pogidoow · 1 year
Frozen Creative Notes Volume 1 | Chapter Titles edition
I thought it would be fun to do some extra content for my Tumblr gang, starting with some title meanings, not in any particular order.
Spoilers ahead up to chapter 21 so read at your own risk!
In the notorious Chapter 12: There’s no I in team, but there is jazz, the "there's no I in team" refers to Frost/reader no longer being a part of the team, as in "I, Frost, am no longer in the team", while the "but there is jazz" part is foreshadowing the forever controversial intro to Jazz being a new addition to the team.
In Chapter 18: A mission of grave importance, the title symbolizes a mission that is going to be of significant/big (aka grave) importance because it is where Graves is introduced back into the story. The use of the word "grave" is deliberate, foreshadowing Graves' return.
In Chapter 15: Life is a matter of choice. So is death is a reference to a key moment in the chapter where Frost is forced to make a choice between staying on her side of the ledge, admittedly choosing her very likely death and letting Ghost save himself or jumping and risking both of them dying but also both of them surviving.
In Chapter 19: Stay Frosty, the title is a known military term that means to "be alert and ready for action, without letting one's fear or other emotions get in the way." I had fun with capitalizing the word for obvious reasons. The title refers to Frost's internal freak-out once she learns she will be joined on a mission by Soap and Ghost where she would have to put her emotions aside despite the nature of the mission and events that happened days before. We all know how that went...
In Chapter 21: When the music stops playing and regrets become loud, the part "when the music stops playing" is a metaphor for Jazz's death, since her call sign is related to music. Once music stops playing, well, Jazz stops... breathing (sorry lol). The other part refers to an ongoing theme of regret throughout the whole chapter, especially in the beginning where another upcoming regret is foreshadowed through Frost's past experiences. I also mentioned this theme in Chapter 19 where Frost briefly talks to Jazz about regrets which is another slight foreshadow of what's to come.
In Chapter 10, Out of the frying pan and into the fire, an idiom is used to describe an already tense and difficult situation for Frost becoming worse once Valeria is introduced as Carmen's girlfriend.
In Chapter 17: Dream a little dream of me, the title foreshadows Ghost's dream that happens at the end of the chapter. It is also a reference to the famous song of the same name.
Hope you enjoyed, lmk if you want more creative notes in the future.
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pogidoow · 5 months
Frozen Creative Notes Volume 2 Part 1 | Chapter songs edition
Volume 1 | Chapter Titles edition
Some more extra content for the few readers who actually listen to the chapter songs or songs I sneak into the story.
Spoilers ahead up to chapter 15 so read at your own risk!
Chapter 1 Song | Firestarter by The Prodigy: The Prodigy is one of my all time favorite bands so it was only right to start the story off by making one of their songs an intro to Frost as a character. The moment Firestarter came on, I thought "this is Frost" because it foreshadows her personality and temper, along with the past she's known for, and hints that she's bringing that trouble with her. Additionally, I found it cool that there's a "Hey" repeating throughout the song. It's like she's greeting the TF141 as she joins the team, saying "Hey, I've arrived to complicate your lives."
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2. Chapter 2 Song | it’s ok, you’re ok by Bonjr: although, it's an instrumental song, the title is relevant as it's what the officer says to little Frost once he finds her ("It's ok, you're ok. You're safe."). It's the first bit of comfort she ever receives from another person.
3. Chapter 3 Song | Conspiracy by Paramore: Frost finds out that the team lied and knew about Doberman before her transfer. Then, Price went behind her back and invited Keegan to join them on the mission. At this point, she still doesn't trust the team and realizes that the power she had as a solo operator is now fading. She begins to understand that she depends on the decisions of the team.
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4. Chapter 4 song | Arrow by Surf Curse: This song is about what's going on inside Frost's head. It's the first time readers get a glimpse of her vulnerability, the way she deals with all the trauma she carries with her, and how bad she is at understanding her own emotions.
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5. Chapter 5 Song | Night out by Radiator Hospital: Oopsie. This was just straight foreshadowing of what happens to Sergeant Bo.
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6. Chapter 6 Song | It's All So Incredibly Loud by Glass Animals: We're inside Frost's head again. She's struggling with the loss of Bo and her guilt.
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7. Chapter 7 Song | Tears by Boy Harsher: History repeats itself. Price asks Frost to join Las Cuchillas again. The song focuses on her discomfort at the thought of going back and foreshadows the origin of her knife throwing skills ("follow the knife").
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8. Chapter 8 Song | Knife Prty by Deftones: Once again, a simple play on words. Frost takes on the members of Las Cuchillas, stealth-style with knives. The song foreshadows Frost's successful initiation and Carmen's pining for Frost in the following chapters.
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9. Chapter 9 Song | Ese Hombre by LA INDIA: I fucking adore this song. Basically, the whole song is about a horrible man the singer is in a relationship with. She spits at his face, devours him. It's iconic. BUT although she hates him, he is still her man. This is how Carmen sees Frost. Frost has done her wrong, but she's still her Cocaina.
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How can you not love it? She goes off lmao.
10. Chapter 10 Song | Reckoner by Radiohead: Aww this one. This one makes me siiiick. We're in Soap's head now... That sweet idiot. Soap risks his life to see and check on Frost while she's out with Las Cuchillas. The main reason for this song choice is the melody. It's as if I'm listening to Soap's desperation to save Frost in a form of a melody, how his thoughts and his heart tear at his helplessness. There's also this very simple line that perfectly explains his need to protect Frost at that very moment:
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11. Chapter 11 Song | Summer Again by The Wytches: Frost loses Carmen. The grief is too much for her. She decides to leave. The whole song is just... just listen to it. It's an incredible musical depiction of vulnerability and pain. I feel like someone is tearing my heart open when I listen to it.
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First line: Frost never got to tell Carmen how much she actually did care about her, second line: Frost is sitting on the floor with Carmen's body in her lap, third line: Frost decides to run away
12. Chapter 12 Song | Bad Timing by dEUS: Pretty self-explanatory. Frost comes back, only to find Soap and Jazz in her room. We all remember this one. Ouch.
13. Chapter 13 Song | You Do Something To Me by Paul Weller: The team goes on a team building trip. She's still in denial, but Frost realizes she has some kind of feelings for Soap since she is bothered by Jazz and they have a brief tense moment after the volleyball match. Beautiful song.
14. Chapter 14 Song | Vale by Maribou State: Frost starts pining for Soap, badly. She's barely holding herself together next to him, especially on the beach after the kayaking accident. The song shows Frost's internal vulnerability, excitement and realization that she does in fact, feel him.
15. Chapter 15 Song | Die On A Rope by The Distillers: Love the energy of this song and thought it would be awesome for an action-packed chapter. Also, a pretty literal play on words. Ghost and Frost are stuck on a cliff. Ghost urges her to jump to him but she's reluctant to do it. Will she jump? Will they die on a rope if she does?
That's it for Part 1. Let me know if you'd like Part 2!
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