#ft byler and lucas praise <3
kittyvolvox · 7 months
Find the Word
Find the words in a WIP and post the paragraph the word is in.
tagged by @hullosweetpea thank you <3
My words are: climb, water, trust, run, future
i don't have future anywhere somehow and these are all from the same WIP sorryyy but um sneak peek at nancy's vecna vision with the first one that's exciting right?
wild nights, wild nights (were I with thee)
aka the jealous bitch (affectionate) nancy ronance/bancy au
Something splashed against Nancy's leg, collecting in puddle around her shoes, gushing from the pool's jets. She glanced down at it, at the red, at the blood, not even bothering to try climbing out. She didn't care, because she deserved it. It rose rapidly, swallowing up her legs, licking at her waist sharp and rough. And she didn't care, because she deserved it. She lent her forehead against Barb's, staring into her dead eyes, knowing they would haunt her dreams and Nancy accepted the punishment she was owed.
Nancy barely heard it over the blood rushing in her ears. She knew it was insane, to be this upset at something so small, to think about wrapping her hands around Robin's neck just for touching something Barb once had. But also, to be fair, Robin was getting her sweaty, stupid fingers all over Barb's ballerina and Nancy did have a gun in the shelf just above where she's looking… "Academic scholar? She's giving you an academic scholar vibe? Yeah," Steve scoffed, bringing Nancy back to reality and out of her homicidal daydreams, like a splash of cold water.
There's a disbelieving sound on the other end. "If you were here, trust me, you'd see it, too," he retorted. Then, there's an uncomfortable pause. "You're okay with it, right? You're not saying they're just friends because you're homophobic or something? Because Will is… That's my brother, Nancy."
"Nancy?" And she jumped, realising with some embarrassment that she had lost herself for a moment. "Jonathan? Did you hear me?" Nancy asked back, injecting her voice with confusion so genuine that even she believes it - that they'd lost a moment due to nothing but a faulty line. "No, I think the connection's bad," he said. "Oh, right. I said it's going well. The paper's running a story about the Tigers, they won again, like always. Lucas actually won the game for them this time." It flowed from her easily, sounding casual on her lips, dull and inoffensive as she neatly snipped away the ugly, sad parts. "Like our Lucas?" he spluttered in shock.
Your words are: live, laugh, love, open and close
tagging @maraschinobomb @smileweakandwrong and @lesbianlotties anyone else feel free to join in <3
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