pogidoow · 5 months
Frozen Creative Notes Volume 2 Part 1 | Chapter songs edition
Volume 1 | Chapter Titles edition
Some more extra content for the few readers who actually listen to the chapter songs or songs I sneak into the story.
Spoilers ahead up to chapter 15 so read at your own risk!
Chapter 1 Song | Firestarter by The Prodigy: The Prodigy is one of my all time favorite bands so it was only right to start the story off by making one of their songs an intro to Frost as a character. The moment Firestarter came on, I thought "this is Frost" because it foreshadows her personality and temper, along with the past she's known for, and hints that she's bringing that trouble with her. Additionally, I found it cool that there's a "Hey" repeating throughout the song. It's like she's greeting the TF141 as she joins the team, saying "Hey, I've arrived to complicate your lives."
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2. Chapter 2 Song | it’s ok, you’re ok by Bonjr: although, it's an instrumental song, the title is relevant as it's what the officer says to little Frost once he finds her ("It's ok, you're ok. You're safe."). It's the first bit of comfort she ever receives from another person.
3. Chapter 3 Song | Conspiracy by Paramore: Frost finds out that the team lied and knew about Doberman before her transfer. Then, Price went behind her back and invited Keegan to join them on the mission. At this point, she still doesn't trust the team and realizes that the power she had as a solo operator is now fading. She begins to understand that she depends on the decisions of the team.
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4. Chapter 4 song | Arrow by Surf Curse: This song is about what's going on inside Frost's head. It's the first time readers get a glimpse of her vulnerability, the way she deals with all the trauma she carries with her, and how bad she is at understanding her own emotions.
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5. Chapter 5 Song | Night out by Radiator Hospital: Oopsie. This was just straight foreshadowing of what happens to Sergeant Bo.
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6. Chapter 6 Song | It's All So Incredibly Loud by Glass Animals: We're inside Frost's head again. She's struggling with the loss of Bo and her guilt.
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7. Chapter 7 Song | Tears by Boy Harsher: History repeats itself. Price asks Frost to join Las Cuchillas again. The song focuses on her discomfort at the thought of going back and foreshadows the origin of her knife throwing skills ("follow the knife").
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8. Chapter 8 Song | Knife Prty by Deftones: Once again, a simple play on words. Frost takes on the members of Las Cuchillas, stealth-style with knives. The song foreshadows Frost's successful initiation and Carmen's pining for Frost in the following chapters.
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9. Chapter 9 Song | Ese Hombre by LA INDIA: I fucking adore this song. Basically, the whole song is about a horrible man the singer is in a relationship with. She spits at his face, devours him. It's iconic. BUT although she hates him, he is still her man. This is how Carmen sees Frost. Frost has done her wrong, but she's still her Cocaina.
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How can you not love it? She goes off lmao.
10. Chapter 10 Song | Reckoner by Radiohead: Aww this one. This one makes me siiiick. We're in Soap's head now... That sweet idiot. Soap risks his life to see and check on Frost while she's out with Las Cuchillas. The main reason for this song choice is the melody. It's as if I'm listening to Soap's desperation to save Frost in a form of a melody, how his thoughts and his heart tear at his helplessness. There's also this very simple line that perfectly explains his need to protect Frost at that very moment:
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11. Chapter 11 Song | Summer Again by The Wytches: Frost loses Carmen. The grief is too much for her. She decides to leave. The whole song is just... just listen to it. It's an incredible musical depiction of vulnerability and pain. I feel like someone is tearing my heart open when I listen to it.
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First line: Frost never got to tell Carmen how much she actually did care about her, second line: Frost is sitting on the floor with Carmen's body in her lap, third line: Frost decides to run away
12. Chapter 12 Song | Bad Timing by dEUS: Pretty self-explanatory. Frost comes back, only to find Soap and Jazz in her room. We all remember this one. Ouch.
13. Chapter 13 Song | You Do Something To Me by Paul Weller: The team goes on a team building trip. She's still in denial, but Frost realizes she has some kind of feelings for Soap since she is bothered by Jazz and they have a brief tense moment after the volleyball match. Beautiful song.
14. Chapter 14 Song | Vale by Maribou State: Frost starts pining for Soap, badly. She's barely holding herself together next to him, especially on the beach after the kayaking accident. The song shows Frost's internal vulnerability, excitement and realization that she does in fact, feel him.
15. Chapter 15 Song | Die On A Rope by The Distillers: Love the energy of this song and thought it would be awesome for an action-packed chapter. Also, a pretty literal play on words. Ghost and Frost are stuck on a cliff. Ghost urges her to jump to him but she's reluctant to do it. Will she jump? Will they die on a rope if she does?
That's it for Part 1. Let me know if you'd like Part 2!
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deadly-virtues · 6 months
> Meet The Volunteers
> The Roundsman Chef > And > The Circus Performer
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> The Trumpet Player > And > The Somnologist
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> The Missing Persons Detective > And > The Police Captain
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> The Child Caretaker > And > The Mathematician
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> The Astronaut > And > The Biomedical Researcher
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> The Idol > And > The Street Artist
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> The Mafia Boss > And > The Boxer
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> The Secondary Lead Actor > And > The Magician
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> Aren't you just excited to meet them all? > They are helping the world after all.
> Intro > CH_0 PT_1 [To Be Linked]
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bootwearingfairy · 5 years
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🖤🐀🖤 Pt_1
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gabes-games · 3 years
Playtest_1 complete! Some questions arose:
Here's that Playtest_1 reflection I promised. My girlfriend and I played a quick round with the rough rules outlined in the last post- just to get the questions flowing. Also earlier I said "Make first, ask questions later." I should've said "Make first, then ask questions, but don't worry about answering them until later", but that concise and elegant quotable only just came to me. I think questions are immensely valuable, but I don't want to bog myself down by trying to find all of the answers just yet.
I'm (somewhat arbitrarily) categorizing questions into: Scoring/Objective, Mechanics, and Lore
Sydney felt like the points-based scoring lacked motivation (and she would be right). This gets into Lore, but why are we making wands? What makes a wand good? Why do we stop at 3?
This opened up some questions about alternative objectives: What if we were given (the same? different?) schematics of wands that customers requested? You then set out to find those parts (throwing aside the matching colors from pt_1 rules for now) to collect on those contracts. So maybe three tokens are drawn from a bag (say we draw Red, Red, Blue) and the goal becomes to make a wand with that satisfies that request. First smtyh to complete X of these contracts wins?
While I'm not sold on this contract idea, I do think I want something spicier than the pt_1 point system.
Are the current Brawn/Brain abilities correct? Didn't seem problematic in one test, but worth looking into.
What about trading? I completely forgot that I mentioned it in a previous post, but I do think it has a place. Maybe just an open exchange? Or is it limited to a certain phase of the round? Do you have to each have an agent at the same location? Can you trade unequal amounts of cards? Do you have to tell the truth? Do you have to follow through?
What's the correct assortment of resource card types? How many should I have that are just red vs. blue and green vs. wild, etc etc.?
The following didn't directly arise from the test, but I should write them down somewhere.
Different function of agents? What if there were dice for each location (2 sides each of blank, One, and Two, eg) that determined how many you drew and the B&B affected the roll outcomes differently?
Here's a big one: is this a two-player game only? Can it scale and, if so, what changes about the rules, turns, scoring, etc?
Ok lots to unpack here. While I can picture the town this is taking place in, I'm not settled on a lot of the details of this world.
I'm still wondering: What's the role of magic in this world? Is it revered, ordinary, feared, clandestine, on the rise, declining, ...??What's the function of a wand? Are they luxury items, commonplace, or exist on a spectrum like clothes or cars? Who buys these wands (and, I suppose, are they even being bought/sold? or perhaps they're custom-made at the behest of a powerful witch or warlock and the smyths are compelled to craft them?)? Does everyone need one (like Harry Potter) or are they only used by a small in-group of casters?
I had the thought early on that each player represents one of two rival smyths in town (one is old and established and the other is a young hot-shot prodigy etc.). I still kinda like this idea- but literally just as I was typing that, I had another idea: multiple different playable smyths with different effects, abilities, goals, etc. Maybe there are 5-6 of them and you pick/are assigned one to play as. That could be fun!
Think I'll cap this one here so I can get some sleep. Obviously a lot to iron out (like how I didn't make/print any wild cards in the Merchant category and spent the game looking for one to complete an all-wild wand. Oops.), but I feel really good about how it played. Don't think it needs to be burnt to the ground just yet- which is comforting :) Also the act of typing this out is helping me cement my past discoveries and make new ones, which is pretty sweet!
Calling it a (successful) night and returning to Illustrator to make those damn wild Merchant cards tomorrow.
p.s. I did win- but I swear it's not because I made the game and the rules. We talked through the scoring and rules very clearly I promise. Sydney is also a good sport, which helps.
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dudja · 6 years
PILOT * HEARD ME * {SCREWED} ~> " ST-u " by LosThaPilot 507BEATZ LISTEN 2 FULL MIXTAPE HERE ~> https://ift.tt/2N7njF6 { STILL UNTITLED PT_1 } ~ "Proj3ct Clouded" ~ https://ift.tt/2KRuzIr DOWNLOAD my new album "Proj3ct Clouded" distributed by @DistroKid and live on iTunes! https://ift.tt/2N6UYi5
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madeofseasons · 6 years
daquelas que caem no esquecimento [pt_1]
“Eu pedirei ao Pai, e ele lhes dará outro Auxiliador, o Espírito da verdade, para ficar com vocês para sempre.” João 14.16
prestaram atenção? fica com vocês  P A R A  S E M P R E!
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The New Normal Series PT_1
The new normal series has been in development
for some time not but only now, I’ve decided to write about it and that is due to the fact that the effects of this pandemic were not really visible up until now (November) As of the time of writing this entry the pandemic in Greece has cost 3.000 lives and in Larissa according to the statistics 195 people have the new COVID_19 This is the result of the past 5 months of people going out not keeping the distances as the doctors have repeatedly said needs to be done. The book is a visual guide as stated in the introductory note, as to what was really happening mere days before the second this time semi national lockdown was imposed.  It is a book that counts approximately 10 pages long. It includes both day and night photos... Yesterday however I’ve been thinking, because I will soon return to London back to work to make this a differences book. By that I mean to actually showcase the difference in facing the pandemic between the Uk and Greece. Lastly, the book will available to download to pdf as a dummy_book and once the pandemic reaches the end it will be printed.
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homestuckkins · 7 years
Can i please get some positivity? Im kim with dave, i had been in a poly relationship with karkat and john and i found both of them. I know perfectly well you cant expect canonmates to stick around as everyone has their own lives now and such and that has to be expected and im okay with that but when i first was getting memories i thought my bro was alright, but im finding out those memories were mixed up with another timeline (davesprite pre game). (Pt_1❤
He was bad i think. Really bad and i remember talking to them about it(especially John pre game id message him when things got bad with bro) but i feel really unsure like i feel like im making it worse than it was or im just wrong and i mesaged my john trying to see uf they remember that but they havent responded and a big part of me thinks they just wont and i just wont know and im doubting if theyre actually my john because i dont know if they remember that and like, ive lost contact with karkat all together, and i just feel really shitty about everything
ah jeez man im really sorry about everything going on :( its not your fault that your memories got mixed up! i got my memories mixed up with lots of people, some stayed some didnt. if they dont stay, then maybe they arent the best to be with because theyre only staying because of your kin. its totally possible to date someone even if they arent from your specific timeline. maybe try talking to karkat and john (at the same time, to make it easier) about it and just talk it out if you can? you should remember that them not answering you probably has to do with something other then what youre anxious about. just remember its going to be okay, whatever happens
-mod hal
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beatzbyraggz · 8 years
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beefusb · 7 years
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deadly-virtues · 6 months
> CH_0 PT_1
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> Started
It’s cold… the last thing to remember was that there was something stuck right into the back of █████’s neck, it hurt for a bit before everything then went dark. Though now such an event was blurry, it only being remembered due to the fact that there really wasn’t much else to remember. While he slept, his mind tried to focus on something.
Eventually, it did, but his mind didn’t get to focus for long as soon enough there was a ringing that filled the air. It was loud and hard to ignore, like an alarm clock that wouldn’t shut off. In fact, it was an alarm that didn’t seem to stop. █████ laying on his bed and barely coming to as the sounds of the ringing continue to fill his head. Eventually, it would stop once he finally opened his eyes. Shifting around on the cold bed as from the corner of his vision he could see something moving around. The thing was a person dressed in dark colors, and their hair was up in what looked like a bun tied up with a light red ribbon. Something of which █████ mumbled about as he yawned. Though as he yawned the other walked over to him and moved to try and shake him awake.
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To the touch █████ was quick to turn away and rewrap himself in the blankets he woke up with. Closing his eyes as he could hear something being said. 
"Come on-."
The other sounded somewhat worried but █████ didn’t really care, instead rolling over to lay on his stomach as he right then fell back asleep.
He’d sleep for another while before finally being woken up by the ringing again. This time it was louder, it didn’t just fill his head it felt like he was being shaken awake by just the sound itself. So to get it to stop, he groaned out. “I'm up…” before finally sitting up and rubbing his face. 
Once he was finally up the noise stopped. His head finally being able to think as he looked around. He noticed that the room was decently cold and uncomforting already, something that didn’t seem normal to him. But when he realized that he had woken up in something similar to a doctor's room, that was when he became worried. █████ quickly looking around as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. But when he realized that he couldn’t remember stuff like how he ended up here or even his own name, that was when he started to panic.
His movements were quick, he threw the blanket off himself as he got off the bed, bells jingling from his outfit as he moved around to find something that explained what was going on. Though to his disappointment he found just a few things that didn’t tell him much of anything, a box filled with things like headphones and multiple items made of different textures. As well as a mirror. 
This mirror of which he approached and looked into. Staring at the reflection that stared back at him. 
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When he stared at himself it felt as if he was staring at a stranger. He wasn’t sure if that was him- no it wasn’t him was it? Carefully he reached up to touch his face as he stood there. The longer he stared the more worried he became. Tears starting to build in his eyes as he tried to breathe in and out to calm himself. When he didn’t find that working, he quickly moved to the door of the room, pulling it open and rushing out of the room, following down the hallway that was connected. He needed answers, he needed something to quell the worries he had.
When he reached the end of the hallway, he ran into the sounds of talking and some bits of laughter. It looked like there were a bunch of people here, and when Jester showed up all of them looked at him. There seemed to be no worries from anyone in the group as they all were sitting around. One person leaned back against one of the walls as he looked away from the rest, there two people holding on to what looked like a squirming spider like robot. A taller woman stood off to the side of the couch with a watch that she clicked closed once █████ showed up. Some others weren’t doing much either, the three girls off to the right spoke with each other as one of them watched. And some others were sitting on the couch talking. There also happened to be people sitting on the floor behind the couch, looking up to █████ when he entered. What had seemed to be the same with all of them was something on the back of their necks, something █████ noticed before there were words spoken to him and everyone started looking at him.
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“Now you wake up! You got good sleep, right?” Says the person who tried to wake him up earlier with a smile on his face, moving his hands in certain ways as he speaks, it seems to be methodical like there was meaning to the gestures. █████ could tell the person talking was the one who tried to wake him because of the ribbon that held up his bun. His voice also sounded just like what he heard for that time he was up. It had the same pitch, though now it sounded less worried.
As he said that an older man walked over to █████ and spoke with a soft smile, one that seemed to try to be comforting. “You alright kid?” 
He had noticed the crying and was worried about him, his hand reaching out to touch his shoulder until █████ jolted away and started crying louder. Why didn't none of them seem worried about anything!? He started to panic more, his head was spinning as he stood at the end of the hallway. Words were so hard for him to even get out at this point that it felt almost as if he couldn’t speak. Reaching up to grab at the bells on his outfit as he tried to get something out but nothing did come to be said, not for a while. He needed to speak, to say something and tell them all that something was wrong. It was tough to do so but eventually he was able to muster out something as his hands rattled around the bells and then pulled on the collar of his outfit. His voice cracked as he -at this point- screamed what he wanted to tell the others.
“I can’t- ! I can’t- re-member! I can’t remember- my name- or- or where I'm from! I can’t remember anything-!”
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> CH_0 PT_1 END
> To Be Continued
> CH_0 PT_2
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hide-nothing · 7 years
Pt_1 Ex girl is happy with a new man and I'm okay with that but it just hurts that I have to sit back and watch it. I know I either the best for her and I meant it but it's hard to watch it unfold you know but I'll continue to pray. Pt_2 My former side piece snapped me at 2 in the morning and that leaves my no choice but to think negative of her actions and for some reason that hurts me more than it should and that surprises me although I can honestly say I had more feeling for then any other girl but still I shouldn't feel this much hurt. Pt_3 My Ex Ex girl and I had sex 2nights again and it was good but it seems to alway mess with my head after. I think that cause I feel like I'm being used and what she did some time back still pains me. Last night she told me she need to tell me something and she never told me. I'm still wondering. Me• I'm in a very hard place rn and I don't know how to make myself feel better. I'm hurt mentally emotionally and I'm lost. It seems like I just can't get out of this whole I'm in and the WORST PART IS NO ONE KNOWS IM FEELING LIKE THIS cause I care so much about other people happiness and don't want to burden anyone with my problems. I'm honestly waiting to graduate so I can disappear from the world and everyone around me.
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deadly-virtues · 6 months
> Sneak Peak
> CH_0 PT_1 is in the works! > Here's a sneak peak for one of the art pieces
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dudja · 6 years
PILOT * BTTR THN MY XX * {SCREWED} * ~> "ST-u" by LosThaPilot 507BEATZ LISTEN 2 FULL MIXTAPE HERE ~> https://ift.tt/2N7njF6 { STILL UNTITLED PT_1 } ~ "Proj3ct Clouded" ~ https://ift.tt/2KRuzIr DOWNLOAD my new album "Proj3ct Clouded" distributed by @DistroKid and live on iTunes! https://ift.tt/2N6UYi5
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