#ft. moonvvrites
littlcfreaks-archive · 9 months
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he leaned back on hands that had been shaking, half to hide that they had been shaking, half to tip back to bring the other fully into his view and shielding his eyes from the sun at the same time in the shadow of a nearby tree, "i wasn't trying to irritate you," their tone had changed, making asher's chest grip tightly, "can we just forget it? and go back to enjoying the weather before it gets cold again next week." @moonvvrites
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dialsdrnk · 8 months
@moonvvrites | liked for a starter from benji ( still open ) ! | m / nb if romantic.
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" — does it matter what happened? " the primary thing in benji's voice right now to note is deflection under a much-too-lighthearted tone. his voice is lilted, eyes are bright and wide, his hand reaching for theirs to wrap his fingers around and squeeze — any effort he can put into distracting them, into bringing them to where he is mentally, he's putting it in. as far as answers go as to what happened before benji showed up here, drunk, the only thing available is the physical evidence: a scuffed brow, busted lip. truth is, it was a fight he's not proud happened; especially given how often he gets into situations just like it. he's desperate to avert attention. " forget about it, i got a better idea for us tonight, anyway. c'mon. you and me. road trip. i mean, you totally have to drive, but i can feed you like, cheetohs or something. i'm a great passenger. " he is not. though, better than him behind the wheel — even if he was sober. " ... could go see... sea world. "
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introvrt · 7 months
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── "oh, what, you don't believe me?" gally shifts back a little to prop an elbow on the counter behind him, slumped against the kitchen counter. they're in his apartment (his too-nice, hardly lived-in apartment), and he's staring his guest down, eyes rolling back in his head, grin never seemed to drop off of his face. "okay, alright, i'll take that bet." it hadn't really been a bet to begin with, but now it would be; a lot can be said about gally, but he doesn't really shy away from a challenge if he can help it. "we're going out tonight. i bet that i'll be able to get somebody's number in ten minutes, or..." he pauses, index finger tapping his chin, feigning thought. "or you can have whatever you want." his hand drops from his face, making an 'X' motion over the left side of his chest. "cross my heart." @moonvvrites
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stayliquid · 9 months
@moonvvrites continued from here! muse. logan street & faith huxley.
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it hadn't been easy for logan to adjust to the new way they were doing things. ironic considering her knowing who he was made his job a lot easier, but he had lost her companionship. it was risky to keep the distance he had promised her and deep down he knew coming clean that his cover had been blown was the right thing to do. he had just exited the bathroom when he ran into the blonde, right underneath the strategically placed mistletoe. "sorry," he mumbled, but he didn't make much of an attempt to move away. after all, even if she was yelling at him, he liked that better that nothing at all. instead he got chants to kiss her. something he knew better than to try to do whether she knew who he really was or not — but she had given in. "yeah, i remember." he added, clearing his throat. "which is why i'm just gonna go. he'll send someone else in my place, but at least you won't hate the guts of your bodyguard anymore."
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starlingisms · 9 months
“ I'm always here for you ” kyro to percy
Percy let out a dry laugh and shook his head, a fist gently tapping Kyro in the arm.
"You getting soft on me, Ky?" he asked before taking a sip of his beer, the glass bottle's condensation dripping down. It didn't compare to the good shit at the bar he worked at, but he would prefer this over that especially if it allowed him to just hang with his friend. Most of his quiet time was spent alone; Percy never really enjoyed just shooting the shit with someone, but he didn't mind it with Kyro. Enjoyed it even. It was one of the reasons this friendship (with benefits) lasted as long as it did.
"But I know." He swallowed and took another chug, not able to bring himself to return the sentiment despite fully meaning it. "Don't forget that the next time you're halfway across the country and I drunk-text you to pick me up."
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hlfmoonshine · 10 months
eight questions for nine people
tagged by @missmvrder
1. last song i listened to: the call withing - dario marianelli ft. jack liebeck
2. favorite colour: yellow & pink & forest green & deep navy
3. last tv show or movie i watched: dimension20
4. currently watching: criminal minds (like right now. this second. s12 ep22 red light.
5. sweet, savory, or spicy?: savory
6. relationship status: single and not even a little bit looking.
7. current obsession: oh man. my own health? and maybe coral island a little?
8. last thing i googled: 'coral island critter list' which. just. pretend it was the one before that. oh. shit. 'detect thoughts 5e'. guys. i'm just a nerd. just a lil baby nerd.
tagging: @saudadexmses @moonvvrites @queenxfthedxmned @wyntersecret @rennisaturate @ofcrxwns @pristinaluna @deathwritings @clearwinged
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littlcfreaks-archive · 9 months
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he hadn't been expecting company and it was probably not the best day for it. he had spent the morning hearing another lecture from his dad, another threat of being cut off if he couldn't figure something out (something he feared far more than he allowed people to see), but cruz had shown up and lucian really, really had not figured out a way to say no to him (he blames those big brown eyes that always look just a little bit sad, they could bring him to his knees) so he had allowed cruz to come in, but he hadn't really said anything, wasn't bring as touchy as he normally would have been, instead of sitting next to cruz on the couch, he sat int he chair across from him, "this what we doin' now? just showin' up? i did it, so you have to do it, huh?" @moonvvrites
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littlcfreaks-archive · 9 months
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"what?" the incredulousness on his face isn't at all faked, even if it is overly dramatic, "are you really telling me that you don't want to make a gingerbread house?" he had already shown up - kit in hand and fully prepared to make a terrible gingerbread house (twenty five years and he had never really been able to figure out how to hold them together), "well - fine then." arms cross over his chest, nose tilting up slightly in the air as he shoulders past the other anyways to push through the doorway, "you can watch mean girls with me instead." @moonvvrites
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littlcfreaks-archive · 10 months
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last time, they had been surrounded by people who were watching too closely, who would report on nesta's actions. so towards the end of the night, nesta had written her number on a slip of paper that had been shoved into cruz's hand before slipping out the door and had been doing her best to avoid her boyfriend (if he could even really be considered that - he certainly considered himself so). time to arrange plans didn't help nesta's inability to do so, eventually suggesting to just watch a movie at her apartment. nestsa probably could have put more effort in, considering she hadn't put any in aside from making sure that the common areas had been picked up. however, part of her didn't think that he would show. so when a knock on the front door caught their attention, she couldn't help but be a bit surprised, even as she opened the door to find him, "you're late? i said 3:30." they looked at a watch that wasn't on their wrist, "its 3:45." but they moved backwards into their apartment, leaving the door open for him to follow in. @moonvvrites
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littlcfreaks-archive · 10 months
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lucian would never describe himself as someone who worries about someone - often he's the one causing other people to worry (about him, about other people - he had been on the receiving end of more than one lecture from a friend, a parent, a whoever of people he had been involved with). so the fact that he's showing up at cruz's house the following day is causing some confusion internally. still he pushed that back (with the help of a shot.. okay, two, before he left his house). and of course, once cruz answers the door, lucian doesn't say any of this. instead he puts a cocky half smile on his face, head tilting to one side as he's already trying to walk inside, "hey, how you doin'?" normally this was just what it was - a greeting, but his gaze locked on cruz's head tipped down a bit so their noses were almost even, "you good? am i supposed to ask that? i dunno what to do about all this sad shit." @moonvvrites
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littlcfreaks-archive · 7 months
closed starter for @moonvvrites
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valentines day had never really been anything special to lucian - it was a great day for hooking up with people, but this wasn't... that. he and cruz had no official title (something that he hoped to muster the courage up to change soon), but clearly they had crossed over that line that existed between hook up and more. so he had actually put in some effort - it may not have looked conventional to most people, but with no prior experience, no clue what cruz would have considered to be valentines enough, he had done his best. he had actually taken out his car - one that was so obnoxiously expensive that he rarely took it out of storage, but tonight seemed like the night if any. he had picked up cruz, instructed him to wear normal clothes, not like that last date they had, that felt like it was neither of them. instead, after picking up cruz he drove them to one of his favorite punk clubs, a place that he had frequented more often before cruz, had felt like a safe space to him. he had only stopped going because of cruz, because cruz had seemingly become his safe space. normally - his night would have gone completely differently, fueled by coke and liquor, leaving with whatever random person had been willing. this time though, his goal was to show cruz part of him, hoping that cruz wouldn't understand when he said, "i don't bring people here. wait there." and without giving cruz time to answer, he was getting out of the car, walking to the other side of the car, opening the passenger door with a smile and a hand extended to help cruz up, "i got you a fuckin' present too, but that's for later."
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littlcfreaks-archive · 8 months
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"same time next weekend, babes?" @moonvvrites
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littlcfreaks-archive · 8 months
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he might have doubted it before now, that cree had actually missed him and their kids as he had so affectionately referred to them again - until now when cree had pushed past him to check on the chickens, leaving aubrey laughing behind him, rubbing his face, "and here i thought i was special too." @moonvvrites
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littlcfreaks-archive · 8 months
🎰 this is dangerous for us bc i will want them all
the way I saw the first one and immediately was like oh shit I want that. also i did have to reroll once cause we got my miles and cruz.... and no. he looks too much like his brother okay. (I also skipped duplicates cause it gave me Ezra like three times).
EZRA & MILES: its the way that ezra would had that he feels like the other twin and do literally everything in his power to make him not feel that way. and they could meet like, maybe he invests in a symphony that miles plays for.
LIAM & CAS: liam is a literal father... so oh my god this could actually be some fun drama? with cas having his CURRENT ISSUES and Liam being like omg no, this is way too much MY CHILD.
THEO & JACE: I want this one immediately. theo the forever bachelor who was also never shown love or affection. let them find it together BYE.
RAMONA & FELIX: toxic nepo baby ship? give me. give me like, their parents are forcing them to be together.
CORA & KYRO: stop two baby sweethearts - i feel like we need to do this just because.... everything we have is so toxic and angsty LMAO
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littlcfreaks-archive · 9 months
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his new assistant was a fantastic assistant - that wasn't the problem. the problem was that when they would type, their fingers would slam against the keys, sending a clacking noise through the surrounding area that filtered through his door when it was open. he was in the midst of a big case, one of those kinds that were career making, that if he won, would not only make his name well known, but would likely also change current laws. he had already been working over 12 hours today, starting before he had even left home and the clacking was driving him insane. he stormed through the open door, his voice raised, not quite yelling, and tense, "could you be any louder? is this a form of torture? were you hired by the other team?!" @moonvvrites
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littlcfreaks-archive · 9 months
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"no - i don't want an explanation - i want to throw a chair through the window." for someone who claimed to be angry, his voice was completely calm as he turned to look at them, shrugging, "but feel free to try to explain." @moonvvrites
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