#ft. alessio & nova
littlcfreaks-archive ยท 6 months
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in hindsight - breaking into a dressing room was not the way to get a date. well, maybe it was - it wasn't that she didn't agree, more that security had broken in before he could get an answer from her. not having good enough reasons for being around (he wondered then if they had ever seen a romantic comedy. what else was he supposed to do other than chase the woman who he couldn't stop thinking about through the hallways? well, anyways, it didn't - security caught up only a few minutes later and escorted him from the premises, receiving a lifetime ban that his father lectured him about, then donated a larger sum of money than he would have cared to admit to make it go away. as luck would have it (and his luck often did make things work out to his advantage) - now she was in the same restaurant as he was. this time he approached her more calmly, though no less obvious. he sat in the chair next to her, "hey there. remember me?" @moonvvrites
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