple boxes and no parents in sight, Benjamin grew nervous. Andy was clearly a jock, judging by his hulking physique and athleisure clothing.
“Hey, I’m Benjamin.”
“Andy, nice to meet you.”
The two shook hands and made small talk. Benjamin was pleased to find that Andy could carry a conversation and didn’t seem like your typical meathead jock. Both men were clearly intelligent and fairly secure in themselves.
“Hey, so I’m gonna grab lunch and explore campus a bit but what do you think about splitting a six pack later tonight and maybe smoking a doobie? I’m 20 but my bud has the plug,” Andy suggested.
“Sure, yeah that sounds great.”
Around 8pm Andy stomped into the dorm room carrying two heaping bags of groceries startling Benjamin awake from a nap.
“Sorry to wake ya man. I got the six pack and joint as promised.”
“Oh nice, what do I owe you?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Andy said and tossed Benjamin a beer.
They cracked them open and cheersed.
“Damn,” Benjamin said, “where do you plan on fitting all those groceries in this place?”
Andy laughed, “Under the bed if I have to. Gotta keep my appetite up. I’m on the football team.”
Impressed, Benjamin continued asking questions. He discovered that Andy was a star quarterback in high school and was given a scholarship to play college football. However, football was not Andy’s passion. He was a literature major and obsessed with Shakespeare, only playing football so he could afford college. Benjamin was surprised to hear that someone so good at sports could also be a bookworm. Benjamin didn’t even read that often as a business major.
By the time Andy’s groceries were packed away they were on to their second beer. Benjamin was playing Spotify from his speaker and the two boys reclined on their beds shooting the shit. Wearing only gym shorts and a tank, Andy’s body was on full display. Without being too obvious, Benjamin examined the football player’s massive arms and upper body. Even his neck was noticeably muscled making his head appear small. Andy had a pleasant face as well, with dark wide set eyes and a square jaw. His hair was buzzed short allowing his features to shine.
Benjamin’s eyes flicked to Andy’s middle half. He admired the way football players tended to have a solid but squishy midsection and Andy was no exception. The jock wasn’t quite fat, but properly bulky. Lower down, his dick noticeably hung against the mesh shorts and Benjamin felt a flush of desire. He hoped this wouldn’t become a problem.
As the boys cracked their third beer they began to feel a buzz and Benjamin was blissfully unaware that Andy also looked at him with amorous eyes. In the dim light of the dorm Benjamin’s slender face and svelte body looked like a statue of a beautiful Greek boy. Andy had always been a ladies man, but there were occasions when an attractive guy caught his eye and Benjamin was one of those occasions.
“Should we break into the other six pack or spark this joint?” Andy queried.
“Why not both?”
“You’re my type of guy, Benjamin!”
As Benjamin snapped open his fourth beer it suddenly hit him that he was drunk. He’d been drunk only once before in his life and had never smoked weed. He wasn’t even sure if you could mix the two, but refrained from asking out of fear of appearing lame. Andy on the other hand was feeling his oats. With a solid buzz and Benjamin’s visage before him he was beginning to get horny. The reality of sharing a room was beginning to sink in and he wondered when he would ever get a spare moment to jerk off. Andy sparked the joint and took a long hit before passing it. Benjamin blushed and admitted this was his first time smoking.
“No way, man! I’m popping your cherry! Dope.”
“Yeah…” Benjamin awkwardly laughed, “so what do I do?”
“So breathe in the smoke into your lungs and hold it there for as long as you can. Then let it out. It might burn and you’ll probably cough but that’s normal on your first time.”
Benjamin felt comforted and did as he was told. He sucked in a big puff with great concentration while Andy admired his roommates sunken cheeks and sharp cheekbones. Despite trying to keep it cool, the smoke exploded from Benjamin’s mouth and he fell into a coughing fit.
“That was perfect, you did great.”
Within a few minutes both boys were incredibly stoned, their eyelids hanging heavy. Andy’s libido was kicked into overdrive from the substances and he was struggling to keep himself from popping a boner. It didn’t help that conversation had trailed off and Benjamin was now laying on his stomach scrolling through TikTok, his ass on full display. Andy was surprised that the twink’s bum was so perky and pronounced for a skinny guy. The tight pants Benjamin wore only exacerbated the curvature.
“Fuck,” Benjamin said. “I’m so hungry.”
“Duuuuude you got the munchies. Welcome to stoner life.”
“Ugh, but its past curfew and everywhere is closed… whyyyy!”
“I got you.”
Andy lept from his bed and pulled two frozen pizzas from the fridge. They were meat lovers pizzas with cheese crust from a brand called Protein+. The jock popped them in the toaster oven for what seemed like an eternity as the smell encompassed the entire dorm room. By the time they were done Andy’s stomach was noticeably grumbling.
Both boys began devouring the pizzas in silence, their mouths too full to talk. Within ten minutes Benjamin was stuffed from half the pizza and looked up to see that Andy was polishing off his last slice. Benjamin felt a pang of eroticism seeing just how big the football star’s appetite was and the potential for him to grow bigger.
“Do you want the rest of mine?” Benjamin asked knowing full well Andy would accept.
The twink watched his jock roommate kill three slices in six bites and now was fighting off his own boner. By the time the boys went to bed they were each aroused thinking about one another, but too afraid to make a move. They crawled into their respective beds, their backs facing one another. They each let about half an hour pass before silently stroking their cocks to orgasm.
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gainerstories · 5 years
Freshman Fatties: Chapter 2
Two months passed and the boys had become close friends despite living rather separate lives. Andy was consumed with football season kicking into high gear while trying to maintain his coursework and partying on the weekends with his teammates. Benjamin on the other hand had no problem being studious and had built a friend group of mostly gay guys and girls, some of whom were literature majors but rarely spoke to Andy. The beefy jock in the corner remained the odd one out in most literature classes.
Andy and Benjamin never spent time together outside of the dorm. They were accustomed to coming home after a long day and chatting on their beds, smoking a joint, and maybe drinking a beer. Evening had become a special time for them to relax and update each other on their lives, as they increasingly came to rely on one another for emotional support. Inevitably, their smokey evenings would result in the munchies and the two would typically break into some sort of high calorie dorm-friendly food. Not surprisingly, both boys gained the freshman fifteen plus some. By the time November rolled around they had each gained a solid twenty pounds of fat.
This wasn’t entirely unusual or necessarily bad for Andy. Twenty pounds made him an even more formidable player, but if he gained any more weight it might become a problem. Already a stocky guy, the extra pudge was barely noticeable to most, even though it all went straight to his gut. Benjamin, however, had definitely noticed. Lately when the jock would lay on his bed in a tank and shorts, a bit of belly spilled out of his shirt and onto the mattress making Benjamin wild with desire. Knowing full well how easy it was for athletes to get fat, Benjamin began to buy tempting junk food to keep in the house. If they made pizzas he would always make a point to share his leftovers, although increasingly his appetite was catching up to Andy’s.
On Benjamin’s slender frame an extra twenty pounds made a difference. Although nobody could tell under his loose clothes, a roll of chub had begun to stick at his midsection. This was complemented by a bit of extra meat on his thighs and ass, the combination of which meant that Benjamin was struggling to fit into his skinny jeans for the first time in his life. Andy also took note of Benjamin’s gains, particularly in the rear. He especially enjoyed how the twink’s pants would reveal a bit of ass crack whenever Benjamin bent over.
On a fateful Friday evening both students arrived home earlier than usual. A dark cloud hung over the dorm room as Benjamin confessed he’d failed a statistics exam and Andy revealed that he’d been struggling at practice which his coach attributed to the weight gain. They cracked some beers and Benjamin reclined on his bed while Andy sat at the edge of his. Andy wore a tight Under Armour shirt that left little to the imagination, especially when he sat down. Benjamin wore a loose tee and skinny jeans that dug into his waist causing a rash below his roll of chub. They finished their beers in silence and cracked the next round.
“Fuck statistics man, computers do that for us now. And I’m sure you’ll be able to bring up the grade before the semester’s over,” Andy consoled.
“Yeah, it’s whatever. And fuck your coach. Everybody has off days and you’ve barely gained any weight.”
“I gained twenty pounds, dude.”
“Hah, whatever, so have I. It’s your goddamn weed every night, you know that? But fuck it, you still look hot,” Benjamin’s face flushed red when he realized what he had said.
“Yeah, you think so?” Andy smiled and spread his gargantuan legs wider to reveal his healthy bulge.
“Uh… yeah,” was all Benjamin could muster as he looked across the room at the jock’s erotic posturing, deciding to sit up and face his counterpart.
“I hope you don’t mind my saying, but your ass is properly thick now,” Andy confessed with the help of the alcohol.
Benjamin looked like a deer caught in the headlights, unsure what to do or say. A silence hung in the air before Andy stood up from his bed and walked towards Benjamin. He stood so close that Benjamin could smell the jock’s musk from a long day of practice.  
“I meant that as a compliment,” said Andy, his belly now inches from Benjamin’s chin.
Nervously, Benjamin stood up, their faces now inches apart, warm beer breath blowing into one another. Andy placed a hand on Benjamin’s hip, noticing a slight love handle, and pulled the twink close for a soft kiss. Benjamin melted into Andy’s soft stomach and what started as soft kiss became a long soft kiss, and then a harder kiss, and before they knew it they were making out.
Each of them had instant hard-ons as their hands explored each others bodies. Benjamin slipped his hands under Andy’s skin-tight shirt, caressing the jock’s healthy love handles that were sticky with dried sweat from practice. Andy squeezed Benjamin’s ass through his jeans while grinding their cocks together. He then tried to slip his hands down the back of the twink’s pants, only to discover they were too tight to fit anything other than plump cheeks.
For the first time their lips parted and they looked at one another nervously.
“Is this… should we…?” Benjamin stuttered.
“Yesss,” Andy purred and pushed the twink onto his bed before crawling on top of him.
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gainerstories · 5 years
Freshman Fatties: Chapter 5
“Fuck, I’ve actually gotten fat now. This gut has a life of its own, half the time I don’t even realize I’m eating and then I look down and there’s junk food in my hand.”
“You’re fine Andy, you’ve just put on the freshman fifteen. That’s all.”
“Babe I’m pushing three hundred pounds. That’s almost an eighty pound gain since last summer. This,” Andy grabbed his gut with both hands, “ain’t no fifteen pounds. I’ve really packed it on since we met.”
“I think you’re sexier for it.”
“I know, but coach is not happy. He put me on a diet plan, he says I can’t play quarterback like this. I need to lose at least thirty pounds by summer.”
“By summer?! It’s already February. Screw your coach, I’ve gained weight too you know. I’m at two hundred for the first time in my life! We like to indulge there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“I can’t lose this scholarship though, I gotta shed the weight. I gotta.”
“Babe, calm down. We have dinner plans tonight with Sarah and Landon, remember? The gift card I got you? The Calvin Klein shirt, my jockstrap? Let’s just have one more night of indulgence okay?”
“Well, okay… anything to see you in that little jock strap.”
Truthfully, Benjamin was a little flustered by his own physique as well. Andy’s gluttony was reaching new heights and those habits were definitely rubbing off on him. There was only one difference. Whereas Andy grew a massive beer gut framed by broad shoulders and anchored by meaty legs, Benjamin was becoming a proper marshmallow.
Everywhere he turned he’d gotten fat. His legs, his back, his chest, his stomach, his neck, even around his junk. He’d already grown out of the jeans he’d just bought and all of his shirts now clung like a second skin. The few clothes he could squeeze into fit differently than they used to and he found himself taking up space in places he never considered would be a struggle. His ass filled the entire toilet seat. Bathroom stalls were awkward. Squeezing through a crowd was difficult. Bending over was a chore.
Both boys put these fears aside as they washed up and prepared for their dinner plans. Benjamin looked sharp in a tan cashmere sweater that only slightly clung to his love handles, paired with straight leg pants that showed off his plump bubble butt. Andy, on the other hand, was definitely looking a tad uncomfortable in his black button up. His range of mobility was clearly limited and the buttons just barely closed. He felt like a Victorian woman in a corset, but he powered through for his boyfriend’s sake.
They met Sarah and Landon at the restaurant and were seated relatively quickly. Sarah was Benjamin’s good friend and had been incredibly supportive to their coming out as a couple. Landon was simply her boyfriend who always seemed to be around but had nothing to say. He was nerdy, with a bit of a paunch himself and generally affable. They weren’t the ideal dinner dates but Benjamin thought it was important for the couple to spend time with other couples.
The restaurant was a contemporary Italian spot near the campus and they all chose the three course chef’s special per Benjamin’s demands. Surprisingly, for an upscale restaurant the portions were incredibly large which left both boys satisfied. The first course was a Caesar salad that left everyone impressed and looking forward to the rest of the meal. Andy particularly went to town on the salad. His secret plan was to fill up on greens before the heavy dishes so he wouldn’t pig out on the pasta. Despite what Benjamin said, he needed to get a small head start on this diet. However, by the time the main course of pumpkin ravioli arrived, Andy could barely contain himself.
The hulking jock polished off his plate before anyone else and gladly accepted Sarah and Landon’s leftovers. Benjamin also cleaned his plate with ease and even stole a few bites of the leftovers. Frankly, he was hungry for more but didn’t want to get in Andy’s way. Andy, on the other hand, was so consumed by the delicious food that he was blissfully unaware that his shirt was getting tighter by the second. He finally came to when he realized his bladder was full, but was afraid to use the restroom out of fear of what would happen to the seams of his shirt while standing up. Out of the corner of his eye, Benjamin glanced at the buttons beginning to strain across his boyfriends belly and felt a sense of satisfaction.
Dessert was a truly massive slice of cheesecake and ice cream for each individual. It looked as if one cake had been divided into quarters and served to the whole table. Everyone slowly dug in except for Andy, who gobbled one heaping spoonful after another. Benjamin could sense the subtle surprise and judgment on Sarah and Landon’s faces. It was clear that Andy could no longer contain his gluttony, and just the taste and aroma of delicious food turned him into an absolute pig.
Benjamin was rapidly becoming full but made an effort to keep up with his boyfriend’s pace in a lame effort to normalize the jock’s blatant gluttony. Sarah and Landon could not finish their cake and naturally offered it to Andy, as it seemed the only logical thing to do. Of course, the hungry football player accepted, devouring every last bite.
With no food left on the table, Andy leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath. Benjamin immediately glanced down at his boyfriend’s bloated belly fearing the worst. The sound of a seam ripping emanated from Andy’s side as three buttons shot across the entire restaurant and skittered across the floor. A significant portion of Andy’s belly was now exposed. Bloated and slick with sweat, no one in the restaurant could remove their eyes from the football player’s massive exposed gut. Andy’s face turned beat red.
“See what I’m saying,” Andy whispered to his boyfriend. “Fucking time to diet.”
“Not now,” Andy reprimanded and peeled off his own Cashmere sweater.
It was evident to everyone in the room that there was no way Benjamin’s sweater would fully cover Andy’s gelatinous ball gut, but it was better than leaving him exposed. Andy struggled into the sweater, stretching it past his exposed abdomen and as far down as he could manage. With the sound of a few threads ripping the sweater stopped just below his navel which was good enough. Thankfully, the waiter expedited the bill and got the fat couple out of the restaurant as soon as possible. They apologized profusely to Sarah and Landon before heading home.
Although the couple was stewing in a complex emotional mixture of embarrassment, anger, confusion, and frustration, the second they shut their door behind them they began passionately making out. Benjamin’s pants were off in seconds as his ass bounced around in the tight jock strap. It took a bit of a struggle to get the sweater off Andy, but once it was removed Benjamin ripped the rest of the Calvin Klein shirt off leaving it in tatters. Finally free of their restricting clothing and sweating from their fullness and horniness, Benjamin anointed the former jock’s massive three hundred pound gut with his mouth and cock.
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gainerstories · 5 years
Freshman Fatties: Chapter 7
The rest of the school year passed in a blur of chubby lovemaking for Benjamin and Andy, interrupted only by the stresses of final exams. Andy was particularly excelling in school now that he didn’t have to worry about football. His grades improved drastically and he actually found himself enjoying classes, instead of seeing them as a stressor. Both boys found themselves increasingly distant from the outside world, focusing primarily on each other, eating, and school. Naturally, they continued to gain weight at a surprising pace. Their week of maximum gains seemed to kick their appetites into overdrive and both were constantly munching on something.
By the last week of school Andy had gained an additional thirty pounds and was now clocking in at nearly three hundred and fifty. The former football star had officially put on over one hundred pounds since he began university, and the effects on his daily life were noticeable. Tying his shoes became a difficult feat with Benjamin usually stepping in to help. His chub rub and heartburn were through the roof and for the first time he was finding it difficult to get around. No matter the weather, walking to class caused him to break a sweat. The worst was that he no longer fit in auditorium seating. The flimsy tabletops only allowed about a foot of belly fat before they couldn’t be used. This meant Andy had to begin using the handicap seating.
Andy’s gut was truly a mountain of lard that passersby would often gawked at. It entered the room before he did, and would loudly announce its discomfort when hungry or too full. Andy had to buy all new T-shirts to cover his rounded stomach, and even still he couldn’t tell when his belly was hanging out anymore. It wouldn’t be until he waddled to the bathroom that he’d realize he’d been putting on a show all day. At first, he wasn’t a fan of the bright red stretchmarks that were constantly showing up all over his body, but Benjamin talked down those anxieties. The former twink now lathered his boyfriend in cocoa butter every night before bed to soothe the itching and redness.
In the same amount of time Benjamin had gained about fifteen pounds, sitting plump and pretty at two hundred and thirty five pounds total. His weight gain continued to distribute more evenly than his counterpart, with only a bit of extra hanging from his stomach and rear. For the first time, Benjamin had a bit of an overhang that wobbled and bounced with each step. He also found auditorium seating recently difficult, but he could still fit behind the desks unlike his boyfriend. Benjamin also struggled with clothing. It seemed as though he’d outgrow something as soon as he purchased it and he beginning to get frustrated.
“Look at these joggers!” Benjamin exclaimed. “The elastic is at max capacity now and I just bought them. They’re so uncomfortable! And this shirt? Sure it covers me but its always riding up on my sides. Like after a few steps these love handles are catching the breeze.”
“Hey, at least you can feel the breeze,” Andy retorted. “I can’t count the amount of days I’ve waltzed around with my gut on display.”
“God, who knew getting fat would change how you exist in the world so much.”
“Come talk to me when you have to sit to pee, little one.”
“Hey, you never know. Someday, probably. You just had a head start Mr. Ex-Jock,” Benjamin replied and thwacked his boyfriend’s gut. “I’m just sick of buying clothes is all. It’s getting expensive.”
“Hey why don’t you take some clothes of mine. I definitely have a few shirts I only wear under things because my belly hangs out,” Andy suggested.
The former jock lumbered to his closet and pulled out a few tees, a button-up, and a jacket.
“How about these? They’ll definitely fit you.”
“I don’t know… I’ve learned it’s probably best to stay away from buttons. But I’ll take the shirts,” Benjamin grabbed the clothes and held them to his face. “Mmm they smell like you too. Maybe I’ll wear one of these to the party tonight.”
“Wait, what party? You didn’t tell me about a party?”
“Andrew Zalinski’s party… at University Tower? I told you, like, last week.”
“I don’t know Benjamin… I don’t know if I’m up for that.”
“Come on! You promised. And we never get out of the house and socialize. This will be good for us.”
The couple arrived at the party fashionably late. Both wore the loosest fitting clothing they owned which was still tight, skintight in Benjamin’s case. The apartment was already packed and the air was stuffy with body sweat. Andy was already sweating from walking there and Benjamin could feel beads of sweat developing in his pits and back. The struggled to squeeze through the crowd into the kitchen, where they each grabbed a beer. Neither saw anyone they knew for the first half hour, sticking side by side and guzzling booze. Finally some mutual friends showed up and they all began to chat and nervously drink in excess.
“Hey, so,” Eliza, a drunken fellow lit major began while looking at Andy, “we’ve all heard how you got kicked off the team for being too fat. And like sure, athletes get fat in school, maybe not this fat,” she gestured at Andy wildly, “but sure they get fat… But you my dear twink,” she turned to Benjamin, “twink? Are you even a twink anymore?”
“Eliza you’re being rude,” someone cut in.
“It’s just a little shocking to see is all!” She continued, “Like you both got hella fat hella fast. I’m curious what the story is!”
“Eliza, stop!” someone else shouted.
“Hey, it’s true though,” a random voice chimed in.
Andy’s face grew beat red and Benjamin decided to step in, “No, I mean, yeah… It’s true. We put on some weight, like relationship weight you know? We don’t mind, we actually are kinda enjoying it.”
“Look,” a different friend stepped in, “I think Eliza is just worried about you guys. Are you doing okay?”
“No,” Eliza drunkenly interrupted, “Eliza is curious how the sex works with that big belly.”
Eliza pulled up Andy’s shirt and gave his gut a shake and multiple people bellowed “ohh shiiit.” The boys exchanged glances and Benjamin decided to lift his shirt too and give it a stong shake with both hands. He noticed a few people had their phones out and he continued with the show.
“More cushion for the pushin’,” Benjamin exclaimed and the room erupted in laughter. He kissed Andy on the cheek and announced, “I think it’s time we do a shot. Eliza, my recommendation is that you get ploughed by a chubby guy. It’s done wonders for me! After that all your questions will be answered!”
At this point several people were watching the scene unfold, snapping photos and videos for social media. Andy hated all the attention, but was turned on by how Benjamin had reclaimed the situation. They stumbled into the kitchen and threw back a shot and then one more. Andy then grabbed Benjamin by the hand and led him into the bathroom, locking the door. The former jock plopped himself on the toilet and pushed his boyfriend against the wall in front of him.
“That was so hot, you fat fucking faggot,” Andy slurred.
He unzipped Benjamin’s pants and took his cock in his mouth.
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gainerstories · 5 years
Freshman Fatties: Chapter 6
Shortly after the boys’ button-popping dinner, word began to spread about Andy’s weight gain. All the athletes were gossiping about how the school’s star quarter back had turned into a fat slob and was supposedly fucking his gay roommate. Word even spread into Benjamin’s inner circle, who had known about the relationship all along but were growing concerned about the boys’ weight. Andy grew self-conscious and began skipping class to avoid going out in public, preferring to stay inside and eat his feelings. Not surprisingly, he continued to pile on the weight at an astronomical level with Benjamin not far behind.
By the end of March, it was official. Andy had been kicked off the team. It was rather scandalous and rumors implied homophobia was involved. However, once Benjamin’s rather wealthy parents caught wind of the story they intervened. They pledged to fund the rest of Andy’s college career, football or not. The former jock was now free to pursue his interest in literature and leave the world of college sports behind. He felt relieved, but still insecure about his weight.
“Are you sure you like me like this?” He asked Benjamin one day. “I mean look at this gut. It’s covered in stretch marks, I can’t even see my cock. I have to sit down to pee.”
“Honey, I think you’re beautiful inside and out. I’m in love with who you are, not what you look like. Besides, you see how fast I get hard for that big fat belly.”
“I know, I know. It just takes getting used to I guess. I’m three hundred twenty pounds now. I never imagined I’d weigh that much. I mean christ, I break a sweat bending over nowadays.”
“Well look at me! At two fifteen I think I can kiss my twink days goodbye! Every part of me is fat now, and the last fifteen pounds went straight to my gut. It’s never stuck out like this before.”
“Your gut and your ass,” Andy grinned. “As long as that keeps growing along with the rest of you then I’m satisfied.”
“It doesn’t seem to be stopping. You’ve really rubbed off on me you know. I was skinny all my life.”
“God I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for that to happen. I don’t know how I got to this place.”
“Hey! You got here because you love food and I love you. You’re so fucking fat and sexy. You know it’s really turned me on watching you grow like this? It’s so great.”
“You know, if I’m being honest… I’ve kinda enjoyed it too. Part of me likes being the fat guy in the room, my belly commanding space and attention. And it feels soooo good when we’re fucking. Feeling your fat slap against mine, like fuck. That’s sex. That’s it.”
“You really feel that way?” Benjamin asked.
“Yeah, I really think I do.”
“You know, maybe we should intentionally try to get fatter. You know, like push ourselves more than usual.”
Andy sat in silence for a moment before exclaiming, “fuck yeah! Let’s get properly plump.”
The boys decided to challenge each other to ten pounds in one week, knowing it was next to impossible. No harm in falling short they wagered, every pound gained together was worth it. So they began to pig out at levels previously unheard of for them. Chinese takeout, pizza, and milkshakes with weight gain powder defined their week of unbridled gluttony. They only left the dorm to go to class or get food. Otherwise, they were naked, fucking, or eating.
They began chugging cartons of whole cream before bed. Both were completely bloated at all times of the day, prone to sweating and sleepiness from the constant supply of food. Andy’s heartburn had begun to flare up but they powered through it with Tums. Benjamin had grown intensely uncomfortable in his own body with the sensation of constant bloat and digestion. His belly had also become intensely itchy as new stretch marks began to settle in.
Although both Andy and Benjamin would go to gym a few times a week, they decided to abandon it altogether during their week of gluttony. They had to use every moment for maximum gains. Most everyone else in the dorm had begun to take notice to the fact that the two fat gay boys seemed to be in a constant food hangover, their bellies always gurgling and their shirts constantly riding up.
By the time the week drew to a close both were exhausted and frankly ready to go back to normal. Although they enjoyed eating and were turned on by all the fat play, it had become uncomfortable and expensive to maintain that level of consumption. Sure enough, though, their efforts paid off. Andy gained eleven pounds by the end of the week. Surprising both of them, Benjamin outpaced the former football player at a whopping fifteen pounds gained in one week.
Their successful stuffing was certainly evident. Andy’s gut began to droop out of most of his shirts and for the first time his massive pecs softened up considerably. More than ever his former life as a jock was disappearing under all the chub. Benjamin’s body exploded in all directions. He had a juicy layer of padding over every inch of his body, and had finally grown a proper paunch that hung over his waistband.
Of course, Benjamin’s ass grew as well. Two massive fluffy cakes bounced behind him wherever he went. When he sat down, the fat from his ass formed a fat roll that extended across his legs and down into the fat pad above his crotch. For the first time he had a signifcant FUPA and he could not stop playing with it, loving the way his erect cock would cause it to squish sideways.
In addition, his underwear could simply no longer contain his ass. The waistband stopped three quarters of the way up his cheeks and the fabric used in the seat left little room for his junk in the front. He felt positively restricted. Due to the discomfort, Benjamin began to forgo underwear altogether. It was much more comfortable to let his fat ass, juicy FUPA, and cock and balls bounce around his joggers now.
Both boys appetites evened out to slow and steady gains after their week of fun, but their libidos skyrocketed. They couldn’t get enough of each other’s chubby bodies, soft rolls, and sweaty bouncy curves. They were fucking every chance they got. Constantly aroused by the newness of their weight gain, they would sometimes even meet up on campus to suck each other off in the bathroom. Whenever one of them was overcome with desire, the other would help relieve it, even if it was just through FaceTime. They were embroiled in their own little world of eating and sex.
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gainerstories · 5 years
Freshman Fatties: Chapter 3
Benjamin awoke to Andy snoring in his ear, the football player’s muscled arm pinning him down to the bed. Since the two of them had sex for the first time a few weeks ago they had been sleeping in the same bed every single night. Benjamin lifted Andy’s arm and slid free, stepping down onto an empty pizza box. Their room was a mess, covered in beer cans and candy wrappers. With game season over, Andy was home more often and the two were constantly hanging out, playing video games, eating snacks, and listening to music.
For the most part, they were behaving like a couple, although a closeted one. Andy was concerned about his team or classmates finding out, and word getting back to his parents. They weren’t particularly conservative, but they would make casually homophobic remarks now and again and he wasn’t sure how they’d react. He would rather tell them himself, and not through gossip. This meant that their steamy romance had to remain behind closed doors.
Benjamin moved the pizza box to the garbage and cleaned up some of the cans lying around the room. He caught his reflection in the mirror and noticed he no longer could see his ribs. He pinched the fat below his chest, examining how his body changed. He then looked back to his bed to appreciate how significantly Andy had grown, his soft belly rising and lowering as he snored. Benjamin felt content and grabbed some clothes from the closet.
He pulled on some joggers, a T-shirt and a sweater. A few days ago Andy accidentally popped the button on Benjamin’s last pair of skinny jeans that fit while they were having sex. It was hot in the heat of the moment, but this meant he had no choice but to go shopping. Taking one final glance at Andy snoring in the corner, Benjamin left to the mall.
It was a Saturday and the mall was uncomfortably crowded with people shopping for the holidays. Benjamin went to an H&M to keep it cheap and grabbed some pants to try on. He made sure to choose stretch jeans and got options multiple sizes.
Inside the dressing room he was surprised to see how different he looked in a well-lit full length mirror, compared to his one at home. He really had put on an even layer of chub all over. When he turned around to look at his bare ass he even noticed soft white stretch marks crossing his cheeks. He wondered what Andy would look like in one of these mirrors. He tried on the jeans and discovered that he had gone two sizes up since he last bought pants. He contemplated if he should get an even larger pair to grow into, but decided there was no way he’d grow any larger. Always a skinny guy, the concept of sustained weight gain seemed a far fetch.  
Leaving the H&M he stopped inside some higher end stores to find Andy a gift. Eventually he settled on a fitted Calvin Klein button up. Benjamin intentionally got one size too small for the pure joy of watching Andy squeeze his bloated gut into it. After a successful trip he stopped at the food court, ordering a heaping plate Panda Express. As he took his first bite he got a text from Andy: “Just woke up. Ordered us a spread of Chinese food. Home soon?”
Benjamin scarfed down his food and headed home to Andy. Ever since football season ended Andy had been eating like a monster, consuming such a high volume of food that Benjamin struggled to keep up. But that didn’t stop him from trying. Both boys’ appetites grew exponentially and, shockingly, Benjamin found himself still hungry after the Panda Express. As Benjamin unlocked the dorm room he was graced by the sight of Andy sitting on the floor in nothing but his tighty whities chowing down. His belly spilled over into his lap, eclipsing most of his bulge.
“Sorry,” Andy said with his mouth full, “I couldn’t wait any longer.”
“No problem, just save some for me.”
Benjamin sat next to the hulking football player, noticing for the first time that Andy was breathing heavier than usual. They both continued to dig in for the next ten minutes until all the food was gone. Andy leaned back against the bed and groaned while clutching his gut.
“Fuuuck, I think I ate too fast,” he moaned. “I was hungover and starving, I couldn’t stop.”
“Here lets get you onto my bed,” Benjamin coaxed.
Andy wobbled onto the bed and laid down while Benjamin climbed atop his lap.
“Let me massage your belly to help all this food digest,” Benjamin said while caressing the top of Andy’s gut.
Benjamin grabbed the lotion from his nightstand and squeezed some out, massaging the pile of fat sitting atop Andy’s bloated belly. He moved his hands in circular motions, appreciating the softness and malleability of the jock’s surplus weight. Andy’s stomach gurgled as Benjamin worked his way down to the lower belly, pushing it back and squeezing the fat between his palms. Andy noticed tiny new stretchmarks under the jock’s navel, bright red and glistening. He caressed them softly causing Andy to slightly moan. Beneath the white underwear Andy had sprung a dripping boner.
“Put your fat ass on my face while you do that,” Andy demanded.
Benjamin slid off his pants, spread his cheeks, and planted them on Andy’s face while continuing to massage his gut. It didn’t take long before Benjamin was riding Andy’s face while pressing his own into Andy’s belly. They tried to 69, but Andy’s gut got in the way, so they continued as is for about forty five minutes. Slow and sensuous, Benjamin kept them both edging the entire time before erupting in ecstasy and falling back asleep.
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gainerstories · 5 years
Freshman Fatties: Chapter 4
Winter break was drawing to a close and Andy and Benjamin were itching to see one another after almost a full month apart. They had texted nonstop during this time, keeping each other updated on everything that happened.
Andy had put on another ten pounds before returning home and was looking properly chunky with a beer gut that rivaled most men twice his age. Naturally his parents were a bit surprised and expressed concern. Andy reassured them he was simply bulking up over the winter and would shed it all in the spring, which meant he would be eating bigger at every meal while he was in town. He knew this wasn’t entirely true but it seemed to please Benjamin, who loved receiving naked pics and updates on how much he was eating. Andy found it curious, but relished the attention he received from Benjamin. He’d never been with a girl that was so infatuated with his body and Benjamin made his new fattened form feel manlier than ever.
Benjamin too had continued to puff up, but received a different reaction from his family. They were full of compliments, congratulating him on the fact that he had finally “filled out.” Benjamin wasn’t trying to gain weight, but his appetite had grown from being around Andy and he couldn’t resist all of the holiday treats laying around. Out of boredom he also started back up at the gym a few times a week, paying special attention to his ass.
Benjamin was the first to return to campus, arriving to a musty dorm room that smelled like dirty men’s underwear. He realized they forgot to leave the windows open and attempted to air out the room. He unpacked his clothes and set out a scale he had swiped from his parents house. Nervously, he stepped on board to discover he had gained a whopping thirty pounds since starting college, ten of which were over winter break. That number left him a little shocked, as he didn’t feel that fat. Andy had really left an impression.
When Andy arrived in town a few days later Benjamin had the dorm sparkling clean and packed with delicious foods. He lay in bed reading, wearing only his underwear and a snug T-shirt. Despite all the pictures Andy had shared, Benjamin was still worried the jock would return shrunken and fit.
As the lock to the door turned, Benjamin’s heart began to race. The door swung open and Andy struggled to get inside. A mammoth duffle bag hung from one arm, a bag of groceries in the other, and at his midsection wobbled a firm beach bull of a gut hanging dramatically out of a faded black tee. Benjamin’s eyes dilated at the sight of the man before him. Andy had really put on weight, his texts did not lie. He had never seen the football player so large before. Andy dropped his bags and the two ran into a big embrace. After a long kiss, Benjamin stepped back and put his hands on each side of Andy’s massive gut.
“Look at you!”
“What can I say? I’m a growing boy!” the jock cracked a massive grin causing his double chin to fold.
Benjamin helped Andy unpack while two pizzas baked in the oven and two bottles of champagne chilled in the fridge. Once finished, Andy plopped on his bed exhausted from the activity.
“God my thighs have been chafing like shit lately,” he sighed.
“Let me see,” Benjamin spread the jock’s thighs revealing a bright red rash. “Ouch. Well, I do have a little Christmas gift for you if that makes you feel better.”
“As do I, little one.”
The two exchanged small wrapped presents and opened them simultaneously. Andy held up his shirt and a gift card to a fancy restaurant fell onto his lap, while Benjamin held up a designer jock strap.
“I’m not sure how it’ll fit,” they said in unison and then blushed.
Andy squeezed into his shirt, which was tight but could still button. He looked sharp in it, but undeniably swollen with fat. Andy tucked himself into the jock strap which fit perfectly, showing off the work he’d accomplished on his glutes. Even still his ass was covered in a soft layer of fat that eclipsed the strapping under each cheek.
“God DAMN, that ass!” Andy exclaimed smacking his roommate on the rear and watching it bounce. “I cannot wait to get inside there!”
Benjamin giggled and smooched Andy, who pulled the thick twink onto his chubby lap. They kissed once more and Benjamin caressed the jock’s cheek, admiring how it had become puffier in the last month. Resting beneath Andy’s square jaw was a pouch of fat covered in dense scruff that Benjamin lightly tickled with his finger.
“I was thinking…” Benjamin began, “We could wear our sexy new gear to a fancy dinner on this gift card. We can even drive out of town a bit if that makes you more comfortable.”
“Well, I was thinking that perhaps that’s not necessary,” Andy replied coquettishly.
Unsure and afraid of rejection, Benjamin stared at his counterpart in silence.
“Because,” Andy continued, “I was thinking that maybe we could go as a couple. You know, like boyfriends? Officially.”
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gainerstories · 5 years
New Story Announcement: ‘Freshman Fatties’
Dorm room pairings are always a gamble, but Benjamin, a slim business major, and Andy, the school’s beefy star quarterback, form an unlikely kinship. As Andy’s weight skyrockets due to stress, cheap food, and boozing, his eating habits begin to rub off on Benjamin. Packing on the freshman fifteen is one thing, but can the boys’ navigate the consequences of their expanding waistlines? 
Chapter 1 of 8 coming tomorrow November 12, 2019 with new chapters posted every Sunday.
Commissioned by abigfatpeach
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gainerstories · 4 years
Can you properly link your stories instead of linking them to a hashtag? It's very hard to find your stories when you tag them chubby and just expect us to find them
I’m not sure what you mean by “properly link.” Can you provide some clarification? I want navigation to be as easy as possible.  Currently the stories are linked by a unique hashtag each one shares. For example #parkpaunch or #freshmanfatties. Generic hashtags like #chubby may be included but only for the sake of publicity. 
Also, if you head to the desktop version of the site there is a tab for each story.  Lastly, I reblogged the index so its at the top of the feed. 
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gainerstories · 5 years
Freshman Fatties: Epilogue
Read prior chapters here
“This is rough,” Benjamin muttered through heavy breathing. He wiped the sweat from his brow and continued, “I’ve moved two boxes and I feel like I’m on the brink of a heart attack.”
“I… I…” Andy struggled to catch his breath. “I can’t even lift this one box of books… Any box… my gut is in the way… Can’t bend… over.”
Andy plopped himself onto the couch causing it to creak. His face was bright red from the exertion of trying to get his paws around one box for the last ten minutes. Benjamin was not in much better shape. The few boxes that had been packed and moved were all done by him and sweat now poured from every surface of his body. He lifted the hem of his shirt, an old white tee that was basically a crop top after the last fifty pounds, and wiped the sweat from his face.
“Fuck this,” Benjamin said. “Fuck it. Call the truck company back and tell them we do want to hire movers.”
“Okay, but first,” Andy paused again to catch his breath, “first, let’s order a pizza.”
“Good idea, babe.”
Benjamin plopped down next to his boyfriend causing the couch to bow in the center. He ordered four Domino’s pizzas, soda, and breadsticks through the app and rested his head on Andy. They hadn’t anticipated packing to be such a physical toll. Last time they moved it was the end of freshman year and they barely had any stuff to take with them. Over the last three years of schooling, however, they built a cozy well-furnished apartment together and packing it up was too monumental a task for the two overgrown fatties.
Andy was now five hundred pounds and could barely do anything outside of eat, read, and sleep. His rapid growth over freshman year began to slow as the physical effects of gaining hit him. Andy now made regular trips to the gym to keep his muscles strong enough to support all the fat, along with light cardio and supplements for heart health. Even still he went from four hundred to five hundred pounds in three years which, for most people, was a significant weight gain. For Andy, however, one hundred pounds over thirty six months felt like nothing, he barely even noticed that he was gaining.
Benjamin now rounded out at three hundred fifty pounds having gained about eighty pounds of lard since freshman year. Most of this weight was put on during sophomore year, sixty pounds in fact. Junior year he packed on another twenty and then hit a plateau he’d been stuck at since. Benjamin didn’t mind maintaining though, he had never even intended to grow fat in the first place. He felt content looking like proper porker but not quite as gargantuan as his boyfriend.
They called the movers next and scheduled an early morning visit. They already had the car leased and a driver scheduled, they just needed people to physically move their stuff to the car. The boys had one way plane tickets to New York City the next evening where they would meet the movers a couple days later. In the interim, they would buy a mattress and wait for the rest of the furniture to arrive to their apartment.
They were moving in the summer in order to have a few months to settle in before starting school in the fall. Much to their mutual excitement they got into the same university, Andy for law and Benjamin for his MBA. They were nervous for the high activity lifestyle that came with living in New York, along with the tiny apartments and humid summers, but knew they could get through anything as long as they were together. Even still, they made sure to pack the air conditioning unit.
The pizza arrived and they settled on the couch. With the pizza on the coffee table, Benjamin set up Andy with a plate atop his belly piled high with slices. This was their new routine since it had become difficult for Andy to bend forward to grab slices off the coffee table. Reaching had also become a chore for Benjamin, but it was nearly impossible for the former jock whose belly completely covered his lap, almost extending to his knees. It was still relatively firm for someone so large, which made it all the more difficult to bend in half.
The pizza and breadsticks were mostly polished off in about forty minutes and the boys cuddled up in a food coma. As they were about to doze off Benjamin got a notification on his phone. It was his photos app with a flashback notification. He unlocked the phone to see an image of himself and Andy in the same position on the same couch three years ago. They laughed to discover they’d been doing the same thing for so many years and then began to scrutinize the image. They looked so much smaller back then. Andy’s belly was the size of a watermelon rather than an exercise ball. Benjamin was chubby but his face still retained it’s sharp angles and he was able to sit cross legged in the photo, a feat he no longer even bothered to attempt.
“Wait a second,” Benjamin said and began scrolling through his phone.
Within a few minutes he had found a photo he snapped when they first met in their dorm room. It only took a few seconds to put together a little slide show of the boys’ progression through the years. Both men were completely shocked to realize just how much they had grown. The tiny twink and beefy jock in the first photo were practically unrecognizable. Benjamin’s ribs and bony limbs were now encased by a thick of layer gooey chub, while Andy somewhat maintained the same shape but had ballooned six hundred times larger.
Looking at the photos was turning Benjamin on and he began reaching for his cock. The photos displayed how just a couple years ago Benjamin had a prominent paunch, but in the last thirty pounds his weight had evened back out into a look of all-over padding. His once significant overhang dissipated as his fat pad grew to join it and his thighs were almost as big around as his middle. As a result, masturbating had become somewhat of a stretch with his junk completely surrounded by fat.
Noticing Benjamin struggling to reach his hard on, Andy reached his chubby fingers over and gripped his boyfriend’s manhood. As the former jock jerked off the former twink, Benjamin grabbed the last slice of pizza and fed it to Andy. He then stood up, leaving Andy reclined on the couch, and began fucking the man’s massive ball gut. Andy was unable to reach his own cock, but still moaned in pleasure frpm the fatty eroticism of it all.
Benjamin was close to coming and decided to drop to his knees. He lifted Andy’s furry gut to reveal his cock erect and dripping. Taking Andy’s member in his mouth, he let the man’s belly drop and cover his face like a warm and heavy pillow. Completely encumbered by Andy’s mass, Benjamin continued until both were on the edge of orgasming. Instinctively, Andy reclined on the couch and Benjamin dumped the rest of the food atop his mountainous midsection before lubing up his ass and climbing aboard. Within ten minutes all the food was consumed, their loads had been shot, and they were snoring in a fleshy puddle of grease.  
The next evening they waddled through TSA and what seemed like a mile to their gate. As they boarded the plane they felt their fellow passengers’ eyes upon them, secretly praying not to get stuck next to the two fat guys. Once they found their row, they turned sideways and struggled to scoot in.
Benjamin went first, his quivering ass nearly bumping someone in the face. Lowering himself into the seat he felt the sharp pain of two rigid plastic arm rests digging into his sides. He tried to put them up but his fat was in the way, so he had to stand once more to raise them. By the time Andy began shoving himself between the seats a line had formed behind them. The former football champ was nowhere close to fitting in one seat and his belly was mashed into the seat in front of him.
“Good thing we booked three seats,” Benjamin grinned.
“But we forgot to ask for the seat belt extender,” Andy replied.
“There’s a service button for that,” Andy replied, slipping his hand between his boyfriend’s belly and thigh.
“Maybe,” Benjamin whispered, “the next time we fly… we’ll both take a whole row to ourselves,” and planted a smooch on Benjamin’s plush cheek.
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gainerstories · 5 years
Freshman Fatties: Chapter 8
The arrival of summer break meant the dorms had to be evacuated until the fall which meant Andy and Benjamin faced two options: 1) Go back home to their respective parents all summer, or 2) Find a place on their own. They chose the latter.
Andy was afraid to show his face after losing his scholarship. His parents were very accepting of his newfound bisexuality but he got the sense they were bitter that Benjamin’s parents were the only ones able to pay for his education. He also received concerned advice about his seemingly uncontrollable weight gain and he wanted to put off those awkward encounters as long as possible.
Benjamin’s parents practically begged both boys to come and stay with them, but Benjamin was also concerned about how his parents would react to the boys’ weight. Despite their undying support, their rapidly expanding bodies were sure to cause alarm for any caring family member. He decided it was best to send them some photos to soften the blow before visiting.
This meant they had to find an apartment, preferably near campus, and also find jobs to pay for the apartment. Andy was able to secure a fairly well-paying job at the campus library before school was out, allowing them to sign a lease on a cute one bedroom nearby. Benjamin, however, struggled to find work. Andy didn’t mind shouldering expenses for a little while, but it was quickly becoming a strain.
First, the boys’ appetites required a sizable portion of each paycheck to be put aside. Even with help from parents and student loans, they were struggling to continue eating large as their appetites were growing exponentially every few months. Second, the summer heat was hitting them hard. The boys had grown fat in the winter and spring when extra blubber helped keep them insulated. However, neither had ever experienced what it felt like to be significantly overweight in the dead of summer. Simply put, they were struggling.
It hit Andy worst of all, who felt like every walk to or from work would be his last. He had no choice but to accept the fact that his shirt would be soaked in sweat stains whenever he arrived, but what was harder to accept was his body odor. He did everything he could to keep it in check, even applying deodorant to his underbelly, which had become one of the sweatiest parts of his body. He also found great discomfort in the double chin that had ballooned in the last twenty pounds. His saggy scruff would chafe his own neck and collect sweat in the crease.
It wasn’t a cakewalk for Benjamin either, particularly for his cakes. His ass was a constant swamp, as were his pits and overhang. He became acutely aware of how insulating it was to have extra padding coating his entire body. It felt as though he was wearing thermals at all times. Last summer he remembered feeling chilly in the shade and at movie theaters, but now he was constantly hot no matter what. For the first time he wished he could snap his fingers and go back to being skinny.
The absolute worst part of the heat was that their apartment didn’t have air conditioning. If the boys were home, they were naked. They slept with no sheets. They avoided using the oven which sadly meant no more oven baked pizzas. Even their sex life had to adapt. Increasingly, they resorted to mutual masturbation as any rigorous fucking was too physically intense for the two sweaty pigs.
Finally, a month and a half into summer Benjamin landed a job at a local cupcakery. The first thing they bought with their combined paychecks was an A/C unit for the bedroom. With the A/C in place, a combined income, and a constant flow of free cupcakes, the boys were back to their old hijinks.
The rest of the summer was a joyous romp of pigging out, smoking weed, and fucking. They discovered that it wasn’t just the heat that was changing their sex life, but also their bodies themselves. Andy could no longer top in missionary balancing on his knees. His legs just couldn’t sustain movement at his weight. Therefore, he began to stand at the edge of the bed when topping, but the easiest solution was for Benjamin to ride cowgirl. With Andy’s feet kicked back and his bell pointing skyward, the massive former jock didn’t have to do much work.
The boys even incorporated food into the bedroom. It had become a routine that they would each drink a gainer shake before and after sex, but more and more whipped cream, nutella, and even marshmallows were incorporated into foreplay. All summer Andy and Benjamin rejected their peers invitations to the lake, or the park, or evening barbecues, preferring to stay home in their cushy air conditioning eating and fucking the day away.
By the time summer came to a close Andy had put on an additional fifty pounds, hitting four hundred on the scale. For the first time his ass grew significantly as it seemed that his belly might not be able to stretch any further. Fat filled out every pocket of skin including his fingers and toes, neck, and face. There was no denying he was a real blubber boy. His counterpart only put on half as much with twenty five pounds going straight to his gut. Weighing in at two hundred and seventy pounds, Benjamin looked truly obese for the first time. He exclusively wore his boyfriend’s old clothes as nothing from his prior life as a twink could stretch over his swollen midsection. The boys were getting so big that their bellies prevented them from kissing while facing one another.
By the time the first week of classes rolled around both boys were dreading it. Simply having to attend classes every day was daunting as they had each grown lazy with their relaxing part time jobs. It was back to the grind and both wanted to stay cocooned in their hazy summer of food and sex. But they had no choice. They parted ways one Wednesday to their respective courses, agreeing to a dinner later that night of pizza and beer for old times sake.
Benjamin attended his two hundred level business course that was required of all business majors. He wore a pair of black denim jeans that fit snug around his ass and thighs but weren’t too uncomfortable and a grey university sweatshirt. His clothes weren’t particularly tight but even so there was no hiding his gains anymore. He sat down in the middle of the classroom next to Greg, an old acquaintance.
“Hey, how’s it going. Sucks to be back in classes, huh?” Benjamin said.
Greg looked over surprised, “Yeah, sucks to be back. I’m Greg, nice to meet you.”
“Greg, it’s me… Benjamin?”
“Oh holy shit, Benjamin! Wow, I’m so sorry. I didn’t recognize you… you’ve put on some weight since we last spoke.”
“Oh yeah… I just, you know… college life!” Benjamin awkwardly exclaimed.
“You’re looking more like your boyfriend now, what’s his name? Andy! You two must be happy by the looks of it.”
Benjamin agreed and was thankfully cut off from the awkward interaction by the teacher beginning class. By the end of the course, his stomach was loudly growling much to his own embarrassment. He made a mental note to start carrying around snacks while walking to the Student Union for a burger before his next class.
As the day drew to a close, Andy was walking home fantasizing about the pizzas he and Benjamin would eat. To save time and energy he cut through the athletic complex which he immediately regretted. He was beginning to notice more and more that as a fat guy he was either completely ignored or stared at like a freak show. He wasn’t sure which was worse. To make matters worse, he ran directly into his old football coach exiting the building.
“Oh Coach, nice to see you,” Andy said awkwardly while absentmindedly scratching his belly.
“Hi, do I know you?” he responded confused.
“It’s uh… me, Andy. Last year’s quarterback…”
“Holy cow! That’s you under there? Whoa you really did not slow down on the eating man. Look, you should sign up for a trainer at the gym here. It’s free for students and I have a great grad student who’d be great for you. Whip you back into shape, lose that gut.”
“Thanks, uh, I’ll do that,” Andy said and began to walk away.
“Don’t you want his number?”
“I uh…” Andy continued walking and turned back to look at his former coach who still seemed completely shocked. “I... you know,” Andy patted his gut and raised his arms into a shrug, “I like it!” and walked away.
When Andy arrived home the house already smelled like pizza. His boyfriend tossed him a beer and noticed that Benjamin was already two deep.
“Rough day?” Andy asked.
“Two people didn’t recognize me,” Benjamin laughed. “First, Greg who’s a total bore anyway but we’ve definitely gotten fucked up together at a couple of parties. He actually introduced himself! And then I ran into Landon and said ‘hi’ and he straight up was like ‘who are you’! Can you believe that? I’m so fat now I don’t look like myself!”
“Wow you will not believe it, but the same thing actually happened to me.”
“Yup, just a minute ago I ran into my old coach.”
“No way! What did he say?”
“Well he didn’t recognize me at first and then he tried to get me to the gym.”
“How did you respond?”
“I told him I’m fat and happy!”
“No you did not.”
“I did! Because I am! I’m so much happier now than I was back then and it’s all because of you, Benjamin. You’re so supportive and caring, you’re the best thing in my life. I love being a growing hog with you and watching our bellies grow alongside our love. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Benjamin shed a tear, “And you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”
They embraced and smooched standing side by side so that their bellies could hang before them. Benjamin stood without his sweatshirt so that his fuzzy midsection hung comfortably out of an old tee while Andy was sweating through his sweater. Intuitively, they each rubbed each other’s bellies while making loving eye contact.
“Now, let’s eat!”
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gainerstories · 5 years
Catch up on Chapters 1-4 of Freshman Fatties
Get caught up on my newest story here.  
Synopsis: Dorm room pairings are always a gamble, but Benjamin, a slim business major, and Andy, the school’s beefy star quarterback, form an unlikely kinship. As Andy’s weight skyrockets due to stress, cheap food, and boozing, his eating habits begin to rub off on Benjamin. Packing on the freshman fifteen is one thing, but can the boys’ navigate the consequences of their expanding waistlines? 
Stay tuned for new chapters posted every Sunday.
Each of my stories are carefully crafted and reviewed for everyone’s pleasure. While writing and sharing smut is greatly satisfying, it sadly does not pay the bills. I appreciate every single reader and if you enjoy my writing please feel free to donate. Donations are accepted via PayPal at [email protected]
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