#friendship breaksups suck ass
liliesandparchment · 26 days
Aight gotta be honest, never related to Penelope as a character much besides being a writer and being short. Even when it comes to friendships, im more of an Eloise. But what made me cry in S03E01 Bridgerton was the first event of the season. Pen sees Eloise and she puts her arm into Cressida’s and they start walking and the jealousy and the hurt the betrayal on her face fucking sucks but its the walk for me, it got me in the feels cuz the delayed response stumbling walk behind Eloise with that face because she doesn’t know what to do with herself at an event other than follow Eloise its too natural at this point and i have been that person and itHURTS like a bitch and El sees her following out of her eye and keeps turning to keep her in sight despite not wanting anything to do w her she’s unable to stop too until Pen stops herself honestly most painful 10 smthn seconds of TV I’ve ever watched IT KILLED ME
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