#from 2022 trying to find stuff with no luck so sorry if this is weird to ask but pls
elfanonymous · 6 months
finding deleted art is way harder than it looks how do people do thissssss i just spent an hour that i shouldve been sleeping during looking thru old mcyt blogs looking for deleted stuff T^T
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tears-of-boredom · 2 years
So my like homeroom teacher just sent me a message basically saying "I heard about some bullying that happened at least last year towards you. I'd like to talk to you about it tomorrow."
Okay so
1. Honestly its up to pure luck if I'll even be in school tomorrow.
2. The messge was so stunted, and I know that it's like that because he wants to talk more in-person, but it almost sounds like a threat.
3. And this is a big one...what bullying? Like I genuinely don't know what his talking about, and even more so, who in our school told him about this??
Okay so, I can think of two instances that could possibly classify as bullying.
First case, I think it was two years ago?(my memory on things like these is super bad) that the most annoying girls of my class like, they had this joke that I was a sewer rat basically. They'd act like i smelled really disgusting whenever they were near me, and told each other to "watch out the rat is there". But this lasted for like maybe two or three weeks, and at the end of the day, is rat really the worst insult you could think of? It was so weird as well because I don't really dress in any special way, like at all. Especially then, my style was so fucking basic, so I'm confused why they even did that. I have this fun theory that they wanted to be mean girls so bad but they couldn't find anyone to be mean to, so they just chose me because my locker was near theirs. Also during this whole thing, I was so deprived of any social life already, that I genuinely didn't mind being insulted if it meant that people were voluntarily talking to me.
So, the second instance. And let me screenshot this post now so I don't lose it when tumblr does an error again. SO. I think the thing earlier this year, as in 2022, not school year, where the boys of my class started their game, could be thenother one. Sorry that's messy let me start another paragraph.
I think, it started from J telling his friends that he had a crush on me. I can't be sure, but it seems logical. So all of his friends kind of started this game of yelling my name in the hallways during break. It was a bit more intense at first, when they yelled stuff like "[classmate] has a crush on [my name]!", "[my name] is cute!", and even one time "[my name] has great tits!". Now I was very much enjoying the attention (re: no social life, attention starved). It did get me nervous sometimes, because i wasn't sure how i was supposed to act. Like, eventually it became pretty clear that J was the one with the crush, and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to know that. A confusing situation, i was foolishly thinking that maybe they'll actually start having conversations with me, didnt happen. So, then it calmed down to them just yelling my name when they pass me, or only occasionally yelling it when we were waiting for the teacher, only sometimes trying to push each other into me. Then I noticed, that the "game" had spread to students from other classes as well, as in, now the guy who gets pissed at me whenever I do alright in PE is doing it as well, weird. My level of caring was the same, I loved the attention, I could pretend like they all were in love with me. I'm pretty sure J stole my ring that fell off in one class. ((This is the period where i gaslighted myself into a "crush")) but yeah it calmed down, and now they only do it seldom, and more in a way where they have plausible deniability on if they actually said my name or not. More in an inside joke way, to entertain and annoy their friends. ((Thankfully I got over the gaslighting myself thing))
Yeah so, I am not sure which one of these my teacher is talking about. I did consider once telling someone about the first thing (more of because the teachers always tell you to tell them if you know of bullying happening), but it honestly seemed like a bother, and maybe they'd learn to not be assholes if I kept on my giggling everytime I heard their comments. And the second thing is like...I don't think you'd see that, and think that it's bullying. It's more of just annoying.
And who the fuck did my teacher hear this from?? Because he said "i heard in a bit of a detour way about the bullying towards you that at least happened last year"...what is this detour you speak of? Is it another teacher? Or even weirder, is it my classmate? Or did he overhear this?? I'm so confused.....did my mom mention the fact, that I mentioned to her, that i think J stole my ring? Because that ring was like fucking plastic and it came in a pack of like 12.
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decepti-thots · 2 years
Hey you said that some of the transformers comics were jumping in price bc of paper shortages and limited prints due to poor sales. Is that true basically across the board, and they might go down if IDW prints more of them? I'm trying to collect the phase two hardcover collections and for some reason I can find all of them at retail price or lower, but there's like 3 copies of volume 5 online at any given time and they're 3-4x the retail price, and it's driving me crazy. (and the fact that it looks like phase 3 doesn't include the last 2-3 volumes-worth or so, and I can't tell if they just haven't published it yet, or it's going from limbo straight to never-published hell thanks to the reboot and IP sale...)
Ohhh this is about my SotW TPB post I take it?
So all the below is 100% conjecture for the record, and it is perfectly likely that I am wrong in every regard, but this is just what I've seen discussed these past few years in both fandom and publishing generally. Grain of salt, etc. Sorry to go into wayyy more detail than you asked for anon, but I figure while we're here and since I've seen people ask similar questions, may as well give all the advice I have to offer!
So yes, the reason they have jumped in price is they're out of print, period, and it is indeed more or less across the board bar brand new releases (which are likely getting 1-2 printings tops) as far as anyone can tell. We think this has been the case for a while, actually. A lot of stuff just didn't fully sell out everywhere so the last few copies in stock made it seem "in print" for a lot of titles, but then when IDW lost the license and people ran to buy up copies, well. Turns out those were just leftovers, mostly? So the prices started going way up.
The hypothesis in fandom is that IDW has almost certainly been running on a 'reprint only if needed' policy for at least some of their books for quite some time now, putting off doing new print runs for trades to avoid slapping a lot of cash down for a run that might take years to sell out and fully make a profit. Because again, publishing right now is expensive and risky for various reasons, so the threshold gets higher and higher before you want to go for it, especially for something as high-cost as full colour comics, especially for smaller print runs period.
So the stuff that the original print runs of haven't sold out yet are going for RRP, and that includes a lot of the more recent books, plus just some random older ones. Once they sell out, the price skyrockets. This leads to weird, random stuff being way more expensive, like volume 5 of the IDW phase 2 collection as you said, or volume 8 of MTMTE (saw one of those go for £110 not long ago).
(Also, stuff that came out before this was likely to be quite so big an issue isn't as badly hit even once out of print. LSotW is much cheaper than SotW despite both being out of print and both being in high demand. Why? LSotW probably got more and/or larger print runs. Not just because it's been out longer, but because when it was out, IDW may not have been as shy about when they reprinted stuff. See also: AHM is cheap as hell still, it's not as in demand and they probably just... printed way more copies total before the problem struck.)
For most of the TF stuff that's just sort of. It, really. They're not re-printing when the license is going next year, why would you. Buy whatever you can now tbh, if it's worth it to you; there's already MTMTE volumes on UK ebay not only being offered for £100+ but bought for £100, which means it's not people trying their luck and failing.
For the hardback collection volumes, though, there is the caveat people have speculated whether it's remotely possible IDW have retained the rights to finish publishing the rest of those comics in that specific collection past 2022. That is PURE speculation to be clear and not backed up by anything solid. The sole reason a few people think this is that they are, as you say, going ahead with the next phase three omnibus release as late as September 2022, which neither brings them remotely close to finishing the series nor makes a lot of sense if they are hoping to get them all out before losing the license January 2023. So we're wondering if they're not scrapping it because the transfer of rights allowed them to keep those in print, in which case maaaaybe reprints of earlier volumes will happen... but on the other hand maybe they're just. Gonna release a random last volume and let it end uncompleted. WHO KNOWS.
All of this may be eased somewhat if the new rights holder chooses to re-print IDW1 comics to make some cash off them, of course! The caveat being, there's a lot of IDW1 comics that just aren't... well remembered or beloved the way stuff like e.g. Wreckers is, so unless they specifically pick up the hardback omnibus series that covers the entire run, it's unlikely we'll see every comic physically reprinted even then. Some of this stuff is probably never going to see a physical re-release. Alas. They're a lot more likely to do a fancy MTMTE/LL omnibus release than like. Any of the random IDW1 crossover comics. (Which, sure, they're not worth it or anything half the time, but on principle it makes me sad, haha.)
tl;dr: it's not likely to get better for these versions, and we won't know til it's too late if the new comic publisher will make new versions. sorry. :(
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shadowwingtronix · 3 years
Hello 2022...Don't Be Like 2021
I was planning this as a v-log, which I'll still do later this week. However, I did want to post something so you all knew I was still around. 2021 was that kind of year, what with me getting sick from who knows what and then needing surgery to remove a hernia. It hasn't helped that over the last few days I've really been feeling terrible. Dreams are by nature a bit weird, they only exist in our subconscious or wherever (I'm not anywhere close to being a dream or brain expert) but over the last few days my dreams have felt..."creepy" isn't the right word, but there's been a certain unsettling atmosphere to them that would leave me feeling disconnected during the day, like I was wearing my body instead of inhabiting it. I don't know if it was the weather, which has been unusually warm and wet for the end of December and start of January, or some other issue, which is why I need a few more days to pull myself together. I'm still feeling a bit iffy and frankly it's a bit scary (I'm not sure if this is mental, medical, or spiritual but with my luck it's all three) but at least last night I didn't have that problem. Maybe I just need to get out of this house and do something? Between my own medical issues and the continuing 2020 plague panic I really haven't gone out much on top of not having the money to go anywhere or anything to do if I did. Even an introverted homebody like myself has limits and I think lately I've gone way past those limits, which may be part of my problem as well. All this is why the v-log didn't get made as well as a few things I wanted to discuss in it not getting done. Once I do those the v-log will happen. I just need a few extra days now thanks to all this.
So if you're reading this at The Clutter Reports I should have an extra posting for you this week which is the v-log and maybe nothing to report outside of pulling down the Christmas decorations. If you're reading this at BW Media Spotlight there will (depending on how the mental health thing goes) still be the next Chapter By Chapter review of Star Trek: Prime Directive as the book is nearly done. Expect a full summary book report at The Clutter Reports when that happens. If you're reading this at The Tronix Tumblr...sorry if this posted more than once; I'll fix it and if the full post doesn't come up I'll post the full thing there. My news really won't affect the Tumblr much but the other two sites and my YouTube channel will.
The short version is that this year I'm going to be doing a bit more assessing, though I do want to get at least some of the creative projects I was denied doing in 2021 (either due to the aforementioned medical issues or as a side effect of recovery and finding the energy) accomplished in 2022. It depends on how and when I get sick again, so this is less a "I'm going to" and more "I'm going to try". The assessment stuff in action will be more visible at The Clutter Reports than BW Media Spotlight because that's just the nature of the sites. A lot of the assessment involves the physical junk around me, but you'll see more results at BW and I'll try to keep folks updated. It will all be in the v-log when I get it done.
So I hope your year is starting off well and I'm hoping to resume operations before the month is out. I just have to deal with some mental health issues (and hopefully no other ones) and pull myself together. Hopefully I sound worse than I am and will get back to doing stuff soon, before the week is out God willing. I'll explain more of 2022's plans in the v-log (because that went soooooooo well in 2021...did I accomplish ANYTHING I set out to do?) but I just wanted to let you all know what the hold-up is and what's going on with me. Have a good year, everyone!
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