jessicastrung · 3 years
; ————— > starter for @fructosellie  { gotta listen when the 
                                                                devil’s calling ------ ;; }
                        she didn’t hear the glass shattering, instead, time around her seemed to slow down almost double time and yet, in the same moment, sped up so nonchalantly that she was reeling in the aftermath. she’d been on her way home in the late night, pleasantly tipsy with the soft bitterness of red wine staining the inside of her painted lips a deep crimson; the summer heat was only slightly sticky in the air and it left a gentle sheen of sweat across her exposed shoulders and chest. but the glittering dress she had been wearing was now dyed with sticky, thick red blood that dripped from the gash at her temple. shards of glass twinkled back at her from around her feet, almost mockingly. 
         the seamstress was gazing dazed at her outstretched palms, now wet with blood after confusedly patting at the place she’d been hit. they’d taken her little clutch bag, and with it, her phone and wallet. robbed. although perhaps she really shouldn’t have been walking home alone like that. some baffled onlookers were watching, horrified to see the bleeding. slowly jess regained some composure, turning around, she put wide eyes on the closest bystander behind her. 
   “excuse me, darling ---” she begins, voice a little lost to the wind still. “could i borrow your phone to call an ambulance?”
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elysiumxii · 3 years
the lovers | cont from here w/ @fructosellie​ ft Cherry & Yeung Hann 
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“-uh!” Cherry’s eyes widen as he receives the rude rebuttal from the man he was trying to help! Granted, the cupid may have been the reason for his current, unknown predicament, but he didn’t need to be so snappy! 
“I mean what I just said” Cherry repeats, eyes shifting from one loved up idiot to the other, settling back on the man who he had decided to try and reason with and warn, though if he’s going to be like that, then he might as well just let him off to ruin his life. Shame it’s against the rules! “You aren’t in love, it’s not real! You barely even know each other!” He continues, hoping he can get through the loved up haze of his own creation so the other can actually hear him and see reason!
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etveritcs · 3 years
@fructosellie​ liked for a starter x
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❝You know, you could’ve just stayed in there with everyone else,❞ She began as she turned her head towards the other, ignoring the fall of rain as she stood in the middle of the pavement, ❝If anyone found out that you decided to follow me, they’d say that I’m a bad influence.❞ There were no malice in her words, only a hint of sarcasm that which she could not bite back before she realised that it should not have been there in the first place. 
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atinystar · 4 years
@fructosellie  𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝓈𝓉, 𝓈𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓇𝑒𝒸𝑒𝒾𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝒶 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓉𝑒𝓇 !
“I am guessing that the reason you’ve been following for a while now is for the lack of an umbrella, so here, have my own.” Katherine turned around as she heard steps behind her once again, despite the heavy pitter patter the rain produced as it felt onto the floor and without any fears, she pointed the now closed umbrella with the top towards the other person, as means to say that she knew that they have been following her every step and that despite her words, she wouldn’t be afraid to use the umbrella in self-defense if needed. She could be known as the nation’s princess and had to put up with the lack of privacy from the public and the security guards that most times than not would be after her, unlike this time around that is, since she did escaped on her own to enjoy her time on her own -- Which of course still seemed to attack the attention of someone either way. That, or she was so used to being followed that the other could be simply leading the same path and she just didn’t believe it, but it would be too much coincidence, no?
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xlxndxdx · 4 years
@fructosellie​ || continued from this 
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-- do not freak out. those were the only words echoing through his mind as wide eyes stared at the elder, a look close to fear taking over his features. he had a fear of blood, something he didn’t share with most people simply for the fact that the conversation never came up but there wasn’t much hakyeon could do about it now. blinking a few times, he releases the breath he didn’t realize he was holding as he finally takes into account what he was saying. “huh? oh...y-yeah, of course...” looking around the kitchen for a second, he soon stumbles forward and reaches out with shaking hands to help guide jaemin to the nearest chair. “you should sit down, right? you look like you’re going to faint...” hakyeon could faint as well if he focused on the red liquid for too long.
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😴 sleepy voicemail for jacinto
SEND 📞 + AN EMOJI BELOW FOR A VOICEMAIL MY MUSE LEFT FOR YOUR MUSE - 🥱 : a sleepy voicemail | MEME OPEN ✶✳  jacinto ask - for yuna | @fructosellie ✳✶
☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆
[ to panda ]: hey guess what..im tired and half-asleep but i started thinking of pandas and then i thought of you and your eye bags so i changed your name to panda on my phone. you’re welcome
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pillowxtalk · 3 years
Munday Questions
17. “What are five things you couldn’t live without?”
- My family
- My friends
- Pictures of people I miss and pics of my dog.
- My phone
- My iPod.
18. “Do you and your muse(s) have anything in common? If so what are they?”
The only thing I have in common with four of my muses it that I'm female. Also I think one or two of my muses have the same star sign.
20. “Any fun facts about you?”
That there are no fun facts about me because I'm boring.
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fyrgebraec · 4 years
continued from reply to sungwoo: @fructosellie​
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The princess should not be entertaining him, but she found herself nodding. This was the whole reason she stopped talking to him, she shouldn’t be entertaining any of this. She’s a fae, they can’t have anything past surface level. She can’t bring him into her world. “I’d really like that, if you don’t mind. I mean, to have lunch together. That would be nice.”
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wndrbcy · 4 years
❤️❤️ Leo
For every "♡" I get I'll give a tip on how to win my muse's heart
literally, do Anything. Be attractive and stand near him. Smile in his direction. Flirt. He will 9.9/10 adore you... also peg him. 
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thxvclvxts · 4 years
@fructosellie​ liked this post for a lyric starter !! muse: Danni song: Cinderblock Garden - All Time Low
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“You know? We could make forever after all... finding the gold in our darkest moments, watching the roads turning into white roses.”
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bineindispus · 4 years
❛ even if you’re lonely, i’ll be right here ❜ ( bella to sohee )
sentence starters ;; a.c.e songs
"ohh, such a sweetheart! thank you so much, you really know how to cheer me, even if i'm in a bad mood!"
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softdreems-archive · 4 years
“You need something?” (Haruto to Krit)
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Krit had no idea what was going on. It was rare he was let on Earth, and even more rare that he didn’t have one of his uncles breathing down his neck the whole time. With the lack of something dead to fascinate himself with like he usually would in these moments he had found himself staring at the nearest person in fascination - it seemed he never thought they would notice him because the words made Krit blink in surprised silent question. Did he do something wrong?
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softdreems · 4 years
@fructosellie​ random starter 3/? for people because i don’t want to touch drafts lol
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“You shouldn’t be here.” This was the worst day for any sort of surprise visit and the usually slow spoken man for once had no hesitation saying that set of words. Fi knew he should have never told them where he lived. He didn’t need visits out of the blue like this - for both of their safety.
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atinystar · 4 years
@fructosellie  𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝓈𝓉, 𝓈𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓇𝑒𝒸𝑒𝒾𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝒶 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓉𝑒𝓇 ! (Plot based on this post)
“T-That, I don’t think was for you, could you give it back?” Aaron felt weird for asking for the letter and box of chocolates back from the other, but seeing the description his friend did, he realized that whatever he wanted to give wasn’t to the person that took a hold of it and not knowing any better, he was now asking for the valentines chocolate and letter back so he could give this another try and hopefully let it be on the right locker after he messed up. Again, he was just doing a friend a favor, but he still felt responsible for the whole thing and besides having this person misunderstand, he feared that his friend would never get his chance if maybe he didn’t give this on time. This day really seemed important to others from what he saw, roses being given in the middle of classes, letters and chocolates also went hand in hand and some people he only noticed sending stares to one the other would hold hands and even smile, so what friend would he be if he didn’t want his friend to have his own happiness as well?
“My friend said to help and I guess I missed the locker I had to get this on.” He confessed with his lips pursed and his eyes down as one hand meet his nape for a scratch as he felt awkward over this situation. Would the other person feel awkward for what he did? Sad? Perhaps mad at him for not getting it right the first time?
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pillowxtalk · 3 years
"What if we actually run out of food at home?" ( Yeung Hann to Jihyun )
Send me ‘What If’ scenarios for my muse to answer.
There is an easy solution to this. Step one: Order some food for now. Step two: Go out groceries shopping as soon as possible.
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etveritcs · 3 years
When you get your soft, italicized, “Oh.”
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The Unrelated Moment
you tend to be more preoccupied with practical things, to the point where you've been blinded to matters of the heart. sure, you're close with this person. you like to be close with people. it is rewarding to know and be known in return. you leave realization no choice but to sneak up on you. they're not even in the room when it happens. someone or something else spells it out for you, an observant friend's passing comment or a particular sentence you were reading in a book, and suddenly it hits you, what it all means. the person your feelings have been building themselves around. Oh. it's them. it's time. it's them and you, here and now, and you have to decide what to do at this crossroads. luckily, you're practically-minded.
Tagged by: @fructosellie​ [ mwah!! bless!! ] Tagging: whoever’s interested in doing this but hasn’t been tagged before! c:
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