#jihyun interaction
pillowxtalk · 10 months
Looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll - For the cinnamon roll meme (to Jihyun, from @phoenix-of-jade)
Put which one from the Cinnamon Roll meme my muse is
I'm sure there are moments during which I don't look like a cinnamon roll. And you know I'm right, Xuan.
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Like here for example!
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exoexid · 1 year
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juminies · 9 months
after posting this I decided to overlap the ringtones to see if the silences line up and hello?
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pastelsapphy · 2 years
"I tried to be like a father to you, Luciel." V's eyes, more cloudy with each passing day, are sad.
Saeyoung's eyes, in contrast, are hard and cold. He hopes that V has enough sight left to see the hatred in them, blazing like hellfire. He feels a sort of twisted satisfaction that it could be the last thing he sees with those once oh-so-honest eyes.
"Well," Saeyoung says, "we both know I've never had much luck with fathers."
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phoenix-of-jade · 8 months
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If you like those two I can send you more pics of myself. Or maybe you want to hunt for them yourself.
📸 Send me a picture of your muse, for my muse to react to! 
Damn, that look you're giving the camera in the first pic... It really turns me on when you look at me like that in real life too! As for the second photo, now I can't stop wanting to kiss your beautiful lips! You are soo perfect, baby!~
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rfaromance · 1 year
Locking Vyn, Jumin, and V in the penthouse for a night just to see what happens. What will they talk about?
the funny answer: their daddy issues
the funnier answer: nothing, because after a glass of wine, Vyn sees Elizabeth the 3rd and almost has a psychological episode thinking that Puff broke into the penthouse.
the genuine answer: I could easily see the three of them discussing the importance of hobbies. Jumin is someone who is primarily seen as a businessman; for those who are not familiar with him (and even those who are), he is someone who is difficult to imagine outside of a well-tailored suit. But Jumin Han is not a business robot-- he is a complex human being with his own desires, interests, and drives! He may not be bold enough to discuss his interests around Vyn, but he would vaguely allude to the fact that diversity of activities are beneficial for one's mental health and one's intellect. He would give V a meaningful glance, which would likely end in V sheepishly divulging a bit of his complicated history with art. He may be a famous photographer now, but he stifled his soul for many years and that made him miserable. He would be happier to go into obscure details of photography and how he surprisingly found a career through what once began as a hobby, and he may even confess his secret wish to pick up a paintbrush one day. Maybe in the privacy of his own home with a lover. Vyn, for his part, would agree that hobbies are important for one's overall health. Vyn being Vyn, he could go on a (condescending) tangent about how all things are only good in moderation, and not to let oneself become obsessed with anything, whether work or hobby. But he's guilty as charged for doting over his garden, and even if baking is a hobby that came to be from his troubled childhood, these days he can take pride and find contentment in it.
But it's all over when Vyn offers to show Jumin and V a card trick. Now Jumin wants to progress beyond sleight of hand to some real magic.
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iinvu · 7 months
                         ⋆。゚☁︎。 to. @cinnamcroll
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                    " you're really picking my brother over me? i asked you first. "
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seolinah · 1 year
closed for @caastcwcys // adrian x jihyun
Parking the car along the curb, he shut off the engine while he waited. He drummed his fingers against the wheel, glancing out the window until he spotted Jihyun coming out from work. Rolling down his window, he stuck his arm out in a wave to grab his attention. "You know, I didn't realize being friends with you would mean I'd end up being your personal Uber driver," he joked as he got into the car. Pulling away from the curb once he'd settled in, Adrian glanced over at him for a second before paying attention to the road again. "So did you want to get something or did you want me to just drop you off?"
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niragixpsych · 10 months
yes i miss you n you have to accept it
Who are you anyways?
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akookminsupporter · 1 month
I'm laughing...
The energy that was there last week with the entire fandom posting Taekook last week, is mysteriously missing that week. Instead some are trying to cover their obvious disdain for Jikook by posting Vmin moments of this week. Which- I'm really happy that Vmin are also getting their spotlight, but it's hilarious that they also had some very cute interactions last week but the same people who posted about them now didn't bother last week and were obsessing over Taekook😅
ARMYs don't realize that by behaving this way, they are exposing what really lies deep inside their subconscious. It's no secret that a very big majority of ARMYs are homophobic. And it's telling how they like to double-down on the 'they are bros' comments unprompted, unprovoked when it comes to Jikook, while simultaneously avoiding those two men's interactions altogether. If they were so confident Jikook's bond is just like the rest and that JK is like Jihyun in Jimin's eyes, as they always say, why is the reaction and treatment never the same?
All this time as an ARMY and I've never once come across those "they are so soft for each other, they love one another please, I'm gonna cry" posts for Jikook that I encounter about any other BTS duo every other day. Not unless it's from a Jikooker lol.
And I don't even think they (ARMYs) realize how they move. The need to pretend not even a FRIENDSHIP exists between Jimin and Jungkook, the knee-jerk reaction to convince everyone that when Jikook see each other, they feel as if they suckled at the same breast, when the video they are commenting under is not even edited in a "shippy" manner. Those two just breathing next to one another clearly triggers that familiar disgust and intolerance they hold for Queer people that is just always just simmering beneath their skin, and it's time motherfuckers asked themselves "WHY?" that is.
You know, I don't think it's very deep or subconscious anymore. They know exactly what they're doing, and they don't care because no one will do anything about it. Jikookers aren't powerful enough to make a difference. Jikookers always end up being the villains, no matter what.
I've said it a thousand times and I'll say it a thousand more, they see what we see, and it makes them uncomfortable. For the reasons you mentioned, and because deep down, many of them are envious."
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pillowxtalk · 8 months
⚠ - Do not touch, mine! (For Jihyun from Xuan)
Send “⚠️” plus a warning label for my muse.
Jihyun glanced at the warning label and just one moment later his lips curled up into a mischievous grin. "I think something is missing on this label. You should put your name under it or else people will wonder who 'mine' is." He said in a playfully teasing tone, the grin staying on his lips.
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piganatur · 1 year
something something about Kim Jihyun’s characterization and how much they got it right and how much sense it makes bc there’s still this stigma (especially in a society where surface level relationships and pleasing others aren’t just the way to survive but almost like the norm) that being an introvert (or 아싸 assa) = bad while being an extrovert (or 인싸 inssa) = good. It is palpable that Jihyun being the way he is, to some people, equals that he’s no fun or he’s too quiet or boring or gloomy. It’s bullshit bc being an introvert doesn’t make someone a boring person (on the contrary). Being introverted and by extension being an assa is a choice and judging ppl based on vibes is a valid thing. But then we see Jihyun having plenty of sass, or him bantering with ppl he feels comfortable with, playfully snapping back within the boundaries they mutually set and as an introvert that is so real and speaks to me on such a level bc that’s how we are. Just look at his interactions with Joonpyo, someone he knows and clearly feels close to. Jihyun is not a pushover or any less for not being loud or drinking with just anyone for the sake of getting drunk or sucking up to his sunbaes. His first conversation with Jaewon, showing some attitude and asking right back ‘What does a returnee student know?’ set The Tone okay. He assesses ppl and how they make him feel and potential dynamics and relationships and engages in a way that’s comfortable for him. He won’t approach others first but if someone approaches him and it feels right he gives the green light, honestly what a king. Anyway I think Kim Jihyun is neat.
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usertoxicyaoi · 1 year
so i don't know if whether jaewon is doing this on purpose (i 100% think he is), where he completely contradicts himself - his words say one thing his actions say another -, or he "forgets" the minor details of his interactions with jihyun, just to make jihyun and him have a conversation or to include jihyun into one, but yeah, noticable examples are:
1 - "forgetting" that jihyun lives in the school dorms, but also, that "forgetting" led to jaewon ultimately making jihyun feel included as part of the conversation in a group of people - something jihyun is awkward at:
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2 - "forgetting" jihyun's name, even after they had /that intense eye contact/ between them:
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3 - telling jihyun that he's promised to be his friend and then asking him why he didn't call him, jihyun telling him he doesn't have his number, and then two seconds after telling him to ring him again - when - hey - you still haven't given him your number!!!!
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bonus: jihyun having to remind jaewon that it was in fact HIM who started all this "i wanna be your friend!!" thing:
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4 - in the space of ONE scene, jaewon goes from casual nonchalant "oh i just wanted to care for him (jihyun)" to outright CLAIMING him:
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5 - "oh no we, as SENIORS, as sunbaenim, can't date the freshmen!!!!!" to "our club has a rule that the newbies have to call the seniors by their titles! no hyung or oppa!!" to "you FINALLY called me hyung", FINALLY - as though jaewon was somewhat anticipating jihyun to call him hyung!!! and then literally YANKING him closer to him:
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jemmo · 1 year
ive had this ramble bubbling under the surface since watching the first 2 eps of t8s, but talking to @heesulovebot and @bengiyo ‘s posts have finally managed to organise my thoughts, about why this feels so queer and un-bl, and i think it’s because, even though unspoken, the characters recognise this as queer too. i can think of so many countless bl’s where things don’t start out gay, be it enemies to lovers or friends to lovers or characters not knowing what their feelings are or ignoring them or rejecting them, no matter what it is, it’s like the gayness is slowly eeked out. but this show, in the simplest way, makes it gay from the start, by showing us the beginnings of a relationship, a meeting and a first introduction and a getting to know each other, that is really very basic. one of the things i hear a lot when people dismiss same sex chemistry in shows unless it’s stated, like when people are arguing for the inferred same sex relationship, is “if this was a man and a woman, would you think it’s romantic?”, and so often an answer is yes bc we’re still stuck in this mindset of seeing opposite sex interactions as inherently romantic, while same sex interactions as inherently friendly. you can take any number of jihyun’s and jaewon’s interactions, their first exchange outside the bar, exchanging names, jaewon wanting to go to the restaurant to see jihyun, jihyun joining the club to get closer to jaewon, the sharing earbuds, the buying food, the keeping him out the smoke, the list goes on of big to tiny details that if it were a man and a woman, anyone would read it as romantic, and yet no one in the show yet recognises it as that or voices it. and that’s what is so good and so queer about this story. bc queerness can often hide in plain sight, as long as the two at the center of it recognise it as what it is. they know this isn’t just friendly, and yet they can use this veil of male friendship to disguise all the blatant flirting they do. THAT. IS SO. QUEER. heck, how many times are queer relationships referred to as some take on a ‘special friendship’. its how we hide in plain sight. it’s how we can brush hands and shower together and sit together round a camp fire at night with music being sung and look fondly into each other’s eyes and yet no one else in that circle is none the wiser. its how we, as an audience, know this is queer, not bc of the label put on the show, but bc of how our characters act. whether they know how they feel or not at this point, the way they act, and how those actions portray those feelings, let’s us in. queer media is kind of like a secret language like that, a whole thing you have to know how to speak so that you can understand the intricacies of what’s being said. and untangling and decoding the meaning of the word friend is one of those things specific to the queer experience, which makes the use of it here absolute genius.
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phoenix-of-jade · 6 months
Send 🍆 to send my muse a very intentional nude
[text - midnight photographer]: Are these reference photos for my painting studies? 😏
[text - midnight photographer]: I do like them, but I think I like the real thing even better... Especially the way you look at me as I fill the canvas, studying every detail of your gorgeous body!~
[text - midnight photographer]: Maybe you could give me a private painting lesson once you get back from your dance practice?
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V with a partially blind MC?
Jihyun's eyes have been in poor condition for a while.
It is something that can be remedied with surgery, but even the surgery won't fix his vision back to the way it was before the accident. He's been living his life ever since Rika injured his eyes by adapting as best as he can by adapting to his circumstances. It certainly wasn't easy to go from being able to see clearly to having trouble with his vision in such a short amount of time, but he has the benefits many people do not. He has the time and money to learn how to take care of himself.
Granted, he is awfully stubborn and likes to take care of himself instead of feeling as though he's burdening the people around him, but we know that he has communicated with doctors before about his condition to get help. He has denied the surgery but that doesn't mean he's denied himself educational resources to learn how to live comfortably. Deep and Casual Story Jihyun uses a marshmallow tip cane to get around, but his sight deteriorate far more in that timeline compared to Another Story given how long he went without talking to someone about it.
Given the fact that he has been working to educate himself on visual issues, I think he's been learning more about blind culture and how the world works for people with any visual impairment from full blindness to moderate impairment to minor impairment. This is Jumin’s best friend, after all, you know he wants to educate himself about everything he can. The only difference is that Jihyun tends to dive into topics that become important to him as opposed to jumping into stuff immediately once it makes itself known to him.
This means if he encounters an MC who lives with visual impairment, be it minor, moderate, or severe loss of vision, he’ll have a better idea on know how to interact with them. Less misconceptions floating in his end, after all.
He's not going to assume that they need somebody to take care of them. A lot of people will touch someone who is disabled without a second thought because they think they need help. People often infantilize individuals with disabilities, especially people who are in wheelchairs or get around using a cane of any kind, assuming we need people to help us as soon as possible. It's not a bad thing to jump into action if you see somebody having a hard time, but you shouldn't touch somebody without asking them first. If it's not something you would appreciate, don't do it to another person. 
He would be interested in having a conversation with you about your feelings about your vision. It's something he hasn't allowed himself to think about that much. He's been pushing himself for so long with his injury because he felt like he deserved it. Having someone there with him to help him better understand that? It would be helpful to further his journey of healing. He wasn't born with a visual impairment, but if you were, it would be an interesting discussion to have with you.
How does your view of the world differ from his? How do you see the way the world treats you? He's not asking how distorted or warped the world may appear through your eyes due to spotting or cloudy spots, he's asking how you feel living in a world that isn't always very kind or considerate to your disability. He's been living in denial for a long time, after all, telling himself that his disability is something he deserves, and that's not a healthy mindset. 
A disability is not a punishment from God. Your disability isn’t a punishment at all. It's disgusting when people imply otherwise. His train of thought isn't in the best place, and I think he would benefit from having a healthy conversation about accepting himself from somebody likely in a better place than he is about it. It's okay to be frustrated and to grieve what you might have lost, but it's not healthy to beat yourself up all the time. 
Perhaps, you're in the same place as Jihyun is... and maybe you need to talk with him about the same thing. It's better to talk about what you're going through than it is to hold it in, and if you find peace in a conversation with him, by all means, you should know that he'll find the same peace once you're both comfortable with one another. It's nice to be with you, he'll think, because you're a wonderful person in every way imaginable, and he wants to journey through life with you and you alone.
You'll walk together, side by side, knowing you've got someone who understands you right there.
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