#admin chamomile
hmshermitcraft · 8 months
When Mumbo joined Hermitcraft, he brought with him a large collection of flavoured teas. Peppermint, ginger, baked apple, you name it, he probably had it. Most were tea bags but some were loose leaf, the kind that could only be brewed with the utmost care and consideration.
“Well, you must like your tea then, Mumbo.” Someone says, and he responds with,
“I only take chamomile or breakfast tea.” He answers with a simple smile, proceeding to close the cupboard to his collection and not offer anyone any.
Eventually, as he and the other hermits get closer and as more join, he slowly begins to share his teas with others. Never the loose leaf, mind you, but the flavoured tea bags were often offered to hermits who visited or on the coldest nights of winter to any member who needed it.
Then the news of Evo reached Hermitcraft, and it stopped. His tea cupboard was locked and sealed with redstone. Anyone who requested tea was refused as Mumbo began hiding himself away entirely. Until he hears that Xisuma is going to leave with other admins to fight the watchers.
When he finds him, this is the first time they’d seen each other in a while. “Xisuma! X! Wait!” He grips onto the armoured man, “If you find Grian, bring him here! Please!” He isn’t crying, but his eyes look bloodshot from stress and his heart is beating so hard Xisuma is sure he can hear it in his own ears.
“Well- um- Alright.” Xisuma had no clue how else to respond, but Mumbo quickly calmed down and wished him goodluck, before rushing off home again.
While the hermits waited for their admin to return, many camped out at spawn awaiting his arrival. The more days passed, the less hope they had of seeing him again.
Slowly, the other hermits began packing up their bases. Hermitcraft 6 would be starting soon, Xisuma had set it up before leaving. Everyone stopped camping at spawn except for Mumbo.
One day, a bright beam of purple appears in spawn, drawing the hermits toward it. They all watch with bated breath as two bodies step out.
The rest of the server crowds around their admin, wanting to make sure he was ok. Over their chatter, Mumbo hears Xisuma begin to introduce someone, but shouts over top.
“Everyone, this is,”
“Grian!” Mumbo shouted, darting between hermits to see his best friend.
The man, who had remained somewhere between vacant and stoic since arriving, beamed at sight of Mumbo, shouting his name in response despite his hoarse voice.
Their pair shared a tight embrace and a kiss, the redstoner picking his friend and spinning him off the ground. When they finally let go, Mumbo began to pet Grian’s hair and hold his face before rambling on asking if he was injred, what had happened, did he need anything.
“I’ll tell you later.” Grian said with a mischievous tone, but there was a something sad behind his eyes that Mumbo recognised.
“Would you like some tea?”
“Oh, I’d love some… do you still have that baked apple?”
“Ofcourse I do! It’s your favourite.”
“You spoon.” Grian teased, pressing a kiss to Mumbo’s cheek before gripping his hand.
And now the tea made sense to the hermits. It wasn’t that Mumbo liked collecting it, or that he hid them from the hermits because they’d upset him. He had been keeping them for his boyfriend (fiancé they later learnt) if he ever came to visit. And he had locked them away after news of Evo (Grian’s server) falling reached Hermitcraft.
Now that Grian has joined them for Hermitcraft 6, the hermits get to see just how cute (and mischievous) the pair can be. They often have breakfast together, and the smell of fruity teas fills Mumbo’s base for the rest of the day.
It took so long for the pair to finally come back together, they deserve all the peace and happiness they're experiencing. Or, at least, happiness. Peace doesn't seem to be in Grian's vocabulary, a funny contrast to the somewhat secluded Mumbo.
Grian is a lot more open about the tea than Mumbo is. He'll force his mug into people's hands, making them try it. Sometimes it'll be awful on purpose. Grian's like that.
At least the pair are a very easy couple to buy gifts for.
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jungle-angel · 10 months
Lessons In Nursing (Calvin Evans x Reader)
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Summary: You decide to have your mother-in-law come and give a lecture to your class, but woe to the heckler who incurs her wrath
Tagging: @floydsmuse Meggy, I hope you're good with it, but the entire time I wrote this I was picturing Emma from White Christmas as Patricia and could literally hear her voice as I wrote it (lol).
Warnings: Pregnancy, college admin being a sexist moron, misogynistic remarks, etc.
"You nervous Pat?" you asked as the three of you made your way towards the science buildings on campus.
"Not in the least (y/n)," Pat answered confidently. "I've had to give numerous lectures in the past and have yet to face one that I couldn't do. How about yourself? How are things?"
"I'm tired," you answered.
"I tried that home remedy you suggested the other day Ma," Calvin answered. "The one with the raw ginger?"
"Did it help with the morning sickness?" Pat asked.
"Morning sickness, yes but the fatigue is a different story," Cal said.
"A mug full of chamomile tea in the morning will do you good," Patricia explained. "Did it with every single one of my kids and it hasn't failed me since."
The three of you had at last arrived at Franklin Hall, a tall, imposing gothic monstrosity of a building that looked more like a medieval church than a reputable college institution. Here was where the science classes were all held, chemistry, biology, anatomy and physiology as well as the nursing courses that you taught.
"You gonna be able to make it this afternoon?" you asked Calvin as he handed Six-Thirty and his leash off to you.
"I'll make it," Calvin promised. "Dr. Powers and I will both be there after our classes get out at twelve. But after that I need you down to the cafeteria so you can get something to eat. I don't want you faint in the middle of the lecture."
You chuckled and kissed your husband, even as Six-Thirty nudged your belly with his nose. "Now you knock that off," you told the dog. "That's Daddy's job."
Calvin smiled as he gave you one last hug, his hands trailing to the slightly evident bump that had shown up overnight. He couldn't feel the baby kicking quite yet, but you knew that when he did, he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off you.
"Good luck Sweetpea," he said, pressing one last kiss to your lips. "I'll see you at noon."
"I'll see you then."
Cal pulled open the heavy oak and iron doors, letting you, Six-Thirty and his mother in first before he followed you both down the hall. He headed straight for the chemistry labs with Dr. Powers while you and Pat headed for the anatomy lecture room.
Your girls were all awaiting in the room, each one in their lab coats, chattering away as you and Pat took yours from the rack. "Good morning ladies," you chirped.
"Alright ladies," you announced, taking your place in the lecture pit. "We've got our demonstration today at noon and to prepare, I've brought a little guest to help. So without further adieu, I present to you all, my mother-in-law, Patricia Evans."
"Thank you sweetheart," Patricia said, taking her place at the stand. "Alright ladies, none of the usual bullshit this morning. Lets get down to business....."
"So am I technically doing this right?" the eighteen year old asked Calvin.
"Yep, you're good," Calvin assured him. "Just let it drip into the beaker and let it do its thing."
Calvin absolutely loved working with the eager, fresh-faced students who had come from all the local high schools in the area. To him it meant being able to get back to basics, to go back to the roots of chemistry and to teach them from the ground up. He loved when they got creative with their notebooks, drawing colorful pictures and diagrams and experimented with their handwriting. Any other professor would have turned their noses up at it, but Calvin and Anthony Powers absolutely loved it.
"Hey Professor Evans?"
"What's up Frank?"
"Remind me again what color the fluids are supposed to be again after they've boiled?"
"It's supposed to be pale pink," Calvin answered. "What color is it now?"
"It's a dark pink."
"Let it go another five to ten minutes but no more than that," Calvin instructed.
He looked up at the wall clock and saw that it was ten minutes till noon. As soon as he had the chance, Calvin ordered everyone to clean up and to put their experiments in the glass cabinets until tomorrow. He dropped his lab coat in the laundry and made his way down to the other end of the wing, eager to hear and see your demonstration.
"..........Now these particular tests are quite easy, but determining the results can be a real hassle," Patricia explained to the audience. "Back in the day you wouldn't have thought to test the patient's blood at all and half the time you'd wait until really, truly, severe symptoms appeared......."
"Your mother's a knowledgeable lady that's for sure," Dr. Powers remarked to Calvin, the two of them sitting higher up from the pit.
"Knowledgeable isn't even the half of it," Calvin whispered back to him. "You should see when she really gets going."
"Now after the blood test has been done," Patricia continued to explained. "It's best to continue the treatment as is, until further notice or until the results come in and then determine the course of action therewith."
"Sounds like a brilliant plan," someone in the crowd spoke. "Coming from a woman."
The entire room fell so silent one would have been able to hear a dog whistle. "I'm sorry?' Patricia enquired.
"It just seems funny to me to think that you know more than the doctors on this campus," the grey-haired young man said to her. "After all, nursing is one of the lesser sciences."
Calvin wide-eyed and made a face, Dr. Powers groaning and running his hands over his chubby, round face. "Oh no, he didn't," Powers groaned.
"Brace yourself, this shitshow's about to get worse," Calvin warned him under his breath.
You and Patricia glanced at each other, your mother-in-law noticing the way your jaw clenched and how your posture stiffened.
"Young man do you work here?" she asked.
"Well......yes but I....."
"And to what department do you belong?" Patricia questioned sharply.
"Well, the medical arts," the young man replied. "You see I had studied at the Harvard Medical College and......."
"Oh and Ivy Leaguer huh?" Patricia said. "Tell me now, have you ever stitched up a man with shrapnel flying around you in all directions?"
"No I......."
"Have you ever had to repair a torn aorta in a tent before?"
"No I......"
"What about trenchfoot?" Patricia questioned again. "Ever had to deal with any of that?"
"No ma'am I......"
"Then I wouldn't consider you much of a doctor in that case," Patricia scoffed.
"Now ma'am you see here for a moment!"
"Young man, I had to earn my stripes in the middle of a shelled out church in France, rearraigning men's guts day after day while everywhere else was having the living daylights pounded out of them," Patricia snapped. "So until you yourself have been there, I suggest you sit up a little straighter, keep your legs crossed, shut your mouth and mind your own business!"
The young man cleared his throat and sat up a little straighter, as did everyone else including Six-Thirty who was in the corner at your feet. Not a single soul in that lecture hall dared to make another snide comment to Patricia Evans or to you.
"Well that went a little better than expected," Patricia commented as you, her and Cal made your way up the little brick path to the house. "Although I could've done without Mr. Ivy Leaguer there making those snide remarks."
"I saw him cross his legs the minute you snapped Ma," Calvin chuckled, unlocking the door.
"My apologies, but the damn fool had it coming," Patricia remarked. "Besides, if that had been your father, he would have said things that would have Ulysses S. Grant himself rolling over in his grave."
"Or blushing in most cases," you chuckled.
You both entered the house, the place warm and cozy as ever with the smell of dinner cooking on the stove. One could say whatever they liked about Henry Evans Jr., but the man was a damn good cook.
Henry and Pat both conversed about the happenings of the day while you and Cal enjoyed their company. All of you laughed at the lecture incident, but when Calvin looked at you and mouthed a silent "I love you", you couldn't help but lean into him, one arm round you and the warmth of your husband surrounding you.
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ask-barbatos · 25 days
Could you make a tea to help me sleep, please?
Ah, Mjoria, are you having difficulty falling asleep? Or is it staying asleep? That's alright. I believe I have just the tea blend in mind. I'll have some sent to you to make at your convenience.
(Admin: Any caffeine free tea is suitable for helping you sleep, such as chamomile, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, mint, lavender, lemon verbena and so on. Milk is also known to contain natural melatonin, so don't discount a warm cup of milk to help you get to sleep. It all comes down to personal preference and what works best for you.)
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triphantoms · 1 month
I'm new here BUT I have a question for Maruki, do you prefer tea over coffee? If yes, what type of Tea do you like the best?? If no, why not. Why coffee. Clearly tea is superior.
Anyway, much love to you!! <33 and to Admin ‼️
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I drink tea more often, but I like them both. I like green tea and chamomile the most as they're very calming.
- Maruki 🍎
Welcome! - admin
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daunmint · 8 months
jual Daun Tarragon Langsung dari Petani, WA 0813-5812-3335, Perumahan sukun pondok indah Malang
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Tanaman ini termasuk dalam keluarga Asteraceae dan berhubungan dengan tanaman chamomile. Tarragon biasanya dihasilkan dari stek atau biji, dan lebih baik ditanam pada musim semi atau awal musim panas. Tarragon Prancis sangat populer dalam kuliner Prancis dan digunakan dalam berbagai hidangan mulai dari sup hingga hidangan ikan.
Bisa langsung hubungi no admin nya yaa...
📲 0813-5812-3335
Dan bisa langsung ke lokasi kami di :
Jl. Phospat no 31, Pandean 2 , Purwantoro, Blimbing, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Terimakasih dan
happy shooping...
#TarragonInfusion #SavorTheSeasoning
#TarragonBliss #FlavorfulHerbs #HerbMagic
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aquakrp · 1 year
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the accepted muses have 48 hours to add the following accounts : admin and activity check. message us if you have any requests or issues.
ㅡ itzy’s shin ryujin ╱  chamomile tea
ㅡ purple kiss’ lee chaeyoung (chaein) ╱  jello
ㅡ soloist cho seungyoun (woodz)  ╱  uniq
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stxrmcatcher · 1 year
« i’m not scared of someone with ADHD and no braincells at midnight » ...he's talking about himself actually --
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"ADHD with no braincells... are you talking about me, prof?" Spark giggles, putting down the last incubator on the table - the last of seven, all of which filled with red Eggs, courtesy of the Team Rocket Admins - before looking back at the other. He's tired. Clearly so tired. Several tabs on his computer are open, all about different studies about Fennekins. The Community Day might've been over for the Trainers, but a Professor's job never ends!
...eeeeven if the bags under his eyes show that he probably should, hm.
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"I think the ADHD beast should try to take a break, tho." the Instinct leader dares to suggest after a few seconds, offering a kind smile "Or at least wear his blue light glasses. I'm sure the Bulbapedia page about Fennekin won't disappear if you take some chamomille and relax!"
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anendoandfriendo · 2 years
(ask game) chamomile
Context: chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
Uhm....UUUHA. *blushing*
- Hailey (Idol)
Uhm. Uhuh. I'm not into those...gifting. *Also blushing, turning head away* Fuc off.
- Hailey (Admin)
I would rather give things to people.
- Hailey (Academic)
I mean, if y'all can afford our DSM V and/or DSM III that would be fantastic lmao! Or some video games. Or the various books we have on our Throne wishlist.
BUT, YOU KNOW, itisntfuckingnecessaryandwecanprovideforourselves.
- Silva/Diluc
We are, uh, not used to the idea of gifts being unconditional things we can do whatever we want with. We are fully conscious of how fucked up this is, but that means the only person who might tell you is Silva out of these four lolsob.
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auideas · 7 years
The saddest thing was that under different circumstances, they could have been the hero instead of a villain.
The Never Book 
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jaehyunlq · 6 years
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thegardenofbae · 4 years
My Current Nighttime Routine
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My night routine begins the moment I walk in the door of my house. I remove my shoes I wore that day and put on my house shoes. After that, I put my purse away.
It may seem strange, but I can't relax until I've done some tidying up. So, I’ll light a few candles and I’ll do little chores like wash/dry any dishes in the sink, fold laundry, or steam/vacuum the floors. Once I've done that, I'll water my plants indoors and out.
Now it's time for dinner. I like to turn on Spotify and listen to jazz or bossa nova while I cook a light dinner for myself and sip a glass of pinot noir.
After I've eaten, I like to curl up on the couch, turn on a documentary, and do some light work. My light work usually includes checking emails, doing a quick admin check on my business, writing notes in my planner, and doing a quick social media prowl.
When the documentary is over, I'll head up to my en suite to bathe. I’ll usually have a warm shower and do some hair removal. For hair removal, I like to use Nair’s cocoa butter formula (I know a lot of people can't stand Nair because of the smell, but I don't mind it especially because the results have consistently been amazing). When I feel the need to luxuriate, I will draw myself a warm bubble bath.
Once I'm done bathing, I’ll rub my still damp body with some Palmer’s moisturizing oil then I'll pat-down and rub down with coconut oil-infused cocoa butter. After I'm moisturized, I’ll slip into my black satin slip and my pink satin robe and I’ll do my P.M. skincare routine.
P.M. Skincare Routine: Tatcha Deep Cleanse - The Heritage Store Rose Water Spray - The Ordinary AHA + BHA Peeling solution - Ole Henriksen Glow2OH Dark Spot Toner - Differin Adapalene Gel - Ole Henriksen Invigorating Night Transformation Gel - Tatcha Silk Peony Melting Eye Cream - Drunk Elephant Protini Polypeptide Cream
Now that I've finished my skincare routine, I’ll go back downstairs and make some tea. I like the CO Bigelow Lavender and Chamomile tea, and I have it with a few of my favorite Butterkist cookies.
After I've finished my tea and cookies, I'll go back upstairs and I just like to watch something with almost no educational value whatsoever. Usually something that’ll make me laugh.
I’ll turn the tv off after watching a couple of episodes of my show and I’ll read. Currently, I'm reading The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene. After a few chapters, I’ll be sufficiently groggy and I’ll head to bed 🌙
This is my requested night routine! I hope this gave you all insight into how I structure my evenings to get a nice night of sleep and get ready for a productive morning.
To see my morning routine, click here!
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entourage-themes · 3 years
Chamomile Skin
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Hola, acá André. Seguro algunos reconozcan la skin! Es una skin que presté a la admin de Chamomile, y la verdad, disfruté mucho de su foro y siento que la skin me quedó cómoda de usar (?). Así que me parecía un desperdicio siguiera tirada en el sótano. Por lo que:
De momento subo capturas para que puedan verla cómo está ahora mismo.
Ahora procederé a hacerle actualizaciones internas (de código) y externas (de diseño). Aunque estas últimas no serán demasiado contundentes, solo actualizar para volverla aún más cómoda de usar. 
Si les interesa que el rework que le haga sea con algún color en particular, den like y reblogeen con el color que les interesaría ver. Por algún motivo me inclino hacia el rojo (???).
Desde luego, voy a subir las screens una vez esté actualizada.
(Tiene hovers pero no supe cómo mostrarlos acá aunque hice los gifs(?))
Terminada de actualizar, la skin será puesta en venta. Si desde ya hay interesados, siempre pueden mandarme un mensajito a: haha srry i fell asleep#5018 en discord. 
Pronto subiré más skins, tengo un montón de ideas para explorar! >:  ) Un beso grandote, les deseo un hermoso fin de semana. <3
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ask-barbatos · 2 months
This is for admin: you are doing such a wonderful job. The aesthetic and answers are so in-character, I would believe this is actually him! Also, reading over the responses has given me some genuinely helpful information that I will be using! (<< bought chamomile tea today)
I am grateful that you find my blog to be helpful, anonymous. I hope that chamomile tea treats you well, and as always; please feel free to come to me with any questions you may have.
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full-moon-writings · 2 years
BMK: Chapter 12-- Tricks
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Walking out the door, shutting it gently behind him. He heads for the edge of the nearby woods. Peeking behind him every step of the way. Trudging through the woods he stops catching one last glimpse around him before transforming. Orangish red fur sprouts out, tails show through a cloud of smoke, paws hit the ground running. Weaving through trees, dodging fallen limbs, the surroundings blur by as he speeds through the woods. Miles later he slows to a stop in front of a cottage. Stepping through the threshold he morphs back into his human form. “Well that was more exercise than I have had in awhile,” Hyuk says to the empty cabin. 
The cottage is filled with books and beakers, a mix of a lab and library all squished together. Hyuk takes in a deep breath, a content look on his face. If you're thinking this is where Hyuk studies his heart out you would be mostly wrong. Glancing at his bookshelf, hundreds of maroon books line a shelf. Hyuk sits down on the couch in front of the small wood fireplace, grabbing an identical maroon book from the tableside. He begins to write furiously, smirks appearing occasionally on his face. Plan after plan, step after step, pouring out of him. 
Suddenly, he pops up. Running over to his lab table, he grabs a beaker and pestle and mortar. Throwing lavender, chamomile, and Valerian in the mortar, he picks up the pestle and grinds them together for 10 minutes in a counterclockwise motion before adding it to the beaker. Looking at the clock reading 3:33 Hyuk rushes to grab a bottle of clear liquid, pouring it in the beaker. Slowly he rotates the beaker mixing the ingredients. “A capite ad calcem”, he whispers, the beaker releases smoke as the liquid turns an unearthly purple right before the clock turns 3:34. Hyuk picks it up, smiling, he pops a cork on it and adds it to a nearby bag, carefully placing it in a perfectly sized pocket. Gathering a few more items, books and papers mostly adds them to the bag. A contented sigh escapes his lips as he grabs his things and heads towards the door. One step over the threshold and a fox appears again. Door shutting behind him the cottage disappears as he sets a leisurely stroll back home. 
~2 hours later~
Hyuk walks through the door of their castle, easily shifting back into his human form just as the door closes behind him. Down the hall he sees the rest of the group walking out of the dining hall. Taekwoon and Jaehwan trailing behind. He notices Jaehwan looking tired but definitely in a better mood. “I see Taekwoon is good for something,” Taekwoon shoots a piercing stare at Hyuk readying a retort. “Everything went really well but we have some plans that you need to be a part of tonight,” Hakyeon interrupts before Taekwoon can speak. “Meet us in the billiard room in 2 hours,” he says walking away. The boys file out each going their own way. Taekwoon and Jaehwan heading towards the Music room, Hongbin with a hidden smile on his face heads towards his room. “Well guess I’ll be there. No need to ask me how my day was. IT WENT GREAT BY THE WAY,” he yells to them down the hall.
Hyuk walks into the library, walking to the back corner. An antique mahogany table with twisted legs and elegant carvings and a plush leather wingback chair awaits him in his usual spot. Setting his bag on the table he pulls out some of the books and papers. Settling in he pulls out a maroon book each page causing a flash of memory. After 100s of pages he gets to his newest plan at the top of the page in very careful letters it reads,”The Woman”. A slight smirk creeps over his face. Nothing I have done before will match this. 
~ Admin Freckled Moon 🌙
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daunmint · 8 months
jual Daun Tarragon Segar, WA 0813-5812-3335, Permata JIngga
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Tanaman ini termasuk dalam keluarga Asteraceae dan berhubungan dengan tanaman chamomile. Tarragon biasanya dihasilkan dari stek atau biji, dan lebih baik ditanam pada musim semi atau awal musim panas. Tarragon Prancis sangat populer dalam kuliner Prancis dan digunakan dalam berbagai hidangan mulai dari sup hingga hidangan ikan.
Bisa langsung hubungi no admin nya yaa...
📲 0813-5812-3335
Dan bisa langsung ke lokasi kami di :
Jl. Phospat no 31, Pandean 2 , Purwantoro, Blimbing, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Terimakasih dan
happy shooping...
#TarragonInfusion #SavorTheSeasoning
#TarragonBliss #FlavorfulHerbs #HerbMagic
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stormjay0 · 4 years
Xisuma and Xelqua
I was thinking about how Grian used to be an admin (Wynncraft) and we’ve ended up here so... ficlet time!
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As nights went on Hermitcraft, this was one of the quieter ones. Many of the hermits had gone to bed (Bdubs having been asleep for hours), with only a few still awake tinkering at some redstone project or growing vines for a build. The lights in the shopping district had gone dark, one by one, as shops closed up for the night amidst the smell of newly laid grass. The diamonds hanging from the trees caught the light of a star here and there, but most of the movement in the cowmercial district had long since died down.
A flickering window blinked in the distance. Any passerby who found it worth taking another look would see that the flicker came from a cozy flame dancing in the glass confines of a lantern, resting on a desk. The window in question was a small opening looking out into the thick jungle, just large enough for someone to rest on the sill and watch the parrots. It was also over 100 blocks off the ground.
The flame began to die out, flickering slowly and sadly downwards, only to spring up again as if given a shot of espresso. Or a shot of coal, in this case, because the admin who refueled it wouldn’t be caught dead with coffee. A strong black tea was another thing altogether.
Xisuma sighed and leaned back in his chair. Rubbing his eyes, he checked the time for the first time in a few hours. One in the morning wasn’t bad, he reasoned, and turned back to his work. Earlier today, he had relocated some administrative panels to this room in his jungle base, the least concrete-y of them. He silently thanked his past self; working on admin duties was at least 50% less fun on the concrete floor. His helmet lay switched off on the cozier, carpeted floor of the preferred room. 
The panels themselves were resting between a desk and the wall behind it, propped up by their sturdy bedrock stands. Xisuma didn’t often think about that rare material that his panels were made of; many high-level admins required hardware (literally hard-ware) of that caliber, and though bedrock was almost impossible to obtain, it was well worth it for the administrative abilities of the panels.
Tonight was not a night for appreciating the panels, however; in fact, X was beginning to question if his work tonight was worth it in the first place. He was trying a particularly frustrating string of commands, as he was only halfway sure of how to accomplish the work he was trying to do. 
Xisuma briefly stretched his neck and back, cracked his knuckles, and tried another combination. The usual [ERROR: Action not recognized] message appeared in urgent red over his screens, and he let out a short breath and considered hitting the panels in a last-ditch effort.
He didn’t have the chance to hit the panels, though, because another object hit a different panel very nearby- a Grian-shaped figure slammed into the window beside him at top speed.
X, not even surprised, slid open the glass and looked down. There was a thin ledge about five blocks below, and as Xisuma had expected, a heap of elytra wings and red sweater was sprawled atop it. He chuckled, shaking his head incredulously, and grabbed a water bucket so Grian could swim up the stream.
“Do I even want to ask what you’re doing up?”
Xisuma passed Grian a cup of chamomile tea, which the red-sweatered man immediately dumped 6 sugar packets into, cancelling out the calming chamomile effect. 
“Well, you see, I was simply minding my own business over at Grumbot when I saw a light on over here- knew it was you immediately, definitely didn’t think there was a giant firefly hiding in the jungle.” Grian took a gulp of his tea. “Anyways, you’re up, and I’m up, so I may as well talk to you, Eck-sai-zooma.”
X rolled his eyes playfully at the mispronunciation. “Alright, but why were you at the Grumbot? That thing’s broken, ain’t it?”
“He was lonely!” Grian protested. “I wanted to visit my robot son.”
Xisuma raised an eyebrow.
“Aaaand I might’ve left a shulker box full of wool there.” Grian shrugged. “But it was a whole box!” 
He looked around the room that he had crash-landed into and noticed the administrative panels. “You’re not working, are you, X? At this hour?” 
Xisuma turned to look at the panels, still glowing red with error text. He sighed, and moved to switch them off. “I was working on a personal project, but you’re here, and I really need to take a break anyway.” 
His finger was on the off switch when Grian spoke up. “Hey, I know how to fix this. It’s a perception chain, right? You just gotta-” He typed in a string of commands deftly with his head tilted sideways. “There! Got it!” 
Xisuma stared at the message that had just popped up on the screen, glowing green. [Action approved. Enter commands to continue chain.] He turned back to look at Grian, who was now trying to hang his elytra upside-down from the ceiling. 
“How’d you do that?”
Without turning around, Grian replied, “Oh, it was pretty easy! Just entered some combos that you hadn’t tried. The keywords on these change wayyy too often.”
Xisuma stared at Grian, looked back at the panels, and looked back at Grian. After a moment, he collected his thoughts enough to ask again.
“No, how did you know what to do? I’ve been an admin for years and even I couldn’t figure it out.” X was surprised that his question came out so calmly, when his brain was currently a mess of ‘HOW DID HE DO THAT’ and ‘WHAT THE HECK’. 
“Oh!” Grian turned around, smiling sheepishly. “I don’t think I ever told you- I’m sure it was on my list, right after fixing that chest monster- I used to be an admin!”
He dropped to the floor, legs crossed, and took another swig of tea. “I used to moderate a server called Wynncraft. We had all kinds of people, but not like Hermitcraft- they came and went, played and left. Some came back, some didn’t, but everyone had a great time!” 
He wrinkled his nose. “Or, they better have at least, I spent a long time on those maps.”
“Anyways, we had a ton of quests, and loot, and all that stuff! It was a pretty cool place. You learn a lot about being an admin when you have to mod ghosts.” Grian grinned. “Hah! Those were pretty terrifying.” 
Xisuma was even more dumbstruck, but didn’t show it. Ghosts? No wonder Grian had known how to fix his problem- he was somehow experienced in some of the most complicated areas of administrating?
Grian leaned over to look at a different panel as Xisuma’s mouth moved silently, trying to think of something to say. The smaller man lightly tapped a thread of commands and looked up at X. 
“What’re you trying to do with these? This looks like a ban bypass. Did you accidentally ban someone?” His eyes grew wide. “If you did we need to fix it right now! Which hermit was it?”
Xisuma collected himself and sat down by Grian. “No, it’s- it wasn’t unintentional.” He stared at the wall. “I banned him on purpose.”
Grian was halfway to asking X who it was when he saw the look on his face. Xisuma looked stoic and almost sad, gazing off into the distance. Grian turned back to the panels, and read the commands on them thoroughly. The former admin recognized most of the threads, but some of them, covered in error messages, weren’t commands he knew that worked. After a minute, he realized what Xisuma was trying to do. The actions entered seemed to be working towards an uncoded goal- the objective being to see someone in another dimension. Specifically, the void under the end islands. X wanted to see someone who had been banned and sent into the void.
Grian may not have known why, but he did know how to help. He began typing in another string of commands, the sound of which brought X back to reality. He leaned over Grian’s shoulder as Grian continued to type, talking as he went. 
“The problem you had needed a bit of a workaround. I think the issue was in the way you went about it. See, to see the person, you can’t just open a window into where they are, you need to bring them here. Or at least a part of them, or- here, I’ll just show you.” He stopped typing and turned to Xisuma as the screen flashed the message [Enter administrative ID to give permissions.] “You’ve gotta enter me into your system so it lets me do this. Username should be Xelqua.” 
X, distracted, looked at Grian after a minute. “Xelqua?”
“Old username. It’s what they called me when I got my administrative license.” 
“Ah.” X reached for the panels. /permit user [Xelqua] }access_all
Grian finished up the last of the commands and held his finger over the enter key. “Ready to see whoever this is?”
Xisuma took a deep breath and didn’t respond. 
Grian took that as a yes, and clicked the final button, looking anticipatorily at the spot where he had entered the coordinates for arrival. 
Nothing happened for a moment. Then, the lantern dimmed of its own accord, and a fuzzy shape that looked a lot like Xisuma began to materialise in the center of the room. As the image became clearer, the person it showed did so too. Their face was just as shocked as Grian’s. 
Xisuma’s face, however, was misty. He looked quietly at the projection now standing in his base.
“Hi, Ex.” 
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