videogametako · 8 months
steam next fest feb 2024: aeruta
saw this, action platformer with anime girl, cool. link here
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it had a bread theme to it too and in hindsight, the bakery half of the game should've been expected.
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so chaya is an adventurer in training who's apparently on probation and taking an exam. on her way to complete the quest she encounters an oven that explodes on her, effie thinks it's chaya's fault (naturally) and hijinks ensue.
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by hijinks i mean she hires you to work for her bakery. the place she needs ingredients from is coincidentally where chaya needs to go for her quest, so she goes and does both at the same time yay.
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effie is cute and kinda dumb
this game has snappy combat, it'd probs be much better on controller (fingers hurt). you have a dodge too. one thing i particularly liked is the "drive" mechanic
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proud for this action screenshot
you press x to hook an enemy towards you. the kicker is that you can hold forward + x to move toward the enemy instead. this is the main reason for why i find the combat so snappy. you can either isolate and pick off a mob or close the gap and engage a horde, and it's super intuitive with the way it's implemented (i mean, button press or button plus direction)
eventually you get heals. it's a really quick heal too but you can't restock any (at least as far as i got, a little <1 hr). dodges are important because you don't heal between stages. oh yeah this is a branching dungeon type kinda game (not too sure what the genre is called specifically)
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combat gets very repetitive, though it's a demo so i expected that at least. overall, pretty good though i think. chaya feels really good to play.
i'll mention the bakery part in the next section
gameplay loop
the two main parts of the game are the "quest " and the "town" part as i'll be referring to them now.
the quest part is the whole dungeon combat action stuff. you advance chaya's career and farm materials to cook bread and upgrade the bakery. that's pretty much it i think, at least for now.
the town part is where you sell bread. it goes: wait for effie to bake > take bread > place bread on counter (button) > check out customer order (you do this ddr minigame of 2-4 arrow key presses) > clean up litter > repeat. it feels like it's missing something, but i think it's passable if you're not doing it too often (you can't dash indoors sadly)
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effie gives you a calendar where on some days some types of bread sell better so you typically aim to open up shop on those days while you farm on every other day, at least that's what it feels like you should be doing because the bread takes a fair amount of mob drops to make
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oh yeah you can upgrade your bakery from this architect cutie after you pay your debt to them, that would probs help in making the bakery feel better to play (no i didn't have any more gold to spend)
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the sprites feel a bit stiff, but honestly the animations are extremely charming (especially effie's, she's so animated (i have no gif to offer, sorry)). OH also the architect (i already forgot name, bollie or something) was missing a walk cycle animation for one of the cutscenes lol. honestly they're pretty good as stills but definitely feeling lackluster as idle animations (still no gifs). enemies looked a lot better in terms of animation, and combat stuff was passable i think.
anime aesthetic i also like, oh and the enemies are admittedly cute and goofy (hate those crabs, they're annoying to fight (both types))
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found a screenshot, i was one letter away
now, the music is pretty good. a few tracks felt reminiscent of touhou, i enjoyed listening to em. the boss had uh, well it's audio felt broken sometimes. feels like its attack sounds just cut out unnaturally. well, it's a demo, so not too big of a deal i think
closing thoughts
this game has a lot of promise i think, i recall recettear when playing this. it's obvs not recettear but i was reminded of it, except aeruta has a lot more action elements. i'm excited to see more of the quest part honestly, weapons, abilities (though not sure what can top drive unless it just straight up has better numbers) and maybe characters too. the town part too to a lesser extent, but it's fun in its own right.
i think their art direction has a solid foundation (it's the standard pixel anime stuff, nothing too groundbreaking) but could use a bit more refinement. more dynamic idles, the sound design on that boss please it bothered me please be broken so the devs can fix it i don't know how i'll fight it knowing that's how it's supposed to sound like orz
i'm looking forward to see where this game leads, i have wishlisted it on steam, and maybe if it sounds nice you can go wishlist it too it helps the devs
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giftclub · 4 years
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thealmightyemprex · 4 years
10 Favorite Sci Fi movie villains
Rotwang from Metropolis
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Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars
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Baron Harkonen from Dune
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Khan from Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan
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Hal 9000 from 2001 A Space Odyssey
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Agent Smith from the Matrix Trilogy
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Koba fromDawn of the Planet of the Apes
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Maximillian from The Black Hole 
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The Xenomorph Queen from  Aliens 
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MCP from Tron 
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neko73 · 4 years
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kuervox · 7 years
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#saltillo #mexico #sunrise #sunrise_sunsets_aroundworld #goodmorning #fromdawn Despertar temprano tiene sus ventajas. (at Saltillo, Mexico)
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nnmrblgksk · 6 years
店に入って来た客の声を聞いているだけでは、店に入らなかった客がなぜ入らなかったのかを知ることはできない。店に入らなかった客の声を聞く仕組みがないと、店の重大な問題に気が付かないし、店を飛躍的に成長させるチャンスにも気が付かない。#面白文章力クラブ— ふろむだ🍀面白文章力クラブ管理人 (@fromdawn) March 24, 2019
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yamayoezokkuma · 6 years
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「私はロボットではありません」というチェックボックス、毎回、つけるときに暫く悩むんだが、みんな、どうやって自分がロボットではないことを確認してるんだろう? 自分の頭蓋骨を空けてみたら、中に、予想外のものが入っていない保証なんてないのに。
— ふろむだ🍀執筆中 (@fromdawn) July 20, 2018
July 20, 2018 at 09:24AM http://twitter.com/fromdawn/status/1020101990527799297
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yuki-meganeinfo · 4 years
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「自粛する8割」に損失を押し付けて、自分は「自粛しない2割」に入って損失を免れたい人たちが、政治家を動かしてる。 政治家は、自分の支持母体だけを「自粛しない2割」という方舟に乗せたいが、乗り切らないので、方舟定員を増やし、感染拡大が止まらず自粛期間がさらに伸びて損失が拡大していく。
— ふろむだ (@fromdawn) April 10, 2020
from http://twitter.com/fromdawn via IFTTT
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kouzine · 6 years
— ふろむだ🍀面白文章力クラブ管理人 (@fromdawn) March 16, 2019
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kimihito · 6 years
起業した知り合いのうち、「長時間労働せずに効率よく働いて成功させよう」と言っていた人たち、ほとんど撃沈してしまった。。。起業するなら、長時間労働が苦にならない若いうちにするか、長時間やっても苦にならない好きなことで起業するか、@eraitenchoさん式しょぼい起業するしかない気がする。 https://t.co/1ECcmCjUa5— ふろむだ🍀面白文章力クラブ管理人 (@fromdawn) March 12, 2019
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gamikin-youtuber · 6 years
因果関係が逆なんじゃないですかね。十分な実力と余力のある会社は、売上や利益を個人の目標にしないほうが効率的。売上や利益の管理というのは、破綻を避けるための保険。破綻するリスクがないなら、そんなもの無いほうがいいに決まってる。 https://t.co/PxSa7AVrQt
— ふろむだ🍀面白文章力クラブ主催 (@fromdawn) February 7, 2019
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RT @fromdawn: 「私はロボットではありません」というチェックボックス、毎回、つけるときに暫く悩むんだが、みんな、どうやって自分がロボットではないことを確認してるんだろう? 自分の頭蓋骨を空けてみたら、中に、予想外のものが入っていない保証なんてないのに。
「私はロボットではありません」というチェックボックス、毎回、つけるときに暫く悩むんだが、みんな、どうやって自分がロボットではないことを確認してるんだろう? 自分の頭蓋骨を空けてみたら、中に、予想外のものが入っていない保証なんてないのに。
— ふろむだ🍀執筆中 (@fromdawn) July 20, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/Taq0ya July 22, 2018 at 08:35PM via IFTTT
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entlizm · 6 years
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— ふろむだ🍀執筆中 (@fromdawn) June 9, 2018
from http://twitter.com/fromdawn via IFTTT
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neko73 · 4 years
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nnmrblgksk · 5 years
なぜ地球生命の起源を探るのに、はやぶさ2が小惑星に行くのか? 地球は小惑星が集まってドロドロに溶けてできている。これは煮込んだカレーであり、材料のじゃがいもがどんな品種なのかわからない。それを調べるためにじゃがいもの産地まで32億Kmも旅をする。という説明がわかりやすかった。— ふろむだ🍀面白文章力クラブ管理人 (@fromdawn) May 1, 2019
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dssent · 8 years
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Summer means jerseys #dssent #fromdawn #jerseys #buzztop
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