#from the choices im forcing onto my blorbos
ladynamida ยท 6 months
DMC Questions Anon here!
What sort of music would be on each character's (that you want to talk about) Spotify Wrapped?
Run free my headcanons and fresh new musings!
Nero would have a crap-ton of random music on his, from Kyrie and the kids using his account around the house. He's given up on his recommended artists at this point but loves seeing Wrapped so he can speedrun whatever the heck happened to his account throughout the year. He and Kyrie sit with a coffee and have a good chuckle when Wrapped eventually drops. I headcanon Nero with late 90s/early noughties vibes - still fresh since Fortuna is a little behind the times! Pop rock, metal, emo, indie - maybe some fun pop punk from the mainland now Fortuna has opened up a little! Some Bowling for Soup, Papa Roach, Korn, Muse. The only headcanon I won't compromise on? The guy loves Linkin Park (and therefore has excellent taste).
Vergil would adapt to modern internet speeds pretty quickly and would really enjoy listening to random violin covers of pop/rock songs on youtube etc (thank you, V's taunt). Maybe in comparison he keeps his Spotify playlists immaculately organised by genre. YouTube is for browsing, Spotify is his library, so no big surprises for him in his end of year summary. I reckon that like Dante, he likes rock and metal, being a child of the 80s. He likes lyrics with deeper meanings or that tell a story (Nightwish! Kate Bush! Harvey Danger! Alice in Chains!) but he's known for his speed, so he likes fast stuff too (think Pendulum - he finds it relaxing), as well as some classical compositions he remembers Sparda listening to in childhood for when he wants to privately remember how things used to be. This year on spotify he did however discover the "darkcore" genre and made a little playlist (I:Scintilla and HEALTH make his top songs list because when this guy obsesses over something he really does). He and Nero bond over mutual love of the Arctic Monkeys. Nero is pretty surprised to see some drill in there though - Vergil has lived an interesting life, so he might be more open minded than you think.
Dante, Dante, Dante. If the man has a spotify account, it just has one playlist that is 1000 hours long full of all the random music he likes. He's a versatile guy - pop, modern and classic rock, country, hair metal, jazz - anything that tickles his fancy. Has a soft spot for John Farnham because Eva loved him and it reminds him of her, so he definitely makes an appearance. Playlist will go something like this "Scorpians -> Madonna -> Kiss -> NSync -> Buckcherry -> Mud -> Billie Piper -> Metallica -> Portishead -> ibiza2009_j.s.InDaHouse remix". Somehow the combination works, but Wrapped can't handle it and self-destructs, so Dante goes back to the jukebox to listen to his mermaid rock ๐Ÿ’”
Great ask as always @dmc-questions-anon !
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carpisuns ยท 1 year
For the artist meme -- 20 and 6! ๐ŸŽจ if you like xx
20. how often do you get art block?
all the time ๐Ÿฅฐ it's like clockwork lol sometimes i get sooo frustrated and cranky bc i hate all my art and i'm like "woe is me!! i've lost all my skills!! i'll never draw again!!" and then i'm like wait . i know what's happening here. i just gotta wait it out I'll be fine lol. it's nice that i also write bc then i can switch to writing for a while until the art block clears up ๐Ÿ‘ i've found it's best for me to just take a break from drawing for a bit and not try to force it so my brain can like reset itself
6. tag your favorite artists/inspirations!
oh man there are so many!!!! i could name like 100 people lol but i'm gonna limit myself to the ones i think have had the most direct influence on my art style. hope u guys don't mind the tags<3
@ileniagennari was one of the first artists i latched onto stylewise. i used to study their work a lot because i am obsessed with the fluidity and softness of their linework and i just really like how they draw faces and bodies. their rendering is also amazing and feels sort of cinematic somehow? i've always wished my art could have a similar feel!
@anna-scribbles has also been a huge style influence for me and she's just also been a big inspiration in general as a close friend<3 i ADORE her work and have studied it specifically a ton. she draws the most blorby blorbos ever. blorbyness is her art trademark imo. and i want that for me too so i tried to steal it. i also think just sheer proximity to her and her art has made me pick up a lot of things from her automatically haha. in particular, i feel like the way she draws smiles is so perfect, and i always try to channel her when i draw smiles myself haha
@ladybeug inspires me so much and has taught me really valuable art skills! a while ago i came to a point in my art journey when i felt just really stuck and frustrated. like i could not for the life of me just DOODLE. i took everything too seriously, even if it was supposed to be simple and silly. i really needed to learn how to loosen up and enjoy drawing more. stephanie is like the most esteemed and delightful doodler i know so i came to her for advice and she DELIVERED. she gave me super helpful tips and invited me to make daily comics with her and it's been lifechanging! it's helped me focus on communication over perfection and feel more confident in my art, which i think had a visible difference in my style too. i learn SO much from just regularly enjoying stephanie's work, including her webcomic @datmcomic!!
@rileyclaw is a good buddy of mine and his work is so hugely inspiring to me! it's really educational to see his wips and learn from his process. and since he's an incredible animator as well as an illustrator, enjoying his work is part of what inspired me to finally take a leap and make my first animatic. i really love how he pushes/exaggerates body and facial expression to communicate emotion and how he makes such careful choices about comp and color and just Everything to tell a whole story with every piece of his art. i've learned a lot from riley on the storytelling aspects of art and that's something i continue to try to build on!
@knockknockknockingonhootysdoor's art is like an instant and intense shot of dopamine to my brain every time!!! i cant even tell you how HAPPY it makes me. i just stare at it and eat it all up and i'm always asking myself HOW does he do it?? how does he make me feel this way. and i think it's just like....how genuine it is?? i can just feel kryan's love for the story and characters in the way he draws and im not sure that is a stealable quality lol. but in particular something i really admire about his art is how SHAPE it is. i love how he builds each character with different shapes and how each design feels so unique and so fitting for them. i am trying to incorporate that more into my own art!
man i already have rambled so much and there are so many other artists i could go on and on about alskjdfjkla ok just real quick i have to shout out @picayunearts bc i intensely enjoy her work in both the ml and toh fandoms and her coloring and use of light and gradient always stands out to me so i kinda try to channel that sometimes! @smallpapers is another fav and i love how soft and simple her art feels! it's always inspiring to me. @raystel's work also inspires me a lot, whether it's fanwork or original stuff. she is so creative with character design and seeing the way she expresses her ideas in art is so cool!
and i would be remiss if i didn't shout out my sister @mozzys-studio who is the first person i came to when i wanted to learn how to draw and she taught me a lot! her art is beautiful<3
thanks for the questions! :D
artist asks
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