decepticon-no-more · 3 months
here’s a small resource list with very important information & links on the ongoing war in Palestine. any silence leads to another innocent dead body. 🇵🇸
| From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. |
master posts with donations, petitions, campaigns:
daily click post with donations going to relief funds:
art commissions for Palestine relief efforts:
where to find up-to-date information on the war:
| From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. |
this is not an end-all-be-all list, but it’s a start to getting more information & efforts out there. reblog, donate, click on every link you can. do something. 🇵🇸
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decepticon-no-more · 3 months
I am officially back. Who is up for some RP? ^^
All are welcome.
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decepticon-no-more · 3 months
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Pretentious & Poetic Sentences, Vol. 8
(Pretentious sentences from various sources for muses that like to speak in grandiose sentences. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"You could be magnificent."
"Alcohol is the anaesthesia by which we endure the operation of life."
"You would make a beautiful corpse."
"When all the facts fall short of believability, fantasy feels reassuringly solid."
"Every choice you make has a consequence in the future. One wrong choice and you lose."
"Sometimes fate deals us a strange hand."
"Do you know the difference between order and chaos?"
"Every story has a beginning, but no story truly has an end."
"Trauma scrambles the senses. It transforms even the most lucid mind into a labyrinth."
"Time is a flat circle and we are all stuck in it."
"Stories end gracefully. Everything else ends in shock and horror, falsely certain of tomorrow."
"We mortals are but shadows and dust."
"Every search for a hero must begin with something that every hero requires: a villain."
"I don't sleep. I just dream."
"A rotten tree trunk appears strong until the storm breaks it in two."
"The person who extends an open hand in friendship had better have a blade in a fist behind his back."
"A man without his word is no better than a beast."
"All the bright, precious things fade so fast, and they don't come back."
"Time is a flat circle. Everything we've ever done or will do, we're going to do over and over again."
"St Paul had to be blinded before he saw the light. I hope it doesn't take something so dramatic in your case."
"A spy can have a hundred names, a hundred faces, a hundred identities - but you only get one soul."
"To deny who you are is much more painful than confronting what you hate about yourself."
"Did you confuse reacting with feeling?"
"Any man can be a success, but it takes a madman to be great."
"We can never know in the present if the ripples created by an individual's actions will have a consequential event downstream."
"How will the world speak my name in years to come?"
"I'm going to do you the honour of letting you die superbly."
"To kill the snake, you have to cut off its head."
"We all want to be saved. Sometimes, it's just from ourselves."
"Allow me to dispel a few rumours so they don't fester into facts."
"The future is an equation with a thousand variables that keep changing."
"What we do in life echoes in eternity."
"You don't have to be a tyrant, but if you don't want to be consistently cruel, you have to be sufficiently brutal at least once to establish authority."
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decepticon-no-more · 8 months
"Oh of course, If you want to. I suppose we do have some things to take care of now don't we?~" Blaze smiled at her softly. He payed the tab for them and even left a generous tip to the staff for their good service. There would be a lot in store for them from now on. Moving from one planet to another was no small thing. Especially when relocating to an aquatic world. Blaze seemed determined to adapt to such surroundings. Would need to get himself some gear to help him travel and move underwater more smoothly however. It didn't matter to him the slightest. All that mattered to him was Baileen. And being with her as she had been with him.
The Confession
Blaze was forced to stay for three days at the medical clinic to recover from his 'near' alcohol overdose. As soon as the mech was signed out, He had gone back to his home in the scrap yard. And thrown out all high-grade he had left stored in his shed. Blaze even made damn sure to show Baileen when he was doing so. He started to hang out with the Leviacon again of course. This time however, Blaze was far more open about himself. What point was there in all secrecy now that she already knew about his past? He talked to Baileen about his problems and feelings when they met. Allowed her to talk to him about her feelings and problems as well. It was nice having someone to speak openly about personal things with for once. Which only made the emotions that he was keeping from her even more intense. But still, All was not sunshine and rainbows yet. The diplomatic treaties in town were coming to an end. It was time to return to Aquatron soon. Blaze knew that Baileen would not be able to stay forever from the very start. But now that the time to return drew near, He felt very sad. And it showed when they met up and talked. Today. Baileen would recive a message from Blaze. Inviting her out to dinner for once. His treat. He also said that he had something very important to say to her.
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decepticon-no-more · 8 months
Blaze smiled softly at the large femme as he heard her words. "Ah, That i can provide." He reached up again and planted another passionate kiss on her lips. "I love you Baileen...." There was only joy within him now. Pulsing out of him like a beaming light.
The Confession
Blaze was forced to stay for three days at the medical clinic to recover from his 'near' alcohol overdose. As soon as the mech was signed out, He had gone back to his home in the scrap yard. And thrown out all high-grade he had left stored in his shed. Blaze even made damn sure to show Baileen when he was doing so. He started to hang out with the Leviacon again of course. This time however, Blaze was far more open about himself. What point was there in all secrecy now that she already knew about his past? He talked to Baileen about his problems and feelings when they met. Allowed her to talk to him about her feelings and problems as well. It was nice having someone to speak openly about personal things with for once. Which only made the emotions that he was keeping from her even more intense. But still, All was not sunshine and rainbows yet. The diplomatic treaties in town were coming to an end. It was time to return to Aquatron soon. Blaze knew that Baileen would not be able to stay forever from the very start. But now that the time to return drew near, He felt very sad. And it showed when they met up and talked. Today. Baileen would recive a message from Blaze. Inviting her out to dinner for once. His treat. He also said that he had something very important to say to her.
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decepticon-no-more · 8 months
Blaze stared at Baileen with wide optics. Seems like he hadn't considered that idea. In truth, There was very little keeping him on Cybertron at the moment. He had no close friends. No companions. And only few mechs and femmes knew his name around the sector where he lived. Just goes to show how lonely and isolated Blaze was as an idividual. "Y-You would want me to come with you?.... I.... I wouldn't want to burden you with my constant presence...." Blaze answered nervously. There was a spark of both excitment and joy pulsing from him at the thought of staying with Baileen. But also fear of how she would answer him.
The Confession
Blaze was forced to stay for three days at the medical clinic to recover from his 'near' alcohol overdose. As soon as the mech was signed out, He had gone back to his home in the scrap yard. And thrown out all high-grade he had left stored in his shed. Blaze even made damn sure to show Baileen when he was doing so. He started to hang out with the Leviacon again of course. This time however, Blaze was far more open about himself. What point was there in all secrecy now that she already knew about his past? He talked to Baileen about his problems and feelings when they met. Allowed her to talk to him about her feelings and problems as well. It was nice having someone to speak openly about personal things with for once. Which only made the emotions that he was keeping from her even more intense. But still, All was not sunshine and rainbows yet. The diplomatic treaties in town were coming to an end. It was time to return to Aquatron soon. Blaze knew that Baileen would not be able to stay forever from the very start. But now that the time to return drew near, He felt very sad. And it showed when they met up and talked. Today. Baileen would recive a message from Blaze. Inviting her out to dinner for once. His treat. He also said that he had something very important to say to her.
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decepticon-no-more · 8 months
"You are the one good thing that has happened to me since i first came to be in this world, Baileen...." He smiled softly at her. However.... The feeling of joy within him soon faded. And was replaced with the pulse of another emotion. Sorrow. Some cooling fluid started running down his face plate again. But Blaze quickly wipped them away in an ettempt to hide his sadness from her. Forgetting in the moment that his most intense emotions tended to be infectious to those around him. "I.... Wish you didn't have to leave.... But i understand that you do... Cybertron isn't your home after all..."
The Confession
Blaze was forced to stay for three days at the medical clinic to recover from his 'near' alcohol overdose. As soon as the mech was signed out, He had gone back to his home in the scrap yard. And thrown out all high-grade he had left stored in his shed. Blaze even made damn sure to show Baileen when he was doing so. He started to hang out with the Leviacon again of course. This time however, Blaze was far more open about himself. What point was there in all secrecy now that she already knew about his past? He talked to Baileen about his problems and feelings when they met. Allowed her to talk to him about her feelings and problems as well. It was nice having someone to speak openly about personal things with for once. Which only made the emotions that he was keeping from her even more intense. But still, All was not sunshine and rainbows yet. The diplomatic treaties in town were coming to an end. It was time to return to Aquatron soon. Blaze knew that Baileen would not be able to stay forever from the very start. But now that the time to return drew near, He felt very sad. And it showed when they met up and talked. Today. Baileen would recive a message from Blaze. Inviting her out to dinner for once. His treat. He also said that he had something very important to say to her.
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decepticon-no-more · 8 months
"Does that mean... You have feelings for me as well?..." His optics were filled with hope this time. But he was also slightly afraid. He might have come on a little too strong with that sudden kiss he had given her. "I'm.... Sorry if i stepped out of bounds.... I won't do it again.... Unless you liked it...." A flush of energon spread across his face plate. He was embarrassed of himself and his actions. It was quite cute to be honest.
The Confession
Blaze was forced to stay for three days at the medical clinic to recover from his 'near' alcohol overdose. As soon as the mech was signed out, He had gone back to his home in the scrap yard. And thrown out all high-grade he had left stored in his shed. Blaze even made damn sure to show Baileen when he was doing so. He started to hang out with the Leviacon again of course. This time however, Blaze was far more open about himself. What point was there in all secrecy now that she already knew about his past? He talked to Baileen about his problems and feelings when they met. Allowed her to talk to him about her feelings and problems as well. It was nice having someone to speak openly about personal things with for once. Which only made the emotions that he was keeping from her even more intense. But still, All was not sunshine and rainbows yet. The diplomatic treaties in town were coming to an end. It was time to return to Aquatron soon. Blaze knew that Baileen would not be able to stay forever from the very start. But now that the time to return drew near, He felt very sad. And it showed when they met up and talked. Today. Baileen would recive a message from Blaze. Inviting her out to dinner for once. His treat. He also said that he had something very important to say to her.
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decepticon-no-more · 8 months
Blaze placed his hand soflty on hers. Looking deep in to her Optics, A look of understanding now spread across his face plate. He reached up and placed a sudden kiss on her lips. "Don't ever say that about yourself Baileen. If you are a mess, Then i am the living imbodiment of a natural disaster." The mech spoke jokingly. Taking notice that she was ready to let her tears flow forth. He was trying to brighten her mood before that happened. Blaze seemed.... Happy for the first time since Baileen had met him.... Truely happy. Speaking the words of his spark must have been a tremendous relief.
The Confession
Blaze was forced to stay for three days at the medical clinic to recover from his 'near' alcohol overdose. As soon as the mech was signed out, He had gone back to his home in the scrap yard. And thrown out all high-grade he had left stored in his shed. Blaze even made damn sure to show Baileen when he was doing so. He started to hang out with the Leviacon again of course. This time however, Blaze was far more open about himself. What point was there in all secrecy now that she already knew about his past? He talked to Baileen about his problems and feelings when they met. Allowed her to talk to him about her feelings and problems as well. It was nice having someone to speak openly about personal things with for once. Which only made the emotions that he was keeping from her even more intense. But still, All was not sunshine and rainbows yet. The diplomatic treaties in town were coming to an end. It was time to return to Aquatron soon. Blaze knew that Baileen would not be able to stay forever from the very start. But now that the time to return drew near, He felt very sad. And it showed when they met up and talked. Today. Baileen would recive a message from Blaze. Inviting her out to dinner for once. His treat. He also said that he had something very important to say to her.
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decepticon-no-more · 8 months
His optics slowly went back to their natural purple color as Baileen pressed her helm against him. He leaned in closer to her in a warm embrace. He was much calmer now thanks to her empathy and soft spoken words. "I'm sorry Baileen.... I..... I wanted to tell you how i felt ever since i first layed my optics on you..... But i was afraid..... I mean.... Look at me.... I'm a wreck...." He carefully wiped his optics clear of all cooling fluid as he held on to her. You would be able to feel his spark pulse with another intense emotion now. Love. "I understand if you don't feel the same way..... I wouldn't blame you..... I just needed to tell you before you leave cybertron.... Or i would never forgive myself."
The Confession
Blaze was forced to stay for three days at the medical clinic to recover from his 'near' alcohol overdose. As soon as the mech was signed out, He had gone back to his home in the scrap yard. And thrown out all high-grade he had left stored in his shed. Blaze even made damn sure to show Baileen when he was doing so. He started to hang out with the Leviacon again of course. This time however, Blaze was far more open about himself. What point was there in all secrecy now that she already knew about his past? He talked to Baileen about his problems and feelings when they met. Allowed her to talk to him about her feelings and problems as well. It was nice having someone to speak openly about personal things with for once. Which only made the emotions that he was keeping from her even more intense. But still, All was not sunshine and rainbows yet. The diplomatic treaties in town were coming to an end. It was time to return to Aquatron soon. Blaze knew that Baileen would not be able to stay forever from the very start. But now that the time to return drew near, He felt very sad. And it showed when they met up and talked. Today. Baileen would recive a message from Blaze. Inviting her out to dinner for once. His treat. He also said that he had something very important to say to her.
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decepticon-no-more · 8 months
"No.... I didn't know i could do that. I don't even know what i am capable of anymore...."
Blaze answered softly. His eyes turning in to a deep shade of blue as cooling fluid started running down his servos. Once again his emotions were infectious. Beaming out of him was sadness.... But there was also a stong pulse of fear. Not of Baileen. But of himself. @fromwhencehastthoucomest
The Confession
Blaze was forced to stay for three days at the medical clinic to recover from his 'near' alcohol overdose. As soon as the mech was signed out, He had gone back to his home in the scrap yard. And thrown out all high-grade he had left stored in his shed. Blaze even made damn sure to show Baileen when he was doing so. He started to hang out with the Leviacon again of course. This time however, Blaze was far more open about himself. What point was there in all secrecy now that she already knew about his past? He talked to Baileen about his problems and feelings when they met. Allowed her to talk to him about her feelings and problems as well. It was nice having someone to speak openly about personal things with for once. Which only made the emotions that he was keeping from her even more intense. But still, All was not sunshine and rainbows yet. The diplomatic treaties in town were coming to an end. It was time to return to Aquatron soon. Blaze knew that Baileen would not be able to stay forever from the very start. But now that the time to return drew near, He felt very sad. And it showed when they met up and talked. Today. Baileen would recive a message from Blaze. Inviting her out to dinner for once. His treat. He also said that he had something very important to say to her.
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decepticon-no-more · 8 months
Back From hiatus.
After a long period of depression and loss of energy i am finally back from my hiatus. Sorry all for leaving so suddenly like. Hope we can all get back to our adventures.
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decepticon-no-more · 1 year
Blaze almost fell down from the lift as it shook underneath him. After regaining his balance, Blaze looked up at her with coolant still running down his face plate. He opened his mouth like he was about to say something to her. But no sound came out. He was unable to speak. After a moment of sad silence, The mech finally managed to bring forth his words. "I'm... Sorry.... I didn't mean to do that..." @fromwhencehastthoucomest
The Confession
Blaze was forced to stay for three days at the medical clinic to recover from his 'near' alcohol overdose. As soon as the mech was signed out, He had gone back to his home in the scrap yard. And thrown out all high-grade he had left stored in his shed. Blaze even made damn sure to show Baileen when he was doing so. He started to hang out with the Leviacon again of course. This time however, Blaze was far more open about himself. What point was there in all secrecy now that she already knew about his past? He talked to Baileen about his problems and feelings when they met. Allowed her to talk to him about her feelings and problems as well. It was nice having someone to speak openly about personal things with for once. Which only made the emotions that he was keeping from her even more intense. But still, All was not sunshine and rainbows yet. The diplomatic treaties in town were coming to an end. It was time to return to Aquatron soon. Blaze knew that Baileen would not be able to stay forever from the very start. But now that the time to return drew near, He felt very sad. And it showed when they met up and talked. Today. Baileen would recive a message from Blaze. Inviting her out to dinner for once. His treat. He also said that he had something very important to say to her.
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decepticon-no-more · 1 year
As soon as Baileen placed her digit in his servo, Blaze closed his optics and focused on his own emotions. There was a sudden shock of energy in the air, As a darkness engulfed everything around them both. For a Brief moment, Their sparks would merge and become one. Their Feelings, Hopes, Dreams and Memories would be on full display for each other within. ------------- Blaze would be able to feel Baileen's concerns. Her doubts and hidden feelings for him. He would also be able to see glimpses of her past... She had been through a lot in her time... Both good and bad... Blaze was in shock at first, Feeling her spark and thoughts merge with his own. Once he started seeing her memories however... The mech couldn't help but smile. Realising just how much she had overcome. He was now getting a better understanding of the femme he couldn't be without. 'No matter our age difference... No matter your size and appearance.... You are still beyond beutiful to me.... It is you that i love... No one else.... Only you.... Until the end of time....' Blaze thought to himself. Not knowing that Baileen would actually have been able to hear him speak these words in his own mind. ------------- Baileen would also be able to feel the emotions that Blaze held for her. It was very beutiful... There was so much love for her within him.... It was unbreakable and strong, To the point where not being by her side was eating away at his sanity... It was as if his spark had chosen her at first glance. And it wouldn't accept any other. But there was also confusion... Blaze had never felt these emotions for anyone prior to meeting her. And it was a bit frightening to him. He was even having doubts that he didn't deserve to be with someone like her. And didn't deserve happiness for his past deeds. Baileen would also have been able to see his memories. Just as he had seen hers. His time in the war.... The suffering that was inflicted upon him and his fellows... And the suffering they inflicted upon others... So many had been led astray. All because of HIM.... That mech....Megatron! Even after deserting from the army. Blaze continued to live in pain... Always alone and empty inside... No Cybertronian ever showing him any form of kindness. Not that it mattered to Blaze, He didn't think he deserved any kindness anyway. Once Baileen showed up however.... She was the only one that didn't look upon him in disgust. And didn't treat him like a monster... Even after he revealed his past to her... He had fallen so hard for her. And didn't know what to do with himself because of it. ----------- Then just like that... It was over.... With a flash Their sparks would seperate. And the dark veil that had clouded all vision would be lifted. Blaze had coolant running down his face plate now.... He felt bad... He didn't know that he was able to do such a thing. He shouldn't have invaded her mind like that. "I'm... Sorry..." The mech spoke as stepped on to the lift that would lower him down to the ground. Leaving enough credits on the table to pay for the dinner. Which had not even arrived yet. "I... Should go.... It was nice knowing you... Baileen.." @fromwhencehastthoucomest
The Confession
Blaze was forced to stay for three days at the medical clinic to recover from his 'near' alcohol overdose. As soon as the mech was signed out, He had gone back to his home in the scrap yard. And thrown out all high-grade he had left stored in his shed. Blaze even made damn sure to show Baileen when he was doing so. He started to hang out with the Leviacon again of course. This time however, Blaze was far more open about himself. What point was there in all secrecy now that she already knew about his past? He talked to Baileen about his problems and feelings when they met. Allowed her to talk to him about her feelings and problems as well. It was nice having someone to speak openly about personal things with for once. Which only made the emotions that he was keeping from her even more intense. But still, All was not sunshine and rainbows yet. The diplomatic treaties in town were coming to an end. It was time to return to Aquatron soon. Blaze knew that Baileen would not be able to stay forever from the very start. But now that the time to return drew near, He felt very sad. And it showed when they met up and talked. Today. Baileen would recive a message from Blaze. Inviting her out to dinner for once. His treat. He also said that he had something very important to say to her.
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decepticon-no-more · 1 year
Blaze nodded his helm hearing her words. He could feel something within him now. Like an instict telling him to touch her servo. It was hard to explain. Prior to meeting Baileen, He didn't even know he possessed the ability to project his emotions outwards. No one had ever pointed it out to him prior to getting to know her. Now something within was telling him that there was still one thing he didn't know he could do. And all he needed to do was feel her touch in order to discover it. Without answering the Leviacon's question. Blaze slowly held his servo out. Expecting her to place at least a finger in it. His optics still pink with happiness for being here with her. @fromwhencehastthoucomest
The Confession
Blaze was forced to stay for three days at the medical clinic to recover from his 'near' alcohol overdose. As soon as the mech was signed out, He had gone back to his home in the scrap yard. And thrown out all high-grade he had left stored in his shed. Blaze even made damn sure to show Baileen when he was doing so. He started to hang out with the Leviacon again of course. This time however, Blaze was far more open about himself. What point was there in all secrecy now that she already knew about his past? He talked to Baileen about his problems and feelings when they met. Allowed her to talk to him about her feelings and problems as well. It was nice having someone to speak openly about personal things with for once. Which only made the emotions that he was keeping from her even more intense. But still, All was not sunshine and rainbows yet. The diplomatic treaties in town were coming to an end. It was time to return to Aquatron soon. Blaze knew that Baileen would not be able to stay forever from the very start. But now that the time to return drew near, He felt very sad. And it showed when they met up and talked. Today. Baileen would recive a message from Blaze. Inviting her out to dinner for once. His treat. He also said that he had something very important to say to her.
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decepticon-no-more · 1 year
Blaze took off his visor. Revealing a pink glow in his optics. As he started speaking, A wave of relief washed through the air. It felt good for him to finally speak out about what his spark was feeling. "When i first looked in to your optics that night we met... I felt... Inner warmth for the first time in my life.... Like i was a cold and dead asteroid getting too close to a bright star... And finally lighting up from it's divine glow." He spoke as his servos trembled. He was afraid to hear a firm rejection at any second. "Since that night.... The more time we have spent togheter... I came to love seeing you smile.... Wanted to make you smile and laugh at any opportunity i could.... Making you happy became my calling.... Even when i was at my lowest... I could never really get you out of the back of my mind.....I think i......I think......I...." Blaze found himself shook up. Unable to finish his sentence by saying those last three words 'I love you' But it was pretty clear that's what he was trying to tell her. He raised his helm slowly to look Baileen in the optics. Preparing himself for the worst kind of reaction. After all. She knew about his past. And the misguided things he once did under the Decepticon banner.
The Confession
Blaze was forced to stay for three days at the medical clinic to recover from his 'near' alcohol overdose. As soon as the mech was signed out, He had gone back to his home in the scrap yard. And thrown out all high-grade he had left stored in his shed. Blaze even made damn sure to show Baileen when he was doing so. He started to hang out with the Leviacon again of course. This time however, Blaze was far more open about himself. What point was there in all secrecy now that she already knew about his past? He talked to Baileen about his problems and feelings when they met. Allowed her to talk to him about her feelings and problems as well. It was nice having someone to speak openly about personal things with for once. Which only made the emotions that he was keeping from her even more intense. But still, All was not sunshine and rainbows yet. The diplomatic treaties in town were coming to an end. It was time to return to Aquatron soon. Blaze knew that Baileen would not be able to stay forever from the very start. But now that the time to return drew near, He felt very sad. And it showed when they met up and talked. Today. Baileen would recive a message from Blaze. Inviting her out to dinner for once. His treat. He also said that he had something very important to say to her.
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decepticon-no-more · 1 year
Blaze stared in to her green optics softly. 'Primus. She is so pretty...' It would take a few minutes for the food to be ready anyways. So this was as good of a time as any to get his feelings out in the open. If she rejected him, So be it. Then it wasn't meant to be. At the very least, He wanted Baileen to know how she made him feel inside before she departed for Aquatron. And he never gets to see her again. "Baileen.... You are heading home soon... Aren't you?" The mech asked. A wave of mild sadness flowed through him. He of course knew that answer to that question. And quickly spoke up again before there was a chance to respond. "I'm.... Very glad to have run in to you that night.... These weeks i have spent with you have been the best days of my existence..... So, There is something i need to tell you.... And if i don't let you hear it before you depart home... I'll never forgive myself"
The Confession
Blaze was forced to stay for three days at the medical clinic to recover from his 'near' alcohol overdose. As soon as the mech was signed out, He had gone back to his home in the scrap yard. And thrown out all high-grade he had left stored in his shed. Blaze even made damn sure to show Baileen when he was doing so. He started to hang out with the Leviacon again of course. This time however, Blaze was far more open about himself. What point was there in all secrecy now that she already knew about his past? He talked to Baileen about his problems and feelings when they met. Allowed her to talk to him about her feelings and problems as well. It was nice having someone to speak openly about personal things with for once. Which only made the emotions that he was keeping from her even more intense. But still, All was not sunshine and rainbows yet. The diplomatic treaties in town were coming to an end. It was time to return to Aquatron soon. Blaze knew that Baileen would not be able to stay forever from the very start. But now that the time to return drew near, He felt very sad. And it showed when they met up and talked. Today. Baileen would recive a message from Blaze. Inviting her out to dinner for once. His treat. He also said that he had something very important to say to her.
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