decepticon-no-more · 1 year
The Confession
Blaze was forced to stay for three days at the medical clinic to recover from his 'near' alcohol overdose. As soon as the mech was signed out, He had gone back to his home in the scrap yard. And thrown out all high-grade he had left stored in his shed. Blaze even made damn sure to show Baileen when he was doing so. He started to hang out with the Leviacon again of course. This time however, Blaze was far more open about himself. What point was there in all secrecy now that she already knew about his past? He talked to Baileen about his problems and feelings when they met. Allowed her to talk to him about her feelings and problems as well. It was nice having someone to speak openly about personal things with for once. Which only made the emotions that he was keeping from her even more intense. But still, All was not sunshine and rainbows yet. The diplomatic treaties in town were coming to an end. It was time to return to Aquatron soon. Blaze knew that Baileen would not be able to stay forever from the very start. But now that the time to return drew near, He felt very sad. And it showed when they met up and talked. Today. Baileen would recive a message from Blaze. Inviting her out to dinner for once. His treat. He also said that he had something very important to say to her.
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decepticon-no-more · 1 year
Sins Of A Soldier
Blaze had not been seen for several days now. He was never at his home when anyone had gone to check. And didn't answer any of his communicator calls. None of the cybertronians that usually saw him or ran in to him say that they haven't seen him either. There was something very bad happening. There has to be. Last time Baileen had seen the mech was when he ran off in emotional agony. And no bot in the city seemed to know where Blaze was at the moment. Or what he was even doing. He should be found before he gets himself in to any trouble. There are two options as of now. Baileen could check his home for herself. Or.... Go searching around the streets. That might take a lot of time however. This was a large settlement. There is also the option to contact the authorities for help of course.
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decepticon-no-more · 1 year
A Chance Encounter
Blaze walked forth in a brisk pace. He had to hurry if he wanted to get home before night time. It was already getting late out. And the ex con was not a fan of the dark by any means. Especially around here. As he moved, The weak built cybertronian looked down to check his communicator for what time it was at this moment. If it was too close to night, He would need to transform to be sure he makes it home. Not watching where he was going, Blaze rammed head first in to... Someone... This caused the slim built flame trooper to fall backwards and drop his communiactor, Which shattered on the ground. Clutching his helm in pain, Blaze let out a soft groan. "Slag..." He soon looked up to see who he had bumped in to. @fromwhencehastthoucomest
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decepticon-no-more · 1 year
From Strangers To Friends
Blaze had started spending a lot of time with Baileen. Whenever he could in fact. Turns out prior to running in to the Leviacon, Blaze was a very lonely mech. Keeping to himself most of the time. And only interacting with other bots when absolutely necessary. Whenever asked about this, Blaze would blame his social anxiety and awkwarness causing him to stay away from others. But there might be more to it then that. Blaze was a sweet mech. Caring more about the well being of others then himself. Togheter with Baileen, He had discovered a very unique ability that he had in his possession. Whenever struck with intense emotions, He could make those standing close to him feel the same amount of said emotion. Blaze was unaware of this ability. And it might even have played a part in why many other Cybertronians tended to avoid him. There was something very weird about Blaze however. He loved asking Baileen about her homeworld Aquatron. But would get nervous and change the subject whenever he was asked about his own past and upbringing. So his past still remained a mystery. Blaze had shared his contact information with Baileen. And invited her to visit his home today. Which strangely enough seemed to be located in the middle of an old scrap yard. This lead the horrible conclusion, That mech didn't have a true 'Home' to call his own. @fromwhencehastthoucomest
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