xladymalice · 7 years
Who will win in a fight, a really pissed off Black or SFD! Chara?
I’d say Black. Because most of the times Black fights Chara, he has no real grudge against her.
Welp, until he learns the truth about her.
If she manages to hit all of his nerves, she is as good as dead. (I don’t think she can predict his attacks then)
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xladymalice · 7 years
God you make my brain think and I love it. If I may ask this but, what would the excat reaction be in a genocide run IF SFD sans dusted first instead of papyrus, or will it always have a SFD papyrus dusted first? Sorry I'm confused and your art and the au is fucking addicting 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
I love making people think and wonder.
Especially if it’s about my stories (I love creating stories way too much x’D I’m just awfully slow at drawing and showing what’s in my head. That’s why you have so many puzzle pieces and so many holes in this huge picture)
Back to the point: You misunderstood a thing. :) Or maybe I just didn’t clear it up so far…
Pup and Black have switched roles. This means: Black is in Papyrus role while Pup is in Sans role. Pup is in the judgement hall, waiting for the murderous human to appear.
Black ‘always’ dies first. The human uses the opportunities when Black is distracted to finish him off. But… to be honest, I need to think about the resets a bit.I have stories for “fallen swapfell” and how it basically works out. But I need to define some details and storylines for these still.
The first time the reset happened is probably one of the most interesting things to know and see after you all (hopefully) saw the entire Dawn arc to understand how crucial these resets influence the skelebrothers.
There… was a time Pup died first. But that’s a story I’ll talk laaaater about :D
Black dies first.
Not a good idea, since… swapfell is somewhat different to the other Au’s because of the soulbond the two of them share.Pup will slowly go mad in this route. He is unable to function without Black around who balances his own madness out.I don’t know if Pup actually fights if only Black is killed… I need to figure this out, but he most likely is hard to defeat in any case. He probably will fight until he has no power anymore and dusts because of the pain and exhaustion along with going crazy without his better half.
The story between “Chara” and the Bros will be also a minor interesting thing :3Also… Chara/frisk is a young adult here, so the story is different to the original Undertale. In general I changed a lot of settings… I will work on it, once Dawn is done.
I hope you’ll stay with me till it actually happens and don’t lose interest nor patience :’D
Thanks for the compliments! I hope I could answer a bit of it :D
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