#from his perspective it´s definetly torture
someplanetelse · 4 months
Funny little scene that just went through my head:
dark room, Rodney sits, tied to an arm chair, in front of a monitor.
He´s bleeding out of all visible body openings, wispering, with wet sounds: please, stop, no more, I can´t ...
the guards behind the monitor show no mercy, their leader asks, saccharine sweet, : well Dr McKay, if you could help us in this unimportant lit-
the door slams open, Ronon bursts in the room, gun blazing, the guards mowed down.
Teyla flings herself at the chair, viciously attacking Rodney´s bonds, her voice offering gentle encouragement and praise for him holding on, not giving in to the torture.
John following, ready for battle, no emotion but cold resolve, shooting quick glances across the room, assessing for threats. His eyes find the monitor and he turns pale, his gun forgotten. With shaking hands he reaches for his com.
His voice is on the verge of breaking when he asks: Carrson? Quick, it´s bad. They showed him flat earther explanation videos.
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