denryuus · 5 years
▐: @frostyfrosten​.
it really isn’t like her to make such a simple mistake. sure, after years of being away from the farm, she’s been a bit slow to get back into the groove of things ─ but letting some of the mareep escape through a gate not shut all the way? she’s ashamed! it was only when her ampharos started frantically trying to get lillian’s attention that she noticed and sprang quickly into action. luckily, the mareep that had escaped didn’t get far. most were easily corralled in with the help of her ampharos and togetic. even rockruff participated, utilizing barks and quick movements to round them up. 
but then there were the ones that had made it a ways down the road. lillian wastes no time in chasing after them, doing her best to call their attention back to her. but the mareep are stubborn and enjoying their new freedom ─ making her task all the more difficult. but she soon spots a long figure down the road, right in the pathway of the small mareep herd. she can’t make out who they are, but this is an emergency !! without any time to consider what kind of person they are, lillian frantically waves them down.
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❝ h - hey! can you help? please, don’t let them pass you !! ❞
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rangerinstinct · 5 years
@frostyfrosten​ - liked for a starter
   The city atmosphere never was favored by man of nature--doing his very best to avoid the crowded streets at any and all cost; but misfortune would come to light as word of the nearby desert’s already dangerous sands being guarded by a Pokemon of ferocious stature. While the Ranger was skilled, had gained his title for being able to calm such beasts, it seemed he may have been outmatched. 
   --That, is when he finds himself outside the doors of Norite’s gym. Vivid eyes stare blank at the large doors, anxiety coiled and settling a knot within the pit of his stomach, but if one was to clear the path? A trainer skilled more than he was requested. Armiin swallows, hands uneasy when fiddling with the hemming of uniform, but with one, shuddered breath, palm is out and grasping against the handles. A pull, a pause, and yet another inhale needed before rushing inside through a crack just wide enough to slip through. 
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   “Ex-....excuse me?”
   Hesitant tone pipes, and eyes are trailed to nothing more than his boots--the ranger unaware if the leader was even present, and despite such, he continues to force his voice.
   “I, ah--am re-requesting the--the aid of gym leader.”
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defaultant · 5 years
     league meetings.      iggy never was really one to enjoy the things, that is, if he even bothered to show up in the first place.      today seems to be a rarity though, as the champion himself sits towards a corner of the room and listens to the others ( gym leaders, elite four and then others affiliated with running the league ) drone on and on. it’s really... rather boring ?      it likely doesn’t help that his coffee wasn’t doing much to help him with staying awake. ah. shit. it’s gone cold, actually ? for arceus sake, how long had he been sitting here ?       it hits him then.      iggy had fallen asleep.      his pose says it all-- body slumped low into his chair, arms lightly crossed over his chest, legs a bit spread. the prime positioning for catching some z’s.      out of the corner of the champ’s eyes, he spots ... oh, what was this guy’s name again ? nick, yeah nick.      ❝ oi.      am i missing anythin’ ?      or did i miss anythin’ important ?      everyone must’ve gone on break since people are just sittin’ around. ❞
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drackona · 5 years
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“ You’ve been to Galar, too. ”  She’s only assuming, but it’s safe to. Klara isn’t sure if her sudden appearance startled him, having quite literally crept through the woodwork and found him training there. The very outskirts of Norite City were typically pretty quiet, especially when approaching the mountains; but she’d been watching for a little while now, not only recognizing him as an Ice-type trainer, but as the Gym Leader as well. She’d read enough papers about him.
Her Dreepy, calmly curled up and snoozing across her shoulders, was just one sign that she had spent some of her time in the distant land.  “ And . . . you have a very strong bond with your team. I admire that. ”
🐲 @frostyfrosten​
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dollofdusk · 5 years
★☢♓ for the headcanon meme!
★:  a wish my muse has
She’d like to see the poorer parts of Primrose blossom, the schools there to be up to par with regional standards, for the general state of living there to improve. Part of why she isolates herself to her birth city is because she feels a duty there to protect and preserve what she finds precious.
☢:  something my muse is afraid of
BUGS. Ava is absolutely not a fan of bugs, which is purely coincidental with her specializing in Dark-types. Her entire bad-ass demeanor shatters when confronted by creepy crawlies.
♓:  my muse’s biggest secret
Ava is obsessed with romantic comedies and movies about love; she keeps her collection very, very hidden (under a pile of action and horror films). A few friends know though, and tease her relentlessly.
[ prompt. ]
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agronregion · 5 years
Nicholas Frosten, the Norite City Gym leader, is ready to go! Application post is posted on this blog.
So, you mind if I just... chill in your gym during summer hours, or..? Just kidding, of course! We’re happy to have you! 
Welcome, Norite Gym Leader Nicholas! Everyone, be sure to follow!
─ sylveon mod
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starter for @frostyfrosten​ !!
For all intents and purposes, a Snorlax had wondered into the gym’s waiting room. Alwin’s legs were layered into two stubby tree trunks of trousers and his torso was round enough that he’d roll out the door he came from with a strong enough push. His expression, while covered in sweat considering they had not made it to colder clime, was rosy-cheeked and decorated with an excited (albeit nervous) grin.
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“I, uh, I’m ready to head off whenever you are, Nicholas! I’ve come prepared like you said! Golurk’s outside with all our camping equipment... Thanks for agreeing to this, by the way! If anyone could safely guide someone to the Icy Rock up in the mountainside it’d be your family after all... Man, once we figure out the secrets to its constant endothermic state, coolant problems should be a thing of the past! Er, I haven’t interrupted anything, have I...?”
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flamebdy-blog · 5 years
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“ You aren’t hurt, are you? ”  She’d grabbed her Houndoom right by the horns, and he struggled and twitched out of a natural reaction to restraint, but Liv seemed fairly unfazed by it. Used to it. What worried her more was that the hot-headed fire type had hurt the other or his Pokemon in any type of way. It wasn’t intentional. Liv struggled -- but managed -- to reach for his Poke ball and recall him, before he had a chance to try lunging at them again.
“ He’s not -- ”  Was going to say he wasn’t normally like this, but quite the contrary. She’d trained with him for ages to develop a bond forged through trust, but he still needed to work on trusting someone other than his trainer.  “ We’re working on it. ”
🔥 @frostyfrosten​
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