#frylock x reader
sakuralovespossums · 2 months
Human Frylock x GN Reader
Honestly, you getting with Frylock makes the most sense
He’s objectively the most attractive, smart, charming, good with kids, you get it
But just cuz he’s the most humble, doesn’t mean he isn’t equally insane
There was a whole episode where he went full yandere and implanted his brain in the corpse of his crush’s dead boyfriend
Calls you “babe” or “hon” often
Always has an arm around your waist when going out
It’s also a subtle way of showing people your his when someone tries to hit on you. He doesn’t get aggressive or anything but his usual frown does deepen and his tone gets more blunt
If the harasser still doesn’t take the hint and really gets on his nerves, he’ll use one of his inventions to brutally mutilate them then act like nothing happened
Other than that, he’s still generally a pretty chill guy and is the best boyfriend
Always plans ahead for alot of things like dates, trips, grocery shopping, special events (my ADHD ass is so thankful)
For those who deal with periods, he even keeps track of your cycle for you and buys all the things you need like pills, snacks, blankets, etc.
His deep voice is so soothing and he takes full advantage of it lol
One time you saw him without his goatee and you swore for a millisecond he was someone else. It’s just so weird seeing him with a bald face
Shake is an annoying pest who’s always following you around and tries to convince you to ditch Frylock and get with him instead
Carl just thinks your a weirdo for wanting to date one of his weirdo neighbors
There are days where you just walk into your bf’s room and plop your chin on his shoulder as he types away on his computer. No words. Just silence and occasional kisses
He def wears cologne
The only guy to ever make braces look hot
It would be cute if you guys met at one of those prestigious universities like Harvard or Yale. Either you bumped into each other in the same dorm/class building or were assigned to work on a project together. You guys slowly bonded and became friends, to eventually something more
You help him put in his yellow hair dye every few weeks, but you also really like seeing his natural hair color
One time you put in the wrong hair dye by accident and Frylock was left with an ugly colored hair for weeks. You desperately tried to hold back your laughter at seeing how moody he was with messed up hair. Shake wouldn’t stop making fun of him for days
You can’t help but feel a bit bad for him as he has to deal with his chaotic roommates (mostly Shake) all the time, so you help him however you can
Cooking and bringing him food, dragging him out of the house to your place or somewhere fun, buying new science supplies or books with him
He used to go shop for those by himself, but now can’t think of doing it without you since you make it way more fun
He never quite realized how lonely he was until you came along
He teases you about wearing his red sweaters all the time like it’s yours now and sometimes chases you around the house to “get it back”
Frylock is noticeably in a better mood when he’s with you. He doesn’t smile but has an upturned smirk instead of his typical frown and always plays along with whatever joke you tell him. That’s how much in sync you guys are
Everyone sees you two as Meatwad’s parents (his teachers, the neighbors, hell even Carl and Shake)
It doesn’t help that you often go with Frylock to Meatwad’s student/teacher conferences
Or play with/babysit him when your bf’s too busy
Or how you and Frylock always hold Meatwad’s hands when walking to the park
Or come to Frylock’s aid in lecturing him why he’s still listening to MC pee pants when his bed time was an hour ago and………..
Ok maybe you are his parents
NSFW stuff
I just see him as a top. He likes being the one to lead but will let you take the reigns if you want
Again, he uses his voice to his advantage ;)
He likes using toys depending on the mood
I feel like he would tell you he doesn’t mind if you sometimes wanna go solo with your toys (nothing wrong with sexual independence) but secretly grumbles and is jealous lol
Shake has def walked in more than once just to annoy you two and ask if he can join
*slams the door in his face*
He has more length than girth
Frylock has a pretty well toned build, which really doesn’t help make you any less desperate for him
And maybe also make you feel a bit self conscious of your own body. He tells you he finds you gorgeous just the way you are
You love how his goatee scratches your skin, lips, thighs, everywhere as he kisses you all over
Is so amazing at aftercare. Always checking if he didn’t go too hard on you, gets you a towel, water, snacks, anything you need
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cottondo · 4 months
how do you think the aqua teens would react to asking them to buy pads 😭😭😭
OOO I lowkey love this ask HAHAH
- ah shit. It happened again.
- frylock was totally prepared for this, too.
- He knew your period was coming because of the cravings.
- when you ask him to grab you stuff, he’s never throwing a fit. He’s prepared, has a written list of everything you want and need, and knows exactly what you like.
- Shit, he even picks up some of your favorite sweets and snacks along the way.
- He might mumble a little bit of something under his breath if the list starts growing a little too long..
- but he reminds himself how much he cares about you, and it’s only for a week, so it’s all fine!
- Frylock sometimes even calls you up on his way home to ask what else you’d like before coming home.
- he’s in and out of the store in a flash. He’s basically got this down like the back of his hand! He’s confident, and practically speed runs it.
- frylock might still kinda hide what he’s buying, but only because he knows you don’t need the entire world to know that you’ve gotten your period.
- Shake had his suspicions that it was that time of the month again; mostly because of the mood swings. And he was obviously a dick about it.
- sometimes he even started arguments because he knew how revved up and emotional you could get. It was a fun little game !
- damn. But that’s means he has to cater your every will, want, and need for the next three to five days. Hell, even the week beforehand.
- you asked him super nicely, to run to the store and grab your favorite brand of pads / tampons. After all, it was either that, or bleed on his favorite chair. And he couldn’t have that.
- Shake makes a fit about it, but secretly doesn’t mind doing it. It’s just the stares of being in the woman’s aisle not knowing what to grab is what was so daunting and annoying.
- He practically forgets the brand every time, even when he insists on knowing what it is that you needed.
- What’s cotton or regular? What the hell are the different sizes for?
- shake had no idea, but grumbled and mumbled to himself before having to suck it up and ask for someone’s help.
- when he does finally get home with your wants and needs, he usually tosses in a few little chocolate bars or snacks so the two of you could both munch on something together, since he was gonna do all that work to go get you stuff
- so, oddly enough, meatwad was honestly one of the only household members that wrote down when he thinks you’d be due.
- the calendar was right- it totally was the day of the shark attack.
- he knew just what to do!
- Go to the store, grab some pads/tampons, go home- -
- only problem is, he needs help, because this dude has horrible memory.
- That, and he gets distracted by EVERYTHING under the sun.
- so after long talks in grocery aisles, he finally makes his way over to the snack aisle; only to become distracted by everything that he likes or wants to buy.
- Sometimes you have to call and check up on him while he’s out, too,,
- makes sure he’s getting the right things, and gentle reminders that you’re kind of in a hurry.
- Overall, he makes it home, and loves to give you bunches of cuddles while the two of you pig out on snacks and drinks
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meatwadjr · 2 months
hey auqa teen fans, just a heads up…
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— If you ship shakelock youuurrr a weirdo
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alhoeverra · 1 year
Master shake x fem!reader
chapter one ; dumped
A nasty glare rests on your face as you take a look around. Standing in the driveway of your ex boyfriends town house, seething, you let out an agitated sigh.
Large bags, and purses are thrown on the ground of the yard, filled with familiar items. Your bags and purses. Your things. He packed them up for you, and threw them all out.
You hate that fucking douchebag.
You should have learned from the past about dating drunk assholes. Guess it runs in the family.
Grabbing your things, you begin to pack them into your car, you hoping in shortly after.
Before getting in, though, you noticed that the door has a key scratch on it. It trails from each end.
Anger bubbles up in your veins, and you want to scream it all out. "You fucking jagoff!" You yell, slamming hands to the wheel. You can feel the way your heartbeat increases, face flushed.
A soft feeling of sadness pins to the middle of your ribcage.
Where were all the nice guys? Was it impossible to find one, in this shit town? Maybe you'd never know.
An exhausted sigh leaves your lips, face rests on the steering wheel, arms cradling your head.
As tears brim your eyes, you snivel your nose and try to hold back the sobs from letting out against the steering wheel.
You needed somewhere to go- - and going back home to your parents wasn't an option anymore. Even if it was, they'd probably sit there and laugh at you for dating someone they all warned you about.
A couple thoughts roam through your foggy mind, pulling out your phone to scroll through the short handed contact list. Your thumb stops scrolling on a name, and you make a crooked frown.
Shake might answer . .
It's been a long time since you've talked to him, it feels. Hopefully he isn't pissed off about it if you start calling him.
After a few minuets of hesitation, you dial his number, waiting for him to pick up.
The ringing stops, and you furrow your brows.
"What's up, bitch? How's it hangin'? I thought maybe you forgot I existed or whatever. But you wouldn't do that- -"
A soft smile let's up at his funny choice of words, but your tears remind you that you can't speak properly yet. Clearing the hoarseness of your throat, you answer him. "Shake, I-I um," you hesitate, glancing down to your nails. "Can I come over?"
"I don't see why not. I practically run this shit now," he chuckles. "Wait, are you crying?"
You sniffle, leaning back into the car's seat. "I got kicked out." Your hand covers most of your face, blocking out the shame of the house in front of you.
"What!? I told you that asshole couldn't be that great." He yells into the speaker. "I knew something like this would happen. Nobody wears that much cologne."
"Shake," you urge softly into the phone, a contrast of his yelling. Of course you wanted to yell, fight, and punch anyone in your general direction- - But you can't. You needed to try and stay calm before you both end up in jail.
"Can you tell Frylock I'm coming over?" You ask him.
"Yeah . . I guess. I'll see you in a few, don't even worry about it." He says, then hangs up.
So maybe Shake wasn't the best person to be around after a break up— or, really, in any situation- - but regardless, he was still one of your best friends since, well, a long time.
The day you two met, it was like it was almost too good to be true. You could tolerate his weirdness, and narcissistic vibe, and he could (sort of) handle you being a hard working woman.
You head over in their direction, feeling the anger bubbling up inside, even more so. Your hands grip the wheel tighter.
After making it to the familiar driveway, you turn off the car, and sit for a moment, collecting your thoughts. What were you going to say? It was more than obvious you'd been crying, but you promised yourself that you'd keep it together once you get inside.
A few yells break your thoughts apart, and you turn to look at the man standing one yard over, hands on his hips.
Carl. You lower your lids, and pout out a lip, unamused.
Wonderful. He totally saw you crying. Hopefully he didn't care enough to ask about it.
Your sleeve acts as a tissue, and you wipe any access tears from your eyes or nose. Sniveling, you put yourself together before making the move to step out of the car.
"Hey, baby!" Carl strains his voice. Ignoring his waves, you sigh heavily.
"Fuck off, Carl. I'm not in the mood." You push on to the front door of the house, sinking into the fabrics of your sweater with an irritation flooding your veins.
"What's got your panties in a twist, sweetheart?" He asks, though his expression made it clear enough to see he was anything but interested. You frown, shrugging a little in your jacket. "My boyfriend and I just broke up."
His eyes widen, smile dropping. "You're on the market now?!"
You draw back, brows furrowing.
"Oh, I mean, uh. I'm sorry to hear that, you know?" It was a gesture of a save, but you only rolled your eyes in reply to it. With a hand, you wave him off and head for Frylock's house.
"Sorry!" He yelled after you. "I hope it all works out for ya!" You hear Carl call from his lawn.
It's been a while since you've seen Carl. And with every interaction you two have had together, he was anything but reserved. He was more desperate and lonely than anyone you've met, besides Shake, of course. Carl was nice to you, but again, you two had your moments.
Knocking on the door, you turn the handle and allow yourself into the house. Your body slowly shuts the door behind, taking a look around the room. "Frylock? Shake?" You call out curiously. Just as you were about to call again, you hear what sounds like an argument taking place in another room. You follow it down to Frylock's room, and raise a brow.
"Give it!" Shake glares down at Meatwad, desperately reaching for the phone from the little boys hands.
"No way, son. I found it fair and square." The brunette frowns up at Shake, holding the phone far away from the blondes reaching grasp.
"Meatwad, just let the fool hold it. You know he's going to keep bugging you until you do." Frylock rolls his eyes, arms crossed over his chest with annoyance.
"Nah way, man." Meatwad glares.
Frylock does a double take at your figure standing in the door, and you watch as his eyes widen.
Shake turns, looking to you as well. His face drops, instantly forgetting about his little feud with Meatwad. "(Y/N)!" Shake yells, running over to you.
Without thinking twice, you pull him into a tight hug, arms wrapped around his neck. He grins, body going weak at the feel of you in his hands. "Are you okay?" The words that leave his mouth weren't something you, or anyone else would normally hear. Insults, and disgusting dirty minded words are all that ever leave Shake's mouth.
He must actually be worried.
"Yeah, I'll be okay." You nod into his shoulder. Your eyes flash over to Frylock who stands behind the scene, watching curiously.
"So the guy kicked you out?" Frylock asks.
Hesitantly, you nod, picking at the sleeves of the sweatshirt you wore. "Yeah. Jerkoff that he is." You huff at the floor. "My family's gonna laugh at me if they find out. I can't go back home for a while."
Your eyes find their way back up to him, in hopes he'd give an answer you'd like to hear.
"You can stay here as long as you need. I know you're good for it. You can pay rent, or help out around the house." He responds, offering a smile.
It wasn't a bad option - - you have nowhere else to go, anyway. So, this was the choice.
You return his smile. "I really appreciate it."
Shake grins, forming fists with excitement.
"I gotta go rub this in Carl's face, I'll be right back!" The dirty blonde exclaims, running for the front door.
You both roll our eyes at Shake and his childish reactions.
"Make yourself at home." Frylock nudges you softly.
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gabbster · 5 years
We need more knd father and frylock x reader fanfics tbh
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meatwadjr · 3 months
Finding Human Master Shake in his juggalo faze.
(if you had requested anything please be patient, and if you’ve requested smut i’m a bit slow on those so be patient
Juggalo Human, Jealous! Master Shake x GN! Weed Lover! S/O! Reader
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You were supposed to be just take a quick smoke break in your car, like genuinely. you were parked outside of a empty parking lot that was never used. Before you could spark up a loud pounding was on your window which made you jump. You grumbled looking at the window seeing shake, but, he looked different..
You snickered as you rolled down your window.
“holy shit Shake? what happened to you!”
You said looking down and up at shakes new appearance as shake grumbled shaking his head as he crossed his arms. “dooon’t change the subject, what are you doing here, where’s the douche you’re hiding!” Shake glared as he leaned against the door of the car as you raised an eyebrow.
“i can’t take you serious”
You snickered as you laughed placing your joint in your cup holder. you looked at the side of shake seeing some teenagers also wearing the white face paint as shake. “Why are you hanging out with teenagers? you’re 40 aren’t you?”
“I’m not old! and i’m not hanging out with them, for your information they are helping me out with something because some fuckin angel is forcing me to pay for misdeeds or some shit!”
Shake exclaimed as he groaned rubbing his neck with his black gloves he was wearing.
“why’s that the worse thing, i mean, you aren’t a saint” You chuckled as you leaned back against your carseat also leaning your elbow into the arm rest of your car as shake gave you a glare.
You cleared your throat before shaking your head as you spoke. “so….what’s the plan?…”
“well if you must know—“
Shake paused for a moment before grabbing a folded up black t shirt as he unfolded it to read the back.
“don’t tell me oh my god—you know what, i gotta go drive back home anyways wait a minute is that a juggalo shirt”
“you know what! you’re being a bad girlfriend!”
“bye shake”
You rolled your eyes before rolling your window up before turning back your car on and driving away, you are not dealing with this today..
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(HYE GUYS SORRY FOR BEING INACTIVE, working on request and i’m gonna write a fem master shake x freda fanfiction)
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cottondo · 3 months
Chapter 10 | cruel intentions
So you might've fallen asleep in the chair next to Shake. That's twice this's happened now.
Not a big deal at all; actually, it was pretty normal by this point.
The feeling of somebody snuggled up in the crook of your neck was actually what woke you up. Your eyes are fuzzy and barely opening, but you hear a light snore coming from beside you, and it pulls you further out of sleep.
Shake. It was shake. Of course it was him.
His head was tucked into the crook of your neck, resting on your shoulder. Ice pack fallen on the floor, and lazy uncomfortable positions on the couch.
You exhale through your nose softly and just let him rest there. It was fine- - it wasn't the most comfortable place to be sleeping, but your tired body was genuinely just so overworked that you couldn't care any less. Moving was a hard pass right now.
You actually feel the want to tilt your head to his, so that's exactly what do. Leaning into him, and gazing over the black and blue bruise on his face.
Damn, he was genuinely just so much less annoying when he was asleep. And actually.. why did he look so attractive right now?
You feel a flutter in your chest when you look down at him.
That asshole finally stole your heart, didn't he?
You feel a small stir from beside you, as he tried stretching out with what little room he had in the cramped position the two of you were in.
"Shake," you whisper with a weak smile, hoping to get him to wake up.
He only rolls away from you, mumbling a little grunt or tired noise in return. Your lips curl to a light smirk as you slightly lean over his shoulder and place a hand to him.
"Mmhhn... what?" His voice snaps with a bit of annoyance. You draw back, sitting normally in your spot again. "Never mind— Nothing,"
He sighs, eyes staying closed as he gently begins to fall back to sleep.
You sit there, defeatedly, mentally admitting to yourself that you might've just wanted some meaningless morning conversation with him.
Your muscles ache a bit as you lay there. This chair was definitely not meant for two people, especially not after working a twelve hour.
Struggling for a moment, you wiggle yourself up and out of the chair. When you stand to your feet, you feel the tense muscles in your calves and feet kicking on. Yuck.
You stretch out your body, and yawn.
Moving to the kitchen, you make yourself some coffee. Once it was to your liking, you walk it outside and decide to sit on the front step of the house.
You let out a soft sigh at the fresh air hitting your skin. Sometimes you gotta just reground yourself with reality and have a nice coffee in peace- -
"Y/N! Hey, good mornin!"
You look up and see Carl making his way towards you with a bit of an eager smile on his face. It wasn't easy to hold back the slight annoyance in your features, but you managed.
"Hey Carl." You reply, bringing the mug to your lips and sipping the coffee.
He stands with his hands on his hips as he looks down at you. "Whatchu doin' out here? .. All alone? —Lookin' beautiful."
You shrug, snuggling into your hoodie. "I just wanted a minute to myself. I lost my job last night."
Carl makes a lopsided smile down at you, obviously trying to feel some sort of sympathy. "Oh man . . Sorry to hear that."
You sigh, leaning your elbow to your knee, hand holding your cheek. "Thanks. It sucks."
Carl put a hand to the back of his neck and looked away briefly. You noticed the form of a frown crawling up his features, and for a moment, you actually felt some respect for him. "What happened?" He asks.
You lean back on your hand, tilting your head up at him. There's a soft look of annoyance on your face as you think about it. "Asshole inside." You point your thumb behind you to the door you sat in front of. "He started a fight with a customer."
His brows raised, "Drink cup?" Carl asks, humored. "What, did he get his ass beat? What the hell happened?"
You smile with annoyance at the thoughts and shake your head. "There was a customer yelling at me, and I guess he didn't really like that."
"Wow." He stated it like it was a surprise to him. "Good for you- you've got somebody to kiss your ass." He narrows his eyes with a dull look.
"No—" You shake your head. "Not good; I lost my job because of it." You say, frustrated. "I mean, I guess it was kinda nice he was willing to get a black eye for me . ."
Carl caught you smiling to yourself over the idea of it. He swats you off with a little look of knowing annoyance. "Don't tell me you're fallin' for him?"
You shrug into your hoodie, shy and embarrassed by the fact that it was most definitely beginning to be true. You were.
"No, no no. Trust me, you do not wanna get it on, with that." He points at you, shaking his head. "He's unstable— seriously, the dude's got some major issues." Carl begins to go on, narrowing his eyes a bit at the idea of it all.
"I'd suspect you to be with fryman first, before trying Shake."
You cringe at the idea of that, and you were sure that Frylock would, too. You two were just really good friends. That was it. He never even tried to make a move on you, and he could've if he really wanted to.
"Hell no, frylock is literally just a good dude to me. I don't look at him like that." You hold back the crinkle in your nose as best as you can as you say that. Carl shrugs, rolling his eyes.
"But you can see Shake as someone you'd wanna be with?" He asks, almost taunting the idea to you.
You shrug again, considering the idea of it.
Yeah, you would.
Your head instinctively nods, and you find yourself looking up at him. "Yeah, I guess."
"Damn." Carl looks away with disappointment clear in his features. You raise a brow, suddenly curious as to why he cared so much, anyway.
"Well, good luck with all of that. If you ev'a change your mind, you know where to find me." And with that, he walks off.
You shudder off that idea as well, and go back to sipping on your coffee cup.
The silence to yourself outside didn't last for more than twenty minutes. You guessed it was enough to finish your mug, and scroll a little bit through your phone, but not as long as you'd like it to be.
From inside, you could hear arguing. It was distant, like it was behind a few other walls, but still audible enough for you to pick up.
Welp, guess you should probably go see what's going on, and get in on the drama.
You let out a small sigh, stand to your aching feet, and head on in. The talking got quieter once the front door closed behind you, which led to some suspicions on your end.
Your eyes narrow slightly as you walk the empty coffee mug to the sink, placing it inside.
Voices mumbled and muffled behind the wall, and you slowly start to make your way into the hallway, trying to be sneaky.
"You're gonna scare her away like you did with Freda." Meatwad says, looking up at shake with a frown.
You peek around the corner of the doorway and innocently listen in on their conversation.
Shake scoffs, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes away from the boy in defense. "No I won't! And besides, she's nothing like Freda-"
"Right; Y/N actually likes your dumb ass for some reason." Meatwad snickers.
Okaaay, drama time.
You pop your head into the room with curiosity and take a step inside. "Who's Freda?"
"Y/N!" Shake's head snaps towards you, eyes wide, and Meatwad smiles innocently.
"Oh, hi y/n! We were just talking about you!" Meatwad beams up at you, innocent, and smiling. Shake glances down to him, a brow raising.
"Frylock had to make a—"
Before meatwad could continue, Shake desperately gathers Meatwad up in his arms, and holds a hand over the boys mouth. You notice the nervous smile on shake's face as he lets out an edgy little chuckle at you. "It was nobody! Freda doesn't even exist,"
Meatwad glares behind shake's hand, and from what you can tell, tries to bite it. Shake let's out a yelp of disgust and pulls his hand back, dropping the boy. "You little shit!"
The boy wiggled out of Shake's hold, and quickly speaks, "She was made for Shake because his ass was lonely! But she dumped him, too." Meatwad smirks at you, knowing how much Shake wanted to strangle him for that.
Shake steps forward, desperate. "WHAT? He's lying, Y/N!" Shake glares down at the boy, and grabs his arm, "Too many cartoons rotting his puny brain!" He speaks through gritted teeth, eyes narrowed. His hand drags him into a choking arm lock. His hand closes to a fist, and nuggies the boy's head.
"Ow! Let go!" The boy whines, struggling.
You didn't even know what to say- - all you could do right now, is lunge at Shake, and grab meatwad from his arms. You hold the boy in a protective hug, his arms swinging around your neck as he was picked up by you.
"Okay- I don't know who the fuck Freda is, what she was, or could be— but I don't care." You snap, holding Meatwad close to you.
Shake let out a nervous chuckle as he spoke, and you raise a brow, "She was nothing! It's not like I was in love with her, or wanted her to come back to me every day of my life—" Shake snaps, then, in an instant, shows a look of regret on his face. Eyes wide, cursing under his breath, he suddenly had a flushed color rising to his face.
You stood there, blinking a few times at him. Your blood ran still, and your mind seemed to freeze for a moment. "What?"
"Nothing! Nothing, I didn't say anything." Shake scrambles, desperately looking for an escape route out of this mess.
You frown slightly as meatwad leans his head to your shoulder. "Who was she?"
Shake shifted uncomfortably, staying silent. God forbid he lets himself feel things in a healthy way.
Meatwad smiles, looking at you. "Frylock built a robot. He lied about it for a bit, and she and Shake met at the park one day."
Shake intervenes, "Meatwad, I swear-"
That was.. incredibly sad. Like, wow.
"Frylock knew Shake's lonely."
"Shut your face! I'm not!" Shake glares, face burning with embarrassment. "I've got tons of hot babes all over me, all the time!"
You narrow your eyes at him a bit, shaking your head. Setting Meatwad back down on his feet, you shudder off the uncomfortable feeling this entire conversation gave you.
"Okay, whatever this is," you make a hand motion, "I don't want it." You speak up, trying to sound casual, but deep down, just sort of feel a bit upset by it all.
So, did he still love her? -Whatever she was? Did you care?
Ew, feelings are weird, and you didn't like the ones Shake gave you. Why the hell was he still in love with some machine, when you were right here?
You start to step out of the room. Obviously it wasn't that big of a deal- - but you just didn't want to feel trapped in the middle of this weirdness.
"Nonono— wait, y/n, please," Shake ran after you, grabbing your arm. You turn to look back at him and frown at the grip his hand held on you. "It was only until you came back!"
You pause, eyeing him cautiously.
"I don't like her anymore. She was nothing! Not even real," his laugh was nervous as hell, smile weak and sloppy. "She's a whore!"
Your eyes widen at the choice of words being used, and you instantly draw back. "I believe you," your voice is a little tense when you pull yourself out of his grasp. Those words were aimlessly said, because you knew deep down you didn't.
Shake looks down at you, seemingly contemplating what to do next in what little time he had.
"I'm sorry- - I didn't know you were back inside." He throws out there, hoping in some sense it could change things. If anything, that only made it worse.
You shrug, and shift away from him anyway. "It's whatever."
He groans, turning to look back at Meatwad with a glare. "See what you did! Why'd you have to bring her up?"
The boy glares, a look of confusion twisting into his annoyance. "Me? I didn't bring her up!"
You look between the two, and instantly feel something uncomfortable settling into your chest. "Okay, imma give you guys some space," your tone takes on a bit of insecurity, and you quickly turn to leave.
Heading over to your bedroom, you slip inside and feel the racing questions enter your mind as you close the door behind you.
Was it really that serious? You're probably just overreacting. Maybe it was just a random topic that got brought up and turned into something deeper- - it happens sometimes.
What if Shake is just using you and really didn't care..?
Oh no.
You knew there was something toxic within you to feel things for Shake, but like, maybe you needed to raise your standards? But do you deserve to? Shit.
Instantly, you find yourself rage cleaning. Moving things out of the way, finishing up the rest of the box that had been sitting beside your bed on the floor for weeks now.
—But it wasn't combating the thoughts, and now you didn't know what else to do to make them go away. Maybe frylock would wanna to go to the bar..
There's just so many thoughts at once. It's loud, and annoying. You break down the now empty box and fold it neatly, laying it on the floor next to the door.
'What ifs' and accusations kept flooding your mind without an end. Why the hell aren't they going away?
"Hey," Shake snaps you from your thoughts, suddenly standing at the doorway of 'your' room. "Can you just listen to me for a second?"
You stop cleaning, letting out a trembly sigh, and turn to face him. Why the hell are your hands shaking?
"Okay," you mumble, looking up at him. Secretly, you're kind of thankful he was there.
The male steps in the room, closing the door behind him as he found it. With quick steps, he makes his way in front of you, grabbing your hands almost in a plead for your attention.
Does he notice your shaking?
"Meatwad was being stupid and asking me questions about you. I told him that obviously you were into me- - and that.. I.. well, I think you're hot." He says, catching your furrowing expression, which made him follow up to cover himself, "-And, you know, sometimes I think I feel whatever happy is supposed to feel like, when you're around me,"
You blink up at him, curious and eager to hear more from him. Wherever this was going, it seemed like it was somewhere.
"But, Freda got brought up- and I guess I'm just scared to lose you. Again." He admits.
Holy shit- - Shake? Admitting to you that he was scared?
You understood where he was coming from. The past you two had before your ex, it was there, whether you wanna admit it or not.
When you don't reply yet, lost in pondering, you feel him letting go of your hands, and watch as he starts to pace the small space anxiously. "You know, you really fucking hurt me when you left." he says, a tone of frustration hiding under the anger he showed.
Guilt floods into your chest as you look at him. "I'm sorry,"
"No, you chose that douchebag over me! And then you got hurt," he scoffs, stopping in his tracks to look at you. "You kept making me want you. Like you were playing with my head," he narrows his eyes at you.
Guilty. Because you never know what you want.
Deep down, too, you knew how it probably made him feel. You've just decided to brush it all off over the past year because you didn't want to deal with it anymore.
"I didn't mean to. It just sort of happened." You try and excuse your actions, but there was a weight to them that just didn't feel light enough to keep brushing off anymore. "He asked me to move in with him, a-and I just couldn't say no. I thought he loved me."
"Oh, but I didn't?" He snaps.
Frozen, you stare at him and watch the instant regret of vulnerability on his face flooding into his features.
You both stand there for a minute, silent and awkward. The air was thick with a sense of tension that you didn't like feeling.
He clears his throat, and looks away.
"When I was hanging around more, I liked you too. And that's why I left." You admit, maybe harsher than you meant it. "With him."
He frowns a bit, his ego taking a hit of damage. "What do you mean?"
"I was scared that I was gonna love you." You fidget for a second before looking away, out the window. Your heart was racing inside your chest. Sweating out of the palms of your hands. This feels awful.
Shake hesitates before tilting his head slightly.  "Well . . Do you?"
There's a sinking feeling in your stomach, a flutter in your chest and head. Your body was trying to regulate whatever emotion he was making you feel. It was something unfamiliar.
"I don't know," you fidget.
"Oh," Shake says. "What do y— why don't you know?"
You shrug, avoiding your gaze away from him, and feeling vulnerable once again. Honestly, you just couldn't give him an answer to that yet. And you wanted to run.
He then sighs heavily, a visible hint of annoyance behind it.
"You know, you told me something when you were drunk that one night we went to the club." He says, crossing his arms.
A rush of anxiety comes over you as you look to him. "What?" You ask, nervously.
"You said you were trying to fix someone that was broken. You thought he'd 'change', blah blah blah." He makes a hand motion, sticking out his tongue with disgust. "Big surprise, you couldn't change him. And then you started crying! Over that ex!"
You frown, a little bit irritated. "Yeah- no shit! I was fucking upset and drunk," Your voice raises back at him.
"Where are you going with this? A-And why do you even care? You're still in love with some fucking robot." Your arms crossed over your chest as you shift away from him.
"I'm not!" He groans heavily, tilting his head back with dramatics. "That stopped when you came back!"
You pause again, thinking of what to say.
"So, you're not just using me?" You ask, exposed, and looking over your shoulder at him with a bit of a frown.
"No! What the hell," he steps forward, face scrunched up with confusion. "Do I need to make it any more clear for your blind ass!?" He yells, frustrated. "Are you losing your vision? You're obviously on your way out from alcohol poisoning or some shit, because I've been making it very clear how I feel about you."
You knew he liked you. You've known for two years- - but you didn't think it was actual feelings. You figured he just liked the attention you were giving him. He craves that shit, and you've been giving it to him like free handouts.
He follows whatever gives him the time of day like a loose dog.
"I just thought you wanted me because I can actually tolerate your dumb ass." You say, defensively, closed off.
He shakes his head, frowning with annoyance. "No! Y/N you know I like you. I just want you to like me."
You pause, inhaling a soft, shaky breath. Man, your emotions and feelings are all out on the line now.
"I do like you." You say, eyes darting over his features to not miss a reaction.
"Then what's the problem?" He asks, visibly getting annoyed with your indecisiveness.
You pause, scared to show someone how you really felt. Sometimes you just, froze. Scared that it would only get used against you in the future again.
Your mind shifts to a random thought, a coverup, a lie, an excuse- - and you confidently say it through your teeth.
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meatwadjr · 2 months
ugh writers block is kicking my ass, i’m fixing up some head cannons you guys requested, baaaare with me‼️‼️
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meatwadjr · 3 months
Working on fanfics atm, if you’ve requested please be patient!
I’m gonna try writing as much fanfiction of frylock and shake, it’s a crime how low fanfics they have, especially frylock
And if you’ve requested smut, lime, ect, plwase be patient on that as well, i’m not the best at writing smut so it might take me a while !
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meatwadjr · 3 months
hey auqa teen fans, not getting enough of frylock n master shake x readers? well don’t worry because i have some fanfictions that are coming up!!
and if you’re interested in a certain story u want with the characters you can request!
the only character i wont be doing an x reader for is carl, so, go crazy
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sakuralovespossums · 2 months
please indulge if you will but could you write a Frylock x reader (Gn! If you can)
some cute headcanons or domestic scenarios PLEASE I BEG
…have a wonderful day (≧◡≦)
Just done!! Check it out :)
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sakuralovespossums · 2 months
could u maybe do human Frylock x reader 🧍
Just did! Go check it out!!
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cottondo · 5 months
BUTTERCUP | master shake x reader
— 6. | an ego thing
a/n : I haven’t proof read it enough times yet so I’m sorry I’m advance if there’s errors lmao
  "What you did was irresponsible, rude, and quite frankly, a little immoral!"
"Well, what did you expect me to do! You should've known better than to put me in charge. It's anything, it's your fault for not being home!"
"I didn't! I put y/n in charge of the house, and you messed everything up and pissed off meatwad." Frylock crossed his arms, an eye narrowing on Shake.
Yeesh, you really didn't wanna listen to their arguing at your job.
You cringe inwardly, glancing around the small diner to see the few people's gazes starting to focus on your roommate's argument.
"Kay- can we like, not do this here?" You speak up, a little look of annoyance starting to flood your features. "You're gonna get me fired."
"So what? What's a job good for, anyway! You're workin' for the man, and not yourself." Shake looks back to your pleading face.
"Yeah, well, thats how I get to buy things, and live with a roof over my head." You respond, going back to filling up meatwad's glass of orange juice.
Shake looks away. "Pft. Who needs that?"
"Your sorry ass, when he kicks you out!" You gesture towards frylock, who was glaring at shake.
Shake huffs, crossing his arms. He clearly forgot about the situation at hand. "He can't survive without me there. I'm the one that holds that house together, if you hadn't noticed."
Frylock scoffs, and you place the cup of juice back down on the countertop with a little eye roll.
"Right— the minute you leave, is the day I finally get some peace and quiet." Frylock sighs, dulling his eyes.
"You love havin me around!" Shake argues.
Frylock carefully picks up the steaming mug of coffee, and sips it. "Keep it up, Shake. One more slip up, and I'm not gonna feel sorry when your ass ends up on Carl's lawn."
Frylock's tone sounded so done with shake. And rightfully so.
Meatwad side eyed Shake with a little knowing smirk hidden on his face. He took another bite of the chicken tender from his plate.
The look clearly didn't go unnoticed, and shake glares the boy's way. "The hell are you lookin' at?" He asks, leaning over into Frylock's personal space in order to scare Meatwad with a death glare.
Okay, this was going on for too long now.
From under the counter, you dip your fingers in the melted corner of the ice case, and flick it at Shake's face with a little smirk.
He flinches, shooting upward and looking towards you with a look of, 'what the hell was that'.
"Hey!" Shake starts to retort, but you grab his plate and slide it towards you. Oh, he did not like that.
"Leave him alone, and shut up. Eat your food, before I have to take it away." You push it back, leaving him with wide eyes of amusement at your behavior.
Just as he was about to retort, frylock came to the rescue.
He sighs, wiping his face with a napkin, and gives you a thoughtful expression. After all, they were causing a scene at your job. "Everyone, just- - try to behave. It's rude."
"Whatever." Shake shuts up, and meatwad goes back to eating the rest of his meal in a guilty silence.
  "Y/N, what time do you get off your shift?" Frylock asks through an audibly tired voice. He tries to change the conversation, and honestly, you were kinda grateful for it. There was just only so much you could tolerate in one sitting.
"I just gotta finish up those two tables over there, but it won't take me long at all." You respond, a gentle smile on your face.
"I was thinking maybe we should go shopping for some groceries later. It has been a while.." you saw the embarrassment creasing into Frylock's face, so you nod along with a soft smile of reassurance.
Things happen, and life gets in the way. You totally understand how that goes, and choose to empathize with him.
"Sure, yeah. We can do that." You turn your attention to shake and lean your elbows on the counter. "What do you guys want us to pick up from the store?"
Shake smirks a bit, stealing a slight glance down the front of your uniform shirt. It was within seconds that you noticed. "I know what I want, baby—"
"I bet you do." You play along with a light curl of your lip, now earning frylock and meatwad's attention in shock.
"But right now, we need to know what you guys wanna eat for meals and stuff."
You think the last thing that shake was expecting, was for you to enable that situation. He prolly figured you'd just get pissed off, and swat him away. But, his attention was starting to grow on you now, so that wasn't necessarily the case anymore. Why not just let this roll?
Frylock clears his throat, awkwardly, seeing the shocked expression on Shake's face.
He was totally noticing what was up now.
A thought came to Shake as you notice the way his smiles stretches. "Lasagna~! Quattro formaggio," shake makes Italian gestures with his hands. Meatwad grins with amusement, looking up at the male beside him.
"Italian food!"
"I've gotta admit, shake can make a really good lasagna dish." Frylock smiles weakly, holding his cheek in his hand with a tired expression.
"Hell yeah, I do." Shake smiles proudly, eyes drifting up to meet yours. With his arms crossed over his chest, you notice the smug little look of pride he had.
"Carl likes it too. Which is half the reason I make it."
Amused, you crack up a little grin. "You make it for Carl?"
That didn't sound like the Shake you knew. He never did anything for anybody.
Frylock shakes his head. "Don't get the wrong idea. Shake likes to mess with Carl's head. He doesn't actually let him eat any of it."
Confused, you turn to shake for answers.
Shake grins, "I just put that shit on a leash, and let him run. Sometimes he breaks his neck, sometimes he lets me swim in his pool." He shrugs innocently, "It's a win win either way!"
Damn, he was really fucked up for that. But how could you not love that about him—?
"That's messed up," you snicker, taking all three of their empty plates and walking them to the dirty buss pan. "But I'm so here for it."
Shake smiles widely at your response; clearly you piqued his interest. Not just anybody would laugh at the cruel pranks he liked to pull. But you did.
You peer over Shake's shoulder, an intensifying grin creeping up on your face, as you noticed the little annoyances you've been causing him.
Shake was making up that lasagna dish; something you could only believe if you saw it with your own eyes.
"Do you mind? I'm trying to put together my masterpiece, here!"
You only smirk in a retort. "Shut up, you love it."
"I am pretty hard to stay away from. That's why they call me the chick magnet." He shrugs you off with a nervous smile, and focuses his eyes back down on the sauce he was using. "Now listen- I know that only I can make this taste good, but I'm gonna let you put the cheese on it." He takes a step back, eyeing you. "Since you wanna be apart of this plan."
Wow, he was letting you help him? How thoughtful.
"Don't mess it up! It's a delicacy," His shouting made your ears ring.
"Okay, I got it, Fuck." You snap back. Of course, this only made him glare harder, but whatever. 
Shake was so dramatic, fuck.
Rolling your eyes was the only other proper bodily response you could give, before bumping him aside to place yourself in front of the half prepared lasagna dish. It did look pretty good..
Reaching your hand into the bag of cheese, you begin to sprinkle it around the pasta.
Then, he hands you the other cheeses to put into the pan. "Okay, good. Not as good as what I'd do, but it'll probably be fine." He mumbles, standing over your shoulder.
Dangerously close, you noted.
You turn your head over your shoulder to deadpan him with a look of annoyance, but you couldn't help that butterfly feeling that kept trying to crawl up your throat. Shit.
You caught the feels.
You inhale a soft breath, and look back down to the pasta dish. Just try to ignore him! That was super easy- - right—?
Even though now his hand was reaching in front of you to grab the other cheese— oh shit, his shoulder is totally bumping into yours because he doesn't know personal space even if it whacked him in the face.
"Kay, now what?" You break the silent tension you felt, looking to him. Shake grabs the dish, and throws some seasoning throughout it. "We bake it, then the fun can happen." The smirk was bright and cheery on his face.
"Cool," you chortle.
Shake tosses the pan in the oven, and sets a timer for it. His eyes then set on you, narrowing a little.
You frown, looking up at him. What was he looking at?
"What," Your tone came out a little sour, and you didn't mean for it to. He didn't seem to mind, though.
His gloved hand reaches out, and soon enough, you feel his thumb brushing at your cheek. "You've got sauce on your face, dumbass."
Welp, that's embarrassing.
You can feel the heat in your face rise as he wipes off your cheek, not so gently, and sticks his tongue out with disgust.
"Gee, thanks." You turn away, brushing your cheek off with the back of your arm.
Then, a thought floods it's way back into your head suddenly.
Weren't you supposed to be doing something..? 
"Oh!" You rub your cheek, hoping there wasn't any stain still left on your skin. "I was supposed to post you making that," you pout a bit, gesturing to the fact that he was still supposed to be your fake boyfriend. How could you forget?
He looks at you with a questioning expression. "Huh?"
"Y'know- - My boyfriend made me lasagna," you tease, pulling out the phone from your pocket.
Now it came back to him.
He nods slowly, "Riiight. Right!" Shake smirks proudly, opening up the oven door to crack it. "It's not too late." Heat blows out, and you look inside the crack to see the pan sitting there, trying to bake.
You angle your phone camera on it, but you feel your other hand being grabbed.
What was he doing—?
"C'mere," Looking down, shake forces your hand on the oven door handle, and guides you to grab it. He then puts his hand on top of yours, and holds it. "Come on, take the picture already!"
Your cheeks did that weird thing again where they got all hot and clammy. Shit shit shit.
Oh, and now your heart is speeding up a little? What the fuuuuuck.
You take the picture of your hands on the handle, and smile up at him, though it felt pressured now. "Got it,"
He shuts the door, and suddenly his face was flared up, too. Damn, was he sweating?
"Cool, great, good!" He laughs out, but it sounded awkward. "I bet that asshole thinks I'm sexier than him. Like— what were you even thinking? Going for a guy like that," shake laughs at you. Of course, it was just him turning the situation around onto you again, because why wouldn't he be a narcissist?
You let yourself frown slightly.
"You're too good for him, obviously." Shake then adds onto the statement, though his voice grew a bit more honest. There's another smile lingering in his features when he says that.
Your frown turns upward at him slightly. "Yeah . . I know." Your voice is light; not even defensive, because you knew how shitty you let that guy treat you.
"I know you know!" He says, "If there's one thing I know- it's women. And women want me."
Welp, that ruined the moment.
The smirk on his face was enough to make you laugh at him. In all the time that you've known each other, you didn't see a single girl trying to talk to him. Ever.
If anything, you were the first. And that . . Well, that's saying something.
"Yeah?" You ask through a chortle, "Where are they, then."
Shake quickly frowns with annoyance, and crosses his arms. "Well, obviously they can't come around, if they see you next to me." He defends himself poorly. You shrug in response and laugh a little again.
"Riiight. That makes sense," sarcastically, you nod along to tease him. Does he know you're just teasing him? You weren't sure.
"It does! How else can a hot babe come up to me if I already have one next to me? They'd get jealous, obviously!" Shake rolls his eyes. "And, I don't need any more girl drama. Which is why I keep telling them not to come around anymore,"
His voice was so casual when lying, that it was almost kinda insane.
The other thing insane about that story though, was Shake just called you hot.
Not that you didn't know that already.
"I knew I was hot," you tease, looking over at him with a little smirk. "Girl drama is literally ridiculous though. You're better off with just me."
His eyes widen a little at your comment. Obviously he took it in the way you meant it.
"Yeah, I probably would be. But y'know, there's still plenty of me to go around." He points his thumbs towards himself, and gives off a cocky smirk.
"Shut up, cup." You laugh him off with a light shove on the shoulder, letting his nickname slip from your mouth. It was something you've picked up from Carl over the years of hangin' around the boys. It never seemed to bother him too much, but you knew he'd prefer a less demeaning name.
"You gotta make me," Shake's smile is innocently bright, and all you can do is stare back with a challenging grin.
Ooh, that was it- -
To your right on the counter, you notice the bowl of pudding Meatwad had left out. When you and Frylock went shopping earlier, you should've expected the two ding bats to go on a binge fest of junk food, because they totally did. They left food out all over the place.
The evil grin on your face was enough to show Shake that you had tricks up your own sleeve.
Not even bothering to care how sticky and slimy it was on your fingers, you dipped your hand into the bowl and quickly smacked the pudding to his face.
The challenge was so on.
His eyes widen, shock taking over his body as the chocolate pudding smears across his cheek and mouth. That was not at all what he expected from you when he meant for you to shut him up.
"Y/N! What the hell!"
You laugh loudly, crouching down in a defense stance as he wipes the chocolate from his face.
"I'll kill you," Without a second thought, Shake lunges towards your laughing figure, hands grabbing yours playfully, and soon you find yourself backed into and trapped against the counter.
With your backside to the cabinets, you look up at him with a pleading smile, still finding it absolutely hilarious that you caught him off his game like that.
"I'm sorry! Shake— I'm sorry, I swear," you wheeze out through laughter, hands up and still being tightly held by Shake's.
"Shoulda thought about that sooner!" His one hand let go of yours, and with one swift movement, snatched the glass of water from the countertop, and splashed it at you with a wild grin.
"Hey!" You squeal out and tense up as the water quickly runs down your cheek and neck.
Game on, bitch.
You push him back as he chuckles under his breath.
"Asshole," There wasn't much time to think it through anymore, so you grab the closest food item to you, and smash it at him. Shake dodged, but it ended up still managing to hit his body anyway.
The two of you now wrestled a bit with each other; hands locked, and push and shoving each other playfully.
Actually, it was probably the most fun you and Shake had together in a long time.
"I swear- - Y/N, if I wasn't letting you win, I'd beat your ass," shake glares up at you from the hold you had on him. You now currently had him pinned down to the floor of the kitchen, food everywhere, sitting on his back. The smirk you had on your face was beaming with amusement as your tilt your head down at him.
"Oh, I'm sorry, letting me win? I own your ass right now."
He grunts, dulling his irritated eyes up at you. "I'm only going easy on you because you're a broad!"
"Pfft— yeah, right. You couldn't beat me if you tr—" the wind almost gets knocked out of you when you suddenly find yourself being flipped over with your back to the floor. Shake smirks, and now holds you down by sitting on you.
"Ugh, oh my god, fatass, get off me!" You wheeze out, glaring up at him. His prideful smile was enough to let you know that, okay, maybe he was sorta letting you win earlier.
"It's muscle weight! And don't smack me with pudding, then maybe I would!" He declares, eyes narrowing now as the pressure of his gloved hands holds your arms down to the floor at shoulder height.
"I'm sorry," You pout playfully up at him, wiggling your wrists out of his grasp, but not to much use.
"Not good enough!" He says. "I think it's time you learned not to mess with the master~!" Shake was totally not bluffing anymore, and you knew he was unhinged enough to actually hit you, or throw more food at your face- which you didn't want.
So, you flinch, wincing up at him.
Managing to speak with half of his body weight sitting on top of you was actually so hard to do.
"Wait— Is this the part where I kiss you?" He asks, in the dumbest, most casual way only shake could manage.
"Oh my god," you groan. With some thought behind it, you manage to flip yourself to your side, and kick him off you. Shake lands beside you on the floor, and you remember not to take breathing for granted.
You slowly rise up to a sitting position, and glare look at him. "Lose some weight."
Shake glares up at you, and switches to a sitting position as well. "I can't help that my muscles are too big! You're just too weak to handle the weight." The narcissism rolls off his tongue so smoothly. Shake was always good at turning situations or facts around on other people. It was sort of like a really fucked up gift.
You stand to your feet, brushing off any leftover food that clung to you.
"Want me to pin you to the floor again?" Your threat only made his smile grow, and you could imagine why.
"No, because I'm always on top!" His smile stretched, and you roll your eyes at him. "Haha! Boom! Someone should be writing these down,"
The timer on the oven dings, alerting the both of you.
Whoops, you totally forgot all about the lasagna in the oven during all this play fighting.
"Come on, honey, let's go offer our neighbor some food~" you stand to your feet, and hold out a hand for him. Shake stares at it before locking eyes with you, and smirking.
His hand grabs yours, and stands to his feet.
Pulling you into him, shake wraps an arm around your shoulder and smiles. "A little taste of Italy, right to his door. He should be paying us!"
You lean into his hold and find yourself smiling up at him. "Once we get to use his pool, it'll all be worth it!"
Shake laughs and let you go. "As long as I get to see you in a hot bikini, babe."
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meatwadjr · 3 months
how i think,,, YANDERE! HUMAN!!Frylock and HUMAN!Master Shake would act with their S/O headcannons!
(its a yandere headcanons so..) cussing, gaslighting, shake being a total asshole to reader (shakes part). carl and frylock fighting (mostly getting his ass beat by frylock) frylocks part, stalking, frylock being really obsessed with reader … shake being a loser for reader. you can also imagine them how you want as humans.
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god damn, you’re dating yandere frylock? phew praying the best for you.
he’s the type to blow up your phone, and get mad when you don’t respond or answer his calls or texts, what do you mean you can’t answer 44 of his text’s and calls? are you cheating on him or something?
he will always try his best to always be by your side, like always. always inviting you to the house, places where ever meatwad and shake go.
he has a problem with wanting to know your every move… when you slept over at his house once he installed a tracker onto your phone, and would constantly text you wondering whose house your at? who are you with and more.
you would try your best to confront frylock you would tell him how uncomfortable it made you, and that he’d should respect your privacy. but than he would hit with.
“why? what are you hiding? how come i can’t know where you are? are you trying to cheat on me, don’t you love me why can’t i know where you are?”
it was exhausting arguing with him so you gave up.
Frylocks jealousy can also be a huge problem in the relationship as once carl cat called you when you were walking to frylocks house.
it did make you uncomfortable but you tried to pay no mind but you didn’t notice frylock standing there as he had an angry expression as he grumbled walking up to carl before punching him the face as they began to wrestle on the floor as you screamed for shake and meatwad as they came rushing out.
meatwad was more help helping you try to pull frylock off carl as shake was laughing before finally helping as finally frylock got off carl who was beaten up badly.
but by far frylock as a yandere he’s so obsessed with you, having you as his lock screen, always talking about you to the point shake being irritated.
like the only guy he’d trust around you is meatwad, and for some reason gets irritated when you and shake talk
who the hell wants to date a deranged no bitches having loser? me!
anyways total loser for you, everyone knows that.
he’s the type to show up drunk at your house at 3 an screaming at your window and blowing your phone up with frylocks phone who he’d stolen from.
for some reason everywhere you go shake is their, he will always try to figure out where you are, and he’ll be there just to be a asshole and annoying.
whenever you two argue it’s pretty exhausting as he uses his famous lines
“oh please, you’d be nothing without me, i’d say you’re even lucky i looked at YOUR direction”
“i could of done way better”
“oh yeah? who would wanna date you?”
and after if you avoid shake for 2 days he’ll finally give a simple sorry before acting like nothing happen which irritated you further.
he will always try to find a reason to stay at your place, whenever he goes missing frylock always calls you first to see if shakes hiding there.
he has a jealousy problem, like really, once you were talking to meatwad as he complimented your shoes as he used a baseball knocking him into the wall leading you to yell calling him physco
“well he shouldn’t flirt with MY girlfriend!”
another time he threw a drink at a guy who tried to flirt with you leading to them fighting and you and shake getting kicked out, while on their date.
he always demanded to see and look thru your phone, and if you deny he’ll press you until you give your phone to him. why wont you give it to him? are you cheating? did you find a better guy than him? than why won’t you show him?
he’ll make sure to look thru you text messages deleting random guys names off your contacts which would get you irritated because once he deleted your bosses number.
he also will go thru your camera roll than complaining that you don’t take pictures of your body more.
literally a mess when you two are alone, will be pressing his body against yours pulling and holding you close as you two lay on your bed. shake will only be craving attention for you is when you two are alone because he doesn’t want people to see him be soft if he’s lovey dovey with you.
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cottondo · 3 months
where is my beautiful toxic fat man fanfiction
good food takes TIME TO COOK
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meatwadjr · 3 months
crap, i’m gonna drop some yandere fanfics of master shake and frylock, but jesus i feel as if they were be yabderes they would deranged as FUCK
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