#friend B did the exact same thing!!!!! this whole thing is driving me insane tbh and I’m so so tired of how whenever me and friend B get
auideas · 7 years
Ask the Admins 10.0
@genosha-meiuqer: This is to Admin M -- Out of curiosity, do you drive anything like a War Boy?
M: Yes. That is actually a problem I have irl. I drive far too fast. Haven’t gotten pulled over yet though! (knock on wood)
Anon asked: Describe yourself in one adjective.
Chamomile: Talkative
M: Witty
Syren: Enthusiastic
Jynn: Resilient
Vox: Amiable
Anon asked: Do you have other sister blogs or affiliate blogs about writing? Or maybe you can rec us other writing blogs? Not that auideas is not awesome, loving this blog! Just, you know, want to follow other blog. Thanks! Loving your aus btw!
Chamomile: We have @nsfw-auideas​, which has been inactive for a while since I became uncomfortable running it and the other admins sort of dropped of….but for blogs that inspire me, I always love @writing-prompt-s​ because they give me ideas for prompts with their prompts (if that makes sense, lmao) and also from fanfiction/fanart. I get //so// much inspiration from fanfiction/fanart.
M: Yeah we have our NSFW blog, but that’s pretty much it, and I don’t really have a lot of time at the moment to look at other blogs, so this is definitely one for the other admins to answer.
Syren: I second what Chamomile mentioned, and I also get a lot of inspiration from @inell​ who is a writing machine in the Sterek fandom. It's insane how many stories she churns out, and they often help me mindlessly brainstorm, if that makes any sense??
Jynn: I get a lot of inspiration from @otpprompts​!
Vox: @otpprompts​ and @writing-prompt-s​ are two other really great prompt blogs! ( ≧▽≦)
Anon asked: curious about the new assistant admins. mind doing information pages for them like you did for the admins?
Chamomile: Here’s all of our pages: Chamomile // M // Syren // Jynn // Vox
Anon asked: When I'm grown, a martyr I will never be. I won't cry for you. I won't suffer for the things you do. I won't cry for you, see. Even though I understand you, Kankri.
Chamomile: this is a sin
M: get outta here
Syren: *Castiel voice* I don't understand that reference.
Jynn: I had to actually go back and find this song again for Chamomile so I just have to say how dare you make me relive that.
Vox: This ask has 6een marked as triggera6le and will 6e taken d9wn by Kankri Vantas. (ง •̀_•́)ง
Anon asked: So I know that this blog is SFW, but do you mind if I use your prompts in a NSFW story?
Chamomile: That’s totally fine! Whatever you do with our prompts is totally up to you.
M: ^^^^^
Anon asked: Have you decided what theme you'll be using? I remember a while back one of the admins asked what the followers think about the current theme.
Chamomile: Oh yeah, we got this solved a long while back. If anybody has a theme that they think is really nice and that we should try out, then send it to us!
Anon asked: What is your opinion on "Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life"?
Chamomile: get out
M: leeeeeeeave
Syren: I am daily surrounded by meme trash and could probably recite it perfectly if I tried. I am only slightly ashamed.
Jynn: I'll never forget it. That being said, I never want it in my presence ever again.
Vox: You scream, I scream, we all scream for Dank Memes™
Anon asked: I finally talked to my future college roommate. Accidentally ignore her email for a week tho... Not really off to a great start?
Chamomile: I can’t tell if this is a prompt or you telling us about your day but my advice would be to get her a card that’s like “I’m sorry I ignored your email for a week” and then some candy or whatever else she likes.
M: Lol man that did not happen with my current roommate - we actually sent each other our first introductory emails at the exact same moment even though I was across the country. Thankfully, we’ve clicked very well, but I would recommend not getting on their bad side right away, or that’ll make your year not so much fun.
Syren: Dude, I am the worst person at communicating possibly ever. I have lost friends because I forget to reply to them for months, no joke. I've found the best way to make it up is to be as sincere with your apology as possible. I've learned not to make excuses. Don't sweat it!
Jynn: I'm glad you reached out to your roommate, good job! I'd go with Chamomiles card and candy idea.
Vox: -looks at the messages I have in Line that are months old- -l a u g h s- Oh honey.
Anon asked: Do you (admins and assistants) know how to make gifs? Also, how do you pronounce "gifs"? "Jifs" or "gifs".
Chamomile: I have no clue on how to make a gif, and I pronounce it like “gift” without a “t”.
M: Gifs. Hard G. I will fight you on this.
Syren: I have no clue how to make a gif, though I've been thinking about learning (barely any gifs out there for When We Rise). Hard g.
Jynn: There are tons of gif makers online, I also have an app for that. I pronounce it “Gif” with a hard G
Vox: I LOVE making gifs!! They’re super fun. Also I use both alternatively.
Anon asked: how do the admins like the new assistants? And how do the assistants like the admins?
Chamomile: I think they’re pretty great! Everybody has been really good with getting their prompts in the drafts so admin m and I can approve them. No real problems.
M: Two thumbs up from me! I can now feel more stress about my school and social life than about this darn blog...
Syren: They're all generally fabulous people and make me feel welcomed. I'm the youngest of the bunch, but that doesn't change anything. Also, I have a habit for apologizing for everything, and they always assure me that it's all good and that they've all been there.
Jynn: Chamomile, Em, and I have actually all been friends for upwards of a couple years now, and I've contributed to the blog here and there before so it hasn't been super different for me tbh.
Vox: If I could put emojis into replies, this right here would just be a string of sparkles and hearts. Everyone’s been really nice!!
Anon asked: I haven't been on this site since forever and I just got back. Nice to see more prompts that I can add to my growing list of things I want to try writing :) (Also, "Runaway" and "So Sad, So Sad" are some of my favorite songs! :D )
Chamomile: Eeeeee! Thanks for loving the blog! Also I know right, I have some pretty good music taste if I do say so myself ;)
Anon asked: Knowing that someone else uses Japanese emoticons makes me really happy. \\\ (۶ÒワÒ)۶//// Where do you get yours from, Vox? An app, website, or other?
Vox: Yaaaaa, kaomoji are super funnnnn!! ☆⌒(*^-°)v I have a Japanese keyboard on my phone so I automatically have a bunch of them readily available.
Anon asked: Choose five of the blog's followers that you've talked to a fair amount and say what story genre you think they would be a character in, and if they would be a protag or antag.
Chamomile: Instead of choosing just five, I went with all of them. Here’s the link
M: I willllllll do this over break - expect a post on my admin blog!
Anon asked: If life was a standardized test, you would be "Answer B" because I always turn to you when I don't know what to do.
Chamomile:....that’s actually really sweet?
M: Omfg.
Syren: This would be really cute if the thought of standardized tests didn't throw me into a panic over upcoming midterms, SATs, and ACTs
Jynn: Awwwwww!
Vox: I’m in various stages of oh god and that’s so sweet and lol my name is actually Bee so this is kind of great, are you flirting with me anon, winkwink. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Anon asked: What do you call a flirty Greek? A Socratease
Chamomile: The King of flirty Greeks is Mithridatetease (Mithridates)
M: Get out.
Syren: As long as they don't have an Oedipus complex, they can tease all they want
Jynn: More like MithriDATEs
Vox: Has war flashbacks to Greek myth lectures. Sweats nervously.
@all-made-of-stardust​ asked: So I love your blog, and I especially love all your Never Book quotes. I was wondering - what's your policy on using those quotes? Can I directly use the whole quote? Should I change it a bit? Should I not use it at all? There's several quotes I have been thinking about using, and I just wanted to make sure I was doing it right.
Chamomile: hey there! This is a pretty popular question, but our policy is that you can change it however you want (adding in words, changing pronouns, etc.) but don’t repost it anywhere without crediting us. Cutting our parts is also totally fine. If you write something inspired by TNB, or has a TNB quote in it, make sure to shoot us a message and we’ll make sure to add it to the follower’s works page!
@ihaveatheoryabouttimetravel​ asked: What exactly is the never book?
Chamomile: Hey! I’m the creator of The Never Book (TNB) and here’s the long version of how/why I created it (link), but the short version is that TNB is supposed to be a collection of writing prompts to help inspire you to write. Some of them are very dramatic, while other ones are humorous, and other ones are meant to be cliffhangers that make you want to write what happens next. The name “The Never Book” is supposed to imply that all of these quotes come from a story that has never been written, meaning that they’re free game for prompts as well as to make stories out of.
Note: I’ve entertained the idea of trying to write a piece of fiction with a ton of TNB quotes crammed into it. Might try to get around to that if anybody is interested.
Anon asked: Is it okay to Writer's Block shame a friend who has an almost complete first chapter for 57 different fanfiction pieces???
Chamomile: #me
M: Shame us all
Syren: I'm too fragile to be bombarded like this
Jynn: I'm being called out.
Vox: First of all how dare, it’s only 56. (ง •̀_•́)ง
anon asked: tbh between chamomile and m i really thought that chamomile was younger. i have been surprised but not unpleasantly so             
Chamomile: I’m definitely shorter and rounder than admin m, but I’m older by like, a year and a half? Something like that?
M: I am the alpha.
anon asked: assistant admins, what’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Syren: Blue Moon (it's an upper Midwest thing I guess)
Jynn: Chocolate
Vox: Mint chocolate chip
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