#ft. harin
elevenpurrs · 1 month
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hyunseck · 1 year
❱❱ㅤㅤ🍲 para que nuestros personajes almuercen en el comedor comunal.ㅤㅤ@hcrinj
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cortó un trozo de su carne kobe, y se lo llevó a la boca. deja caer los parpados unos segundos con una sonrisa en los labios mientras mastica, concentrado en degustar el sabor. " si la comida es así de buena todos los días, consideraría quedarme aquí " bromea con la muchacha a su lado. incluso si estaba disfrutando de la gastronomía y los paisajes, no confía en lo que fuera que sea este lugar. " ¿qué tal está eso? " apunta el plato ajeno con su mentón.
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mikanotes · 2 months
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out of reach ft. baek harin x gn!reader 2.1k words warnings: nervous breakdown, implied manipulation and bullying, reader nd harin are Slightly toxic, smoking, not really proofread Sorry!
author’s note: finally watched pyramid game! harin is so dear to me i love her. anyways here’s this
Clouds of smoke and overpriced cigarettes. The faint smell of perfume, struggling to cover the overwhelming, biting scent of tobacco. The sound of a lighter clicking shut, and a disdainful laugh. Condescending. The very image of a typical rich, high-school bully.
Then she sighs, softly, and it all changes.
The smoke dissipates to reveal a gentler expression (though the void in her eyes cannot be hidden), and the cigarette smell seems to leave with the passing breeze. She smiles softly and relaxes her shoulders. “I’m expecting great things from you.” she says, hiding a don’t you dare disappoint in between her words. She chuckles quietly to herself and turns on her heel. The school princess.
“Let’s go.” she says, her tone on the edge of something hurried. Like her facade, though perfectly constructed and practiced, might threaten to break if she stays any longer. You don’t reply but push yourself off of the wall to walk at her side when she strolls past where you were waiting.
The moment you’re far away enough from that hidden corner by the school entrance, Harin tenses again. You look down and see her thumb pressing its nail into her palm’s skin. Into flesh, at this rate. “Harin.” you call. She blinks out of her thoughts and turns her gaze to you. “What is it?”
“I’m thinking.” she replies honestly, bits of that kind demeanor slowly crumbling to reveal a more honest, yet possibly less furious side to her. One you’re more acquainted with.
“You do that too much.” you heave a deep sigh, “Seriously. Have you had a moment to breathe at all this week?”
Baek Harin is calculating. Always calculating each of her moves— Every interaction with all of her classmates, her family, her past present and future, the adults at her school. She carefully reviews the way she presents herself down to the detail. And now, she calculates everything Seong Suji does, everyone she interacts with, everyone around her, everything she does truthfully and all she does that seems fake— add more to the list. 
That’s just a recipe for disaster. But you’ve also known her for long enough to know that having a calm mind free of worries and overthinking is a privilege Harin hasn’t had since her early childhood years. The way she functions now is her own idea of normal, and it has been for much too long to even consider the idea of changing. So you don’t try to change it. But you try to calm her down, when she allows you to attempt it.
“I’m breathing fine.” she scoffs slightly, “I can’t afford not to think. Especially not…” she trails off like she’s remembered something, and you frown.
She reaches for her pillbox but it escapes her grasp, falling on the concrete. You reach over to grab it but she’s quicker than you. The moment the thing is in her hand, she opens it and shakes three vitamin tabs into her palm, before freezing in place.
You slow down and stop in your tracks, barely a meter back, then slowly approach her. Her eyes are flitting between the box and the pills themselves, her lip trembling as if struggling to get a word out. You start reaching out towards her but she suddenly throws all of the vitamins back into their little chamber. She clicks the pillbox close and puts it back into her pocket, then fumbles to get something else.
She finally manages to find what she was seemingly so desperate to find, and opens the pack of cigarettes. She grabs one and shakily sets it between her lips, before repeating the whole searching process for her lighter.
Once the golden thing’s in her hand, she clicks to light up a flame, once, twice, three times, to no avail. You swear her hand is beginning to shake.
“Baek Harin!”
She spits the cigarette to the ground and nearly crushes the rest of the pack in her hand. Her teeth bite into her lip to stifle a scream of frustration, you guess, and she goes back to digging her nails into the flesh of her hand.
You slowly set a hand on her shoulder and she lets you, though she does look much too lost in her own head to register anything other than the ground she’s been blankly staring at. “…Let’s go home.” you say, tone softer.
She nods in agreement.
Baek Harin’s definition of a home has changed several times over the years. Haneul Orphanage, the house of the family she was adopted into, and yet neither ever truly gave her the feeling that it was what home was supposed to feel like. She isn’t relieved when she steps foot into her house, she just feels more at ease to continue preparing her so-called schemes. Still, it is a house, her family lives there, and she never lacked anything. It’s a fine place to be.
But when she’s here, in comparison…
“I’m home.” you sigh as you take off your shoes. Harin sees your cat walk past the entrance hallway and stop to look at you, clearly waiting for something. And when you look at it, you smile and go pet it. It’s just that easy for them to get what they want in life, huh? She feels your gaze on her and looks at you.
“Are you planning to stay at the door?”
She blinks. Right. She unclasps her shoes and slides them off her feet before she steps inside. She barely notices she’s breathing out a sigh of relief before a wave of exhaustion hits her. It makes her wonder for a moment if she was right to take the pillbox earlier. Maybe she forgot to take them during the day? She had so much to do. Did she? If she’s forgetful about this, she could be about much more important things….
She’s reminded of her near-breakdown just earlier and holds back from picking at her nails. She rarely reaches the brink of losing it this badly. She really needs to do something about the direction the game is going towards, or else she fears she might break at the wrong time.
“Harin.” you call, bringing her out of her thoughts, and she realizes you already walked to your kitchen, and you’re peeking at the corner of the wall to see her. “Do you want something?”
She stares at you a bit coldly, almost frowning. It’s clear she’s not entirely out of her own head, yet.
“Cola.” she says, “Do you have any?”
You scoff. “When do I not?”
She takes off her small backpack and walks further inside. This small place…  She would dislike it. She’s not one to be picky, but growing up in a luxury house for nearly ten years makes you dislike cramped spaces. At least she does. But she’s used to this apartment having you in it, and many times in the past, her, whenever she needed a place to go to that wasn’t her own house.
Sometimes she thinks maybe she isn’t grateful enough to have you. Sometimes.
“My game feels like it’s falling apart.” she sighs, walking into the living room. She plops down on the couch, tossing her bag aside and taking out her phone. “This girl is actively trying to ruin all of it.”
“Seong Suji?” you ask from the kitchen. There’s a hint of something in your voice that she hasn’t heard before. It’s sour and new.
She wants to hear it again.
“Yes. Seong Suji…” she trails off, “I swear even having 24/7 cameras on her wouldn’t help me stop her from doing all this.” she scoffs.
You hum in response, then it grows quiet. Harin feels a smile pull at her lips. She can practically see how much thoughts this small conversation provoked in your mind. Seong Suji? Is she the problem? She is. But is she in this case, too?
She’s curious.
“Still, I guess she’s a bit cute. Interesting, too. I’ve never had anyone stand up to me this much before.”
“Yeah?” you answer blankly, joining her. You set down the two glasses of cola on the coffee table just harshly enough for it to cause an audible clang. “Maybe because you're so used to having everyone bow to you and your every requests?”
“You don’t.”
“Don’t I?”
“You sound bitter.” Harin laughs, setting down her phone on her lap and propping up her elbow on the armrest. She sets her index under her chin and looks at you as you rummage through your backpack. The glimpse she gets of your face confirms you indeed seem unnerved about something. Cute… No, this is more than cute.
“I’m not.” you sigh, visibly straightening up. Your face relaxes and you glance towards her. “What’s with the staring?”
“Nothing. You’re nice to look at.”
You roll your eyes and grab your laptop from your bag and set it down on the table. Her eyes move to focus on it and she furrows her eyebrows. She didn’t know you still carried it around. She had to buy you one when it fell and the screen cracked, before. Irresponsible… Not that she minds buying for you. Not that you ask, either.
“Info on her friends. From other schools, I mean.”
Harin blinks, registering what you mean. “On Suji?” she mutters, eyes narrowing at the laptop. She tilts her head towards you with a small pout. “I never asked you that, did I?” she chuckles a little, leaning over to grab her glass.
This could be useful, but this doesn’t work.
You shake your head slightly. “Didn't.”
“So you’re just playing assistant, are you?” she huffs, “Thanks… But don’t do it again.”
You frown. “Why?”
“I don’t want you to get involved. You don’t even attend my school. It’ll only be trouble.”
— Besides, she doesn’t want you to be associated with this game and place as a whole more than needed. Just having you near the school is enough to make her stomach hurt. She has to have you be away from it all, at least. If not, she’ll feel like she’s still in it even when she’s with you. Then she won’t be able to sigh in relief once she steps inside your place anymore.
“Wouldn’t be the first time I get in trouble for you.”
“Mhm.” she laughs as she drinks, then turns to look at you once she’s done. The emotion leaves her face. “Don’t do it again.” she repeats, tone laced with hints of a threat. She means it.
“That doesn’t work on me, Harin.”
You stare at her and she doesn’t feel like looking away, either. You’re stubborn. She’s worse. This isn’t gonna end, and if it does, you might argue. She doesn’t feel like arguing.
“Do you like me?“ she decides to ask, just to throw you off a little.
“Are you insane?” you bite back, not missing a beat. Her smile deepens. She blinks away and leans back into the couch, sipping on her drink more.
“Not really.”
“That’s rude?” she laughs, looking at you again. You raise your eyebrows and smile slightly, leaning to grab your glass.
“Too bad.” you say, before sipping on the cola. It’s a bit nostalgic. Drinking cola under dim lights when it feels like the world is only you two. This happened before, when she felt like her family’s very presence was suffocating, and locking herself in her room wasn’t enough— Or much earlier, when you were just kids, and you’d buy each other cola flavored popsicles. This kind of comfort makes her want more. She almost forgets about the game, for a moment.
The sour air in your voice and on your features seems to be gone now, so she figures the atmosphere is just as calming for you. Though she did enjoy seeing that look on your face… Your genuine, soft smile is one she enjoys a little bit more.
Now that she’s getting comfortable here, she doesn’t want to leave. She’ll take all the time she can get. She knows you don’t mind her staying. You may be above the rest when it comes to telling her off and not doing everything she asks, but you’re not above allowing nearly anything that helps her. And if letting her stay here, at the cost of possibly getting a death glare from her family members and irritating questions about any trouble she could’ve possibly caused for you, can help her? 
Then she knows you wouldn’t refuse. Even if you pretend you could. She knows how important she is to you.
“I’m staying the night.”
“When did I say you could?”
“You didn’t have to.” she hums, reaching over to move strands of your hair away from your face. She smiles. “I know I can.”
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luvjoshuahong · 2 months
birthday proposal - csc
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☆ cast: bf!seungcheol x fem!reader (ft. roommate/bsf!seungkwan) ☆ tags: fluff. a little kissing and slight cursing. also mentions of readers past boyfriends being terrible people. ☆ wordcount: 481 ☆ a/n: April 17 aka my birthday! I've been stressed recently that's why i've been incative but hope you enjoy! ps.. lowercase intended and slightly proofread
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"happy birthday my love!", you hear your boyfriend seungcheol say as he runs into your room. being hunched up on your desk all week trying to finish a report your boss asked for made you lose track of time. how is it my birthday already? i thought it was next week.
seungcheol takes you into a warm hug which you had just realized you very much needed until suddenly he starts tackling you with kisses until you both fall onto your bed. "cheol!", you scream while laughing.
"i know how you always say you're not excited for your birthday because your family always ruined it for you so that's why i asked seungkwan to let me in secretly", he says with excitement.
sometimes you wonder how your roommate, seungkwan, and your boyfriend, seungcheol, become friends. seungkwan was always cold with your boyfriends knowing how your exes have treated you terribly. it came as a shock to you when seungkwan warmed up to seungcheol rather quickly. either way, you're glad your best friend and the love of your life are good friends knowing how long you have been dating seungcheol.
"oh! right, i can't forget your gifts",
gifts? as in more than one? you know seungcheol comes from a wealthy family but you had no idea he was going to spend so much on you. maybe you can scold him another time for spending so much for you but you just don't have the heart to when he's so excited to give you them.
"here are some dresses i knew you would look beautiful in.. oh and some lip gloss since you mentioned you ran out of your favorite recently", your jaw drops lower and lower as seungcheol pulls out so many things for you that look so expensive you couldn't even guess the price of them.
"and i got you one last thing, i wanted to show you last to make it special", suddenly he drops to one knee and opens a box to reveal a stunning diamond ring.
you stand there in shock which starts to worry seungcheol. "is there something wrong? do you not want to get married now? is it too soon? shit, i'm so sorry i should have talked to you about it before—" you shut him up by kissing him and start tearing up. "cheol, how could i ever say no to someone like you. you're perfect in every way and treat me in a way that no one ever has before",
"and i'm so sorry for pausing and scaring you, i didn't know you also had marriage in mind.", seungcheol just looks at you with his dimpled smile with a sparkle in his eyes.
"i love you, i'm so happy you said yes. i can't wait to live the rest of my life with you", he says while giving you a kiss on your head.
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☆ end notes: thank you for reading to the end! I don't expect my birthday to be well but at least I got a cute coups fic out of this<3
☆ special mentions: @luvleejihoon @joshuaahong. thank you harin and soojin who were motivating me while writing this and thank you soojin for uploading these cheol pics on Pinterest for me to use 🫶
masterlist | taglist | rules | carrd | help palestine by: @luvjoshuahong
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gigisdoll · 5 months
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Pervy teacher!Wony
So tired
So tired pt 2
So tired pt 2
So tired
So tired pt a
So tired
So tired
So tired pt 2
killers ft Jimin
killers ft Minjeong
Her good girl
Mean girls ft Yunjin
somno with aeri
Ning Ning
Taken advantage of
drabble 1 ft, MiSa
drabble 1, ft MiMo
drabble 1, ft SaMo
Mean girls ft Giselle
big dick chaewon
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little nap. ft; harin
little nap. ft; harin
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soshiharin · 3 months
better than this world tour: quezon city
harin’s masterlist // better than this world tour
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— sarah geronimo
— mateo guidicelli
— regine valesquez
— kyla
— kz tandingan
— tnt boys
— you already know filipinos can sing so they had the vocals READY
— like the fancams of the people recording singing along and just absolutely devouring is just
— it was basically sones ft harin
— harin: don’t you think your singing is a bit too good? at this point, i should just go home
— the vibes during bother me and bounce back>>>>>>>>>>
— and some fans came dressed in replicas of her tour outfits
— giving beychella “how’d she do that so fast? she got on my outfit y’all”
— but she was SAUR impressed with sone’s creativity
— secret love song making everyone bust a lung to hold that note with harin wooooooh shem
— and all the heartbroken people screaming bye bye at the top of their lungs
— there was a ‘harin marry me’ poster and she stared at it for a while before just saying “it’s a bit too late for you to be proposing to me”
— ofc nobody knows what she’s talking about but that doesn’t mean the proposals will stop
— come on gotta go COME ON
— dangerous woman stealing wigs left and right
— she covered mahal kita (di mo pansin) by kyla
— and she turned underwater into a rock song slayyyyyyy
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©️ jang harin
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bluenpjm · 2 years
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© @singguks × @bluenpjm × @socksjinie | all rights reserved. do not repost, translate or claim as your own.
synopsis. The search for true love is a hazardous quest, indeed. Could such a gracious sentiment be the reason for the appearance of the Duke of Elffire? Certainly, all the Mamas of London will have an eye out on the most eligible bachelor of the season.
genre. bridgerton au ㆍ regency au ㆍ angst ㆍ smut ㆍ fluff
pairing. taehyung x oc ft. bts x oc’s
a/n. to our sweet arina, we present you with this teasing sneakpeak of your birthday gift. in an era where you truly would've shined, we bring back to you sir, with love. you make our lives better with each passing day. thank you for being a kind soul that has entered our lives ♡
♛ 𝓂𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉 — chapter one
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My most gentle reader, 
What a ravishing week we had. Each minute of each day was more interesting than the other. Of course, I couldn’t stay away long without coming to share all the latest — and greatest — gossip with my ton. 
All the little birds are speaking of the disaster that opened the season. I am, undoubtedly, referring to our dearest Middleton debutant. Oh, what a delightful evening she presented us with. No rumor was needed to address this issue as everyone saw. And everyone told. As it turns out, Miss Middleton has quite the smart mouth. 
Backstage of the Queen’s humble adobe, the debutants didn’t waste any time showing their claws. The catfight between Eleanor Middleton and Dalia Fitzroy ended up with a clear titleholder. The Queen’s diamond of the season. Although this precious stone might need a little polishing. 
Probing for more alluring sights, the arrival of the Duke of Ellfire has had every single Mama on their toes. What a promising bachelor! 
It is no secret that every other year, the Duke pays a visit to his distant cousin, Lord Cadman, and his lovely wife, Lady Harin. It’s been proven to be true that whenever the Duke is in town, the Cadman’s parties are always more… buoyant. 
The single question that remains lingering in the air is… what mysteries lie behind the handsome’s face of the Duke? And why, after all these years, hasn’t he been able to find a Miss to take his name and title, to rule Elffire alongside him? What a conundrum… I cannot deny that it only makes him more tempting!
Miss Middleton must be feeling fortune, alas, in the middle of all her chaotic debut, the most eligible bachelor wasn’t in town to witness it. One cannot help but wonder about the fate of this Miss. 
But, rest assured, my dearest reader, I will bring you all the answers to this season’s enigmas and some, sooner than one might expect. 
Yours truly, 
Lady Birdwhistle.
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You might've thought that you could relish over this chapter's miseries already. Dwell not, my dearest reader, as the wait is not as long as one might've thought. The season has barely just begun and there's already so much to convey...
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Don't miss the next issue in @singguks blog, soon!
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❤ ft. yongstar + harin 
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stillm0nster · 6 months
9 / 31 december writing challenge - holiday edition! ft. @sacriifice 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆: fairy lights, christmas tree, happiness, warmth.
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with  hana  already  nearing  her  seventh  month  and  things  just  ...  working  out  between  mei  and  harin,  the  family  of  three  were  now  starting  to  decorate  their  home.  it was  the  first  december  in  a  while  since  she  felt  like  she  belonged  somewhere,  so  delighted  to  put  up  a  christmas  tree  and  decorate  it. 
soft  christmas-y  songs  played  while  harin  was  busy,  making  sure  the  tree  was  steady  and  hana  won't  end  up  under  it  if  she  started  pulling  on  it  or  the  ornaments  they  were  about  to  put  on  it.  the  cute  laughter  of  their  daughter  echoed  in  the  living  room  every  now  and  again,  making  mei  turn  towards  the  little  bundle  of  joy  and  smile  each  time.  hana  was  too  busy  playing  with  a  new  toy  so  the  two  had  a  chance  to  decorate  without  having  to  run  after  her  non  stop.
" she's  too  adorable. "  mei  said  while  picking  out  different  ornaments  and  then  hanging  them  on  the  branches.  " she  really  is. "  harin  had  changed  but  so  did  mei.  both  of  them  became  more  responsible  and  they  definitely  grew  from  their  previous  selves.  there  were  even  actual  feelings  involved  now,  it  wasn't  just  a  fictive  family  they  had.  it  was  very  much  real  and  she  loved  that. 
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a  lot  of  fairy  lights  were  placed  around  the  apartment,  simply  because  mei  was  such  a  sucker  for  those  and  she  was  planning  to  leave  them  like  that  for  the  whole  year.  when  it  was  time  to  put  the  christmas  tree  topper,  mei  looked  at  it  thoughtfully  until  she  felt  being  lifted  off  the  floor.  " you  don't  need  a  chair  if  that's  what  you're  thinking. "  harin  said  as  if  reading  her  mind,  making  her  chuckle.  with  his  help,  she  put  the  sparkly  star  at  the  top  and  sighed  softly.  it  had  been  a  while  since  she  felt  at  home.  noticing  that  hana  was  looking  at  them,  mei  used  the  opportunity  to  fool  around  with  her.  " waah!  daddy  is  so  strong,  he  can  lift  me  like  that.  he's  mine! "  she  said  in  a  childish  manner,  wrapping  her  arms  around  harin's  neck,  her  cheek  pressed  against  his  while  she  looked  at  the  little  one.  hana  made  a  face  that  sent  them  both  into  a  fit  of  laughter.  she  protested,  waving  her  tiny  arms  around.  " the  way  she  would  fight  for  you-  like  mother,  like  daughter. "  mei  said  with  a  giggle  and  gave  harin  a  kiss  on  the  lips  before  he  let  her  down. 
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ykhdc1w · 3 years
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there are two genres of chuseok hyungu
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elevenpurrs · 5 months
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heliarae · 4 years
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ONEWE(원위) '나의 계절 봄은 끝났다(End of Spring)' MV
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feyseoyeon · 4 years
the unconventional approach.
starter for @feyharin
seoyeon finds herself sat in a coffee shop waiting almost eagerly for her date to arrive. it wasn’t her typical location of choice but her friend had encouraged her to choose it when she set her up with a werewolf who she claimed would be “perfect for her”, not solely for the pursuit of romance but for something a little more frivolous. 
that week the ahn family had been visited by another witch family. while they tried their best to mask their true intentions their cover was quickly blown when they introduced their son, whom looked just as reluctant as herself, in a manner so overly intimate that it was clear they were trying to set him up with either her or her sister. that was when the usual embarrassment of such a predicament was hidden behind the increasing layers of low self-esteem and annoyance at her parents as they started describing seokyung in such detail that it was obvious which daughter they wished to betroth. seoyeon never really agreed with the tradition but it still stung to not even be considered for it despite her parents’ less than enthusiastic comments that she was, and it was definitely no help that her sister was more than happy to comply with being married off to someone she barely knew. 
the event had her thinking, she wanted to find ways to spite her parents and what better way than to give them the complete opposite of what any witch parents would wish for their daughter, and that’s how she ended up in the little cafe sipping on an iced coffee that was just a little bit too sweet for her liking. this wasn’t necessarily a date for her to get to know the werewolf, more to see if he was the perfect candidate for her plans.
she soon spots the male walking into the shop, standing up immediately to catch his attention, “ you must be harin, i’m seoyeon! ”
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maggiecheungs · 2 years
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arang + yechan v.s. the question of human nature (ft. harin)
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studioweus · 2 years
rules: post your favorite or most popular post from each month this year (it's okay to skip months)
tagged by @kimyovngjo! thanks sel~  🥰
FAVOURITE: oneus + b-side literary references - am i a sucker for literary references? hell yeah
MOST POPULAR: son twins birthday post 
FAVOURITE: harin’s very passionate cover of oneus’ no diggity
MOST POPULAR: see above!
FAVOURITE: ravn's cover of ‘instagram’ but studioweus plays guitar - s/o to youngjo for the acapella ver. 
MOST POPULAR: beautiful flower yonghoon
FAVOURITE: actual unhelpful guide of onewe by onewe - this is 100% accurate i can confirm
MOST POPULAR: same as above!
FAVOURITE/MOST POPULAR: this kanghyun gifset
(kanghyun in purple is just *chef’s kiss*)
FAVOURITE: is yonghoon okay - but is he?
MOST POPULAR: same as above!
FAVOURITE: top 10 of the first half of 2021 - it’s fun trying to test out colourings on different mvs!
MOST POPULAR: me on the outside vs. me on the inside
FAVOURITE: tomoon revival challenge - favourite mv movie poster edit - come back home still a fave
MOST POPULAR: bias line's bucket list ft. yonghoon
MOST POPULAR: silent angry yonghoon
FAVOURITE/MOST POPULAR: yonghoon checking himself out (again) - this was my only post in october!
FAVOURITE: N/A (i think i had like 3 posts for november) 
MOST POPULAR: ‘star’ photoshoot
FAVOURITE: onewe + betelgeuse lyrics - betelgeuse is just a great song ok
MOST POPULAR: kanghyun and his schedule
tagging: @seohopeful @fallingforhongs @iyfias if you want to do this~ 
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superwomanfolks · 3 years
About CL
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Birth Name: Lee Chae-rin (이채린) / Faith Lee
Stage Name: CL (씨엘)/li>
Birthday: May 2, 1992
HOMETOWN: Seoul, South Korea
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 162 cm (5 ft 3¾ in)
Weight: 48 kg (106 lbs)
Nationally: Korean
Real Instagram: @chaelincl
– She was born in Seoul, South Korea. – She has a little sister named Harin. – Her nicknames are: Cl-roo, Pig Rabbit – She used to be a JYP trainee. – She signed her first music contract with YG Entertainment in 2007. – Her specialties are Rap, Dance, Song-writing – She admires Lil Kim and dreams to be a rapper like her. – She spent much of her early life in Japan and France. – She speaks Korean, Japanese, English, French. – She’s a “clean freak” and she’s responsible for cleaning 2ne1’s dorm. – Her favorite colors are Black, White, Brown. – Her favorite accessories are the sunglasses. – Her favorite type of flowers are red roses. – Her favorite type of books are comic books. – Her favorite place to see art is Instagram. – She doesn’t know how to use a computer, but knows how to use iTunes. – She grew up listening to Lauryn Hill. – Influences: 1TYM, Teddy Park, Madonna, Queen, Lauryn Hill – One of her favorite artists is Kanye West. – She explained that the hardest part of her job is ‘loving it too much’. – She likes to sleep. – She said she can draw well, but only when she’s drawing lion-bear, pig-rabbit, and duck-snake. – In Japan, she’s called “Pig-Rabbit”. – She can dance Jazz and Ballet. – Her father is a physics professor that build robots – She traveled to many places due to her father’s profession. – She is Christian (Catholic) – She describes her outfit style as ‘everyday mood’. – She has three cats; Pudding, Doughnut, and Showball Whitey. – She was featured in many songs, such as BIGBANG’s “Hot issue” (2007), G-Dragon’ 2009 single “The Leaders“, etc. – In 2011 she was a guest judge on “Project Runway Korea” (Onstyle) with designer Jeremy Scott. – On October 2014, CL had her US debut, since then she has mostly focused on her solo activities in the US. In 2016, she kicked off her first ever solo tour in the US. – In her solo career, her fanbase is called the ‘GZB’s. (73 Questions with CL from Vogue) – She invented a dance move called ‘The roll dab’. – CL was in the American movie “Mile 22” (2018), where she played the character Queen. – She loves spraying perfume, even Justin Bieber likes her perfume. – She’s the muse of Jeremy Scott and Alexander Wang. – A director of the fashion brand, Celine, is her friend. – She dated a British model before. – She has three tattoos. – She calls Sandara Park as ‘ahjumma’. – CL and Kanye West attends the same church. – She considers Sandara Park as her best friend. – She has recorded 200+ songs already. – CL wrote 2NE1’s final single, ‘Goodbye‘ for only 10 minutes. – She owns a platinum credit card. – She’s a Chanel muse. – CL studied rapping under the mentor-ship of P-Type. – She left YG Entertainment in late 2019. She’s now signed under SuneV & Schoolboy Records. – On December 17, 2019, she released her album named “In The Name of Love“. The numbers in the song title are dates when the song was supposed to be released, this is a fan-made theory. – CL’s ideal type: “I like a man who is in his own world. While others may think he’s crazy, I like a man with individuality.” (Special thanks to natalie, ohhchaerin on wordpress, Emmie, MrsPotatoHead, Helen Nguyen, MFD, euphoricpig, Ayik)
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