#frostyfrosten // 01.
denryuus · 5 years
▐: @frostyfrosten​.
it really isn’t like her to make such a simple mistake. sure, after years of being away from the farm, she’s been a bit slow to get back into the groove of things ─ but letting some of the mareep escape through a gate not shut all the way? she’s ashamed! it was only when her ampharos started frantically trying to get lillian’s attention that she noticed and sprang quickly into action. luckily, the mareep that had escaped didn’t get far. most were easily corralled in with the help of her ampharos and togetic. even rockruff participated, utilizing barks and quick movements to round them up. 
but then there were the ones that had made it a ways down the road. lillian wastes no time in chasing after them, doing her best to call their attention back to her. but the mareep are stubborn and enjoying their new freedom ─ making her task all the more difficult. but she soon spots a long figure down the road, right in the pathway of the small mareep herd. she can’t make out who they are, but this is an emergency !! without any time to consider what kind of person they are, lillian frantically waves them down.
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❝ h - hey! can you help? please, don’t let them pass you !! ❞
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defaultant · 5 years
     league meetings.      iggy never was really one to enjoy the things, that is, if he even bothered to show up in the first place.      today seems to be a rarity though, as the champion himself sits towards a corner of the room and listens to the others ( gym leaders, elite four and then others affiliated with running the league ) drone on and on. it’s really... rather boring ?      it likely doesn’t help that his coffee wasn’t doing much to help him with staying awake. ah. shit. it’s gone cold, actually ? for arceus sake, how long had he been sitting here ?       it hits him then.      iggy had fallen asleep.      his pose says it all-- body slumped low into his chair, arms lightly crossed over his chest, legs a bit spread. the prime positioning for catching some z’s.      out of the corner of the champ’s eyes, he spots ... oh, what was this guy’s name again ? nick, yeah nick.      ❝ oi.      am i missing anythin’ ?      or did i miss anythin’ important ?      everyone must’ve gone on break since people are just sittin’ around. ❞
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