#froze my kindergartener butt off every night
galwaygremlin · 2 years
it’s the first “cold” day in houston and it hasn’t bothered me because this feels like september in buffalo but i did just get my nice clean blankets out of the dryer and put them on my bed and it is TOASTY and i am LOVING IT
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kovacissues · 6 years
There’s No Way I’m Falling (Dejan fic) Chapter 12
A/N: It took more time than expected, but I hope you enjoy it! 
Link to my writing HERE!
Warning: implied sex (I guess)
Chapter 12: If it’s not girls, Mimi can move
After eating the pizza, the kids looked like they were about to fall asleep by the table. Mimi couldn’t believe how cute they were right there and then. She had always believed that she didn’t like children, but these two were the cutest little human beings on earth. She took in the sight while Dejan did the dishes while singing some song to himself, right now Mimi really loved her life.
“Mimi, I sleepy… can you help me to bed?” Josip suddenly asked, snapping her out of her thoughts.
“He needs to brush his teeth and change into pajamas, before being read to” Dejan swept in to help her as he probably saw her panicked expression.
Mimi got up from the table and picked up the boy, letting him tell her where to go to get everything done. Helping him was a blast since the boy had gotten some really good comedy genes from his dad, and he made everything a standup show.
*Dejan’s POV*
After putting Elena to sleep, making up a story about a beautiful Spanish princess who met a wonderful prince with two kids (which Elena loved without realizing who it was about), Dejan walked around the house to see if he could find Mimi somewhere. He looked through every single room before checking Josip’s, only to find them both sleeping with the book halfway read through.
He let out a quiet chuckle and shook his head before gently taking the book out of Mimi’s hands and putting it on a shelf. “At least you two get along” he whispered, mostly to himself, before kissing his son on the forehead and picking Mimi up from the bed and taking her to his bedroom.
Halfway there, she opened her eyes a little and looked up at him in confusion. He chuckled again and kissed her head “Bed or movie?” he asked her, still admiring her face. This woman was just as beautiful asleep as awake, but he felt way less creepy watching her when she was awake. “You should wash off the makeup no matter what though babe” he added and put her down in the bathroom, handing her some facewash.
“Movie…” she barely managed to get out while yawning. “Can you wash my face?” she suddenly asked and he smiled and took a cotton pad and started cleaning off the makeup. He loved helping her because then he felt like he was needed. He needed to feel needed, it made him feel good inside, because if he had something to offer, it wouldn’t be so easy leaving him. And he REALLY didn’t want to lose Mimi.
That night went way too fast in Dejan’s mind, they had somehow gotten down to the living room and put on some romantic comedy movie. Mimi had expressed her concern about Elena not liking her, and he had assured her that his daughter would grow to love her when she got to know her better. After, they had both fallen asleep cuddled together on the couch.
The next couple of weeks passed without him seeing much of Mimi except at work, she had said she wanted to give Elena some time to get used to the fact that her mom had left. Of course he understood that, but the occasional quickie in some toilet or wardrobe wasn’t quite doing it for him, he wanted Mimi to be there with him all the time.
That day he decided to bring his children with him to their match, knowing very well that Mimi was doing some freelance stuff there. He helped his brother Davor get the kids up on the stands, trying to explain to them that today wasn’t a good day for them to be on the pitch. Just as he was about to leave, Mimi entered the stands and looked at him “Good luck, Lovren” she wished him, in a very formal way before finding her seat. Dejan slapped her ass slightly before leaving for the dressing room, obviously only as payback for calling him Lovren.
The match went really well for the team, Dejan even scored a goal and celebrated by sucking both his thumbs and blowing a kiss up towards Mimi. He hoped she didn’t mind him spilling it to the entire world, but in that moment none of his thoughts were clear he was just happy to hear the supporters finally chant his name.
When he got to the dressing room after the final whistle blew, he looked at his phone and saw messages from his entire family, but most importantly one from Mimi. “Interview in the stands… I get dibs” it said and Dejan laughed at the screen causing some of the guys to look at him in amusement.
“Remember you can’t fuck her on the stands” Hendo finally said, causing all the others to laugh and Dejan to roll his eyes.
He sprinted up to the stands and was met by cameras and Mimi with a microphone. Before she could get a word out he just grabbed her and kissed her passionately “I scored! And I’m sorry I didn’t think… so many emotions” he explained and she shook her head and kissed him.
“Interview first dragi” she stated and then nodded to the camera crew. He loved the way she could switch from private Mimi to professional Noémie so quickly. “Dejan Lovren, man of the match… How did it feel to finally score?” she asked and her eyes looked so proud which only made his smile wider.
“It felt amazing… hearing the crowd chant my name… seeing my kids go crazy… it was amazing” he answered, and he noticed how hard it was to remember how speaking worked.
“and that celebration… You got something to share with the fans?” Did she just ask him that? Was that a wink? He just looked at her, trying to see if she actually wanted  him to spill the beans. “Come on Lovren, you owe the world an explanation” she stated with a grin and Dejan felt his entire body burn.
“My girlfriend… she’s pregnant and…” He struggled to find the words again and he saw Mimi chuckle “I love YOU so much Mimi” he eventually stated and she froze, loosing the grip of the microphone.
She hugged him tight and Dejan wondered if she realized the cameras were 100 percent filming them. “I love you too! So much! I didn’t realize you wanted everyone to know” she said into his neck and he picked her up and swirled her around.
“I would scream it from a mountain, Everyone should know you’re mine” he stated and she started crying so he wiped the tears off “pregnancy hormones huh?” he asked and she just sobbed as an answer. Dejan signalized for the cameras to be shut off and told one of their press people that he had no wish of speaking with any journalists.
“When did you plan on telling the family?” his brother Davor suddenly appeared with the children. Dejan looked at him and saw him clearly upset. Why did everyone make him feel like shit these days? He hugged his brother tight, looking at Josip and nodding towards Mimi as to tell him to go hug her, and he obliged.
A month passed, and Mimi had gradually started to be more at their house. Elena still hated the idea of her, but she could be pregnant with girls, so she lived with it in the hopes of getting a sister. Josip, on the other hand, had already started to call her “mare” and “mami”. Dejan had found out that was the Catalan way of saying it, so when Josip asked him for permission he (and Mimi) had told him to use those two words.
He loved seeing the special bond between Mimi and Josip, it made his heart overflow with emotion. He had wished that Elena one day would also get to that point, but he knew her well enough to know that it definitely would take some time.
The day before they had been to the doctors and found out the sexes of the babies and Mimi had gotten the idea that they could have a gender reveal party. Dejan hated having people over at his house, but he also knew that it would be fun for the kids to find out about their siblings in that way.
While the kids were busy at kindergarten and school, Mimi spent the day baking cakes and Dejan sat there watching her. She had said something about him “making a mess” whenever he was in the kitchen and he had been shown to a chair, watching her from a safe distance.
He didn’t know whether he preferred looking at her belly or her butt. On one hand he enjoyed watching his little kids grow in her belly, on the other her ass was really great. “What are you looking at amor?” she suddenly asked while sucking cake batter off her finger. Damn that woman drove him crazy.
“I have no idea” he honestly said, looking at her confused expression. “My eyes are somewhere between your belly or your ass, don’t move… I like it when you stand sideways” he confessed and she turned to face him, grinning wide. “Tease” he muttered.
Just as he was about to go up and kiss her passionately, the doorbell rang and he had to go open it. Much to his joy, his parents were there smiling widely, and they hugged each other tight before he let them in. “You know where your room is… after you have put your stuff there there’s someone I want you to meet in the kitchen” he told before he had to go back to the kitchen.
“I didn’t think French or Spanish people could be so nice” His father said after a while of chatting and Dejan felt mortified, hoping Mimi would take it well.
“I’m neither French or Spanish” she said with a smile “I’m Catalan” Dejan was so happy to see her finally being proud of saying that. To add to that, his parents also seemed to be happy with the explanation.
“So, what are they?” his mother finally asked, hinting about the babies with looks.
Mimi got a mischievous smile and looked at Dejan, as if to tell him that this was his turn to “break” some hearts. “We decided that, apart from us, the children should be the first ones to know” he told them nervously, terrified about their reaction.
“That’s fine son, the children should always come first” his father said, much to his surprise.
“Mr. Lovren… please keep your shirt on for these celebrations though” Mimi jokingly said, causing everyone to laugh and his dad to hug her.
“Welcome to the family, Noémie” he said and Dejan felt like his entire world was just perfect at that moment.
When he got into the car at the kindergarten, he looked in the rearview mirror at his two kids. He had had a little while to talk with Elena already as he picked her up first, and she had finally admitted that she didn’t think Mimi was the devil anymore, something that had made him very relieved. He loved looking at them through the mirror before starting to drive, they just seemed so happy about seeing him, but also so happy to be at the school and kindergarten.
“When we go home, Baka and Dida will be there… and there will be cake” he told them and waited for their reaction. Not surprisingly, the kids got super excited and smiled wide. “Also, you will get to know if you are getting brothers or sisters” he then added and they immediately looked a little nervous.
“If it is not girls, Mimi can move” Elena suddenly said, just as Dejan started the car, and he had to focus so he wouldn’t brake hard or something worse.
“She A. Doesn’t live with us.. and B. you don’t get to decide that” he stated sternly before driving home, Elena looking out the window pouting and Josip looking at her angrily.
Entering the house, Dejan saw the cutest thing ever. Josip was standing in the middle of the living room looking from one person to the other, uncertain about who he should hug first. While equally cute, the next thing that happened wasn’t funny to him. As the pressure became too much for his son, Josip sat down on the floor crying. However, Mimi quickly picked him up and tried to calm him down, saying how nobody would be sad if he chose someone else first. She then proceeded to hand him over to the grandparents before hugging Elena slightly. He had made Elena do that every day.
After all the guests finally had showed up, and everyone had written up their guesses and just mingled for a while, Mimi and Dejan placed Elena and Josip with their backs to each other and Mimi held two cupcakes. “On the inside of these there are sprinkles of one color… Josip gets for one baby, and Elena for the other… if your cupcake has blue sprinkles inside it’s a boy, and if it has pink it is a girl” she explained and they both nodded. Dejan nodded to her friend, who was filming and as fast as the camera started they let the kids eat.
He was extremely nervous as he watched their faces, he could only focus on them, not the other people around him. He looked over at Mimi and saw her squat and bite her nails, and he sighed a little, at least they were both nervous about the reactions.
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pawneewafflesben · 8 years
Prompts 1, 2 and 24 please you magnificent stack of pancakes with whipped cream on top ❤️
I FINALLY DID THESE IT TOOK ME LIKE WEEKS BUT HEY I DID THEM!!! Also The second Drabble prompt is a follow up to Kissing After Midnight ❤️ thank you for sending these in you amazing ray of sunshine!!
All of these are on AO3, the first and last in Tumblr Prompts and the second is its own fic titled "the most important," I'd link them but I'm too lazy to get off mobile...
1.“We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
It shouldn’t be so difficult. They spent months being just friends.
Months where the most physical contact they had was a hand shake or a congratulatory hug. Months where thoughts of being anything but friends with Leslie were buried away, because there was no way she felt that way too.
But that was before. Before Ben kissed her right outside Chris’ office. Before they agreed that it was worth the risk if they could be together.
It’s been nearly a month since they decided they couldn’t be together anymore. For her campaign, for her future, to avoid a scandal. It was for the best.At least, that’s what Ben kept repeating in his head.
It’s for the best, as he stops himself from grinning at her like a lovesick puppy from across the conference room table. It’s for the best, when he’s eating soup alone on a bench, instead of sneakily eating lunch with Leslie. It’s for the best, when he feels angry and offended and slighted at the fact that Leslie moved on so quickly. As if there had never even been a together.
As if they were always “just friends.”
At those words, it takes all of Ben’s strength not to kiss her breathless and explain to her that “we’re not just friends, and you fucking know it.”
Because that’s their sad truth now. Just friends.
And when Leslie smiles at him in passing, Ben knows that’s all they’ll ever be.
2.“Please don’t cry. I can’t stand to see you cry”This takes place after my fic "Kissing After Midnight.”
By some source of magic Leslie sleeps in until 6:30. Smiling softly at the very faint rays of sunlight just beginning to sift through her blinds, before snuggling into Ben’s arms.
Except she doesn’t feel Ben’s arms wrapped around like she had all through the night.
No, instead Leslie rolls over to a very empty left side of the bed. No messy haired Ben telling her to go back to sleep by kissing her shoulder. No long fingers combing through her hair or rubbing circles on her hip.
Just an empty bed.
Leslie tries reasoning with herself as she crawls out of bed. Trying her absolute hardest not to let her mind spiral. Because this is Ben. And there’s no way that Ben, her absolute best friend since kindergarten, would sneak out of her apartment after ridiculously amazing sex.
“He’s probably just in the shower or bathroom,” Leslie tells herself as she pulls on pajama pants and her old Harvest Festival t-shirt before making her to the kitchen. Walking through her room that no longer had different articles of Ben-clothing scattered across the floor.
She bites back the disappointment and sadness when she walks by the very empty and very Ben-less bathroom.
Leslie feels her eyes brim with tears when she walks into the kitchen, once again Ben-less. She pierces her eyes shut, willing herself not to cry over a boy. Knope girls should not cry over boys.
Even if said boy is an amazing friend and adorable nerd with a cute butt, who only showed up to a New Years Eve party because he found out she was there.
There might’ve been a family emergency, Leslie thinks to herself as she stands on her tiptoes to grab the brownie mix. Ben would tell her that brownies aren’t really breakfast food if he was here.
But he’s not. Because he left. Without so much as a “see you around,” before leaving. No matter how much her heart would like to insist that Ben would never just leave like that; Leslie feels herself bitterly realizing that that is indeed the reality.
It shouldn’t hurt, they never even said they were dating, it was just one night. Leslie repeats that phrase in her head over and over, as she spoons the brownie batter into a pan and places it in the oven.
Leslie tries to tell herself that it’s pointless to be upset. They weren’t dating. They were never dating. Absolutely not couple. The complete opposite of a couple, really. So she really has no reason to be-
The sound of the front door unlocking immediately brings Leslie back from spiraling thoughts. She expects it to be Ann, even though beautiful sun ray Ann Meredith Perkins would never wake up this early.
But it’s not Ann.
It’s Ben.
Ben holding onto the spare key to her apartment in one hand and two styrofoam containers from the nearby diner in the other. Wearing the same clothes as the night before with hair just as messy and unkept as when he fell asleep on her shoulder.
Ben grins at her like he’s the happiest he’s ever been, Leslie’s 99% sure that his face could easily split in half from his smile.
“Well I see my plan to wake you up with waffles was a bust-”
Leslie’s heart flutters and she feels the tears that she was holding back start to leak from the corners of her eyes.
“I really need to get that absurd idea of actually waking up before you out of my head and,” Ben’s smile falls the second he catches a glimpse of Leslie’s teary eyes. “What’s wrong, is everything okay?” There’s genuine panic and concern laced through his words as Ben walks over and pulls Leslie into a hug.
He pulls back, only slightly, to kiss away the tears. No, not brush away her tears, kiss away her tears. Leslie’s heart all but bursts because that’s definitely a knew phenomenon that she has no trouble admitting she could definitely get used to.
When he’s kissed every inch of her face that had a single trace of a tear, Ben lets his forehead rest against hers. His brow still wrinkled in concern as he whispers “please don’t cry, I can’t stand to see you cry.”
Leslie somehow forces a soft smile before whispering, “you kissed away my tears.” It’s not exactly what she wanted to say, but it’s what comes tumbling out of her mouth and she can’t seem to form any sentenced to take it back.
Ben softens, most of his worry slowly slipping away, and nods before pecking her nose. And then he freezes. “Is- is that okay? I know we didn’t really talk about it last night, but I just kind of assumed… Unless you know you don’t, that’s okay! We can go back to just being uh, just the friend thing? It’s your, it’s whatever you-”
Leslie kisses him before he can continue babbling.
“You do that a lot.” Ben murmurs into Leslie’s hair as he hugs her closed.
“Do what?”
“Kiss me to shut me up,” Leslie doesn’t have to be looking at him to see the smirk she’s sure he’s making.
“Well, It’s effective,” she whispers into his shirt before pulling away slightly, “come on let’s go eat those New Year’s Day wake up waffles.”
“Alright, then we’ll talk about what was bothering you so much?”
Leslie shakes her head while opening the styrofoam container, “it wasn’t important, just stupid-”
Ben’s warm hands are on her shoulders, turning her to face him before she can even finish the sentence. “Nothing about you is ever stupid, Les.” His eyes that normally resemble chocolate brownies are a little dark this morning, more serious, more concerned. He peppers featherlight kisses across her cheeks, waiting to see if she’ll tell him what was wrong.
Ben’s kissed her nose for about the fifteenth time when Leslie finally blurts out, “I thought you left,” Ben frowns at her words, opening his mouth to likely assure her that he would never leave, but Leslie continues before he gets the chance.
“I thought you left and I was upset and disappointed because I didn’t think you would do something like that. Then I thought maybe it was a family emergency or something, but I was really just worried that you’d left and I can’t not have you in my life. You’re too important to me.”
By the time every thought and feeling had spilled from her lips Ben was kissing her again. Similar to how he had last night, but different, softer and more calculated. As if he had to catalogue every detail and make sure that this was the best kiss for Leslie. (It was.)
“I’m not going anywhere Les,” Ben mumbles against her lips after their kiss, to happy to pull away from her completely. What he says next is practically inaudible. A quiet whisper as if he’s telling her his deepest secret. “You’re the most important person to me.”
24.“You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.”
“I just, I don’t get it!! I mean I’m their father, Leslie! I raised them!!”
“We raised them, yes.”
“We put a roof over their heads! We’ve given them food!! Healthy, safe lives!!!” Ben fell back onto their bed, fingers running through his hair in frustration and chest heaving from his angry rant.
Leslie simply nodded, not a trace of anger or annoyance on her face. Slowly wrapping her arms around her husband’s taught but powerful frame and kissing his cheek. “I know, babe. Let it out.”
Ben groaned as his brow furrowed and jaw clenched, “I just, I feel so disrespected! Leslie we do everything for them!! Everything!! And how do they repay us?” He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head in disbelief. “I just don’t know how I’m supposed to move past this!”
Leslie murmured her agreement against Ben’s neck. Lips nipping and sucking at the skin as she slid into his lap.
“And I know they’re our children so I obviously love them forever and completely unconditionally, but I’m just so mad and-” Ben froze at the sudden realization that his shirt was almost completely unbuttoned, and Leslie’s hands were reaching behind him to grab at his butt.
“Wait what’s happening right now.”
Leslie bit back a cackle and continued kissing down Ben’s neck before whispering, “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad,” punctuated by a quiet sigh of content.
Ben let himself relax to his wife’s touch, his own hands pulling her closer and tangling in her hair.
Leslie was lmost completely undressed when Ben pulled back, suddenly remembering the entire reason this started in the first place.
“Don’t you think we should talk about it? Figuring out what to do? Before we get all caught up…”
Leslie quirked and eyebrow, pushing herself up on her elbows to be more eye level with Ben. “Figure out what to do about what, Ben?”
His eyes nearly popped out of his head, “The, the kids Les! We can’t just pretend that incident never happened, we need to talk about what kind of discipline-”
Leslie stared at Ben incredulously. “Falling asleep during Star Wars does not require disciplinary action Benjamin.”
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