thegirlwondcr · 1 year
closed starter w/ @fromxbeginningxtoxend
Emma knew that there was never going to be an easy way to do anything, but this? She did not expect. She knew something was up, that this was all some sort of stunt or spectacle, but she did not predict how it ended. Did Bruce? Part of her felt like he fully planned and prepared for this sort of thing to happen, but how? 
Her adrenaline was boosting by the minute, trying to figure out what the next step was without Bruce right there to tell her. She was contacting everyone under the sun to try and make some sense of all that was happening. What helped keep her somewhat calm was Alfred who did not seem too panicked at the moment. The reason she was worrying for him for this was because he was only Bruce Wayne. No suit, no nothing. She felt it to be very ironic that he would lecture her on push her limits yet here he was truly pushing it to the max. 
When told he had comms on, she leapt at the opportunity to speak to Bruce, News reports also were not the best things to read at the moment, but it felt like it was her obligation to now. She wanted to be as up to date as possible, even if it meant hearing things from the most pessimistic of reporters. “Bruce?” Emma initially said, her feelings being easily heard in her tone. “Can you breathe? Can you hear me? Should I start heading over there? I’m in the cave, I can go change into my suit right now, just give me coordinates.”
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averagetm · 1 year
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❰     ✿   ;     𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒    ( @fromxbeginningxtoxend )     ❱         ↪      “  shit,  i think i pulled my stitches.  ”
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𝐀  𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄  𝐖𝐀𝐒  𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐂𝐊    to utter from the woman ;    standing at the balcony door to her apartment and watching as ribbons of scarlet trickled from the tear in the suit and onto the tiled flooring beneath his feet.     ❛❛ Shall I scold you for your reckless behaviour now, or perhaps when——  ❜❜     she was interrupted,  catching him as he stumbled in a momentary display of weakness.    Now was not the time to scold him,   she needed to help him.    ❛❛ H – Hey.  Hey.  Don’t pass out on me now,   at least help me get y’ to the bathroom.  ❜❜     she groaned a little under his weight,  using all her strength to keep him from falling over.
             ❛❛ Bloody hell,  what even happened  . . . ?  I haven’t had the news on all day  . . .  ❜❜     her feet dragged against the wooden floorboards of her apartment,   blood dripping into tiny puddles like a trail of breadcrumbs.    ❛❛ Come on  . . .  You big idiot  . . .  ❜❜     she muttered the curses,  the door to the bathroom slamming against the wall as she grabbed the towels off the rack and helped lower him to the ground,  placing them under his head as a makeshift pillow.  It wasn’t a medical bed,  but she had properly cleaned the floors earlier that day,  and the drainage would help with washing away the blood.
             For a split second,  she left his side and to the bathroom sink,  pulling out all the supplies she had before retrieving the medical kit  -  thank the gods she had updated it recently in case something like this were to happen.    A few steps out and into the hallway,  she grabbed more towels from the linen cupboard,  and within a few seconds she was back at his side,  the bath running with warm water should she need it.
             ❛❛ Tell me your still with me.  Keep talking to me.  Anything.  ❜❜    
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redxriot · 2 years
The climb to the top of GCPD headquarters was not an easy one. But to Erin it was needed, and besides she never liked easy.
Finally making her way onto the roof she stops a second to take her breath before she makes her way to the reason of being here. To turn on the bat signal; to get Batman’s attention. Honestly, this had taken her days to plan. Her mentor, the Redhood, was always the one to direct her into what needed to be done. But he was gone now, and for far too long for her liking. Erin wanted to know what happened to him, and she didn’t know who else to go to.
Grabbing the tarp, she heaves and pulls the cover off until the signal light is finally free from hiding.
Holy crap it’s huge! And probably heavier than her! Erin circles around it, making her way to the front of the large contraption. A big bat symbol… yep this is it. As if she really needed to question about it. No other place has a big spotlight in the shape of a bat, but it doesn’t hurt to take a good look at it up close.
She shakes her head. Alright, enough distraction. Time to put this baby into use. Rounding to the back, she grabs the switch with both hands.
Her eyes gaze at the lever for a moment. ‘Never use it unless it’s for an extreme emergency.’ His voice echos clear in her mind. “Extreme of an emergency as any!” Hyping herself up, she closes her eyes and with a quick push downwards a click sounds and the bat signal beams against the clouds in the sky with bright intensity.
Erin ogles at the symbol for a moment. She’s never seen this close before. Then realization sets in. ‘Oh shit!’ Her thoughts scream. “I gotta hide! What if the police see it!” A gasp leaves her. “What if HE sees it?” That was the intention in the first place, but he doesn’t even know her! Let alone if he knows her mentor!
Looking around, Erin sees the roof exit and hides behind it. Her head peeking ever so slightly around the corner to see whoever manages to answer to the call first.
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twcfaces · 1 year
@fromxbeginningxtoxend from x
Is this what he did... all the time? Batman's control of the machine seemed effortless, even with the little curse he'd uttered before.
Two-Face found himself scrambling for something to hang on to, and quickly settled on gripping his seatbelt like it was a lifeline. On one hand, Harvey didn't want to die all smashed up in the Batmobile, and on the other, if the Batmobile got just smashed enough, he might be able to make an escape.
Then again, this thing was built like a tank. A fucking tank. He could hear gunfire bouncing off of the hull out there.
"Well, whoever it is- they brought guns. Could be drones. You're insane, by the way."
He flinched.
"And you drive like a maniac. A smart maniac, but a fucking maniac."
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spiderben2011 · 2 years
The Knight & the Jedi (Closed RP w/@fromxbeginningxtoxend)
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Ahsoka didn’t know where she was at. One minute she was fleeing from a group of Clone soldiers, who were trying to kill her, the next she found herself here. In this city. A city that she didn’t recognize and a city that she could sense wasn’t like any city she’s been to. She got to her feet and looks around, wondering where she’s at.
She stops when she saw a group of armed men, who appeared to be waiting for someone. Waiting for perhaps who they’re working for?
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“That’s for always thinking you were so much better than us!” Dion swung, the bar connecting solidly with his temple. Even with the other henchmen holding the chair in place, he was nearly sent to the floor. You could always count on people’s hatred he supposed. It felt silly now, him and Dion had traded food from the vending machines and bitched about all the same people, but making just a dollar or two more with some imaginary authority really bred hatred. Funny.
Alex had to give them credit, while they were so fucking far off the mark, they were connecting dots. From what he’d taken out of their rambling, his story would have been this: That he’d left Wayne Enterprises, not without prospects, but because he’d been scouted. It kind of sounded like there was a step or two because Batman “hired” him, but it was kind of hard to pick up when your head was pounding hard enough to make you see black spots. Great. When did people start watching him so closely? He was nothing. A sad little nobody.
They hadn’t been watching him of course. It was just a bit of luck with the pulled feeds from street lights and their cameras in that part of town. Drop offs, safe houses, that sort of thing. Right place, right time. For them at least.
He was screwed. They’d put out some crappy ransom, thinking it meant something. Bruce wasn’t coming for him. It’d be idiotic if he did. He was self righteous, not stupid. Even though Alex hadn’t said a word about him, it’d make sense to assume he’d sold him out, trying to avoid torture. Blood had stained his shirt when the filmed the video. Now it went across his jeans and shoes, blending in with old blood stains.
Alex sighed. Well, whatever, right? It wasn’t how he wanted to go, but you had to deal with the fucking hand you were dealt. He’d handled the situation gracefully at least. It was a small comfort. Time went on, and he began drifting in and out of consciousness until he felt his body being hoisted from the chair. The lights overhead were on- when had that happened? It was bright. Really fucking bright. “Whoa.” Whoa. Alex stumbled, somehow managing it in the complete support of Bruce’s arms. ‘Coward.’ His thoughts supplied. ‘Weak.’ His hands shook and the boy choked out a laugh. He felt like total shit and that usually meant good things.
Batman- Bruce, no, couldn’t call him that anymore. He’d lost any privileges of familiarity for all the trouble he’d caused- seemed angry. Really angry. It kind of made Alex want to crawl out of his skin and hide in a dark hole for a few thousand years if he was honest. “Shit.” He was in so much trouble, wasn’t he? Oh- they were moving. He was moving. Kind of. If adding in a step of his own every fifteen or so could be counted. Where were they going?
Please not the hospital! Or Batman’s, honestly. He .  .  . He’d handle this himself. He was fine. Nothing- Right, choke down the nausea- nothing he wasn’t going to deal with his goddamn self. “Take me home.” Alex said, honestly having no idea how it came out. He’d dissociated from the situation ages ago and couldn’t seem to pull himself back. Why would he want to anyway? It’d just freak him out. “I’m going home.”
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batmanwholxughs · 2 years
STARTER FOR @fromxbeginningxtoxend​​
      { ⛓ } -- Infiltrating was as effortless as breathing - quite literally, when it’s the perfect adjacent of one’s own Batcave from their universe. But this was currently empty, and ignorantly defenceless as the Batman of the current Universe was out indulging in his fantasies of vengeance and crimefighting. Following the tracks of a wild goose chase the Batman Who Laughs set with a few amenable pawns, while sculking in the shadows as a cowled crusader does best. Hilariously enough to him, the butler of the establishment never discovered his presence, remaining blissfully unaware while the password to the Batcave was entered, and locked from behind.
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But it was awfully tedious to remain concealed when brimming with schemes, and amusement to unleash upon the Earth - Starting with Gotham. Footsteps sauntered to the nearest equipment Bruce held in his armoury, peering through all sorts of boxes until he came across the man’s batarangs. With a devilish smile, and tilt of the head, Laughs swiftly replaced the current weapons, with a duplicate of his own make. He shoved the old batarangs within his coat, then returned near the entrance. Tapping dangerously sharp nails along the counter of the main computer base, a giggle escaped the former-vigilante, and intentionally, a single hand extended to smash against the keyboard.
Alerting the sensors and most of all, Batman.
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infinitejxst · 2 years
Ethan looked up and around with an expression of near-wonder, taking in every nook and cranny of the cave. It seemed an appropriate joke. Giant bat. Giant cave. But he didn't laugh, he'd just remembered his own base and shook his head with a wry smile and turned to face said giant bat.
" It reminds me of my own... office, so to speak. Except mine is a giant golden monument floating in the clouds. I doubt you have one of those here? No Supreme, no Supremacy. "
A pain throbbed at the front of his head which he rubbed the bridge of his nose to try and get rid of but his face just winced, " a headache. There's something I've only ever read about. "
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redeyesupeguy · 2 years
        Continued from x @fromxbeginningxtoxend
 🦇—-;;  Bruce huffs gently, “I don’t see the issue, I don’t want them running you into the ground and I have the means to do this for you…” He says, though the conversation wasn’t new, it was hardly the first time Bruce had done something like this for Clark. He just wanted to look out for someone he cares about. He rose a brow at the term millionaire being used to refer to him. “It’s billionaire, not millionaire.” He knows that’s not the point he should be focusing on, but Bruce can’t quite help himself but to correct him, however he is quick to move on and focus on the topic he should be focusing on. “Fine, next time I’ll run it by you next time.” He shakes his head a little, “I suppose I should have been doing that to begin with…” He mumbled.
Clark sighs a bit more now. "Just because you can pay for things, doesn't mean you always have to.." It was not a new conversation and it never really ended anywhere. He knew that Bruce cared but it wasn't like they were connected legally. "Of course you would take that from my point. Regardless.." He sighed and chuckled. "Great thank you. I appreciate that." He nods. "Well yes, it is my life, and it's not like your my husband. Perhaps that would make it more different. It's just currently a bit off putting to get the notice that it's been paid off. But I get that you're trying to help. " He holds out his hand and taps Bruce's back. "You always have to clarify that you're very rich don't you. Heh." He chuckles.
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of-quinn · 2 years
✦ From  Here ✦  @fromxbeginningxtoxend ✦
     The busted look of the man's nose had all but taken Harley's attention away from Batman. She could feel her lips lifting upward into a smirk of triumph at the damage she had managed to do in such a small amount of time before she had been pulled off. Though... now that she looked back on it, she wasn't quite sure what it was about the man that had set her off in such a fit of rage- eh, maybe it had been his face or somethin'. It did bring forth the question, why was he here? Of all the places in Gotham, he so happen to be with the group they were watching. Nah, it didn't add up.
     "Yeah, I think you're right." The words felt weird leaving her lips, given the fact she would take up any opportunity to argue or disagree with him. "Oooh, can I get that information, we can play good cop bad cop! I wanna be the bad cop, oh please, please, pleeeeaaaase!"
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written1nthest4rs · 2 years
≗ "Criminals, by nature, are a cowardly and superstitious lot." @ Alice from Bruce @fromxbeginningxtoxend
Alice was quiet as she dunked herself under the water to clean her hair, listening to those words. So the stories are true. You can hear a voice in this spring. She had to agree with his statement. Having dealt with her own criminal. She recognized the voice, of course. It was that of her very own husband, who was also on the island with her.
She rises from the water, wiping her face and hearing footsteps. She turns to the sound and smiles. Bruce. "I heard your voice in the water, my love. Guess we are meant to be."
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thegirlwondcr · 2 years
Closed Starter w/ @fromxbeginningxtoxend
There was a list of cons to not having connections with her biological family. Some of those cons being more emotionally driven, such as missing out on those classic family memories she’s seen in movies. Other cons were simply not getting a run down of the family history and biology. Along with the lack in maternal figures in her present in her current living situation, it all  added up to this one terrible, god-awful moment.
“Bruce.” Maybe she shouldn’t even tell him. Maybe this was one of those things she simply doesn’t have to tell him. Could she just pretend like nothing was happening for a bit? It’s not like he’s asked about it before, so what should give her the idea that it was even appropriate for her to talk to him about this? “It happened.” Maybe he would just have no clue what she was talking about and carry on with his day? After all, he probably had a pretty busy day of work ahead and this was probably something that did not need to take his attention away from that. Then again, she currently looked like she saw a ghost.
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averagetm · 1 year
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   𝗛𝗨𝗥𝗧 / 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗧 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗦.    ( @fromxbeginningxtoxend )           “Get away from her!” from Bruce
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             𝗶𝘁  𝗵𝗮𝗱  𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻  𝗮  𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁  𝗳𝗲𝗮𝗿,    an internal stressor that the woman had refused to voice   ( he already had enough to worry about  . . .   and she could handle herself when it came to this type of thing . . .  )     it had slithered its way into her subconscious and made itself known within the depths of her nightmares,   it physically manifested itself through bitten nails and a panicked heartrate.    The presence of her colleague was unexpected,   their group of friends making plans to specifically exclude the male in question,   and now her worst fears had come into fruition and she was alone with him.
             It didn’t take a genius to recognise that she was disinterested  ;    any verbal suggestions or flirtations that he made were shut down with a sharp tongue and blunt words,   the polite smile that she typically wore was replaced with a look of disgust and disdain   ( and yet it was as if he had only grown all the more fond of the woman when she showcased such emotions )      the breath caught in the back of her throat when he had reached out toward the lanyard around her neck,   fingers brushing against her chest and making her   freeze   up   entirely.
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             ❛❛ Can you not stare at my fucking chest?  ❜❜     she called him out,   though her voice trembled a little more than she would have liked.   It caused for him to pause,  looking up at her before   daring to step closer,    tugging at the lanyard slightly.      ❛❛ You smell fucking disgusting  . . .  ❜❜     the scent of bourbon made her want to throw up,   it made her head spin violently as it dredged up memories from her childhood.     Artemis’ fingers curled into her palm,   trembling with an anger that boiled inside of her   -   just punch him,   just punch him in the fucking jaw  . . .
             ❛ get   away   from   her   !. ❜  
             The familiar voice was enough to snap her out of the violent thoughts circulating within her mind  ;    her head turning and brows lifting in surprise to see him.     she thought that she would be on her own   . . .   she anticipated to be the only person to save herself   . . .     Yet her colleague did not listen to the words thrown in his direction,   grumbling to himself before slurring out his words.     ❛ Oh fuck off,  can’t y’ see we’re havin’ a conversation ??  ❜     he still held onto the lanyard,   knuckles once again grazing her chest in either a calculated or drunken movement.
             ❛❛ No we’re fucking not.  ❜❜     she snapped as soon as he had spoken,   reaching up to pry the lanyard from his hold,   it only tightened it response and he gave a sharp tug as if it were a leash  ;  chuckling to himself in the process as he took hold of her wrist.     ❛ Come on,   don’t be like tha’,  ‘ust wanted to ask about  . . .  about  . . .  the pins that y’ had on here,   what’s this one from? ❜     a finger touched at one of the enamel decorations  ;    get   your   filthy   hands   off   me.
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redxriot · 1 year
@fromxbeginningxtoxend continues from here:
“Oh?” A smile traces her lips. “Concerned is a strong word, Batman.” Erin exaggerates. She won’t admit, but she has warmed up to him a bit. In her own weird sense, bothering him was a way of showing endearment. Within means, of course. “But, yeah. If you want to use ‘concerned’, we’ll call it that.”
It’s been a while since she’s seen her more angry mentor, a thought that Erin’s been trying to put on the back burner for a while now. It has gotten easier to think less about him though, ever since she’s been following the caped crusader around. But to say she's completely forgotten about Redhood would be an understatement.
Nevertheless, Erin had managed to follow Bruce all the way up and across a couple of buildings. Stopping just short a ways from their destination. She was hoping for action, but it had turned into more of a stakeout than anything else. Something her patience was less than willing to wait for.
“How long are we supposed to be watching this place?” She questions, though it sounded more of like a complaint. “Nothing has happened!”
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twcfaces · 1 year
@fromxbeginningxtoxend from x
There honestly hadn't been a look.
Harvey had made an assumption.
How could anyone feel anything but abject horror and disgust was beyond him. Even Gilda could hardly look him in the eye. Of course, she simply couldn't stand to see the pain he'd gone through- it hurt her to look at what the city had done to her husband.
But to Harvey, it was all the same. He'd put up a good fight, but he'd been shattered for it, and what was left of him felt painful, jagged, and ugly. His damaged eye was covered, some various bandages still remained, but the extent of the acid was visible. He was a mess of tubes and wires otherwise.
"I- don't know what came over me. It's hard to explain how I feel, other than revolting. Dead, I guess. Like I should be dead. And surgery's not an option, so this is... this is what I have to live with, now.
You can look away, Bruce. I won't hold it against you."
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spiderben2011 · 2 years
The Girl of Steel & Masked Vigilante (Closed RP w/@fromxbeginningxtoxend)
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Kara Zor-El aka Supergirl had been sent by by cousin to Gotham. After what happened to Batman, Kara figured the city’s defenders will need some assistance. Kara was told by Oracle to go assist the former Boy Wonder, Jason Todd. Kara had no problem doing this, except for his methods of how he handled criminals.
“So, you use guns huh? Do you really think the others will approve of you doing this?”
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