#frostbitten tidbits
saelrum · 2 years
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Let me re-introduse myself to this fandom real quick...
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ragnarachael · 3 years
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 5 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
i’ve been meaning to do this for FOREVER when i saw this in my notifs!! i was tagged by @sdwolfpup! (i know a few others like Bee and Star have tagged me, but i CANNOT RECALL AND I AM TOO LAZY TO HUNT SO HERE WE ARE.)
Name/nickname: rach by most, slut by the lovely @shiningloki, princess and more by @frostbitten-written,  my love and probably more by @lokistan, and bean by @walkingaline!
Gender: female
Star sign: gemini!
Height: 5′7″
Birthday: June 20
Time: it is currently 4:06 am! (4:32 am by the time i finish! bijou is running around like crazy and is trying to type and say hello so—hi from my cat!)
Favorite bands: Hozier is an ever constant in my music rotation. other than him, Mother Mother. i listen to too much music to really check.
Favorite solo artists: uhhhh i THINK i just listen to bands more often than solo artists. does Hozier count for here?
Song stuck in my head: ZANZIBAR BY BILLY JOEL.
Last movie: The Mask! I watched it with Hayley a few nights ago.
Last show: that i can recall? Bridgerton!
When did I create this blog: wayy back in September 2013!
What do I post: i post my writing, tom hiddleston gifs (listen. look. sue me.), tidbits of my life, little jokes and stuff! i’m a storyteller, i love rambling about things! so primarily that!
Last thing googled: “can cats drink vanilla almond milk?” because my dad asked me if bijou could have some of the milk he used for his cereal.
Other blogs: i have a sideblog more “formal” than this one: rancheely. i also have an rp blog that i really need to get back into!
Do I get asks: as of late since i’ve been a bit inactive, no. but normally i certainly do! i currently have a bunch of mutuals who have sent me really sweet chain messages. i keep them in there to smile during the day! (i also have so, so many drabble reqs i still need to hit. don’t call me out)
Why I chose my url: well, the first two urls fit my likes then. this url (ragnarachael) is because of Thor: Ragnarok! Ragnarok really kicked me into my whole Marvel stage that i’ve been in since mid to late 2017! thank you tom hiddleston in a whole black suit!
Following: 496!
Followers: 1,098! (holy shit??? i love you guys???? also i love how i’ve been gaining followers while i’m inactive it’s so amusing??)
Average hours of sleep: hah. sleep? what’s that? (in reality: it varies. sometimes nothing. other nights? 2 to 10 hours. depends entirely on me and my brain.)
Lucky number: i don’t have one!
Instruments: ukulele that i haven’t picked up in a year, used to play the drums and a little piano! 
What am I wearing: black leggings, a thespian t-shirt, no socks! (should probs grab some though i cannot feel my toes)
Dream job: actress, or writer! maybe a journalist or something to do with english, if i ever decide to pursue an english degree!
Dream trip: oh god. paris. italy. ireland. london. i’m stopping here my list can and will grow.
Favorite food: at any restaurant if they have southwestern egg rolls, i legally have to order a serving of it. for me. for the table. whoever. so those. (also maybe those pot stickers from t.g.i friday’s i had the other week)
Nationality: american, usa??
Favorite song: this month it is crabwalk by party in the hills! Cana hates it, Hayley loves it. listen to it.
Last book read: the last book i touched to read was actually The Invisible Life Of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab! (we ignore how i started Midnight Sun and haven’t picked it up) however, haven’t done much reading unless it’s forms for work or my personal life! 
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: 1.) MCU! (preferably Asgard, if i can’t do that, shove me into New York around maybe say Spider-Man: Homecoming? or actually perhaps Doctor Strange—)
2.) Bridgerton! (blame my love period pieces, thank u mom) 
well. now i have to tag some people, but i honestly cannot think of any because i know mostly everything on this list about some of my mutuals i talk to. so if you’d like to do it, i tag you!
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lostgirlrewatch · 4 years
1x11 - Faetal Justice (gettin real tired of your puns, Michelle, jk I never will)
Written by: Peter Mohan
Directed by: Robert Lieberman
Original Air Date: November 28, 2010
Oops. I missed a week. Sorry :( I’m back with episode 1x11.
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Dyson gets framed for murdering some Dark Fae, and the gang has to prove him innocent.
Hey, remember the club, guys? Remember what that was like? Also Vex is back. Yay.
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I wish my kitchen looked that fancy. I can’t keep vegetables that fresh. Their setup only looks like it will produce tasty food, though, because apparently they can’t cook for shit.
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I am excited enough to see Hale that I took this screenshot for no reason.
But anyway, Bo and Kenzi are of course investigating the crime, as they do, while Dyson invokes sanctuary back at the Dal. Which basically means that Trick clears the whole bar out and lets Dyson hang out there for some amount of time where the Dark Fae can’t immediately come after him for killing one of their own.
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They end up back at the club that Dyson woke up next to, which is Vex’s club. They start to suspect Vex may have something to do with framing Dyson for the murder. I can’t imagine why.
Vex makes a comment about how “another killer in the room (Bo) adds to the excitement,” to which Kenzi fiercely replies that Bo isn’t a killer. Vex is skeptical, considering how many people she has killed over the years, and suggests that he and Bo compare “scores.”
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That hit below the belt.
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Evony arrives at the Dal to pick up Dyson, in spite of sanctuary, because she has decided that the rules don’t apply to her. “Just think of me as a VIP,” she says. “I do.”
What a queen. Listen, is she wrong? Do the rules apply to Evony? Need they?
She has such queen energy that I love every time she shows up, even if she does absolutely nothing except make snarky comments. You have to appreciate the dominating energy of the woman in charge of the entire darker half of the supernatural underworld. She eventually backs off though.
Meanwhile, to Bo’s surprise, Lauren shows up at the precinct to discuss the case with her and Hale. (Hale invited her, and didn’t think to tell either of them that the other would be there, because he has no idea what’s going on between them.)
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Bo is still pissed as fuck. I didn’t bother getting a screenshot, but the glare she gives Lauren is just as withering as it was last time.
So Lauren does...science-y stuff, I guess. I don’t really listen to what she’s saying when she talks about her science shit. I think Lauren is suggesting that Dyson turn himself in to the Dark Fae, though? So they can compare bite marks or something? Okay, I just rewatched the scene. Lauren suggests that Dyson turn himself in and wait while they go through a whole forensics analysis of the scene to determine his innocence (not acknowledging the possibility that evidence against Dyson may have been planted). Bo is like, “fuck no.” Lauren claims that in spite of the fact that she and Dyson “haven’t always been on the best of terms,” she is “actually trying to help here.”
It doesn’t end well. It’s awkward.
Hmm...*narrows eyes* Wait.
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Stick around, Lauren fans. You’ll love this. I’m analyzing Lauren.
Lauren’s solutions to problems are always very...clinical. They’re clinical without fail, often to the point of being...not good solutions.
Lauren’s solution to Dyson’s problem--being accused of murder--is to have him turn himself in so that they can run tests and have the evidence prove him innocent. This is such a clearly half-assed idea, I don’t even really know why she suggested it. This idea is like if you could not care less about Dyson or this entire situation at all but you were dragged into being a part of the brainstorming session and you were forced to contribute something. It scans as laziness. Like either Lauren’s brain is too exhausted to put any energy whatsoever into trying to help Dyson, or she actually doesn’t care about him at all and is only there out of obligation and because of Bo. Hm.
Lauren’s solutions to problems don’t just rely on science, I get she’s a scientist and those are the skills she brings to the table. She goes a step farther. Her solutions are always devoid of emotion. Think about why that is.
I mean, turning Dyson in to the Dark Fae is objectively a terrible idea, first of all because they would one hundred percent immediately string him up and torture him for information. (Which is exactly what they do later in the episode!) Lauren is not stupid. She’s a smart gal. She should know this. If she knows that Dyson would be tortured, why would she suggest he turn himself in unless she has absolutely no emotional investment in his physical or mental wellbeing whatsoever? Again, it’s a clinical solution that treats the people involved as though they are pieces in a puzzle.
Second of all, Lauren suggests they run a bunch of tests and rely on forensic evidence to determine whether or not Dyson is innocent. She says, “Hopefully [the animal hairs on the body] won’t match Dyson’s DNA, and hopefully we’ll get [the results] on time.” 
“That’s way too many ‘hopefully’s,” Bo snaps back.
Lauren doesn’t seem that concerned with whether the hairs do or don’t match Dyson’s DNA. I mean, “hopefully” they won’t, but she is content to take the risk, let the situation play out, and let the evidence speak.
But she is also completely ignoring the possibility that even if the evidence incriminates Dyson, it might have been planted there by whoever is trying to frame him. What then? There would be no way to prove that it was planted in time--the Dark Fae would instantly execute him, and no one could stop them because he’d be in their custody. Even a cursory review of Lauren’s half-assed, not-thought-out plan reveals that it’s past risky and more in the realm of stupid.
So you tell me. I’m more interested in hearing what anyone else has to say about her than writing what I think. What is the deal with Lauren? Why is she like this? Is she so cold and unfeeling that she doesn’t have any concern for the physical and emotional wellbeing of others? Does she just not give a fuck about Dyson specifically? Or is she so burnt out and exhausted by the mental strain of her job and her enslavement that she can’t summon any emotional energy whatsoever, and has to completely rely on cold logic to offer anything at all?
I said Lauren fans would like this because I was analyzing her, but I neglected to mention that I would also be dunking on her. Sorry if you were duped. I feel like I offered her a way out at the end there, though. Give me all your pro-Lauren arguments if you feel so inclined.
Anyway, Bo and Hale have a nice little mini-conversation afterwards. Hale confesses that he once thought Bo might be bad for Dyson, that she’d break his heart or he’d destroy himself for her.
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He tells her he was wrong, and that she’s “the real deal.” How sweet.
The only witness to the crime is apparently this human girl named Porscha, who reminds Kenzi a lot of herself. Porscha is also young, on the streets, and a runaway from a bad home situation. 
I don’t really care about her or like her as a character, but I do appreciate that her presence prompts Kenzi to drop a few more tidbits of information about her past here and there. For instance, she mentions that she’s been on her own since she was 15, which seems like a long time but is actually only like four years because Kenzi is 19 and therefore a literal baby. 
More interesting is this exchange. Porscha comments that it must be nice that Kenzi and Bo have each other. Kenzi responds a little awkwardly. She agrees that it is nice, but then she says that she’s still getting used to it. She’s still getting used to “being noticed.” Because when she was at home, she says, it was always better to not be noticed. “That’s when things got ugly.”
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Yeah. So as if we didn’t already know, Kenzi comes from an abusive home. A home that was so awful that it was better to run away and be on the streets at 15. Then she was completely alone for four years, and homeless for that entire time. 
Think about it. Living with Bo like this must feel so odd. Kenzi has never lived in a house with another person before where it actually felt like a home and she actually felt safe. The way she sort of averts her eyes, tenses a little bit when she says she’s still getting used to it (Ksenia is fantastic as always by the way) is such a realistic portrayal of a response to recovery from trauma.
The way I like to think of it is this. Going from being in a long-term traumatic situation to being in a safe and loving situation is kind of like putting a frostbitten hand in warm water. Warming it up is good, it’s healing, but when your hand is so used to being cold, warming it up is going to hurt like hell. Recovering from trauma is kind of like that. Good things can hurt, especially when you’re not used to them.
But it doesn’t hurt quite so bad for Kenzi that she’s ready to flee and go back to being alone the streets, which is what is familiar to her. It just seems like it’s mildly uncomfortable. And that’s good. Because it means she can get used to being loved and having a family.
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Jesus, why am I writing these things every week, they’re so long. LMAO help
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So the episode ends with the reveal that it was the bartender all along! GASP! Side note: the whole reason this episode happened is because this bartender, who is clearly an adult man (physically in his 20s or 30s but actually much older since I assume he’s Fae?) was apparently “in love” with the human girl Porscha, who, based on her conversations with Kenzi, is definitely supposed to be a teenager. And also based on her conversations with Kenzi, Porscha has even “stayed over a few times” at his place. Can you say creepy? Adult man taking advantage of a young girl on the street who has no family and nowhere else to go? Grooming her? Just saying.
In a moment that I find somewhat disturbing and rather cold, the main gang all walk out and leave the bartender to be (most likely) brutally tortured and murdered by Vex and the Morrigan. That’s him up there. I mean, I know the Dark Fae are a practically untouchable political powerhouse, and there’s not really anything Bo and the others could do, but still. They totally just left this guy to his death.
But significantly, the episode ends with Bo and Dyson sharing a kiss, as they reaffirm their feelings for one another, and seemingly enter an official romantic relationship.
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Oh boy! How cute. :) I wonder what’s next for these two.
Surely not heartbreak and suffering?
Big plot developments of the episode: Bo and Dyson are (it’s implied) officially an item now. This is Bo’s first legit committed relationship in the series. #dybo #neverforgetwhereitallbegan #rip #F and respect to the two people and a potato chip who like this ship #will this actually tag this post
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ghost pate info
While Pate is a ghost I’m gonna list some tidbits about his experience so people know! No one has to follow these guidelines if your character ends up a ghost temporarily but feel free to use some of my ideas!
Dark Souls 2 gimmick - tombstone where if given souls will resurrect a spectral white half form of the ghost with little memory of them having died. Can’t leave from that spot. Human Effigy can restore a more full human form and grant the ability to be solid when able to concentrate on that humanity part of themselves.
When in full spectral form (translucent, not solid), colors show off emotions. White is neutral, blue is fear, red is anger, pink is flustered, green is sickened, etc (these colors and a more unstable ghostly appearance can flare up depending on the emotion and cause poltergeist-like activity, as well as drain the warmth of the small area)
Touching a ghost will leave an almost frostbitten feeling if touching for too long, especially when putting your hand through them when in spectral form. When solid, it’s not as bad. Just a slight chill. 
When Pate gets too upset/remembers his death he may take on the form of how he looked when he died. Very bloody. Lots of bite wounds from vampires. Blood may drip off of him but it won’t stay on anything as it’s just residue of a past memory. It’s not real. 
Can be harmed by blessed objects and warded off by such things as well.
Can turn invisible if not wanting to be seen. Takes energy of other people around to keep a solid form for a long time.
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mnemosys · 5 years
Muse info
NAME.          Shiro 
NICKNAME. Moderator
GENDER.     Male (trans FTM - AFAB, male pronouns)
SPECIES.     Demi-human. Proxy for a being of unknown origins
SPOKEN LANGUAGES.    English, French
HEIGHT. 5′3 ft / 162 cm WEIGHT. 165 lbs / 75 kg HAIR COLOR. Appears white
EYE COLOR. Heterochromia. Marigold (right), Sky blue (left)
SKIN. Fair. He has a beauty mark underneath his mouth, on the right side, with others present on his body. His arms are covered in slit-like “scars”, which are actually closed eyes. He keeps them hidden underneath wraps of bandages and his plentiful layers of clothes.
BODY TYPE. Pear shaped
POSTURE/BODY LANGUAGE. USUALLY Closed. Timid. Defensive. In the presence of other people, he keeps his hands hidden at all times underneath his silk gloves and oversized witchy sleeves. He prefers to make himself small and keep a low profile, but might approach others more openly out of curiosity
OTHER NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).    Shark teeth. Frostbitten-like hues on various parts of his body, out of sight. Discolored patches of skin hidden by clothing and misty darkness emerging from his pores, an endeavor which is out of his control. Like any other Eldritch entity, subtle aspects of his appearance can shift sporadically and chaotically (in his case, when he experiences strong emotions or lack thereof).
PERSONALITY. Socially aloof, deadpanning, quiet, reserved and soft-spoken. Due to partially being out of this world, he exhibits various eccentricities. He can come off as naive and childish due to his curious nature and might express inappropriate emotions (e.g.: trust instead of caution, anger and confusion instead of delight etc.) which often leads to misunderstandings and gets him in hot water with others. Heavily possessive of the few people he gets along with and his clinginess often makes him act spoiled if he can’t have their full attention.
Aware of his status as a higher being, he might sometimes treat people like dolls and can come off as bossy and overbearing when others contradict him without proof or proper basis for their argument. Usually patient and meticulous, he can often grow bored and lose focus of a subject if his interlocutor isn’t invested in him. Harbors a heavy dislike for disrespectful people and unprompted callousness. When it comes to conflict, he is (most of the time) diplomatic, usually the bigger man that tries to mediate the issue - he values peace and serenity above getting the last word in and would much rather resolve a problem before it blows out of proportion.
OCCUPATION. Default verse - wicked preacher. Like every other Demi-God/God, Eldritch or otherwise, his goal is to extend his influence among humans, whether it be through befriending them and having them willingly/unwillingly make a contract with him, swearing their allegiance to him or ripping their souls out of their bodies and stuffing them into sentient clay dolls. That last option is used only on rare occasions, however. More often than not, he ignores these cult-like activities in order to play video games and hang out with his puppy and rat inside his pocket dimension.
RESIDENCE. His domain takes the form of a decrepit monastery or a church (depending on the setting) and it is always located on the outskirts of towns, near forests or within them, near lakes or mountains. To encounter him during his Eldritch form, one ought to visit those locations during a full moon.
Verse information:
1. Arkham Horror verse/default verse
      It focuses on his Eldritch abilities and does not put as much emphasis on his humane side.
      He represents the physical link between the human realm and the plane of existence of the Outer Gods, bound to the Great All-Mother (Shub-Niggurath) during a(n in)convenient Lovecraftian incident of apocalyptic proportions.
      As a human who had been stuck in an inadequate, sickly body, Shiro chose to abandon his humanity in favour of offering himself up as a blood sacrifice meant to speed up the awakening process of a higher being. Instead of being devoured, however, his body was chosen as a vessel / proxy of one of Shub-Niggurath’s (The Black Goat of the Woods) many incarnations  - an avatar under the vague name of Moder.
      By turning into a mediator for the questionable entity, a number of supernatural abilities were gained, although their usage is limited to areas susceptible to the occult means and the places of worship for Shub’s cult or his own cult (examples of limitations: during full moons, inside or in the proximity of wooded areas).
      Due to his newfound Eldritch nature, some of his physical traits had been altered during the process (his irises became unnaturally vibrant and his pupils differ in both eyes; the rapid discoloration of his hair, rendering it platinum white) and some entirely new ones, such as the appearance of innumerable eyes on his body, jet-black hues that appear and disappear in tune with his emotional state. The gas-like substance that seeps out of them is of unknown origin and best left untouched.
      Through mental symbiosis, his personality adopted new traits to an unrecognizable extent, although tidbits of his unstable and raw human emotions often surface during stressful situations, especially due to his incredibly short temper when it comes to bargaining with humans. Moreover, he rather enjoys the feeling of empowerment that comes with his newfound authority and might come off as show-offish under the right circumstances (arguably one of the best moods to find him in).
      His current goal is to extend his influence by gathering followers/worshipers and subsequently achieve the abolishment of the suffering of humans and other creatures alike. That, when he’s not ignoring it for...binge eating and video games.
2. FGO Chaldea Master/Servant verse (Ruler)
He is the Shub-Niggurath pseudo-servant under the Ruler class. Information can be found here.
3. SCP verse
      He is a person of interest who oscillates between a Non-Standard Object class and Euclid. Simultaneously a humanoid and a concept, his origins are difficult to pinpoint and fully contain through standard procedures, nor can he be fully neutralized. In layman’s terms, the more you try to hurt him, the angrier he gets, but he keeps his hostility to a minimum. Because he is an intelligent life-form, determining his true levels of threat towards humanity as a whole is a difficult task.
      Not much is known about his characteristics so far, besides his ability to temporarily retreat into a pocket dimension. While he does not use it for harmful purposes, it is yet unknown whether or not it could be utilized in such a way.
      Curiosity brought him to the facility and subsequently trapped him there. While he does not represent an active threat at face-value (as he focuses more on advocating for other SCPs rights and the safety of his guards), his instability in terms of form, motives and vague abilities earned him constant surveillance, testing and containment.
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ashnadir · 6 years
Mr. So Wrong By R.C. Stephens: A searing, sexy romance! After finding wealthy bad boy Al caught in a blizzard, Samantha brings him to her ranch to nurse him back to health. She doesn’t want to let anyone close to her heart, but why can’t she keep Al out of her bed? - Freddie & Ephram plz
@freddiewatts, @ephrampettaline
He wasn’t. Was he?  Maybe he was? But he couldn’t be! Not out here, in the middle of nowhere, and certainly not in Ephram’s ranch.
And yet there he lay, as quiet as Sleeping Beauty, just waiting to a Prince to wake him from his frozen slumber.
But Ephram Pettaline, he was no prince. He was just a rancher, grown up long and hard and lean in this unforgiving Kentucky soil.  A man of the soil, one might say.   A someone like Freddie Watts.  Celebrity socialite from London of all places, and self-made millionaire (using his daddy’s millions to do it, but that was just what the rich and famous did). 
Freddie Watts here, sleeping on Ephram’s couch.
What had started as just another wintry day ended in a situation Ephram could never have dreamed of.  A blizzard started up and Ephram trudged out to his poultry concern, making sure his girls were all safe and snug, their coop well protected against the snow and biting wind.
And that was when Ephram spotted him.  How could he miss him?  The rich man’s ski suit was bright like a peacock, even in the foggy snow.  This wasn’t the first time one of the rich tourist folk from up on the new Appalachian ski resort ended up in the foothills of Ephram’s ranch.  Usually Ephram just liked hauling out his Pappy’s ol’ shotgun and giving them a bit of a hillbilly scare. Send them racing back up the mountain in their skis, a hilarious sight.
But this time, the skiier took a few steps, and then collapsed.
Well, Ephram liked to mess with the rich folk, but he wasn’t heartless.  The blizzard was picking up, and Ephram raced over, hauling the unconscious, pink-faced fellow back to his ranch.  It was only when he peeled back the hood and hat and goggles did he recognize that face.
It was a face that Ephram felt he knew like he knew his own kinfolk.  A face that Ephram secretly admired and followed almost religiously.  He hid his fanboying over some flaming celebrity from his family, of course, because they’d tar his hide if they knew.  But Ephram…god, it was like Ephram had fallen in love with a man. A man from the internet, and TV celebrity shows, and in magazines.  Every tidbit of news released about Freddie Watts was snapped up and devoured by Ephram.
For five years.
Five years, he kept his true desire, his secret heart, from everyone he knew.  No one here would ever understand, after all.  No one would understand his forbidden, taboo feelings.  Ephram distanced himself from everyone he knew.  And in a sad, lonely way, Freddie Watts became Ephram’s only friend.
Ephram was there when Freddie rose in the headlines, first as a TV host, then on various celebrity TV reality shows, then his own show.  Then his twitter account, which was hilarious, scathing, and adorable.  Then all the news about his party lifestyle - a lifestyle that Ephram could only fantasize about.  Then all the boyfriends Freddie had, one after the other.  And, Ephram was ashamed to admit, he even gobbled up all the dirty, sexy details of each break-up and sexual conquest. He delighted in Freddie dumping one man and picking up another, cheering on his imaginary love.
But the frostbitten man sleeping on his couch didn’t look like that socialite badboy, who was larger than life and twice as naughty.  He just looked….sweet.  Vulnerable.  Adorable, really.  It took Ephram a while (and using multiple photos on his phone to compare) to finally acknowledge that he had Freddie Watts in his home.  Ephram sat on the floor, admiring him.
“Wha….”  Freddie murmured suddenly and Ephram jumped.
“Good god and jesus his son, you scared the hell out of me….Mr Watts?”
Freddie blinked, his long lashes silver with ice.  “C-c-c-cold,” was all he could breathe.
“Damnit Ephram, you damned fool, dumpin’ him here like yesterday’s dinner.”  Ephram swept into action, picking Freddie up in his arms and taking the rich man to his bedroom. 
Ephram didn’t even think about it.  All he knew was that a man was freezing, possibly close to hypothermia - and there was only one way to make him warm again.
The rancher stripped down first, then did the same to Freddie, trying to ignore the fact that this was Freddie Watts and his body was perfect and flawless and he was so beautiful and lovely and - no.  No, he was just a man, and he needed to live.
Ephram got them under all the wool blankets and duvets, and held Freddie close, chest to back as he rubbed Freddie’s arms and hips.
“Now you jes hol’ on there, Fr - Mister.  Mister Watts.  Jes keep on breathing, don’t do nuthin else but live.  S’all you gotta do.  And if you make it, well then - reckon we’ll figure out where to go from there.”
Hours passed, and Ephram fell asleep as Freddie woke up.
What was happening.  Did he drink too much again? Did he black out?  Who’s arms were wrapped around him?  Freddie had no clue what was happening, but he felt so warm and toasty, more comfortable than…well possibly than he’d ever felt in his entire glamourous, empty existence. 
He turned slightly, just to make sure there wasn’t some monstrous nightmare grinning back at him or anything - but no.  It was just a man.  A honey-blond, scruffy man, fast asleep.  So peaceful.  Freddie looked around the room then - this was no hotel room or someone’s sleek apartment.  Or even kitchsy-rustic.  This was literally rustic, the real kind.  With the American flag for a window curtain and a picture of Jesus praying by the door, and all sorts of weird knick knacks on a dusty shelf.  Photos of family, clothes thrown places.
Good lord. He was in this man’s actual home.  And…they were naked.
But Freddie didn’t feel sore, not there anyway.  He vaguely recalled going skiing, foolishly taking one of the off-route tracks.  He’d fallen off a snow cliff, he remembered.  Went tumbling down a hill, and somehow managed to get…to a ranch. 
This man’s ranch.
Freddie smiled, his warm toes curling.  Now that he had it all figured out, well.  Maybe it was time to make things interesting, thank this kind Kentucky soul for his…generousity. 
Pressing back, Freddie let his ass rub against the stranger’s nakedness, until what he hoped for - expected, really - happened.
And the stranger grunted and woke slowly, snuffling like a dog. 
“Good morning,”  Freddie said - and his voice was enough to shoot Ephram into full wakefulness.
“Mister Watts!”  Then Ephram felt it - that firm plush ass pressing against his shameful hardness, on purpose.  “Mr Watts…” HIs arms tightened around Freddie.  This was wrong, this had to be so wrong.  The man nearly died and Ephram had just done a good kindly thing, he couldn’t taint his actions with his burgeoning desire.  He couldn’t do what he’d kept hidden from his own kin for so long. It was forbidden, it was wrong.
But then…why did it feel so right?
“Fuck it,”  Ephram said, wild with desire, fantasy, and impulse as he twisted Freddie around to face him.
“No no, love - “ Freddie laughed with weak but willing delight, his arms wrapping around the man’s head.  “Fuck me.” He didn’t even know the stranger’s name, but when had that ever stopped Freddie Watts?
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emilyrigbymv · 6 years
Day 2: Have YOU Hugged a Cow Today?
… I have! No wonder that question is a Gentle Barn slogan: Cow-hugging truly is a daily affair, and I have no complaints about that. I met lots of new animals today, and I spent the majority of my time outside — mostly because Kiera allowed me to tag along on a very exciting journey: Cow Hour. Almost everyday, Kiera spends some time at the Healing Center, the Gentle Barn’s other location. This property is just up the road, and it is home to upwards of thirty cows (and a handful of horses) who are not yet fully accustomed to people and/or other animals. Because of lingering fear from years of abuse and neglect, they require extra time, care, and caution. As a result, they cannot yet be integrated into the core Gentle Barn community (and many of them likely will never fully reach that point in the healing process). “Cow Hour” is named aptly: For a good chunk of time, Kiera and I just roamed around and gave the cows love. It is essential that we spend this time with them: they are in contact with humans much less frequently than those at the main location, and we want to make sure that they know they are cared for. Though I’ve spent time with cows on my aunt’s farm in the past, this was definitely a new experience for me; there were so many of them, it felt like I was herding cattle! As soon as we entered the pasture, all of the cows immediately began to make their way over. We soon found ourselves surrounded by a sea of two thousand pound beasts. Though none of the cows are aggressive, this naturally feels a bit intimidating. One male, named Henry, stands nearly eight feet tall. Daria likes to flail her horned-head around in excitement — with no regard for her surroundings. Truly a whole new world. Kiera has taught me a lot so far about how to behave in scenarios like this. For example, cows have social hierarchies — who knew? — and they often become dominant (and submissive) with one another over petting and attention. You must simply remain a bystander to this system. Another rule: Always stand shoulder-back, and never position yourself between two cows. It is also very important to be mindful of how you approach: Reach out your hand and bow your head to demonstrate respect and harmless intent. Lots of information to absorb for sure! (Not to mention I also fully intend to learn everyone’s name in the short span of time that I am here.)
Turns out, life isn’t all glamour: Moments after returning from the Healing Center (which has a beautiful mountainous view, by the way), I was handed rags and a bucket full of bleach water. Sir Lancelot, a sick horse, was taken to the hospital yesterday (more info on that in my Day 1 post) and I was tasked with cleaning his stall in preparation for his return. Now, this wasn’t just any ol freshinin’ up: Lance has a pretty severe sinus infection, and his nose has been running nonstop for a couple of weeks now — the snot is neon green and has an awful, horrible odor. The entire barn smells as a result. Disgusting, I know. And I was lucky enough to clean it up! I had a bit of a Cinderella moment as I worked in his stall: While sweating and scrubbing on my hands and knees, I got multiple friendly waves from VIP groups touring the property. I was on the outside looking in, truly. Today, there were two celebrity tours — which are relatively common, apparently. And, honestly, they probably happen even more frequently than the staff let on, judging by the fact that not a single person was starstruck in the slightest. When a judge on Dancing with the Stars scheduled today’s visit, no one batted an eye. So, on that note: This morning, I got to meet Kate Mara, whose name I didn’t recognize, but whose face I definitely did. She’s in House of Cards, Martian, Fantastic Four… Lots of things. I had never met anyone famous before. Truly the LA experience, I guess!
Other small tidbits from today: I watched a goat get his hooves trimmed, Earl the Emu flirted some more, and I accompanied Keira to buy birdseed. Sun and Alice continued to fight. I pulled inventory to fill tons of orders. (You wouldn’t believe the amount of Gentle Barn Calendars people have ordered in the past few days — Well, maybe you could. It is the beginning of a new year, after all.) I bubble wrapped  and packaged and stamped. Hmm… What else? I helped Kiera apply medicated ointment to two animals with conjunctivitis: Faith the cow and Jelly the pig. Definitely an action-packed day. Tomorrow, Ellie and Jay go out of town for a whopping 10 days, leaving Kiera in charge of all animal affairs. Their absence won’t affect me quite yet, though, because I have the day off tomorrow! I mirror Kiera’s hours, and work 9-5 Monday through Thursday during the standard work week. Because the Gentle Barn is open to the public on Sundays, however, I will also be spending lots of time there then!
When working with animals, each day is so different and unpredictable, and I know Kiera is a bit weary whenever Ellie and Jay are unavailable. Here’s to hoping everything runs smoothly in their absence — and, even more importantly, that their thin Californian skin doesn't get frostbitten in those arctic temperatures!
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