straykidsscribbles · 5 years
For Who Could Ever Learn to Love a Dragon?
My one year anniversary fic- I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve written for Minho. Thank you to all of you, for all the support, patience, and kindness. You’re amazing. I hope you enjoy this, and my other works. My masterlist is in my description.
Summary: The mountain always looked terribly mysterious, and the dragon trapped inside was cruel and lost... never to be loved by anyone again.
Word Count: 9233 words, Beauty and the Beast AU, Minho x neutral reader
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Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a young prince. His name was Lee Minho, and he was well known throughout the lands as one of the most talented dancers of his generation. People would travel far and wide to come and see his performances. Minho received award after award, accolades aplenty, and adoration from all around him.
Unfortunately… the praise ended up getting to his head. And so, Minho’s talent morphed into vanity and hubris. People who had longed to learn from him or just meet him even were disappointed by his cutting words and cruel language.
A year passed in this manner, and Minho only grew more and more vain. He began turning away even the students that had studied under him for years and the teammates that he had once danced with. Minho grew single minded in focus, everything centering around the mastery of his art.
That is, until that fateful day.
Minho was practicing in his main studio, mirrors all around him so that he could analyze his own movements and perfect them as best he could. He was so engrossed that he didn’t notice one of the servants knocking lightly on the doorframe.
“Your highness?” the servant asked, trying to catch Minho’s attention. “There’s someone here to see you my lord. May I show them in?”
Minho looked up and rolled his eyes, turning away from the servant. “I’m busy. You have your instructions. If someone wishes to see me during practice, they can come back when I’m free. I’m not changing my schedule to accommodate anyone. Why on earth should I? I’m a prince after all.”
“My lord, you must see them!” The servant was getting more agitated, wringing his hands worriedly.
Fire flashed through Minho’s eyes. “Did you just imply that I am required to do something? Excuse me? Leave my sight right this instant, and if I see you again, you’ll regret it for the rest of your days.”
The servant bowed and backed away, cringing under the deadly glare Minho was directing at him, Minho turned back to his dance practice, stepping quickly into rhythm and letting the music float over him, carrying him with it.
Light footsteps sounded behind him.
“So, you really are as vain and horrid as they say you are,” a quiet voice mused from behind him. Minho whirled around, furious at being interrupted again.
“How dare you interrupt me?” he snarled at the black cloaked figure standing in front of him.
The figure laughed coldly. “How dare I? How dare you, Lee Minho? How dare you behave in such a manner to a witch with my power. Either you apologize right now, or regret it for the rest of your days”
Minho let out a scornful laugh. “Why would I, a prince, apologize to a stupid, ugly, pathetic old crone like you?”
And that was the last laugh that escaped his lips. The witch let out a snarl, smashing her stave against the stone floor of the castle. Curls of bright green magic spiraled through the air, filling the hall with the smell of acrid smoke.
“Your vanity has brought about your downfall young prince. I curse you to live as a creature befitting your ridiculous vanity—I curse you to be a dragon until you can learn the humility required to be human once more. You have until this flower dies to change your very being from the inside out, else you will be forced to take this form for eternity!” She slammed her stave against the ground three times, and a cloud of white vapor swirled around her.
When the vapor vanished, so had she. Only a pretty white iris lay in her wake.
Minho couldn’t concentrate on the woman’s disappearance however. Sharp pains suddenly wracked his body; the green curls of magic that had remained even after the witch disappeared wrapped themselves around him. He felt his limbs changing, his body growing longer and more lithe.
Then, his back began to burn. It burned as though someone had poured molten lava over it, scouring and puckering his skin even as he felt his shoulder blades growing longer and longer, until they became like a second pair of arms. He writhed in pain as his body twisted and morphed, until finally, blessedly, the world went black around him.
His final thought was only asking, begging, to know what kind of monster he had just become.
You pulled yourself up onto the kitchen counter, biting into an apple that you’d plucked from the tree outside. Today was your least favorite day of the month—departure day.
You and your brother Felix had been living together for many years in this town, studying dancing under a celebrated dance master who had moved to the country to establish his own school. The only real difficulty was in living so far away from your parents but having your brother with you helped deal with the loneliness.
That is, only when he was there. Which, incidentally, is what made this day so miserable. Felix would be leaving to go back home, while you remained to take care of your home alone—and while you took turns going back, the separation was never easy on whoever was left behind.
“Now remember, stay on the roads, and make sure you don’t wander! There are bandits and all sort of other dangers around here.” You instructed Felix.
He rolled his eyes as he pushed the last of his provisions into his bag. “I’m going to be fine you old worrywart. I’ll be back within the week, is there anything you want me to bring back?”
You thought for a second, mentally running through the list of items that you’d left at your parents’ home. “I think I left my favorite record at home, you know the one that we still haven’t come up with a choreography for? Bring it back with you, I’m sick of not being able to come up with something for it.”
“Anything else?” He pushed open the kitchen door to the yard, where the car was waiting.
“No, just hurry home soon would you?” Felix nodded and quickly started the car and waved to you from behind the wheel.
You waved back, ignoring the strange apprehensive feeling that kept fluttering in your stomach.
About a week later, Felix was driving as fast as he could in the pouring rain, trying to get home as soon as he could. The car had already made a few ominous noises, and he did not want to be caught outside in the storm, and that too on top of a mountain.
All around him, the wind shrieked through the trees lining the side of the road. Felix had even heard a few wolves howling wildly almost as though they were hunting for prey under the cover of the night.
His nerves were rising at every little sound that filled the small car’s cabin. He could hear every little creak of the straining engine, every whistle of the wind outside, every hair-raising, inexplicable noise that came through the windows and dove straight into his heart. The sooner I get out of this mess, the better.
Unfortunately, right as he had that thought, the car gave off a large splutter and died, smoke rising from underneath the hood. Felix groaned to himself, getting out of the car and over to the smoking hood.
He opened it, only to find more smoke and what looked like a battery that had shorted out from all the rain.
“Wonderful. This doesn’t look like I can fix it any time soon,” Felix grumbled as he went back to his seat and pulled out his bag. “Might as well try and see if there’s any caves or something nearby that I can shelter in.”
Right at that moment, a flash of lightning lit up the dusty country road. Felix glanced up and caught sight of a door cut into the side of the mountain he’d been driving up. He rushed towards it, disregarding the brambles that cut at his clothes and hands. Reaching the door, he pounded on it wildly, screaming for someone to open it.
No one responded. Felix’s cries grew more and more desperate in sound and he pounded a little harder.
And then, his fist caught on a hidden pressure plate in the door. It swung up without a warning, leaving Felix reeling and stumbling over himself as he entered the room behind the door.
That is, room was a bit of a misnomer. The area was enormous, with ceilings easily a hundred feet high and torches lining the walls wherever Felix looked. He shrugged off his soaked cloak and left it in a heap next to the door, moving closer to what appeared to be an enormous sunken fire pit in the center of the room.
Teeth chattering, he reached out towards the lightly glowing coals, trying to leech some semblance of warmth back into his fingers. Let me rest for a few minutes, then I can go back and try and get the car started again.
Those few minutes were enough though, and Felix’s eyes slowly began to droop shut, until he was fast asleep on the floor of the enormous hall.
“HOW DARE YOU WALTZ INTO MY CASTLE AND TREAT IT LIKE YOUR PERSONAL DRIP CATCHER!” A thundering roar shook the walls of the hall and Felix started awake, sitting up abruptly and almost hitting his head on something that had just appeared in front of him.
He blinked a few times, trying to clear the sleep from his eyes. “Wha- where am I?” he mumbled, rubbing his eyes with one hand.
“You, pathetic little blob, are in my mountain castle. MY CASTLE!” The voice growled.
“I’m sorry, I only hid here to shelter from the rain. Please, forgive me for trespassing sir.” Felix doubted the apology would have any effect, yet he attempted it regardless.
“An apology is NOT enough. You dared enter; now you will never leave. Enjoy rotting here for the rest of your miserable life.” An enormous something came hurtling down towards Felix’s prone figure out of the middle of the air and scooped him up. Felix screamed at the sudden loss of solid ground underneath his feet. He hurtled through the air for a moment before crashing into a tiny nook about thirty feet in the air.
Felix figured he didn’t really have options aside from begging at this point. “Please, my family needs me! I can’t leave them alone! I beg of you sir, spare me and let me go.”
By now, the something that had scooped Felix up had gone back to the ground and was tapping the bag that he’d left near the fire pit. The contents of it soon spilled over the floor, and the something moved into the light.
Felix couldn’t stop the horrified gasp that escaped his lips as the light fell on his captor.
He was being held captive by a dragon.
A DRAGON. I’M DEAD. THERE IS NO WAY I’M EVER GOING TO ESCAPE. His breathing got faster, almost to the point of hyperventilation.
The dragon poked gingerly at the pile of items that Felix’s bag had contained. One in particular caught his eye- the record _____ had requested.
“You have a set of records but no instruments, only extra clothing and foot wraps. Are you a dancer?” The dragon’s voice had changed slightly in timber, an almost longing note lacing the edge of his question.
Felix gulped in a breath and replied in the affirmative. The dragon hummed thoughtfully, an utterly terrifying noise that shook the walls of the room slightly.
“I think I’ll keep this in my personal collection.” He swiped the record up and gingerly clutched it in one paw. Slowly, the dragon’s enormous wings spread, and he made to loft himself off the ground and back into whatever passages he may have been hiding in before.
Now or never Felix. You can’t let him take it. “Wait! That’s not yours! You can’t have it!”
The dragon cackled wildly. “Well, if the owner comes, we can discuss what happens with both you and your record. And you. It’s about time I had a dancer to perform my dances for me.”
And with that ominous statement the dragon lofted himself into the air, leaving gusts of wind in his wake that chilled Felix to the bone in his still damp clothing.
I hope _____ doesn’t come looking for me.
You frowned at the calendar. Felix was supposed to have returned two days previously, and he’d apparently left your parents’ home on time. Yet there was absolutely no sign of him anywhere, and none of the travelers from that direction recalled passing a boy around his age.
Needless to say, you were out of your mind with worry.
He was your younger brother, your responsibility, and you’d let him go off on his own. If I’d been with him, he might not have gotten lost. What if someone kidnapped him, or he got stabbed and left on the side of the road? What if he got enchanted by some witch? What if he-
You shook your head violently, trying to get the horrible thought out of your mind. Felix is fine, and I am going to go find him.
Mind made up, you quickly threw together some spare clothes, food, and money into a bag. Now that you had a plan, you felt slightly lighter, like someone had relieved the pressure weighing down on you. You quickly stuffed your feet into your boots and ran out the door, bag slung over one shoulder.
Hopefully the dance teacher will let me borrow his car if I say it’s because Felix is missing.
You stalked through the outskirts of town, walking quickly to avoid the somewhat sleazy gazes of the young men loitering in the alleys. It was the fastest route to the heart of town; a detour would only slow you down.
“Hey babe, how about you stop walking so fast? We’re just looking?” One of them called out. Another one whistled as he looked you over, eyes lingering inappropriately.
You ignored them, pulling your bag closer to yourself and walking faster, an angry glare painting your face. If those idiots even breathe on me I will scream bloody murder and claw their eyes out.
“Awww, don’t scowl like that babe, your mouth looks so pretty when you aren’t frowning.” The first one called after you as you stormed out of the alley onto the main road.
People. Finally.  
You quickly knocked on the door of the studio, hoping that you wouldn’t be stuck outside for long. Within a few seconds the door swung open.
“____? Is everything alright?” your teacher asked, a worried expression clouding his face.
“I’m fine sir, I just… Felix is missing and he took our car. Is there any way I can borrow your car to go look for him?” The man’s face softened, and he nodded.
“I’d offer you tea or something but I’m guessing you want to leave immediately?” You nodded mutely. “Come inside, I’ll get you the keys and you can leave from the back entrance.”
“Thank you.”
“My pleasure. I just hope you find him safe and sound.” Me too.
Five minutes later you were cruising along the main road, eyes laser focused on the pavement in front of you.
Three hours later, your hands were beginning to hurt from how tightly you were clutching the steering wheel and you were almost sure that the second you took your foot off the accelerator it would cramp up. Pushing onwards with only willpower and desperation to fuel you, you began your steady descent down the mountain road.
You were on your way down the hill when you saw it. Sure enough, there was Felix’s car, parked at an angle to the road.
And it was empty.
You quickly pulled over and ran over to the car, searching wildly for any sign of Felix. Something, anything to tell you that he was still alive and not lying dead somewhere after rolling down the mountain side.
As you were examining the driver’s seat, you happened to glance up. The light was striking the side of the mountain at an odd angle, and you could almost swear there was a door cut into the rock with a path leading away from the door towards it.
“I wonder…” you grabbed your bag from the car and sling it over one shoulder, making your way up the path to the door. You scrabbled around on the smooth surface until your fingers caught on a latch and the door swung open.
A dark, empty space loomed in front of you, completely devoid of any light. You took a deep breath, and then stepped inside.
This is for Felix.
Almost immediately the door closed behind you, leaving you trapped in the darkness. The world was pitch black around you, making it seem like someone had trapped you deep underground.
The panic rose in your throat. Walls seemed to close in around you. A ringing began to sound in your ears. You’d never been stuck somewhere so dark before. Somewhere so utterly terrifying.
I’m going to die here, and no one will ever find me.
Suddenly, a crevice that spiraled all the way around the hall sparked to life, flames flickering and lighting the enormous hall in front of you. You immediately felt your breathing ease and the tension seep from your limbs.
And then, you saw the tiny, curled up figure tucked inside a niche on the other side of the hall. Bars covered the niche’s entrance, and all around you the walls loomed up in sheer black darkness.
“Felix!” you yelled, voice cracking in desperation. A narrow ledge connected the two of you and you clutched your way along the stone wall towards him, ignoring the steep drop below you. “Felix!”
He sat up, rubbing the sleep from tear encrusted eyes. “____?” You can’t be here, you have to leave!”
“I’m not leaving here without you! Do you have even the slightest idea how worried I’ve been? I was going mad waiting for you to come home. Good thing I did come, now we can get out.” You shook the bars roughly, trying to get them to swing open somehow. Come on, come on, open damn it! I can’t leave him.
Felix shook his head, pushing you away roughly. “Get out of here, before the dragon comes back. Please, I’d never forgive myself if you got stuck here with me. Tell Mom and Dad I love them, yeah? I’ll miss you.”
A sob escaped your throat as you turned to go back to the door. “I’ll get you out of this Lix, I promise.” Even as you spoke, an odd sense of foreboding filled your very soul. Why does it feel like I’ll never see him again?
“Just GO!” You shuffled along the ledge back to the door.
Your fingers scraped the smooth stone, trying to find the latch that would open the door once more from the inside. After a minute or so of frantic searching, your fingernail caught on a small latch.
And then, just as you were about to slip out the door, a thundering roar that shook you to your very bones filled the room.
“How dare you enter my home? Two intruders in three days, how lucky for me. Is this the one you begged me to spare?”
Wind rushed through the room. A sharp clicking, like metal clanking on stone floors, scraped your ears.
“Run _____!”
“Not so fast.” A paw reached out of nowhere and clamped down on your shoulder, before the paw’s owner took off. The floor dropped away beneath your feet, leaving only empty air below you.
“Shut up.” The voice said, setting you down next to the bars in front of Felix’s cage. “Now stay still. You have a decision to make.”
You couldn’t stop trembling. Every part of you shook with fear at what the unknown thing that had grabbed you would do to you.
Before you had a chance to blink and let your eyes get adjusted to the light, Felix was standing beside you. Chains were wrapped around his hands and feet, with another length holding him in place so that he couldn’t run to you no matter how hard he tried.
Taking matters into your own hands, you ran over to him, paying no heed to the rocky floor that threatened to trip you up. You pulled at the chains keeping him in place, but they wouldn’t budge.
A cold voice cut through the air, making your hair stand on end. “You have a choice now… run for your life and leave your brother behind with me…” A chuckle ensued as whoever the unknown speaker was saw your determined expression.
There is no way I’m leaving Felix here.
“Or…” the sly pauses the voice was making were just making you angry now.
“Spit it out!” you yelled into the darkness around you.
“You could take his place. I will let your brother go if you agree to stay with me for the rest of your life, in this place.”
All you could hear now was your own heartbeat rushing in your ears, faster and faster. What do I do? Take his place? Let him go.
You thought back to your home, to what awaited both of you. Felix had so much left he wanted to accomplish, so much potential that would be lost if he stayed behind.
I’m sorry Mom, Dad. This is for him.
“I’ll take his place.”
“No! _____, you can’t do this, I won’t let you! You’re insane if you think I can leave you here to pay for my curiosity.”
“Felix, this is my decision.” A small sparkling key came flying through the air and you caught it.
The voice spoke once more. “Unlock his chains and cuff yourself.”
You did as told, fingers shaking so hard you could barely hold the keys. You couldn’t meet Felix’s tear-filled eyes as you pulled the shackles off his wrists and tightened them around your own.
“I love you Felix, I love you and Mom, and Dad, and I want you to do everything you—”
The dark figure swooped down and grabbed Felix, carrying him up into the air and out of the light from the nearby torches.
The last sound you heard from your brother was his anguished scream as the little door in the side of the mountain closed, leaving you alone. The sound shattered you from within, breaking whatever reserve of strength that had held you upright while your brother was still there.
At least Felix is safe, you tried to reassure yourself. At least it’s me trapped here and not him.
It hit you then that you really were trapped.
With only the monster for company.
At long last, the figure you’d seen swooping around came into full view.
Glittering dark green scales covered a lithe, muscular body. Spines that glowed with some sort of inner fire lined his back and neck, sharp as knives. The creature’s front paws had long claws over six inches long. Along his back you could make out folds of green leather, which had to be wings. A barbed tail curled around him almost like a cat’s would, swishing back and forth as the dragon, for that was what stood before you, breathed in and out. Steam rose from his nostrils, and rich dark eyes twinkled in the light of the torches.
Those eyes looked almost human in nature. Warm and mischievous rather than cold and unyieldingly cruel the way you’d expected.
“Well? Don’t just stand there like an idiot. Do you want to stay in that cell where your brother was?” The dragon’s voice was surprisingly soft given his horrifying appearance. It was loud and deep, yes, but it had a lyrical quality to it that contradicted the sharp fangs that were just visible in the corners of his mouth.
“Answer me! Do you have a name?”
“____.” You hid the waver threatening to make itself known. “I want to leave this hellhole of a cavern and get back to daylight.”
“Daylight?” the dragon mocked. “You think you deserve to see daylight, little one? After sneaking into my castle? You’re staying right here, my preciousssss.”
The dragon’s hiss sent shivers up your spine. Even his voice is terrifying. It’s like ice and poison and corrosive acid all at once—
“Now then, _____. Do you want to stay in the cell, or are you going to cooperate and let me take you to your new room?”
“Do I even have a choice?” Doubt it. He clearly has his own ideas over what to do with me.
“Cell it is then.” You cringed away as the dragon’s cruel claws came close to your shoulder.
“Room, please!” I can’t handle being carried by those daggers one more time.
“So, you can be reasonable. What a surprise. Come.” The dragon clicked down a hallway that had yet gone unnoticed by you in the corner of the large cavern. You followed, unsure as to how to respond to the twelve-foot-long dragon. Yet another thing no one ever told me how to deal with. I just hope Felix is safe.
Three corridors, two sets of double doors, and four large halls later, the dragon pushed open a large gilt door.
“This is your room. You will be joining me for dinner in the dining room in one hour.” He spoke curtly, with a careless, disdainful glance at you.
“What if I choose not to?” Might as well test my boundaries.
“That was an order, not a request.”
And with those words, the dragon turned, tail whipping through the air behind him and almost hitting you in the face. With no other alternative, you entered the room, slamming the door shut behind you with a clang that echoed through the hollowed-out mountain castle.
With little else to do, you threw yourself onto the bed and began to sob. You were trapped, in the middle of nowhere, with only a monstrous dragon for company. And even the finery around you couldn’t disguise the fact that you were a prisoner, in a gilded cage.
Golden bars were still bars after all.
Minho clicked down the halls back to wing where his old rooms used to be. He’d long since outgrown the bed he’d occupied as a child; now he simply had knocked down half the walls and turned the space into a very messy nest, with bundles of items lying all over the place.
Just because his claws couldn’t wrap the fabric properly didn’t mean he couldn’t order the servants to do it for him.
Speaking of servants, where were they? He mused as he settled down into the nest of soft blankets. Intimidating people really was a full-time job.
His eyes began to droop slowly shut, only to slam open as a small candlestick began jumping up and down on top of his scaled back.
“Prince Minho! Wake up! Who’s the person in the guest wing? Is it the one? Will they break the curse? Are they cute?”
Minho rolled onto his other side, flicking his wing to try and get him off. “Go away Jisung. Make sure ____ is down for dinner on time and tell Chan he has to make sure dinner tastes good.”
“Ooooh, trying to impress ____? Your new consort has a pretty name. You better behave well with them. No temper tantrums, and woo them properly, that’s the best way to get them to break the curse.”
“Would you shut up? I need a nap.” Jisung had veered uncomfortably close to the truth. Minho did hope that ____ would be the one to break the curse, but he also didn’t want to hope.
If he had hope, the chances of being hurt when he was trapped as a dragon forever would only be more painful.
As it is, he only had about half a year left before the curse became permanent.
Lost in thought, he didn’t notice Jisung leaving the room and going to meet Changbin outside.
“Is he alright?” Changbin asked, hands whirring worriedly on his face.
“I don’t know Binnie-hyung. I don’t know. Let’s just get things together and try and welcome our guest. It’s all we can do it this point.
You looked up at the knock that reverberated throughout your new room.
“Go. Away. I don’t want to see your scaly face,” you hissed at the door.
“It’s dinner time. Your presence is required.”
“Fuck off!” Something inside you snapped. “Do you think I’m going to sit and politely eat opposite the dragon that kidnapped my brother and blackmailed me?”
A loud huff came from the other side of the door. “If you don’t come and eat with me, you won’t be eating at all.”
“Good riddance! I don’t particularly feel hungry after being manhandled anyway!” You yelled back, before picking up a large, heavy looking hair brush and flinging it at the door. “You can bother all you want, I’m not coming out.”
“Then rot!” The dragon stomped away, his heavy footsteps clanking on the ground heavily.
You let out a heavy breath, feeling the tears begin to well up once more. You hadn’t been lying when you said you weren’t hungry. Right now, the only feeling in your stomach was one of nausea and horror, horror at what you were probably going to face.
Who knows what the dragon’s going to do to me when I refuse to leave at his order?”
Exhausted, miserable, nauseous, and ready to collapse, you curled into a tiny little ball on the surprisingly soft bed. You didn’t have much else to do, might as well sleep.
You’d need all your energy to try to escape later on.
Your eyelids fluttered open after some time, feeling crusty and dry after your sobbing. You rubbed them carelessly, remembering the warnings your mother had always given you about your eyelashes falling out if you rubbed your eyes.
If I have a chance to listen to Mom nag me ever again, I’ll be the happiest person on earth.
You took the silence as an opportunity to explore your new room. A few shelves lined one wall, with various knick-knacks and decorations filling the space. Sheer curtains led outside to a window, surprising seeing as you had entered a mountain. Maybe it opens onto the valley inside. Like a castle courtyard, only the mountain and cliffs are the castle themselves.
A set of pretty wall hangings finished the other side of the room, along with a screen and a large wardrobe which seemed to be letting out a few large snores every now and then. At this point though, after seeing a dragon speak, not much would be startling you.
You went over to the wardrobe and poked it. It jolted awake with a shudder, blinking open carved eyes near the door.
“Oh, hello! You must be _____, the master sent me up to see to you. I’m Hyunjin, your new helper! We should get you into some night clothes so you can sleep, yes?”
You frowned. “I don’t want to go back to sleep. I’m going to explore and find the kitchen.”
The wardrobe—Hyunjin—opened his mouth to speak again, but you forestalled him by wrapping your cloak more tightly around you.
“Do me a favor and don’t tell the dragon?” You called as you slipped out the door. Hyunjin just stood there, unmoving in his shock.
Slowly, a little smile spread over his face. Maybe some challenges were just what the master needed to bring some light back into his life and spice it up a little.
Maybe Jisung and Changbin were right. Maybe you would be their salvation.
After all, you simply had to fall in love with a dragon. How hard could it really be to orchestrate that?
The answer, as Hyunjin, Jisung, Changbin, and the other plotters were soon to discover, was that it was really quite difficult to orchestrate two people’s falling in love with each other. Especially when one of those individuals was a cantankerous dragon who took no pleasure in anything other than brooding, and the other was an angry kidnappee who kept breaking things and sneaking around the passages to elicit a reaction from Minho.
Suffice it to say, things were not going well by any means.
And they were just about to get worse.
It was the middle of the night, and you’d dragged yourself out of bed, hoping that the late hour would ensure you wouldn’t be discovered. Lighting only a small candle, you slowly crept down the passageways back to the large cavern where you’d first met the dragon.
Tonight was the night you got out of this weird castle-cave-hollow-mountain-thing.
You tiptoed along, pausing at every slight noise you heard. Shivers ran up your spine and the little hairs on the back of your neck stood up. You had the distinct feeling that someone was following you, and yet when you turned your head, there was no one there.
Nervously toying with your fingers, you finally came up on the enormous cavern that you’d entered weeks ago. Slowly, you made your way up a narrow ledge to where the bars that had once imprisoned Felix now lay.
You tore your eyes away and forced yourself to look at the other walls, scanning for the slight crack that had unlocked the little door earlier. Fingers scrabbling against the smooth stone, you searched silently, hoping against hope that you’d find the door again.
And then, your fingernail caught on something.
Tamping down a squeal of excitement, you placed the candle on a nearby ledge, letting to soft light wash over your hands as they searched for the hidden catch within the crack. Within a few moments you’d found it and clicked it open once more. The door swung open, revealing a stormy night.
You tightened your hands into fists. I’ve come this far, no turning back now. You shoved the door open and slipped out the door, hiding your nose in your sleeve to protect it from the biting wind. You struggled down the path, steep as it was, until you came up on the road below.
Disaster struck.
Suddenly the air was filled with the sound of howling.
Only this time it wasn’t the wind.
This time, it was wolves.
Some sixth sense told you to duck, and not a second too soon. A large gray wolf sailed over your head, fangs snapping exactly where your head had been not a moment ago.
A scream tore itself from your lips. You curled tighter in on yourself, surrounded on all sides by slobbering, slavering wolves who regarded you with a cruel yellow light in their eyes.
I’m going to die here. I’m never going to see my family again, or breathe in the fresh morning air, or hear the applause after a performance. I’m never going to—
A roar split the air, and then beautiful emerald fire burned in a ring around you. The dragon swooped down from the sky and swiped angrily at the wolves, ignoring the snarling, snapping fangs and claws that slashed his scales away. He curled around your prone form, swiping away a wolf approaching from behind with one sweep of his tail.
“Get. On.” You did as told, too shocked to respond in any other way. Dying at the claws of your scaly savior would probably be less painful than being eaten by a bunch of wolves.
One of the wolves leaped into the air as the dragon took off and sank his teeth into the dragon’s left foreleg. You could feel him shudder in pain underneath you, but he shook it off, flapping his leathery wings and making his way back to the mountain-castle.
Huh. From this height you can see the towers and ramparts that the ivy grew over and hid. It’s actually a really beautiful structure. Clearly, the shock was making you a little loopy as well.
The dragon sank down in a courtyard with high walls all around it, at the very tip of the mountain. You slid off his back, preparing to complain about the cold ride and the fact that he still wasn’t planning on letting you go even though it was completely useless to keep you trapped there!
Then you saw the blood, surprisingly red and warm, welling up on his paw.
He did save my life… I guess I owe it to him.
You immediately knelt next to him and pulled the bleeding paw into your lap. Grabbing the corner of your cloak, you wiped it gently, trying to see how deeply the wolf’s teeth had pierced his skin.
Behind you, a little crowd was gathering. The servants were all staring as you tried to stem the bleeding.
“Jisung, could you get me some hot water? And maybe some towels, and some alcohol for cleaning this?” you asked, not taking your eyes off the dragon. If they’re going to stare, might as well be useful for a change.
“Of course, we’ll get them to you right away. Changbin come on!” the little candlestick hissed, yanking Changbin behind him. They soon returned with the items you had asked for and left without another word.
You finished wrapping the bandages rather haphazardly around the dragon’s paw. He was more awake now, staring at you with those rich green eyes and making you feel like you could never hide a single secret from him.
Stupid dragon. Dying might have been better anyways. It’s not like I even know his name.
“Get inside. Do you have a bedroom?” you asked, tugging the paw that had been in your lap towards the wall.
“Down the west hallway. First door,” he rumbled, rising from his prone position and entering one of the corridors. You followed, unsure as to where in the castle you actually were.
The dragon nosed open one of the numerous doors lining that hallway and slipped inside. The room was large—it had to be to hold someone so large—and it had pretty green and gold wallpaper covering the walls. A large pit lined with pillows stood in the center of the room, and the dragon fell into this now, cushioning his head on one of them.
“Thank you for saving me.” Some unknown force compelled you to speak. “I owe you my life… I know it doesn’t mean much but I am grateful Mister Dragon.”
“It’s Lee Know.” The dragon’s voice was so quiet you barely heard it.
“Lee Know? Like… the verb?”
The dragon—Lee Know—simply blinked and closed his eyes. You shrugged and turned away as well, ready to go back to your own rooms… if you could even find them.
Maybe escaping could wait until tomorrow night, when you were a little less tired.
“Are you absolutely sure about this? You don’t let anyone into your collection!” Changbin asked worriedly as he toddled as fast as he could to keep up with Minho.
“They’re just sitting there and gathering dust. _____ likes music and dancing, almost as much as I—well at least they’ll be used this way.”
“If you say so…” Changbin trailed off. “When she messed up anything and gets all cross don’t come crying to me.���
“Don’t you have clock-servant things to do?” Minho hissed, flicking Changbin with his tail. “Go away.”
Changbin snickered to himself as he made his way down to the kitchen. The others would want to hear this.
Meanwhile, Minho came up to the door to your bedroom and tapped lightly against it with one claw. He waited for a moment, unsure as to what your response would be.
To his surprise, you smiled happily at him and came out into the hallway as well. “It’s really lovely outside today isn’t it?” you asked, closing your door behind you. “Is your paw doing better?”
Minho was quite taken aback. “It’s—it’s doing a lot better thanks. I… I was wondering if maybe… you’d be interested in something to distract you, so you don’t have to spend all your time here bored.”
“Finally! I thought I’d go mad from just doing nothing! Where are we going?”
A small smile almost appeared on Minho’s face. “It’s a surprise. Close your eyes.”
You shrugged and did as told. If he’d wanted to kill you, he’d probably have done it by this point, you mused as you placed one hand on his neck and let him guide you through the maze of hallways.
“You can open your eyes now.” Minho’s voice broke into your thoughts.
Your eyelids fluttered open and you let out an involuntary gasp.
The room was full of shelves of records and sheet music. A large piano stood in one corner of the room, while the other side had a polished floor and long mirrors covering the walls. The room looked freshly cleaned, as though it had just been dusted the night before.
“Do you like it?” Lee Know asked, tail swishing nervously back and forth.
You threw your arms around his neck in a quick hug before turning to the shelves. “You have so much music in here, it’s ridiculous! I didn’t know so many pieces were available over here.”
“It’s yours.”
“What?” You couldn’t possibly have heard him right.
“I—I don’t have any use for them. Once, I might have, but now? It’s better that you have them.”
You stood there, gobsmacked, as he turned and left the room.
What was it about that dragon that kept surprising you?
A few months or so had passed since your failed escape attempt and Lee Know’s subsequent gift of the dance studio and music.
You were… strangely enough… almost happy. The only thing that kept ruining things for you was your constant worry for Felix. Already regarded as somewhat… odd… by the other villagers, you hoped he was alright.
Today however, was a special occasion. You’d spent ages coercing the dragon into trying to do a dance with you, even if it was just swaying in time to the music, and yet he had refused every time. He would spend hours watching you play or dance and never say a word, just looking mournfully at you with those sad green eyes.
Something about his eyes reminded you of royalty.
It was probably nothing.
But at any rate, today was the day you were going to manage it. You’d sent Jeongin along to convince him to come to the studio (no one could ever say no to the little teacup) and you had everything set up.
And then, the door opened, and the dragon entered.
“Excellent. You’re here! Now come on, today’s the day you get over your fears and you start dancing. It’s not hard, anyone can learn how to do it!” You pulled him over by the paw. “Now then, let’s get started. Here’s how you do a basic box step.”
“____, I’m not dancing.”
You turned to him and stared directly into his eyes. Eyes that shone like stars.
“You are. And that’s final. You spend all your time moping anyways, it’s about time you do something useful for a change.”
He rolled his eyes but followed, unable to say no.
“Hit it Jisung!” you called out, and the candlestick moved the needle of the record player into position. The soft strains of music filled the room, lifting you up a little almost involuntarily.
There was something about dancing that just felt… freeing.
“Okay, now then, one step forward, to the side…” you frowned a little. “You could look a little happier about it you know.”
“_____. I’m a dragon. We. Don’t. Dance.”
“Says who!” you placed your hands on your hips. “New thing. Let’s just put on music and you just… move in time to it.”
“____” he whined. There was absolutely nothing he could do as you switched out the records and put on one of your favorite pieces.
“Now close your eyes, let the music wash over you, and just move. Don’t think.”
Minho did as told.
And before he knew it, he could feel his limbs moving in time to the music again. The skill he’d lost as a child slowly came flooding back and even in his dragon body the rhythm and elegance were clearly noticeable.
He’s definitely trained. He has to be. Lee Know, who are you? You wondered as you watched.
A light push on the back of your knees sent you stumbling towards him.
“Join in ____!” Jeongin giggled from where he was pressed against Woojin’s side. The teapot turned to shush him, but the teacup simply giggled and turned back to watch.
You slowly stepped towards the dragon, analyzing his steps to see where you should join in. Almost involuntarily you felt yourself catching the tune and moving as well, weaving towards Lee Know and then moving with him in perfect synchronicity.
You were spinning in and out of each other’s paths, comets in orbit, never crashing. Simply spinning, spinning, falling, staring at those green eyes.
And then, the record stopped playing.
“Bravo!” Woojin let out a puff of steam. “That was amazing you two!”
You blushed heavily, but Minho’s reaction was far more telling. He simply turned and left the room, not even glancing back.
“I’m doing it and you can’t stop me!”
“Well we can’t but Chan and Woojin can!” Changbin yelled, jumping up and down on Minho’s back. “You can’t let your only chance at a normal life walk right out of here!”
“I also can’t keep _____ captive forever. They don’t deserve this life. I’m giving them the mirror and the ring.”
“On your own head be it!” The door slammed shut as Changbin stomped down the hallway.
Minho stroked a claw against the glass case that held the witch’s iris. The flower was dying, and he could feel his own strength deteriorating with it.
It was for the best.
You woke up to sunshine streaming into your window and warming your face as you lay in bed lazily. Something tells me today is a good day.
As you looked around, you noticed a small tray with two items resting on it sitting on the front of your dresser. You swung your legs out from under the covers and padded over, picking up the note that lay with it.
Put on the ring and say the name of the person you wish to be with three times, and you shall be with them. Say the name of the person you wish to see three times and blow lightly on the surface of this mirror, and you shall see them.
With these, I hope you always live happily.
Your freedom is yours, your life your own.
Thank you for giving me music again.
Prince Lee Minho, or as you better know me, the cursed dragon Lee Know
You sat down in shock, wondering if this was all simply a dream. My dragon was a prince? He gave me magical items that would get me home? What do I do?
Putting on the ring and slipping the mirror into your pocket, you whispered Felix’s name three times. A gust of wind swept around you and you closed your eyes tightly against the chill.
And when you opened them, you were home again.
And you could hear screaming in the yard outside.
“I’m not crazy! _____ has been captured by a dragon! Why won’t you people listen to me?” Felix yelled, fighting against the two men holding him steady.
I knew he needed me. I knew they would hurt him. Time to see if this mirror works.
You pulled it out and whispered “Lee Know” three times before blowing on it.
Nothing happened.
“Maybe you need to say Lee Minho,” came the piping voice of Jeongin from inside your pocket. You gasped and reached inside, pulling him out and setting him in front of you.
“How did you get here?”
“I snuck in when Prince Minho left the tray, and then I leapt into your pocket while you were reading. I wanted to see the world! Woojin never lets me do anything fun.” The little teacup pouted adorably.
“Well, first things first, let’s get my brother out of there. Show me Lee Minho!”
This time, the mirror worked as said.
Minho’s dejected face and sharp claws came slowly into focus, and you grinned to yourself. Perfect.
“Will you all shut up!” You yelled, pushing the door of your cottage open and holding up the mirror. “Felix is telling the truth! There is a dragon in the mountain, but he isn’t evil. He’s kind and sweet, and he’s the one who let me go!”
You waved the mirror around, showing everyone the image inside it.
And then, the mirror let out a howl. Minho appeared to be screaming in agony of some kind, barely able to stand as the pain wracked his body.
He sounds like he’s being tortured. What could have happened in just a few hours?
“The dragon!” “He’s evil!” “Look at him, screaming for blood!” “He must have bewitched these two!” “We have to kill him, to protect our children!” “To reclaim the mountain!” “Kill the dragon!”
“KILL THE DRAGON!” The crowd’s chant rose into a roar, and the mob shoved you and Felix inside your cottage before barring the door.
“We’ll deal with you later,” one of the younger men hissed, picking up a pitchfork.
Felix whirled to face you. “What do you mean, he’s kind and sweet? He was ready to imprison us!”
“Felix, you don’t understand!”
“Well, make me understand!”
You began relating the whole sorry tale. Your attempted escape, his gifts, the way he’d simply let you go at the end. As you spoke, Felix’s eyes softened.
“Maybe he isn’t so bad. But why is he screaming all of a sudden?”
Jeongin piped up from your pocket. “Woojin said Prince Minho was cursed. And that he had to get someone to fall in love with him, or else he’d DIE. Do you think he’s dying ____?”
You exchanged a look with Felix. He knew you better than anyone; he could tell what you weren’t saying.
“Fine. I’m coming with you though.” He reached out and took your hand, and you whispered Minho’s name to the ring.
A gust of wind later, and you were standing in your bedroom again.
“Wow, this is fancy!” Felix exclaimed, moving over to the window. “How come you got a cool room and I got a cell?”
“You were the one who got captured, dork.”
“Carry on.”
“We need to find him, the ring only brought me back here. I don’t know where he could be!” You slumped into your chair, head in your hands.
“I’ll go tell the others to prepare for an invasion!” Jeongin jumped down from your pocket and toddled outside. “Maybe Jisung or Changbin knows what to do!”
You turned to Felix. “Let’s start looking then.”
The castle was unreasonably enormous. Every other corridor seemed to branch off and leave more doors to be searched. Jeongin found you again with the others in tow, and upon further questioning it turned out that they too didn’t know where Minho was.
Hours had passed in vain, searching for the dragon of the castle, when a large thump sounded against the walls, shaking them.
“They’re breaking down the door!” Jisung yelled. “Come on, we’re going to hold them off. ____, it’s up to you to find the prince.”
You nodded and went the opposite direction. The flower… the image in the mirror… maybe he’s in the west wing? Or the tower? We hadn’t gotten there yet.
Taking the stairs two at a time, you clambered up towards the tower. Your breathing came heavily, forcing you to slow down if only to be able to breathe.
Outside the highest window, you could just make out the prone figure of the dragon lying curled up on the balcony. His head and arm lolled off one end, limp and lifeless.
“Minho! NO!” The scream was torn from your lips as you sank down next to him, pulling his head into your lap. “Please, wake up! You have to wake up!”
Minho’s eyes fluttered open, the emerald flames that had always sparkled within them almost dead.
“I’m done for _____. I love you you know. And if you love someone, let them go.”
Tears you hadn’t even noticed dripped onto his face.
“So I let you go.”
And then, the spear came sailing out of nowhere, and lodged itself in his heart, slipping underneath his arm. Even the balcony hadn’t protected him against the force of the blow.
A little puff of steam rose from his nostrils, and then you could feel Minho’s steady heartbeat fade away.
Sobs spilled out of you uncontrollably. “I can’t do this Minho. I love you too! Only I’m not going to let you go.”
And then, green curls of magic seemed to float up around him.
The swirls of smoke curled around the dragon, pulling his head off your lap and into the air above the tower. Below you the mob of villagers seemed to suddenly calm themselves, no longer in a murderous frenzy.
The air exploded with bright green light, and you flinched away involuntarily. What is going on?
And when you opened your eyes, a dragon no longer lay in your lap.
The figure in your lap was a prince, wearing a simple green tunic and black pants. An emerald and silver crown adorned his head; thin green leather boots graced his feet.
And then, he met your eyes.
A tiny gasp escaped your lips. His eyes weren’t the emerald of the dragon you’d grown so used to seeing. They were warm brown, the color of chocolate, but the stars that had lain dormant in them before now sparkled in full glory.
“Well, ____, you can’t take it back now. You love me hmmm?” A lilting laugh escaped the prince as he sat up. “You broke the curse.”
“I might have done it sooner if you hadn’t been so rude!” You quipped, the reaction almost a reflex now from the hours spent bantering with him.
“You cured me of that too I guess.” He lowered his face a little closer to yours, and your eyes fluttered shut as he pressed his lips to your cheek gently. “I owe you my life, my love.”
You sat there, dumbfounded as Minho laughed a little at you again. He pressed another little kiss to your nose. “You fell in love with dragon me… I wonder how you’ll handle the craziness that is human me?”
Something inside you told you that it would be just fine.
Absolutely perfect in fact.
Anyone who could learn to love a dragon would probably have no issues dealing with a human. Even if he was a prince.
And so, our little ensemble lived happily ever after.
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whoa baby! it’s a happy Tuesday because there’s a whole lot of action happening over on ao3 from some pretty talented folks! check out the chaos company exchange: electric boogaloo to laugh, cry, and probably scream.
here’s a peek at my little contributions!!
time and time and time again: this one was a challenge for me! pushed myself to get inside Leia’s head post ROTJ and add some force ghost shenanigans for funsies and angsties. (written for the fabulous @frostscribbles!)
in this petty pace from day to day: a little dip into tpm era obitine! come for the banter and late night dancing, stay for babykin™️ trying to shmooze satine. (written for the stellar @sunnymiles!)
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colubrina · 3 years
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Like Brothers, chapter 61 ( FFN ) Minerva McGonagall steps in on the awful night the Potters are murdered and arranges to have Harry Potter raised by Sirius Black and his somewhat cousins, the Malfoys. Draco and Harry grow up as almost brothers and everything - well, almost everything - is different. Gryffindor!Draco. Dramione. AU.
“We chopped his body into small pieces and dropped them into the fiendfyre incinerator,” Narcissa said briskly from behind Professor McGonagall.  Hermione knew she should probably feel horror at that, but instead she felt a fierce wave of satisfaction.  They’d done it.  She grabbed Draco’s hand and squeezed, and he met her eyes and she saw the same ruthless joy.   It hadn’t been all for nothing.
Then Hermione blinked, and Narcissa bustled over and was setting a hand against Neville’s forehead with proprietary care, and everything she thought she’d understood was gone again. Done what?
Thank you to @arleney​ and frostscribbles for beta reading!
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straykidsscribbles · 6 years
Lectionum Patrocinium
Happiest of birthdays to the brightest star in the sky, Felix Lee. Hope he had a happy birthday!
Summary: Felix Lee had just offered to teach you taekwondo. Maybe he’d end up teaching you something about love as well? 
Word count: 4766, Felix x neutral reader, College AU
This is lowkey inspired by my own experiences learning taekwondo! The title is “Defense Lessons” in Latin. See my masterlist for more.
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“Come on _____, let’s go! I want to see how the dance team recruitment is going!” Minho yelled, dragging you behind him as he rushed towards the crowd of tables arranged outside your college’s gym.
You followed, barely avoiding tripping over your feet. Why does this kid have so much energy? I swear I'm never letting him drink coke again.
“Hey Hyunjin! Has anyone new signed up yet?” Minho asked the boy behind the table. Sometimes you wondered just how many people Minho met at through his dance performances; it seemed like he knew everyone who'd even thought of performing.
Hyunjin nodded from behind the table. “A couple of girls came by earlier, and there was this group of freshmen that seemed pretty interested too. Who's your friend?”
Minho grinned happily. “This is _____, my cousin. I'm just showing them around!”
“Nice to meet you _____!” Hyunjin smiled politely, no doubt used to Minho’s wild energy.
“Nice to meet you too, Hyunjin wasn’t it?” you replied. Minho has so many friends; I don’t think I’ll ever keep them all straight.
Minho turned back to the two of you, done distracting whoever else he had been talking to. “Hyunjinnie do you know where Felix is?”
“Yup, he’s at the taekwondo booth. He’s going to take over from me in about an hour, so you could wait or you could go meet him there, it’s near the pizza stand.” Hyunjin pointed out a small red canopy just visible over the sea of students milling around. As he was speaking, three new people came up to the other side of the booth, looking like they were waiting to ask about the dance club. “You guys will have to excuse me, bye!” Hyunjin waved you two away, turning to speak with the newcomers. After all, it was a club recruitment event and he did have a job to do.
“Okie dokie _____, we’ll go see Felix next, and then you have to pick one thing at least to sign up for before I let you go back to your dorm.” Minho instructed. You jogged a little to catch up with him as he pushed through the crowd, a little afraid of losing sight of him.
Finally, you two stopped at a neatly decorated booth with Taekwondo written across the table. Taking the brief reprieve to catch your breath, you looked around, taking in the sights. An older girl was leaning against one corner of the table, playing with the padded gloves on her hands as she spoke to some of the others. Another girl was standing near the back, passing out candy to people who signed up.
“Felix!” You jumped at Minho’s yell, startled by the loud noise. I swear I’m never going anywhere with this idiot again. He is so loud and peppy it’s ridiculous.
“Minho-hyung! You found me!” A boy wearing a padded blue vest over a martial arts uniform sauntered over to you both. A “Kick Me!” sign adorned the front of his vest, which was clearly some sort of protective gear. His hair was lightly mussed and a bright shade of orange, clashing with the black collar of his uniform.
“Hyunjin told me where you were. This is my cousin, _____, and this is Felix!” Minho introduced.
“Hi Felix,” you greeted, smiling at him.
“Hi ____!” Oh wow, he has a really deep voice. Not at all what you’d expect from his face. “Are you interested in trying out taekwondo?”  
“Actually, that’s a great idea. It’ll be something new for you and self-defense is always something you should learn,” lectured Minho, a bit of a smirk spreading across his lips.
“I don’t know… I mean I’ve never done something like this before. I might not be very good at it at all,” you wavered, a little unsure of getting pushed into doing something so unfamiliar to you.
“Well, you could try something quick now? I mean, I have this Kick Me sign for a reason, go for it!” Felix encouraged, turning to face you fully. “I promise, you won’t hurt me.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, still not totally okay with the idea of just kicking someone you’d only just met three minutes ago. What if he’s wrong and I actually do hurt him?
“Come on, he has a Kick Me sign! Just go for it you dork, you think too much.” Minho was, as usual, being his typically unhelpful, highly irritating self.
“You can kick me, don’t worry about it! I’ve already gotten kicked a few times anyways.” Felix backed up a little, giving you some space. “Come on then.”
And with that, you swung your leg, your toes connecting with the thick vest, making a loud thump. Your toes caught on the edge of the padding, bending a little inside your sneakers. Ouch, that hurt. I hope my toes are okay… that was not a good idea.
Felix let out a breath. “Oof, that was pretty hard. Are you sure you haven’t done taekwondo before, or any other martial arts?”
“No…” you trailed off, noticing that his breathing was actually quite heavy and he looked a little winded. “That was a total fluke.”
“You have a lot of power then, you just need better technique,” Felix began explaining. “You know how your toes got caught on the edge of the sparring gear? If you hadn’t been wearing shoes, you could have broken a toe.”
“Oh. Lucky me I guess?” Well, that would have been fun. Walking all over this ridiculous campus with a broken toe.
“You know, if you want to come by during one of my practices, I could give you a few pointers. That would be better than just throwing kicks and potentially injuring yourself.” Felix’s eyes looked earnest, and he had a bright smile playing on his lips.
That’s really sweet of him. “If you’re sure it wouldn’t be too much trouble, then I’d love to take you up on it.”
“Of course! Let me give you my number, that way we can set up a time that works for both of us.” You pulled your phone out of your pocket and passed it to Felix, who typed in a number and sent off a quick text to his own phone. “There. All done.”
“Thanks Felix! I’ll see you later!”
“Bye _____,” he waved to your retreating figure.
As you walked away from the booth, Minho popped up next to you. “Soooooo. That was pretty cute. He’s going to give you lessons, isn’t he?” He waggled his eyebrows up and down comically at you, smirking at the flush that rose in your cheeks.
“Stop waggling your eyebrows and shut up you brat! Otherwise I’ll tell Auntie that you didn’t actually finish all the soup she sent you because you forgot about it and it went bad.” The advantage of spending way too much time with my cousin. I get to know all his secrets.
“You wouldn’t.” Minho’s eyes widened in mock horror as he nudged you with his elbow. “I’m an innocent man; I did nothing to deserve this.”
“Innocent? Yeah right. If you’re innocent then I’m the Queen of England!”
“And you go around calling me a brat?”
Laughing, the two of you wandered back to your dorm, where Minho said his goodbyes.
Still, your mind kept running over your conversation with Felix. Your last thought that night was of the boy you’d met that day, and his sweet, almost angelic smile when he’d offered to teach you.
About a week later (and after exchanging quite a few texts with Felix), you’d managed to find a time that would work out for both of your schedules. Felix had to schedule around dance as well as his regular classes, but you’d managed eventually, after postponing a few study sessions to make time for it.
That was why, at about five in the afternoon, you were walking over to the martial arts gym, dressed in plain black clothing and carrying a water bottle. Felix had been strangely insistent upon that point, reminding you at least four times to bring water.
I wonder just how much he’s planning on doing today. It’s not like we can do much. I mean, I am just a beginner and this is my first time trying taekwondo, you mused as you pushed open the glass door and entered the gym.
There were rubber mats lining the floor, presumably to prevent injury should someone fall on it. A shoe rack stood along one wall, and you pulled off your shoes, leaving them on the shelf. You made to step onto the mats, only to be stopped by an older boy practicing in one corner of the large room.
“Make sure you take your socks off too please,” he requested, lowering the bamboo sword in his hands. “Are you here for Felix? He stepped out for a second, he said you’d be coming.”
You turned back to the shoe shelf, pulling off your socks and shoving them inside your shoes. “Yup, I’m here to see Felix. Should I just go wait over there? I don’t want to bother you.”
“Oh, it’s fine, I need a break anyways. Besides, it’s nice to finally meet Felix’s s/o!” He put the sword down on a rack and padded over to you.
You took in a sharp breath, a little surprised. “Oh, I’m not— Felix and I aren’t— we aren’t dating or anything. We met a few days ago and he said he’d show me how to kick without hurting myself so here I am!” Great. Now I’m tripping over my own words, this is fantastic.
“_____, there you are!” came Felix’s voice from behind you. “I see you met Woojin-hyung, he’s our resident kendo expert.”
“Hi Felix,” you greeted, a little breathless. Felix’s hair was pushed back from his forehead and the uniform he wore fitted his shoulders just perfectly, emphasizing their broadness. Get a grip _____, he’s literally being nice and teaching you and you go and act like some shallow trashcan.
“I’m glad you came, should we get started?” He gestured towards another area of the mats, and you followed him, waving goodbye too Woojin, who was already engrossed in his exercises once more.
“Woojin seems pretty cool,” you said brightly, trying to make a little small talk. “Have you been friends long?”
Felix seemed to be pouting as he heard your praise of the older boy. I’m just imagining things, it’s not like he would actually be pouting over me commenting on his friend. “We met through the gym and we have a few other friends in common actually. He and I are roommates in our flat, which works out well since we both spend a lot of time in here and in the music building.”
“That must be pretty nice. I’m in a dorm but I don’t actually know my roommate that well. She’s pretty nice though.”
“Anyways,” Felix turned to face you, seemingly ready to start the lesson. “Let’s start small shall we? Maybe punching first, then kicking?”
“You’re the teacher,” you replied, a little nervous. What if I end up falling or I break something or some other ridiculous horror happens?
Felix nodded to himself, going over some sort of plan in his head. “Okay, so how about we start off with something similar to our last encounter. Try and punch me?”
What. “Are you sure?”
“I told you didn’t I? Now go ahead, punch away. I won’t let you hurt either of us, don’t worry.” Well, if he’s sure…
You balled up your fingers into a fist, and then tried to punch the boy standing relaxed in front of you, seemingly without a care in the world.
Only to find your fist sliding through the air past his cheek, not even making contact with his skin.
“Go on, try again,” he encouraged, patting his cheek. “Aim here.”
You tried again, this time putting more force behind your hand so that it would move faster.
The same thing. Your fist just would not make contact with his face, no matter how carefully you tried to aim.
“Okay, so I’m clearly missing something here. What’s the trick Felix?” you questioned, crossing your arms over your chest.
Felix laughed a little, the sound oddly adorable. “See, the whole point is to move just enough, so that you don’t get hit. Then you can be in the perfect position to strike back, while the other person is off balance from their own attack.”
Understanding dawned on you. “So basically you let them overextend themselves to make your life easier?”
“Exactly. Now show me how you’re making a fist,” He instructed, stepping back from you. You held up a hand awkwardly, folding your fingers over your thumb and tightening them.
Felix groaned, grabbing your hand and pulling your thumb out from under your fingers. He lingered for a second, warm hands on yours, before shaking his head slightly. “Okay, so this is definitely a problem. If you keep your thumb inside your fist, you’ll end up breaking it love.”
“How? Isn’t it more protected this way?”
“If you hit something really hard, then the force crushes your fingers into your thumb. Then it makes it really easy for your thumb or fingers to break. The best way is to do it like this.” He shifted your fingers, moving them so that your thumb folded under your curled fingers. “There. Like that.”
You folded your fingers experimentally, trying to get used to the position. “This feels kind of weird,” you muttered under your breath.
“It might feel weird now, but trust me, you’ll get used to it soon enough. Now then, let me show you how to punch, then maybe we can try a front kick to start you off?”
The lesson continued for about an hour, Felix patiently explaining how to move and shift your weight so that you wouldn’t fall while kicking. He was careful to avoid pushing you too far, making sure you understood the logic behind everything instead of expecting you to blindly follow everything he told you to do.
He’s really sweet. And cute. And the way his hair keeps flopping over his eyes… _____, you’re just about dead gone on him aren’t you? Get your act together, you’ve only known him for a week!
No matter how much you told yourself not to, you couldn’t help it. You now had a ridiculous, obvious crush on your taekwondo tutor.
Felix unlocked the door of the apartment he shared with Woojin, Chan, and Changbin, exhausted after dance practice. He entered, only to find all three boys staring right at him.
“Look whose home! It’s lover boy!” smirked Chan as he leaned casually against the kitchen counter. “Had fun on your date earlier?”
Felix blushed, cheeks feeling as warm as the sun. “It wasn’t a dateeeee.”
“You were waiting for them, got all scowl-y once they left, and you were all cranky about them talking to me. It might not have been a date but you wanted it to be one.” Woojin had a gigantic grin on his face.
Changbin was frowning. “What are they like? Are they nice?  And what happened to your rule of not starting new projects this quarter, especially before dance competitions?”
“I… made an exception? Since they were really sweet?” Felix seemed to be asking them rather than telling them. He flopped onto the sofa with a thump, face buried in a throw pillow. “I don’t know okay, they were really cute when Minho brought them over and I saw my chance and took it! It’s just a chance to get to know _____ anyways.”
Chan patted Felix’s head roughly, messing up his hair. “You got game Lix. I taught you well, my son,” he intoned, making his voice deeper just to try and bring a smile to Felix’s somewhat woebegone face.
Changbin hurled a pillow at Chan’s head, clearly amused. “You have the least game of anyone on campus Channie-hyung, fuck off.”
“Language, Changbin! Now come on, we ordered take out and it’s getting cold.” Woojin intervened before the other two could start bickering, and gestured the bags sitting next to the stove. Felix rolled off the couch into a heap on the floor before struggling to his feet and opening a container of rice.
“It’s not like anything even happened, it was an actual lesson,” he mumbled defensively into his food, chopsticks shoveling rice into his mouth. Nothing got between these four hungry boys and their food, even romantic drama.
Changbin just snorted derisively. “Sure it was an actual lesson. ‘Oh Felix, is this how I kick?’ and then they fall into your arms.”
“They were cute Felix, I can see why you’re trying to do this,” Woojin smiled encouragingly at the younger boy. “For what it’s worth, I think they like you too. And it’s a great way to get to know them.”
“I doubt it hyung.” Felix hung his head morosely. “They probably are going to hate me once I start actually teaching them and making them spend hours doing squats and kicks.”
Chan and Changbin snickered in the background, even as Felix sighed into food once more. Maybe trying to give _____ private lessons wasn’t the brightest idea I’ve had.
“Felix, show me something cool!” you flopped back onto the mats, exhausted after about half an hour of kicking. Felix may have become a very close friend of yours, but he was also a grueling teacher and made sure every single technique you learned was as close to perfect as possible. Hence the constant repetition and practice; at this point you were a little afraid you could maybe do these kicks in your sleep.
Felix laughed, the sound filling the room. “What do you mean, cool?”
“Something new, something I don’t know how to do! Surprise me!” You sat up, excited to see what he would show you. After all, Felix was a black belt; he probably had hundreds of cool kicks and hand techniques mastered.
“Hmmm…” Felix paused for a moment, then stepped back. “How about this?” He spun for a second, leg snapping out in a hook kick before going back to his original stance. “Cool enough for you?”
“How did you do that so fast? Don’t you lose your balance?” you asked, a little confused. Felix had done a full 360 degree turn at top speed without even wobbling, while you could barely manage to kick a side kick even somewhat fast.
He grinned at you, the smile crinkling the corners of his eyes. “I have been doing this for a while _____, it’s not that hard. The trick is to let the momentum of your turn get transferred into your strike. I’ll show you.” He held out a hand to help you up and you took it.
He yanked you up, pulling hard on your arm. A little too hard.
You almost crashed right into him, catching yourself with your hands on his chest. You’d never seen his face from such close quarters, his nose wavering barely an inch or so away from yours.
“I didn’t know you had freckles,” you whispered, unconsciously reaching out to trace his cheek with your fingertips.
He leaned towards you, and your fingers were just brushing his cheek when—
“Wow, _____, Felix, watch the PDA!” hooted Minho from the doorway where he had been talking to Woojin.
The two of you sprang apart, blushing furiously. “He’s not— we were just—” You were so embarrassed you could barely finish your sentence. What do both of them think of me now? That was awful! I don’t think I can ever look Woojin in the face again. And Minho’s never going to let me live this down.
What if he tells my mother? She’s been hounding me to get a boyfriend for ages, the usual “Oh, honey, you aren’t getting any younger, you know your father and I met in college too.” This is going to be bad… and it doesn’t help that my crush hasn’t lessened one bit since these lessons started.
Felix seemed to have given some sort of explanation while you were busy freaking out in the privacy of your mind, and the two older boys had accepted whatever he had said and gone back to their own conversation. You could still feel Minho’s eyes on you though.
He’s telling my mom. And his mom. And they’re going to corner me the next time I go home. Fantastic.
“Hey, _____?” Felix’s voice broke into your thoughts. “You know, you’re getting pretty good at this. You should come to one of our team meetings, I think you can handle it now. We’re having a small tournament to practice for the big one coming up next month.”
“Do you really think I’m ready? It hasn’t been that long yet,” you mused, going over to the bench to grab your water bottle.
“You’re definitely ready! You could probably spar a yellow belt even though you’re just a white belt. After all your practice with me, a yellow belt would seem easy for you.”
You rolled your eyes at Felix. “You. Go. Easy. On. Me.”
“Maybe, but you’re still good enough, trust me! At least try one of the meetings, it could be fun!” He bounced up and down, looking at you with the biggest, softest puppy dog eyes you’d ever seen anyone make. “Please _____?”
“If you’re sure… I’ll come.” Welp. Time to leave the baby pond and go out into the real world. I mean it was sweet of Felix to tutor me privately but I guess it would be a lot of fun to learn in a bigger group too.
You arrived at the gym, a little surprised by the small crowd of shoes filling the shoe rack. Whenever you and Felix met up the racks were pretty empty, only a few people using the rooms at that time. You pulled off your shoes and socks and entered, carrying your water bottle and phone with you. Glancing around, you took in the 30 or so odd students standing and stretching, looking for the familiar orange hair of one Felix Lee.
“Oh hey, are you Felix’s s/o?” A short haired girl came up to you, smiling. She had a red belt around her waist and red streaks to match in her hair. She looks scary… I bet she’s really good. “He’s over there, in the corner.”
“I’m not his s/o or anything,” you explained hurriedly. “He’s just been teaching me for a while and today was supposed to be my first time practicing with the team.”
“Oh. With the amount he talks about you I would have thought you were dating. My bad, sorry.” she wandered away, yelling at a couple of blue belts to “Get your act together and stretch before you spar!”
You walked up to Felix, tapping him gently on the shoulder. “Hey Felix!”
“Hey _____, you made it! Come on, let’s stretch and then you can try sparring.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you over to a clear spot on the mats before beginning his stretching routine. The two of you worked in silence, a little unsure of your dynamic now that there were so many people around.
Finally, a couple of the higher belts started pairing people off, sending you off to spar with this yellow belt, who looked like he’d guzzled two or three energy drinks before coming. He was bouncing everywhere, ready to start at the drop of a hat.
Felix gave you a thumbs up, and then counted off. “Three, two, one, go.”
You immediately struck out with a front kick, stepping quickly backwards to avoid the roundhouse aimed at your ribs. This kid was not going easy on you at all, but Felix was right. You had learned quite a lot, and you could keep your distance enough to land a few solid kicks as well.
Then, disaster struck. You tried kicking a back kick, only to lose your balance as you turned to face your opponent once more. He took advantage of the opening and snapped his foot out, catching you right in the face.
“Ow!” you yelped, clutching your nose.
“Attacks on the face aren’t allowed until green belt!” Felix told the other boy, who looked sheepish.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize how far my foot went! I think I got overexcited! Are you okay?” the boy asked, stepping closer to you.
“I’m fine,” you mumbled, patting your nose gently. “My nose isn’t though… does anyone have ice?”
“I’ll get you some Love, you go and sit on the bench okay?” Felix gently patted your shoulder and walked towards the closet with the first aid chest. “You should sit down and calm down, getting this excited in a fight can hurt you as well,” he said to the other boy, sending him to go sit on the other side of the room.
He came back, ice pack and towel clutched in his hands. “Let me see?” he asked, kneeling at your feet.
You moved your hands away from your red, throbbing nose and flinched as the cold plastic touched your face. “It’s freezing.”
“It’s an ice pack Love, that’s the point. Now hold this in place, yeah?” He sat down on the bench next to you once you had a firm grip on the ice pack.
“This is great, my mom’s going to kill me. I’ll never get a boyfriend now that my face is broken,” you mumbled. Minho probably already informed her about Felix, the little snake.  Now when she seems my nose she’s going to lament my lack of romantic prospects for the next month.
“You’re wrong you know.” Felix’s deep voice was quiet, only just audible over the hubbub in the gym.
You frowned, then winced as the movement jarred your nose. “What do you mean Felix?”
“Ummm…” he wavered for a moment, unsure of whether or not to continue. Could he really be hinting…?
“Spit it out.”
“What?” You had absolutely no idea what he’d just said.
“Will you go out with me? I really like you a lot _____, I even gave you private lessons because I wanted to get to know you better. You had potential but you could have just joined the club from the start… I kind of wanted to have a little time with just you.” His expression was earnest, drawing you in with those bright, twinkling eyes of his.
He’s so cute… how on earth could I say no?
“Of course! I like you too Felix!” You smiled happily at him, then groaned again as the movement of your lips hurt your nose.
“Don’t move your face! You’ll hurt yourself!” Felix fussed, patting your cheek gently. “Besides, I’m never letting you get hurt again. I’m the only one allowed to spar you now; that way no one can hurt you.”
“Don’t be silly Felix!” you elbowed him softly, amused by his over the top declaration.
Does this mean I have to thank Minho for introducing us?
“You got this Felix! You’re two points up, you can win this!” you yelled from the sidelines, watching your boyfriend spar. It was your first tournament, and you’d already gotten your new yellow belt and a shiny silver medal to boot.
Felix, almost as though he had heard you over the noise, struck out again, this time landing two solid kicks on his opponent one after the other. The referee blew his whistle not three seconds after that, and Felix backed off, grinning.
“You won!” you mouthed at him, catching his eye.
“I had my lucky charm,” he mouthed back, grinning wildly. He shook hands with his opponent after bowing to them and walked over to you, pulling off his helmet.
“Congratulations Felix, you won gold!” you hugged him tightly, ignoring the sweat that was dampening his uniform.
“Congratulations to you too Love, you did so well for your first tournament!” He wrapped an arm around you, the smile on his face just growing with each passing second.
“Smile you two!” Minho held up his phone, snapping a photo of the two of you laughing and holding up your medals with your arms around each other. “This is sickeningly cute; I should never have introduced you two!”
“Send it to me hyung, I need a new lock screen.” Felix winked at you as he pulled out his phone. “I need my lucky charm with me after all.”
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straykidsscribbles · 6 years
Slowly, Suddenly, and then All at Once
So, it’s here. The elusive CEO AU has made an appearance, after quite a lot of waiting. I’m so sorry it took so long, and thank you for waiting so patiently. 
See my masterlist for my other work!
Special thanks to @kim-squishmin for proofreading, especially seeing as I have yet to learn the meaning of the word concise.
Word count: 6840
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This vlive had such CEO Chan vibes I can’t
You pulled your knees up to your chest, snuggling into the blanket in front of you and the person next to you.
“You lot are way too nosy aren’t you? Well, if you must know, I’ll tell you the story of how we stopped hating each other and became your unofficial parents. But I’m warning you, no interruptions, otherwise the story ends.”
Eight heads nodded at you, and you began your tale. “It all started back when we were in college.”
I pulled my bag closer to myself and craned my neck to see through the crowd. I just want to see the test scores, and then I can go home and sleep. Slowly, I managed to get close enough to read the list posted on the classroom door.
Where am I… I scanned the page, going up from the bottom. Not here, no, not even by the tenth score. Wait. Is that my ID? I let out a small gasp, as I saw my ID code at the top of the list.
I’d set the curve for our first midterm. Well, that just means a lot to live up to now.
“Hey, Chan, you almost set the curve for this test. Pity you didn’t make it!” A tall boy with blond hair nudged his friend.
“Yeah, it sucks. But I mean, with the curve and all I still did okay. I wonder which crazy nerd managed such a high score.”
I felt a small needle of rage prick my insides. I had worked hard for that grade, I’d studied for three days, made study guides, and even done about half the practice problems the professor had given out. I had earned that grade through effort. Who was that upstart little twat who thought just because he got beaten by a few points?
“Excuse me.” My voice was as icy as I could make it. “Instead of complaining about people who got better scores than you, maybe you could actually try studying a little harder next time.”
“No one asked you.” The boy sounded defensive. “Unless you’re the one who managed that score? What did you do, live in the library?”
“Fuck. You.” I twisted on my heel and stormed away, feet tapping out an irate staccato on the pavement. He wants to play that game? Fine. I’m never letting him beat me on anything.
Unfortunately, that didn’t exactly work out for me. Bang Chan, as I soon learned, was about as brilliant as I was, and pretty hard working as well. We fought for top class rank, top test scores, valedictorian, you name it.
And if you think I let any of those go easily, well, you don’t know me.
Suffice it to say, Bang Chan and I were enemies. We hated each other, and that would never change. We hated each other through our masters degrees, and then even as we worked our way up the ranks of the same company. That chip on my shoulder would always be there.
I am not one to just give in and lose.
This is it! I bet the board will finally tell us who’s going to be the next CEO! I slipped inside the board room and went to my normal seat, throwing the usual glare at Chan, who was seated opposite me. If he ends up as CEO, I think I might quit.
“Alright, Ms. _____, Mr. Bang. We, the board of directors, have finally come to a decision. Seeing as our company has been growing at such an astronomical rate, we have to acknowledge that both of you have brought unprecedented success to this company. In light of that, we will be declaring both of you as joint CEOs of the company, effective immediately.”
My jaw dropped. “I’m sorry, sir, did you just say joint CEOs?”
“Joint? No one has joint CEOs now!” Chan’s indignance was clearly audible.
“Both of you, control yourselves! There are plenty of companies with more than one CEO, just look at Oracle or Samsung! Now then. You will be moving to the offices on the chief executive floor, and you’ll be working together to make this company even more successful. You’re both dismissed!” The board representative was clearly very irritated. Best not push it.
“Yes sir.” The two of us chorused in unison. We then glared at each other as we moved towards the door. Chan got there first, and held it for the board members as they exited the room.
I made it a point to go through the other door. I'm not being petty… okay maybe I sort of am.
Just outside my own office, Chan stopped me with a hand on my elbow. “Wait. Look. If we want this whole thing to work, all we have to do is split up the work between us. That way we don’t have to talk, and any interaction between us can be limited.”
“Fine by me. The less I have to spend with a blundering baboon, the better.”
“Oh like you’re much better with your holier-than-thou attitude and your-”
“Come in then. Let’s get this over with.” I shoved my door open, taking out my remaining frustration on the slab of wood. I sat down in my chair, and Chan loomed behind my shoulder. Pulling out a pad, I began listing duties, and we argued for the next hour over who would be doing what.
Still, I think I came out slightly on the upper hand. I got most of the things I wanted, and Chan has to deal with the lawyers, which is definitely a good thing.
Now all I had to do was do my job so well that I’d get another promotion, and Chan would get demoted to an underling’s position.
Oh, and move offices.
“Oh wow, this place looks so much more open without those awful dark curtains!” I exclaimed, balancing the box of files on my hip as I entered the main office area.
“Wait, will we have to share the floor? How long would it take to set up walls in here so I don’t have to see her irritating face all the time?” He’s right. We’d be sharing the huge office space. I mean I get that this would work, with CEOs who actually tolerated each other, but us? No. Thank. You.
“We will not be setting up walls, you’ll just have to work like this. We need to present a united front to any potential investors.” The board executive’s secretary, a bored looking young man, rolled his eyes. “Just have your desks facing away from each other and it’ll work.”
“Fine.” “Fine.”
I dumped the files on one desk, pulling out the chair and flopping onto it. This is going to be exhausting. Why do we have to be joint CEOs?
Chan flopped into the other chair, throwing his legs up on the desk. “You know what. We’re now CEOs, we just got promoted. I am taking the day off to celebrate. Bye Ms. ____, Mr. Kim.” He waved and got up, throwing his suit jacket over one shoulder.
Can he even do that? I wondered as I tucked the last set of files into the cabinet next to my desk. “Have someone finish alphabetizing these. I have personal business I need to attend to as well.” I grabbed my own coat and headed towards the elevator. If he gets the day off, so do I.
“Can you believe his nerve? The bastard actually had the nerve to go and just walk out of our office!” I yelled through the phone at my brother, Hyunjin. “He literally walked in, dumped his stuff on the table, and waltzed out the door.”
“And so you just left too?”
“Well yeah, I wasn’t going to stay and do work when he wasn’t. It’s not fair and also as CEO, I now have underlings to do that sort of stuff for me.”
“Don’t come and complain to me then if you end up with all of your stuff misplaced and your papers not organized the way you like them.”
“Hyunjin no one asked you for this kind of slander.”
“It’s not slander you’re the pickiest person ever! You literally alphabetize your bookshelves.”
“IN OTHER NEWS, how is your latest interior design project going?” I rolled my eyes. He has plenty of quirks himself, I don’t need to listen to this.
“Pretty well actually. I found this photographer the other day, and his night photos look so beautiful. They’ll be perfect for the new apartment buildings. He’s actually a photographer for one of the newspapers but he dabbles in artsy photos and so I’m glad I discovered him.” I smiled to myself as I poured myself a cup of tea. Jinnie might be a little crazy and annoying, but I love listening to him talk about his work. It’s nice to see him happy.
Settling into my chair with tea in hand and a stack of books nearby, I left the phone on speaker. Hyunjin would ramble, I would read, and we could enjoy our time together even if we weren’t in the same city. After all, that’s what siblings were for.
The next morning, I quickly got ready and headed downtown towards the office buildings. Even the prospect of dealing with Chan could dampen my spirits; a cinnamon roll and coffee for breakfast had already begun the day on a high note. After all, how could a day with cinnamon rolls be sad?
I entered the lobby of the building, heels making sharp clicking noises on the hardwood floor, bag swinging from my fingertips despite its weight. There was something to be said about nice shoes on a good day. They just made things better. I waved to the receptionist and headed towards the elevator, rolling my eyes at the two or three interns huddled in a corner who were giggling at- who else -Chan.
The elevator doors closed, and we slowly headed up, stopping every so often to let other people get off. There were about ten floors to go, and now it was just Chan and me in the elevator. Ugh this is so awkward. Is this how it’s going to be all the time in our office? He’s annoying and a brat but I don’t want work to always be this awkward. Still, I’m not making the first overtures. He started this, he can apologize first.
Then, a loud creak came from outside the elevator. Scrchhhhhhhhhhhhh, went the mechanism pulling us up.
And then, the elevator stopped.
Another slightly ominous creak emanated from right outside the doors, and then- silence. Utter silence.
Chan pressed the buttons on the elevator panel, trying to get the elevator to start working.
Nothing happened.
“Let me see.” I came over to the panel and pressed a few buttons too.
Dead silence.
“Okay, let me try the fire alarm? Maybe the speaker thing works?” He pressed the red button and again, nothing happened.
I took out my phone, only to find a lovely ‘NO SERVICE’ staring up at me from the top of the screen. “I don’t have service, do you?”
“Nope. Wait. Today they had scheduled maintenance for the elevators! We’re stuck here.”
“Why today of all days?” I leaned against one of the walls. And getting stuck with him? Fantastic.
“Great.” Chan rolled his eyes and dropped his laptop bag on the floor before sitting down himself. “This is just wonderful.”
“You’re telling me? Our first day as CEOs and we get stuck in the blasted elevator.” I’m not standing here, in these shoes, for who knows how long. Might as well sit down too. I thumped down next to him, stretching my legs out and crossing my ankles.
“Of all the people really, I had to get stuck with you? Why is my luck always this bad?” Chan seemed to be talking to himself, but I couldn’t let such an insult pass unchallenged.
“Okay, seriously what is your issue?” I snapped, turning to face him. “Literally from the second we met you’ve been nothing but insulting. At best you’ve been passive at times; but you aren’t even civil. Why do you hate me so much?”
“I don’t hate you exactly… It’s just…” he looked down. Could I have somehow managed to reduce the irrepressible Bang Chan to speechlessness?
“Just. What.” I demanded flatly.  We’re going to be trapped here for the next few hours, why shouldn’t we get this out of the way now.
“You’re intimidating? And I put my foot in my mouth the first day we met and that was sort of bad. And then you clearly hated me after that so it was just easier to hate you too.” The words came spilling out, seemingly against his will. I’m intimidating? Really?
“Well, I was hurt afterwards, but I should have given you a chance to apologize. And I shouldn’t have been so mean afterwards… Besides you're more intimidating than me! I'm tiny, I don't know how you think I'm scary. I mean- You can’t say I’m blameless in this I’ve been pretty rude to you over the years too.”
“Yeah. I guess we both were hurt and we took it out on each other.”
“Your insults are pretty creative you know Chan. I don’t think anyone else has called me a jellyfish flavored popsicle.”
“I think your best one was ‘I’d rather get stuck in an elevator for four hours than spend another minute in your presence.’”
“That certainly played out well. Way to tempt fate, past me.” I sighed and leaned my head against the wall. “How long do you think we’ll be stuck here?”
“Depends? I mean I heard someone say that it took five hours once, but we’re the CEOs, people should miss us right?” He scratched the back of his head. “It’s been what, five minutes? I’m borreeeedddddddd, _____.”
I think that’s the first time he’s called me by my name without any sort of secondary inflection behind it. It’s… sort of nice actually. He has a nice voice. “Wait, do you have your laptop?” I asked suddenly.
“Yeah? I have it with me. But it won’t last very long, I was working late last night and I forgot to charge it afterwards.”
“Darn. I guess we could share mine then? We could watch a movie or something on Netflix?” I reached over to my bag and slid the thin silver laptop out. “Any preferences?”
“Wow, you’re letting me choose? Really?” His voice was higher pitched when he was excited.
“Don’t get too happy, it’s a one time thing. But yeah, go ahead.” I opened Netflix, moving the cursor to the search bar.
“Actually, could we just watch Daredevil? You have it on your recently watched, what episode are you on?” He leaned closer to me and pointed to the icon.
“Oh, I only just finished the first season. Is that okay?” He nodded, and so we settled in with the laptop in my lap, shoulders just touching.
About two and half episodes later, there was a sudden crank and the elevator started to move upward once more. The doors slid open and our secretaries slowly peered around the edge of the door. Are they trying to see if we killed each other? I wondered. Chan stood up and held out his hand to help me up as well.
“Wait… are they touching? And not in a passive aggressive annoying poking or death by handshake way?” My secretary whispered.
“I think they are… this is so weird. Quick pinch me, maybe I’m just dreaming,” muttered Chan’s secretary.
Chan rolled his eyes and stepped into our office. “Honestly, we weren’t going to kill each other. We just talked for a little while.”
I smirked over at the two gaping secretaries. “When you think about it, we really do have a lot in common you know.” We walked towards our desks, sitting down and beginning our work.
“I think we broke them.” Chan whispered as he wheeled his chair a little closer to me.
“There’s no think about it Chan, we definitely did.” Maybe things will be better now.
I think I’ll quite like being friends with him.
“_____, I’m boreeeeeeedddddddddddd.” Chan whined as he rolled his office chair towards my side of the room. He slid next to me and caught sight of my computer screen before I could close the window I had open.
“Wait. Are you playing card games online? Really. Card games? Online? When you have a perfectly good me to play with?” He grabbed my hand and yanked my chair towards him. Pulling out a deck of cards, he quickly dealt for a game of Go Fish.
Which turned into three games. Which turned into five. Which turned into us taking a half day to deal with the stress.
We played Go Fish, War, Rummy, and even attempted a round of online poker… which we lost.
We couldn’t be good at everything after all.
But at the back of my mind, I couldn’t help but wonder why on earth we hadn’t done this before. Why hadn’t we tried to get along before? We could have had years of just messing around together.
Almost as if he could hear my thoughts, Chan spoke as he was shuffling the cards. “I’m glad we decided to make up. Better late than never, right?”
“Yeah. Better late than never.”
“You look nice sis!” came Hyunjin’s voice from the phone speaker. I was trying to frantically get ready for the annual corporate party and I had called Hyunjin for some moral support as I prepared. This year would be the first where I would be giving a speech, and I was both excited and terribly nervous.
I adjusted the curls that were falling out of my up-do and fixed my skirt. Company colors… is that too much of an overkill? But they do look nice…. Blue looks good no matter what, and it ‘ll be good to match the branding.
“Okay, I’m ready. I’ll text you when I get back home okay? Don’t stay up too late!” I called into the phone as I reached for my shoes.
“Don’t mind me, I have color palettes to look at anyways. Are we still on for the movie next weekend?”
“Yup! I’ll arrive on Friday night hopefully. Bye!” I hung up, grabbed my purse and keys, and headed out the door. Show time. Better get used to this speaking business, it’s your new lot in life as CEO _____.
The drive passed in a flash, and soon I was pulling up to the hotel doors, where the party was being held. I handed the car keys to the valet and clicked nervously up the steps to the doorway. Breathe, in, out, this is just another party. You’ve done plenty of these, all you have to do differently is speak at this one.
Straightening my spine, I walked in the double doors. Almost immediately I was swept away by one of the board members.
“____, this lovely lady is the head of the regional bank! Mrs. Lee was just telling me how they were considering investing in the company, do you mind giving her more details? I must go find my wife, she wanted to bid on one of the charity auction items.” He walked off, leaving me in the company of an older woman with steel gray hair and a sharp smile. Her eyes were hard but intelligent; clearly, this was a woman who’d worked her way up in the bank as well.
“How can I help you Mrs. Lee?” I asked, turning fully towards her. A new banking partner would be wonderful for the company, especially as we were dealing with a great deal of financial expansion. Let’s hope this works…
As we were talking, I heard soft giggles coming from behind me. There were a few interns, probably here for their first corporate party, standing in the corner and staring openly at Chan, who was talking to an older gentleman with a cane in one hand. I rolled my eyes. Some things never change. Those look like the same idiots that were giggling in the lobby earlier. Honestly why are people such idiots?
I finished up the conversation and handed Mrs. Lee a business card, asking her to stop by my office any time. Now then,  to deal with those imbeciles. They’re ridiculously loud and they are being completely unprofessional.
As I walked over to their corner, I noticed Chan approaching them too, from the other side. Good. If both of us tell them off, they can’t do anything.
“Excuse me, do you three mind? This is a corporate occasion, and you should be acting with a little more decorum than you are currently.” My voice was scathingly cold.
“We were just admiring Mr. Bang. That’s not a crime, is it?” One of them blinked innocently at me, but I was having none of it.
“I don’t care what you were doing. You were all loud enough to be heard a good twenty feet away, and this is not the time for you to be behaving in such an unprofessional manner. You may be young and inexperienced, but that’s no excuse at all.”
Just then, Chan came up behind me, sliding an arm around my waist. What is he doing? We’re barely friends at the moment WHAT DOES HE THINK HE’S PLAYING AT?” I turned to look at him, eyes already narrowed sharply.
“If you all could just please keep it down?” He asked, smiling at them. “You’re being terribly disruptive to everyone here.”
One of the girls, the most brazen of the lot, opened her mouth. “Oh, Mr. Bang, is she your date? You guys are matching.” Fuck he’s wearing company colors too. We had to have the same outfit ideas great this is wonderful.
I was just about to protest, but Chan cut in. “Yes actually, she is. So… if you could excuse us?” He maneuvered me away from them, and shook his head when I turned towards him, ready to ask just what he was playing at.
Behind us, I could just make out the tail end of their conversation. “Well, I wonder if the other CEO is here too? Maybe we could get them to go out with us.”
Chan took me into a side room, and immediately dropped his arm from around my waist. “Okay before you say anything, those interns have been basically following me around for the past three days. They’re all freakishly persistent, and I just needed an out please help me? Please, ____ I’ll buy you expensive chocolate too.”
“You do realize they’ll notice when we’re back at work right?”
“But tonight they’re being especially persistent. They were following me ____. Following me.” He pouted sadly at me, and I figured I had to take pity on him. He looked miserable.
“Okay then. Come on. As it is, we were supposed to sit together for the dinner anyways. Are you speaking before or after me?” I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Also, we should probably look into getting them assigned to the mail room or have them sorting through databases or just something mind numbingly boring as punishment for making both of us uncomfortable.”
“I’m speaking right before you. And thank you. Really. I was so sick of them… Hopefully this works.”
We wandered for the next hour or so, making small talk and just generally networking. All the while I could feel my nerves getting worse and worse. I’m going to talk in front of so many people what if I mess up what if I forget what if I just stand there and blank. My mind just kept running a loop of bad scenarios- the worst things that could happen.
Then. Show time.
I slipped into my chair as Chan walked up onto the small raised stage at one end. He spoke for a good five minutes, yet I heard absolutely none of it. See, he’d done a speech last year, as his pet project was one of the main expansions of the company at the time. He had at least some experience.
Oh. He’s waving me up. Okay. Let’s go. I slowly left my seat, focusing on just getting up there and not tripping over any of the speaker cables on the floor.
Five minutes of insane courage. Five minutes. You can do this. I shuffled the index cards I’d hidden in my clutch and gripped them tightly. “Good evening everyone, thank you so much for coming out here. It’s my pleasure to be welcoming you as one of your new CEOs. Chan and I have great plans for the company, and we hope we’ll be able to take the company to new heights.” I steadied myself with another deep breath and continued on, discussing the vision I had for the company and what new ideas we would be trying to implement for the next few years.
All too soon, it was done. I smiled, introduced the board president, and left the stage, tottering back to my seat on wobbly yet satisfied legs.
“You were fine, well done love.” Chan whispered into my ear as I sat down next to him.
“You did well too, thanks Chan. I’m just glad its over and done with.”
It didn’t register until I got home that he’d called me love. And I’d liked it quite a bit.
“So. Chan asked you to fake being his date, and called you love, and you matched, however accidentally, and you didn’t collapse after your first speech in front of the whole company. Well done ____ you’re alive!” Hyunjin threw a pillow at me. “Why are you so good at overthinking stuff?”
“Jinnie shut up you’re being mean! It was scary and there were loads of people and you know I’m still not used to it. I guess the only thing that was funny was seeing those interns’ faces when they saw I was the other CEO. One of them actually had his mouth wide open in shock it was glorious.”
“You know what _____ you seem to be enjoying yourself aren't you? And things seem to be better now that you and Chan are getting along.”
“True.” I pushed a lock of hair behind my ear. “Work is definitely a lot more fun. Last week we actually were both so sick of finance reports that we ended up just playing cards the entire afternoon.”
“Did you win?” Hyunjin’s eyes were wide with humor. “If you lost you better have milked it for all it was worth.”
“I lost a couple games… and maybe Chan owes me expensive chocolate now… maybe. But I'm admitting to nothing.” I smiled into my tea cup.
“Look at you you're actually smiling like an idiot just thinking about him. You know I had no idea I was getting a new brother in law so soon. You're still having me as your man of honor right?” He winked at me cockily, referencing our childhood agreement. As tiny children we had decided that if we ever got married we would be each other's best maid/ man of honor. I should have known that would come back to bite me. Why did he automatically jump to marriage I don't even like him like that. We're friends. That's all. Though… I mean Chan is sort of handsome. And smart. And clever. And he has a great sense of humor.
“Shut up Jinnie I don't like him like that. We are barely friends.”
“Last year you said that if you had to choose between kissing a frog and shaking hands with Chan you'd kiss the frog. And now you're blushing just thinking about him.”
“Drink your tea before I throw it in your face.” Hyunjin just rolled his eyes and got up, picking up a sofa pillow.
“You have three seconds to run before this turns into a pillow war.” His voice was completely deadpan but the grin on his face said otherwise. I just reached for a pillow of my own and attacked back in turn.
Sometimes all you needed was a pillow fight with your brother to get rid of annoying, hallucinatory, and clearly false thoughts about a certain CEO.
That night though, I slept fitfully. All I could picture were chocolatey eyes and dark hair that curled softly in the heat of the banquet hall and a soft voice comforting me.
Okay so maybe Hyunjin wasn't totally wrong. Maybe there is something going on here. It's just a crush though. I'll get over it soon. Bet it'll be gone in a week, I told myself.
Two weeks later, I was clearly rethinking said earlier idea. My little crush hadn't abated; in fact it had just gotten stronger. I spent most of my time burying myself in paperwork so that I would be able to avoid Chan’s friendly overtures.  
It wasn’t working.
He. was. just. so. persistent. He brought me coffee one night when we both stayed at the office until 2 am, he wouldn’t stop thanking me the day I got takeout sandwiches for both of us at lunch.
How on earth was anyone to get a grip if there was literally no respite from his charm?
I was in the middle of looking over the latest deal with a new company that was trying to expand into a more international area when Chan’s voice broke into my thoughts.
“Hey, _____, do you like rap?” The question was a bit out of the blue. That’s an… odd question to ask?
“I mean, I do like it I suppose? Why do you ask?” I turned in my swivel chair to face him.
“Well… you see, a couple of my friends and I sometimes have little rap gigs at this one club near by? I was wondering if you’d be interested in coming to watch us perform.” His voice was a little higher than normal, almost as though he was… nervous?
“I- I’d love to come! When is it? Should I bring anything with me?” I hope I don’t sound like some sort of idiotic ditz.
“Our next show is this weekend actually, on Saturday. I’ll text you the address later, yeah?”
I nodded softly, and we both turned back to our desks. But at the back of my mind I couldn’t stop thinking about this new information.
Chan raps? Since when? I had no idea! Does he mean this as a date thing? Or is it just a “hi, let’s be friends” thing? I’m overthinking it, he’s just being friendly and trying to get to know me outside of work.
Enough wishful thinking, _____. Get a grip.
That Saturday, in the back of the club, Changbin and Jisung were treated to a very interesting spectacle.
The Irrepressible Bang Chan, CB97, CEO of a major company and a respected musician and producer, was pacing their dressing room with one of the worst cases of pre-performance stage fright nerves ever.
Pacing. Wringing his hands. Frowning. Mumbling to himself. Turning right before he hit the wall only to almost trip over a chair and wipe out on the floor.
“Channie-hyung, this is weird. Normally Jisungie is the one freaking out like this?” Changbin raised one eyebrow at Chan. “What’s going on?”
Jisung just smirked happily. “I know why he’s panicking~” he said in a very smug, singsong tone.
“Jisung you will keep your mouth shut if you want me to buy you cheesecake any time in the next week.” Chan’s voice was tight with nerves.
“I’ll buy you cheesecake every day for the next two weeks.”
“Done. Channie-hyung’s flustered because _____ is coming tonight.”
“Ohhh that makes sense don’t worry we’ll put on a great show for your girlfriend!” Changbin waggled his eyebrows at Chan, who just flopped into a chair and thumped his head on the table.
“She’s not my girlfriend, she’s the other CEO at work, and we literally started getting along like a month ago so you can shut it.”
“Wait isn’t she the one you used to complain about to Woojin basically every day when we were in college?”
“You know what Jisung? Your cheesecake privileges and your Jeongin privileges are gone. You aren’t allowed to talk to my son anymore.”
“I thought we were your sons too!”
The room devolved into chaos, and a makeup brush and some cords were thrown back and forth. But somehow Chan’s heart felt a little lighter after his friends’ gentle teasing.
They’d always be there for him. Even if he managed to completely ruin this. Which was looking more and more likely by the second.
I slipped inside the club after showing my ID to the bouncer. It looks pretty packed. Oh, yay, corner table! I sat down and ordered Coca Cola, not wanting to risk getting anything strong.
A few minutes passed and I was well settled in, facing the stage.
A spotlight turned on, and three boys stood, clustered in the middle of the stage. Chan stood in the middle, wearing baggy sweats and a t-shirt, his hair tousled lightly. The other two boys were dressed similarly as well.
The music began, and they started whispering amongst themselves. “Hey look over there, she’s pretty!”
“Where? Where?”
“In the gray, over there.” To my surprise, one of the boys next to Chan pointed right at me.
The boy who had pointed looked oddly familiar. Is he one of Hyunjin’s friends? I think he is. He began rapping, sticking to a soft slow rhythm. He had on a flannel and what appeared to be oversized boots with the laces wrapped multiple times around his ankles. His voice was sweet and sort of lazy sounding, like he was trying to lure you in with his words.
The music changed, and all three spoke at once. “Wow, oh man, she’s hot.” I raised both eyebrows, shocked a little at the directness of the song. Well, they certainly weren’t messing around were they?
The first boy continued for a little longer, then the one on the other side of the stage continued. “With a smirk I suddenly enter / I’m sorry sorry you’re already hit on and deflated.” His rap was more nasal sounding and faster, clearly distinct from the first boy’s style. He wore all black and a baseball cap pulled low over his eyes; he held his mic close to his lips with one finger over his lips. “There’s nothing to be envious about” he finished, and they began the chorus again. This time the audience laughed along with them and sang a few of the words with them. Clearly, this was a pretty popular song for them.
Then, Chan started rapping. His voice was softer than the previous boy’s, and it sounded incredibly good. I can’t believe he never said anything about this! He should have mentioned something, he’s amazing. I let the words wash over me, just listening to the music.
Suddenly, his voice broke into my thoughts. “I’m just a nice guy with a lot of money”
My head snapped up, eyes widening. Did he just say he has a lot of money? Who writes these lyrics? Wow Chan I get that you’re a CEO and all, but this is a touch blunt.
His eyes swept over the crowd, meeting mine just as he said “Let me take you to a restaurant.”
I couldn’t stop the blush that erupted across my face.
He kept going, and my blush just got darker and darker. I had to fight the urge to hide my face in my hands. His eyes were locked with mine as he rapped.
I barely heard the end of the song.
As the applause began, the three of them bowed to the crowd.
“Hey guys, we’re 3RACHA! I’m CB97, this is J.One, and this is SpearB.” The other two bowed and waved in turn. “We hope you guys enjoy the show! This next song is called Hoodie Season.”
This time a drum beat opened the song and I could stop myself from nodding along to it. This is really catchy. They’re so good, I wish I’d heard them before!  But are they actually talking about their love for a hoodie? Can’t say I blame them.
The night went on for a while like that. They performed a few more songs and then bowed their way off the stage to thunderous applause and cheering from a few somewhat crazy looking boys in one corner of the club.
I swirled my Coca Cola in its bottle, staring into the brown whirlpool it formed. What on earth did Chan mean by inviting me and then literally staring at me when saying things like “Hey baby I’ll make you my lover / I’m thankful that I’m warm in the fall / I’ll hug you wherever I go.” Is he just going along with the lyrics?
Just then, Chan slid into the chair opposite me. “So. _____. How was it?” To my surprise, he actually looked a little nervous, as though he was unsure of my response.
“You were amazing! I can’t believe you’ve been hiding that skill for so long! You’re a really good rapper and your vocals are so smooth.” I couldn’t stop myself from gushing after seeing the enormous grin that spread across his face as I spoke.
“I’m glad you liked it.”
“How could I not? I’m only sad I didn’t get to hear you sooner. Though you have no idea what you’ve unleashed, now I’ll be asking you to sing all the time at the office.”
“Well, with such a lovely audience, how could I ever refuse?” He winked at me, and I felt my cheeks heating up again.
A small gurgle sounded, and to my surprise, Chan’s ears got a little red as well. “Ah… after a performance we normally get pretty hungry.”
“Well, CB97, how about I take you to a restaurant?” Where is this confidence coming from ABORT ABORT.
“After you then, my lady.” He held out his hand for me and I took it, wrapping my fingers around his.
We stepped outside, a wall of cold air hitting us as we left the warm club. Turning down a couple of sidestreets, we entered a chicken shop that was open late on weekends.
“Order what you want, I said I was treating you!” I mock glared at him as he tried to pull out his wallet. He complained but ordered anyways, and we settled into a booth to eat the chicken happily.
We didn’t speak much while we ate; Chan was clearly quite hungry. After our meal Chan insisted on walking me back home before heading to his apartment.
I invited him in to warm up for a bit before heading back home, and he came in willingly. I made green tea for us both and was just about to turn off the kettle when Chan came into the kitchenette.
“_____, I sort of have a confession to make. I invited you to see our performance because I really wanted to impress you.” He took a deep breath and, forestalling anything I could say in return, spoke. “I like you. A lot. I understand if you don’t really like me in that way, I mean we only just became friends recently, but I would like to be more.”
My mouth dropped open. “You- you actually like me? I thought you were just trying to be friendly this whole time. I like you too Chan, I mean how could I not? You’re really sweet, talented, and I mean… after tonight’s thing I’m not entirely sure I’m worthy of you.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.” He moved closer and pulled me into a hug, wrapping his arms around my waist.
The kettle puffed away behind us, forgotten.
Chan went home that night a little bit giddy. I lay awake in bed going over the night’s events in my head.
Who would have thought after the worst first impression in history we would end up… dating I guess?
“And that’s how we got together. Happy now? Curiosity sated?” you asked as you finished your tale, sipping water from the glass in front of you. After that long story, your throat was dry from talking so much.
Chan poked you in the ribs gently. “So you started to fall for me at the party? I was way before you I was crushing on you by the time we were trapped in the elevator together.” He leaned over and hugged you tightly, nuzzling into your neck.
“Ewwwwww! Affection! That’s it, I’m out!” yelled Jeongin and Seungmin as they jumped up from the floor where they had been listening to your story.
You rolled your eyes. They did ask for the story didn’t they? Whatever.
And you snuggled closer into Chan’s arms.
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straykidsscribbles · 6 years
It All Started with Carrots
An Anne of Green Gables AU, for the person who has supported this blog since it was just a tiny idea in my head. Thank you for everything @strayboys and Happy Birthday! 
Summary: Han Jisung seemed like a terribly interesting person... Too bad he didn’t want anything to do with you. 
Or- where Han Jisung and Anne Shirley have quite a few traits in common...
Word Count: 2670, the first in my classic literature AUs series!
See my masterlist for other works! Also, I do believe this needs a sequel....
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You dropped your rather heavy bag onto the floor with a thump and flopped into your chair. First day of school, new year, new classes. And so, of course, you had all kinds of extra supplies in your bag, not knowing exactly what you’d need.
Luckily, you were right next to a window, and you could see the school lawn and duck pond outside. At least that would be something of a welcome distraction during Literature class. I hope this year goes well, after transferring over the summer I’m not entirely sure how this will work out. Why did I have to move so late in high school? You wondered as you pulled out a pen. Every single class, first we get a syllabus then we get the nice lengthy lecture about how “academic dishonesty will not be tolerated” I mean really you’d think people would understand that by now.
The boy sitting in front of you seemed to be far too occupied with the window as well. He kept staring outside and ignoring the pile of papers on his desk, which he was supposed to have passed back by now.  
He really was oblivious. No amount of tapping or whispering seemed to get his attention; he was well and truly lost in his own little world.
Finally, frustration spilled over.
“Psst! Carrots! Carrots!” you hissed, tugging a small lock of his hair lightly. It had been one of the first things you noticed about him, the outlandish color a spot of brightness.
He snapped out of his daze in a flash. “What the—” clearly stopping himself from cursing in class “You little brat! How dare you!”
Anger rose in his voice, and he scrunched up the syllabus he had just been given and threw it right at your head. It hit you right in the face, leaving you with a small paper cut on your upper cheek.
“Excuse me! What on earth is going on here?” barked your new teacher, clearly infuriated by this display. “Throwing projectiles is forbidden in my classroom. Does this look like some sort of gym? I will see you after class, to discuss your punishment young man.” Soft sniggers rose up around the room, and you felt your face grow hot.
It was my fault, I shouldn’t have pulled his hair… Biting down the retort, you slumped forward in your seat, happy daydreams vanishing into thin air. The stinging on your left cheek didn’t help either. I guess it was semi-deserved… I did provoke him. But really? Throwing paper?
Public humiliation on the first day of school? Check. He threw paper at your face after all. Your friends would never let you live this down.
Truly a fantastic start to the year.
After receiving a rather blistering warning from his new literature teacher and a threat of “detention if this happens again _____, and the only reason I’m letting you off is because it’s the first day” Jisung stomped outside towards his locker, annoyed. Well, annoyed was putting it a bit mildly.
He was seething.
“Hey _____, wait up!” came the voice of his best friend. Jisung slowed just a touch to let Jeongin catch up. I’m not taking my anger out on him, that’s unfair. “What happened? What did the teacher say?”
Pro of having your best friend in class with you: you got to chat over the homework and you always had a partner for group work.
Con: you’d never be able to hide your fights.
“I got out of detention since it’s the first day, but he was really mad. I was lucky,” he replied as  he opened his locker. Suddenly, he felt someone tapping his shoulder again.
“Ummm… Jisung?” you asked hesitantly. Why are you bothering me again JUST LEAVE ME ALONE YOU BLITHERING IDIOT. “I wanted to apologize for startling you and calling you Carrots, I just thought it was a cute nickname. I didn’t mean to offend you.”   
“Your apology is noted. Excuse me, I need to get home.” _____ is getting absolutely nowhere with me. No. Where. He turned on his heel and stormed angrily towards the hallway exit, leaving you gaping behind him.
Jeongin quickly caught up with Jisung. “Jisungie, I can’t believe you were so harsh! You do realize who that was right?”
“No, and I don’t care.”
“That was _____, half the school pines after them. I can’t believe you just left them like that!” The amazement in his voice only exacerbated your annoyance.
“Well if half the school pines after them then they can go and bother that half. I’m never going to acknowledge them again.”
He weren’t entirely right about that. _____ turned out to be a pretty hard person to ignore.
These kinds of parties are always nice. It’s fun to hang out outside of school. You thought to yourself as you chatted with a few of your classmates. Our of the corner of your eye, you spotted one of the more irritating girls in the school, Josie, trying to talk to Jisung.
After a brief discourse, the two came over to your little group, Jisung trudging after her. His expression was one of acute distaste, and you couldn’t help but smirk. Clearly he finds her as irritating as everyone else does.
As your little group  walked over to the fence, Josie clambered on top of it and slowly balanced her way across it. She jumped off at the end and looked right at Jisung. “I suppose you think that was oh so easy for anyone to do?”
What is her issue? Does she have to make everything a contest? Things are a lot more fun if it’s friendly competition, not the cutthroat fights she loves. That girl and her drama obsession.  Still, you stayed silent. Talking to her just gave her more ammunition after all.
Jisung rolled his eyes and turned to Jeongin. “I suppose some people think balancing on a fence is impressive. I saw a kid walk across the portables’ roof a few years ago, that was way more interesting.”
Josie looked almost apoplectic at his calm response. “Well, we have portables right there! Why don’t you walk across it then if you think walking on top of a chain fence is easy.”
Jisung’s somewhat legendary temper appeared to be making a reappearance. “Fine then. Watch me.”
“No, _____, you’ll get hurt!” you cried.
“I will be perfectly fine _____, thank you for your unnecessary concern. Excuse me for a moment.” He maneuvered himself up the adjacent fence and stood on the portable roof, about eleven feet in the air. That looks awfully high… I remember we tried to climb on the shed to set up a water bucket to drench the bio teacher last Sunday. We almost fell, and he really looks like he’s about to fall off. Plus that shed was half the height of the portable.
“Be careful!” called Jeongin from the middle of the crowd. Jisung slowly walked across the roof, trying to maintain his balance on the slippery tiles. Who knew it would be so slippery? No turning back now I suppose, he thought.
Just as he reached the end, where the others all stood waiting for him to get down, his foot slipped.
Jisung lost his footing.
And tumbled straight off the edge of the roof and onto the ground below.
“Jisung!” yelled Jeongin as he ran over to him. “Are you okay? Oh no you’re dead this is awful my best friend is dead.”
“No, I’m alive you idiot. I think I hurt my foot though.” Jisung tried to sit up, and immediately Jeongin and Felix came around to help him up.
You knelt and slowly pulled off Jisung’s sneaker, trying your best not to move it much. “I think you broke your ankle _____, I broke mine last year with soccer. Come on, we should get you to the nurse.” You reached over to help him up, but he batted your hand away.
“Thank you for your concern _____. Jeongin can help me over there and it’s already stopped hurting a lot.” Well. I was just trying to be nice. I mean, how long is he going to hold a grudge I literally just called him Carrots, it’s not like it’s something bad. He turned away and began limping towards the office, gingerly avoiding putting weight on his right ankle.
You stared after him, disappointed. I wish I hadn’t opened my big mouth. I wish we could be friends.
Too bad the day Han Jisung forgives me is the day hell freezes over.
“Come on Jisung, it’s a perfectly safe boat! You’ll be fine! Just paddle over and we’ll meet you on the other end of the river!” Jisung, Felix, and Jeongin were at the park in the middle of the town, and the two boys had had the utterly brilliant idea of teaching Jisung how to handle a small rental paddle boat.
Unfortunately, their concept of teaching was basically just telling him to let the current carry him and leave him to try it on his own.
Such excellent teaching, really.
Still, he gingerly stepped into the boat and settled in, oars in the oarlocks. “And I don’t need to row at all. I just let the current float me over there.”
“Yup! Easy!” chirped Felix as he untied the rope. “We’ll see you on that side!”
Easy my foot, he thought
Still, things seemed to be going alright. It was actually quite peaceful on the stream, and listening to the light rush of water was very soothing.
Rush of water?
Are my toes getting wet?
He stared down in horror at the small leak in the corner of the boat that was filling the space with water. And they said this was safe. Guess not.
Brain working at light speed, he stared around, wondering how on earth he’d get out of this predicament. Then, he spotted it.
The bicycle bridge over the stream. The support beam for the central arch was just close enough for him to grab it.
Here goes… Jisung reached over and jumped from the boat onto the pillar. Thankfully there was a small ledge that was just big enough for him to land on.
Okay. Soaking avoided. Now how do I get out of this without getting wet?
Just then, he heard the soft stroke of oars.
See, you’d discovered the little river close to your house soon after you arrived. And it was one of your favorite places to just take a boat and relax with a book.
So of course, you were enjoying the light breeze and soft splashing of the water, when you saw the bedraggled figure clinging to the bridge.
“Well well well. Jisung, how do you get into these scrapes?” You couldn’t hide the wry humor filling your voice. How the tables have tabled… look who needs my help now. Luckily for him, I don’t keep the kind of grudges he does.
“Magic.” Jisung replied flatly. “Do you mind giving me a ride to the other shore?”
“Oh wow, you’re asking for my help? Well, be my guest, your highness, step right in.” You gestured to the seat opposite you, holding out a hand to help him in. He batted it away, clearly not willing to take any more aid from you than he could help.
In silence, you headed down the small river until you reached the other landing, where you both stepped out onto the wood planking. Well, surprise surprise, he didn’t shove me into the water. Maybe he’ll listen to some sort of apology attempt?
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
There was a slight pause, as you steeled your nerves to say something. “I… I wanted to apologize for my stupid comments that first day. I shouldn’t have said that, especially to a stranger.”
He wavered for a moment. Please, just accept the apology. You can’t hate me forever. Just then, you heard a yell from Jeongin, who was standing at the water’s edge.
“Jisung!! You’re alright! We were so scared when we saw the boat disappear under the water!” He yelled.
“I have to go,” he muttered to you as he clambered over the coils of rope towards his friends.
“Wait, Jisung!” you called after him. I’m sorry. Your hair was the first thing that caught my attention and I love carrots it’s not even like I meant it as an insult. I was wrong to say it and I’ve been beating myself up over it ever since.
Still, you swallowed down the words.
After all, he didn’t look back.
“Here are your final exams. You all did extremely well, and I’m proud of you. Jisung, _____, you two especially, your essays were phenomenal.” Your teacher smiled as he handed out the corrected exam papers. “I’d like to see you both after class, alright? Don’t worry, neither of you is in trouble.”
“Of course,” you replied, pulling your paper towards you. I wonder what all of this is about… I hope it’s nothing bad.
As the rest of the class filed out, happy that the day was over, you and Jisung made your way over to the front of the class.
“As you two may know, I’m the head of the summer camp at the school. I needed a few students to help lead the project this year, and I was wondering if one of you would be interested.” Your eyes widened in excitement. A summer camp? Where I’d get to teach? This would be amazing.
“Of course I’m interested sir!” you replied, excitement filling  your voice.
“_____, I know you’ve been doing quite well in your science classes, especially biology. Perhaps you’d be able to hold little nature walks and talk about the different plants and bugs you see. And Jisung, your writing is amazing, you could do a lot of good teaching these kids how to express themselves through words.”
I mean, biology is one of my favorite things, and I was considering going into pre-med… this is a huge opportunity. I just don’t know how it will work with Jisung constantly angry with me.
Your teacher continued, “You see, the only problem is that I know you two absolutely do not get along. So I would like to ask if you two think you can put your differences aside.”
Jisung drew breath to reply, but you beat him to it. “If Jisung wants to work alone, I don’t mind. This whole thing started because of me anyways.” You looked down, embarrassed. “It’s up to you really. And for what it’s worth, I really am sorry. Can’t we be friends? Please?”
After this I’ll give up. At this point, nothing else seems to work.
“No, _____, I was wrong. I’d… I’d like to be friends too. Working with you this summer should be fun. Besides, Carrots isn’t a terrible nickname, I was just a little too sensitive about my hair.”
“Can I ask why?” It had been bothering you ever since he took offense to your comment. Why did it bug him so much?
“This was the first time my hair had been such an outlandish color at school, and I was sort of nervous about it and how it would be received… and then you teasing me about it just sort of made me snap.” I’d never have guessed it was something like this. He always seemed so confident.
“For what it’s worth, the orange looks great on you, Carrots!” You threw in an exaggerated wink for good measure, eliciting a laugh from the boy.
He has a cute giggle. He should laugh more.
Your teacher smiled knowingly in the background. “Well, I’m glad you two got this straightened out. You two will be unstoppable together.”
Smiling over at Jisung, you couldn’t help feeling like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
Now maybe things would be better.
A new beginning, a new season.
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straykidsscribbles · 6 years
Freshly Cut Flowers
Jisung’s Soulmate AU! Finally!
I finally got a chance to do some writing! And I have stuff planned for Woojin, don’t worry friends! This is mainly for @strayboys and @minhoeslee my honeybee and my daughter I love you both! 
Word count: 1212 (Sorry it’s short!)
See my masterlist for other soulmate AUs and my other works. 
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“Okay, so over the next three block days you will all be working in pairs to dissect pig fetuses. We’ll be starting on Wednesday so if you have gloves please bring them. Also if any of you have issues with this dissection please talk to me about it before next week alright?” Your teacher called out just as the lunch bell rang.
You grinned and turned to your lab partner. “This is going to be so much fun Jisung! And it means no write ups for the next two weeks, this is brilliant.” He smiled back at you.
“You're right, I can't wait!” He grabbed his bag as well and the two of you began walking out towards your lockers.
“It will be a little weird though, I mean, it’s basically dismembering a tiny little infant piglet. If you think about it, it sort of seems kind of evil. Like kicking puppies.” You frown at the thought.
“Well, it is for science, and I mean, people dissect humans in medical school and stuff. There’s not much that can beat practical experience after all right?” He smiled at you, bunny teeth resting on his bottom lip slightly. Aww he looks so eager. Wait, no, snap out of it do not make this awkward ABORT ABORT. Your brain started to panic a little as you smiled back.
“Well, my locker’s this way. Bye Jisung, see you in sixth period!” You waved at him and unlocked your locker, pulling it open and resting your bag on one leg so you could switch out the books and folders.
“Soooooo, when are you planning on admitting you have a crush on Mr. Unicorn-hair-I-am-a-precious-bunny hmm?” your friend popped up beside you, unlocking her own locker with a few quick flicks of her wrist. How does she make it look so easy I can never unlock it in one try unless that day is really lucky.
You turned to glare at her, slamming the locker shut. “It’s not like anything would come of it. We both have our soulmates, this is just a little squish that will go away in a few weeks, trust me.”
She laughed but let you continue walking. “Hey ____ what if he’s your soulmate hmm?” Her voice rang out in the hallway, causing a few others to turn and look at you before going back to their own things. Thank goodness drama is so common in high school. You ignored her and began walking towards your normal lunch table.
He can’t possibly be my soulmate. He’s just a very close friend of mine. With very pretty hair and eyes and such a lovely smile.
Oh no. I wish he was my soulmate.
That Wednesday, the two of you were ready to go the second you walked in the door of the lab. Gloves on, dissection kit retrieved, tray and plastic sheet set up, all you had to do was wait for your teacher to come by and approve your set up. You and Jisung worked around each other easily, reaching over each other’s arms and adjusting sleeves like clockwork. There’s something pretty special about working with a person you’re comfortable with. It makes everything a lot easier.
“Nicely done, you guys can start. Just make sure you’re careful with the scalpel, it’s very sharp alright?” Your teacher smiled and then circled back to go and check on another duo.
“Do you want to do the first cuts?” Jisung opened the case and handed you the scalpel and forceps.
“Sure, just make sure you pin down the sides as I cut it okay?” You reach over and slide the blade into the formaldehyde-soaked blob sitting on the table in front of you. Liquid oozed out and squished over your fingers. “Ick, thank goodness for gloves. That stuff is gross and so cold!”
“Here, let me get the next bit. We need to open the pig along the sternum right?” Jisung reached over and took the scalpel from you. He pressed down and began trying to cut it.
“Wait, it feels like it’s getting stuck on something? I’m not sure can you check.” You push his fingers out of the way and reach over, poking the pig fetus with a pointed metal stick. Oh gross it’s oozing that’s awful!
“I can’t tell if anything is wrong. Hang on let’s try that again? Maybe go in the opposite direction?” You rotated the tray so the fetus was pointed in the other direction.
“Okay, let me try this.” He began pulling the scalpel again, and it got stuck. Wait, I think I see something, like a piece of wire? Maybe it was left on it during storage?
“Wait, Jisung!” You reached out and tried to stop his hand before it caught the blade on the thing, whatever it was, sticking out. And the sharp little knife cut through your gloves, slicing through the tip of your ring finger.
“Ouch ouch ouch!” Blood welled up and you immediately moved your hand to the sink, avoiding getting blood inside the tray. You bit back a curse, knowing all that would do was get you reprimanded.
“I’msosorryohisyourfingerokayareyoualright I’msorryImessedup isyourhandokay?” Jisung’s mouth was moving a mile a minute even as you struggled with your glove and tried to get it off so you could wash the blood off.
“I’ll be fine, just can you help me get this off?” He pulled off his own gloves and reached over, yanking hard and slipping it off your hand. Crumpling all four into a ball, he threw them into the trashcan a few feet away and then shifted his attention back to your hand.
“Here, let me help, you won’t be able to reach it, it’s on your dominant hand.” He pulled your hand under the stream of water, twisting it this way and that to make sure the mixture of blood and formaldehyde was washed away quickly. Then, as you two watched in amazement, small flowers began sprouting from your cut.
Little pretty daisies appeared out of nowhere, covering the small cut and appearing in the exact same place on Jisung’s hand as well.
The same daisies.
The same place.
Slight tingles in your fingers that didn’t feel painful at all.
“We- we’re soulmates?” Jisung’s voice came out in a hushed whisper.
“I guess so.” You looked down, cheeks starting to heat up despite the powerful air conditioning.
“I’m sort of glad we messed up a little then. That way I was able to figure out it was you!” A giant smile was spreading over his face.
“I wouldn’t be so sure, the pain isn’t anywhere near as bad now but it still hurts!”
“I’m sorry!”
“I know. And I’m glad it’s you too.”
“How did you get healed so quickly? Are you sure you aren’t simply pranking me to excuse your lack of progress today?” Your teacher frowned, inspecting your hand.
“It’s because we’re soulmates. The flowers from our hands healed it really fast.”
“Only you, Jisung, would end up with flowers sprouting from wounds as your soulmate connection.” he smiled. “You still have to come in after school and catch up okay?”
Second Bonus: 
“Hey Jisung why do you have flowers on your hand?”
“I found my soulmate.”
“WHAT?!?!” came the screech from the other eight boys. 
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straykidsscribbles · 6 years
Typewriters and an Adorable Poet
Happy Belated Birthday Polly! @riptidethepen​ I hope you like this!
Poem credit to @strayboys Thank you Phoebe for allowing me to use it!
You’d been admiring Han Jisung from afar for a while, but this certainly was an entirely new experience for you. In which Jisung is a whole cutie and writes sentimental poetry. 
See my masterlist for other works. 
Word Count: 1197
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           Smiling at the nervous looking freshman who had just come up to your table, you quickly explained the drone’s controls to him and then held the small helicopter-esque machine out for launch.
           “Don’t worry, even if it crashed it won’t break! We only got out the really durable ones for the club fair” you reassured him as he took the controller. A smile broke out on the boy’s face as he grew more comfortable with the device. It’s a lot of fun seeing people discover new stuff. Even if it’s just for a day it is still nice.
           You sat back down in the chair behind your little table, opening a water bottle as you watched the boy mess around with the drone. All through the week, your school was having a club fair, and all the clubs had come out and set up tables with different activities for people to try out. You were handling Aviation and Rocketry Club’s drones, along with a few of your friends.
           Though to be quite honest, you could do without those friends right now. Why?
           Well, they’d discovered something you’d been trying to keep secret for a while. Namely, the rather enormous crush you had on one Han Jisung, who was currently sitting at the table for the Writing Club right opposite you. Every time the crowd cleared, you’d try to sneak a peek at him, only to duck your head away immediately afterwards to avoid getting caught.
           Unbeknownst to you, Jisung had been doing the exact same thing.
           After yet another round of glance-hide-giggle, your friend had had enough. “Alright, come on! We need a break anyways, let’s go and see what Writing Club is even doing!” She grabbed your arm, and dragged you across the pathway, barely letting you toss the controller to the other handler of your booth. Here we go again, on another mad escapade.
           “Hi! What are you guys doing?” Your friend asked, smiling at the two boys sitting behind the table.
           “Poetry on Demand!” Jisung said, gesturing to the old-fashioned typewriter in front of him. “So you can give me a topic, and an emotion, and I write you a poem for a dollar! Or you can ask Seungmin to write you a prose piece with a similar idea?” He grinned up at you. Oh, his smile is so infectious. And his teeth poking out onto his lip like that looks adorable!
           “That sounds really cool,” you said, not even bothering to hide the excitement in your voice. “Also, where did you guys find a typewriter?”
           “Oh it was buried in this storage closet near the English classrooms” Seungmin replied, picking up his bag. “Jisung, it’s break time for me anyways, I’m going to go find Chan and send him over here okay? Bye!” He waved to you both and walked off, bag slung over one shoulder.
           “Hey, ____, you should get a poem written!” Your friend jabbed her elbow into your side. I wish she wouldn’t do that, it’s so irritating!
           “Oh, no no it’s fine!” You twisted your fingers in front of you. “I don’t want to put you on the spot or anything.” Jisung opened his mouth to reply, but your friend beat him to it.
           “If you won’t I will. Jisung, could you write a poem about… finding happiness for _____? And maybe the emotion could just be softness, if you know what I mean? Here, I’ll pay for it too, that way you can’t protest!”
           Overruled like that, you really didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.
           A grin lit up his face. “I gotchu don’t worry.” He carefully loaded a paper into the typewriter, and began typing.
           You stood there awkwardly for a minute or two, wondering if you should just watch him type the whole thing outright there. Studying his face, which was scrunched in concentration, you were surprised to see a small hint of red in his cheeks. Was he blushing too? you wondered.
           “Eeesh, if you keep watching me I’ll get nervous! You can come and get the poem in a bit alright? Try maybe fifteen minutes?” He asked, scratching the back of his head.
           “Sure! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you self–conscious!” You hurriedly rushed back to your own table, trying to lose yourself in your own work. After stopping some crazy girl from landing the drone on top of someone else’s head and only just stopping another boy from sending it flying into a tree, you were feeling much calmer. Yet at the back of your mind, you kept thinking about the poem. What will he write? Why was he even blushing, was it because I was being a creep and staring?
           “____, come over here!” The shout from across the path caught your attention. “I’m done!” Jisung gently removed the paper from the typewriter, and handed it to you.
It read:
the perfect place
by Han Jisung
covers partially pulled off
light peeking into the room, past the curtains
fragments of beauty dance on the wall
as light shines through stained glass
make it last, an arrow pinning down the past
whispers echo, saying don’t let go
warmth becomes threatened by the snow
feel the thunder, as it brings the storm
let it fade away when hands touch once more
the only cure for falling off the edge
sipping hot tea at the counter
laughing with foggy glasses, nearly forgetting to breathe
blurry vision still shows the way home
the perfect place where no one’s ever alone
locked by keys that were already found
getting home late, from a long day at work
turning on the hallway lights, with silence and ease
finding a familiar face cuddled up on the couch
smiling with nearly closed eyes, a sight that shows the way home
soon two fall asleep on the couch, worry ceasing to exist
Written for _____
You covered your mouth, trying to avoid squealing loudly in front of him. Laughing you threw an arm around Jisung. “I love this! It’s so pretty and sweet and sentimental!”
           “Ah, it’s not that great,” Jisung grinned back at you. “I’m glad you like it!”
           “I love it Jisung, thank you so much!” You skipped over to your friend. “Look at this!” She quickly scanned the poem and smirked at you.
           “Did you even read the last two lines? I think he was totally hinting something.” She winked. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he asked for your number, he’s coming over here right now.”
           You whirled around. Jisung stood there, arm outstretched as if he had just been about to tap your shoulder and get your attention. “Ummm, I’m sorry to ask this, but I forgot to take a picture of the poem? I like to keep them for future reference.”
           “Sure, go ahead.” You held out the paper, trying to keep it steady so that he wouldn’t notice your shaking hands.
           “And… umm,” he took a deep breath. “I was wondering if you’d like to go out for tea some time?”
           “I’d love to”
           And that poem was just the first of many written for you.
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straykidsscribbles · 6 years
Falling For You (So Sweetly)
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Chan’s Soulmate AU! So basically in this one the first touch you have with your soulmate causes magnetic attraction to them for a week or so, enough to ensure that you two get together for sure. Also you may end up hungry after reading this... 
See: Minho
@strayboys Phoebe this is dedicated to you okie? I hope you like it!
Wow this is trashy I can’t write why do I even try also I don’t know if you can tell but I love baking and desserts. I’m not 100% satisfied but I’m not going to edit it soooo. Enjoy? 
“Get down from the ladder before you fall off and break your neck dear,” your grandma shouted as she puttered about near the ovens. You slowly balance the large bag of powdered sugar on your hip as you descend the ladder one-handed, focusing only on getting down those ridiculously steep rungs. Honestly, why don’t we keep heavy stuff like flour and sugar near the bottom. I know we need the space for fruits that get replaced more often but really, our entire storage system needs reorganizing.
“Mami, I have the sugar! Should I start the frosting for the second batch of chocolate cupcakes or should I do the carrot cheesecake ones first?” You call out as you move back to your station in the kitchen, preparing to make your sixth batch of frosting for the day. It was the middle of spring break, and you were enjoying spending your free time away from college working at your grandmother’s bakery. She had taught you how to bake when your parents had had to leave for a major work trip for six months in the middle of a school year. You’d stayed with her at the bakery and picked up as much as you could about her craft.
“Do the carrot cheesecake, we still have chocolate ones out front. And once you’re done with those I need you to go and stay at the counter alright?”
“Do I have to handle customers today? It’s going to be crowded and isn’t it Ari’s shift anyways? Besides, I don’t like touching all those strangers, even if it’s just brushing hands.  I always feel like someone tried to stick a USB in me the wrong way.” You shudder as you turn on the mixer and begin whipping the cream cheese.
“Love, you have to learn to live with it until you meet your soulmate. Besides I need to finish this cake order, we have to deliver it tomorrow! No more arguments, get to work.” You grudgingly finish making the frosting, twisting a parchment paper cone to begin piping small rosettes over the sea of 4 dozen cupcakes.
Just as you settled into a rhythm of squeeze, swirl, twist, lift, repeat, a voice called from the front of the shop, near the counter.
“I’m sorry, is anyone here?”
“Yup, just one second, I’ll be out” you finish the rosette you were on and trudged through the low doors that separated the kitchen from the main cafe area of the shop, wiping your hands on your apron. A gaggle of boys around your age stood clustered around the counter, a few of them pointing to the different flavors and murmuring amongst themselves.
“Welcome to Cake, Pie, and Roll! How can I help you?” You try and put on a professional expression, not wanting to give away just how tired you are.
“Hi, I’d like to order a pastry for each of us? I’d like a salted caramel cupcake with pear jam please. What all do you lot want?” one of the boys, with silver curls smiled as he looked over the menu. Your heart stuttered a little as his adorable dimples made an appearance. He’s really very cute.
“Alright let’s go in age order, Woojin what do you want?” His voice broke into your lost thoughts and you quickly focused back on orders.The rest of them made their way to the counter one by one, each picking out a pastry. You scribbled down the orders, a chunk of honeycomb with orange mixed in (Woojin), a dark chocolate and peppermint swirl cupcake (Minho), a unicorn cream puff with rainbow sprinkles (Changbin), a maple glazed doughnut (Hyunjin), a chocolate cream mini cheesecake (Jisung), a coffee cupcake with sprinkles (Felix), a cayenne brownie (Seungmin), and a piece of plum tart with lemon drizzle (Jeongin). You bustled around, quickly picking out each pastry and passing it to the boy in question, amused by the sheer variety in taste they displayed. No boring vanilla cake here, not a chance.  
“Is that all?” you ask as you pass the first boy his caramel cupcake.
“Yes, thank you!” Your hands brush and a spark seems to flit between them. Was that just static, or… my link is supposed to be first touch. Who knows, this could be him?
Shaking your head, you quickly total up the bill and he pays, groaning a little at the amount. The boys push three little tables together and sit down to enjoy the desserts, laughing and joking with each other. You smile watching them. It is nice to see people enjoy our food. We are the best bakery around, aren’t we, you smugly thought to yourself.
“If you need anything please just call me. We’re a little shorthanded today, so I’m just in the back alright?” You call out as you head back to your pile of unfrosted carrot cupcakes.
“Thank you, we will” they chorused. You quickly settle into a rhythm again, finishing the last two trays quickly and carrying them out one by one. You begin arranging them in the display, using the cupcakes as an excuse to observe the gaggle of boys filling the little shop. They seemed to be amazingly comfortable with each other for such a large group, hanging off each other’s shoulders and talking over each other at the speed of light without a care in the world. Lost in thought, you started as a voice broke into your thoughts, hitting your head on the overhanging counter edge.
“Sorry, I just wanted to say your pastries are amazing! Can we take some with us to go?” one of the boys, this one with a beret and dark, starry eyes, asked.
“Sure, just let me get a box” you reach over and begin putting together a selection of confections.
“Channie-hyung, hurry up and come and pay for these. We need dessert and I refuse to ever let Hyunjin near a kitchen again.” The silver haired boy from earlier, who you now knew was named Channie or something along those lines, came back and paid. 
“Honestly Minho, you too could pay for something! Thank you again for the pastries” he said, turning back to you.
“No problem, have a nice day!” you smile back at them, and watch as they turn to join the rest of their group waiting outside.
Suddenly, you feel a pulling sensation at one of your fingers, almost as though your hand was magnetic and you were next to a metal wall. What on earth is going on…
Your feet started slipping from under you as you slid across the floor towards the door. Chan, or whatever his name was, also seemed to be sliding towards you. You flinched, closing your eyes as the two of you collided and landed hard on the floor in a tangle of limbs, with your left hand firmly stuck to his right.
The tingling sensation got stronger and stronger as you tried to sit up and failed, only sprawling back over the boy’s chest. You could feel his heart racing in time to your own, possibly as a result of your rather surprising fall.
“What the fuck just happened?”
“Felix, I think Channie-hyung just met his soulmate.”
“Yah, didn’t he say his link was First Touch.”
“Wow, she’s totally his type type too.”
“Hey, they can cook together.”
“Should we help them out? Try and get them to sit up?”
Your grandmother comes bustling out of the kitchen, a worried expression on her face. “I thought I heard someone fall, is everyone alright?” She then caught sight of you and began to laugh. “Aren’t you glad I made you handle the counter today?” she says with a teasing grin on her face.
You maneuver your way to a sitting position, left hand still curled around your soulmate’s right. Careful, don’t put your foot in your mouth. Making eye contact for the first time since the fall, still blushing furiously, you smile and introduce yourself. “I’m ____, and I guess we’re soulmates.”
“I’m Chan. It’s lovely to finally meet you.” A small blush covered his cheeks even as the dimples you’d noticed earlier made another appearance.
“Okay, guys, let’s let them get to know each other a little better. We can head back alone, Chan, you join us later okay?” The tall blond one herded the rest of the boys away, leaving you with just your soulmate and your grandmother smiling benignly at you.
“You two are welcome to go to the garden in the back and talk alright? I’ll stay out here, that wedding cake isn’t going anywhere and I can finish the sugar roses later.” You smile at your grandmother and slowly get to your feet, pulling Chan with you.
You spend an hour talking in the garden, the start of many hours of talking and cuddles and a life together. And for the rest of your lives, no one ever let you live down the fact that you two had actually fallen for each other. In the most cliche way possible.
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straykidsscribbles · 6 years
A Little More than Just Lab Partners
Jeongin- High School AU, as part of Jeongin’s Birthday Week Stuff. It’s a little early….
@straykiddosmom ummm hi this is for you… I’m a huge fan!
You quickly pace up the hallway, rushing to your last class of the day. Why is this such a long walk our campus is too big! You thought as your slip in the door and stare at the seating chart prominently displayed on the projector screen. Shoot, I forgot we were switching seats. I hope I haven’t moved much. Your eyes scan the rows of desks, looking for your name and finding it at the side of the room. You walk over to your new seat and dump your bag on the floor, ready for Chemistry to be over so that you could go home and sleep.
The chair next to you creaked as it was pulled out. You look up. Boy were you lucky this semester.
Your new lab partner? Only the boy you’d been admiring from afar for the past six months or so. Yang Jeongin.
Now all I have to do is avoid making things awkward and acting like a total idiot around him.
This is going to be the best semester ever. This is also going to be the worst semester ever.
“Okay so I’ll lift off the lid from the calorimeter, you stick the thermometer in, and then I’ll start the data recorder” you order as Jeongin leaned around you to grab the cord. You had another half an hour to finish the lab and you really just wanted to finish it so you wouldn’t have homework.
“One, two, three!” Jeongin counted, and you lifted off the lid.
The two of you began coughing and sputtering like idiots. You quickly shoved the lid back on the styrofoam container and leaned over the lab table, trying to get all the gas out of your lungs.
“That was the worst idea we’ve ever had.”
“You think?”
“Oh my god my throat is burning I hate ammonia whyyyyyy”
Your teacher chose that exact moment to shout over the hubbub in the classroom, “Make sure you open the calorimeter underneath the fume hood in the corner when you react the ammonium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid reaction.”
You and Jeongin exchange an exasperated look. Now she tells us.
“Come on ____, let’s time ourselves and see how fast we can clean up!”
“Okay fine, we might as well. It’s not like we have anything better to do.”
“Ready, set, go!” You immediately grabbed the glassware sitting on the table and began rinsing it out in the sink. Jeongin gathered up the small bottles of different compounds and stacks them inside the basket. He rushed to the supply cart and slid the basket into place. Meanwhile you arranged the beakers in the drawer and tucked away the scales you’d used earlier. The two of you slammed shut the drawers on either side of the table at almost the exact same second.
“Aaaannnddd, 2 minutes 47 seconds! New record!” You smirk and hop back onto your lab stool.
“Now we get to relax, and watch other people freak out over not finishing,” you smile as Jeongin pulls out the chair next to you. And you both proceed to do just that over the last minutes of the period, laughing and joking with each other as you make fun of group two tables down, who have just set their cork pad on fire.
You slumped over on the desk. Finally, I’m done with the test and I can forget everything I have ever learned about intermolecular forces. You slowly drifted off, the warm sun shining through the open doorway lulling you into a daze even with the cold air conditioning in the room. You felt warm, cozy, safe…
A few soft whispers broke into your thoughts. One of Jeongin’s friends, Seungmin, who was a senior, was standing next to your table. The bell must have run already, I think I actually fell asleep. You were just about to lift your head, when you heard your name in their conversation.
“Jeongin-ah, why don’t you just tell _____ that you like her? You’ve been pining for almost three months, get a grip and go for it!” You tried to stifle your gasp, but something must have given you away.
“Thanks Seungmin-hyung, she heard. Now this is going to be extremely, supremely awkward for the rest of the year. And she’ll probably never want to talk to me outside of class ever again.” You lifted your head just as Jeongin shoved in his stool and grabbed his bag, storming out the door.
You sat up, noticing something sliding off your back. Turning, you picked Jeongin’s cardigan off the floor and looked at Seungmin. “Were you joking right now?”
He rolled his eyes, smirking at your eager expression. “Wasn’t it obvious? You two are ridiculously oblivious, honestly. He’s been pining almost as long as you have.”
You shove your pencils and eraser into your bag and picked up the worksheet on your way out the door, not even stopping to put it inside your bag.
“Hey, make sure you two name your first kid after me okay?” Seungmin’s laughter echoes down the hallway as you rush towards Jeongin’s locker, hoping to catch him there.
Just as you rounded the corner, a flash of pumpkin-colored sweater disappeared out of view. You’d only just missed him.
You steeled your nerves as you walked up the steps to Jeongin’s house. At least I have the excuse of returning his cardigan. This is going to be so awkward I should just leave it on the bench and go. Before your nerves could get the better of you, you reached up and rang the doorbell. Too late to go back now.
The door opened, and a kindly looking lady with Jeongin’s smile peeked out at you. “Hello! Are you the one who called asking to return Jeongin’s sweater?”
You nodded and felt your cheeks get warm even as she invited you in. His house is very cute and homey, I like it. “Jeonginnie is upstairs alright dear? Just go up he knows you’re coming.” You clambered up the stairs and knocked on the door his mum had indicated.
“Come in~” his voice rang out. Jeongin’s back was turned to you as you slowly pushed open the door. He turned around and his eyes widened a little as he took in your slightly disheveled appearance from the brisk wind outside.
“Ummm, hi? I just wanted to say thank you for lending me your sweater you didn’t have to.”
“No, it was my pleasure” the silence grew more and more awkward as you pad over to the bed and lay the sweater on it.
“I-” “You-” The two of you spoke at once, then slowly cracked a grin.
“You first,” Jeongin said.
You took a deep breath. “I’m sorry for overhearing your conversation with Seungmin, but at the same time I’m glad I did. I’ve had a crush on you for a while now too. In fact, I was ecstatic when we were made lab partners but I was also really scared I would mess things up between us. So yeah. And, ummm, I-, I really like you.” By now your hands were trembling, and you couldn’t help but try and hide your face behind your hair.
Jeongin’s face broke out into a huge grin. He sprang up from his chair and pulled you into a hug. You breathed in his scent, one that had been haunting you ever since you’d woken up that day.
“I guess I’ll have to thank Seungmin later. He did me a favor. And since I never got a chance to say it, well, I like you too.”
You smile up at him. And you couldn’t help but think that being made lab partners and all those shenanigans had definitely been worth it. 
A/N: So the chemistry experiences are inspired by stupid stuff my lab group and I did in AP Chemistry as idiotic juniors, when we were Jeongin’s age. Though luckily I never got partnered with anyone I had a crush on.
Also ammonia gas sucks and if you ever do anything with bleach and vinegar together just DO NOT MIX THE TWO YOU WILL INHALE AMMONIA GAS AND IT IS DISGUSTING IT MAKES YOUR LUNGS BURN FOR HOURS.
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